RedemptionChapter 21 free porn video

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The opposing player took the pass deep in the corner. Dex was in good defensive position and cheated toward the baseline as his man dribbled outward toward the circle - Dex would make him give up the ball with no probelm. Suddenly, he heard the muted opening notes of Pachelbel from the sideline. Momentarily distracted, he missed the pick setting up on his low side, and his man reversed direction and moved behind him to bank in a 10 footer. His teammate Randy was already moving from his place on the bench to the scorer's table to check in for him, Dex's cellphone in hand.

This scenario had played out often enough so his teammates all knew what to do, and no one was surprised. He knew that providing this kind of anytime/anywhere access to his customers was a big part of his business success. Still, giving up that bucket and having to interrupt one of his better recent games left him more than a little peeved as he grabbed the phone from Randy on his way to the bench. He walked past his team's bench to the end of the bleachers, looking for a quiet place to talk. With any luck, he could set up a later time for a callback or a visit, and get right back to the game. Occasionally, he could even work through the problem with the customer on the phone, although that could eat up valuable playing minutes.

Taking a few deep breaths to give himself time to put on his 'business voice, ' he finally spoke; "this is Dex Madison..."

The response left him dumbfounded: "Dex, I need help! I'm hurt, and I'm freezing!" The female voice was shaking and obviously panicky. He couldn't place it at first.

"Who... ?"

"It's M... Megan... c... can you c... come get m... m... me? Please?!"

"Megan? Can't you call the police?" Hearing the name, he was already dashing back through the gym toward the bench, drawing surprised looks from teamates, opponents, and referees alike.

"Dex, No... n... no police! Please! I... I... I d... don't know how long I c... c... can h... hold out!"

It was December 16, drizzling, and the temperature was in the high 30s and dropping. Grabbing his sweats and jacket from under the team bench, he hurried to the parking lot. "Megan, tell me exactly where you are. I want to keep this line open until I get to you, but in case we get disconnected..."

"I... I'm at the F... F... Fairfield M... Middle School b... ball.f... f... field... dug... g... gout. D... Do y... you kn... know... ?"

"Yes, I know right where that is. It will take me 7 or 8 minutes. Are you dressed for the cold?"

"N... N... No! J... Just a r... robe! C... Couldn't g... get more!"

"Megan, listen to me. You have to keep moving! Sit on the bench and rub your feet and legs hard with your hands. I mean hard, so it hurts. Don't stop. Rub with one hand and hold the phone with the other. Then switch hands. Start right now!"

Sideslipping dangerously onto the onramp for the four mile expressway dash to the exit near the school, he thought fast for what to do next. "Megan... just rub! Hard! And keep on rubbing, no matter how tired you get! This is very important! Do you hear me?"

"Y... Yes. So s... s... scared... c... cold! Hurry"

"Megan, I am going to keep talking to you as I drive. You don't have to talk to me. Just grunt when I ask so I know you are still with me. OK?"

"Unnnhh" was the only response.

He knew it was stupid, but he did a tour guide's detailed description of every steet, building, and signpost he passed. The important thing was to make sure she always heard his voice. He could tell that she was at the edge of collapse from exhaustion, fear, and probably hypothermia. His game was the last on the night's schedule, so it was nearly 9:45. The expressway was virtually deserted, but he knew a speeding stop would be disastrous for Megan.

As he babbled away part of his mind went back to Megan's comment "... He's looking." That meant he would have to dodge her husband to pick her up. Part of him almost wanted a confrontation, but he knew that would not help her, and that was his driving concern right now.

It was a little over a year ago when he first heard Megan's voice on the phone. He saw the familiar number from Archer Manufacturing, pressed Talk on his cellphone and answered "Hey, String, what's up?" He fully expected to hear his long-time friend and center from his basketball team, Tim "String" Archer. String had been one of his first contract customers, and they had been important to each others' success. As the manufacturing business mushroomed, String still handled all the calls for system support himself.

There was a silence from the other end of the line, then a female voice asked "Is this John Madison?"

"Officially, yes, but no one has called me that for quite a while. I guess I owe you the courtesy of starting over - "Hello, this is Dex Madison, how can I help you?"

"Oh, Dex, huh, from your middle name Dexter - I see that on your card." A very nice voice, Dex thought, animated, melodic.

"This is Megan Wallace. I am Mr. Archer's new Administrative Assistant. He wants me to take over all the support contacts, especially now that he is going to be doing a lot more travelling." While feeling a little sad that he would have fewer direct dealings with String, he had to agree that it was time for String to get some help.

"It's nice to meet you, Megan, and I hope to see you in person soon."

"You will - I have a couple of problems for you as soon as you can get out here."

