The Accidental Watch. 8th In The STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 23 free porn video

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In the dead of night ... you know, I've always wondered why it's called 'the dead of night'? The night is Not dead ... it's very much alive. Alive with the things that go bump ... and chirp ... and snap ... and huff and snort ... scurry and cry. Yeah ... the night's not dead ... it is people who are dead to the sounds.

Not all of them though ... there are those who know the night ... who understand that the cry is the rabbit taken by owl, panther, fox, wolf, ... snare. They understand the huff and snort ... could be a moose, panther, bear. The snap might be the passage of the bear, moose, deer, elk, ... human? The chirp that sudden stops is a warning that something this way comes. And the bump? ... well ... it's the things that go bump in the night that keep the night alive.

So, rather than the dead of night, the Baltic 50 sailed silently through the night guided by the reflected light of a sliver of a silver moon and myriad of stars and ghosted down the channel. No Wake. Nothing to alert the Lifeboat Service crew. Next year the Coast Guard would move in. They would be much more alert.

"Nick ... open the bridge," came the voice to his ear. Nick Andropolis, the Bridge attendant, woke up, jumped to his feet in the little shack on the side of the turnstile bridge and started the one lung make-break engine ... Pop ... pop ... putt-puttputt-putt. Each putt and pop sent a round smoke-ring to fade away in the night sky.

The gears meshed, the clutch let out ... squealing just a little. Nick advanced the throttle, Puttputtputtpopaputt putt. Nick poured water from the water bucket into the cooling chamber. The Bridge was sideways to the roadway now. He threw in the clutch ... shut down the engine and climbed up on the bridge. The ghostly white sailboat rippled its way past ... a girls voice, "Catch." He reached to the deck of the bridge, caught up a paint bucket and fielded the incoming coin.

CLANK and the coin rattle-rattled around the bottom of the bucket.

"For the summer, Nick."

Nick doffed his Greek fisherman's hat and dug around in the paint can ... a brand new double eagle ... three weeks wages and a full summers worth of tips. He was lucky to get a dime from the Chicago crowd. He looked up and a gold tooth gleamed in the faint light from the stern of the passing boat. He tucked the coin in the lining and donned the hat.

Setting the bucket in its usual place, Nick dropped off the edge of the bridge and went to the little cabin. He spun the flywheel on the make-break engine ... backwards ... the motor started ... backwards. In with the clutch, connect the gears, out with the clutch. The bridge putt putted its way closed. There was a reverse gear but Nick had never used it. Didn't know what it was for ... the engine ran fine backwards ... why bother?

He picked up the water bucket by the rope tied to its handle ... the other end was tied to a loop in the wall. The water bucket went splash as Nick tossed it in the black water of the channel to refill it. The bucket full, he pulled it out of the channel and set it in its accustomed spot. The gland nut around the piston rod leaked and he would need water to cool the little engine the next time a boat wanted in or out of the lake.

He took out a little blue notebook and a stub of a pencil. Licking the tip of the writing-stick, he made note of the double eagle and the boat that gave it so freely. The coin went in his jar, the notebook in it's place and the stub of a pencil in his pocket. He turned out the oil-light. In seconds the bridge reverberated with snoring.

At the end of the channel, the boat dropped sail, the small crew furling the main. The helmsman spun the chrome plated Destroyer wheel, the boat turned, losing way. The crew scurried to the stern and starboard side and dropped the handmade rope fenders over the side. The boat had nearly stopped ... with the boat barely moving the stern fenders kissed the new seawall ... one of the crew jumped to the pier and tied off to a bollard. The remaining crew ran to the bow and tossed a second line to the dock crew. One line to the dock-end bollard, a second line from bow to stern side bollard and another from the stern to the dock end bollard. A final line from stern to the seawall.

"Leave the main cover off the boom ... we'll hoist and let her dry in the morning. Lets go to bed."

A cover over the wheel and binnacle, a quick pass through the staterooms with the garbage bags, a lock on the hatch and the three stepped off the yacht. One of them picked up a box ... bottles clinked. They hurried up the walk to the newly built home. There was a scrabbling over the door and the key was found. Applied to the lock the key worked the mechanism ... they went inside. A light came on, jackets were shed and hung on pegs, sea boots placed in a neat row and slippers donned. The man hugged his helmsman and second mate.

They bustled. Edmond Huntly started a fire in the new stove to take the chill off the house. Persephone Huntly took small glasses from the quarter sawn maple cupboard and Missy Huntly picked out a Mason jar of clear liquid. She passed the jar to Seph who poured about an ounce in each glass.

