Maintenance Workout - The New Yoga Dance Doll free porn video

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Zane adjusted his tie for the tenth time in the span of a few minutes. He looked good he hoped. It was at least the best he could do. A second-hand suit that didn't look that used up. Many would call it cheap. For a welfare rat like him, it was months of saving up. He had gotten it for a job interview two years ago. One that didn't pan out. Now he had a new one and hope filled his heart. Even if his actual chances were low. The maglev train slowed down and Zane knew this was his stop. Nervously he dried his hands on the backside of his pants. Mentally he steeled himself as he grabbed his worn briefcase. The train stopped and he hurried out. Around him milled the crowd that knew where they were going. Zane needed a moment to orient himself. This station was in the heart of a middle-class borough. It was reflected in the masses that pushed past him. He had been the only one that had gotten on the train when it started. Not many were allowed to leave the slums he lived in. Eventually, he found the exit he was looking for. Maybe it was his nervousness that made him stand out. Or his cheap suit. But both security guards eyed him as he even came close to the exit. Zane swallowed and walked directly to one. After all, he had expected as much. Slowly he withdrew a piece of paper from his briefcase. His job interview invitation. What it did say was beyond him. Only a big QR code was visible. The guard only looked once and nodded. His smart goggles must have deciphered it in no time. "This is a two-hour visa starting now," the guard informed him. "Unless extended I expect you back here before it runs out. Understood?" "Yes," Zane managed to press out. He was waved through. As Zane stepped down the stairs of the maglev station he nearly stopped with his mouth gaping open. Instead of the low ramshackle houses he was used to, these here stabbed ten to twenty floors into the sky. This compact building style left plenty of space for other things. Something that didn't count as essential in the slumps. Like trees and plants. Not that he hadn't seen those before. But these trees here looked so green. Not the sickly brown he was used to. He shook his head to clear his mind. As much as he would have liked to take a stroll through the neighborhood, he couldn't dawdle. His job interview was soon. If he landed this job he might have more time to explore. Maybe even move here with an unlimited visa. He glanced at a second paper to look for the address he was supposed to reach. Which only exposed his nervousness. He had it memorized the moment the letter with the interview invitation had arrived. It didn't take long to find the address. But it confused him so much that he glanced on the sheet of paper again. Before him wasn't an office. Not even a building. It was the entrance to a public park. At this time of day, it was nearly deserted. Most people hurried past it. Only a single woman in her thirties was sitting on a park bench. Surrounded by holographic displays. She must have seen him stare as she looked up to him. Waving away her holo displays she stood up. After brushing out folds of her skirt she walked towards Zane, who mentally started cursing. He was here for a job interview. Not to annoy the locals. If she called the cops they might revoke his visiting visa. "Mister Graves," the woman opened up while extending her hand for him to shake. "My name is Myrna Castro. I'll be conducting your interview." His confusion must have been evident on his face, but Zane still managed to shake her hands and reply with a "good to meet you". Was his interview conducted in a public park? "Fortunately, you arrive more than early," Miss Castro continued. "My time is short. Please follow me." She walked past him towards a car. From the length of it, Zane guessed it counted as a limousine. Miss Castro climbed in and motioned for him to join her. The inside was surprisingly spacious. Since he saw no driver it must be one of those automated cars. She sat down on a bench at the back of the car and told him to sit opposite her. As soon as his behind hit the seat the car started its engine. Whisper silent it swayed o to the road and accelerated. Myrna was already surrounded again by floating holograms. They were all mirrored and a little blurry to him. Yet Zane saw his picture on one of these floating displays. "Mister Zane Graves," Miss Castro read aloud. "Public school. Top grades. Unremarkable." Her voice sounded bland and bored. It made him wince. "Eighteen advanced educational programs sponsored by the job development department of the ministry of welfare. Unremarkable. Ninety-eight percent correct on the application-test. Unremarkable. We received over forty thousand applications with similar qualifications. Never mind the half- million with less. Do you know what put you slightly ahead?" "No, Miss Castro," Zane admitted. All the training for job interviews they gave him told him to be humble and not trying to act smarter as his interviewers. "Our data-mining uncovered that you are a volunteer yoga instructor in your welfare district. Not only have you mastered yoga, but nine derivative forms." Zane did try to suppress his confusion. He only took up yoga as a means to break up his bleary everyday life. Living in a welfare borough can be dreadfully boring. Never would he have dreamed this aspect might help him land a job. "That and your porn-watching habits," Myrna added deadpan. Zane's eyes grew wide. Then his mind caught up. This had to be a joke. To play it save he gave a weak chuckle. If Myrna noticed his nervousness then she didn't show it. Instead, she flung a holographic window over to him. It came to an abrupt stop not a foot away from his nose. "This is a non-disclosure contract, but far from standard. I suggest you read it carefully. Our company mostly deals with clients from the upper class. We can't risk leaks of private information." With a nod, Zane started to read the contract. There was a lot of legalize, but he got the gist of it. If he leaked anything the company could sue him to kingdom come. In that case, Zane might be better off not having children at all. The resulting debt might take generations to pay off. He signed it anyway. Pressing his thumb against the contract. It wasn't like Zane had anything to lose and as long as he kept his mouth shut there was nothing to worry about. Immediately the contract changed for another. As Zane read the header his eyebrows shot up. "This is an employment contract." "Yes, Mister Graves," Myrna confirmed. "Congratulations. You got the job. The question is if you can hold it. We are here. Time to meet your co- workers." Now Zane noticed the car slowing down. There simply was not enough time to read his contract, so he thumbed it too. Screw caution, he wanted a job. As they exited the car his mouth dropped open. He was surrounded by skyscrapers so high they vanished into the clouds above. He had seen them before, but never up close. They were so high that the dominated the horizon seen from his welfare slum. As he overcame his shock he noticed Miss Castro impatiently waiting a dozen feet away. With an apology un his lips, he caught