- 2 years ago
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Meanwhile, back at the Collins apartment, the wedding celebration was in full swing and with more guests continuing to arrive the party just kept getting bigger. As a result, first Anita Johnson, then Kelly Fitzpatrick, and finally Sally Wilson stripped off their clothes and joined the other girls in serving the guests. Although Andy Taylor was about to strip and join the other servers, Susan told her in no uncertain terms that as her mother she was always a guest in her home and was expected to act like one! Since the exchange took place in front of Barbara and Steve, all Andy did was stick out her tongue.
When Andy moved away, Caitlin who was now standing naked beside Barbara in what had turned into an impromptu wedding party receiving line — Ken Carlson was next to Steve while they reminisced about old times in the Rangers — whispered to Barb about how unhappy Sheila Quinn was.
Since her very existence was to be kept secret from Andy, with her present in the apartment, Sheila, who desperately wanted to serve the guests at the reception, was relegated to the library in the Sloan's apartment. For her part, Caitie's lovely prepubescent body was now totally bare except for her lovely floral headpiece.
When Johnny Taylor appeared, Barb squeezed Steve's hand to attract his attention to the two children. From both Sue and Jeff they had heard the story of the two children appearing at the apartment the day after their wedding and its aftermath with both children being spanked.
"You're looking so incredibly beautiful, Caitie," the boy said, "but shouldn't you be wearing some clothes? I mean ... What if the other boys... ?"
"Why, John Taylor, you're jealous!" she exclaimed. "You are, aren't you?" Although he said nothing, his blushing face responded for him. "Why, Johnny?" she asked softly.
"That's why," he replied indicating two boys about her age standing at the archway. One boy was a golden blonde with brilliant blue eyes while the other had sun-streaked brown hair and warm brown eyes.
"What do you mean?" she asked. "That's only Jeff Clifford and Ken Carlson. I don't understand."
Just then the two boys approached. Although they had been some distance away, neither Caitie nor Johnny had made any effort to keep their voices down so both boys had clearly heard the exchange. Now very bashful, the two boys came up to Caitie and just stood in front of her.
"Hello, Caitlin," Ken Carlson said.
Jeff Clifford chimed in with his own greeting.
"Hi, guys!" Caitie responded.
Jeff Clifford was Ali Clifford's second son, and was her age, as was Ken Carlson, Ken and Kathy Carlson's second child and oldest son. Both were from Los Angeles and both had older siblings Johnny Taylor's age.
"What's wrong?" she asked. Both boys looked like they had lost their last friend.
"It's just not fair!" Jeff declared. "Just because he's older is no reason why Johnny should have you roped and hog-tied already. Caitlin Fitzpatrick, you're not even ten years old. Why are you settling down with one guy so soon? Kenny and I never even had a chance..."
He stopped when he saw the look of incredulity on her face. "You ... you ... you guys could be interested ... in me?" she exclaimed. "I don't believe it! I'm just—"
"—the most beautiful, most perfect female in the world, is all," Ken Carlson completed. "When we heard the priest in church today, he sure got it right! And ... and then, when God came down on you and Dad! Caitlin Fitzpatrick, you're just plain perfect. And we never even had a chance..."
"Barb, they're teasing me, aren't they?" she asked hopefully, looking up at her friend.
Dropping to her knees, Barb took the girl in her arms and hugged her tightly. "No, my darling, I don't think they are. They recognize an utterly perfect young female creature when they see one. That's all."
"But, Barb," the girl protested, "these guys are from California where they raise the most exquisitely gorgeous girls! How could they possibly be interested in a dark-haired street urchin from New York like me?"
Before responding Barbara held out her hand to greet the two boys. Caitlin performed the introductions. After introducing them to Steve, the small group continued their conversation. Barb thought it was significant that Ken Carlson, senior, remained out of it but just watched his son. She thought the boy was a miniature of his father and would grow to be a duplicate. And this man was the greatest military hero in the history of the United States!
Finally she said, "Caitie, why don't you at least give each of the guys a kiss? After all, they came nearly 3,000 miles to see you." Turning to the Taylor boy she said, "You don't mind, do you, Johnny?"
Although it was obvious from his facial expression that he minded a great deal, he didn't object.
Watching the young people it occurred to Barbara that all of these children were essentially perfect. Then she remembered something Susie had said: Each of these children had been conceived under conditions of perfect married love. In all probability the mothers had been unconscious at the instant of conception, having passed out from a sensory overload caused by continuous orgasm. That in turn was essentially standard among all of these women although unheard of elsewhere. All the pregnancies, she'd learned, followed the Taylor pattern: they essentially didn't happen. Moreover, what the Taylors had begun — delivering babies at home, attended only by other women — had also spread to the West Coast.
But then, after being nurtured on an infant's perfect food, its mother's milk, so warm and rich and laden with love, right from a perfectly formed breast, the children were raised in an environment filled with love of God, love of country, love of family, and obedience.
While Barb was musing over her discovery, Steve seemed almost to be reading her mind. "My darling," he whispered, "suddenly, I'm scared to death! Do you think we'll ever be able to have children of our own a fraction as good as these? Do you realize what a responsibility we're taking on?"
"Hold me tightly, please," she replied. "I'm scared, too. But we do have one thing going for us, my darling. In Susie we have our private angel. Isn't that a help?"
"Damned straight, it's a help," the sprite exclaimed, materializing right in front of them. Then with a sexy wink she vaporized again.
With arms around each other's waist the Sloans turned their attention back to the children. Caitie had kissed Kenny and now turned her attention to Jeff Clifford. Putting her arms around his neck, she tipped her head and melted her soft lips against his. When he squeezed her tight little buns, she wriggled her pelvis against his. Then, as much to see what would happen as anything else, she probed his mouth with her tongue and contacted his. With a jolt of the purest, most innocent love that hit like a high-voltage charge of electricity, the boy went limp in her arms. Steve Sloan, moving like a flash, caught the lad before he hit the floor and held him tightly. Caitie was surprised but not nearly as much as she appeared to be.
