Marine Corps Tale Of All Tails : Justins Conquest free porn video

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For the next six months, Justin was a constant fixture at the gay bar. During that six month time frame, Justin encountered numerous sexual endeavors. He still realized that something special was missing from his life. The sex part was great, but there was an empty void eating away at him. During this time frame, the Gunny had been transfered to Okinawa and a new Gunny had taken his place. Justin really didn’t care for the new Gunny, but then again, none of his fellow Marines did either.

As each day ended, Justin would lay in his bed, naked as the day he was born, eyes transfixed to the ceiling. His 5’7”, 145 pound chiseled body stretched out while his slender 6 inch missile aimed itself towards his face. As he lay there, his mind took him back in time to some of his most memorable sexual encounters. Justin couldn’t explain why he was so infatuated with older men and their body hair. In his mind, the hairier the better and he really didn’t care about their age just as long as they were older.

Forcing his body from the bed, Justin stepped in front of the full length mirror to look at his body. He simply couldn’t see what others saw in him. His eyes peered down to his erect cock and he smacked his lips with mild disgust as to its overall slenderness. His hard cock jutted straight out from his lean chiseled body straight forward, offering no hint as to any arch. His tiny pubic patch was a mixture of white/blondish hair which you nearly had to strain your eyes to see. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had a natural born olive tan complexion, his pubic hair just might not be visible at all. Justin figured that’s why he liked hairy men cause he simply didn’t have body hair at all.

Turning slightly to his right, his eyes took him to his profound little butt. The more he turned, the muscles in his ass cheeks pronounced themselves. He did give himself a compliment as to just how shapely his butt actually was. It was definitely small, but he knew from all the mens actions, it was definitely eye catching. Soon, Justin grew tired of looking at himself and tossed his body back onto his bed, folding his arms behind his head in the process.

Days passed, followed by months, and Justin’s sexual episodes dwindled as well as his visitations to the bar. It wasn’t that he was tired of sex, more so, he was tired of just having sex with a stranger for one night. As time passed, the void in his heart grew stronger and stronger. That was up until the day came when a messenger informed him that he had to report to the base commander’s office.

Justin knew that something was wrong immediately by having to do something like this. No Marine, as a rule, ever had to report to the base commander’s office unless they were in deep, deep trouble. Justin immediately went to his room, showered, and got re-dressed into his dress uniform. The walk was long and as each step took him closer, Justin’s legs grew weaker and weaker. His heart beat harder and harder as he neared the base commander’s office.

Opening the door to the office, Justin was met with a Marine Lieutenant who instructed him to take a seat. Justin obeyed and his body began shaking from sheer nervousness. The longer he sat in the chair, the more nervous he became. His eyes wandered the large room, hoping to see something that would calm his exploding nerves. Nearly five long heart pounding minutes passed when an office door opened and out walked Ken. Justin had to swallow hard as his eyes ventured up to Ken’s uniformed collar and peered upon two stars. Justin couldn’t hardly believe that Ken was a Marine two star General.

Ken walked up to Justin in which Justin immediately rose to his feet and saluted. Ken saluted back and then told Justin to follow him. They entered Ken’s office and Ken instructed Justin to take a seat. Ken eased himself down into the large leather office chair while keeping both eyes zeroed in on Justin. Clearing his throat, Ken spoke, “Hey Justin, calm down, everything is alright. My God Justin, you look absolutely gorgeous as always.”

Justin piped up and angelically whispered, “Thank you sir.” Justin’s body began fidgeting in the chair as he looked at Ken not knowing what all this was about. Taking in a deep breath, Justin politely asked, “Sir, how can I help you today?”
Ken smiled and let out a slight chuckle, then replied, “Justin my boy, if I wasn’t working right now, I’d be eating that asshole of yours, getting it good and ready for my cock to plow you just right, but unfortunately, I’m working and I have a favor to ask of you.”
Justin didn’t respond, but Ken could see the inquisitiveness in the young Marine’s sparkling blue eyes. Clearing his throat once again, Ken spoke, “You see, we have a very special guest visiting the base this weekend and my orders are pretty clear. We have to ensure his happiness! I have only met him once, and it is my understanding that he prefers someone who is blond and who is young. Naturally, you were my first choice! You certainly don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but I would be forever eternally grateful if you would help me out on this one.”