up to her. "I just approved a one day visa for this district. It's good until eight PM" she told him while arriving at an elevator. "I also submitted an all- day work visa on your behalf. It should get granted in a few hours. We did have trouble inviting socially lower tier to this area for interviews. That's why I got you personally. Less hassle." Before Zane could get a word in Myrna snapped her fingers. "By socially lower tier I do not mean to offend you. We are good, right?" "Sure," Zane agreed after the length of a heartbeat of hesitation. He would gladly overlook such remarks. After all, she was his ticket out of the slums. The elevator car arrived and they both stepped in. Miss Castro pushed a floor button and Zane's eyes widened again. They were going up to the forty-second floor. Above the buttons was a labeling panel proclaiming this was the "Bexter Commercial Tower - Service Elevator - Lower Floors". Now Zane was curious how high this skyscraper really was. "Speaking of-" Myrna picked up their talks. "As stated in the contract you will be paid each day you complete for the first month. Within the first month either you or us - the company - can terminate the contract anytime. Later you are required to hand in a two weeks notice before quitting. If you manage to not quit for a month the payment interval is changed to monthly. After three months the company will sponsor for you a one-year middle-class residential visa. We will also sponsor an unlimited middle-class visa after one year of employment." Zane was speechless. This was getting better and better. The only nagging fact was her wording. It sounded like it was more likely that he would quit than the company firing him. Which was rather strange. A ding announced their arrival. Zane followed his new employer out into a long hallway. It was surprisingly bare of decoration. Must be because this was still a floor dedicated to service. They stopped before a large door with a big sign overhead. "Castro Analytics - Storage And Maintenance" "You own the company?" Zane blurred out. Myrna meanwhile fished out a keycard from her purse. "What? Ah, no. My father does. Build it from the ground up." She waved him through the door and Zane had a hard time not to stop and stare in awe. This was more like he imagined an upper-class skyscraper. The walls had a sleek mix of plastic and wooden panels. Illuminated by a lot of passive hidden lighting. Myrna led him to a small break room with a kitchenette. There she gestured at the two men sitting there. "This is Allan Roth. Chief technician on site. And as an assistant technician, we have Tim Jenkins. Guys this is Zane Graves. Our new yoga dance doll. See ya." Before Zane could react Myrna vanished from sight. Leaving him alone with the two men he just met. Allan gave him a bored look and then returned to stare in his mug. He looked older, maybe in his fifties, and his hair had already turned uniform grey. Tim was a younger fellow. Zane reasoned he might be only a few years older than himself. Around thirty if he guessed right. "Hi, Myrna. Bye Myrna," Tim yelled after their boss. Then he turned to look at Zane. "So you are the volunteer of the day? Take a seat. We won't bite. Well, I don't. Stay away from Allan until he had his first two coffees." "You have coffee?" Zane blurred out. "Not real coffee," Tim waved him off. "But the good fake one." "Guys!" The shout made Zane jump a bit. It was Myrna who had reappeared behind him. "Before I forget. Go easy on Zane. Getting a replacement is always a hassle." "We are starting him on Samira and-" Tim started but broke off as Myrna had already vanished again. After a resigning sigh, Tim turned to Zane again. "So, newbie, how much did Myrna tell you what we do here." The question made Zane flinch a little. "Nothing. I only know it is a job in maintenance and it has to do with rich people. At least judging by the immense non-disclosure contract I signed." "Typical Myrna," Allan rumbled and took a sip of his good fake coffee. "Okay, the basics then," Tim said while leaning back. He mustered Zane for a moment. "Do you know about the human soul?" Of course, Zane knew. He quickly rattled down a textbook reply. "The human soul was confirmed by scientists not thirty years ago. It is a logical construct of reasoning placed in a different dimension than ours. It is connected to us by quantum bridges that the brain generates. The soul gestalt, the outline of a soul, replaced all forms of identification as it is impossible to fake." "A simple yes would have been okay," Allan murmured. "Ignore grumpy cat here," Tim advised Zane. "Do you remember that a scanned soul connection can be broken and reestablished?" Not willing to annoy Allan further Zane gave a simple "yes". "This discovery made the rich practically immortal," Tim explained. "They have the money to have clones or androids made. We don't deal with organics. Instead, we focus on androids." Allan groaned and heaved himself up. "Cut the chitchat. Let's get to work." Tim gave Zane a pat on the shoulder and got up motioned for him to follow. Their goal wasn't so far away. A small room devoid of many distractions. It was dominated by a strange and high-tech looking bed. "Lay down," Tim instructed him. "We explain more once you are in the other body." "Wait," Zane said as his mind caught up. "You want to transfer my soul?" "Well, yeah," Tim said. Then he facepalmed himself. "Right. Forgot for a moment that Myrna left you hanging on explanations. Our company stores and does maintenance on androids. However, to do full diagnostics we need someone inside." "Okay," Zane slowly agreed. "Is it safe?" "Would the upper class use it if it wasn't?" Tim retorted. "Fair enough," Zane admitted. Laying down on the bed he wondered what body he would land in. "We are ready over here," Tim said into a nearby intercom. Then Zane was plunged into darkness. * * * * * Samira * * * * * He only blinked out of existence for a short moment. When he opened his eyes again he was in another room. Allan was close, typing on a pad, and standing beside a cart filled with instruments. As Zane looked around he saw all the walls of the room contained alcoves. Each one containing what he suspected to be androids. Allan spared a glance up. "Samira, step out of the alcove please." Zane reasoned he must mean him and did as told. However, his first step nearly made him fall over. Somehow his left leg wouldn't bend as far as Zane wanted. "I think something went wrong with the transfer," Zane said in a surprisingly melodic voice. Definitely not his own. "I can't move the left leg properly." "Just keep trying," Allan remarked. Zane did as told, but used the time to expect his new temporary body closer. Looking down he saw himself in a skirt and suit. To his surprise, he realized he was in a female body. Lifting up his hands he found them slender in of a dark brown skin tone. "Leg," Allan reminded him. Zane immediately did as told. Focusing on moving the leg again. "Is it the left leg again?" Tim asked as he entered the room. "Appears to be more prone to freezing." He moved over to Zane and held a hand at his back to steady him. "Just keep moving the leg. It should start responding in a moment. Officially it is known as the 'controller