"Caitlin Fitzpatrick, that look of surprise is as phony as a three-dollar bill!" Barbara exclaimed. "What did you just do to that poor boy?"
With injured innocence the girl widened her eyes and said, "I didn't do anything, Barb, except kiss him. And I didn't really let loose, either."
"Caitlin, you're lying," Barb stated glaring down at the little girl. "I'm going to have to wash out your mouth with soap."
"Why, Barb?" the girl asked, still wide-eyed. "Sheila said the same thing to me last week. But I brush my teeth and my mouth is usually clean and fresh. Why would you want to wash it out with soap? I don't think it would taste very good, either."
"It tastes awful, Imp. It's what adults do to little girls who tell lies!"
"Tell a lie? Me?"
"My darling," Barb said to Steve, "are you sure you want to go ahead with this? Our marriage isn't consummated, and you could get an annulment. After all, we might get something like this ourselves."
Steve was still holding Jeff Clifford in his arms and had the boy's head resting on his broad shoulder. With a grin he replied, "Do you really think we could possibly be so lucky?" As soon as he said it Caitie gave him her loveliest, most winning smile. "Just look at her! Doesn't she just melt you to the floor?"
At that point a young girl came rushing over to Caitie from across the room. She was an utterly gorgeous little girl with golden blonde hair, brilliant blue eyes and a deep tropical tan. The girl was a vision in shades of gold. "You're not fair, Caitlin Fitzpatrick!" she exclaimed. "You're just not fair!" Then she broke down in tears.
Taking her into her arms, Caitie said softly, "What's wrong, Kris? What did I do now?"
Pulling away, the girl tried to glare at Caitie even though tears were now streaming from her eyes and blinding her. Then she just dove back into Caitlin's arms and said, "It's not your fault, Caitie. It's ... it's ... it's the guys. They all love you and ... and ... and ... they never ever look at anyone else. Then when you put Jeff out with your kiss after melting Kenny to the floor ... He doesn't know I'm even alive," she wailed. She hugged Caitie tightly around the neck and cried, "But I love him so..."
"You what?" Caitie exclaimed. "Well, what are you doing about it besides crying?"
"But what can I do?" the girl exclaimed. Clearly the very concept of doing something about her feelings for Ken Carlson was startling. Then she started to hiccup as she tried to suppress her crying.
Barbara stood close beside Steve. He put his free hand on the luscious curve of her hip and pulled her body close to his. While she listened to Caitie, Barb raised her lips for a kiss which came immediately. The two watched as Caitie stroked the smaller girl's golden hair and hugged her tightly.
"Have you ever seen anyone like her?" Barb whispered.
Steve grinned and lowered Jeff Clifford to the floor. Looking at the younger girl the boy asked, "What are you doing here, sis?"
Raising her nose into the air the girl said, "Just leaving," and tried to pull away from Caitie. The girl was much stronger and wouldn't let go. "Please let go, Caitie," the girl pleaded. "I have to find Mom."
"I doubt that very much, Kristin Clifford. Now what are you trying to hide?" The dark haired girl looked at her young friend and said softly, "You're in love with Kenny Carlson, aren't you?"
"Let me go!" the blonde exclaimed.
"Why won't you admit it?" Caitie asked softly. "You were upset a moment ago and blurted it out. You really love him very much, don't you?" she asked shrewdly.
"Of course I don't," the girl exclaimed. "Besides, he doesn't even know I'm alive, and ... and..."
"And what?" Caitie persisted.
"His father was the greatest military hero in the history of our country. And my daddy never even fired a shot in anger. He wouldn't even care to look at me."
"Steve," Ken Carlson interjected, "do you remember Ali McGrath? From Vietnam? Did you ever see her?"
"My God!" Steve replied. Then looking closely at Kristin he said softly, "She's a miniature, isn't she? Do you mean... ?"
" ... that she's Ali McGrath's daughter? I sure do," Carlson interjected. "And you know something else? She's Ali's third child. Ali had really warmed up by then, and had already worked out the bugs with Ken Clifford and then his brother, Jeff, here. Kris? Well, what do you think?"
"I think that she's the most exquisite little thing on two legs I've ever seen, is what I think," Steve replied. "But you're the prospective father-in-law, Ken. What do you think?"
"Think about having the fruit of Ali McGrath's loins as a daughter-in-law? There's no way I could ever be any happier. And then you have to realize that she's Bill Clifford's sixth! He was really warmed up when one of his ambitious and perfect sperm found one of Ali's utterly perfect eggs..."
Then looking down at his son he said, "What about you, Kenny? You're the man. What do you think of Kris Clifford? Do you have any interest? Any at all?"
The nine-year-old boy looked at the blue-eyed six-year-old girl. Then he reached out his arms to her. With a yelp she dove for his arms and he wrapped them around her tightly. Although only six, she raised her head, tipped it, and softened her lips as much as she could. When he kissed her, everyone could see the electricity that flowed between them as the girl tried to melt her lips into his. While working her lips she slowly moved her body against his to try to get as close to him as she possibly could.
Finally they eased apart and the boy asked softly, "When, Kris?"
"The first day I saw you, Kenny," she replied softly. "I've loved you for as long as I can remember. Mommy wondered why so often I would be crying as I went to sleep. It was because I was thinking of you and how hopeless it was. I was certain you didn't even know I was alive and couldn't care less if you did know. My darling, I think I loved you on the day I was born. Ken Carlson, I was created to be your mate — in the same way that Princess was created for Prince. And my love for you is just as primitive, too."
