College Daze -Our First Year TogetherChapter 10: Summer In California - Part 1 free porn video

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"You're going where?" Tandra asked me in a state of semi-shock.

I'd shared our uncle's news that we were headed for San Francisco, and the studios of one of the biggest movie producers in the country. From what I'd been told, my uncle was extremely curious about a new special effects technique that had been introduced into the experimental realms of Special Effects. But was it mere co-incidence that the idea they were considering was virtually identical to the physics project that Blair, Greg, Bill, and my self had spent most of our school year working on?

"San Francisco," I repeated to my sister. "Uncle Barry's got someone flying us up first thing in the morning. I'm getting excited at the prospects of actually meeting people that make all those movies we've been watching."

"So how come you get to hob-knob with the big names, and I don't?"

"Hey, it's a tough job, but someone has to do it," I softly teased her before trying to kiss her cheek. She pulled back to prevent me from doing so, obviously irked at my good fortune that might have been at her expense.

"Tandra! Come on, don't be like that. If I could take you along, you know I would. But I can't, and I really am sorry. But we've got all summer, and somewhere along the line, I'll try to make it up to you. Promise."

That seemed to satisfy her somewhat, and she leaned forward to accept my kiss, then planted one on my lips as well.

"I'm sorry, Keith. That wasn't very loving of me, was it?" she apologized.

"Not really, but it''s the first time you've shut me out like that ... and it hurts, Sis. Probably won't be the last time in our lives, but I sure hope you don't start using a trick like that to get your own way."

"I'll try not to. If I did, would you stop loving me?"

"Probably not, but you wouldn't be doing our relationship any good. If I hurt you intentionally, you'd be a little angry too, wouldn't you? And how long do you think you'd put up with that kind of shit? I'm guessing, not long."

"I'm sorry, Keith. I can't say that enough. What can I do to make it up to you?" she addressed me with a real fear in her eyes. There was only one thing that would put her back in my good graces at that moment, though.

"Tandra, just go back to being the bratty little twerp that I fell in love with last September. Okay? That's the person you are, and that's the girl I love. Anything less than that is almost a lie, and we both know it."

My voice was probably a lot more firm than I'd intended, but it also dragged some of the painful anger out of me, to be replaced with an offer to hold my sister in my loving arms if she wanted. From the speed with which she folded into them, I think I'd actually managed to convey to her that she was still the most special woman in the world to me.

"Will you think of me while you're gone, do you think?"

"Tandra, I'm only going to be gone for the day, not the rest of whatever! Besides, there aren't too many times when I don't think of you, and none that I can recall since last September. I do love you, you know."

"I'm still going to miss you," she murmured from the hollow of my neck where she had her mouth buried. "Would you do me a favour and wake me when you get up? I'll put the coffee on, then we can share a little time together, at least. It was bad enough getting up to an apartment full of empty back home. Now I have to contend with a whole State's worth."

We were in bed early that night — and finally got to sleep some time around midnight. I'm not sure if it was my excitement at the prospect of the following day's trip or the fact that my sister was all over my body in a state of heightened passion and lust. All I know was that five o'clock came a lot earlier than I was ready for. And true to her word, my sister was up almost at the same second I was — and just about fell asleep in her coffee cup. But the time together was warm, loving, and extremely memorable for me.

I met Uncle Barry downstairs in the driveway just before six. In my opinion, his cheerfulness at that time of morning was absolutely disgusting, although his constant chattering on the way to the airport did help me stay awake. I had a really hard time handling that much enthusiasm so early in the day.

"What's the matter, Keith? Didn't get much sleep last night?" Uncle Barry finally realized how tired I felt.

"Umm, no, I guess not. Your niece had her own agenda, and snoozing wasn't a part of it. Think maybe I can get some sleep on the flight up to San Francisco?"

Uncle Barry started to laugh, which was grating enough, but then seemed to drift in the lane of the highway as his mirth rolled over everything.

"Rose and I heard you two, and I sort of knew you'd be a little sleepy this morning," he let me know.

"You mean we kept you awake? I'm sorry, Uncle Barry. It won't happen again," I tried to apologize, and he only laughed harder, although he did stay in one lane now.

"We were already awake, Keith, so don't bother apologizing. Rose heard your sister's screams, which got her all worked up, which had her waking me up, which led to ... well, I think you have a good idea what it led to. And as for it not happening again? I seriously doubt that you two could stop what you're doing for all the tea in China and half the rice! To be quite frank, we loved the sounds of you two so lost in your passions. It reminded us of what it was like when we were ... well, a little younger than you two, but not by much. I may owe you a thank-you, my boy, because Rose hasn't been that amorous for ... since we came home at Christmas, I guess. I don't know what it is about you two that gets her so worked up, but I love it. In fact, I'm looking forward to whatever the summer brings to our love life."

There was a message in there somewhere, but I was too tired to look for it. My mind seemed to shut itself down as we made our way to the airstrip, only coming back to life just long enough for me to make that walk from the car to the waiting executive jet. I think I was asleep before the door was closed.

I woke up some time later to the sensations of being shaken, and my uncle's voice in the background.

"Come on, sleepyhead. Time to go to work," I heard, or I thought I heard. It all sounded muffled and far away as I fought desperately to shake off the sleep that had claimed me earlier.

"Huh?" I grunted. "Where are we?

"San Francisco. Come on. The limo's waiting, and we haven't got all day." Uncle Barry's tone sounds short and irritated, and I wondered just how much trouble I was in. But he began to chuckle once we were in the stretch limousine that would take us to Marin, and the reason for our trip. I imagine the scenery was spectacular, but I slept through most of it.