Contrary to so many telephone voices, Megan's matched her appearance perfectly. Dex would have been in love instantly, had he not made sure to check for the ring and reign in his libido when he saw it. 'As usual, the good ones are always taken', he mused. She had the trim, athletic body that appealed to him so much. She could have been a dancer, or a sprinter - she was too tall for a gymnast.

Dex was usually at Archer at least two or three times a week. He and Megan quickly developed an easy and efficient working relationship. She was bright, smooth with people, and fastidious about details. He had to stop himself from just watching her as she talked on the phone or moved around the area. 'Class' was the term that kept popping into his mind.

Over a period of a several months, he began to notice a few things about Megan that sent ice through his veins. First, she showed up with her arm in a sling after missing several days. A bit later, lipstick could hide the color, but not the swelling of her lip one morning. Still later, she showed up with heavy makeup on her cheeks and eyes - she hardly wore any, normally. By this time, he was sure, and it made him heartsick, especially because he didn't think there was a thing he could do about it. It seemed almost impossible. She had it so together at work. How could she be an abuse victim?

For several weeks after realizing the truth, he did nothing but watch. Finally, after first checking with String, he asked her to join him for a mid-morning coffee at a nearby Starbuck's.

"Dex, I can't, I just have too much to do..."

"I cleared it with the Boss."

"But, but... I'm married. I can't go out with you!"

"Megan, it's just a cup of coffee, and I really need to talk to you." After several more minutes of objections and insistence, she relented. Over coffee, he bluntly stated, "Megan, I know!"

"Know what, Dex?"

"I know you are being abused." The shock approach worked. Her mouth worked for a moment with nothing coming out, and her face paled. At first, he thought she might faint. When she finally spoke, she surprised him.

"I have a feeling denials would be useless, right? How do you know? Why do you care?"

"I have extemely painful personal experience. Someday, I may be able to tell you about it. I was not the abuser, if that gives you any comfort. The signs are burned in my memory so I can never forget. That's how I know. Before, I was helpless to do anything, and it has gnawed at my guts every day since. I like you, Megan, and I don't ever want to see anyone else go down that path. That's why I care."

There was a break of several minutes while both sipped their coffee. Finally, she spoke softly: "I have already heard all about what I should do, and what danger I am in. I do appreciate your concern, but it's MY problem. You can't solve it."

"I know that, Megan, and that's not why I wanted to talk to you. I promise - no lectures, no warnings, no pressure to get help, no begging you to leave him. I want to offer two things. First, I will be a friend and just listen if you want someone to talk to. I suspect there is no one right now who is even close to safe for you to share with. Second, if you ever need help of any kind, I want you to promise to call me. I won't judge, and I won't say 'I told you so.' Don't say anything right now, just think about it."

Dex was rather proud of himself, feeling he had done a good job of hiding the depth of the emotion he was feeling as he talked with Megan.

After their coffee, Megan was tense and aloof around him for several days. He was afraid he had screwed up a nice friendship with the captivating woman. It was a little over a week later around noontime when she called him on his cell phone. He was on his way to a client site, but he pulled over into a parking lot so he could give her full attention. It would be the first time in many months he had been late for an appointment.

"Dex, uh, is that offer of someone to talk to still open." Assured that it was, she continued. "You were right. There isn't anyone else. My daughter is away at school, and my folks live out of town. Communication with all of them has been strained since my marriage."

"Megan, would you rather get together somewhere private?"

"Oh, no. I'm sure my husband has someone watching me all the time. Tim, er... , Mr. Archer said I can use his office whenever he is out, and he goes out for lunch a lot. Is it OK if I call you around lunch time?"

"From now on, I will make sure I am free every noon."

"Dex, he... he hit me again." From then on, they talked at least three times a week on the phone, and they made sure their interactions in person were very short and businesslike.

Every conversation was an emotional drain on Dex. The things she told him brought back vivid, painful memories. Holding to his promise of just listening was far more difficult than he had anticipated. It took over three weeks before she told him her complete story.

Megan Shaughnessy was the only child of Patrick and Jeanette. Patrick was a promising young Sergeant on the Police Force, and they were a performance-oriented family. Megan was a top student, and as a sophomore, was already making her mark on the swim team. She was an obedient daughter who seemed to have a fine relationship with her parents.

Typical of many Irish Catholic families, one topic not openly discussed was sex. In addition, Patrick was quite reserved in his expressions of affection for Megan. Megan, in turn, was more mature in most respects than her peers, and had the figure and bearing of a much older woman.

The school's star running back, a Senior, was the quintessential teenaged hunk, with a sister on the swim team. At the first swim meet he attended, he was smitten by the willowy, graceful Megan. Troy was a catch any girl would jump at. He was a nice guy from a good family, not the typical arrogant jock.

