Monolith free porn video

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Monolith 20XX The popular name for it was the "Stargate" or "Monolith", neither movie reference properly described the 'interstellar debris/bomb/starship', but it did a good job of making it much less frightening. Nicknames weren't the only thing people used to cope; movies/television fictionalized the 'object', never-ending hordes of monsters pouring out of the 'wormhole' or the 'device' was the modern day burning bush were book ends of our story spectrum. Unfortunately for earth the 'Alien' didn't appreciate a good story arch and promptly stood still at It's landing/crash site since it's arrival. If only it wasn't suspended 20 feet in the air and was the size of a basketball court, people could begin to ignore and forget about it. Amazingly the first groups of people to actively ignore the 'construct' where conspiracy theorist, having deducted that the 'UFO' was a government faint because no g-man worth his salt would let such a 'weapon' become public knowledge. The crackpots' faith in the government made the idea of a bloated, inefficient governing body who couldn't respond to an earth shaking situation quicker than the local media a quaint and an uneducated point of view. Not much longer the general public learned to look at the 'portal' as a landmark, a weird landmark in central park but new yorker's were used too looking at weird stuff. Theo's direction less life agonized and depressed him every night he'd lay in his bed drifting off to sleep. at twenty seven years old his only accomplishments were a long string of low level jobs and some credits from a community college. His nightly thoughts would usually end at the subject of his pathetic sexual and romantic exploits, he found it harder and harder to live as a virgin but harder still to find a girlfriend, 'why would they even be interested in me anyways' he often thought. He knew it was his personality to blame, at 5'11 and a average build and fairly attractive facial features part of his mind understood he had a good chance at love. With a controlled beard and a constant supply of converses to put on his feet he felt cool sometimes, so cool in fact he doubted girls would even notice. The past few years for him went like this; wake, work, read, video game, Internet, and minimal human contact. His schedule 'slightly' changed when the 'starship' landed, he was working 20 or so blocks away, so a quick and frantic run to the park he found his direction. A Government grant for schooling and AV club experience got him a job and as documenter for a team lead by his theoretical physics professor. The waning public/government interest in the 'object' opened up opportunities for private companies and learning institutions to rent out time to research the 'device', 90% of the renters were colleges. A crisp cool September's morning saw a small group of college students and their professor loading up their respective cars in preparation. Theo's compact was filled to the brim with camera equipment and various tools of the trade, he was happy he fit everything in without sacrificing the use of 2nd and 4th gear. Looking over the top of his car he spotted his professor and called out "I think I'm pretty much ready, even got the smores packed in." "yeah I got my fishing pole in here just in case." replied back professor William Locke, finely aged to 48 years and sporting a bald head, glasses, stubble, and a slight build. Taking from a kids in the hall sketch and changing slightly; 'He's Hip, He's Cool, He's Freud' was the way Theo would always remember Doctor Locke. "Looks like everyone is ready, lets get out of here!" Beth excitedly said. Cute and pixie like Beth was the "Velma" of the group glasses included, the only difference was the rumors of Velma's orientation weren't rumors for Beth. She was fun and easy to talk to for Theo, He often wished he was a lesbian(it never came into his mind to wish her straight). "yes lets, who is riding with me?" Dr. Locke asked. "I will professor," Heather volunteered. Ginger haired and curvy, Heather was much too attractive for the male dominated class to take. The awkward and nerdy male class members never moved past their ogling phase and Heather responded by dressing more conservatively but stylish. Theo had formed a crush on her as did most of class but never in a billion years thought of trying to become anything closer to her than an acquaintance. He felt like a boy compared to her, though younger than him she seems so put together, so adult, no way she would be interested in him. "I guess you're with me beth," David said as he inspected my crammed car. Lanky and as shy as Theo, they become good friends, same taste in shows and video games. most of their conversations were back and forth quotations of the Simpson's, Futurama, and Mr. Show and various other cult media that only really made sense to other geeks. "Saddle up!" Theo commanded The section of park where it 'landed' was in the southern corner by Columbus circle. After the 'object' was deemed mostly safe, the government cleared out the trees, flattened the ground and build a lab around the 'bottom' of the 'object', and the lab was split into two sections by the 'object'. Climbing the stairs up to the lab Theo gazed at the 'StarSeed' as he called it. Far from being poetic the name he gave it was quite literal, It came from space hence 'Star' and it looked like a sunflower seed ah-la 'Seed'. The two big differences were; it's immense size and it's glass like composition, 'If someone could put a nebula into a glass bottle this is what it would look like' he thought. "Recording." "Thank you Theo, now kids just follow list of experiments, record the results and continue," stated Dr. Locke. "You think we'll find the door on this thing doc?" jokingly asked David. "when it opens get ready to say 'My gawd, it's filled with stars'," Theo quipped. "I think we can crack this thing, I mean did all those teams of super scientists have college sophomores who could rapid fire movie quotes like you two can?" Dr. Locke replied back 'no expectations' was the keyword of their scientific outing, every super power of the world had time with the 'monolith' the findings from every one was 'nothing'. X-rays, gamma rays nearly everything pass through it like nothing was there, all except visible light and curiously sound. Sonar test proved either the inside of the 'object' was transfinite or the matter of the 'thing' didn't vibrate or move. "Could this be 'Dark Matter'?" asked Beth. "When we figure out what 'Dark Matter' is I'll tell you," Dr. Locke said smiling while staring at the 'monolith'. "I think it's a drive core from a saucer, it's obviously not effected by gravity," David stated. "Then why did it fall down to earth?" Heather pointedly asked. Raising an eyebrow David said "Programmed to land on nearest planet for pickup , it