In My LifeChapter 2B free porn video

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Molly had been watching her son and the two girls while she was preparing the drinks. They had almost never visited her before. They had no reason. Molly understood the allure a young man like Emerson could have and was proud of him.She allowed herself the luxury of daydreaming. It would be wonderful if one of these two girls were her daughter-in -law. They both were beautiful and came from such good families. That they were attracted to Emerson, she had no doubt. How could they not be? He had grown into a handsome, intelligent, rugged young man.

Emerson had taken his injured shoulder from the shirt and sat on the top step. All three women gathered around him, inspecting the gash and Maria's handywork. It was red, but appeared to be healing already.

"Now, look at this." Maria had placed her finger next to the small scar on Emerson's chest. "That was a Christmas present a year ago!" Maria was curious to see how the others would react.

Molly gasped. "Emerson, I never heard about that. How bad was it? How did it happen? I can't imagine it not being very serious. You were shot in the chest!"

"Mother, I am fine now. That is the important thing." Emerson stood as he spoke. He was directly in front of Maria, and as their eyes met, he scolded her. "Maria, I know you don't want my mother to be upset. This scar seems to do that, so let's not make an issue of it. You don't want me to beat you worse than Hogan did."

"Emerson, if you think you scare me, forget it. I know you won't lay a finger on me, at least not without my permission. Save your threats for Hogan. I'm here right now, so beat me," Maria laughed. "I know you too well. However, I won't bring the scar up again, just to be nice."

Cathy and Molly were laughing as well. "It looks like she has your number, Cowboy. You look tough to some people, but Maria isn't frightened. Scaring women isn't your strong point."

The girls finished the drinks Molly had produced and mounted their horses. Molly was reluctant to see them leave.

"You girls have to stop in more often. It is so nice to have someone to talk and laugh with. Promise you'll be back."

"Molly, as long as that good looking son of yours is around, you'll have all kinds of company. I know I'll be back!" Cathy admitted.

"Molly, we enjoyed your company and really don't need some banged-up cowboy to lure us over here. We'll visit again," Maria assured Molly.

As the girls rode, Cathy asked Maria, "Did you almost feint when Emerson was looking at your bruised cheek? I thought you were going to pass out!"

"Cathy! You are so observant. I did get a little weak, and I dislike myself for it. I know how a moth feels about the flame now. He does something to me. You saw that."

"I sure did. Maybe you could fill me in on 'the old days'. You seem to be a lot more open about Emerson now."

"He was always very good looking, although he has gotten even better. We were thrown together a lot as kids. It is a small town. He always teased and picked on me for being part Spanish. I wanted to believe it was to get my attention, but his father was a very prejudiced man, of little accomplishment. Gradually, I began to feel he was quite serious about my heritage and that I wasn't as good as he was."

"When his mother and Miguel became engaged, years after his father had been killed in a fight in a cantina, I rubbed it in. I probably went too far. He accused 'my people' of doing anything to become American, as if we weren't already. It really stung me. Then he attacked Miguel in the dinning room of the hotel and was arrested. The marshal agreed to release him if he would go live with his uncle. I never got to talk to him before he left. I had hoped he would apologize for his comments, and I would have gladly done the same. He never wrote to me or anything."

"Now he is back. I'm afraid it looks like I pined for eight years, just waiting for the world traveler to return. He saw all kinds of places and people, including women, while I sat in Morgantown. Everyone will think I was a desperate woman, including Emerson. I'm afraid I could lose all pride when I am around him. Then I say and do mean spirited things to him to save my ego."

"Cathy, I don't know what to think or feel. I have a deep fear that this is going to cause pain and embarrassment for me. I don't want to go through that again."

Cathy had listened as Maria told her story. She had not realized how much Maria had been affected by Emerson and his departure. When Maria finished her confession, Cathy tried to comfort her.

"Maria, I didn't guess how deep this was. I can see exactly why you are afraid of your feelings. You must have been pretty miserable for a long time when he left. I always wondered why you were so cool to all the fellows that tried to get close to you over the years. I thought you were waiting for someone special. I never realized you already had met him and he was gone."

"You be careful, but give Emerson a chance. He seems to regret the things he said and did to you. He was incredible when Hogan tore your shirt! If you hadn't stopped him, he might have killed Hogan. My guess is the guy is head-over-heels in love with you, and always has been. Just take it slow and see if he proves himself to you. I'll help any way I can."