Once we arrived, and my uncle had managed to wake me yet again, I was somewhat stunned at our surroundings. In my mind, I guess I was expecting something similar to the many sound stages that made up the studios we'd been at the previous day. What I saw looked more like a ranch scene from some Western movie. Uncle Barry steered me inside one of them, and I found myself face to face with one of the great American film icons, George Lucas. To say that I was in awe wouldn't quite cover it. Actually, it wouldn't cover any of it.

"George, I'd like you to meet my nephew, Keith Hayes," I heard my uncle's voice, and thought I detected an element of pride in his tone. A real sharp contrast to the voice he'd roused me with at the airport, I thought.

Mr. Lucas shook my hand, and treated me as though we'd known each other all my life! With each passing moment, I found myself remembering the lesson Carson Sommers had tried to pass on. "Treat others the same way you would like to be treated yourself". That was exactly the way I was being treated here, and that feeling of humility that Carson had described swept over me. It also made me feel like I had some worth, even here in the company of greatness. And true to my word, I immediately remembered my sister. God, at that moment, I'd have given my soul to have her there with us!

"So what's this new idea you have, George?" my uncle's voice broke into my thoughts. The two men spent a considerable amount of time discussing what Mr. Lucas had in mind, and some of it sounded vaguely familiar.

"So, if we could figure out how to bend that light in the first place, we could make a solid object virtually disappear without having to resort to CGI effects," I heard, and my mind immediately snapped back to the physics project that we'd worked on so hard all year. It had been Blair Morrison that had actually made the experiment work, but he was insistent that we all share the glory and rewards equally. Twinkie was that kind of a guy.

"Umm, excuse me, Uncle Barry, but would it be possible to see what's been done on this idea so far?" I blurted out, almost afraid of being discounted as a dumb kid that didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. But instead, Mr. Lucas smiled and invited me into the workshop that housed his equipment.

I spent several long minutes walking around the set-up, immediately seeing the differences between what had been built here in Marin and what we had back in Hendrickson. Ours was a simpler mechanism, to be sure, but that simplicity was a part of why Blair had managed to get the results we'd achieved so far.

"Do you understand any of this, Keith?" I heard Mr. Lucas ask with genuine interest in my opinion.

"Umm, yes, sir. I do. What you seem to be trying to do is use an electro-magnetic field to bend the light beam. Correct?"

My question was met by two pairs of raised eyebrows and a look of respect that I had never anticipated seeing in my whole life.

"To be frank, Mr, Lucas," I went on, "you've got too much power in these coils, and they're not tuned to the specific frequencies you want to bend."

Suddenly, I felt like I'd just slapped the President of the United States on the fingers for using the wrong fork! My reactions cause me to take a step backwards, almost upsetting a cart of equipment that I hadn't made note was there.

"Keith, how do you know so much about something like this?" my uncle almost demanded of me.

"Umm, could we talk outside, privately, for a moment, Uncle Barry? I have my reasons, but I have an idea that I might know of the solution to Mr. Lucas' problem."

"George, would you excuse us for a moment. please?" my uncle almost seemed to apologize. His request was met with a warm and what looked like a genuine grin. We stepped outside the building and into a more private spot.

"Keith, if you're trying to impress George, you'd better have something pretty substantial in mind. George Lucas cares about results, not textbook theory."

"Uncle Barry, what if I told you that I've seen something very similar to what's inside this building, that it works the way Mr. Lucas is trying to get his to do, and is a lot simpler than his set-up? And what if I told you that the guys working on that particular project are trying to get the bent light back in its original alignment once it's passed the object it's supposed to go around?"

My uncle stood there with what appeared to be a blank stare, but I knew he was busy thinking the concept through.

"If we could do that, the object would be virtually invisible, right?" he advanced.

"It would be, but everything around it would remain visible. We only see light after it's reflected off an object. But if it never gets to that object in the first place... " I left the sentence open and unfinished. "By the same token, any object that had already reflected that same light would appear as though the light had never been disturbed. That's the theory, but also the reason for returning the light to its original trajectory and path."

The rest of the afternoon was spent touring the facilities and workshops of the special effects studio, and I was introduced to some of the aspects commonly used to produce CGI graphics. I probably learned as much in that one afternoon as I could have done on my own in a month. But the whole time, I felt my uncle's eyes on me, and they radiated an aura of suspicion on his part. To say that I was uncomfortable around the man by the time we got back to the airplane would be a bit of an understatement. We flew back in complete silence, which extended itself on the ride back to our uncle's house.

"How was it?" Tandra asked as soon as I walked in the apartment. She turned to see my look of concern and worry, and immediately rushed over to wrap her arms around me in an attempt to shoulder some of the discomfort I felt.

"I think I fucked up, Sis. What we went up to see was something very close to what Blair, Greg, Bill, and I have been working on all year. But Blair's works, and the one we saw today doesn't. I don't think it ever will, either. When I pointed out a couple of the bigger deficiencies, Uncle Barry looked like he was pissed at me. Shit, we've been here two days, and our summer might be over. I'm expecting him to come through that door any minute now and tell us to get the hell out of here!"

"Keith, I think you're blowing this all out of proportion," she tried to calm me down. "You're still over-tired from the trip, and the stress of a whole new lifestyle. Cut yourself some slack, would you?"

"Tandra, you don't tell someone like George Lucas that he's shooting blanks out his ass without getting fried yourself! And I don't think I did Uncle Barry's reputation any favours, either."

Before I could go on, or Tandra could resume trying to calm her brother down, there was a knock on the door that could only be one of two people — and I really didn't want to talk to either one of them just then. But it was their house, and being rude wouldn't alleviate the situation any. Tandra answered the door, then let our uncle in.