Justin patted his thighs with both hands, then softly whispered, “Sir, who is this guy, and if you don’t mind me asking, what all is he in to?”

Ken quickly replied, “This guy is someone who is very powerful and what he is in to I honestly don’t know. All I know is that he prefers young blonds, and you my friend, truly are a fantasy of all fantasies. He’ll take one look at you and bust a nut in his pants. I know, I did the very first time I laid eyes on you! Justin, I can’t make you do this, but I would truly appreciate your assistance on this one. Believe me, I would never ask you to do such a thing if I wasn’t in such a jam.”
Justin smiled at Ken, then said, “Yes sir, but I am scheduled to work this weekend.”

Ken sat back in his chair then stated, “That my young gorgeous angel is not a problem. I’ll make one phone call and your name will be stricken from the work roster, and that, I give you my word. So, what do you say? Will you help me out on this one?”
Justin didn’t say a word, but he could see the pleading written across Ken’s eyes as he shook his head in a yes motion. Seeing Justin’s nod of approval, Ken spoke up, “Do me one last favor, please don’t jack-off no more this week. Save it for him please!”
Justin replied, “Yes sir.”

Ken followed up by adding, “Now that that is settled, I’ll have a driver pick you up at zero nine hundred hours on Friday morning in front of your barracks. Just bring your overnight bag with you, and hopefully, that will be all you will need.”
Justin responded, “Yes sir, but since I am doing you a favor, can I ask a favor of you sir?”
Ken smiled and replied, “Just name it!”
Justin stood up, walked over to the corner of Ken’s desk, smiled than softly whispered, “Can I suck your cock sir?”

Ken didn’t say a word as he unfastened his belt, followed by his pants. Raising his butt up off of the chair, Ken lowered his pants to his knees revealing his 9 thick inches of uncut monster to wave in front of Justin’s eyes. Justin dropped to his knees and his mouth dove on Ken’s cock in a flash.

Justin forced his mouth over the large flesh covered head while sliding his tongue between the foreskin and the bulbous cock head. The rewarding taste of man meat mixed with pre-cum, sweat, and piss instantly targeted his taste buds. Justin’s left hand caressed and massaged Ken’s large hairy balls while his right hand toyed with Ken’s pubic hair.

Ken let out a soft long moan as the fiery heat from Justin’s mouth literally began baking the flesh on his hard cock. When Justin’s tongue slid across his piss slit, Ken’s body bucked upwards in an uncontrollable rage. Ken’s left hand caressed the back of Justin’s head as the young Marine orally assaulted his rock hard cock.

In less than three minutes, Ken’s body convulsed and his cock throbbed savagely as his sperm began shooting out of his cock by the bucket load. Justin gulped down the first eight powerful shots, relishing in the mildly salty flavor, as his mouth continued its vacuuming pressure. In no time, no time at all, Justin had swallowed every ounce of Ken’s man juice he could offer. Ken’s cock, completely spent, became too sensitive to keep Justin’s constantly milking mouth on it, so he basically had to use both hands to pull Justin’s mouth off of his flaccid super sensitive cock.

Justin stood up, smacking his lips in the process, and stole Ken’s heart with his priceless smile. Justin adjusted his own pants while Ken was pulling up his. Ken looked at Justin then said, “Damn Justin, you are absolutely incredible in every way imaginable!”
Justin gave his thanks and departed the office. As he walked back to his room, Justin pondered the idea of not jacking off at all. This was Monday and he was supposed to meet this guy on Friday. His mind raced with all sorts of ideas about who this man was and what all he was supposed to do with him. Any how, he had given Ken his word that he would go through with it, and that’s precisely what he was going to do.