was probably up here since Roswell." "Oh that's YOU calling up Coast to Coast AM every night!" Beth exclaimed. "Duh huh huh huh," David mock laughed dumbly to signify he had no snappy response. "There's no way the reptilians that rule the government made this thing, it's too advanced" Theo stated as he walked along the side of it and ran his hand along it's surface. It felt like his hands were magnets and the surface was repelling his hand, the absence of a sense of texture bothered him. Forgotten the joking everyone stood in silence and gazed at 'it', thinking, waiting. "I need a smoke," Beth called out. "I join you," Theo said. Standing outside on a deck that circled the lab Beth took a petite puff of her cigarette and smiled at Theo. "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Naw," Theo said with a cigarette in his mouth trying to put on the bravado of a causal sex having bachelor. "You?" "Currently? No, I've had a few, nothing ever serious, I'm surprised you haven't asked out Heather yet, I think she kind of likes you." "What? No I...uh... I'm not good at talking to girls." "You're doing fine now." "Yeah but you know you're not attracted to me and all that so that whole romantic flirt talk doesn't come up." "Un huh." she said looking out into the dimly lit park, To Theo she was opening him up and and exposing all of his guts. He left the conversation to wither out there as they looked over the skyline, he liked the restful silence they shared. A wild hair took him. "What do you want that 'thing' to be?" Beth looked over to him and grinned while rolling her cigarette in her mouth in contemplation. "A test... like some aliens send it down and to guage our response, to see if our culture could take such a shock" "I hope you right and I wish they'd hurry up and make an appearance, I getting bored of talking to humans." "Heh, yeah I can't wait for small talk to be about space weather." "It's pretty cold in space today, I'm glad I brought my heavy space suit the morning," said Theo in his best mid-western accent. "At least it's a dry cold, ay." Beth said in her Fargo impression. "well... Best be gettin' back work, those cars won't anti-gravity themselves," Theo said scratching his belly. "Yep," Beth smiled, putting out her cigarette. The girls and boys split to separate labs to sleep, so when the scream came it was muffled through a glass door. The guys woke startled and confused, looking to each other for the source of the scream. Beth bust through the door as much as a tiny girl could, dressed in pj's. "THERE'S A HOLE IN IT!" Pants were hastily thrown on and the boys followed Beth into the second lab. Nearly stretching to the ceiling, the 'hole' was about 15 feet high and 8 feet across in the shape of the 'object' itself. "I woke up to... get some water and it was just there," Heather quietly said while staring at the 'aperture' as if waiting for a hell beast to emerge. The professor with a quiet step neared the hole. "Amazing! It looks like a tunnel, a opening in space and time maybe or the inside is bigger than the outside I wonder." He sidled up to the hole and felt the edge. "Why did it open now?" Heather asked. The guys interpreted the question as rhetorical. "I say we ask whoever is on the other side," Beth exclaimed, Theo could almost see the imaginary adventures playing out in her head. "Let's go learn a new language!" Theo trumpeted, He was sure the adventures playing out in his mind were shared by Beth. "Whoa whoa whoa... you're not going through there!" Dr. Locke demanded "I'm not letting my students walk through a potentially dangerous hole in space and even it isn't dangerous and there is someone on the other side, I'm not comfortable having a couple of college students being the representatives of earth." "You could do worse," Theo pointed out. "even so I don't want you going into that hole," the Professor said. "Yeah we should at least wait for someone with a tri-corder or something to tell us it's safe," David cautioned. "Yes we need to get some officials, government, people who trained for this for this kinda of situation," Professor Locke agreed. "Need to call everyone who needs to know about this, and please for the love of god, STAY HERE!" Dr. Locke said walking backwards towards the door. The group watched Dr. Locke back up to door and fumble with the handle while his eyes where still locked onto the hole. As door clicked shut and the professor was out of sight, Theo and Beth turned to each other. "If the Men in Black get here we'll never get to see the other side of that portal," Theo said in a hushed tone "Fuck that, let's go before he get back." Theo found he liked when the word 'fuck' came out of Beth's lips, it made her cuter than before to Theo. They gave each other and nod and turned to the tunnel. "Now or never guys, are you going to join us?" she called over her shoulder. "No," Heather meek-ed out. The look of terror that played over her face tugged a few heart strings in Theo. "David?" "Come on dude don't go, don't make me break the bad news to your parents," David pleaded. Theo could see his point of view, too many unknowns. Both of them didn't go to many parties cause of same frame of mind, but He wasn't going to stray from his 'direction' now. He felt a real need to step into that unknown and it would not be denied. "Sorry bro, I've got's my destiny." "Haha bullshit!" David laughed. "If you have too then, but be safe okay?" "Sure thing." Theo turned to beth another nod and they took their first step into the hole. After a few steps into the 'aperture' the gravity they knew and loved decided to abandon them. Lucky for Theo and Beth momentum carried them down the tunnel towards ever growing day light. "Got to think of something smart to say when we get there," Theo suggested. Beth grinned, "I hope these aliens don't mind waiting for you." Theo started to form his response when a bright flash of light passed through them. The sound of warping metal mixed with high voltage arching quickly followed the light. Covering his ears, Theo's heart dropped at the sight of the tunnel bending and warping around them. His attention went to Beth when he saw was floating 15 feet ahead of him. "BETH! Try to 'swim' back to me!" He paddled his legs in vain while reaching out to Beth. "We've got get to the end before this thing collapses!" Beth screamed. It felt like hours to Theo as he tried he best to tread through the air towards the end of the tunnel. He estimated that he about 25 feet to go when a compression blast of air pushed the pair apart, he fell farther into the tunnel. "BETH" Theo yelled. His vision was filled with white light and his ears deafened by the silence he was now in. The next thing he experienced was his body falling apart. Gravity embraced Beth again and pulled her to the ground, knocking the wind out of her. Coughing and sputtering Beth lifted herself up to her knees, she sat there