corruption effect'. You see the androids are theoretically maintaining themselves with the use of nanites. However, without a soul inside the android goes into a hibernation mode. Suspending most nanite processes. The most common side effect is the freezing of muscles you now experience." True to Tim's words Zane steadily managed to stretch and bend the leg further. Now, Tim let go and pointed to a line on the floor. "Follow this marking and turn around. Then repeat. You see it is not the muscles themselves that tend to fail, but the controllers lose their imprinted index association of individual muscle fibers. By moving around you retrain those controllers. That's why we need you. Someone dedicated to jump into an android and move them around. The longer an android is in storage the more freezing occurs. For all purposes, an android body that had been in storage too long would be practically paralyzed. The worst job one can pull is to rehabilitate one of those." While Tim explained, Allan pulled down a big screen from the ceiling. It flickered to life and showed the company logo. "You can stop pacing, Samira," Allan instructed Zane. "Stand on this point and face the display." A little confused, Zane complied. Meanwhile, Tim continued his lecture without break. "The upper class can't be bothered to rehabilitate their androids themselves. That's where we come in. We give each android a regular workout to keep the freezing to a minimum. You following me so far? Any questions?" "Yeah," Zane said with a nod. "It's pretty straight forward. My only question is why Allan keeps calling me Samira." "Coping mechanism," Allan rumbled. "What he said," Tim said with a grin. "Look, soon after this company was founded it ran into a problem. Most androids include behavioral modifications. Samira, when you just paced the room, you walked perfectly in a female manner. All your gestures are feminine too. That's the smallest of modifications. Others are- Heavier. While in an android body we don't behave like ourselves. To reduce stress and a bunch of other problems we found out that giving each android a name helps. This android we called Samira. If you are in it then you aren't Zane, you are Samira. Same with me or Allan. Whoever is in Samira's body is Samira. All your current actions aren't Zane's. They are Samira's." "We have to check for proper behavioral modifications too," Allan threw in. "Can't say I am fully understanding what you are saying," Zane admitted. "Let's move on and maybe I'll get it in time." "Straight to the point," Allan told Tim. "I like this Samira." Then he gave Zane a conspiratorial wink and whispered. "The previous Samira was always so chatty." "Everyone is a hater," Tim sighed. Then he turned to Zane again. "If we don't have someone like you, one dedicated to operating the androids, Allan and I take turns. Which makes the overall maintenance take longer." "Can we get started now?" Allan grumbled. "Sure," Tim agreed. "Okay, Samira. On the display, there will be a simplified representation of your current body. It will shift between various poses. You have to follow the poses and the movement exactly and precisely. It is designed to sift out any frozen muscles. If you can't perform an exercise then tell us and repeat until you can. Got it?" "Sounds manageable," Zane said. He soon found out that it wasn't as easy as he expected. Whoever designed those exercises must have OCD or something similar. And Zane didn't mean it dismissively. Each movement had to correct down to the T. If he had to bend an arm then he had to do it down to one degree of an angle. If not, he had to repeat it. And there were poses for each angle for each limb. Designed to work each and every muscle in Zane's temporary body. Now he understood why his yoga training had been an advantage in his application. It also explained why Myrna called him their new "yoga dance doll". It took nearly two hours to go through every motion and pose. Allan and Tim had their noses the whole time in their pads. Softly murmuring updates to each other. Hunting for every unresponsive fiber of muscle. Zane had suspected he would grow quite bored with this routine, but it was so challenging that it never happened. In the end, he also was very happy to not have done this exercise in his real body. He was sure that he would have broken down with cramps not ten minutes into the workout. "And we are nearly done with the physical part of the tests," Tim said as the last pose vanished from the display and Allan pushed it up into the ceiling again. "Next is the inspection by sight. Samira, please undress as far as you can." Zane looked a little perplexed. "You want me to get naked in front of you guys?" He knew his question was a little strange. Why would he feel to protect the modesty of a body not his own? "Here we go again," Allan grumbled. "For Christ sa-" "Allan!" Tim gave his co-worker a warning look. "Listen Samira, a part of you this body's behavioral modification is the need to appear presentable and modest. So we know that it goes against your instinct. Be aware that both, Allan and Me, have not only seen your body naked before, we also had been you previously." It made sense to Zane, but these behavioral modifications must be strong as he still found it difficult to undress. However, as he did Zane noticed some particular features of Samira's body. Her breasts were shaped anatomically correct, but missed nipples completely. This looked strangely alien to Zane. He also found out that the realistic skin only covered the top half of Samira's body. Three inches below her breasts it transitioned to a smooth flexible plastic the same color as Samira's skin tone. The maker of this body hadn't wasted any afford on detail on the lower body. Features like a belly button or a vagina. "I can't get out of these shoes," Zane complained after stripping of everything else. "Oh, that is because technically your shoes and feet are one thing," Tim explained. "Just stand still while we do a sight inspection of your body." Zane thought he was the center of an inside joke as Allan and Tim grabbed magnifying glasses and proceeded to look at him in earnest. He was proven wrong when Tim gave a shout. "Found one. Blueprint corruption in section five. Right shoulder, two inches up, three and a half to the right." "Blueprint corruption?" Zane asked in wonderment. Allan gave a short murmured "robot cancer" as a reply while typing on his pad. As before it was Tim who explained in detail. "Most androids are self- maintaining with the help of nanites. But these need a blueprint to work with. Now, these blueprints are too big to store in nanites directly. Hence the need for centralized blueprint libraries. However, the information they contain can be corrupted. Mostly due to material degradation or radiation." The last word made Zane perk up. "Radiation?" "The miniature fusion reactor inside you," Allan threw in. Zane couldn't help it. "Really?" He asked as he looked down his torso as if he could find a detail where such a reactor might be hidden. "No," Tim added dryly. "Allan is trying to be funny. With radiation, I mean the normal background of the world. Anyway, for that reason, the libraries are mirrored. They correct by a majority. If