Maria had tears in her eyes when she faced Cathy. "You are the best friend I could ever have! I think I may need your help getting this straightened out. I am so confused. Thanks, Cathy."

Molly was giving Emerson motherly advice. "Emerson, you should marry one of those girls. They like you, and why isn't that a surprise? They are lovely and from good families."

"Mother, I know they are. The thing is, they may not feel I am. You are wonderful, of course. It's just that Dad wasn't everything he might have been. Will people hold that against me?"

"Emerson, your father was from a good family. He was spoiled as a child and lacked direction. He took the easy way out of everything. You aren't like that. I have seen the difference already. So have those girls. You should be proud. Look how you have turned out."

Emerson knew his mother was partial, but a compliment was always nice. "Thanks, Mother. I hope I can live up to expectations."

He then explained that he had to get back and help the others. Molly returned to her chores in the house. Going to his bunk, Emerson pulled out his war bag and removed a pair of holstered colts and put them on. Maria was correct in thinking things would get worse and he needed to be prepared. Emerson also realized that carrying a gun could require shooting someone, but others depended on him and he never was one to avoid responsibility.

The next few days were some of the longest and most satisfying Emerson had ever put in. They were in the saddle before sunup and didn't stop until full dark. Emerson had discussed the need for more riders to trail the herd and several of the ranchers had agreed to hire a few that always hung around town looking for work. On the morning of the fourth day, Emerson saw riders approaching as he worked with his crew.

Vern Jordan and Pat Casey rode close to Emerson and stopped their mounts. Pat Casey spoke, "Emerson, we can't get anybody to ride for us. It seems that Tom Taylor needed more hands and hired every available man in the area. I'm worried that we won't have enough to handle the size trail herd we'll be taking."

Jordan added, "Not only that but Joe Mauro, the only hand Pat had kept on, quit and went to work for Taylor. Bob is better and helping, and Cathy is doing a man's job so we'll be ready, but Pat is right about the drive. We're going to be a few men short, at least."

Emerson listened to the ranchers then formed his reply. "I didn't realize to what extent Taylor would go to ruin the ranchers in this basin. What he did is low, but certainly legal. We will simply make the drive with the riders we have. It'll mean more work, and possibly poorer time, but it can be done. Again, I see no choice."

The three conferred, and then Casey and Jordan rode back to resume the preparations for the drive. Emerson saw the men look at the guns he now wore, but neither mentioned it. He was gloomier than he let on to his neighbors. This would be a difficult trip at best. Undermanned, it could be next to impossible.

Emerson decided to ride into town and see for himself what the atmosphere was. Riding over to Shorty, he explained his intentions.

"I noticed you started packing iron the other day, but only found out about that battle with Hogan yesterday, when I ran into Tom Gordon. You are kinda reluctant to talk about yourself and I appreciate that. It seems to me that we are all in this and should know what the situation is all the time. If Taylor has toughs throwing weight around, I should be prepared. That is my lecture for the day," and Shorty became silent.

"You have a good point. I didn't want everyone to worry, but you can't go around blind either. My mistake, Shorty," grinned Emerson. "It won't happen again."

"I'm glad that's settled." Shorty smiled back. This man was hard to dislike! "I'll ride in with you. We're about done and you seem to attract lightening and might need a man to side you."

Marshal Sam Cook had held his job for ten years. He knew he had lasted for two reasons. He didn't have much trouble to handle, and he was fair to everyone. He was on the far side of fifty and had hoped to finish his career in this town he had come to call his own.

He saw Emerson and Shorty ride in. He missed the fight with Hogan and Lang earlier in the week, but had heard plenty about it. Few western men would stand for a woman to be mistreated and Sam was no exception. He wondered if he could have handled the situation if he hadn't been out at Slick's listening to a story about some missing chickens. A few townspeople implied he had been lucky to be somewhere else, and to himself, he agreed.

He had held Emerson in his jail overnight, eight years ago. Some men held grudges over things like that. Would Emerson? Sam decided to take the direct route and met Emerson as he dismounted at the hotel.

"Emerson Trask, I'm Marshal Cook. You probably remember me. Last time you spent a night in this town you were my guest." Sam Cook stood on the walk and waited for Emerson's reaction.