"Keith, have you really seen something like we saw earlier today? And you say it worked?" our uncle almost pleaded, and his change of attitude caught me off-guard completely.

"Uncle Barry, I've not only seen it, I helped build it. But it's not complete yet." I took a deep breath to prepare myself for what I needed to say next, if we were to retrieve anything from the short reunion with our aunt and uncle.

"I owe you an apology for my behaviour this afternoon, Uncle Barry. I hope I didn't ruin things between you and Mr. Lucas."

"Apologize? For what? Trying to help someone with their project? And don't worry about George and me. We've been friends for too long to let something like this worry you. But you've got me beyond curious. Can you tell me more about this device you've built?"

"Umm, this may be pushing my luck, but there are more people than just me involved. I need your solemn promise that whatever is said in this room tonight will never go any further. Can you do that, Uncle Barry?"

"Yes, yes, no problem, Keith. I can understand you wanting to protect what you have. Would you and your friends be interested in selling the idea? I know you'd have to talk to them before you answer that, but if you have something like what you're describing, it could be worth a lot of money."

My business administration principles silently seemed to kick in, along with another one of Carson's principles, about remembering who your friends are, and always being loyal to them.

"I can't guarantee they'll want to sell their research, but they might be persuaded to license it. We'd have to have the concept patented, or copywritten, or something first. But if what we have, and what we're still working on, is something that someone like Mr. Lucas is interested in, I think something could be worked out that would keep everyone relatively happy," I put forth as an initial offering. My uncle began to smile before chuckling openly.

"Keith, you are definitely your father's son! Only my little brother would think fast enough to start negotiations before anyone else even knew what the commodities were! But yeah, I think we could work something out. Oh, by the way, is there any chance I could see this device of yours?"

"Probably, if you don't mind going all the way back to Hendrickson. But I need to talk to the other three guys before I can say anything more. You understand, don't you?"

"Yes, I understand completely, Keith. Maybe more than you know. I'll leave it to you to set everything up, but please keep me informed and up-to-date?"

"Sure, Uncle Barry. But can I ask you one more question?"

"Sure, fire away."

"Well, after we left Mr. Lucas' place, I thought you were angry with me. Were you? And why?"

"No, Keith, I wasn't angry," he chuckled, relieving a lot of the pressure that I felt like I'd been under. "I wondered if you'd inherited your Dad's negotiating stance. Your father can be pretty hard-headed and obstinate if he thinks he's in a corner. I was afraid you might be the same way, and that would have made negotiating a lot more difficult. If you really have what you say you've got, I'm more than willing to do whatever I can to make your work pay for you. It would be nice if I got a little something for my trouble, of course, but I'll leave that up to the four of you to decide. But, in the meantime, are you ready to tackle the computer labs tomorrow? It's about time I got you into the mainstream of CGI production, isn't it?"

Once our uncle left, I could feel a heavy sigh trying to escape me, and the weight of the whole world lifting off my shoulders.

"See, I told you things would work out," Tandra tried to reassure me. "Uncle Barry's a lot like Dad. He's fair, but still a little prejudiced towards his kids, or in this case, his niece and nephew. I think you and Uncle Barry are going to get along just fine ... as long as you remember not to be an asshole," she teased. And at that moment, I needed that part of her.

Uncle Barry had me working on an animation sequence for the next three days under the tutelage of one of his senior technicians, Jose, whose last name I could never pronounce, nor spell. But while his name may have been difficult for me, working with him was an absolute joy. I probably learned more in that three days than in the previous year. And as a bonus, almost all of what I did ended up in the final scene's cut. That would earn me a place in that long list of credits at the end of the movie — and a residual royalty! I was floating on air when my uncle informed me about that.

That Sunday was the Independence Day holiday, and to celebrate, all four of us headed for the local festivities, staying long enough to meet several of our aunt and uncle's friends, fill our stomachs to overflowing, and being awed by the fireworks display that night. The following day, Uncle Barry kept the studio closed, then spoiled Tandra and me with a full day at the beach. Never having seen the Pacific Ocean before, we were both enthralled. Even the idea of trying to surf was advanced, although we both passed on the offer in favour of just relaxing and enjoying the sunshine.

It was the following Thursday afternoon when my uncle dropped a pen-and-ink drawing on my desk and asked me to give him a rendering. Looking at the black and white picture, all I could see was just the outline of a dragon, and nothing more. I must have stared at that image for a good hour, waiting for some kind of inspiration to pop into my head.

"Keith, you've been looking at that thing for over an hour," my uncle finally burst into my forced daydream. "That thing's not going to render itself. Is there a problem?"

"No, Sir ... well ... maybe. I'm trying to figure out in my head what a creature like that should look like in real life, and it's not coming to me," I made up an excuse.

"No one here is going to hold your hand, Keith. Either you can do this, or you can't. But just sitting there isn't going to get you where you need to go. Give me something that I can work with, at least," he commanded me, and I felt like I should be looking for another one of those dust motes to hide under.

As Uncle Barry walked away with a look of real disappointment on his face, I took one more look at the drawing, then asked myself what Cassie would have done with it. That's when the collage she'd given my sister for a birthday present came to mind. Suddenly, I knew exactly what my ex-girlfriend would have done, and as the imagined colours began to fall into place, the solution was as clear as the nose on my face! Over the next fifteen minutes, I rendered that picture on the computer in colours ranging from dark blues through various shades of green and gold, adding a few red highlights to accentuate certain features. Once printed, I took the finished rendering to my uncle, more to prove that I could do the job than for his approval. But as I turned to head back out of his office, he called my name, then had me wait until he'd thoroughly studied my attempt.