As each day passed, Justin wondered what this guy looked like. His balls also felt bloated cause he was accustomed to jacking off at least three times a day. Friday finally came and Justin woke up early. Knowing that the possibility of some form of sex may arise, Justin figured it would be best to clean himself thoroughly.

Justin first gave himself a fleet enema and after that was accomplished, he grabbed his enema bag and began pouring in his own special concoction. Justin poured in a larger amount of coconut oil than normal, followed by minty fresh mouth wash, then filled the bag with warm water.

After completing that task, Justin filled the bathtub up with hot/warm water and poured in some more coconut oil, then submerged himself into the tub. His cock was rock hard the entire time and his bloated balls ached something awful. Justin wanted so bad to relieve himself, but he refused to allow himself to fall victim to self stimulation.

Keeping an eye on the clock, Justin soaked in the tub for nearly an hour and a half. He drank his pineapple juice as always, then brushed his teeth thoroughly and gargled with the minty mouth wash. Once his bathroom duties was concluded, Justin began getting dressed with the clothes he had chosen from the night before. Justin put on each sock which only came up to his ankles, then put on a bright white tank top, followed by the shortest white set of shorts he owned. He put on his white Nike’s and knew fully that he had elected to not wear any underwear.

Just before he walked out of his room, Justin did take the time to take a look at himself in the mirror. Somewhere in his mind, he pondered whether the man would like him. Taking one last look, Justin walked out of his room, locking the door behind him.
No sooner had he stepped up to the curb, a government car pulled up and the driver got out and opened the door for him. The driver didn’t say a single word as they drove to a part of the base Justin didn’t even know existed. Eventually, the driver pulled into a long and winding driveway leading up to a white southern style mansion. After they parked, the driver got out and opened the door for Justin.

Justin entered the large home through the front door only to be greeted by Ken and 4 other men, all of which were high ranking Marine Corps officers. 2 of the men Justin remembered from the pool party. As soon as he was inside, one of the men who Justin didn’t know blurted out, “ mother fuck me and the horse she rode up on! I’d drink this boy’s bath water! Damn Ken, you said he was gorgeous, but you failed to mention that he was breathtaking as well!”

The other man Justin didn’t know blurted out, “If you’re gonna drink his bath water, then I’d drink the water out of his toilet after he just got done using it. Wow, he’s definitely everything you said and a shit lot more too! Oh my, oh my God! I’d lay everything I own against all odds that this young beauty can’t take a shit. Yes sir, I’d bet my fucking life on that one!”

Ken spoke up, “Alright, enough already. Remember boys, Justin is doing me a favor by doing this, so knock off all the wise cracking bullshit! Our ass is on the line here and thanks to Justin, and that perfect ass of his, we just might get out of this mess unscathed. Don’t forget, the longer Justin can keep this mother fucker here, the better our chances will be, so we all have our jobs to do and we better get busy doing them. Justin here has the toughest job of all, so to help him, I don’t want anyone, and I mean anyone, to venture up to this house this weekend. This place is off limits to everyone!”

With that being said, Ken walked up to Justin, giving him a heartfelt hug, then whispered into his left ear, “Thank you, thank you so much for doing this!”

Before Justin had a chance to respond, the group of men walked out of the door, leaving him all alone in the large mansion. Justin explored the house, taking the time to venture all three floors. It had a lot of bedrooms and bathrooms and the main floor had large rooms in which Justin had no clue what they were used for. Walking out of the back door, Justin stepped onto the patio and took in a deep breath as he looked at the giant swimming pool.

Everything about this mansion was large. The backyard was huge as it bordered a thickly wooded tree line garnished with several flower gardens. While Justin was entranced at all the glorious beauty, he didn’t hear the car pull up, nor did he hear the doors of the car being closed.
A few minutes later, Justin was startled when he heard a voice from behind him say, “Good morning.”

Justin spun around and saw a man who had to be somewhere in his mid fifties with salt and pepper wavy hair standing before him wearing a three piece suit, sporting a heart pounding smile. The suit itself glistened against the sun as they began walking towards one another. The man was carrying a briefcase in his left hand as they approached one another, extending their right hands simultaneously. As they stood face to face, Justin could easily determine that the man stood a good 6’3” and had to weigh a pretty solid 220 or so pounds.