The trio took glass in hand ... clinked them and said.

"May the winds of fortune sail you," they took a sip.

"May you sail a gentle sea," and took another sip.

"May it always be the other guy

"who says this drink's on me."

"Bottoms up ... no heeltaps!"

A fine way to start a new life.

They turned and smashed the glasses in the fireplace. The three checked the doors, windows and fire ... climbed the stairs to the master loft and went to bed. Morning comes mighty early when it's the shriek of the work whistle from the steam powered saw at the mill that does the waking.

Missy and Seph did a lot of shrieking of their own ... but it was Ed that caused it.

In the garage was a 1926 Royce Springfield Ghost but it was only two blocks to the bank. They walked. Ed carried a Letter of Credit drawn on the Bank of England. The girls window shopped, waiting on Ed. He walked in the door, past the guard and up to the counter. Ed presented the Letter of Credit.

"I'd like to open an account with this," he told the teller.

"Are you a resident?" the teller asked, rather snidely. He failed to open the letter. Failure wasn't really the situation, he ignored the letter.

"Aye, that I am, laddie, but you would do yourself a deal of harm continuing in this line and with that attitude. I highly recommend you summon your boss."

The Teller ... instead of summoning the bank president called for the guard who came forward.

"Having a problem, Jimmy?"

"I am ... with this man." Man was said in a derogatory voice.

Ed was not the prettiest this morning ... he'd come straight from home and neglected to dress in a manner befitting his station. He had no collar, tie or hat. He looked like a sailor on the lakes. His satchel was common and his boots unshined.

"Excuse me officer. If you can convince ... err ... Jimmy to return my letter I'll be taking my business to Ludington."

"Here now ... what letter?"

"The one ... err ... Jimmy has in his hand ... made out to Edmond Huntly. And we can easily settle this by reading the letter."

"Is there a problem?" asked a nattily dressed man coming from the office behind the counter.

"Yes ... I'd like my Letter of Credit back from yon ... err ... Jimmy. I had intended to open an account but my reception has been less than satisfactory. I'll be taking my business elsewhere. Ludington probably, Grand Rapids if I must." Ed was doing his best to keep his temper. "This whole shindig would have been easily solved if he'd looked at the Letter rather than my appearance."

The nicely dressed man looked Ed up and down. Poorly dressed or not there was an attitude that spoke of wealth. A decision made, the man held out his hand for the letter. Opening it, he read the first line and then down at the amount. "Jimmy, gather up your things. You're fired." He turned to Ed, " ... Mr. Huntly ... what can I do to convince you to bank with us?"

In the meantime ... err ... Jimmy was standing aghast. "Fired ... for this? ... this ... bum?"

Mr. Banker held up the letter and pointed to the bottom line.

"Errk," said Jim.

"You'd probably be best off, Jimmy, by going to see your dad at the mill. The annual gross income from the mill isn't half this."

"Yearly," said Ed. "As soon as I set up an account, that sum will be deposited yearly ... you didn't read past the amount. I watched your eyes."

"Holy Shit! ... Jimmy ... get out. Your dad could pull every penny he has on deposit and it wouldn't be a patch on this."

"Well..."said Ed, "Actually, I need to talk to Mr. Mears about the land his mill sits on. You ought to give young ... err ... Jimmy, a second chance. I'll make it a condition for deposit."

"Jimmy ... get behind the counter." The banker and Ed walked back to the office and shut the door, Persephone and Missy walked in.

Did I mention the really neat things the watch can do? Well ... it's like this. It was 2018 when the needle from outer space skewered the planet just off Seattle. In 2018 Missy was twenty-four,

Persephone and Ed were thirty. In 1926, Ed and Persephone were twenty four and Missy was just turned eighteen. Nifty watch.

"May I trouble you for change?" Persephone asked James ... err ... Jimmy. Seph was quite marvelous ... not that ... err ... Jimmy noticed. He had only eyes for Missy.

"Yes, Ma'am." He took the bill, glanced at it and gave her change.

"Skewered by indifference," said Seph, flinging her hand to her forehead ... nicely dramatic ... quality acting. Melodrama acting. "To think, my daughter could look so good as to outshine me."

"Oh, Ma, you're such a wicked stepmother," laughed Missy.

"James?" Seph was reading the tellers placard. Jimmy looked up. "Is my husband here?"

"Rather tall man with a Letter of Credit?"

"That's him ... tell him, please, that his wife and daughter are at the Antler."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"There's a rare treat, young James," said the guard, nodding after the two ladies stepping out the door. "I've not seen anything so fetching as those two since Mrs. Muldoon died." The fashions of the day and the youth of the two beauties had every man on Main street out looking.