with eyes closed trying to catch her breath. With breathing under control and her eyes adjusted to the bright daylight Beth took her first look around. Sand as far as she could see. Black sand in fact, much like the black sand beaches of Hawaii. Littered in the foreground of her vision were settlements. Their white color contrasted against the black sand quite beautifully and their shape reminded Beth of a shark's fin. "Do you see this?" she asked. No response. Beth looked behind her expecting to find Theo laying passed out on the ground. All she found was the 'object' buried in the sand 10 feet away and more importantly the tunnel she came out of was gone. "No...Theo" When the shock and grief faded Beth wondered why there was no one here to greet her. Getting up to her feet and Looking up into the blue sky she glimpsed the massive star that heated this planet. She licked her parched lips and looked to the settlements and decided to start walking. "Hello?" a soft female's voice called out. Theo's ears perked and he opened his eyes to look around for the source of the greeting. Still weightless he found him self in a void surrounded by a nebula. his thoughts of the girl's voice were replaced by the fact that he was breathing. "How?" "I made a bubble of atmosphere for you." replied the same voice. Theo looked around wildly for the girl he just heard. "Who are you?" he asked to the void. "That would be kind of hard to tell you right now," she answered. "What? Why?" He couldn't pin down where the voice was coming from. "Well you are a creature of 3 dimensions and I am not, so trying to explain would be pointless with your current point of view, like explaining color to a blind person." "I see." "Oh a joke!'s been a along time since I've heard a joke." 'Where ever she is, she must be cute,' Theo thought. "And how long has that been, may I ask?" "A Little bit before the creation of this universe." "How can you be older than the universe?" Theo asked in disbelief. "Well I'm not as old as the universe, but I went to the beginning." "Huh...where am I? And where is my friend?" "Your friend made it through to the end of the 'Fold', you though did not and fell into 'extra dimensional space' extra to you anyways." Theo detected some concern in the disembodied voice. It was strange to Theo that this entity/alien appearedto have very human like emotions. "It was awful, all your organs and bones falling out of you, I find myself wondering from time to time how you creatures don't fly apart all the time." She/it paused as if in deep thought but Theo felt like it was more for his sake. "I almost forget I was like you." Theo chewed on that last comment for a while before responding, "Well thank you for saving me" "You're welcome!" "I'm Theo by the way." "Hello Theo." "Um... can I ask what your name is?" "Oh a name? I haven't used a name in while, I guess you could call me SATAN or GOD which ever one strikes more fear in you heart!" she said with a follow up giggle. "Heh I've got ask were you one of the aliens who built the gate?" "Nope," she paused again perhaps waiting for Theo to ask a follow up question. "I AM the 'Gate' it's like my 'footprint' into your home dimension." "Wait, I don't quite understand." I'm trying to downplay my ignorance to a ancient being, Theo thought. "Why did you make the 'gate' then?" "Cause" "For fun? Is that all you do with your abilities?" Theo asked. "And make sure the universe is a habitable place for all life," she said almost off handedly. "How's that?" he wondered why his statement came out sounding disbelievingly. "I bleed off the excess gravity from the universe." Theo was about to respond she she cut him off. "Just ask your professor when you get back." "Okay." "I should put you back now, but first I have to alter you." "WAIT why!?" "You wouldn't survive the trip back, you'd fall apart again." Theo really hoped she was being sincere. "I've got to patch all those 'holes' on you, don't worry you'll still have two arms and legs." "Thank god for that." "You're welcome," she joked? "And tell your friend hi for me!" As she said that her voice became more localized in front of Theo. Fading and twisting into his view 'she' appeared. Slim and elven in appearance she was definitely human looking and very naked. Her small breasts and thin hips gave her a graceful and almost prepubescent look. What really caught Theo's eyes was her lack of belly button and purple-ish eyes that seemed to swirl and mix like a cloud of gas. As she floated closer he noticed freckles scattering her body colored like her eyes and somewhat iridescent. She stopped a foot away from his face and smiled, her silver colored hair floated back and forth while covering her ears. A small nose and soft lips confirmed in Theo that she was beautiful. "This shouldn't hurt," she whispered. It hurt. He felt sand on his naked skin and the hot wind blowing in hair. "Beth," he called out in a unfamiliar voice. He pulled his face out of the sand and opened his eyes. Black sand everywhere and the open 'Gate' 100 feet behind him. His gaze finally fell onto the settlements that were a half a mile away. Looking down to get his footing Theo saw the extent of 'her' alterations. He could now use the same words to describe his own body as he did for 'her'. Theo raised his small hands up to his breasts and cupped them. "Oh shit." He let his left hand trace down his chest, past where his belly button should have been and stopping at his pussy. The touch of his fingers on his new genitalia sent strange messages to his brain which sent signals to his stomach to empty itself. He hunched over and dry heaved into the sand while tears formed in his eyes. "What the fuck..." Theo's thoughts raced in his head; Is this real? How am I going to prove I'm me? How will my family respond? What will the world think of me? WHY?! The panic was fading and his brain started to remember why he was here. "BETH," his mouth horsed. Raising himself awkwardly to his feet, he spotted the closest settlement and started walking. He reach the entrance of the structure and leaned against the hexagonal shaped ceramic bricks that the building was made up of. Looking into the dimly lit interior he called out "Hello!...Beth?". The sound of sand scraping on tile came from a kitchen like room to his right. He plodded over to a table made of stone block and looked to the corner of the room. Beth was propped up on curved corner of the room with her eyes closed. He neared her, he saw her dirty clothes and dry and cracked lips, 'how long has she been here?' he thought. "Beth," he said softly while touching her arm to wake her. "Wha...who?" she mumbled. "Beth are you alright?" "No one is here," Beth said in a sleepy tone with her eyes still closed. "We need to get out of here, you're very dehydrated, can you walk?" "Did Theo make it?" "Beth...I'm Theo," he gulped. "No..." Beth started to cry but no moisture escaped her eyes. "Beth? It's me." But Beth pulled away. "Beth you aren't crazy! I'm real." She didn't respond. 