Megan, ripe for romance and somewhat starved for affection, fell very hard, and Troy was not much more in control. She was not openly rebellious against the values she had been taught, more like in a different world where the only values were her feelings. Her parents' reticence about sex left her unequipped for the hormonal onslaught that engulfed her.

Being only fourteen, Megan was not allowed on dates, as such. Both teens, however, went to the same church, and were able to see each other at various youth activities. Troy's sister, a year older than Megan, invited Megan over numerous times, and football and swimming practices ran simultaneously, so there were opportunities.

Raging hormones can drive young people to unexpected feats, and one way or another, Megan and Troy got together often enough for her to end up pregnant after seven months. Abortion was not even considered.

Troy acted like a man, and was ready to marry Megan, with support from the two families. Megan, though, was yanked from her love-struck trance by the harsh reality of impending motherhood, and began to evaluate Troy more closely. Besides his good looks, athletic talent, and obvious love for her, she did not find enough of the attributes of her dream man. He was definitely a step below her intellectually. He was one of six children in a working class family, and his aspirations did not seem to extend beyond that lifestyle for himself.

With maturity beyond her years, Megan understood the impact her pregnancy had on her future, but was not willing to have it doom her to the life of Troy's mother. She decided being a single mother was better than that.

The decision not to marry went down very hard with Troy and his family, but Patrick and Jeanette stood firmly behind their daughter. They had gone through the predictable shock and anger, but to their credit, they never considered rejecting her. Painful soul-searching showed them how they had failed to prepare Megan properly, and they were genuinely remorseful. For her part, Megan realized how deeply she had hurt her parents, and committed herself to making it up to them.

Baby Morgan won the hearts of her mother and her grandparents, and together they provided a loving environment. Megan finished high school, even making All-Conference her Senior year.

There was some scholarship money available for Megan to attend college, but it required her to be a full-time student at a major school out of town. Her parents pled with her to take it, but she was unwilling to put the whole load of support and child care on them. Instead she enrolled in a two-year degree program at a local branch, and took an evening job at a telemarketing firm.

After entering the workforce, Megan's life was a living proof of the lament 'The good one's are all taken.' Whether on the job or socially, she seemed to be every opportunist's target. Having Morgan turned away many men who might have been serious suitors. The rest wanted to go out with her with one objective, which Megan thwarted most of the time.

Megan's dream of the ideal man never died. When she was twenty-seven, she was engaged to a man who met a lot of her criteria. He treated her very well; he had a good position in the family business, and appeared to be good at it; he was bright and had values similar to Megan's; the family was wealthy, and he was in line for a significant piece of that wealth.

One discovery a few months before the wedding caused Megan to re-evaluate her engagement, and to eventually cancel it. It became clear she would always be the second woman in her future husband's life, his mother being the first. All along, she had known the mother called all the shots in the business. Planning for the wedding revealed the extent to which the mother ruled every aspect of her intended's life, with little opposition from him. She addressed the issue with him repeatedly and could get no satisfaction.

After breaking the engagement, Megan had several heated sessions with the mother, who was enraged that Megan would have the temerity to walk away from her family. Megan was heartbroken at having to once again abandon her dream, but she never backed down from the woman.

The mother came to realize the treasure she would be losing in Megan, and eventually made promises to try to change her mind. In response, Megan told her that even if she kept her promises, the son would still be nothing but a puppet, totally lost without his mother pulling the strings.

Depression kept Megan from any interest in men for many months after the breakup, and the caliber of the men who pursued her did not improve, until Craig Wallace showed up.

Morgan was just starting her Senior year in High School when Craig came to town on business and met Megan by chance. Craig, a wealthy real estate developer, had been widowed less than a year earlier, and began seriously courting Megan. He was physically impressive, charming, and apparently smitten with her.

Perhaps it was the accumulation of years of loneliness and heartbreak. Perhaps it was long-suppressed hormones overwhelming her critical senses. Perhaps it was the skill of a master seducer. Whatever the reason, Megan was unable to see what her daughter and her parents saw, and was married to Craig within two months.

Morgan was allowed to live with her grandparents and finish High School, while Megan moved away with Craig. Morgan was old enough at the time of her mother's earlier near marriage to understand and get down on men. When she came to live with Craig and Megan after graduation, she came to despise men. She could not wait to get away to college, and did everything she could to avoid going 'home.'

Megan's marriage threatened to sunder the Shaughnessy family, which had always been extremely close.

"Megan, have you seen Craig's car go by? What is he driving?"