Then she gave him the most brilliant smile anyone had ever seen. Although only six years old, Kris's was a duplicate of her mother, Ali's, sunshine smile. It lighted up the whole room with its brilliance.
"Aren't they utterly adorable, darling?" Barbara asked. Just then she was startled to realize that a giant Bengal tiger had stalked into the room and was pacing toward the children.
Before Barb could do anything, Kristin Clifford exclaimed, "Hi, Prince! Is Princess here, too? And what about Duke and Duchess?"
The royal Bengal tiger paced majestically up to Kris, sat down on its haunches and looked down at the little girl's face. He was now sitting up like a gigantic house cat — he weighed over 600 pounds — with his tail neatly wrapped around his forepaws. He looked at her alertly and communicated, "Hi, Kris!"
Although the huge animal couldn't talk, it had the ability to mentally communicate with people whose hearts were pure. Since this included the entire Taylor/Clifford/Bradley clans, and since the tigers had been around almost literally from the day Kris Clifford was born, she saw nothing at all strange about being able to talk to him. The little girl wrapped her arms around his huge neck as far as she could reach and kissed him firmly on his lips. Very gently the tiger wrapped its forepaws around the girl and hugged her to his soft, furry breast.
When he relaxed his hold the girl said, "Prince, there's someone I want you to meet." With that she moved toward Barbara and Steve. The instant Prince saw Barbara and then Caitlin he dropped flat on the floor with his paws spread wide. His eyes were closed while he visibly shook with fear.
Suddenly a second huge cat came bounding into the room. She slid across the carpet coming to rest beside Prince. "No!" she silently screamed. "Please don't kill my darling! Take my worthless life instead, I beg you!"
"What's going on?" Kristin demanded. "What are you two doing? I just wanted to introduce you, for gosh sakes. What is this?"
Instantly Caitie was on her knees hugging Prince. "What's the trouble, darling Prince? You know me, certainly. What's going on?"
With its eyes still closed the animal communicated in the most frightened way possible, "It's not the same thing. I can no longer even look at you..."
The girl hugged him around the neck and even managed to lift his huge head off the carpet. Then she very gently began to kiss him full on the lips. "Stop! Oh, please stop!" the tigress silently screamed. "You're killing my darling. Please! For the love of God..." Then the huge animal actually began to weep.
At this Barbara dropped to her knees. Although she knew absolutely nothing about large animals — least of all, Royal Bengal tigers — she certainly recognized a female trying to protect her mate.
Putting her arms around the tigress's neck she whispered, "Hi, I'm Barbara Sloan. Who are you? Will you be my friend... ? And maybe tell me what's going on?"
As she held the animal in her arms she could feel her shaking like a leaf. "Please relax! And tell me your name? Please?"
Being held in the arms of an angel, there was nothing else Princess could do. "My name is Princess, divine angel," she replied.
"I heard 'Princess' clearly enough," Barbara said. "But what was the rest?" By now she realized how soft, warm and sweet-smelling the giant animal really was. Very gently she kissed the animal on her cheek and felt her tremble as she did. "What's wrong?" Barbara asked again. "What am I doing to you?"
"You're an angel, Mistress," the poor animal communicated. "I am only a poor tiger."
Gently she moved her huge head from side to side being very careful not to upset Barbara as she did. The animal's eyes were still closed tightly and her paws were outstretched to make herself as vulnerable as possible. But she continued, "Prince and I live with our king and queen. We associate with emperors and empresses. But ... but... God's angels? It's just too much." The huge animal just shivered and then lay still.
"Then you will obey me?" Barbara asked softly.
With her eyes still closed the animal communicated, "To the death! Of course, Divine One! What would you have me do?"
"I would have you rise and sit ... And I would have your consort, Prince, do the same thing! It's not fitting for a Royal Bengal tiger to be in such a position. Arise! I command it!" Barbara exclaimed.
As she said it, she had no idea what would happen, but she figured it couldn't be any worse than what had been happening. The two tigers suddenly jumped up to their sitting pose — looking like giant house cats — that Prince had previously adopted. Both animals were still shaking with fear — and remarkably, even though they were now sitting upright, their eyes were still closed.
Since her first orders appeared to work Barb commanded, "Now open your eyes! Both of you! I wish to look into your beautiful green eyes. Now do it!" Both pairs of eyes instantly opened.
Positioning herself in front of the larger, Prince, she looked into his huge green eyes. The poor animal appeared to be utterly terrified. But Barbara, noticing for the first time the thick white fur on his chest, moved close and started to rub her nipples back and forth across it. "Darling, this is utterly magnificent!" she exclaimed turning back to look at Steve.
Then she heard Princess's thoughts — a very strange concept, that. "Mistress, could ... would ... Please put your gown on again! We're only poor tigers. In the presence of divinity, we can scarcely move. Please?" she begged.
"Well!" Barbara exclaimed with a wry grin, "I guess I've been told." As Caitie handed her her gown and she slipped it on she pouted, "And I thought my body was looking pretty good now, too..."
Poor Princess was beside herself. Again her great body shook and, remarkably, tears began to flow from her great eyes. "Of course not, Divine One! Your body is utterly perfect. It's just that we can only take so much of your beauty. Can you possibly find it in your heart to forgive me?"
"Forgive? For what on earth could you possibly be asking forgiveness?" Barbara exclaimed.
"I ... I ... I had the temerity to ask you to put on some clothing," the lovely tigress replied.
Barbara just studied the monster cat carefully and finally shook her head. "I was going to refer to you as Tom and Bobbie Conroy's pets, but that obviously isn't correct. You are their protectors, aren't you?"
"They ... They are very important people. Prince and I are their guardians and protectors. And when the children appear, we will guard them, as well." Then looking straight into Barbara's eyes she concluded, "Our highest ideal is to be able to give our lives to preserve theirs." With what was undoubtedly a little grin she added, "Of course being tigers, we wouldn't give our lives lightly. If it should ever happen, the ground would be very messy indeed."