five sets of data say 'A' and one data says 'B' then that data is due to corruption and overridden. Since the blueprint is so big, that process takes time. Hence it sometimes makes sense to help the process along. A few taps and the corrupted area raises in priority. Then the nanites do the rest." "Sounds like a system that can't go wrong," Zane remarked. Allan sneered. "Every cancer can be fatal if you ignore it for too long." "Not with us," Tim threw in. "Stop scaring the new guys, Allan!" "But, what does he mean though," Zane dug deeper. Tim shrugged. "As I told you, the libraries decide by majority. Trouble starts when a majority can't be established because too many libraries are corrupted. Not that we will run into that problem. Not with our regular androids. Part of our maintenance service is making sure that corruption never reaches that point. But now and then we get new transfers in." "So, I won't sprout a third arm suddenly?" Zane joked. Allan gave a sigh. "No, mathematically improbable." "Think about it," Tim suggested. "For such a change to occur not only has the majority of the libraries to be corrupted to a great degree but also in exactly the same way. As Allan said. The math is against it." "All done," Allan announced. "Looks like that was the only corruption. Samira is such an easy body to check. Less skin and she holds still." As Zane looked down, he had to agree. Most of the body was made out of this flexible plastic. Only the head and upper torso showed skin. He thought about it for a second and shared his results. "Skin must take a bigger part of the data than the rest. All the pores and other details." Allan raised an eyebrow and turned to Tim. "I like this one. She can use her head." Then he turned back to Zane. For the first time, it was him explaining. "Yes, all the details on your skin Samira take extra data. But, the skin is also more fragile than the rest of the body. That means it is getting more often repaired by nanomachines and therefore shows faster if blueprint corruption occurred." "So, what now?" Zane asked. "We are nearly done." Tim grabbed a pad. "Samira has integrated software to aid the soul inside with her work. Lots of business stuff. Now and then we do an upgrade, but not today. Still, we have to do some tests. Making sure none of the plug-in software crashed. Take a seat over there and look at the problems displayed there." Zane did as told and was immediately lost in a world of market indexes, probabilities, and company shares. The interesting part was that, while he was an amateur in the realm of company trading, those figures started to make sense to him. On request, he spotted up and downward trends. "Software is done," Allan remarked after a half hour. "And in record time. Good to have a third person in our team. Samira, please step back into the alcove. It is time to transfer you back." Zane gave a nod and did as told. After a short wait, his vision and bodily feeling faded out. * * * * * Zane * * * * * "Was my body always this heavy?" Zane asked as he came about in the transfer bed. Sitting up had brought a short moment of vertigo. "Sure is," Tim confirmed and padded Zane on the shoulder. "Which is funny. Androids are usually a little heavier than human bodies, but the artificial muscles are stronger. Making it appear that movement is easier. Don't worry. You get used to it. Hungry? Allan and I are up for an early lunch." Truth be told, Zane could eat. Growing up in the welfare boroughs food was always a little short. One learned to consume things immediately if presented. "Sure, but I didn't pack anything. Truth be told I only thought today would be an interview. Not my first day at work." Tim gave a chuckle. "Fair enough. My treat today. As a welcome so to speak." A few minutes later the three had made themselves comfortable in the break room. The delivery had brought something Chinese. A first for Zane. For a while, Zane was lost in the wonders of good food. But questions bubbled to the forefront. "Can I ask you something?" Tim gave a shrug. "Sure." "The way Myrna talked-" Zane broke off and gave it another thought. "It's just. The way she talked it sounded like I would quit in a hurry. To be honest, so far it hadn't been that hard. Sure, it was strange to be in a woman's body. But not that outlandish." Zane's new co-workers gave each other a conspiratorial glance. "Well, you see-" Allan started. "This was the easy mode," Tim picked up. "Because Myrna asked us to not scare you off. Different bodies provide different challenges." "It can't be that different," Zane argued. "Right?" "It's like this," Allan started. Lowering his food that Zane couldn't pronounce. "In this tower, there are a lot of rich people. It is a cut- throat world. Be a shark. Always on top. It made them rich but also left them wanting. Everyone needs something to balance them out." "Which means?" Zane drilled. Tim pointed into the direction of the alcoves and the androids within. "Half of the androids in there are for business. Optimized for such. They are the Ken and Barbie of the business world. Not anatomically correct and always prim and proper. But now and then those upstairs need to let go of stress. There comes the other half into play." "Bunch o' perverts," Allan threw in. Tim gave an enthusiastic nod. "Pleasure models. And we are talking bods designed by rich people. Not only have they that porn star look but also the fitting mental mods." Silence settled over the small break room. Zane was in deep thought. If that was true, who knows what strange androids might be stored inside this facility. If he wanted this job then soon or later he would end up in one of them. Either that or quit. Zane looked up and fixed his coworkers in his gaze. "The way I see it, it is only a matter of time, right? So, no more easy mode. Give me your worst next." Tim gave a worried look. "Are you sure?" "Need to know if I can hack it," Zane confirmed. "I learned that sometimes in life you just have to rip the band-aid off and see where that gets you." A moment of silence followed before Allan addressed Tim. "Debbie?" "We did Debbie last week," Tim said. For a moment he seemed lost in thought. "Candi. She's overdue for a check-up." He looked at Zane. "Not the worst, but a good jump into that direction." Zane gave him a challenging look. "Count me in." "Someone is getting cocky," Allan said with a grin. "I am not-" Allan tried to protest. "Relax," Tim suggested. "Allan just made a terrible pun." "Pun?" Tim waved him off. "Don't worry about it." "Yeah. And eat up," Allan threw in. "Pleasure bots take a lot of time to test." Zane did, but not without wondering what he has gotten himself into. After lunch, Tim escorted him to the transfer bed. "Are you sure? We can still push for another bot." Zane took a deep breath. "I got it. Don't worry." "If you say so." Tim gave Zane a last pad on the shoulder. "Remember. You won't be Zane. You will be Candi." Those were the last words Zane heard as the world darkened around him. * * * * * Candi * * * * * Zane's eyes fluttered open. Which amused him greatly. His lashes were so long. Fluttering like butterfly wings as he fluttered his eyes. It coaxed a giggle out of him. "Candi?" It was Allan asking. Candi - and it was Candi now, she