"Marshal, it's good to see you! Sure I remember that night. You did me a good turn and I thank you for it. It could have been a lot worse. When I had time to think back on it, I realized you were really quite easy on me." Emerson smiled and extended his hand.

Sam Cook felt relief and wonder at the same time. "You're about the first person I ever had thank me for putting them in jail. I don't think I would relish trying to do it now." He took Emerson's hand and shook it.

"I heard about the job you did on Hogan and Lang. They got what they had coming, although there aren't many that could administer that lesson." The lawman continued, "Things are coming to a head around here and I'm asking you to avoid trouble if you can."

Emerson faced the marshal, "I never look for trouble, but I have found it pays to be ready for it. I heard Taylor has hired all available hands in the area. Is that true?"

"Yeah, that seems to be the case. He covers every angle and legally, so far. He's a pillar of the community," replied Cook with sarcasm.

"Shorty and I won't be very long. We have a lot to do. I thought we would look around and see if there are any riders we could hire. That shouldn't cause any trouble, so rest easy, marshal." Emerson then went to the hotel bar, with Shorty close behind.

Tom Taylor had been livid when he learned Hogan and Lang had been bested by Emerson Trask. Hogan had gone straight to the bunkhouse but Logan and Gately reported to the ranch house.

"How could you be so stupid? When Trask got the upper hand his position was strengthened. In effect, you helped him. That was the opposite of what you were supposed to accomplish. Can't you do anything right?" ranted Taylor at his gunmen.

"Don't push too hard, boss." Lang spoke softly, but something in his manner worried both Red and Taylor. "I took a man too lightly and I paid for it, but not like he'll pay. I take your money but never think you have the right to talk down to me!'

Taylor backed off, "I didn't mean anything by it, Lang. I'm just concerned about this situation and my plans. How and when do you expect to make him pay, as you put it?"

"I never saw anyone that could handle a gun like me, so I'll stay out of his reach and shoot the bastard!" Lang vowed. "This will be one job I'll enjoy."

Taylor smiled. "It seems to be a pretty basic plan. It won't come back to me. Everyone knows there is bad blood between you two. It will be two men settling a grudge. We can make it work. A few may suspect you were sent after Trask, but nothing can be proven. Have Red and Stan side you. They can be witnesses and take care of any outside interference while you take care of Trask. Just do it before the trail drive starts."

Lang had watched the road into town for several days. He was certain the Trask would show up eventually. His patience was finally rewarded. Along with Mosher and Red, he headed for the showdown he had promised himself.

Emerson drank a beer and asked the barkeep about riders. His response confirmed Sam Cook's remarks. Next, he and Shorty stopped at the mercantile, with the same results. There would be no hands available for the drive.

"We may as well head back to the ranch, Shorty. We're wasting time here." Emerson led the way out and turned toward the horses in front of the hotel. There he stopped.

Standing in the street in front of Emerson was Lang, a smile on his face. Red was along the hotel on the left and, off to the right was Stan Mosher. Emerson and Shorty were boxed in.

"If you're looking for jobs, keep looking." Emerson felt his nerves tighten as he spoke. "If you're looking for boot hill, start the ball!"

Lang was surprised. He expected fear. He always saw fear when he faced a man over guns. This man looked eager, ready to fight. He wore two guns tied down low and he stood still, watching Lang.

"This is between you and me, Trask. No man uses his fists on me and gets away with it. I'm here to kill you." Lang was bent at the waist staring at Emerson's hands.

"That's fine with me, Lang, but if Red and the weasel don't leave right now I'll have to consider them backing you." Emerson smiled back at Lang. "That means I'll shoot them as soon as I take care of you.".

It was a tight corner and Emerson wanted to create doubt. A man in a gunfight had to believe he would win. With any doubt, a man was more apt to hurry or miss. In this situation, Emerson knew he needed any advantage he could get.

"Boss," it was Shorty. "I never cottoned much for Red. I'll take care of him. I'm giving you the other two." He said it loud enough for Red to hear.

Emerson stood in the street facing Lang. "Give it up, Lang. It doesn't have to end like this." Even as he said it, Emerson knew it could end no other way. Lang pulled his gun.