'She must think this is a hallucination,' Theo said to himself. "Come on Beth we're going home." Theo grabbed her arms to pull her up. He managed to get up to her to her feet despite being in a much weaker body. She swayed back and forth upon seeing Theo for the first time she fell back into the corner wile staying on her feet. "I'm as short as you now," Theo said to the shocked and unresponsive Beth. He put his back to Beth and said "come on Beth put your arms around my shoulders" He grabbed her hands and put them around his neck. He bent over and hoisted Beth onto his back. Holding on to her upper arms he started trudging back into the desert. "Wherr are we gonin'?" Beth whispered. "Home" "Wha planet is that?" Theo sighed. Weightless again Theo moved Beth in front of him and held her tight in case the 'fold' collapsed again. Gravity slowly took hold again, The feeling of growing weight on his naked chest made his stomach do flips. Theo dragged Beth from the 'fold' onto the lab floor. The clicks of safeties being disengaged brought Theo's attention to the large group of people surrounding him. A dozen scientists, and equal number of suits and three MP's holding M4s stood in silence, staring at Theo. "Beth!" Heather called out, she pushed through the suits and looked Theo up and down nervously. 'Great I look like an alien to them,' Theo thought. "Get her some water she's been severely dehydrated," Theo said as he push Beth towards Heather. Her eyes opened wide, not expecting to hear English come out of the 'Alien's' mouth. David stepped out from behind her and grabbed Beth and lifted her up into his arms, he looked back to Theo. "Was there another one with her?" Theo lowered his head in pain. 'They won't believe me, this is going to be hard.' He raised his head and looked to his friend with a grimace. "David, It's me Theo." David just stared down Theo then looked over to Heather and walked through the crowd to the cots. A suit stepped forward from the group. "What happened in there? Miss?" "Theo my name is Theo.... Me and Beth almost made it through the 'fold'." Theo pointed over his shoulder to the hole. "When the thing went unstable and we got separated, I woke up floating in some kind of nebula and this being talked to me." He could tell they wanted more. "She apparently built or somehow IS this thing," again pointing to the 'gate'. "She told me she is older than the universe but also not older and that she makes sure the universe is habitable for all life by 'bleeding' off the excess gravity." "Wait are you saying she's the reason gravity is a much weaker force than the others like electro-magnetism?" Dr. Locke asked while sliding into view. "I guess so Mr. Locke." The Professor's eyes widened a bit. 'I have to keep surprising them like that, maybe they'll start to believe me,' Theo thought. "Then she told me she was sending me back but had to alter me 'patch all the holes' she said or I would die, and then I woke up on 'Dune' like this." Theo gestured to his new body. "I found Beth in a ruined settlement, she must have been there for at least two days, Jesus... how long have we been gone?" "3 hours," David called out. That fact was just another drop in the bucket of weirdness for Theo. Staring out into the middle ground Theo's mind went blank. A few people in the room recognized that he was 'shell shocked'. At that moment the suits in the room decided it was a good time for a impromptu conference, words like Alien, Unknown threat, and Quarantine were shared among each other. It had been close to an hour since the 'Girl' went silent and unresponsive. In that short time Beth managed to gain some cognitive thought. Her eye's still fluttering she saw her friends seated beside the bed. "How did you find me? The gate was gone," Beth said in sleepy tone. Her eyes started to close when they shot open wider than before. "Theo... did he...?" "We didn't rescue you Beth, she did" Heather Had been holding Beth's hand and using her free one she pointed over the foot of the bed. Beth shakily raised her head and peered in between a couple of G-men and saw her. "She's real?!" Beth breathed, Her second viewing filled in the gaps of her dream like first encounter. Her hair was a boy's hipster cut and the same shade as Theo's and poking out of her hair was her ears. Sticking about five inches from her head and they were shaped almost like a cat's but more slender and delicate they were angled down. The combination of her open mouth, wide eyes and downcast ears telegraphed well feelings of hopelessness and sadness. "She said she was Theo," Beth mumbled. "She said the same to us too," David replied. "Could she be one of the inhabitants where you were?" Dr. Locke asked Beth. "No one was there, no bodies." Beth's eyes were closing. "What about the fact that she speaks English and look at her hair it's like Theo's." Heather's tone said to everyone that she was still skeptical of the girl's claims that she was Theo. "Could we test her? Ask her some questions only Theo knows?" Dr. Locke asked the group. "I didn't even know Theo's last name much less anything personal." Heather's comment sounded like a passing remark at a funeral. "It's Holmes," David told Heather. "I've known him for about 7 months I think... Jesus! I don't even know if he had..." He looked over to the girl. "...has any family," lamented David. Their silent recollections of Theo were interrupted by and sound of the door's air seal breaking and the commotion of feet. A baker's dozen of clean suits stormed the room, setting up a guard at the door and dishing out orders to the suits. The two spare Clean suits circled around the sides of the alien girl with hermetically sealed body bag in hand. "What's going on here!?" David yelled over the commotion. Clean and the regular suits ignored David and continued with procedure. The two closed in on the vacant alien girl pulled the bag over her head. She didn't react until they had the bag down to her waist, she jerked around trying to fight them off. Her feeble struggles didn't slow the clean suits who had at least a 150 pounds on her each. "NOOOOO....PLEASE DON'T..." she moaned through the plastic bag. The gang could hear her starting to crying out in fear. The clean suits finished stuffing her in and sealed the writhing bag. Grabbing each end they lifted her up and carried her out of the air tight door. "What are you doing!?" Heather called out in alarm. "Quarantining the alien," the closest Suit told them. "Removing the contamination and sealing this area in case of foreign diseases." "They're sealing us in!?" David questioned. "Yes for the standard 30 days," the suit said turning his back to the gang and walking off to the other suits. "Fuck me," David muttered. "Where...are they taking Theo?" Beth mumbled half asleep. To Be Continued...