The man, who introduced himself as Jim, felt a surge of electricity surge through his hand and spider web throughout every square inch of his body. His legs began trembling and his eyes started to water as he quickly determined he had never met anyone who was so astonishing gorgeous. Jim was no stranger being around young men, but in all of his 56 years of living on this planet, he had never had the honor, nor the privilege, of coming face to face with such powerful beauty. When Justin smiled, Jim’s legs almost buckled as the young Marine’s perfectly straight and dazzling white teeth sparkled in all of their glory.

As their hands released one another, Justin could easily tell that Jim’s right hand literally engulfed his smaller right hand and his grip was one of sheer power. Justin’s cock reacted as well for he found Jim to be absolutely hot. Now Justin wondered if this perfect specimen of a man had body hair. To Justin, that would definitely be the icing on the cake.

Jim cleared his throat, then stated, “Shall we go inside? I need to take a shower after the long flight.”

Justin nodded in agreement and once they were inside, Jim walked down one of the corridors and strayed out of Justin’s eyesight. Almost 30 minutes had passed when Jim reappeared wearing nothing but a satin bathrobe that fell just above his knees. The top was partially open and Justin swallowed hard as his eyes had no choice but to detect the bubbling ripples of salt and pepper hair boiling outwards from the man’s chest. This sight made Justin’s hard cock throb to no end as his eyes lowered themselves to see Jim’s legs were just as hairy as his chest.
The room they were in had eight long sofas and Jim walked up to one of them, sat down, then patted the cushion to his right, saying, “Come here young man!” Justin obeyed and sat down right next to Jim. Jim turned his face towards Justin’s then asked, “Do you know why you are here?”
Justin replied, “Yes sir!”

Jim placed his right hand upon Justin’s bare left thigh, smiling graciously, then asked, “So, you say you know why you are here. Please tell me why you are here so I’ll have a better understanding?”
Justin returned Jim’s smile, the ever so softly whispered, “Well sir, you like young blonds, or at least, that’s my understanding sir.”
Jim replied, “Yes, that is a part of it, but do you have any idea who I am?”

Justin nodded his head in response offering his true unknowing knowledge as to who Jim was or what all he really wanted from Justin. Jim simply stated, “That’s perfect that you don’t know who I am, but hopefully, if all goes well, you will know who I am and everything about me. I, on the other hand, want to know everything about you, that is of course, you don’t mind telling me.”

The first part of the conversation was all about Justin, and his life, leading up to present day. Jim’s heart sank when Justin told him about his life growing up in an orphanage. Jim listened with all earnest, and to be quite honest, he could sit there forever and listen to Justin’s angelic soft voice. The longer Justin spoke, the more Jim wanted to devour every inch of his perfect body. With his every inward breath, Jim could smell the soft fragrance of coconut, and that aroma was driving him absolutely mad with lust.

After nearly two heart felt hours, Jim intentionally eluded to the fact who he really was, but by this point, his cock was wanting to do all the talking. Jim couldn’t rip his eyes off of the young beauty seated to his right. Had he not known this was real, Jim would have thought that sitting next to someone so profoundly gorgeous, was nothing more than a vivid dream.

Jim reached over and took the bottom hem of Justin’s tank top, looking into Justin’s crystal blue eyes, politely asked, “May I?”
Justin whispered, “Yes sir.”
Jim began slowly pulling Justin’s tank top over his head and stopped suddenly when his eyes came into contact with Justin’s armpits. The tiny tuft of blondish white hairs sent feverish chills racing up and down Jim’s spine. Unable to contain himself, Jim leaned forward and drove his nose right into the crevice of Justin’s left armpit. Inhaling deeply, the fresh rich scent of coconut spewed sharply into Jim’s expanding lungs.