was sure of it - looked over. Allan looked the same, yet different. He had that older guy charm with his greying hair. His looks were on the rugged side. Candi wondered and her eyes drifted downward to Allan's trousers. For a moment she froze. She shouldn't have those thoughts. Inside she was a guy. But then she giggled. Candi was Candi. Not some guy. What a funny thought. She remembered being Zane, but that didn't matter right now. Checking out Allan was way more alluring to her. "How is she?" Tim asked as he entered. "Checking me out since transferring in," Allan admitted. "So everything within parameters." "Candi?" It was Tim who addressed her. Looking over Candi liked what she saw. Tim was different than Allan. More sporty. That could be fun too she decided. "Candi," Tim repeated. "Step out of the alcove, please." "Sure thing handsome," Candi purred. Her first step made her stumble. It wasn't the high heels. Her legs just cramped up. Which was just fine by her as she fell right into the arms of Tim. "My savior," she moaned. Pressing herself into his arms. "Half her legs are frozen up," Allan commented. "We should have serviced her sooner." "Candi?" Tim gave her a stern look. It made Candi weak in her knees. Still, they wouldn't bend. That was so confusing to her. "Try to move your legs, Candi. Just like you did when you were Samira." "I don't wanna!" Candi cried out with a pout. "Wanna have sex?" For a moment her own suggestion made her hesitate and confused. Part of her felt it was strange wanting to have sex. She shouldn't. Right? But just the thought of sex sounded so fun. She decided to stop worrying and just go with instinct. Which was getting one of those studs into a bed. Maybe both. Hopefully both! "Change of tactics," Tim said with a sigh. He eased her down to the floor. "Candi do you want to have sex?" "Yes!" Candi enthusiastically replied. "Wanna do me both? At the same time? That would be so good." "Sure," Tim agreed. But Candi's elation was yanked away as he continued. "But, we will only have sex if you are limber enough." "Limber?" Candi scrounged her face for a moment. "What do you mean?" "That means you have to show us how flexible you are," Tim explained. "Have you heard of the Kamasutra? Yes? Good. For that, you need to be flexible. Let's make a deal. You show us how flexible you can be and we will reward you with letting you give us a blowjob now and then. And in the end, we'll have sex. Deal?" Candi only got half the words. There had been so many of them. But she got the gist of it. She needed to move around some. Then sex. And between there would be blowjobs. For a moment it struck her as odd that she giving blowjobs could be a reward. But her body reacted for her. Telling Candi that the thought of blowing someone was hot. Eagerly, Candi nodded. Reluctantly, Candi followed an instructional video on how to move. It was so boring. She suggested giving both hunks a lapdance instead, but they declined. It made Candi pout. Both were such meanies. Candi would still blow them though. And have sex. She was sure of it. After all the stiffness in her legs was gone it was time for her first reward. It was strange. For a moment she was reluctant to sink to her knees and to fish out Tim's dick. To take his member in her mouth. But her reluctance vanished in a flash. Too eager to get started. When she finally wrapped her lips around his cock it felt as if part of Candi's soul was completed. Reunited with a part she hadn't even known was missing. Instinct took over and for a moment Candi wondered where those came from. It was her first time blowing a guy. But a second later she didn't care anymore. All that counted was sucking Tim's dick and be good about it. Too soon something salty hit her throat. It was ambrosia to her. The nectar of gods. It filled her with a pleasant warm buzz that was beyond what she has ever experienced. When her bliss ebbed away, Candi was dismayed that Tim had already pulled out his dick and was stuffing it away. "Back to work," Tim remarked. "Remember, after the next set you can blow Allan." One look at Allan and Candi was motivated. Eager to find out how he tasted on her tongue. Exercise after exercise past by. With breaks in between for Candi to suck one of them off. At the third break, Candi noticed Tim and Allan play rock, paper, scissors for who gets blown by Candi. Not that she minded. Although she was confused about why the loser got to receive Candi's administrations. Shouldn't it be the winner? Candi noticed that each time their dicks were limper. Not that she minded. She revealed in the duty to make them hard again. It took all her skill to do so. She was a little disappointed when Tim suddenly announced that they were 'finally' done with the movement check. But she soon perked up when Allan rolled in a cart filled with dildos. Just they view made Candi cream herself. "Candi? Candi, look at me." Reluctantly Candi obeyed and Tim continued. "I want to use each dildo one after another. Start with one and we say when you switch to the next. Okay? No. Candi. Start with the smallest one. Pouting won't help you." Candi took the smallest one. It somehow didn't look like much. Despite being average. Or so Candi thought. Would it satisfy her? She certainly felt the heat between her legs. But looking at Tim and Allan, she had a better idea. She swallowed the tip of the fake cock and started to blow it. Maybe if she gave a good show one of them would want to be sucked off by her. Instead, Allan facepalmed himself and Tim chuckled. "She's a smart one, isn't she? Candi? No more blowjobs. Use it in your pussy." Candi pouted again but did as told. As soon as she penetrated herself she didn't mind anymore. It was divine. She felt like she was born to ride a dick. With renewed vigor, she started to fuck herself, while giving both guys a spectacular performance. But to no avail. Both looked on their tablets instead. Now and then murmuring things between them. Stuff like "vaginal muscle performance" and "dilation stress". Eventually, they allowed Candi to switch to a bigger one. Which she eagerly did. A few switches later, she impaled herself on a dildo the size of her underarm. Fist included. She was in heaven. Not even minding anymore that both guys ignored her. For a short moment, she wondered how that horse-sized dick even fit inside of her. After all, there was stuff in the way, right? This thought and others were washed away as she came again. It was the biggest orgasm she had since starting. For a moment, Candi blacked out. Not long, but as she came to herself Candi saw with dismay that Allan was putting away all her nice toys. She grabbed the biggest one and was about to impale herself again when Tim stopped her. "I promised to fuck you, right?" At once Candi was all ears. She even let the fake cock fall down. "Just one last test and then we fuck. Okay? See that alcove? Just stand in it for a moment. Not long. I promise." "And then we fuck?" Candi piped up. "And then we fuck," Tim confirmed. Candi practically leaped to her feet and sashayed over to the alcove. But as she took stand things did go awry. She couldn't move anymore and everything was going black around her. * * * * * Zane * * * * * Zane awoke on the transfer bed. Once