"Of that I'm sure!" Barb replied. "I only wish Steve and I could have a protector, too."
"You will," the tigress responded simply and with no elaboration.
Meanwhile Caitie had slipped on her lovely dress, too, then scampered out to pass the word to the women who were serving. Soon everyone at the party was fully dressed. When she returned to the living room, she was leading another woman by the hand.
Going up to Barbara she said, "Barb, I would like you to meet one of the neatest women alive. This is Barbara Conroy and her husband, Tom. You commented on Kris Clifford's perfection. Bobbie is Kris's teacher." Then with a little grin she added, "She's also the best swimmer on the West Coast. You and she ought to race sometime."
Then she quickly told Bobbie how Barbara had broken the world record for 400 meters as a byproduct of a morning workout with Sue. Finally, she said, "And Bobbie and Tom are Prince and Princess's master and mistress. You better look out!"
Barbara looked into the eyes of the woman standing before her. She was one of the most exquisite blondes she had ever seen. Moreover, she realized that both of them wore their hair the same way, in a gamine cut. Extending her hand she said, "Welcome, Barbara Conroy. I can't tell you how pleased I am that you came all this way for my wedding!"
Bobbie took the proffered hand and reached for Barb's other one. While holding hands the two women looked into each other's eyes, then slowly moved together. As if in a trance, they kissed. The flow of the purest love flowed between them. Dimly, Barb was aware of a warm noise coming from deep in the bodies of the two great cats. My God! she thought, they're purring! And, indeed, they were.
Easing away Bobbie, with her eyes dancing with joy, said, "And what are you doing to our poor pets? I mean ... After all, Royal Bengal tigers are on the endangered species list and you, Barbara Sloan, nearly killed two of them! Turning toward the giant cats, she asked, "Prince and Princess, are you all right? Will you survive?" Then looking around she asked, "But for that matter, where are the urchins? Are you sure they're not destroying the Collins' lovely apartment?"
Now relaxing for the first time since she laid eyes on Barbara, Princess made a soft sound. There was a commotion by the doorway and several people were nearly bowled over by two tiger cubs racing into the room.
"Yes, Mommy," the two said in unison. Then with their eyes as large as saucers they added, "We came right away. Aren't you proud of us?"
Barbara stepped back into Steve's waiting arm which almost automatically wrapped around her waist. The two cubs were apparently identical, weighing about seventy-five pounds each.
Princess looked at Prince and shook her head in dismay. "First, children, I want you to say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Sloan. Then there's something else you must do..."
The two cubs, focusing on Barbara and Steve for the first time, became terrified. "But ... but, Mother, they're ... they're divine!"
"Yes, dears, we know. But she is very kind. So kind, in fact, she might even pet you. Now what do you do and say?" Turning to Barbara, Princess said, "These are Duke and Duchess, our cubs. Please forgive them, Divine One? They're still very young..."
To Barbara, what followed was truly amazing. One of the cubs put one paw behind the other and bowed. It was, she realized, a tiger cub's curtsy. The other bowed deeply. Then they both sat up straight. While Duchess wrapped her tail around her forepaws and looked up alertly, the other, Duke, extended his paw and said, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Sloan. My name is Duke and I'm delighted to meet you. And this is my sister, Duchess."
"You're so cute!" Barbara exclaimed. Dropping to her knees she took the paw in her hand and shook it gently. Then she wrapped her arms around the cub and very carefully kissed its cheek. Even though she tried to modulate her love, it was too much for the animal who slumped over on its side. Kissing Duchess lightly produced the same result.
In just moments the two began to revive. "Mommy!" Duchess exclaimed. "I feel so great! It's as if I'm filled with joy and grace. What happened?"
"You have been blessed, my darling," Princess replied softly. Then in a firm tone — all of the tigers' communications had been mental, but to a person filled with grace it was as if they were speaking aloud — she added, "Now I want you two to go back — slowly — and apologize to all the people you almost knocked down on the way into the room. Now move!"
The two now-thoroughly chastened cubs retraced their steps apologizing as they went. "Aren't they utterly adorable?" Bobbie Conroy asked. "Can you seriously imagine tigers apologizing? Because that's exactly what they are doing."
By now the reception had become a large family reunion for the Clifford, Taylor, and Bradley clans. All of the non-family guests had already left. As she met the families with their children, Barbara found herself leaning against Steve for support. "My God, darling," she whispered, "what are we going to do? Have you ever seen such incredible human perfection in your entire life? Do you realize what a challenge we've taken on?"
"But you have me," Susie interjected as she materialized in front of them. "Don't I count?"
"Count?" Barbara nearly screamed. "Susie, you're our only hope!"
Then the sprite added, "Here come two young people who give The Boss enormous joy. Can you believe it? They've been madly in love virtually from the day they were born! They're Andy Cartwright and Ken Clifford. She's Ali Clifford's granddaughter and he's her son. Aren't they just neat?"
Then turning to Bobbie and Tom, Susie extended her hand and said, "Hi! I'm Susie Sloan. I used to belong to the big lug standing beside Barbara. Now she's Barbara Sloan, and I couldn't be more pleased or proud."
Barbara quickly explained Susie's background to the couple. Concluding, she said, "Susie is a saint and martyr. Now she's been promoted to angel." With a grin, Barb faked a puzzled look and asked, "Sue, are there grades of angel, by the way? It never occurred to me before, but you're in a position to answer a lot of questions about what life's really like up there."
Susie's hand was still extended, but that wasn't what Bobbie had in mind at all. She took the tiny woman in her hands and after placing one hand gently behind Susie's head she proceeded to kiss her with all of her love unleashed. Barb and Steve laughed merrily as they watched the tiny thing wave her arms frantically in the air and then just collapse in a dead faint. Bobbie pretended not to know what happened as she looked at the bridal couple with her eyes wide.