Jim’s right hand latched onto Justin’s left wrist, stretching it further out to Justin’s right side. Jim opened his mouth and sank his teeth into the middle of Justin’s armpit. Initially, it kind of tickled, but as Jim’s teeth sank in deeper as his tongue slithered all around, it began to feel pretty good. Jim was growling like a starved bear after a fresh kill as his teeth and tongue sharply dined on Justin’s right armpit.

While Jim was basically eating his armpit, Justin’s eyes peered to his left to see Jim’s robe spread open a bit, revealing the man’s cock. Though Justin couldn’t determine the length, he could see the huge bulbous pink cock head and the gaping piss slit pumping out globs of pre-cum. He could also see the mass of salt and pepper hair as it bubbled outwards.

From the angle Jim had him in, Justin couldn’t maneuver himself to reach out with his right hand to latch onto the man’s cock. Seeing the oozing pre-cum as it spewed out in globs made Justin’s mouth hungrier than ever and he wanted nothing more at the present moment to taste all Jim had to offer.

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********* CHAPTER 1 I couldn’t believe my 16-year-old eyes. There was my mom, naked as a jaybird, with Tom, my big bro’s best buddy buried up to his balls in her ass. She was sitting on his cock as he bounced her up and down on his massive cock. And it was massive – especially in comparison to mom’s petite body. Mom is blonde, blue-eyed with these great firm tits and a snug body all of 5’2” tall. Tom was 6’3” or 6’4” of solid marine muscle and his cock was in proportion, or maybe...

3 years ago
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Marine fucks a nylon pantyhose wearing bottom

Several Christmases ago my mom’s sister hosted a large Christmas Day gathering at her home. She had invited all of my aunts, uncles and cousins as well as my grandparents on mom’s side of the family. In addition, she had invited some whom she knew would be alone. One of those people was my slightly older cousin Rick’s friend. Rick just happened to be a Marine stationed in North Carolina and he had a friend who would have stayed on base for Christmas had he not been invited somewhere.Dinner was...

2 years ago
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Totally Chesty Tales Tale 04

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 04 – Toolbox of Fun(Featuring Casey, Dave and Jeff Valony) That Saturday wasn’t just for the ones who wanted to be outdoors and hang out around Steelport. It was a day also for the ones who wished to take a rest from the weekdays’ hard work and enjoy a well-deserved rest. Somebody like Casey Mancini.At her bedroom, she read magazines laid on her bed by 10AM, after a week of work and house chores. The weekends were her time to take a rest, go shopping and enjoy life...

3 years ago
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A Ballet Tale

A Ballet Tale Belladonna Marie Taglioni paced around her kitchen as she assessed her situation. Marie was the ballet mistress in chief at her hometown city's ballet company. She had only been hired a year earlier and was in precarious situation because of her judgment. The company was on tour across the country for a few months before its new season was to begin at home. The company was not as large as the more prestigious ones in the big cities, but it was a feather in the cap...

4 years ago
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A Ballet Tale Two The Turning Point

A Ballet Tale Two: The Turning Point Belladonna Phillip woke up on the floor. He felt the wetness of the milk that had seeped between his face and the cold tile. He forced himself up and steadied himself on a chair beside the kitchen table he had been sitting at. His heart started to race as he grabbed a napkin off the table and wiped the milk off the side of his face. He remembered the shock that had made him lose consciousness. He peered back down at the newspaper that still...

1 year ago
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Unhallowed Part II You Really Cant Go Home Again Tale of The Succubus Vol 2

Unahllowed! Ascension of the Neo Succubus (Tale of the Succubus, Volume 2) By Krake'nRiderM (Krake and Rider M) [Human Author's Note: This is a sequel to the original Tale of the Succubus, and like the first volume it's a story written by a collaboration of a human being and a storytelling artificial intelligence (Krake of NovelAI). See our bio page for more details, and please leave a review if you are interested in -- or object to! -- this kind of machine- human story generation...