again his body felt heavy, but that was not what pinned him down. The memories came rushing back. He knew each and every detail that had transpired. Damn, he had sucked off his co-workers. More than a few times. No. He reminded himself. Candi had. Still, when Tim came into the room Zane couldn't stop blushing and avoided eye contact. "You alright?" Tim asked. "Candi can be a heavy experience. Especially the first time around." Zane swallowed. For a moment stunned with hunting for the right words. Eventually, he managed a weak "Can't believe how eager I have been." "How eager Candi has been," Tim corrected him. "Remember, it was Candi that did those things. Not Zane. Not you." "Alright," Zane agreed. "Still, it was strange. Being attracted to you guys. It felt so natural." "What you talking about?" Tim propped himself up by placing both of his hands on his hips. Giving Zane an annoyed look. "I am handsome. It is only normal that women are attracted to me. Okay, that the mind mods make Allan attractive sucks. I admit that." Zane chuckled. As he got up from the bed, Zane punched Tim on the shoulder. "Very funny. But it doesn't help you. Candi would be disappointed with you." "What? Why?" "You tricked her," Zane explained. "'In the end, we will have sex. Just step into that alcove for a moment.' That was mean to her." Tim gave a Zane a bright grin. "Sorry, but not sorry. Do you know how exhausting it is to do maintenance on a pleasure android? Believe me, I am so spent Candi would be disappointed. Well- Not really. Her mental mods would make her satisfied in any case. Let's just say you had the easy part today. "Candi had." "No, you had. Candi did her best behaving while we did maintenance. You? You slept the last few hours on a comfy bed." "Touche'" "Well, so much for your first workday. Wanna stay for dinner?" Zane had to admit to himself that he wasn't that hungry. After all, Tim was right. His body lay around all day. Then again, food was food and judging by the lunch, it was good around here." As Zane nodded, both walked to the breakroom with the small kitchenette. Only to find Allan holding up a chair and eying Zane wearily. "He's docile?" the older man asked Tim. "I am alive. All good. Zane is taking it well." Allan shrugged and set the chair down. "Sorry. Not my finest moment. But some newbies come out furious. It was before Tim's time, but once I had to call the cops. Maniac broke my arm." "I am fine," Zane assured him while holding up his hands. "I mean it was a lot. Processing will take some time. But it wasn't like you didn't warn me." Tim looked to each of his co-workers and shrugged. "Falafel?" "What?" "It is a type of food," Allan explained while sitting down. "You never had it?" Zane took a seat too. "My gourmet experience limits itself to anything that starts with soy-based." "Ouch," Tim remarked. "Don't worry. We help you expand it a little." Just then a buzzer rang. In short but angry intervals. Allan and Tim exchanged a worried look. "That's the doorbell for the service entrance," Allan remarked. "At this time it is unusual that someone comes by." Zane gave a short glance to the clock hanging on the wall. Half-past eight in the evening. Where had all the time gone? "Maybe our delivery guy is psychic and we get out Falafel before even ordering it," Tim said with a weak chuckle. "Don't worry. I go check." Zane's new co-worker hurried out but soon called for Zane. As he followed, Zane could see two officers of the law standing in the doorway. Tim was busy arguing with them. "Hold on a minute. There must be a mistake. He should have an all-day work visa by now." Tim turned around to clue in Zane. "Your temporary work visa expired a half-hour ago. Don't worry. We will fix that." A few promises to the officers pacified them long enough for Tim to call Myrna. Their boss. To Zane's surprise, she showed up not two minutes later. Cursing worse than some of the ghetto gangs he had to avoid in the welfare district. Immediately jumping verbally on the police officers. "He has an all-day work visa." "Not accordingly to our system." "I paid an express charge." "Sorry, Mam. It isn't there." "Hold on." Zane was white with shock. His new boss dared to speak rudely to the law in a way that made him nauseating. One does not talk back to them. At least someone that came from his background. Not only did Myrna dare. Her short phone call to some was even more heated. Never had he heard so many synonyms for incompetent strung together in one sentence. The tablet of one officer beeped just a second before Myrna ended her call. "It is all in order now, Mam." "Great." This one little word by Myrna carried so much annoyance that Zane was surprised the officer's heads didn't explode. They hurried away at a speed that Zane had thought impossible. "Please tell me this was worth it," Myrna demanded as she pushed into the office. "He is. Zane just came out of Candi without making a fuzz." Myrna spun around and gave Tim such an evil eye that he took an involuntary step back. "I told you to go easy on him." "We did. He asked for it." "Tim says the truth," Zane hastened to add. "I had to see if I got what it takes." Myrna gave Zane a scrutinizing look. "You ain't quitting on me, right?" "Why would I quit?" Zane tried to give her a brave smile. "As Tim put it, it is the easiest job in the world. Just lay in bed for a few hours and have strange dreams of being someone else." "At least something is going right today," Myrna remarked with a sigh. Completely ignoring Zane's attempt had humor. "You say Candi got put through her paces?" "Yeap," Tim confirmed. "She is all up to standard now." Myrna looked thoughtful for a moment. Biting her lip in an oddly vulnerable, but endearing way to Zane. "I better take a look and make sure it is." As she walked away, Zane gave Tim a questioning look. "Does she usually do that?" Tim gave him a smirk and an amused shake of his head. "Remember what I tould you why rich people have pleasure androids for themselves?" "To relieve stress?" "Correct. And Myrna- Well, her old man puts a lot of workload on her. So, considering that Allan and I are all tapped out, are you up for some overtime?" "What do you mean?" Tim gave a chuckle that sounded just a bit off to Zane. Maybe a little evil. "She didn't head to the android storage, Zane. Nope. Walked to the transfer bed." He gave Zane a heavy pat on the shoulder. "Go play 'technician', alright?" Now, while Tim walked away, it dawned on Zane what he meant. It made him swallow heavily and look to the android storage. "You'll be fine Zane. It's not your new boss you about to fuck. It's Candi." Gathering his courage, Zane walked to the storage. Only to find Candi already animate. Somehow she had gotten her hand on a test-dildo and using it enthusiastically on herself. Only to stop as she noticed Zane. "Ahh, my new yoga dance doll. Why don't you show me how flexible you are and fuck me like one of those whores in your pornos." There was a brief moment when Zane realized that Myrna's comment this morning hadn't been a joke. It left him as Candi sashaying over to him robbed him of all coherent thought. "I could get used to this job," was the last sentence he said that made sense. At least for a few hours. To be continued?