Lang had confidence. When he started his draw he was looking at the button he would shoot on Trask's shirt. No one could give him a public beating and live! Then as his gun was leveling he saw the flash from Emerson's left gun and he was knocked backward, his own gun kicking up dirt in the street. As he tried to bring his gun back in line, Lang saw Emerson's right gun blossom flame. He sensed Mosher had been hit. To his right, Red was firing. Lang felt another blow and began to fall, again shooting into the ground. This wasn't possible. Could he have been beaten? That was his last thought.

Emerson knew he would have to depend on Shorty to take Red out of the action and concentrated on the remaining gunmen. He pulled both his guns, first shooting Lang and then firing his right gun into Mosher. Switching back to Lang he shot again, seeing blood stain the front of his shirt as Lang went down. Turning back to Mosher, he saw him laying on his back, the top of his head bloodied.

Emerson realized Shorty and Red were no longer shooting and turned his attention to Red. He was on his knees, bent over holding his stomach. As Emerson watched, Red collapsed on his face.

Turning to Shorty, Emerson saw him sitting on the ground, his left leg bloodied. "I guess it was a good thing I sided you today, Emerson. Three men might have been too much, even for you." Shorty was going into shock and bleeding badly. Men began to emerge from buildings along the street. Sam Cook was hurrying toward them as Emerson worked at stopping the bleeding in Shorty's leg. Someone volunteered to get the doctor.

"What in Hell happened here?" roared Cook with his gun drawn. "Who shot who? Trask, do you call this having no trouble?"

The clerk from the mercantile spoke. "Sam, these two men were braced by Lang, Mosher, and Gately. They were boxed in but did some damned fast and straight shooting to get out of it. Lang opened it, but Trask pulled both his irons and drilled Lang and Mosher. Shorty here took one in the leg while he was accounting for Red. I'd say those three made a serious mistake in judgment," as he pointed to the three dead men.

The doctor made an appearance and went to work on Shorty. Soon the bleeding was stopped and he was taken to the hotel. Emerson stayed with Shorty until he was asleep, then questioned the old medic.

"It isn't as bad as it might have been," replied the doctor to Emerson's question. "He lost a lot of blood, but no bones were hit. He should be back on a horse in a week or two."

Emerson headed back to the ranch as soon as he determined Shorty would be well cared for. Rather than finding riders, he had lost another. As he rode, Emerson estimated the size herd the ranchers of the basin would throw together and the number of men available to trail them. He needed a few more riders to even get started. The question was, where could he find them on short notice.

Still a few miles from home, Emerson met Bob Jordan traveling toward town. "Bob, you look some better, but still not too good. How's it going?" Emerson enjoyed the younger Jordan's attitude.

"We are just about ready to start some prime stuff on the trail. Don't worry about us. Is the MM ready for the trip?" Bob's still swollen face showed a smile.

"Bob, there was some gunplay in town today and Shorty took one in the leg. He'll be all right but he won't be riding for awhile. I'm afraid we are a few men short to start the drive, but there isn't much we can do about it. I would appreciate it if you could get word to all the ranchers to have a rep at the hotel tomorrow around dusk. We need to finalize our plans."

"Who was in the gunfight?" asked Bob excitedly. "Did anyone else get hit? I notice you're wearing your Colts, Emerson. What happened?"

Emerson found himself giving Bob a brief recount of the day's events. "Make sure you get word to the other ranchers. Your place is in the center of things, so that's why I'm asking you." Emerson reminded Bob.

"Sure, Emerson. I'm on my way to see a girl in town and I'll stop at the other places on the way home." Bob was eager to spread word of this recent course of events to the others.

It was dusk when Bob trotted into the Casey yard. He found everyone, including Tom Gordon, eating dinner. Bob remembered the part Tom had played in his beating at the hands of Hogan and had little to do with him since.

"Come in, Bob!" It was Carmella greeting him. "Sit down and join us. You are looking colorful, but much better, from what I hear. It is nice to see you getting around."

"Thanks Mrs. Casey. I do have a bright mug, don't I?" Bob laughed. "I'm here to deliver a message and some news. Lang, Mosher, and Gately braced Emerson and Shorty in the street in front of the hotel today. Some men were killed."