1 year ago
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A Ballet Tale 3 Center Stage

A Ballet Tale 3: Center Stage Belladonna [I never intended to write this story, but the ideas just flowed out for it. This will probably be the last continuation of Phillip's story.] There was a buzz around the theater as all the dancers got ready for another day of work. It was the day of Emma Livry's last dance with the company. Although her legendary talents had diminished with age, she remained the most respected dancer in the company. Emma was scheduled to dance the lead...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 14 Rachaels Final Conquest

Rachael was still lying in her arms when Lissa woke up in the morning. Lissa just stared at her for a few minutes, trying to sort out her own thoughts and feelings. It was something she had never experienced before; Lissa had always been a good girl, never one to do something so dirty. But she couldn't deny that she had enjoyed it. For now she decided to just call it an experiment and leave it at that. So now she had had a lesbian encounter. That didn't mean she was a lesbian; it was just...

4 years ago
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Sallys Fourth Conquest

For the next seven days both Paul and I were perpetually turned on about anticipating the party Saturday night. Paul even took a long lunch on Wednesday to have a twenty minute quicky. Hell, we didn't even go up stairs. He simply made access making me drop my jean shorts and mounting me from behind while I bent over the notorious glass topped table. As soon as he came in me He pulled out, zipped up and told me he was late. He was gone in a flash.Some women might have been offended, but I was...

2 years ago
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Marine GamesChapter 6 The Olympic Games

Bret was in the process of getting his luggage and paper work ready for the trip to London, for the Olympics. Diane, Ann, Heather and Andy came into his room. "Bret, what clothes are you taking to wear at the Olympics? We were talking and realized you never wear anything but your issued clothing." Bret answered with a grimace, "That's the only clothing I own, except what the Olympic committee issued me to wear when preforming." All four girls were speechless with their shock. For the...

1 year ago
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Unhallowed Part I Riding to Freedom the Hard Way Tale of The Succubus Vol 2

Unahllowed! Ascension of the Neo Succubus (Tale of the Succubus, Volume 2) PART I: Riding to Freedom the Hard Way By Krake'nRiderM (Krake and Rider M) [Human Author's Note: This is a sequel to the original Tale of the Succubus, and like the first volume it's a story written by a collaboration of a human being and a storytelling artificial intelligence (Krake of NovelAI). See our bio page for more details, and please leave a review if you are interested in -- or object to! -- this...

1 year ago
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Sally A cautionary tale

Part one of five parts. The other parts will follow if the first part is considered suitable. Sally. A cautionary tale The situations described in this narrative have all happened in the recent past. The acts themselves have been dramatized for erotic effect. In two days it would be New Years Eve and Sally was in the depth of despair. It was almost two years ago that her mother had been killed in that horrible car accident and much had happened since then. Probably the worst, for her, had been...

2 years ago
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Heads You Win Tails I Lose

Tom recognized Joan from his game theory class. True to her nerdy looks, she had her book and computer open, sitting alone in the corner of the café.“Studying for the midterm?” he half-asked, taking his coffee toward a table near her. “I wish I understood that Prisoner’s Dilemma better. It’s not a situation I’d ever be in, so it just isn’t intuitive."She looked up, surprised that anyone had noticed her.“It’s a basic example,” she explained. “It doesn’t have to be prisoners. Any two people...

College Sex
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Marine GamesChapter 3 The Games

By the middle of the century the Defense Budget for the United States had grown to where it was unmanageable. Since the entertainment industry controlled the power in the world they decided to kill two birds with one stone. Reality television had taken control of programing. But ideas were coming few and far between for new shows. ESPN, Fox Network, NBC, and Showtime combined forces and offered to sponsor a show showcasing the finest attributes of the Marines. They proposed an Event where...

4 years ago
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Fallonrsquos Ballet Lesson

I was late as per usual. Madame Balashov formerly of some obscure St. Petersburg Ballet Company, but given her age, I think it was before it was called Petrograd or Leningrad, not the most recent name flip in the 90’s... would castigate my tardiness again.Frick I only wanted the ballet skills and drills to improve my sex life...I wasn’t touring the world dancing...maybe a cock fest tour one day...but not frickin pirouettes like a music box.You have no idea unless you’ve done ballet or done a...