"S... s... ilv... ver L... lexus... T... twice"

"Okay, I will watch out for him." At the exit ramp less than a mile from the school, he cranked the heater up as high as it would go, trying to get the cab as warm as possible. He knew where the school was, but did not know the layout. Usually, there is parking quite close to ball fields, so he would have to wing it. It was obvious he would have to go and get her - she did not seem able to run to the pickup. The school was on his left, and he looked around carefully for any traffic. Seeing none, he turned off his lights. The outline of the baseball backstop was still visble against the sparse yardlights that surrounded the schoolgrounds.

He drove into the school parking lot and was about to take the narrow paved service lane back toward the ball field when he thought better of it and pulled around the back of the building away from the road and stopped in a corner of two walls. This left him a couple hundred yards from the dugout, but at least the truck could not be seen. He was still chattering away to Megan.

He reached up and switched the interior light to the "always off" position, donned his jacket, and reached behind the seat for the heavy wool blanket he kept for emergencies and picnic 'opportunities.' Grabbing a flashlight from the glovebox and leaving the engine idling and the heater on, he climbed out of the truck. Just as he was about to leave the cover of the building and dash to the dugout, he saw headlights wash across the field and ducked back out of sight. Peering carefully around the corner, he saw a silver car crawling slowly up the block, stopping to shine a powerful flashlight between each pair of houses.

"D... d... dex! He's h... here a... g... gain! Wh... where are y... you?"

"Shh... Megan, keep quiet. I am at the school and I can see him. We have to wait until he goes away." I'm putting away the phone, now. I'll be with you soon." At the pace the car was moving, it would take several minutes before it passed the school. What if he searched the school just as thourougly. What if Megan lost consciousness or ran out screaming before then? Think! Must act quickly! Wait, the blanket is dark wool and not reflective. It's big enough to cover head to foot. 'A cape of invisiblility!' He almost chuckled at the thought.

Quickly wrapping the blanket around himself, he moved off accross the back of the school. The left field fence backed up against the playground area, and was the shortest way to the dugout, but the left field line was the direction the car was approaching from. He moved directly away from the car, circling the entire outfield to get to the first base line. The car could not see him until he was behind the right field fence, and the farther away he was, the less chance he would be seen. It was now vital to get to the dugout before that flashlight beam swept the ball field, as he was now sure it would. Despite his excellent condition, the run around the entire field was exhausting. The cold air bit at his lungs, and the waterlogged sod seemed to suck at his feet. Finally, he reached the first base dugout and clambered down the steps. Nothing! As he started back out, he saw the flashlight beam sweep over the infield. He crouched back down to wait, but realized there was no time to waste. Skirting behind the backstop, he reached the third base dugout without catching the beam. He covered the flashlight lens, turned it on and had to steel himself to keep from breaking down when he saw Megan.

Megan was huddled at one end of the bench, barefoot. A sodden lightweight long robe, probably cotton, was palstered to her skin. Even in the dim light he could see one eye was almost swollen shut and blood trickled down her chin. She still clutched the cell phone tightly and was literally quaking as she looked up at him but could not even form words. Before he could fully absorb what he saw, the flashlight beam from the car fastened on the other dugout, and played back and forth over it for about ten seconds. The opening of their dugout was away from the direction of the beam, but he knew it would be searched next. They had to move, and fast. She obviously could not run, so he would have to do it all.

"Megan, it's Dex. We have to leave, NOW! You have to climb on my back and hang on." He knelt in front of her, grabbed her cell phone and put it in his jacket. Gently taking her hands, he brought them up over his shoulders. As he did so, she uttered a stifled scream.

"R... r... ribs!"

"I'm sorry, Megan. I don't want to hurt you, but we HAVE TO LEAVE - NOW. Please, just get up on my back. I'll be as gentle as I can." He grabbed her ankles and brought her legs around his waist. Then he looped the blanket completely over her back and head and under her bottom. Pulling the loose corneres in front of him, he more or less had her pinned to his back. She would not be able to hold on much by herself, so he would have to run bent over, sort of balancing her above him. Another problem he could do nothing about - his legs, still in his basketball shorts, would be bare, damp, and probably quite reflective.

Now, a critical decision! Retrace his previous route all the way around the field, or take the direct route up the left field line to his truck. The direct route would put him closest to the searching car, but he was pretty sure he did not have the strength for the long route. Without any more debate, he lurched out of the dugout and started up the third base line. To his immense relief he found a tarmac path leading directly back toward his truck. His bent-over position and Megan's weight still made every step an effort of will, but he was able to establish a steady shuffle - sort of a controlled stumble. Megan was moaning loudly with each step, and he desparately wished there was something he could do to ease her agony, but searing images from the past convinced him the best thing he could do for her was just to get her to a safe place. About half-way to the outfield fence, the flashlight beam found them and stayed with them. His immediate reaction was panic, but he had the presence of mind to keep right on moving. The car was still on the road, and Craig would have to drive around the school and find his truck. Besides, there wasn't any man he couldn't handle one on one, even as exhausted as he was. If, however, Craig was armed, that put Megan in even more danger. No, for her sake, he had to escape! It was now just a desparate race.