Jimmy looked shocked, "But, your wife's name is Smith ... same as yours."

"Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy ... I know. To my regret, I know." He burst into laughter from looking at the shock on Jim's face.

The two ladies walked down the street, the Antler was middle of three from the next corner.

On the south side of the bank, all was rubble. The night of the fire was windy so the fire had swept through the wooden buildings, jumping from one to another like children swinging from rung to rung on a horizontal ladder. The bank was stone ... the store next to the Antler was brick so the fire chief put all their efforts in defending the two businesses that possibly had a chance to survive. That fire was more than thirty years ago.

The rubble spoke more to the finances of the town than any thing else could. In the coming thirty years, the town would barely survive the war but the aftermath of that most destructive of man's inhumanity would see a wave of new construction on the north shore. Chas Mears State park, the repair of the piers and reinforcement of the Lifeboat Service with an added Coast Guard Cutter or two helped the town become a resort.

As they were walking past the rubble, Seph said, "We'll have to do something about that."

The Antler used to be a bar, now that the Nation was engaged in the great experiment the Antler was fumbling along on what it could bring in as a lunchroom by day and a speakeasy in the basement at night.

The ongoing conversation about the Eighteenth Amendment and it's disastrous results had slipped from the politicians to the Protestants and their uneven morality, stopped when the girls stepped up to the counter and greeted the counter help by name.

"Frank, is Ernest the chef today?"

"No Mum ... He's got the flu ... I'm pulling double duty." A simple glance around the room confirmed the fact that Frank was pushed to keep the coffee going out and countertop wiped up ... and little else.

"Hmm ... Well, Missy. There's no help for it. Let's get to work." They hung their hats on the hatrack, draped their bolero jackets over two chairs at a table, stripped off their gloves and slammed through the kitchen double doors. A shriek was heard.

Same as The Accidental Watch. 8th in the STOPWATCH Series
Chapter 23 Videos

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 26

One of the Seven ... a Separatist ... separated from the Seven and tossed Andrea a watch. "Here, have mine," He shouted and conjoined with the rest. Even though he was One of Seven, they could hear him laughing until he was out of hearing. I'd like to say Tim was speechless ... I know Andrea was. Very little could shut Tim's mouth. "Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" he exclaimed. "You know ... No I guess you don't ... I'll tell you." He paused for breath, "The Powers that Be...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 33

"Oh Hell ... Junior? Run next door and send your David over here." Wendy Too asked. "My David? You mean dad?" Junior was confused. "No ... Andrea's David." "Andrea has a David?" Now she was really confused. "Junior! Git!" "Yes mom," she got. She was intercepted at the door. "Members only, girl," said Geoff. "I need David ... My big mouth has caused an emergency ... Mom sent me." Junior explained, quite unsatisfactory. "Who are you?" Ah, the big question. "Junior...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 24

'Well, ' those of you who say, 'Why didn't Andie use her watch to get them out of the storm?' 'Well, ' those of who you say, 'Why didn't David use his watch to get them out of the storm?' Hmm? Before the storm; 'Damn it all, ' thought Andrea and David in stereo, 'I can't use my watch. If I was alone I could.' Andrea didn't know David had a time piece. David didn't know Andrea had a time piece. (This is sounding like a Dick and Jane reader.) (With bigger words.) (I was...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 81

At noon the next day, the crew was assembled with David on the foredeck. Coins were flipped and rock, paper, scissors was played until the six sextants all had students. Shooting the sun at noon is simple ... it's the math that gets you. Bowditches' Tables helped, but at least one student discovered that they were at the source of the Amazon ... everybody else was close to their actual position. As soon as the intrepid Amazonian explorer discovered that decimal point placement could have a...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 21

The rigging crew left them at Portage Lake ... they overnighted and went to the races with Julie and the crew. A raucous night ... the track was sand but well watered and packed. It wasn't clay racing but it was fun. The track was close to round so no matter where you sat it was on a curve. In dirt track racing all the action happens on a curve. It was a full half mile so the modifieds were really moving. After two days on a sailboat the speed of the cars was mesmerizing. They sat together...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 39

It's been a long and tiring day for the gods ... there's always so much to catch up on after a long Labor day weekend. Thor and the boys aren't all seeing, all hearing, or in complete control like one of the other gods ... or so he claims. Fate had her feet up and munching buttered popcorn. She'd been looking ... and planning this little disaster ever since Andrea managed to slip past her fate when she caught the watch batted by the sturgeon. "Damn it all! I missed it the first time...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 63