Same as Maintenance Workout - The New Yoga Dance Doll Videos

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Yoga With My Mother In Law

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Horny Yoga Teacher Seduces Me During Yoga Session

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Yoga Partners Part 1 of 2

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Hot Yoga Session With 35YearOld American Lady

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A Surprise Treat To A Yoga Trainer 8211 Part I

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Seducing My Yoga Teacher 8211 Part l

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My Yoga Classes 8211 Part II

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Lolly Got Popped The Yoga Pants Rules

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Girl in yoga pants Reedited Chapter 1 and Chapter 2

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My Wife Took Up Yoga

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Yoga Partners Part 2 of 2

As promised, Stephanie was waiting for me just outside the common room. She gave me a conspiratorial look."Was it good for you?" she asked, winking."Yeah," I answered. "How about you?""Just what I needed," she replied with a proud smile.Other couples filtered back into the room over the next five minutes. Kayla and Stewart resumed their position at the front of the room. They began to process the activity - What had we gotten from it? How did it feel to disclose these stories to our partners?...

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Yoga On Me A lesson to remember

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 74 The Yoga Teacher

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Made Yoga Teacher My Sex Slave

Hi, guys, my name is Rohit, I work as a real estate agent in Ahmedabad . My height is 6ft and have an athletic build. My age is 23. Coming to the story … It was the month of march. I was sitting in the office and doing some work. When a couple ( ankeeta the yoga teacher and punit her husband ) entered in. They were from bangalore and wanted to rent a flat here as rent in bangalore was too high and cost education for thier daughter was also high in bangalore. They considered ahemdabad a good...

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Yoga Teacher Ke Ke Sath Chudai

Hello dosto, mai raj aaj aapko ek new story sunata hun aur han story padne ke baad comment karna na bhule aur agar mujhse contact karna chahe to mera mail id hai most welcome for text,phone and video chat pura khulaa chat any way aab mai story pe aata hun maine is story ka naam yog se smbhog tak rakha hai aur ye sahi bhi hai. Abhi kuch dino se humare yaha yag yoga ka bada charcha chal raha hai to mere ghar ke pass hi ek yoga center khula bilkul naya mai ek din enq lene gaya to dekha ek bahut...

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Workout with My Mother

This story is fictional. It was July during the summer before his senior year of high school. Seventeen year old David was a well built young man who had dreams of playing professional football. Standing 6 feet 2 inches, he weighed a muscular 215 pounds and was always into lifting weights in an effort to become stronger to fulfill his dreams. With his jet black hair, dark tanned skin, he admired his physique in the mirror as he curled the 60 pound dumbells easily with each arm. David was a...

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Experience at the Yoga Class

"I'm glad you decided to finally come with me to the yoga class. You're going to love it!" Ceenie said energetically as she loaded her briefcase into the trunk of her Altima."Well, Ceenie, if it is as great as you make it out to be, it will be a nice way to unwind after work, even though I don't have any workout clothes," I answered as I stuck my briefcase beside hers."Trust me, Jenna, after a day in court, it will be well worth it. And don't worry, you won't need any."Ceenie slammed the trunk...

1 year ago
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Girls in Yoga Pants Repost

This story takes place shortly after I discovered the website ?GirlsInYogaPants?. If you have not visited this site I urge you to do so. I was at my buddy?s house and shortly after viewing it, I had many girls I went to school with in mind but one for sure. The only problem was that it was my friends sister. Now let me describe her, she is about 5 foot 2 inches tall, brown hair that fell just past her shoulders, and she has the most gorgeous set of eyes, but it just doesn?t stop there. She?s...

1 year ago
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Girl in Yoga Pants

This story takes place shortly after I discovered the website “GirlsInYogaPants”. If you have not visited this site I urge you to do so. I was at my buddy’s house and shortly after viewing it, I had many girls I went to school with in mind but one for sure. The only problem was that it was my friends sister. Now let me describe her, she is about 5 foot 2 inches tall, brown hair that fell just past her shoulders, and she has the most gorgeous set of eyes, but it just doesn’t stop there. She’s...

2 years ago
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Couples Yoga

  “God this traffic is brutal,” I though to myself as I sat on the highway not moving anywhere. “I'm going to be late if this doesn’t let up soon.” I was on my way to meet my friend Lindsay and was already late. She is a co-worker that has tried to convince me for months to come to yoga with her. To be fair tho I have always wanted to try it but have never had the time. Between work and setting up my new house, I barely had time to breathe.  Today though the contractors were doing a big...

4 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or Devil Part20 Exercise Yoga And Swimming

Hi guys, it’s Deepthi again. Sorry for the delay in posting my story. Coming back to the story. After the museum incident, everyone in the class became more free to me. I too started to wear more sexy clothes freely in school as per my student’s wish. But not revealing. Days passed on like usual until one Saturday. I was absent for 4 days due to a fever. So I thought to take leave for the weekend too. But Prasad uncle called me to come to school on Saturday as they have some work to do. I went...

2 years ago
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yoga class

There isn't anything to do maybe i look at porn. I went to the computer i put plastic over the key board so none of my cum could get on my keyboard. I put lesbian anal porn i took of my shirt,bra,pants,and my panties. I got my favorite dildo a black 9 inches with bumps. I started rubbing my pussy slowly with my finger i slowly put my finger in my pussy i keep going faster and deeper every time i put my finger in my vagina then i started pulling on my big nipples. I stop went to the bathroom and...

2 years ago
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Yoga Se Bhabhi Chudi

Hello, friends of indian sex stories dot net mera name Dk hai. Main Ankleshwar se belong krta hu bt filhaal Ahmedabad mestudy kr rha hu. Meri age 23year height 5’6 hai and lund 7 inch ka he jo kisi bhi bhabhi, aunty ya girl ko satisfy ke liye kaafi hai or yoga or exercise karne ki vajah se body bhi mainten he meri. To bor na karte huve story pe aate he dosto jesa ki mene bola me study ke liye ahmedabad me rehta hu to mere ghar ke samne hi ek sexy si bhabhi rehti he jo ki is story ki heroine bhi...

3 years ago
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Yoga Class

Yoga Class It is Friday so mom drops me off at Uncle Dans. Ostensibly I am there to help with some housework and yard work but, since my dad passed away before I knew him, Mom is also hoping Uncle Dan will be a good role model for me. Little does she know, Uncle has been seducing and transforming me into his sissy. Or just maybe, she does know? Anyhow I am dropped off as usual. "Ok Fillie, I have something special planned. Don't present as Fillie tonight, just sorta emo...

4 years ago
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Her Yoga Affair

I am a American white male married to a woman Sanju from New Delhi. She is 5’2” 100lbs 29 years old and very light skinned. I was never really told why she moved to the US but something about her and married men, she probably didn’t know they were married but doesn’t matter in India, her marriage propects were slim after those events, which i still am not entirely filled in on. So anyhow, she was attractive and we got married after a quick engagement. We have no kids. Now generally she is...