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A Lucky Day

Hey dear readers, this is my true story, most of the people claim but I am not only claiming but it is true. Anyhow let me tell you I am Khan from Lahore and 38 years old now, this is the story when i was studying in school and in order to get better marks I need to go for a private tuition to my neighbor girl. They were three sisters and one younger brother of the same age as I. So we were very good friends as well we also study the same school. This story is about the younger sister of my...

4 years ago
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Slave of the OutcastChapter 36

It was 8PM in the evening. Charles and his mom were having dinner at the dining hall. She cooked for them buttered roast chicken with sliced potatoes, beans, apple cider and some loaves of bread. And some vegetables too. "How was your day today hun??" Sara asked. Charles looked at his mom. He wasn't sure what he was going to tell her. "Had lunch with the boys mom. At The Elvis," Charles said. "Well it seemed to me like you had a good time. I mean you came back from lunch much longer...

2 years ago
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Wilde Stuten mssen gezhmt werden

Nur ein leises Schnauben der Mustangs deutet darauf hin, dass ein Mensch in der Nähe ist. Geduckt bewegt sich der dunkle Schatten zwischen den wenigen Bäumen. Dort wo die Pferde dicht gedrängt zusammen stehen steigt Dampf auf, verursacht vom warmen Atem der Tiere in der Kälte der mondhellen Herbstnacht. Plötzlich fliegt das Lasso. Zielsicher wird ein junger Hengst eingefangen, der sofort beginnt sich zu wehren. Alle anderen Pferde stieben davon. Die dunkle Gestalt kämpft allein mit dem...

3 years ago
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Carmens NYC Trip

I had met up with my black lover Jerry and we headed down to New York City to visit his old neighborhood and his black friend for a few days. Arriving at his friends home, she let us in and I watched as Jerry kissed her long and hard, then braking off, he introduced me and she came up to me and we kissed a long and passionate kiss. When we stopped she led us into her living room and we settled down for some talk and drinks. After a bit Jerry looked over at Jasmine (her name) and told her to...

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The DefencemanChapter 25

Vicky didn't stir a muscle when the alarm rang. I quickly shut it off and reluctantly left the warmth of our bed. After a quick shower, I dressed in the dark and headed out to the arena, leaving a note for her. I said hello to John but we kept quiet as we got dressed, not feeling the need to talk. I finished first and went out to warm up. After our shooting practice, Fred had us gather around for his regular Monday morning speech. "Good morning gentlemen, I trust you relaxed yesterday...

2 years ago
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In Real Life

Wendy was bored Wendy was bored. Her boss had sent her down to London for a totally inconsequential meeting and now, on the way back, she was stuck, cramped up, on the 17:34 from Euston, sitting opposite a businessman who?d spent the entire journey with his legs pushed out in front of him taking up all the available room. Ever since he?d sat down he?d had his face buried in a newspaper and he?d seemed impervious to Wendy?s attempts to attract his attention. Fortunately, as the train...

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Fucked By 5 French Men in France Part 3

Please read the previous parts, I have continued from there directly. This is a real story happened to one of my reader in her younger age and now she is telling the story to me and I’m just writing it down. You can reach me at My boss kept spitting on me and then he started to suck my mouth. I too reciprocated as I also have become horny by that time. At the same time, doctor slightly opened my pussy lips and told what an amazing Indian Virgin pussy and started kissing my pussy. My boss made...

2 years ago
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Beku Pennai Soothil Ootha Kathai

Vanakam nanbargale, beku pola irukum pennai veetil yarum ilatha pozhuthu sendru soothi oothu kizhitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithu oru hardcore sex kathai enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal tamil kama veri kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar kaali vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Naan veetile IT work seithukondu irukiren. En veetiyil college selum oru pen irunthaal, ithu naal varai naan niraiya pengalai oothu irukiren. Aanal ennai vida vayathil siriya pengalai oru murai kuda oothathe illai,...

2 years ago
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TMF The offer chapter 1

People often ask me why I do what I do what I do. The answer, I feel, is always slightly disappointing to them. People want to hear that I do this job because I see the need for it, in the 'on going war to keep the United States a land of the freedom and honor'. But honestly, I do it because it's a blast! In what other profession do you get to jump from planes and helicopters? Who else would let you blow up buildings and fire some of the most awesome weapons on the planet at work? I...

2 years ago
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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 20

(The Spring of Year Six through the late Summer) Spring came to the new camp gradually, not with the thawing and crackling of the river like at our old home, but with a slow let up in the rains and a blooming of the Northern plains. The days began to warm up, and everyone could feel the change in their bones. The projects took on a new urgency and even if it was just my imagination, people everywhere had a new vigor to them. As soon as I had a solid week of warm weather we poured the...