Struggling for each painful draught of air, he let his mind roam back fifteen years, remembering the rage and helplessness that had been his companion so many nights. As he vowed it would not happen to Megan, the rage turned to adrenalin and he somehow found another reserve of strength.

The car sped up and the beam disappeared as it went in front of the school. They were now at the outfield fence and only about 100 feet from his truck. Almost without feeling, he staggered the final steps, opened the passenger door and literally dumped poor Megan into the passenger side, causing a heart-rending scream. As he staggered around the front of the truck, he had a sudden inspiration, scooped up a handful of the plentiful mud and smeared it on the license plate. He repeated the process on the back license plate and hauled himself into the driver's seat.

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3 years ago
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Nice night with Ori

This happened 3 years ago. I was 15 at the time, so ,as any other teen that reaches that age, I wanted to hump on anything that moved. I remember I even masturbated like once or twice a day! (to me is much) I have a very large family (like about 30 cousins) and I was younger, in average, than the rest of my cousins. Most of them were dudes, but there was a small jewel in our family. Her name was Oriana and she was turning 19 back then. She was 1.65m tall and even though once she was chubby,...

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Oh God What Did I just Do A wifes tale

We were down in the city for Christmas shopping, well at least I was. Husband was at some meeting and didn't know when he would get back to hotel but would phone to keep me up to date. I had spent four hours in the mall the day before and had got quite a lot christmas presents including one for hubby, a new sexy night attire loose top and skinny thong in black lace. So when I got back to hotel I had a quick shower and put the new sexy stuff on to surprise him when he got back.. It was getting...

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I Had a Great Exp With My Aunty

Hi iss lovers my name is naseer I had learned many incest stories and tried a trick in one of the incest story and I fucked my aunty, let I can explain how it happened my cha-cha (my fathers brother) married a few months ago and they are living a happy life, they are living at Hyderabad and we are at kurnool a few days ago I visited Hyderabad for joining in an engineering college my parents told me to visit their house before I join my college, I had done as usual I visit their house , and I...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter Nine

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Nine - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid; Uncle Reggie: Grandma Brother and a Baron; David: Emily's husband; Jack: My...

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HandsOnHardcore Scyley Jam Born To Fuck

Horny newcomer Scyley Jam has been curious to try a MMF threesome for awhile now, and today in the Hands On Hardcore studio we make the saucy newcomer’s wishes come true. The all-natural Russian brunette beauty is paired with Josh and Kristof Cale in this 4K premium porn picture. And the men give her a double penetration experience that she’ll never forget. See the multi-dick sucking Queen go to town on their big cocks before they throw her on top for some hot dp cowgirl action....

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Second Chance

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Anyone wishing to archive this story is free to do so. Anyone not wishing to archive this story, is also free to do so. So there. ----------- SECOND CHANCE... By Gunslinger Jack had maybe a second's warning, out of the corner of his eye. He'd barely started to look up, when there was a dull 'thump', and he was forcibly lifted from the seat of his ten-speed and hurled through the air. He had an instant in which to register surprise before he made...

3 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 25

Kim and Sally met in the parking lot at school the next morning. As they walked across the paved surface towards the school buildings, Sally said, "Kim, I really want to do it with Tom. I want to know what it is like to have him inside me." "It will happen when, and if, it happens," Kim replied, "But don't rush it. It was just so natural when Jack and I did it." "Are you going to do it again with Jack?" "I don't know. I'm going to wait and see what he does. I want the next...

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Our Only Hope Chapter 01

I could have run this through my regular publisher and made a couple hundred dollars, but I am posting it instead because many more people read my posts than buy my books. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses...

3 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 15

Leaving town was sort of done quietly. In fiction all of the people get together and have a giant orgy with everyone humping and sucking until exhaustion sets in. Our departure wasn't quite that dramatic. We packed the night before. We were catching an evening flight, and we had all day before the bus left for the airport. We scattered to the four winds, each cramming a few last memories of this vacation into our heads. Mom and Dad went off to do whatever they were going to do, and Liz and...

2 years ago
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Slut MommieChapter 15

The next day John and I both slept in. I woke up watching my husband stir and open his eyes. "Hi beautiful," He whispered. I smiled and gave him a kiss. "Gotta pee," I said getting up. Immediately he jumped out of bed laughing and ran to the bathroom. "John, you're horrible," I said watching his cock sway in front of him as he ran. I sighed and got out of bed. I was naked and had to go pee bad so I peeked out the room into the still dark hallway. The only light that was on was...