A plate smashed on the floor, startling everyone. Maria had dropped it when Bob mentioned Emerson. She placed a hand on a chair to steady herself. Her face had turned very white. Once again Maria felt a tightness in her chest. Lang and Mosher were known gunmen and killers. She had tried to warn Emerson about the type of men he was dealing with. He had started wearing guns, Maria had heard, so he was fair game for these killers!

Now Pat and Carmella looked at her. Maria ignored their attention and asked, "Bob, did they shoot him?"

"Jack Seitz, the clerk at the mercantile saw the whole thing," continued Bob. He had told the story several times and felt he had found the most dramatic way. He went on, as if he never heard Maria's question. "Those three spread out and had Emerson and Shorty boxed in. Well, Emerson told them if they wanted jobs to forget it. If they were looking for boot hill, then start the ball!"

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Moms Girl Redux

Mom's Girl Redux by Elizabeth Joanne Author's note: It has been a long time since I originally posted the beginnings of my coming out to my Mother and her acceptance of her new daughter. I apologize for the gap however life seems to have a way of interfering with the best of intentions. I may get back to that story eventually bit only time will tell there. My life has changed dramatically over time so I am picking up at a later point. It was a time of joy yet fraught with fear. It...

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 95

After a cheerful and chatty breakfast, Julie and I took Mum’s Mini to the factory so as to be there by eight; the twins were going to be making their way to the station a little later, so as not to have to cross London in the rush hour. We left them with the washing up; they laughed and said that they were happy to be of use. (Crikey, that does date me! I do fondly remember the good old days when, outside the rush hours of 7.30 to 9.30 a.m. and 4.30 to 6.30 p.m., it was actually not...

1 year ago
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Tammi Hooder a 32yrs. woman who because of the times lost her job that she had for the last 14 years accept the time off for her two girls birth she had been a very good office worker but cause of the times they had to let her go, but they had a party for her last day. At quitting time the whole group went to Big John's Bar drinking dancing having a good time Tammi was feeling great. All the women dancing together and even a few from the bar join in too as the night went on Tammi went to the...

3 years ago
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Fun During Gym Part 1

I stand in front of the mirror with my popular group of friends which stand beside me, making sure their tits are plunged out for the boys and makeup/ hair is perfect. I'm the leader of the popular possy because I'd been friends with them all the time. Sydney, the sexy latina with a curved ass, Meghan, the hot blonde with the smooth stomach, Hailey, the perfect blue eyed sex goddess with the huge tits, and me, Taylor, the beautiful long blonde hair, perfect curved ass and huge sexy tities. (The...

2 years ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 26 Truth Comes With the Telling

I’D JUST COME IN from walking Maizie when my phone rang. Jordan had news. The truckload of furniture was on the move again, this time in little pieces. “A crew arrived and started unloading the container in the warehouse,” he said. “We’d already planted cameras and were watching the whole thing. The guys almost missed what was happening.” Periodically a piece of furniture was opened—either a panel from the back or simply a drawer—and several small parcels had been removed and taken to the...

1 year ago
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Kink Brooklyn Gray School of Submission Day Four Brooklyn Gray

The final day is filled with very intense bondage and torment, but done in a way to make the submissive feel accomplished. The final day is designed to build a stronger and more confident submissive. Day Four. We begin with a brutal inverted single knee suspension. The other leg is pulled down and away. Brooklyn’s neck is tied tight to the floor. We get right to it, and by the time we get to the orgasms, Brooklyn has a moment of panic that causes us to stop the scene. After investigating the...

3 years ago
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uncle paul my first

I was only 5 when my dad left my mum he said he had met someone else through work my mum found it tough bringing me up and was in the middle of a break down my mums brother paul had taken me on for a while so my mum could recover.Well she got better but unlce paul didnt want to leave me alone with mum incase she couldnt cope again so he moved in and helped take care of me 11 yrs on i had just turned 16 mum and uncle paul had thrown me a massive party i had such an amazing time it was the best...

1 year ago
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Arab Neighbor Part 1

At eighteen, I was an only child of two professional parents who worked a lot.  We lived in an upscale neighborhood.  My family was not rich, but well-to-do.  My father had his own business and was very keen that I work hard and understand the value of money.  To this end, I earned my own money by taking care of the lawn and pool for a couple of houses in our neighborhood including our own.I was pretty tall for my age, six feet, but still quite thin at one hundred sixty pounds.  I had a...