4 years ago
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Die Dame des Leiters

Prolog: ---Protokolle von Greenvalley---5. März 2038. Verstärkte Präsens von Spähern nahe unserer Polizeistation. Sie kehren ohne Frage in die Kapelle von Newhope zurück. Wir wissen nicht, was sie wollen, aber wir sind vorbereitet, zurückzuschlagen. Hoffentlich bleibt alles ruhig. -6. März 2038. Heute haben wir einen Späher festgenommen, der sich Zutritt in unsere Station gesucht hatte. Wir haben ihn gefesselt und nach Manöver 34-000 befragt. Informationen sind spärlich. Der Sicherheitsdienst...

4 years ago
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Learning CurveChapter 4

Alena was enjoying lunch at a nearby McDonald's when she opened her laptop and checked her messages. There was a second response from one. It had originally read: "Professional, executive white male, I am impressed with you. Attached is my photo. Rest assured it is current, taken a week ago. I would like to meet w/u ASAP; if possible, tonight. Would love to pamper and spoil you! Pls. call Hank, at __________. The second read: "Professional, executive white male: what happened? If still...

3 years ago
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Sowmya My Love

I’m Ganesh, 28 years old engineer and Sowmya, my wife, aged 23 has always been stunning. The wheatish color, 5.3 in height mesmerizing looks and 32 inches bust line would make anyone masturbate. It was an arranged marriage. The event I want to share happened dring our honey moon. The owner of the paying guest accomodation, mukesh, started making wrong advances towards her. One day, he was explaining to me that my wife is cute and the other day he was enquiring about our sex life. I had avoided...

3 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 01 The Gift

Jessica ran the cold water and splashed some on her face before gazing into the mirror. What stared back was an image she'd grown tired of. A woman quickly approaching mid-life as the first creases and wrinkles of age began forming on her lovely bronze skin. Flowing locks of beautiful brunette hair that were hidden under a veil day by day. Piercing reddish-brown eyes that brimmed with curiosity and intellect, but also betrayed an unfathomable sadness. Full, pouty lips that had not known the...

1 year ago
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Oh yes I8217m cumming my little slut

My boyfriend Craig came over one night a few weeks ago. He came through the door and I smiled. He still had a handsome face at 40. His frame was aging but still well kept. I wrapped my arms around him kissing him so hard. I backed him up against the wall. I pressed my small silhouette against him. I could feel the electricity, the warmth run through my body. It took only looking at him for me to ache for his cock plunging into my own heat. I unbuttoned his shirt and ran the palms of my...

3 years ago
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If You Wait Enough you can get what you want 6

“This is the worst idea anyone has ever had.” Alexis said as she slid a cold beer in front of me. “When are they coming?”I looked at my watch. “Soon.”Alexis had been one of my closest friends for almost a year. She was a lesbian gal that I had met thru my former land lady. She was also a bartender at a beach spot called The Tiki Hut, which is where I decided to stage my final move in this wicked little game of chess. “Do you really think you’re gonna get out of this mess without getting at...

3 years ago
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Do you know that moments that often appear in the stories, movies or Disney cartoons? The good old ones I mean…:) When a girl has a flower in her hands…tears its petals one by one and does that” he loves me/he loves me not” thing, all the way, until the last petal? Have you ever seen a woman who seems like always being a dreamer…like she is physically there where she is, but her heart, mind and soul always seem like being in another place…with someone else?Do you know that women that are always...

1 year ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 27

Hurriedly dressing in my bright, almost neon red, immersion suit, I directed crew and owners to unbox the rafts and get ready for the worst. “Don’t inflate them yet, they’re hell to put back in the box if we don’t need them,” I said. Turning into the wind ... sideways could be dire ... I started turning our sails into tiny storm canvas ... thank the gods for buttons and power winches. I fired up the engines. I’d never seen what waterspouts could do to a boat but I was fairly certain I...

2 years ago
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The Club Ch 4 Chastity Belt

Chapter 4 - Chastity Belt We stopped for a quick bite to eat. I was embarrassed to go in dressed as I was but I obeyed Mr. Savage. I did feel beautiful and sexy, just very vulnerable at the same time. He ordered for me. He knew what I liked. He knew everything about me. After the lunch, we drove on. I had no idea where we were going. Occasionally, his hand would travel up my thigh or he would spread my legs wider so he could probe my pussy at a traffic light. I loved his fingers on me with...

4 years ago
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Mall Story 3

Sung-Hee was helping her sister close up the restaurant for the night. She was a bit disappointed that she could not have joined her friends at the party, but family came first and of course, that meant the c***dren came second. Her mom had already left, with Sam the Guard walking her to the bank to deposit the money before going home to make dinner, and her father leaving shortly afterward once he had finished in the kitchen.That left the 2 daughters Sung-Hee and Jang-Mi to clean up the front...

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MarianneChapter 4

It didn’t take me long to discover what was wrong with the first piece of equipment that I had started work on, and I was able to correct the problem in a short time. The problem was that I found the same problem on the next four pieces of equipment that I worked on. It wasn’t until the sixth piece of equipment that I found a real problem that required replacing a part. There were parts available there in the maintenance area, but they were kept in a cage, and it was locked. I went to find...

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Den of DebaucheryChapter 8

'No uncle' Rashid replied blushing, 'I did get a chance once but I botched it'. 'Tell us about it' Sahebji said. Rashid looked at me and hesitated. 'Go on tell us. Randy is a good friend' Sahebji said reassuring the youth. 'One day my friend Sonu and I were discussing our favorite subject; girls. I told him that I was still a virgin and desperately wanted to fuck a girl' Rashid said narrating his tale, 'Sonu told me that I should date Raksha, a girl two years senior to us, she...

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Tracy And Dad

I met Brad on line back in 1996 when incest sites were all over the Internet. The laws were a lot different then. For instance, while it was illegal to post or download kiddy porn, it was legal to view it. This included actual photographs of little girls getting fucked while they sucked, the whole nine yards. Brad started his own chat room on Excite under the heading of “Relationships.” The following is his story as I remember it. There is a certain surreal quality to it that makes me want...