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EGirl The Gift Prologue

E-Girl - The Gift Prologue: At the center of the multiverse, there is a small moon-sized planetoid. On the surface is a large tree, whose branches give the impression of giving shade to the whole of Creation. At the base of the tree is a dwelling that looks like a traditional North American native teepee, and it would have looked quite natural on the North American plains. What steps out of the teepee would not have looked as natural. It was a coyote. In fact it was the...

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Old English

I was 34 and working for a large travel agency. We had a ritual after work of going to a seafood restaurant lounge for happy hour. There were many more women in the company than men, so our group was always loaded with more females. There was an older agent that was of english decent. She was 57 and about 5'7" tall with short curly dark hair. She had a killer body for a woman her age. I had seen her dressed in only a full body leotard once at a party and couldn't take my eyes off of her. I had...

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EvilAngel Michelle Anthony FuckNFacial Hookup

Wearing a studded choker necklace and a revealing pink top, porcelain-skinned redhead Michelle Anthony does a full spin. Nasty director/dominant fucker Bryan Gozzling runs his hands over her sculpted body, and Michelle’s eyes roll in pleasure. He chokes her seductively as she rubs his diamond-hard dick. Bryan sucks her petite pink nipples. He exposes her pulsing asshole and shoves his tongue inside for a delicious rim job. Bryan massages her clit as Michelle screams, and he pours oil on...

2 years ago
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Best Friends to Lovers part 2

Kelly’s eyes widen at the thought of what Grace was going to do but she was up for anything. Kelly felt she had waited long enough to be Grace who was her best friend. Grace moved down as she unbuttoned Kelly’s jean shorts slowly pulling them off her long legs. Kelly was fit from volleyball in high school as well as bicycling few miles everyday, running, and swimming. Grace smiled because she couldn’t help but admire Kelly’s firm body. Kelly was virgin with women but she moaned in anticipation...

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The Happy Sailor Rides Again

Upon the return to the UK from the trip to Gibraltar, and the tour of the Mediterranean Sea, Adam had left the ship as he had been aboard for just this one voyage and I wondered when I would see him again. This was in the days prior to mobile phones, internet and emails and so the only contact you really had back then was the old snail mail and telegrams and that made life much more difficult when it came to keeping in touch. When Adam got to his next base, he sent me a letter containing a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Hello Neighbors

The first time I saw a guy's cock was a more than few years back. We had just relocated to a new city and we really didn't know anyone. One day we went to a neighbor's barbecue to get acquainted with everyone. Well a couple of hours had passed and everyone was in the big backyard and pool area drinking and making friends. I went into the house to find a bathroom.The house was very large with a basement, attic, multiple bathrooms, bedrooms and a variety of miscellaneous rooms. As I wandered...

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Stand in TimeChapter 08

We wake up to the sound of a church bell ringing, and realise it must be a Sunday: you tend to forget days of the week while travelling. We get up to organise breakfast and ourselves for the day. In an odd quirk of fate the majority of the wagon train people make independent decisions to attend the mid-morning mass at the Catholic Church which is the first large building we come to in town when we walk in a little later. When we walk in as a group we get a few stares, that’s when we realise...

4 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Stac

“I’m Stacey, and I’m a sex addict.” I knew I wasn’t the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer’. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I’d read the mission statement that had been emblazoned on the front of our orientation binders at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. My mind immediately substituted “cum” for “come” and… anyway, yeah I guess I was probably one of...

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The Wall

"Zeke," the woman spoke softly. "It's time." "I know it is," replied Command Sergeant Major (Retired) Zeke Anderson. He smiled at his wife and touched her cheek. "I've been putting this off for far too long." "Yes you have," she replied, with the forthrightness she always displayed. She covered his hand in her own and squeezed for a second. "Now then, you go on. I'll take the children and we'll wander around here for a while. It's not like there's nothing to do and see...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Adriana Chechik Lyra Law Yoga Massage Combo

Yoga instructor Lyra Law is guiding her client Adriana Chechik through a lunge, when Adriana starts to feel like she pulled her hamstring. Adriana lies down while Lyra checks it out. Lyra is also a masseuse and offers to help relieve the pain with a massage. Adriana accepts her offer and Lyra begins to rub her inner thigh with oil. She applies pressure to Adriana’s pelvis, releasing the tension in her hips. Lyra asks Adriana if she would be comfortable taking off her top. Adriana whips...

