Sod's LawChapter 7 free porn video

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Friday 16th September 1983

At 8 pm on Friday the 16th September, I was watching a London train arrive at Piccadilly Station searching for sight of Helen among the crowds alighting from it. She was among the last to appear, trying to cope with all her luggage. I ran forward, she dropped her bags and we embraced and got lost in a deep and lengthy kiss.

She sighed. “Oh, I’m so glad it’s over,” she said. “It was so hard to cope with being apart. I can’t wait to get home.”

That was really touching: she thought of our two rooms at River House as ‘home’. We took a taxi to my office car park and we drove the rest of the way in my car. She kept sighing and reaching over to fondle my thigh, which was distracting, but there was no way I was going to stop her doing it!

We hauled her baggage up the stairs and she let herself into my room. She entered first, took a deep breath and said the one word. ‘home’, followed by another, ‘heaven’. I put her suitcase down and turned to shut the door. When I turned back she was standing before me naked.

“Quick!” she urged me, and ran to the bed, pulling the quilt off and climbing in, showing her delectable rear. Needless to say I was already stripped and following her across the room, my cock, now erect, swinging as I went.

She growled with lust and threw her legs wide apart. “Quick!” she repeated. “Now, David! Now!”

She was ready, and I certainly was. I dived on top of her, raised my hips, she grasped my urgent rod and lined me up speedily as I pile-drove into her.

“Oh, YES!” she yelled with happiness. “That’s where you belong, Oh, so deep, so full. Love me, David! Love me with that big cock of yours! Plunder my cunt! Harder! Harder you lover! OH, HELL I’m coming already!.”

I was saying nothing, panting for breath as I pounded her, slapping my root against her mound, until with a loud “Arhhh” I spewed into her, provoking another set of spasms.

I collapsed on to her, both of us gasping for breath, only to hear the sound of applause from the landing, the other side of my door. Then a voice with an Irish lilt.

“Sure didn’t we assemble to welcome you home Helen? It seems you’ve been already more than welcomed. Who’s the stud with you? Can we borrow him?” Loud laughter from a number of male and female voices.

“No!” shouted Helen, not in the least embarrassed. “He’s all mine! You missed your chance there, Nuala!”

“Aw, shucks!” came the giggled reply. “Anyway, from us all, welcome home! Wine and cheese supper in half an hour in your honour, Helen.”

There was a mumbled chorus of welcome, and the audience seemed to disperse.

“Seems we haven’t time for round two,” Helen said mischievously. “Though I note signs of interest already. I don’t want a quickie, so shall we wait until after supper?”

“Excellent plan my sweet,” I replied as I watched her spring out of bed and run to the bathroom. That bottom really could move!

We showered consecutively, dressed again and made our way to the kitchen to find the household assembled with knowing looks, mixed I like to think, with admiration. It was a wonderfully warm and thoughtful thing for them to do, and she showed her appreciation by hugging and kissing all the inmates.

When everything had been consumed, we were told to go back upstairs, and finish what we started while they washed up, said by Imogen with a filthy smile, with guffaws from the others.

So we did. Gently, lovingly and at great length, before falling asleep well after midnight, blessing the fact it was not either of our turns to do the weekly shop.

Helen did not want to do anything much over the weekend, except prepare for the new term. Lectures would not start until the week after, but she wanted to be ahead of the game.

So began another phase in our lives together. Now at last we were truly together, living the routines of everyday life. What could go wrong? In one sense we were both expecting set-backs, so we were surprised as the year drew to a close that our happy life progressed largely untroubled.

It turned out that we hardly used Helen’s room at all. She would retire there when she needed to study or to write an essay or other work, otherwise we lived in my room. Which gave me an idea.

Our two rooms were side by side, and the House being so old, our rooms had back to back fireplaces. And on the window side of each chimney breast was a built in set of bookshelves. At least they seemed to be built in.

I had been idly looking through the plans for the House one afternoon shortly after I was made ‘manager’, when I had noticed something about my room and the one next door.

It seemed it often happened that well to do couples kept separate bedrooms, and the House was built with this in mind. So our two rooms were connected by an internal door beside the chimney breast. At some stage it was decided to block the doorway by building in shelving on each side. Except it was possible to move each shelving unit in one piece.

Helen had assumed the shelves were built in, and so had never tried to move them.

About three weeks into October, I was supervising some roofing repairs when I remembered the connecting door, and on a whim, shifted the shelves on my side to reveal the door. It still had its key in the lock! And on unlocking it and blessing that it opened into my room, found it still moved smoothly on its well-greased hinges.

“Look what I found!” I announced to Helen as she came through my door that evening. She saw the bookshelves standing in the middle of the room, and her eyes drifted to the space left behind. Her eyes widened.

“A door!” she exclaimed. “That means...”

I could see her mind working along the same lines as mine, and that weekend saw us making changes. We made Helen’s room into a bedroom, moving my larger bed into her room, and putting her bed in the cellars. We moved my wardrobe into Helen’s room next to hers, and added my bedside cupboard and drawer to the other side of the bed.