Aboard the Pretty Penny, the crew watched in horror as the explosion jellied the four men in the water. Wikipedia says: The effects of an underwater explosion depend on several things, including distance from the explosion, the energy of the explosion, the depth of the explosion, and the depth of the water. Underwater explosions are categorized by the depth of the explosion. Shallow underwater explosions are those where a crater formed at the water's surface is large in comparison with...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 78

One of the problems of the Pacific: It's a long fucking way from here to there ... no matter where here is, there is waaaay over there. That single problem gives way to the second problem: Where do you find enough fresh food to keep the crew healthy? In the case of the Galapagos, one goes to Saint Christopher. For the crew of the Pretty Penny, Saint Christopher presented a no brainer. They were, after all, the Nevis and St. Christopher Navy. To sail to Saint Christopher, the Intertropical...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 47

Well, Tim was in watch invisibility mode and wondering the same thing. 'That bunch on the barge are absolutely guilty ... the Coast Guard knows it ... the girls know it. If I just flash the pen ... then nobody remembers ... no one can testify because no one knows. When they get that wreck off the bottom they're going to know there was no reason for that boat to sink.' The higher ups ... the ones who pay for all this ... felt it was getting too dangerous to let it go on. Snuff movies pay...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 64

There is something about a half drowned terrified kitten ... Yup ... five out of six ends are sharp and the one that isn't sharp may not have good sphincter control. David said, "First thing we do is get a fifty five gallon drum of beach sand ... and probably the same again nest week. Can you believe the volume of that kitten? OUCH! Careful with the iodine!! Nyoman ... is your nickname Doctor Pain?" The crew was sitting at the portable sidescan sonar trying to decide if the helicopter...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 69

This is to fix a problem with how Connie and her brother became crew on the Pretty Penny: The original intention was to have two parallel stories running at the same time ... So 'Begin Again' was started. I never finished it. It was the laser hair removal her brother gave her for her sixteenth birthday ... and they didn't grow back ... and didn't leave a scar ... well ... maybe just a little one, ... when the technician slipped ... but it wasn't completely disfiguring ... not totally...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 12

(Authors note: I know I made it sound like Bill Slagle knows about the watch ... he doesn't.) The welcome home was enthusiastic ... satisfying and thorough. Changing the sheets for a dry spot and opening the windows on both ends of 'the attic' dissipated the 'freshly fucked' atmosphere. Our happy lovers showered and headed out to replenish depleted energy sources ... PIZZA! Anyone watching the pair would never expect they were married ... married couples don't cuddle on one bench in a...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 44

"If you were setting up the course, what would you recommend?" David was curious, now that he was over stunned. Junior gave the chats a quick glance, "Lake Erie is shallow and this end has a lot of wannabe islands ... rises and humps that make life interesting for sailors. I'd steer 123 degrees off north and pay close attention to Rattlesnake Island. We'll miss Sister to starboard but 123 would rack us up on this ... bump ... can't call it a reef ... a reef is coral." David looked at...

1 year ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 52

While they were sailing in circles waiting for the C-130, the Twins asked David to marry them. No ... not David ... Chris and Sarah ... C'Twin and S'Twin asked David to perform a wedding ... Damn it all. The Twins asked Chris and Sarah to be their respective brides and then they asked David, in his office of Captain to marry the four of them ... No ... Not David taking the four of them as brides ... Damn it all. "David, Sarah and I want to get married, will you perform the office?"...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 71

The cats turned up their combined noses at bag cat food. The Pennies tried them all. Al Sanchez found the only good use for dry cat chow ... not necessarily the brand ... to the cats it's generic ... like fridge ... kleenex ... coke ... things of that nature ... it's all cat chow ... and they won't eat it. Al put it in a cheesecloth bag and tied it to a fishing line in front of the hook, so ... if a fish bites he gets the hook too ... sea bass love cat chow ... the cats love fish guts,...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 83

A New Old Watch: 83. You remember last time, David had recovered from his fall and was about to be married to Andrea onboard a British Submarine. They did. After that, they sailed into Pearl, fired off 21 guns to the country, dipped the flag to half a dozen Admirals, hoisted the US flag, the Hawaiian flag and called on the Port Authority. Andrea made an impressive Fleet Admiral of the Nevis and St. Kitts Navy. While Andrea was impressing, David, dressed in his whites but wearing his charred...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 9