"You did this, Keith?" his scepticism almost raising the hair on the back of my neck at it implications.

"Yes, Sir."

"How come it took you so long to see what you wanted?"

"I guess I was just looking at it from the wrong angle. But once I looked at it the right way, that's what came into my mind."

"Can I keep this?" he almost seemed to be asking my permission. Considering that it was his drawing, and his studio, I felt a little weird at him even questioning ownership, and told him so.

"Keith, any time you do something like this, sign it. Your signature is your claim of authorship, and it's the only way you'll be able to maintain the rights to use a given series of drawings."

I was presented with the rendering again, along with a special marker pen, and my uncle waited until I signed the drawing.

"There, now this is your rendering. No one else can use it unless you give them written permission. Not even me. That's the way this studio works."

He went back to studying what I'd rendered intently, leaving me waiting for a final judgement.

"How much are you going to charge me for this?" he finally broke the silence.

"Umm, I hadn't thought about it, Uncle Barry. How much should I charge?"

My uncle spent the next fifteen minutes explaining usage fees, and we agreed on a dime per usage. That might not sound like a lot, but if you consider that in animation, it would take sixty frames every second, and the average usable length of film ran somewhere in excess of fifteen seconds, it added up to something like three hundred and sixty bucks a minute! Not bad for an hour and a quarter's worth of work, I thought.

"Keith, if it had been your pen-and-ink, the going rate is two-bits. If I give you some ideas, would you be willing to try your hand at drawing?" At nine hundred dollars a minute, I'd have sold my soul! My over-enthusiastic answer sent my uncle into gales of laughter.

"You're going to do just fine in this industry, Keith," he finally managed to get across to me between laughing fits. "Here's a couple of character descriptions for you to work on," and he handed me several sheets of paper.

I spent the rest of that day and most of the following one trying to create something that would accurately fit in with the descriptions I'd been given. At first, it seemed an impossible task, but with some guidance from Jose, I managed to turn out what I thought was a fairly creditable drawing.

"Is this what you had in mind, Uncle Barry?" I wanted to know when I presented the preliminary outline. He studied it for several minutes before answering my enquiry.

"No, but I think you're close," he finally gave me his opinion. "It needs more emphasis here," as he pointed out several different features, "here, here, and here. Do you have this saved on your flash drive?"

"Umm, no, sir. Not yet."

"Go! Save everything you do," as my uncle handed me a small flash drive, "and guard that with your life. That's your personal portfolio, and the only thing that will let you pay the bills."

I rushed back to the computer, and a crowd of six or seven other technicians gazing at what I'd produced.

"Keith, never, ever leave a screen on when you're not using it. Save whatever you have, and take that drive with you, even if you're just going to the bathroom," Jose gave me a crash-course education. "These guys won't steal your work, because we all have to live together. But in another studio, they won't give you that kind of leniency. Leave a screen up like this, and someone will steal your idea, change it enough to make it look like theirs, and give you fuck-all in return."

I felt embarrassed for my naivety, but the rest of the crew just smiled and made me feel like I was becoming a part of a close, tight-knit family. With their understanding, what could have been a disaster turned into a feeling of satisfying achievement.

"Can I make a couple of suggestions?" one of the other animators asked. I smiled my agreement for whatever she was about to offer.

"Make the eyes bigger, and give them more pronounced eyebrows. That'll add a look of intelligent animation to your figure." She sat me down and looked over my shoulder as I edited the elements involved. Just that one change seemed to make the character jump off the screen!

"Good! Now, make the legs a little shorter. That emphasizes the rest of your character."

Once again, I did as was suggested, and my figure seemed to become even more real. Remembering what my uncle and Jose had drilled into me, I immediately saved the new drawing with a different but similar file name.

"Good move," I was congratulated. "Now, to really emphasize the body, give it a fatter stomach. That'll create a sense of bulk and mass. Call me when you're done?"

I spent another hour adjusting those three elements, finally ending up with something that I was proud to call my own. With a feeling of real enthusiasm and pride, I printed off the final result, and started to head for my uncle's office. At the last minute, I remembered what Jose had drilled into my head, saved the image, then closed the file on the computer. And once I had the printed copy in my hands, I even signed it, just like I'd been told to do.

"Uncle Barry?" I called to get his attention as I walked into his office. "Is this more like what you had in mind?" and passed him the drawing. He took it and began studying the line drawing in detail.

"You do all of this?" Uncle Barry finally asked.

"Umm, no. I had some help with the eyes, legs and stomach modifications."

"Who helped you?"

"I didn't catch her name, but I can find out," I volunteered.

"Dirty blonde? About five-six? Looks like she could stand to lose a few pounds? Soft, gentle voice?"

"Umm, yes, sir. That sounds like the woman."

"Sam," he uttered his declaration of identity. "Samantha Barnes. She's probably one of the best animators in town. If she helps you at all, that means she likes you ... and that doesn't happen too often. Try not to piss her off, or she'll cut your balls off and feed them to you for lunch. Sam's probably responsible for more successful CGI careers than all the other animators combined. But if she doesn't like someone, they're fucked from square one."

"Yes, sir. I'll try and keep on her good side," I promised.

"When you get this finished, have her sign it, too, then make sure she gets cut in for at least a nickel of the royalty fee. Oh, and while we're at it, would you lose the 'Sir' thing? Might want to lose the 'Uncle' title too. We're all equals in this place. Either you fly on your own merits, or you don't. Calling me 'Uncle' almost makes it seem like you're riding on my coattails. Neither one of us need that shit. Okay? Can you do that for me, Keith?"