2 years ago
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Block Parties Are Fun

The neighborhood I grew up in always had block parties, once every month or two. The parties were always like two parties, the early party where everyone behaved and played goofy games and the k**s ran all over, then the real party started later when the stiffs went home. The drinking would get heavy, people smoked pot or who knows what else and things happened. I did not know about the second party till they held it at my house and me and my s****r could not believe all that went on. This...

1 year ago
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Sucking the BBC

Julia woke up that morning singing and danced her way through the house. She sang loudly in the shower and then to her three kids as she woke them. She sang as she cooked and even made the kids pancakes with happy faces on them. Her happiness had everyone in the house asking if she was okay. Julia was just fine and was more than okay. Julia had gotten the kids off to school and ran a few errands as quickly as she could that morning. She had to get home to her John. They had planned to spend...

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Meri Innocent And Sexy MBA Trainees

Let me introduce, I am a 26 year old -Dy Manager in Project & Planning Deptt of a Steel pipe company at Gurgaon. I have my own cabin. This is one my latest sex stories on Indian sex stories. Back to the story, my cabin allows me to have full freedom. Sometimes I masturbate. In My Company, During Jun To /Sept MBA Trainees Used To Come And Get Free Summer Training These trainees were innocent and were ready to learn anything which helped them in carrier building. I used to show off that I m...

2 years ago
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BimboTech Wiggle RoomPart 1 Fresh Air

Gretchen gave a closed-mouth, steely-eyed smile at her assembled army. There were 12 tonight! The word was spreading around campus. At this rate, she'd need to target another strip club. Or maybe it would be better to set up shifts at Wiggle Room. Shut it down that much faster. That would definitely bring some attention. The Campus Feminists would become a force feared by misogynists throughout the city! Gretchen smoothed back her short-cut ginger hair. She noticed that Jerica had cut her...

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The Camgirls Sexfight A True Story

(I will not be using the names, usernames, or website of the actual event. I don't want to possibly anger any beautiful camgirls out there) Something interesting happened last time I was browsing the webcams of my favorite porn site. See, one of the things I enjoy watching is two girls having fun on a camera. I never really pay, I just like to see how they flirt, and chat with their costumers. This time was different, though. I clicked on one of the cams I have never tried before. The picture...

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TheRealWorkout Sofi Ryan Sweat Gets Her Wet

Sweet Sofi Ryan has a bubbly personality, and she just loves working out. Today, she shows off her round ass while she gets ready to put in some serious reps. She jumps some rope, letting her perky tits bounce out of her top as she works. She likes getting sweaty and feeling her skin glisten in the sunshine. When she finally pulls her workout pants down around her ankles, our stud shows up to give her another round of cardio. She busts her tight young pussy open and sits on his huge dick,...

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Endless DesertChapter 11

The Comanches had moved out of what they considered the range of the shotguns. I spotted a conference going on between two of the Comanches, one was wearing a war bonnet made up of coup feathers and the other had six coup feathers fastened to his hair. I was certain that these were the war chiefs, and the one with the war bonnet looked to be older than the other one; therefore, he must be the senior war chief. If I could knock off those two, it might be enough to send the other Comanches...

3 years ago
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The StudentChapter 3

When she was with her back against my chest, I reached around and started to massage her, her breasts, inside of her legs, neck and on top of her head. I reached out of the tub and picked up some fruits, which were cut, skinned and very juicy. We sat one level up and I used the fruit to massage her skin. Also I had taken some ice cubes from the fridge and used those to circle her nipples. She slit away in some kind of trance and let it all happen. Of course I ate the fruits after I was...

4 years ago
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Str8 Mate

Swipe left (minger)Swipe left (double minger)Swipe right (babe)Swipe right (hot babe)Swipe up (out of my league super-hot babe)Swipe – matches?Swipe – no matches?Swipe, swipe – no, no matches?Swipe, swipe, swipe – still no matchesSwipe, swipe, swipe, swipe – BITCHES!100 swipes = no matches100 swipes = no bitchesSwipe right,Swipe right,Swipe right,Swipe right,No matches? BITCHES!I got testosterone,And I’m gonna make you moanSwipe right, right?Swipe right, right?… BITCHES.“Aw! Poor Chris!! Fucks...

1 year ago
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Open House Open Cunts

Abe were a farm equipment mechanic and made big bucks compared to most of the other people in their holler. One Christmas they splurged on satellite TV and it was wonderful, a rarity bein the only one anywhere around. Everyone else got one local channel that wern’t worth much. When the couple learned that the Super Bowl was going to be on their new TV, they decided to have a party. Lulu Belle, Abe’s wife, made big plans to invite kin and neighbors to have a party that no one would fergit. It...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex With Rajni Bhabi

By : Harrysidhu Hi guys its Harry Sidhu from London. I am a new user of this site but its amazing I read most of the stories about incest specially fuking bhabis and all that so I’m writing my true experience which happend 2months ago in April 2011. I’mcool Punjabi guy 26 years old athletic body fair colour and 5ft 11inch tall and 7 inch dick so plz contact me on You guys like my story please send me mail lets come to the story it happend between me a nd friends wife Rajni she is 32 years old...

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The Incestomatic TM or How blank Fucked blank

The appetite for incest stories far outstrips the capacity of a.s.s.m. authors. As a public service, this do-it-yourself Incest-o-matic (TM) may be used by writers attempting to meet the demand or readers too impatient to wait. For best results with the Incest-o-matic (TM), first flip a coin -- heads is a man, tails is... OK, stop giggling... tails is a woman. If it lands on the edge, use your imagination. Then randomly pick five numbers, each between one and 15 inclusive, applying each...