In moments, Susie began to regain consciousness. Glaring at Bobbie she said, "That's not fair! You're only human. I'm the angel. You're not supposed to be able to do that." But then she reached out toward Bobbie again and kissed her gently at first, but then with increasing power. Sensing a contest of some sort, Bobbie returned the kiss with increasing love of her own. At that instant, the two began to emit a golden glow that began to get larger and brighter. The tigers dropped to the floor and stretched out flat with their eyes closed.
A disembodied voice proclaimed in a stentorian voice, "That's about enough of that!"
Then in a softer, kinder tone of voice He added, "Prince and Princess, arise! You and your friends have been very pleasing in my eyes. Don't be afraid. These people — all of them — are those whom you have been chosen to protect." Then the golden glow focused on Susie as he added, "I guess she showed you, didn't she?"
But then He proceeded to tell the assembled families about Susan Sloan. How she had sacrificed her life for Him and for her husband. Then the glow came over Barbara, Steve and Caitie as He concluded, "I am glad you put your clothes back on, at last. You do know, I hope, that I'm being teased unmercifully up here. All the talk is about my girl-watching." Then the glow slowly faded and the room was back to normal.
The two children who had been on their way to greet the Sloans had stopped in their tracks but now continued toward the bridal group. Barbara noticed them and tugged at Steve's elbow. Just as he turned to look they saw two other couples enter the room. The girl — Andy Cartwright — was twelve years old, five feet five and starting to take on a womanly shape as her puberty progressed. She had platinum-blonde hair that was almost white along with the most brilliant emerald green eyes Barb had ever seen and with an utterly perfect deep golden tan. Her consort, Ken Clifford, was almost a head shorter. Nonetheless, the two looked in many ways like an adult couple.
Barbara's eyes widened as she saw two more couples enter the room. Because she was seeing Connie Cartwright immediately behind her daughter, Andy, her eyes widened. "My God, Steve!" Barbara exclaimed in a whisper. "Just look! They must be sisters although they'll look like identical twins in just a few years."
Inside, Ellen took Dollars into the kitchen. Moss said, "Cents told me you would be willing to ride on New Year's Eve?" "Yeah, Sarge. I'm not busy and that helps you folks keep two in a car and maximize the cars on the road." "Good. I plan to pair you with the newest corporal even though the promotion isn't official until the first. I was going to announce it at shift end but a little sooner won't hurt." He stood up. "C'mon." I followed him into the kitchen and noticed that he...
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OOH MY GOD, IT’S WAS SO AWESOME, just like always with him, it felt ooh so, so good. Yes, just like always, I was mere moments from crashing head first into another one of those earth shattering orgasm he always gave me. Ooh, ooh yes, just like always I could feel this cock expanding to dimensions beyond belief as I lay there passive under his spell, on my back, my feet on the floor as he fucked me into oblivion. Then once again it happened I felt my toes tingle as the sensations began...
Okay boys, here are the down and dirty things you need to know to get her to let you give it to her “back there.” Most women are probably like me, they have had guys begging them to let them do it, and a few have tried it once or twice to discover that it is painful. Pain is not a requirement of anal, and that is something that people need to know. Now boys, if your girl has had one of these experiences, she is going to be even more reluctant to let you do it. My biggest suggestion is to be...
IncestThe bell rang. Quickly I jumped to my feet and hurried towards the door. It was finally time for lesson 3! The week had been long and hard, I’d been aroused for days. As an attempt to enhance my anticipation, I’d banned myself from masturbating since Sunday afternoon. Now I was on fire, my clit practically begging to be touched. Scott was waiting outside the classroom with a devilish grin on his face. “Let’s get out of here.” His fingers gripped mine and we began making our way back to his...
Robbie is a nice guy. Willing to do anything for his new, sexy girlfriend Janey. Although he is nice, he is a bit naive as well. Janey isn’t exactly the angel he thinks she is. This tall, busty, tattooed bombshell has him wrapped around her finger. At night when he goes to sleep she sneaks into the other room to fuck around with Valentina, Robbie’s STEP-SISTER!!! Today Robbie wakes up early and walks in on something he never expected. What happens next is even less expected. He is...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Barbara couldnt wait for the second half of her massage from our previous session. She couldnt imagine what was in store for her, but knew it would be something delightful. Remember when I described Barb as the go to church every Sunday prudish type, well that wasnt exactly correct. After a few years of giving Barb massages, she began telling stories about her love life with Jim. As a matter of fact, her whole married sex life began spilling from her lips shortly after I had...
‘Shit! I’m going to be late again! Crap!’ I yelled to absolutely no one. I ran to my tiny closet and threw open the doors. I pulled out a heather grey Theory pencil skirt and lilac silk blouse that I had purchased on my last scouting trip to Italy. I ran around searching for my keys and couldn’t find them anywhere. For having the typical small Manhattan apartment I can never find anything. Granted, my apartment is much nicer than my friends’ stereotypical Alphabet City three-bedroom, one-bath...
This One Is Compliments of Joe S A Harley Biker is riding by the zoo in Washington, DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings the...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, this is Sam, I’m 21 years old and I reside in Mumbai. I m 5 ft. 7 inches tall, dusky complexion and lean build and a good beard.I won’t lie about my cock size being something extra ordinary. I would like to tell you my story which happened between me and my Muslim friend called Mariam . Mariam is 19 years old, fair as milk, some curly hairs with some Arab roots in her appearance. So if any women in the Mumbai or suburbs wanna skype or hookup Or give your...