"Um, yes... " I was so used to calling him by his title that I just about slipped, "umm, okay, Barry. I'll try to remember that. Do you want me to just call you by your name at home, too?"

"Might be an idea. Otherwise, it gets too confusing."

"What about Aunt Rose? Would she prefer it if we didn't call her 'Aunt'?" My uncle broke out in another one of those laughing fits, and I got the impression that there was a private joke in there, somewhere.

"If Rose had her way about it," he managed to regain some control, "she'd have you calling her 'Mommy'! In the time you and Tandra have been out here, she's really regretting the fact that we never had kids. But check with her about still calling her 'Aunt'. I think she'll probably be more comfortable if you don't."

"Thanks ... Barry. But if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go see if I can find Sam, and get her to sign my final drawing once I get it rendered."

"Good idea," Barry agreed with me, "and you might want to double-check your line junctions. If one of them's open, your colours will bleed through the whole drawing. Maybe Sam will help you with that, if you ask her nicely."

The rest of the afternoon was spent finishing off my project, with Samantha looking in every once in a while. She did give me lots of pointers about colours, tones, shading, and other tricks that I'd never thought about before. It also gave me a better understanding of what Cassie had spent two years learning, and a new respect for her talents. And when it was finished, I asked Sam to sign my final with me, so that she'd be entitled to some of the royalty for what we had produced, as a team. She tried to refuse, but I became almost insistent, and she finally signed the damned thing. When Barry saw her signature, he smiled at me, but asked how big of a hammer did I have to use to get that signature.

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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 3 There are others like us

Saturday night and I was in bed early. What a way to spend a weekend, especially working early on a Sunday morning. The money would help with the bills, though, and it wasn't like we were rolling in the stuff. Besides, Tandra had said that she wanted some time to herself. After my conversation with my ex-girlfriend, she was really pissed at me. I almost thought I was going to have to go to bed by myself. "I've got to be up by six tomorrow, Sis, so I think I'm going to hit the hay...

4 years ago
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Wild Fun in Californiasummer 2018

My name is Kelley and I’m seventeen. I was a cheerleader in middle school, but I didn’t make my high school cheerleading team. I live in a small town in Arkansas where everyone knows me. Therefore, I must be careful to maintain my nice girl’s reputation. That doesn’t mean I haven’t done a few things that might shock my neighbors and that my parents wouldn’t approve of me doing, but I do need to be careful. The following occurred early this summer when at age 17. I was visiting my aunt in...

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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 7 Spring Vacation with The Sommers

It took Tandra and me a half hour to unpack and get used to this palace that Carson Sommers regarded as a summer cabin. We'd been invited to join Carson and his daughter on one of the patios that surrounded the Olympic-sized pool the retreat sported. Seeing it from the window of our room was a matter of looking outside. Getting from our room to the pool itself required a circuitous route that almost had us lost. But the unguided tour revealed a ballroom that would rival anything you'd find...

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Hotel California

Hotel California By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis A young man forced by the mob that destroyed his family to build and code their computers, simply ups and quits. Even worse he was seen leaving with a memory stick. That was his first mistake. His second and most deadly was thinking he could get away with it. Editors Notes: Excerpt Lyrics from "Hotel California" are from the Eagles album by the same name released in 1976 - A favorite. Contents: Introduction Hotel...

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California Girl

California Girl By Princess Panty boy My story starts a long time ago, and turns out to be a crazy adventure when my new girl friend catches me. But, before that famous moment in my life. I am getting a little ahead of myself. My name is Kelly. I just turned seventeen last week, and I am flying across country to sunny southern California. Which by the way is the first time I have ever flown anywhere? It is summer break. I should have only one year left of high school but I have...

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College Daze

Chapter 1 I went to a medium-sized college on the West Coast that had coed dorms available to third- and fourth-year students and I went and filled out an application, being first, curious, and, secondly, very horny. Well, you never know, right? The housing cost was the same, so I did it. In filling out the request, there was a place to fill in if you wanted a roommate of your sex or the opposite sex. That's when I knew this was the right choice. I had already been amazed at the liberal...

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Winters Dreams to Summers Daze Virgin

Winter's Dreams to Summer's Daze: Virgin By JDG Jason wasn't a bad sort. He was better than average for a teenager these days, at least by his reckoning. He got better than average grades in a school system that failed to meet the academic needs of it's students more with each politically correct day that passed. He didn't swear... much. He was athletically gifted. He worked at a part time job and was well liked by his co-worker's, and he was even still a... A soft popping...

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Winters Dreams to Summers Daze 2 Explanation

Once again I am indebted to the inimitable Steve Zink for his superlative editing skills. He has taken this, rather crude, chapter and improved upon it immensely. Winter's Dreams to Summer's Daze 2: Explanation By JDG Editor in Chief: Steve Zink Jennifer sat, ensconced in a back booth at McDonald's. This made her marginally more comfortable than parading her new, feminine physique in front of all the adolescent males in the fast-food joint, and its attendant parking lot. She...

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California Saturday to the Beach Then Home

The wife, Stacy, carries on sexually in front of her husband, fully participating as this stranger pounds his large cock into her pussy and she exclaims loudly for him to bury it deeper and to cum in her pussy. I don’t know if solipsistic is going to conclude the storyline or leave it hanging, but this is my own ending of the storyline. I wrote what I and other husbands would actually do in real life, not the reactionary extreme of cutting off Todd’s penis and balls to render him useless,...

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Four to California

*February 9, 1848 - Thursday* Here begins my journal. I arise today a new man. My past is that of a cad, my future, if I have one, will be that of an emigrant farmer. I am Christopher Hanlon, 23, born October 12, 1824. I am 5' 6", 150 pounds, moderately good looking with brown hair and a beard which I keep well trimmed. I grew up on a farm in up state New York and left home as soon as I could. I had found employment at a stock brokerage firm in New York City. In the last eight years I have...