2 years ago
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Halloween Story Mallory

“I can’t believe you’re going to wear that costume, Mallory.” It was time for our annual Halloween party and I couldn’t wait. We took turns buying the costumes and that year it was up to Mallory to decide what we were going to wear. She wouldn’t tell me a thing and part of the game is for me to beg and plead for just one little clue. All week long I’d promised her interesting sexual favors and anything else I could think of, but of course she never said a word. Well almost nothing. There was...

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Tale Of Mallu Suja Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. Hope all are doing good. I’m sure you’ll enjoy my previous story of Check them out too. Today, I’m back with a new story revolving around a sexy Mallu MILF in her late 50s, 59 to be precise. The name of this Mallu MILF is Suja. Her age did not do justice to her looks. Although old, she was still exquisite and excellent looking for her age. Suja Aunty was a fair, petite MILF. Describing Suja Aunty, she was a typical mallu MILF aunty. Looking sexy even in her late 50s. Fair...

1 year ago
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DreamGirl Corps

Hello. Welcome to DreamGirl Corps. We offer a wide variety of customizations, including, but not limited to, 'cheerleader,' 'cop,' 'schoolgirl,' 'childhood crush,' 'sister,' and others. Choose one of those options and then go onto the next page, where you will continue creating your DreamGirl. Remember, this offer only stands for one week. Take the chance while you can! It is absolutely free of charge and all we ask is that you tell us if you find any problems with it. Thank you.

1 year ago
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Dominant Black Tales and Submissive White Tails

Did she have a hidden agenda? Was her desire to dominate white men driven by some racial hatred or need to seek revenge for her enslaved ancestors? By all outward appearances, that would appear to be the case. Mistress Desire was far more complex than superficial appearances would allow, however. Black, strong, confident, and proud, there was no mistaking that the Domina was proud of her African heritage and took pleasure in reducing her white submissives to whatever it was that they feared the...

4 years ago
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Marine Dad and King

Marine Dad and King By Buck Jones Note: This story is based on real events that occurred nearly 60 years ago, and is another story in my series of how seduction can be perpetrated with a degree of ease, even though the emotional harm can last a lifetime. The small three bedroom house was oppressive. Two growing boys shared one bedroom, the parents shared a bedroom whenever the husband decided to come home, the third room was a sewing, storage room… all within 900 square feet. And this Marine...

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Allisons Smokey Scramble A Wickware Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, on a Saturday morning in the village of Wickware, Allison Crowley made breakfast for her husband and her neighbor, Duke Scoggins. Duke was her husband's best friend. He was an asshole at times, but mostly, he was a jerk. Duke got off on making lewd, crude, and sexual remarks towards Allison. Earlier this week, she reached her limit.Like thirsty ground needs rain, Allison needed to get even.This particular Saturday morning, busty, vibrant, blonde-haired Mrs. Allison Crowley...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Barbarian Conquest

She is his captive. His prize for winning the battle. He strips her. Puts her in his Chinese fish net swing, ignoring her pleas and screams. Entangling her naked body in the net. He winds up the huge rope that suspends her. Naked himself now, laying beneath her. His hot hard cock only inches from her delicious pussy. He begins to unwind the rope slowly. Turning her, winding her down to his waiting throbbing cock. He watches her terrified eyes. Hears her screams for mercy and for help....

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Warlords Conquest

You are the son of a Lust demon. Your mother had been impregnated with you by your demon father after she performed a dark ritual to summon him forth. She had done this because she wanted eternal youth and had read about Lust demons being able to grant wishes. What she hadn't realized was that those wishes often came with a price and when he sprang forth, he agreed to her wish with the stipulation that she must bear him a child. Not being able to resist his lusty ways, she agreed readily and on...