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Keep it in the Family 2

Hello there. You don't know me by name (It's Jennifer, incidentally), but you may have read something about me in a story, I have just discovered on this site. Let me give you a clue; I have a son called Rick, a daughter called Karen, a sister called Barbara and a neice called Kate. My son, Rick wrote that story which involved eveyone mentioned so far and additionally my husband Jim. Curious that.... we are the Js and Rick referred to the girls as the Ks! Well, I got quite turned on...

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Busted by My Sisters Boyfriend Ch 02

Busted by My Sister’s Boyfriend Ch. 02 My sister’s boyfriend routinely stopped by the house under the pretense of helping me with my math while in reality, I was relieving the tension in his balls by sucking him off and allowing him to dump his load into my eager mouth behind closed doors. Occasionally, my sister Alicia would watch and give instructions as she fricked her clitty to climax. This went on for months until Bob and Alicia announced that they were going to get married. I thought...

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Michelles Cruise Chapter 3

Kristen and Brett were sitting at the breakfast bar and my wife was at the stove cooking ham and eggs, dressed in a short, silky robe, tied at her waist. It seemed strange to see her cooking breakfast. At home, I was the morning cook, often taking Michelle breakfast in bed on the weekends. When I glanced at her, depending on how she turned, I could see her nightgown, undoubtedly the same one she’d worn while making love with Brett the night before. That brought back the stark sounds of their...

Wife Lovers
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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 3

It was the morning that I returned the book about the American Revolution to the small library in our neighborhood that it came into my mind the best way to replicate my travels into the past was not to ride the subway endlessly like some addicted junkie looking for a fix, but to search within my own core for the trigger that would sent me on my way. I looked at the book one last time before I returned it to the librarian for placement back on the shelf for another reader. It was right at...

4 years ago
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Dan into Danni pt3 Sex as a girl with a girl

Back at Lucy’s room, Dan put down the dainty bags of lingerie and girly clothes that she had bought for him. He had been totally and magically transformed into a girl for nearly a whole day now, and every moment was a thrill. He was ultra-conscious of his body - especially his gorgeous 32C boobs, firmly held in the bra that had turned him into a curvy and sexy girl in the first place.Lucy closed her bedroom door. And for the first time in a while, they were definitely alone.“OK, babe, what do...

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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 16 Finale

Claire sank down into the majestic reef. Beautiful tropical fish swam among the colorful coral. She kicked her flippered feet and swam forward, taking in the view. The warm sun shone down through the clear water, feeling wonderful against her skin, clad only in scuba gear and the tiniest bikini she could find and still qualify for swimming areas that weren't nude beaches. A friendly dolphin swam up and chattered a greeting. She reached out and pet its snout. A giant sea turtle swam past and...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 28

Masi'shen Phone Home Michael saw Dee'rah, her father Jon'na-ren, and others of the Masi'shen ship's council assembled on the ship's bridge, standing to one side of the primary communications and display panels. Several crew were seated at their stations, busy with controls and data screens scrolling symbols and glyphs. Michael-mine, this is such anticipation for us. Our technicians have prepared and installed the new crystals. They told father that they have never seen the equal!...

1 year ago
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Hi krish her tumi mazi stori vachali asel ani avadalihi asel tumi mala mail karu sakata maza e mail ahe baki kahani sangato. Ani mag mi mazi vahini asech padun rahalo ani tya ratri mi vahini sobat 4 vela sambhog kela. Tya nantar tila ani mala kahi divas bhetata ale nahi mi ani ti doghehi tadphat hoto ammi kadi kadi kiss karat hoto ani ak divas mi tila toilet madhe pakadale ani tila kahi karnar tevdhat ticha navara ala ani amacha game fail zala. Ammi chansacha sodhat hoto ani ak divas ticha...

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Weekend Away with Brothers Girls Little Sister

It was a hot summer afternoon and we were in the hotel room with all my brother’s girlfriends family. We had just come back from the concert and extremely tired. Someone suggested that we check out the pool and hot tub. So we got dressed in our swim gear and headed out. His girlfriends sister just turned 18 a few weeks ago, so she was still, to me, naive, or so I thought. Her name was Dani and was as cute as they come. Long black hair just past her shoulder blades, tone from playing an...

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Second Swing

SECOND SWING, a true story by Tiffany (c) Fred Lake 2014This happened over 30 years ago, in the late-70s. On the way home from our first official wife-swapping session Fred and I both found nothing to regret. It was fun, exciting, and interesting. And being young, we were up for a private lovemaking session as soon as we reached our bedroom. I expected it to feel weird that I was fucking my husband just an hour after cheating on him and in front of him, but it didn't feel strange at all. ...