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California Girl Part 3

California Girl Part 3 By Princess Panty boy (A special thanks for editing this short story goes to Rhonda. She made sense of my un-edited version and cleaned the story up great.) Wow, I didn't realize how tired I am, as I walk up the outside stair case leading up to my apartment. I open the door and look around and I see everything is the same way as I left it. It is going to be weird not having my mom picking up my stuff that I leave around. I turn the alarm back on and...

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California Who Says Revenge Isnt Sweet

Prologue: Im attempting to write an ending to the continuing story series about a California business/vacation trip taken to Southern California by Stacy and her husband. In the series, he has to go for work and she is going to visit with her sister Laura and enjoy herself, and boy does she. Read the series by solipsistic starting with California The Introduction. In California, Stacy eagerly gets naked and lets her sisters boyfriend fuck her and do other sexual acts with her while her husband...

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California Who Says Revenge Isnt Sweet Revised Addition

Prologue: I’m attempting to write an ending to the continuing story series about a California business/vacation trip taken to Southern California by Stacy and her husband. In the series, he has to go for work and she is going to “visit” with her sister Laura and enjoy herself, and boy does she. Read the series by solipsistic starting with “California – The Introduction”. In California, Stacy eagerly gets naked and lets her sister’s boyfriend fuck her and do other sexual acts with her while...

2 years ago
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California Dreaming

California dreaming Brad was just your regular 26-year-old guy. Average built hazelnut brown, short hair. You could say he was one of many others. Or so it seems on the outside. But on the inside, Brad was far away from being like many others. And he knew it. He also knew what it was. The only thing that he didn't know was how to resolve this dilemma. You see, Brad is transgender. He knew since childhood that he wasn't meant to be male. He always felt like a girl and also felt left...

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Josies California Vacation Revisited

It had never been my intent to hurt my husband. I looked across the bar at the 4 guys sitting there, and knew before the night was over I was going to be fucked by each of them. And it had all started so innocently. Samantha, one of my friends from college called me up one day and said she was having a get together for “the girls” at her beach house in Santa Monica and wanted me to come. It had been at least 7 years since we had all spent any time together, and it sounded like fun. I talked to...

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Our trip to California

I had to go to California last summer and Jeannie wanted to go with me to visit her s****r whom she’d not seen in almost two years. Her s****r was completely different than she was. Jeannie is a little short, with big breasts and brownish blonde hair and an infectious smile. While her s****r Heather is a tall leggy blonde with dark skin and smaller breasts. When we got there we picked up a rental car and drove to her s****r’s house. My wife rang the doorbell several times and we both knocked...

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Our trip to California

I had to go to California last summer and Jeannie wanted to go with me to visit her sister whom she’d not seen in almost two years. Her sister was completely different than she was. Jeannie is a little short, with big breasts and brownish blonde hair and an infectious smile. While her sister Heather is a tall leggy blonde with dark skin and smaller breasts. When we got there we picked up a rental car and drove to her sister’s house. My wife rang the doorbell several times and we both...

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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 9 Yes

EVEN AS SUMMER began to fade that year and the sunlight thinned and evenings turned cool before midnight instead of in the early morning hours, it remained hot enough for Sam and me to sunbathe nude in our back yard in the last week before school started. We were alone this time, I hoped, and I was flat on my back, Sam on my hips, her pussy pressed against my cock. I held her breasts every time she leaned forward to kiss me. Sam saw a lot of this kid, Greg, over the summer, and she came home...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 13 California Dreaming

October 10, 1995, Los Angeles, California I’d taken a mid-afternoon flight and arrived at the InterContinental Hotel just after 6:00pm. I checked into my suite, took a quick shower, then walked to California Plaza to get a salad for dinner. I got it ‘to go’ and sat at a table near the large fountain so I could watch the cool water show. “Hi!” a familiar voice called from behind me. I chuckled, and turned, “Hi, Jasmine! Join me?” “Sure!” “I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow.” “I...

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Summer in California

This is a story about my junior year in high school and two incredible sisters that made my life interesting that year. First a bit about me. My name is John and I live in California. I’m now 52 years old and recently divorced. I have never been overweight and am 6 foot tall dark eyes brown hair. It was the 1970’s and I was having what I thought was the time of my life. Hey I had a car, a part time job, was still living at home, school was fun, and I was playing a lot of baseball. Oh and...

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Summer in California

This is a story about my junior year in high school and two incredible sisters that made my life interesting that year. First a bit about me. My name is John and I live in California. I’m now 52 years old and recently divorced. I have never been overweight and am 6 foot tall dark eyes brown hair. It was the 1970’s and I was having what I thought was the time of my life. Hey I had a car, a part time job, was still living at home, school was fun, and I was playing a lot of baseball. Oh and...

First Time
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California Here We Cum

Part One – Emma and Luke uncover hidden desires The year was 1847; the wagon train was in its eighth month of a laborious westward journey. The hardy band of a hundred pioneers had endured every imaginable hardship during the slow journey from Missouri to California. Starting out as the spring thaw began last March, the weary travelers now looked forward to the cooler October temperatures in the Southwest. If they managed to get through the Sierra Nevadas before the mountain passes were...

Love Stories
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California Girl Part 5

California Girl Part 5 By Princess Panty boy The morning goes by pretty fast, but I have to admit all I can think about is the doctor's appointment I have at one o'clock. What is the doctor going to say? And will I be able to do it. I know she is going to say that I have been deceiving everyone. I guess that's true I have deceived everyone specially the people that really care for me. I mean like WOW look at all the stuff that Necy has done for me a total stranger, and she...