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MyFriendsHotGirl Lena Paul 22411

Show your tits! Show your tits! Lena Paul has no problem doing that, even to her boyfriend’s buddy, Johnny! He’s over at her house to pick her up and head out to a Mardi Gras party that her dumb-ass boyfriend didn’t want to go to! That’s too bad for him, because Lena’s got a great rack, and Johnny’s got a LOT of beads to hand out! It’s Fat Tuesday, and Lena’s fat natural tits are coming to the party to drain Johnny’s doubloons while her boyfriend does jack shit! Let the good times roll, or as...

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Hot for Black Cock Ch 02

When my husband Jim returned the next day I told him that Stacy had stayed over with me. He asked where she slept and I told him with me. "In my bed," he asked. "Sure, we had a pajama party," I told him. I knew Jim had a thing for Stacy with her big tits and this would probably give him a stiffy. I know he wanted to run upstairs and sniff his side of the bed, but he didn't. "Does that make you hot honey; I know you would like to have some fun with Stacy wouldn't you?" I asked. "Don't give me...

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The Worlds Most Dangerous Job

I’ll never in a million years guess how they picked me. I’m just an old, worn-out working stiff. Still, I had a deep grounding in Science Fiction. Maybe that did it. They must have investigated me to a fare-thee well. I couldn’t help but think how badly it all could have gone if I had turned into a foaming-at-the-mouth radical Muslim mullah. Now there’s a nightmare for you. It was the strangest contract I’d ever heard of. After a million-plus dollar makeover to insure that I’d have no...

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The Trap 8211 Part III

Dear friends, once again I remind you all that as I was not having so much fun in sex from my husband I was on the lookout for a good sex partner. It’s just a chance one takes as there is no bio data of a person which describes as to how good a person is in sex, so you have to take a chance and importantly he got be a trust worthy person. One such experience was with Rameshas friend, Kamlesh, who was a regular guest at home for drinks on Saturdays and was a bachelor. I observed his behavior for...

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Daddys Little Girl Part 2Chapter 5

Over the next nine months Gail and Bill completed twenty-nine round trips. The Valley was in the middle of one of the hottest summers on record. They both felt that they needed a vacation and were beginning to form their plans when Carlos asked to speak to them after they returned from their latest trip. "Gail, Bill, management couldn't be more pleased with your job performance. You've done everything we asked of you and more. Now we're asking you to take on a very important assignment....

2 years ago
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Kim Dave part 3

As they ate, Kim told Dave about how excited she had been to finally get together in person. Ever since their plans had been finalized, Kim had refrained from any sexual activity, had not fucked anyone, not at the Ranch, not on her business trips, had not even touched herself for fear that she would cum immediately. She had not even touched herself when reading Dave's messages to her, even though she still took her panties off before reading them, because she always got extremely horny and...

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Pirates of Caledonia I a Journey Into the UnknownChapter 9 Suzannes punishment

The last few boxes of the cargo was moved down into the hold as the ship made steady progress through the waves. The wind and waves were much stronger, and it was harder to carry heavy boxes down narrow stairs as the ship bounced across the sea. Morale amongst the crew was noticeably buoyant. The Captain smashed open the last box to be loaded and proudly held aloft a nine-inch long slab of gold metal. 'An ingot. A gold ingot. This is our greatest ever haul', she declared triumphantly. A...

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Good walls make good nighbors Part 4

Afterwards, as we lay side by side she asked, "You really like hearing my stories, don't you?" I nodded and she asked, "Even the ones with men?" "Yes, they're great." "You're not jealous?" "No, because you're here with me now, not them." She nodded and then laughed when I added, "You traded up.""You're a bit rare. My men generally don't mind when I tell them about my women, but not my other men." "You've had more men than women?" She smiled enigmatically, "Oh, twice as many." "So six men." She...

4 years ago
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My Seed My Wife My ChildChapter 7 Linage

Each day Mary would come and bring a bath. Hot water was hauled up from somewhere and poured into a bath where I wallowed till it chilled. I dried off and rested by the fire. I had an array of books, each erotica. I understood more now. Each afternoon I was severed lunch. Each night I was served dinner. After dinner the fun would begin. I never knew what. Sometimes it would be Felicia and Richard. Most nights it was just Richard. We began to talk and he finally explained himself. "I needed...

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Lauras Adventures 3

I was really turned on by bhan's story, so much so I decided to do some of what she described. I waited until the day before my day off, then before leaving work I made sure to drink, and drink a lot. When I got into the car, I slipped my bra off so I could easily reach under my shirt and play with my big DD cups.I squirmed inside my faded blue jeans the whole way home, but knew I wanted to save it. I got to my apartment and dashed up the three flights of stairs to the top story. On that level...

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Nirmal was watching a porn on his computer in that afternoon. As his father and mother were gone to their offices, he is alone in his house. After passing B.Tech. he is in search of a job. For time pass he will see porn at times. When seeing video he will get horny and naturally his hand will go in search of his hard cock. At that time he will wear only a lungi, nothing under. While he was watching the fucking of an old man of about 70 years of a girl of 25, he wanked his rod and was enjoying...

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I Cant Get Enough BBC

I love sex - can't get enough of it. My husband knows of my insatiable appetite for other men and accepts it do to his ED problem; so long as I share my encounters with him -- he finds it a real turn on ... he says my escapades really enhance our sex life.I'm over forty; but I work out, watch what I eat, and was lucky enough to be endowed with rather nice boobs. Not giant breasts; but ample, with hardly any sag over the years. Oh, and I've been told by men and women alike, that I have great...

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