This is the fifth in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. Juliana had been at the office since 7 AM, working on a deadline. The day was not going well, as a number of clients’ issues had interfered with her making any progress. It was going to be another late night at the office. She often brought work home, but it was very easy to get distracted there and find a reason to leave it for the next day. Robert left her alone to...
Tales From the Sorcery Patrol: Case # 9914: The Independent Businesswoman Officer Mark Chandler 02:13 hrs 11/26/02 Officer Fae and I were pulling the graveyard shift downtown that night, and although it's hardly the most pleasant of shifts, it's all a part of doing your duty as an officer in the Sorcery Patrol. Both of us were a little bleary-eyed from the shift change, but a little good coffee, and a little good conversation kept us both awake. I think that Emily in particular...
Sister Home Alone My sister is Rebecca Rose Deloris Davidson. Yeah I know it’s stupid but my parents thought that she was so special when she was born that they needed to give her two middle names. Actually it was after both of her grandmothers. I just call her R2D2 like that little robot in Star Wars. I am the oldest child and a boy so I got the loft bedroom. My father built a great house. The house is sort of divided in half. Half of the house is the full two stories tall and...
Carla took Don’s former seat at the table, carelessly dropping a small black bag next to her. She reached down and slipped off her heels. The tall brunette near the door pressed it shut. “This all of us, Tiff?” she asked, looking around the room with a puzzled expression. “I thought everyone wanted to play again?” She started wandering over towards the middle of the room. “Yup, this is all of us!” said Tiff. “Nia’s on her shift tonight so she can’t leave the floor. Becca’s out of town this...
Ann... graces daughter...20 and hot Me...64 and semi retired... The house a 5 bedroom place 4 up stairs one down...2 1/2 bathrooms 1 up 1 1/2 down .... In the summer, it is usually pleasant not hot really and a mild wind seems to blow all the time but this year was different, call it climate change or just bad luck but this year was hot...smothering hot and humid but no rain. I'm known as Jr and being 64 well it has its advantages and drawbacks ...being a part time...
We left the club at around three, as Claire was finally starting to look a little tired. I had gotten my second wind at around one, but probably looked worse than I felt. The trip back to the car was uneventful, and we didn't talk until she had gotten us back into the more respectable side of town. "So, what next?" she asked five minutes later, as we were waiting for a green light. "Got any more ideas for things to do up your sleeve?" I raised my bare arms. "No sleeves, so that's...
My name is Mrs. Cleopatra McGhee-Fitzpatrick. I know it's quite a mouthful, but I insisted on keeping my family name. Yes, THAT McGhee family. My father is the gifted chemist that invented Ergo-Max, the first erectile dysfunction pill with positively no side effects. Like the ads in all the adult magazines say, "Pop a pill, pop a boner." Distasteful, I know, but quite effective marketing. Once the FDA granted its stingy approval, dad had to hire over a thousand employees to keep up with...
She stood in front of the mirror and stared long and hard at her reflection. She put her hand in her hair and ruffled it up and down, pouting her lips and opening her eyes wide. Katya had always been insecure about her looks, but for absolutely no reason, since she was a wonderful looking young girl. She was 19 years old, had long deadly straight shoulder length brown hair and tanned skin, inherited from the Portuguese side of her family, her mother’s side.It was her first date with Mark, who...
Let your tongue taste mine. Run it over my lips and feel the sensual feeling I am emitting through them. Run your tongue down my neck; find my nipples that are already pink and ready. Suck on them and make them harder and pinch them with your fingers. Cup my breasts as you fondle them with your mouth, tongue and hands. Make me moan with desire and want. Let your tongue run down my stomach to my belly button and play with my ring that is there. Run your hands over my torso as my skin begins to...
Straight Sex"Sponsor Elizabeth, you have a visitor at the door," intoned the AI. "And, who, pray tell, would that be?" answered Elizabeth. "Prince Andrew." "Then by all means, open the door and bid him enter. AI, in future, would you please simply say, 'Prince Andrew is at the door and wishes to enter, '" "Acknowledged." Elizabeth went to the foyer and found her brother standing there. She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Come in, come in. I'm glad to see you." "Well, yes,...
A Lesson in Fear You enter the living room where I am curled up on the couch reading quietly. Pacing around the room You stop to stand in front of me. Placing both hands on your hips You glare down at me. I look up slowly meeting Your eyes and gasp at the anger I see there. Quickly setting the book down I crawl from the couch and kneel before You. ?What have I done to anger You this time Master? I ask helplessly. ?This time pet? ?You question in an angry voice. ?Yes Master, You are...
The station hung like a Christmas tree bauble under the firmament of the stars in the system of Strichen, an uninhabited red dwarf system on the border of the Emirate closest to the Empire. Although somewhat old by current standards, the station at least had pleasingly aesthetic looks and had been further modified by the Empire’s Bureaucracy of Interstellar Infrastructure both internally and externally to fit the occasion of a Royal wedding, including a full battlestar defensive grid. “Bit...
Hie. This is Swetha from Chennai. As of now i am working as a Personal Secretary to a famous export company’s CEO. Here it goes. This Story begins 4 years back. That is during our final year of our college, a sad thing has happened. My Parents met with an accident while returning from a movie, during the New year. After the sad happenings it almost took a couple of months for myself to recover. Because i was the eldest daughter of my parents, where as i have a younger brother and sister who are...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: The thing to remember about mosaics, is that you start with a lot of broken pieces. Mom says she went dancing to blow off some steam. Dad claims he almost lost Mom, before they got to know each other. Mom does not say Dad is wrong. Whatever Mom did, it was memorable. People still talk about it, though it is rare that anyone connects it to her. Sheila: The session with Mario was a quickly retreating memory. It was time to consider our date. Sean had...