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The Outing

It all started five years ago, when Maddie was thirteen. Being an only child, she needed a babysitter still when her parents were out of town or at an event together that Maddie couldn’t attend. Usually, Maddie’s grandparents would come by to watch her, or she would go to their house. However, during the winter, her grandparents would go to their home in Florida. Maddie could not remember where her parents went that night five years ago, but she remembered everything else. Her parents had asked...

First Time
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Double Or Nothing

DOUBLE OR NOTHING Chapter 1T.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 17

Back at the office I went to Roberts’s office to look at the communications on the dark web between Jaed and Tiam in detail. There was good news for us in the communications, General Kadar demanded pictures of the devices they were going to use so his experts could evaluate and possibly improve them. That would make them easier for our agents to spot. As if that was not enough, he wanted a map of where the explosives were going to be placed for ‘DA day’ - Dead Americans day.” The date had...

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Follow Me

As our eyes met across the room, the sexual tension was palpable. The room full of people felt empty except for us. Having pulled ourselves out of bed only a few hours earlier, just to show our faces and see our friends, we decided we wouldn't stay too long. The drinks were flowing, the music was good and we were having fun... but I could tell you were distracted. The gleam in your eye as you bit your lip whilst staring at me was exciting me, and you knew it. I could tell that you were excited...

Quickie Sex
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The motherdaughter tease

Make sure to get your homework done before cheer practice sweetie.” I said to my daughter Alissa before I tossed my bag full of school supplies on the living room couch. It had been a long stressful day, though as an elementary school teacher just about everyday is stressful. It is all worth it though to hear my young students tell me the one phrase that lifts my heart every time, “I love you Ms. Kelli”. I preferred them to call by my first name in that way, it made the connection feel deeper,...

1 year ago
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Ed and Natalie Naked In SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I haven't ever been more confused than I was Wednesday night. First, I told him everything. He understood, and said words I was dying to hear. Then he took me to his house and gave me the experience of my life. He wasn't treating me like a friend. He was treating me as more than that. Honestly, I loved it. There was something between us-I could feel it, and thought he could, too. Then I overheard part of what he said to Mike. Not all of it, but I heard "can't get emotionally involved"...

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An insatable cleaner chapter 4

It was a quite autumn afternoon and Lucy was strolling across the common with her friend Liza, idly chatting about anything and nothing when the twilight suddenly went and total darkness engulfed them both. Within a minute at the most both had sacks over their heads, arms bound and both lifted off the ground and thrown onto the metal floor. The vehicle sped away as the realism of their situation dawned on both women, they had been k**napped.Liza felt a hand sliding up her thighs and she froze,...

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Me And My Friend Fucked My Horny Mom Till She Cum In Our Faces

Hi this is my first story and it is a long one, about my mom Nikita (real name). It was about 10 years back when my mom was in her 30’s and I was 18 years old. My mom was a very fair lady having a figure 36-30-38. I start thinking about my mom in a different manner when I accidentally saw her sleeping without her bra with erect nipples over her nighty. I use to think about her and start masturbating.I was always curious about talking to someone about my mom. So there was a friend of mine who...

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A Night to Herself in London

DISCLAIMER: This is a fantasy story depicting sexual acts involving adults. The story is intended for adult readers only.-----------------------------She'd been working hard in the lead up to this night for months. It takes alot of planning and discipline to look and feel as good as she did as she began to prepare.The day had been spent exercising, fasting and hydrating. As she stepped into the shower after finally finishing cleaning herself out, she sighed deeply since now the fun could...

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Clarabelle part 1

For anyone who might not know, this is a sequel to shawnababy's story 'Mama Cow'. It was a story I particularly enjoyed, and felt compelled to write a sequel. With her blessing, this is my take on the theme. *** When the fog begins to lift, the first thing that comes to me is that I'm cold. There's metal pressed against me. Straining to open my eyes, I at first think I'm staring at the ceiling. The weight of my head tells me I'm actually looking at the floor. I'm on a metal...

2 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 19

The next few days slid by with relative ease. Marie's promised layabouts were two strapping young men just as eager for something to do as she had said they would be. With them in tow he headed down to the docks to retrieve their baggage. The docks were still fairly empty so finding the Pinya was easy. Separating their gear from the rest of the loot piled on the pier took some time but was finally accomplished. As they were loading up the handcart they brought with them Dent saw the figure...

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NicoleChapter 4

The flight to Barrow was long and boring. She flew in a two prop puddle jumper. They served sandwiches and coffee or beer. She disembarked to a very cold airport with snow that had been plowed from the runway. The taxi ride to a motel called Kelly’s made her even more cold even though the cab was blowing hot air as much as possible. It was at least -20 below zero. Nicole found the motel rooms to be pretty nice for a town like this one. Everything in Alaska was expensive and it cost her over...

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