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A Summer in California

When we were about 18 years oldmy best friend's family moved fromNiagara Falls to Orange County, CA.The following year his family invitedme to fly out and spend the entiresummer with them.They did this for me the verynext year as well.Everything began very slowly althoughI ought to have known what was happening.My buddy, and I were, like, f******n yearsold. Late at night our conversationsabout girls really escalated and very soonprogressed to his bringing out his pornstash, which of course back...

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A Summer in California

When we were about 18 years oldmy best friend's family moved fromNiagara Falls to Orange County, CA.The following year his family invitedme to fly out and spend the entiresummer with them. They did this forme the very next year as well.Everything began very slowly althoughI ought to have known what was happening.My buddy, and I were, like, f******n yearsold. Late at night our conversationsabout girls really escalated and very soonprogressed to his bringing out his pornstash, which of course...

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California Girls

Tales Of Dinjinnar: California Girls (In Memory Of Carl Wilson) By Cabinessence "You are so pathetic Tom. I bet you couldn't get laid, even if you were the last man on earth!!!" Does that sound familiar? Well that's exactly how my last date with Lois ended. I know now, and probably knew even before I asked her, although I didn't allow myself to admit it, that she really only went out with me because I was able to obtain second row seats for a Barry Manilow concert. It was...

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California Girl Part 4

California Girl Part 4 By Princess Panty boy I lay there on his bed looking at Splash smiling back at me. I look down at myself seeing my long smooth legs and my panties are flat in the front showing no bulge. If Splash could see inside my panties, he would freak finding out that I have a penis and balls like he does, well his is way longer and thicker. I can't believe I just had a guy make love to me. What am I thinking he didn't make love to me like some soap opera on TV....

3 years ago
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California Virgin

Once again thanks to LadyCibelle for her help and encouragement. The mile markers counted down as we approached the California coast. I was dirty, hungry, and tired in no particular order. We had been driving for almost three days straight in a ten-year-old car that was barely still alive. I thought to myself that this might be the dumbest thing that I’d ever done in my life. It started a year ago. I had just finished my sophomore year at college and was home for the summer. After a...

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Summer daze

During my summer vacations in middle school, I spent almost every day at the local swimming pool. My parents both worked and would leave before I woke up, so for much of the summer I was on my own. Each day I would get up, get into my swimsuit, grab the money my mom left for me and ride my bike to the pool for swim team and then spend the day hanging out with friends at the pool.I grew up in a small town, but the pool and my house were on opposite sides. It took me about 20 mins to ride to and...

2 years ago
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Summer daze

During my summer vacations in middle school, I spent almost every day at the local swimming pool. My parents both worked and would leave before I woke up, so for much of the summer I was on my own. Each day I would get up, get into my swimsuit, grab the money my mom left for me and ride my bike to the pool for swim team and then spend the day hanging out with friends at the pool.I grew up in a small town, but the pool and my house were on opposite sides. It took me about 20 mins to ride to and...

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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 5 Caught

LATER THAT SUMMER, one glorious hot day after another, Sam and I were in our backyard, nude, no one else at home. Sam was boneless after I had eaten her to three or four orgasms and she’d barely had the strength to push my head away at last. I wasn’t finished, so I flipped her over and pressed my cock against her bottom and began to rub myself on her. Everything was OK, I was almost there. More grunts and sighs from Sam when I slid my hands under her to hold her breasts. I was right on the...

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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 6 The Giggle

I REALLY LIKED to hang at Mike’s house. He and I were friends from way back, sure, but the other reason was his mom. I didn’t notice anything special about Professor Bertolli until last year, I guess, but after that I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. Funny thing, Mike’s dad also taught at the university, so he had two Professors Bertolli in his house. Lots of kids had one parent at the university, but Mike was the only one I knew with both parents there. His dad’s specialty was animal...

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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 8 Late Night in the Garden

HOT, EVEN IN the shade in our backyard, where Sam and I were lying side-by-side on our backs under the big tree. I felt my t-shirt sticking in back, even in the shade. Left the clouds on their own for a moment, opened my eyes, and turned to look at Sam. I wanted to lick those little drops of sweat off of her upper lip. I closed my eyes again, but I could hear the smile in Sam’s voice. “Go ahead, Buddy.” I turned on my side. Salty, warm sweat, and my tongue liked every little drop. Then my...

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California Dreaming

I left Tyler, Texas heading to San Diego, a 1,400-mile trip. I had driven almost 700 miles and was still in Texas. I was approaching the dusty dirty little town of Pecos, Texas, when I spied a young girl hitchhiking. Normally I pass hitchers by, but this lonely looking young girl tugged at my heart strings and I pulled over. I rolled the side window and she peered in.“Young lady, are you all right?” I asked.“I will be better if I can catch a ride,” she replied.“Are you going somewhere local?” I...

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California Girl Part 2

California Girl Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Wow, I look around and don't know where to start organizing. Man there are boxes everywhere. I guess I will just start bringing down the boxes but maybe I should organize the boxes first. I start putting all the boxes that say nail polish or nail supplies or anything about nails and stack them by the door. I go thru the bedroom and see more boxes as I stack them also. Okay now I will start taking them downstairs. I see the backroom...

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California Girl Part 7

California Girl Part 7 By Princess Panty boy I walk back into the house and see myself in the mirror. I am wearing this silly little pink one-piece Barbie swimsuit. I wonder if his sister has any other swimsuits. I hear noises coming from Stephen or Stephanie's room. Well looks like someone is getting a little, or maybe she is getting a lot hearing her moaning hehehe I giggle. I guess I won't be asking if his sister has another swimsuit. Let's look in the master bedroom maybe...