Gay Male
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What two dogs can do

any clothes on. I lay there and spread my thighs so I can really enjoy myself. I was laying in my bed one night and I was preparing for a masturbation marathon which I do when I have plenty of time. I had all my toys out along with some lubricate and towels as sometimes I actually squirt my climaxes out of my pussy. I normally would not have the boys in the room while I was masturbating b/c they get to excited but both sneaked into the room that night. I had put on a fuck video...

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Little House Full of Terror

Little House Full of TerrorI had been living outside Walnut Grove for around a year.  I had found it so easy to fulfill my lusts with young girls in places on the frontier.  Heck, people disappeared all of the time out here.  A girl or so wouldn’t cause me that big of a problem before I left again.  I really had my eye on a pair I had noticed on their farm on my trips into town.  I learned their names were Mary and Laura Wilder.  Mary looked to be about 15, Laura, 13.  They were cuter than...

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Sexcom POV

Betas would kill to look through my eyes as I grip that back of some slut’s hair and push her further down my cock or plow her pussy while slapping her ass from behind. These are views that some of you cucks simply haven’t seen before. It’s like a fabled land to you nerds. But, don’t worry, one day some whore will pity you enough to let you hump her for a few strokes before you blow your load in her unsatisfied snatch. We all start somewhere. Some just, well, start much further down the totem...

POV Porn Sites
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Intense sex with gorgeous flatmate girl Khushboo in Kolkata

Not gonna bore you with a lot of basic information about myself, I will directly go to the story of my life when I banged my flatmate who was a gorgeous young babe of age 26 with 34-26-28. It was in 2017 when my company promoted me and sent me to Kolkata but the problem was that the company wanted me to find my own place to live and was unable to provide accommodation. I have a lot of friends there and it was very urgent for me to find a place to settle because I didn’t want to burden my...

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headmaster pt 2

You were bent forwards now, legs splayed, your ass and pussy only just covered by your tiny gym slip, but not for long. I reached forwards and drew the skirt up - a finger gently tracing along the line between your cheeks - and left it gathered around your waist. I heard you cry out as you felt yourself exposed to me. By now you will have realized what a tough headmaster I could be and you must have been more than a little scared as to what was to come next. I stared at you, stroking my cock...

Straight Sex
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The Giant

“Pass me the mustard please, darling.”“Oh my gosh, look at this! It’s an ancient hill figure of a giant male with a large phallus.”He was explaining the chalk carving to his newly wed.“Do you mean a big cock?” she laughed.“Shhh…the other guests will hear you!  Anyway yes, that’s exactly what I mean and you are being very rude!” he admonished her.“Let me have a look please,” she said grabbing the tourist guide from her husband.“My, that really is a big cock!” she whispered “Even bigger than...

2 years ago
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5 Hastings Branding

5. Hastings Branding.Some years ago I was a resident of Hastings Sussex, amongst other things I had an allotment and a young couple used to have a plot near mine, (well she did really he just had a deckchair and watched!)She was a pretty little thing and like all men when the wife was not with me I spent a bit of time chatting her up, nothing serious just in passing, but we built up a sort of rough friendship, her partner [I thought hubby] was an out and out layabout of the first order.Anyway...

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“If you really loved me you’d…” OK Girls, we’ve all heard that one!   But what if, just for once, the guy saying it is actually not the stereo-typical slime ball who seems to say this sort of stuff?   Miracles can happen you know!   Take, for example, my friend Susie.   Now, don’t go thinking that Susie’s a kiss-and-tell operator, but we girls do have to stick together on these things.   Purely out of a well-intentioned wish to further my sexual education she told me about an evening that...

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The Neighbors Boy Chapter 1

The Neighbor's Boy - Chapter 1 This is the first chapter to my first story. Its an idea that has been in my head for a while, but this is the first chance that I've gotten to write it. I'm looking forware to reviews/comments/suggestions. --- Wow, what a day at work. It's so unfair to get blamed for things that are outside of your control, and then to get yelled at by five different bosses. I couldn't wait to get home, take off these heels, and have some wine. I LOVE my...