Thank you, everyone, for the support and patience you have shown towards my story. It helps me keep going. Put in your suggestions and keep supporting. Read previous chapters to understand the story. Narrated by Elsa. The night was really joyful and fun. Everyone looked so happy. I haven’t seen Jerry this happy in a long time. By the end of the night, he was really high. I knew he was going to pass out soon. But I really needed something tonight. I was longing to get...
Incesti believe in traditional ways as well as exploring sexuality with women who dont fit into a mold or model, but are willing or desiring to let loose that inner woman.I enjoy intimacy with a woman and not just sex. I take married women, but only after a she reveals how long its been since shes had sex. it says she wants a lover and id rather be that one, and not some tool who would use her as a piece of meat. Some women say they get sex 1x week or 1x month for 10 min by king of queens type guys,...
Claire did as i asked and soon had every cushion and seat cover spread in front of the roaring woodburner, all except the one from the chair i was sitting on. I got up from my seat and tossed the cushion on the floor in front of me, Claire was standing to the side, hands on hips, her weight resting on one hip in what was a very sexy pose, my cock sprang up and down as it twitched madly just at the sight of her, pre cum splashing against my thick treasure trail of salt and pepper hair that ran...
She felt the smooth wood stroke across her face as I let her know my weapon of choice. Her head tipped back to feel it touch her warm skin. She wiggled her ass, impatiently. She wanted more. I shook my head, almost disbelieving, knowing that this little slut was never going to be happy until she couldn’t walk any more. I pulled my arm right back and swiped the stick across her red, welting skin. Just in time to see, my classroom door opened. A head peeked around the door as the ruler connected...
Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Six: Surprising Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies I was buzzing as Dad rolled off of me. I felt so open now. I wasn't a virgin any longer, and it was amazing. My awesome, sexy dad deflowered me. His cum leaked out of me. I could feel him in me, brimming in me. He was finally mine. Mom was out of town. I had Saturday and Sunday to make him all mine. To steal him utterly from...
My toy box seems empty, only having a few dildo's in it. Mr Purple, blue ice, a small butt plug and my 10" glass dildo. I need a new butt plug and I'd really like to have a purple rabbit (waterproof). So I go down to the local sex shop and start looking at all the fun toys. There's a guy helping me at the glass counter. He's pulling out different size dildo's and letting me examine them.I tell him that I like this short glass one that looks like a long pacifier. It has a ring on the end...
Jessa Blue is a medical expert. You can tell because she is wearing blue hospital scrubs. Well, maybe she is, maybe she is not, but her stepbrother seems to think that her consultation is just what he needs for his testicular health. She agrees and goes into the bathroom with him to inspect his sack. She puts on some latex gloves, but instead of focusing on his lump, she focuses on the big growth above his balls. She strokes it with her gloves on until he is cured of everything that was ailing...
xmoviesforyouPatrick was a married man until his wife had left him and since it had been 4 months, Patrick still hadn’t had sex with another woman, His friends took him to a local nightclub were they tried fixing Patrick up with some local girls but it just wasn’t happening. Patrick was down hearted and headed back home drunk.When he got inside his home he found his son’s girlfriend Kylie sitting on the sofa wearing only her bra and thongs, Kylie was hot, blonde hair biggish tits and she liked cock a lot....
Introduction: Operative 0069 is a well known, but extremely mysterious agent working for the Russian KGB. No one has seen of Agent 0069 and lived to tell the tale of his fabled cunning, intelligence, attractiveness, but most importantly what his face looks like. Thus, the S-CIA (sexual division) and every other task force in the world have been trying to track down and debrief this operative of his overall sexual knowledge, and the alleged special sexual position he created, known as The Iron...
"I am going to give you anal sex. I am not expecting my orgasm from it. And you must stop as and when I wish you to stop." The very sight of my naked body was enough to get his cock hard. But to make sure that he needed to fuck my asshole less to get his orgasm, I decided to give his cock plenty of oral and hand stimulation first. It has been years since I first tried anal sex for its novelty but never learned to love it. I bent over the back of the couch in the living room. Even with a...
Returning in Private Specials, Flight Attendants Fuck Better is the forever sexy Renata Fox and after a long time away with work this horny girl has a treat in store for her man Potro. Renata has invited her close friend and colleague Misha Maver over for a threesome and these girls soon strip off their uniform berfore sharing a nice sloppy blowjob. Then watch these beauties in action as they show off their sexy lingerie, tattooed skin, and sexy figures as they take turns getting pounded in a...
xmoviesforyouCéline longs to tell my great granddod pretty Petra everything about her sexual initiation by meCéline longs even more for her first ever lesbian love sexy session with her, but how to start?Even as still a tasty teen my precious pretty Petra is far ahead of Céline in sexual developmentEagerly she notices the curiousity of Céline for her first ever lusty lesbian love sexy session!Let me first try to seduce you lovely looking lady, before I try to match your sexy story by mineLet us leave this...
I’m in Reno working at a trade show and I had a really funny and totally sexy thing happen last night. I woke up at around 1 a.m. and went downstairs to the casino…lost a bit of money and killed a couple of hours on the slot machines. I headed back up to bed at around 2:30 and as I was heading to my room I saw a young guy sitting naked on the floor just two doors from mine. He looked up at me as I walked toward him and he said hello and asked if I could help him out…that he and his wife had...
The winter wuz as pleasant as winters kin be in South Alabama. It rained a lot, but that wuz normal, an' there wuz no big storms, so we came through quite well, thank ya. Once sprin' came, the situation changed. It wuz a nice day an' I wuz workin' in the field tryin' ta git most of the plowin' done while the weather wuz still cool enough. Ta my surprise, a rider on a mule came up ta me an' jumped down. He wuz a kid of 'bout 10, an' all I knew of him wuz that he lived on the far side...