4 years ago
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My PlaymateChapter 4 California

I looked out the window, observing white wispy clouds glide past my view of the brilliantly blue ocean beneath. And then the coastline came back into sight. We were almost there. Months after graduation. Months of enduring the mental torture inside my own conscience. Months of dreaming about Courtney's face. And now we were almost there. I glanced to the side to see Anna's face light up happily as she also saw the California coast, more clearly than I from her window seat. She turned and...

1 year ago
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A California Surprise For Brandi Chapter 7

100% fiction! In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, 18 years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle, we were the only two in the...

Cheating Wifes
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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

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Introduction: A follow-up story to A Ride with a Trucker Annette Arrives in California Follow up to A Ride with a Trucker It was about 5 pm. Annette had just gotten out of Donnas big rig and waived goodbye. She went to a pay phone and called her uncle Jerrys number. His wife Beverly answered. Jerry was not home from work yet. Annette made sure she knew right where the house was and figured she could walk there. Her bag was not very heavy. Bev said she would watch for her and they hung up....

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Josies California Vacation

It had never been my intent to hurt my husband. I looked across the bar at the 4 guys sitting there, and knew before the night was over I was going to be fucked by each of them. And it had all started so innocently. Samantha, one of my friends from college called me up one day and said she was having a get together for “the girls” at her beach house in Santa Monica and wanted me to come. It had been at least 7 years since we had spent any time together. I talked to my husband that night and he...

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California Here We Cum Part 2

Part Two – Emma and Luke discover each other The long days on the California trail continued. The wagon train had entered the dangerous Apache country, and there was a sense of nervousness among all the travelers; all of them, that is, except for Emma and Luke. Traveling apart from each other, never speaking to anyone about their chance encounter at the riverbank, they were nevertheless daily absorbed in thought about what had happened. Emma, though very much preoccupied with her own...

Love Stories
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Tucks American Roadtrip California Surfer

PART FIVETallahassee, FloridaPrissy’s father, J. Howard Barrington, III, sometimes called “The King of Tallahassee,” was frantically dialing the phone in his study. He had to do something drastic and get it done right away. He was worried sick about his daughter, Prissy, who refused to eat, and would not leave her old bedroom at his house. Barrington had called his doctor to come over to his house earlier to check on Prissy and the doctor was in Prissy’s room trying to get her to let him insert...

Straight Sex
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 47 California Here We Come

May, 1985, the Midwest, the Great Plains, California, and the Pacific Northwest, USA “More corn?” my sister asked shortly after we crossed the Mississippi at the Quad Cities. We were making good time, having covered the first 180 miles of our trip in less than three hours. “On this route, it’s going to be corn and wheat, with the odd herd of cows, and very flat, until we get to the Rocky Mountains.” “Should we fill the gas tank and switch places?” Stephanie asked. “Sure. It’s about 300...

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Unifursity Daze

Unifursity Daze (This story is set in the Spell's R Us Universe copyright Bill Hart. Unifursity Daze concept, name and the characters portrayed in this story are mine to the best of my knowledge, except of course, the SRU wizard. Any resemblance to real individuals living or not living, circumstances, or what have you is coincidental.) Tyler didn't know how much longer he could take it. The piglets were splayed out on dissection trays and arranged around the room to facilitate...

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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 4 Kissing Sam in the Meadow

WE WERE OFF for our annual summer week at University Camp, not too far up in the Sierra Nevada range near Tahoe National Forest. Mom and Dad were in one cabin, really more of a large tent with a wooden floor and a couple of wooden shelves for stuff, and us kids were stuck in little tents right outside, Sam and our little sister, Debbie, in one, me and our big brother in the other. Sam and I didn’t care. As on earlier visits, we knew we had all day to do stuff together. Maybe until late at...

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College like summer 1

*******************Waiting was hard with the night growing later. I knew Corey was on his wayto stay with me for the Memorial Day weekend. Even though we talked everyday at least once, I missed seeing him more than I could believe. Kris onthe other hand was usually around and kept my nights occupied with hisantics. Just as I had feared, he grew bored at his house and would come tohang around, visit or stay the night to renew our nightly chats. Thebiggest problem when he stayed the weeknights...

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College Daze Chapter 3

Saturday night, and I was in bed early. What a way to spend a weekend, working early on a Sunday morning. The money would help with the bills, though, and it wasn’t like we were rolling in the stuff. Besides, Tandra had said that she wanted some time to herself. After my conversation with one of my college classmates, she was really pissed at me. I almost thought I was going to have to go to our bed by myself. “I’ve got to be up by six tomorrow, Sis, so I think I’m going to hit the hay...

2 years ago
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College Daze

I went to a medium-sized college on the West Coast that had coed dorms available to third- and fourth-year students. I went and filled out an application, being first, curious, and, secondly, very horny. Well, you never know, right? The housing cost was the same, so I did it. In filling out the request, there was a place to fill in if you wanted a roommate of your sex or the opposite sex. That’s when I knew this was the right choice. I had already been amazed at the liberal attitude about...

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Lazy Summer Daze Chapter I

Somehow, I manage to get out of bed, and get myself dressed and ready. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I head out to that place known far and wide as a college student's saving grace, Starbucks. Luckily, when I got there the line was nonexistent. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all. After grabbing an espresso, I make my way across campus to my 10:30 Psychology class. My phone reads 10:20, so I take these 10 minutes walking to scope out the girls making their way to their...

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Her Story to Summer a tale about Summers daddy

In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days. “Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman...

First Time

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