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Seduction of my bhabhi

Hi my name is Shashi, and I am from Surat. I want to narrate you a true story which occurred 3 months ago. I am 24 yrs unmarried staying with my parents, elder brother and my bhabhi. My elder brother who is 33 yrs old got married to a 28 yrs old girl from Ahmadabad 1 yrs back. My elder brother is working as a Marketing Manager and has to travel a lot in Gujarat state. My Bhabhi is a housewife, and I am working in a pvt firm as a coordinator. My Parents are above 65 yrs of age. My bhabhi is very...

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Mera Aur Meri Maami Ka Sacha Pyaar

Hello friends I m kamal from punjab 24 years old and doing study in master degree. Mai apne maama ke ghar rehta hu jab se mai 12 saaal ka tha mere mama ke ghar mai, mama maami, aur unki beti and naani hai. Mama ki age 49 , unki beti 18 hai. An mai aapko maaami ke bare me batata hu maami ki age 47 hai unki figure 38 34 40 hai….Height 5’11” hai. Jab se mai unke ghar rehne laga mail unhe bahut like karta tha mujhe unki motti gaaand bahut pasand hai. An mai story pe aaata hu ye baat tab ki hai...

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FunRun LuckFuck

She was in a big group, and I didn't notice her at the start-line. It wasn't till about the half-mile point that the runners gradually separated-out into their classes - dedicated athletes upfront, then the keen amateurs, and lastly the clowns, just in it for a laugh. She and I were in the middle group, and she was proving to be slightly faster than me.It was cold for the time of year, and I'd put on a heavy track-suit. She'd compromised with tight-fitting pants that reached to the knee. The...

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I was walking about a mile from my house and a van that I had seen before stopped beside me. A leggy brunette opened the door and said,"You want to come with us and have some fun?"Now her voice and body posture told me what kind of fun it would be so I said, "Sure. I just need to be back here before morning."There were three men and three women in the van and one of the men asked, "Are you gay or straight?""I'll go either way. One of my girlfriends is a shemale."We drove on for about eight or...

Group Sex
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Planet GykadaChapter 3 The truth about Marilyn

We fucked for a long time that night and she fell asleep in my arms. When I awoke the next morning she was still there, and she had a blissful smile on her face. It felt real good to wake up with a beautiful woman in your arms again. She stirred, and kissed me softly. She took my hand and placed it on her breast and put her hand over it. We both fell asleep again. Anna's voice through the intercom woke us up about an hour later. "Larry, I need you on the bridge. Can you find Marilyn? I...

4 years ago
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Another Fucked Up Day Pt 2

Another Fucked Up Day …Pt.2 November 14th Blog Entry: ‘Tis the season for social outings. Yes, those blessed events where smiles, eye contact, playful touches, and engaging, sincere conversation are required. I’ve told you this before, blog followers, that I don’t enjoy myself socially. I find simulated camaraderie draining and I can’t keep from silently mocking those around me that have perfected their pathetic, faux façades they call life. I especially loathe my husband Jake’s friends....

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BangBus Jessica Jones Blonde Dumped Splashed

Today we got lucky when we found this hot sports bar waitress on the way to her car. We pulled up and convinced her to play our fun games for some cash. We had her flash her tits before finally getting her inside the van. We talked to her for a bit before we got her twerking more money. Tony notices that her shorts have a small hole and decided to help. He tears her shorts all the way off and we let her know that we would pay for them to calm her down. Tony started touching her after we noticed...

2 years ago
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Lusty Hardcore Fun In The Gym

Hi, all horny and sweet men and women. I am a usual guy 30 year old of age, horny and fantasy seeking mind.I cannot stop myself watching porn movies, peeping women around, enjoy the beauty of women completely right from her hair, boobs, lips, navel, pussy, thighs and her foot. Same time I respect them.The proceed of lovemaking should happen with lots of lust, fun, and fantasy not just money stuff. Now the story begins. I was looking for the equally kinky mind. It was just getting monotonous and...

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Raindrops on Roses

To the tune of "My Favorite Things" by Oscar Hammerstein II and Richard Rodgers This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Raindrops on Roses By Pretzelgirl Fresh pantyhoses and heels I can fit in Silk shiny slips that don't show when I'm sittin' Modest length black skirts that curve but don't cling These are a few of my favorite things. Nude-colored shapewear that firms while it girdles Hair gels, perfume smells, and lipstick...