"Thank you officer." "You're welcome, Miss." "Mrs." "Excuse me. Mrs Slagle. You have a doctorate? Kinda young for that, aren't you?" "I got skipped a few grades in High School," she said, all the while thinking, 'Mostly.' That brought a slight smile to her face. The two policemen tipped hats to the room, thanked the owner for her time and left. Daisy showed them out. "I know this isn't the time or place for it ... it might even sound like levity, but, I'm going to check...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 31

It is an axiom of life: Horny girls and horny boys make babies ... in 1963. However, a modern, right thinking, twenty-two year old girl from 1988 will be on the pill. By the way ... Horny ... hormonal ... how about that. "Professor Slagle? Taking my life in my hands, I beg your indulgence," said David. They were putting away the beer. Big boats have room for extras ... like a nice, big, propane powered fridge ... in this case, a walk in cooler. It was behind the bar in the salon. Boats...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 45

Oh, yes. It was exciting. It was so exciting that Andrea forgot her nautical. "David, turn right. And for God's sake, slow down. The screen that watches the bottom has bumps and some of them are pretty damn close..." David did slow down... "Right a little..." She held up her left hand, looked at and... "No ... my right ... er ... left ... yes, turn left." She hollered, "Junior! I need you!" "I'm busy, Andie." "I need someone to watch the other screen." She screeched,...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 59

Myron C. Jones, USMC, at times could swear the life Jerry Garcia wrote about was Myron's life... 'What a long strange trip it's been.' Marine Lance Corporal Jones, "Jonesy," was a crackerjack bulldozer driver before he joined the Marines ... after nineteen years in the Corps, he wasn't much better. (Crackerjack. A cheap prize from a box of popcorn.) Jonesy has been, variously, a private, a Sergeant, a Warrant, a Sergeant, a private, and nearly every possible rank in the Corps. Once...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 29

They left from the porch. For a couple of days, Jean wondered who the man in her house had been. She certainly didn't know why she had a complete Intensive Care Unit and bed ... complete with monitors she'd never seen and pumps that didn't exist ... on her newly enclosed back porch ... in the addition she had no idea was there. There was plenty of evidence that the bed was recently used. "Christ! I get enough of that at work ... why would I do it at home?" But, everybody at the Shelby...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 42

You remember last time. They had just made a purchase of six sextants ... really good sextants, with mahogany cases and the New American. It was Andrea, the Twins and David ... remember? David pulled away from the curb and decided the best way to find the dock area was to keep going to the river. The French were partial to wheel spoke streets. Detroit was laid out by the French so there were three main spokes in the wheel centered on the Fur Trading Post on the river. Coming in from the...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 48

Of course, the King's Knight had already sailed. Julia stayed ... she left the cameras. After all, it was Andrea who was supposed to be taking the photos for National Geographic. The girls from the boat had been transferred by helicopter to a secret government hospital in Ann Arbor. It must be admitted that the Coast Guard thought they got them all. So, the Knight was long gone ... well, about four hours ... when the barge sunk. Middle Bass Island is where they were headed so David could...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 49

They had six sextants to calibrate. David wanted to do them all at noon. That meant six days on the islands. "Does that mean we'll be here for the Last Bash?" asked Junior. "Looks that way," said David. "Great ... I'll call mom and see if I can go." Mom showed up seconds later. After an explaination of Last Bash and a couple of fades from Wendy Too, mom stabilized in front of Junior. She turned her head and spoke to Andrea, "Wow! Sometimes I forget what normal kids are like....

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 8

"Well," said Andrea. "We know where the watch is. The only problem is it's not broke." "Shall we give Amos the shadow of a doubt? I'd hate to accuse the boy of stealing it" "He's your employee ... you're calling the shots." "You have the most unusual way with words ... Calling the shots? Where is that from?" "In my time, it's a pool ... that's billiards with pockets ... term. Calling the shot is calling the pocket." "I am aware of the game ... sinful is what it...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 10

The second thing Andrea did after eliminating the threat to the 'Colored Burying Ground, ' was dropping back to 1937 and purchasing a set of fenders, front end chrome and rocker panels for the 1934 Ford two door sedan that would soon become Pink. For some unknown reason, the watch knew to the second when to drop off the parts. Then she checked the Spanish Lottery, discovered the winning numbers and left the note. Smuggling the paint into the body shop took a little ingenuity, but she got...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 17

The grieving process is different for everyone ... no matter what 'licensed professionals' try to tell you. In Andrea's case they tried to stuff her in a grieving box that had absolutely no connection with the facts. "Your husband is dead," the tenth licensed professional said. "You keep telling me something I already know." "You need to move on." "You won't let me." "What do you mean?" "My husband is dead ... and you keep telling me that. Give it a rest. The man who...

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