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Sex Lies and Conquest

Summary: In years long past, Jianna's family had ruled over the rich and plentiful lands of Quilan before being ousted by the conquering forces of the Highlanders. Since that time, Jianna has led a life on the run and was raised by a handful of her bodyguards who groomed her to retake her throne. Now she leads a rebellion against the Highlanders and is on the cusp of a major victory, and she will not let any barrier, physical or moral stand in her way. Chapter 1- First Strike:The two guards on...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Sex Lies and Conquest

Summary: In years long past, Jianna's family had ruled over the rich and plentiful lands of Quilan before being ousted by the conquering forces of the Highlanders. Since that time, Jianna has led a life on the run and was raised by a handful of her bodyguards who groomed her to retake her throne. Now she leads a rebellion against the Highlanders and is on the cusp of a major victory, and she will not let any barrier, physical or moral stand in her way. Chapter 1- First Strike:The two guards on...

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Mellissas Second Conquest

Melissa's Second Conquest by Michelle X Hello, it's me again. Melissa, remember? I'm the one who makes a living out of turning men into women. A few weeks ago I told you about how I turned my jerk boyfriend Steve into a pretty secretary named Stephanie who now has a gorgeous husband. Well, I thought you all would be interested in hearing about my second conquest. I had figured that my feminization of Steve would be my first and only one, but another challenge soon...

1 year ago
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Tiger Tails Bimboutique

Bimboutique By: Terinas Tiger (Author's Note: This is one half of two stories meant to mirror each other artistically. In this one, the focus is male-to-female transformation. In its "reflection", the focus is female-to-male. Since that's less the focus of this site, it's not going to be uploaded here. However, if you're curious about reading it, you can find a link to it here: Also, as a trigger warning, there are some implied themes of...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Four Tails

My name is Charleton, and for a long time I considered myself an amateur when it came to sex. I was just a simple guy, enlisted in the Navy because it paid for college. I did have a girlfriend who I stayed with off base, but I had always worked really long hours. I would often get back so late that she would already be at work. My girlfriend, Jennifer, worked as a stripper at a club not far from the base, which is where we met. Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re going to say… Anyway, I spent most...

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A Tale of Two Tails

Part One ~ his perspective~My wife Brittney and I married early in life. That was the best part. Because we both loved each other and also knew that there was a difference between love and sex. And we LOVED sex. We always flited with our friends and really enjoyed the times when we one would watch the other making out with one of our friends, and while the furthest either of us got was either giving or getting head, or eating pussy or getting pussy eaten; we’d never really had an opportunity to...

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A Tale of Four Tails

My name is Charleton, and for a long time I considered myself an amateur when it came to sex. I was just a simple guy, enlisted in the Navy because it paid for college. I did have a girlfriend who I stayed with off base, but I had always worked really long hours. I would often get back so late that she would already be at work. My girlfriend, Jennifer, worked as a stripper at a club not far from the base, which is where we met. Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re going to say… Anyway, I spent most...

Group Sex
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The House That Never Sleeps A Halloween Tale

The House That Never Sleeps: A Halloween Tale By InnocentGuilt Every town has a legend and every street has a curse. Our town was no different. As a kid my parents had always warned me never to go to the house at the end of 13th street. "Why?" I would always ask. "That is the murder house!" My father replied. "What murder?" I asked. "A long time ago there lived a family. The family was made up of a daughter who was 3, a middle child who was 5, and a mother who was very...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 4 Gallagher Meets the Female HeadHunters

After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...

4 years ago
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Allen to Allie II Nadine Explains All Almost

Hello "gurls"; Nadine here. I have noticed that some of you have actually read Allie's little introduction to what his life is currently like. The poor dear, his life is so hard now. I noticed he inferred many things in his little essay. Yes, of course I read what he wrote as he wrote it, since he is naturally no longer permitted un-supervised use of the computer. I allowed him to post it as is because I was curious to see what kind of reaction his tragic little story would engender. I...

2 years ago
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Heads or Tails

Heads or Tails. I was sitting on a fence with my mate Kev we were both doing nothing and just watching life traveling by. "Dave." "Yea wot," I replied. "Have you got any idea what you want to do this summer holidays?" "Nope," I said "why you asking?" "Well I was thinking that we could go camping for a couple of weeks in the lakes, I have a tent and everything." "Yea OK I said I will clear it with my step mum." Three weeks later I was in a field helping my mate...

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