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GirlsWay Hadley Viscara Skylar Snow Disappearing Act

Hadley Viscara is in her bedroom, looking annoyed. She’s on her phone with her friend, saying, ‘I was SO excited about meeting my brother’s new girlfriend tonight at dinner, but, like usual, he was a dick the entire time. Yeah, I did some magic tricks, what does THAT have to do with anything? …Hey, that’s not cool, you know how serious I am about it. I guess it doesn’t matter, though, because he made me look so foolish in front of her…’ There is a...

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Public Transportation

With the lousy, icy weather we have been experiencing lately, I decided to ride the bus to get to and from work. No need to risk wrecking my car on the slippery roads. On my way home after work one night, things got a little more interesting.I had my heavy coat on over my white blouse and skirt, but it was really warm in the back seat of the bus on the ride home, so I took it off and sat on it. At the next stop, a guy that looked like he was probably homeless got on the bus and took a seat...

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Scat Anal Depravity

I have no morals and from a very young age I knew that sexually I was going to be very messed up, but growing up in a very conservative household I sort of had a split personality. I was kinky and innocent at the sometime, if that is possible. I was decently good looking and had no trouble talking to women, so unlike most of my friends who at that age where either still trying to pretend they hate women or trying to hump anything they could fit their penis in to, I was surrounded by girls who...

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The AcademyChapter 19

Tara: I tuned EVERYTHING out until Master Jack grabbed my head and held me there while his cock shot down my throat! The fact that he held me there like that was as good as actually getting the stuff, I think -- it was ownership, you know? 'Fuck you, Bitch, just take the shit!' -- except he didn't even bother to say it, he just held my head down. No pussyfooting around, no "You don't mind if I cum in your mouth, do you?" No handling my head gingerly, either; he wasn't rough, but I...

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NEW BOSS NICK Nick was the best Boss, I never thought what my new Venture in finding a better paying Job. I did like my job, but worked my butt into the ground, Heating and Air cond. great certain times of the year. Summer was the best me being Bi was great i did service you be suprised when people get hot they do not wear much clothing, well Damn. remember one call it was over 100deg. 4:30 in afternoon after 7 calls fixed most of them. Longt day The office called well kinda begged me to go...

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Tami and her brother discover their love for one a

She came bouncing down the stairs all ready to go to the gym, and god, she looked stunning. I'm talking about my sister, Tami. She's been after me for a month to take her to the gym with me so she can get in shape for the summer, not that she really needs to. She looks great to me the way she is, although, at 18 and a senior is high school, she is a 'late bloomer,' as mom constantly says, which drives Tami crazy. She's a little on the thin side, but still looks great. I think it's her face that...

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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 29 Beach

Rose had understood Google Maps straight away - in fact she probably thought it was quite primitive - so luckily Grace had been able to just drive the humvee and go where Rose pointed. It could probably go literally anywhere, by the feel of it, but there were dusty tracks to follow, that were just about wide enough. So now they were at the little cove between Blind Beach and Blue Beach, where hopefully Mia and the others were going to pick them up, probably the following night. It wasn’t that...

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Cougar turns Me Gay

The first girlfriend I had after I finally got a place of my own was a cougar. It was her that picked ME up in a bar one night. She wanted a toy boy, she said. I was glad to oblige. Never mind that she was older, she was hot as hell and the glint in her eye told me she was very much into sex. She was the one who helped me realize how much I like to get fucked up the bum. I'd never given it any thought. Always considered my ass was just there and not anything to do with sex.That first night she...

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The Awaited Luck With Hot Neighbor

I am Ashwin, 25 years old working abroad. I am ardent fan of ISS. This story is my fantasy and this is my first attempt as a writer. Thanks to ISS and Pallavi, an extraordinary author of the ISS, for inspiring me to write this story. Should we move on to the story now. It was a really hard and tiring day for me. Nothing went well in office. Quite frustrated left my office for my house later that eve. As I reached my apartment, I tried to sneak into the elevator. But alas, the elevator seemed to...

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Elizabeths Story

Ch. 1The rain drumming steadily on cobbles outside was a pleasant distraction from the throbbing pain.  Elizabeth had lost track of exactly where she was sore.  The pain had long ago turned into a persistent ache that left her stomach churning with nausea, only broken by the periods when one of them would come back to use her.  But the rain was nice. It was different. It reminded her of home and of happier times.Pushing the memories back down, Elizabeth tore her  pale green eyes away from the...

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