Harry zoomed around on his newly acquired Nimbus 2001, zig-zagging through the trees in the orchard next to the Weasley home with the wind whipping around his face. He loved this feeling – the feeling of leaving all earthly emotions behind and just living in the moment. But lately, he was plagued by all sorts of emotions – emotions he felt even here, in what was supposed to be his escape and safe haven. The most prominent among those emotions was, strangely, happiness. Not the sort of...
Hi all iss reader sahil again for u…. This happened when i was in my first year of my college.. She is fair in complexion, with an apt body. Believe me or not, even after being a mother of three she is lot sexier than women of her age. She is a mother of a son and two daughters. Her son is of my age, the eldest. They became our tenant when i was studying in my ninth std. Had a craze for her since the day i saw her in only her petticoat and her bra changing her dress in their bedroom usually go...
Washington DC They spent the rest of the day working on Bennett without much success. Taylor had been more right than he knew, as her rumblings became more incoherent with each hour they pressed her. After six hours and five interrogators taking a shot at breaking her, Crawford held up his hands in disgust. “You’re right, she’s batshit crazy.” “I told you,” Taylor said. “Someone’s done a serious number on her. She might be telling us something we can use, but it’s impossible to tell with...
Dark coffee slopped over the side of the wimpy styrofoam cup as Trish banged her fist on her desk. “God, I can’t seem to make a break on this case,” she groaned. While tangling her fingers in her hair, long tendrils escaped their braid to rest along her forearm as she leaned over the case file. She’d been working with the police department for two years, and they’d finally given her a “biggie.” ‘ Well, if you can call a string of break-ins with the homeowners bound naked in bed with duct tape...
Hi I am huma, with a new story. It is one of its kind and hope you will love it too. I am Nikhil, 16 years old starving son of yesteryears millionaire. My father and mother both were killed in an accident and I was on the streets, courtsey of my father’s friend and partner Munir Ahmed. He had everything written in his favour. The bastard now owns the entire business. “Nikhil, dont be afraid, I am here to help you. I wont let you starve. You wil work at my house, keep it clean and obey orders...
I can’t believe after all these years, you finally broke up with her! What do you mean! You used to talk to so much on her, I thought you hated her! Well I didn’t “hate” her… but let’s just say that I’m glad you guys are over. What about you, weren’t seeing some guy recently? Oh please, honestly I just kept him around to fuck… Omg sis!! You were using the poor guy! You are so bad! Oh come on, you’re bad too! I’m no where near as...
xmoviesforyouPlatinum blonde Kenzie Taylor is loud and proud in this scene from Manuel’s “Big Ass Tits”. Decked out in black fishnets (as all stacked blondes should be), Kenzie teases the camera with her humongous headlights. She heads for the stairs and her ass becomes the star as she takes it step by step allowing us to savor the view. Once on the slab Manuel dives down to get her motor running. When he gets it started Kenzie starts cussing up a storm. She hops on Ferrara’s cock...
xmoviesforyouIn preparation for the work that would be starting in the back of the studio tomorrow, Lisa and I cleared everything out of the upstairs rooms, rooms that would soon become some overflow bedrooms. Paul and Chris Ramos turned up after lunch with their plans to discuss just how the work would proceed. Of course, they wanted to know all about what happened to me with the shooting, so I had to fill them in on all the details. “That’s pretty fucked up, mate,” Paul said. “And you say he’s Mulock’s...
This is a continuation of my previous story about Ashok’s uncle, my hot, hairy and hungry older neighbour. I wrote part 1 on a whim, but thanks to all your encouragement, we’re now on Part 6! We lay there on the kitchen floor for a while. My slender body on top of his hot hairy musky nude form. My lips refused to let him go even for an instant. I kissed, moaned and sucked his tongue non-stop. “You’re insatiable,” he said as I broke away to catch my breath. I nibbled his chin and said, “It’s...
Kim was right about the hormones. One day I'm kissing another girl, and the next I am repulsed by the thought of anyone even touching me. Poor CJ and Daddy. They are unfortunately stuck on the roller coaster with me. My dad demonstrated the real meaning of grace when I was finally alone with him. I had hurt him, there was no denying that. But he maintained his empathetic temperament, allaying my fear of his rejection. We worked everything out with my school counselor. I would continue attending...
TeenNicola was still somewhat shaken by the events of her mother’s visit the previous weekend and when Sharifa suggested that they get away from Oxford for a few days she readily agreed. Then she remembered that her friend’s home was not in England, and that she would be ashamed to take this rich girl to her own home, a council house in an insalubrious part of Cardiff. “Where can we go?” she asked apprehensively. “Oh, I’ll sort it out. Let me see; today is Thursday and we have no lectures...
That Friday I worked late and caught up on a number of things I had been putting off. To reward myself, I dropped into Luther's Tavern for a B&B--that's beer and bratwurst at Luther's. And there was Huffman. I hadn't seen him in years. "Hey, Huffman!" I said. "How are you? What's happening? Where have you been? Are you still writing?" Huffman is a poet. I think he is a good one, but what do I know? I'm a city councilor and a tax lawyer. "Artie!" he says. "Have a seat....
Maggie's Perfect Plan Part 3 By Eve Smith I walked up the stairs to bed with their laughter ringing in my ears. Not satisfied in stealing my house and the considerable amount of money I had in the bank, Maggie seemed more than content in allowing her daughter to abuse and humiliate me. In fact she was happy to treat me like a little girl in some kind of act of revenge. Earlier she had said to me in a tone of total disgust, 'I have had to sleep in the same bed as you for two...
Lin started licking my balls and crotch so gently and slowly as if it were an art. She moved gradually moved upward along the length of my cock. She lifted it and licked carefully around the head. Despite all the torment she had given my cock only moments before, her warm tongue felt good. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "Well, Lin and I had planned on doing each other, but since you were here, well, need I say more?" I was starting to get hard. "Stop now, Lin" Tina said. Lin...