2 years ago
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Yoga teacher

Hai, I am vignesh from vignesh. I am 19 years of age. This is a real one. This happened three months back. I am studying in a computer company. This is my first affair, that too with my yoga teacher. Her name is swathi, married lady of 30 years of age. Whitish in color with nice & well shaped boobs. I was very regular to my yoga classes. Always I used to ask one or the other thing in yoga & so I was bit popular over there. Often I used to visit her house at least weekly… Once I don’t have any...

2 years ago
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Yoga Daydreams Chapter 2

I followed Martina into the living room of her small basement flat."Take a seat," she said. "Be with you in mo." She flung her gym bag in the corner and disappeared though a bead curtain into the next room, apparently the bedroom. I caught a glimpse of an unmade bed, clothes on the floor. The living room was no better: books, magazines and clothes lay about on every available surface. There was a tennis racket lying on a rug in front of the fireplace, and a line of socks and knickers drying on...

1 year ago
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Y Is for Yinyang Yoga

Yin/Yang Yoga Classes were designed for the spiritual enrichment of boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 17. Therefore members were recruited from local High Schools ( roughly grades 9 through 12. ) Parental permission slips were filled out and all legal precautions were taken to assure the only fuck-ups to happen were the ones desired. Yin/Yang Yoga was an obscure branch of Extreme Tantric Yoga which spiritually and physically released sexual forces ( especially in the young ) to help...

1 year ago
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Romantic evening with a Yoga teacher

Story of me and a Yoga Teacher A friend of mine invited me to join a single's group online. The group was very active, and I got a chance to chat with many sweet women. One day I got a message from a woman, she said Hi and introduced herself. She was very nice, and after a few minutes of chatting, I have realized we both have a common thing: We both do Yoga. Later, I have realized she teaches yoga; on the other hand, I do it for my health. We have chatted for a few weeks and became close. She...

1 year ago
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The Power Of Yoga Pants

I sat there staring. I knew it was impolite to stare but I just couldn’t help it. That was the most amazing ass I had ever seen and it was right in front of me. Of course, it didn’t make it any better that the ass was in the tightest pair of yoga pants and it belonged to my stepmom. I met my stepmom when I was seven after my natural mother tragically passed away. In many ways, she was just like I remembered my mom. She had the same obsession with youth, trying to fight off wrinkles and keep her...

3 years ago
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Experience at the Yoga Class Bukkake Bath

I thought Ceenie's nipples were going to pop off of her breasts after Sandy blasted them with precise aim of her streaming fluid. For a moment, I could tell that Ceenie thought Sandy had peed on her, but it was definitely orgasmic liquid. The way it shot out and lasted just a few seconds was proof it was cum.Nicole high-fived Sandy after they had both released their hot centers on both of us. Then they moved and two other yoga class goers stepped up.The one standing over me spread her clitoral...

1 year ago
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better than yoga

Introduction: story featuring Tianna Gregory what the hell, Tianna yelled out as she checked the time on her phone. It was three oclock in an early November as the 5ft6 brunette beauty laid in bed had been about three hours since she threw on her long black t-shirt after a shower and lay down in her big bed. She had been dead tired since the minute she woke up the morning before and was looking forward to some much-needed rest. Unfortunately, her mind had other plans. Tianna shut her eyes and...

2 years ago
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Yoga Pants Suck

very blue eyes was not lost on her. After her "lost signal" moment, as her mom would call it since her brain would disconnect from mouth in a day dreamlike stupor, she managed to squeak awkwardly,” What?" Inwardly there was a scream building shaking her insides with a fury of disbelief. "What" that's ALL she could get out?! He smiled with his eyes, his goddamn eyes, and repeated his question, "Can I ask a favor?" "Uh sure, I guess..," she managed to sputter while she...

3 years ago
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Anal yoga

I discovered anal sex as a teen when mom bought a playgirl I selected by pulling from a neat fan shaped display. She enjoyed the pictures and showed dad one article. After they began their new lovemaking, mom had us read the story. One erotica story was of a woman in a yoga class introduced to painful anal. They did pussy, then ass. Doggie style and on hands and knees. The woman found a new lover, and a really good new way to enjoy making love! Mom was taking yoga and adapted some of the moves....

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Tantric Yoga for Women Chapter 1

Years ago, I registered for a weekend workshop called “Tantric Yoga for Women” at an Ashram in the Catskills. It’s the kind of silly thing a single academic sometimes does with her spare time. Only it wasn’t so silly, after all. There were about a dozen of us from across the bell-curve of feminine adulthood. Two or three, including myself, were in our twenties. Most had a touch of grey, a few gathering wrinkles, and the slightly saggy boobs typical of women in their thirties or forties. There...

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Sunrise yoga

I came in to my regular yoga session on a Friday morning at 6am and was expecting to see all the familiar faces, which I did but there was also a new face. A guy ,the only man in the session, had a mat at the back of the room and was sat cross legged. He was wearing some blue shorts and a black wife beater and was quite obviously really tall, lean and muscular. His legs were crossed and his quads were rather impressive, it made me think about how much he could squat and what he could lift. The...

2 years ago
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Yoga Room To Bedroom

I was a silent follower of Indian sex stories dot net site since a long time. I stay near BHEL, Hyderabad, if any women (aged between 35 to 50 year preferable) interested in doing friendship with me please mail me at (palforchatting at gmail dot com) I’m 42 years of age married with one kid, but never been in any relationship until this incident happened. And this is the first and last relationship till now. She is also 42 years of age married with one kid. Let her call as KS For yoga class,...

4 years ago
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Anal yoga

I discovered anal sex as a teen when mom bought a playgirl I selected by pulling from a neat fan shaped display.She enjoyed the pictures and showed dad one article. After they began their new lovemaking, mom had us read the story.One erotica story was of a woman in a yoga class introduced to painful anal. They did pussy, then ass. Doggie style and on hands and knees. The woman found a new lover, and a really good new way to enjoy making love!Mom was taking yoga and adapted some of the...

1 year ago
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Sex with Yoga

This is in continuation to the events that I last posted, which took place earlier this summer. After the three yoga sessions in which my wife went out of the house for, also happened to be the ones in which I had no proof of any sexual events other than the men arriving and no younger “yoga” type crown. I had to come up with a plan. As fate had, it and my car had some problems the day before. I thought it might work out, as I could “drop her off” at yoga and pick her up. However, I would...

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