It meant there could be a desk in my now larger room for her to work at, as well as the sofa which had been in her room, along with my two armchairs and a coffee table. Nothing matched but we didn’t care. We could also have a proper table in the room, at which we could eat, and we could use it if we needed a larger surface on which to work. There would also be room for all those books on both sets of shelving.

That night we slept together in a real bedroom, and somehow it made everything more solid, more permanent – I mean the relationship, though come to think of it there was something extra in our coition. Helen mentioned it afterwards before we slept.

Now we were spending our evenings in our ‘living room’, it meant that when she was working, she would ask random questions about what she was studying, and sharing information between us became the norm.

Often during the week she would spend the evening in the university library until nine when it closed, and on some of those occasions, since the university was on my way home, I would work late and we would have our evening meal together in the university refectory. The food was nourishing, and really that was all one could say about it.

We were both supremely happy in those weeks and grew closer to each other. Gradually the trials and tribulations of our early relationship sank into history, and at the same time my worries that something would come to bite us in the arse evaporated. This was what our life should be like. Sod slept.

It had always been my practice to visit ‘Mum’ about once a month at weekends, so it was not surprising that I should want to continue the practice, and in view of our now more settled love life, it was equally unsurprising that I should want to introduce my lover to Mum and the family.

Helen was a little uncertain about the visit, but I begged and she acceded to my wish. Usually I simply turned up unannounced at Mum’s, but thought it better this time to warn her in advance. A phone call was in order.

“Hi, Mum,”

“David? Is something wrong?”

“No Mum, I was thinking of visiting on Saturday, and wanted to warn you.”

“You won’t be alone,” she said perceptively. I then remembered I had done the same thing with Susan.

“Can’t put anything past you, can I Mum?” I laughed. “Yes, I’m bringing Helen.”

“Oh, it’s serious then? She’s special?”

“Yes, Mum.”

There was a crash in the background, and with a “Look forward to meeting her,” she disconnected, no doubt to cope with a minor crisis, of which there were many in that fostering Collins household.

Saturday afternoon saw us walking up the drive to the large rambling house which I loved so much. The front door opened and Gina came diving out, running up to me for a hug and a kiss. Then with a wide enthusiastic smile she turned to Helen.

“Helen! How great to meet you! I can’t wait to tell you all about him – all his dirty secrets!” and she giggled maniacally. “Come in! You get the front door treatment today!”

“How did you–” came from a puzzled Helen,

“David told Mum your name, and thanks to my advanced interrogation techniques, I got it out of her.”

Much laughter.

“He’s my favourite big brother, you know,” she enthused as we entered the house. “He always looked out for me when we were growing up.”

Mum came out of the kitchen carrying a little boy, who hid his face from us. Mum broke into a wide smile. “Helen! You’re so welcome. Come through.”

“He’s my new one,” Mum said to me as we entered the kitchen. “Aren’t you darling?” she whispered into his ear. He giggled at the tickling sensation. Helen arched a brow inquiringly at me.

“A new child to foster,” I explained.

“Munro is four,” Mum said. “Aren’t you, sweetheart?” He nodded.

“His mummy has to have an operation and she has no relatives or a significant other to look after him. Everything’s a bit new for him, but mummy’ll be back home soon and then you can go home as well, can’t you?”

She put him down, and Gina took his hand. “Come on, Munro, lets go and play lego.” The two left the room.

“Gina’s been wonderful with him,” Mum said. “He’s a little dazed, but he’s coping.”

Helen’s smile was getting broader and broader. “Can I help in the kitchen?” she asked.

“Never ever refused help in my life,” said Mum, and the pair left me to sit alone in the living room, listening to the giggles of the latest new arrival to the indistinct comments of Gina, and the constant chatter, again indistinct, from the kitchen.

Then there were other voices, and laughter, and soon Craig and Vanessa entered the room.

In the summer, Deborah had got a job in the North East, and she and Craig had reluctantly ended their relationship. Vanessa had apparently been waiting in the wings for her chance with Craig and the two had rapidly grown close. It seemed she organised him much as Deborah had, and kept him out of trouble.

“Hey, Davey!” Vanessa greeted me. “Love her! She’s sweet!”

“Yeah, Brother,” added Craig. “You lucky bugger! Best one since Susan ... Come to think, the only one since Susan! Try not to lose this one, eh? She’s mint!”

“Couldn’t agree more, Craig,” I replied. “It’s not been as easy as it sounds – one thing after another keeping us apart. But now, perhaps...”

“Feels like she’s always been here,” added Nessa (the contraction she preferred). “Fits right in!”

Other pseudo-siblings called in over the evening. Word had got round that my ‘new totty’ would be there, and as far as some of them knew I’d never had a girlfriend, so curiosity was rampant. The general opinion was that I should keep her.

After hugs and kisses when we left, Gina had the last word. “She’s just right for you,” she whispered in my ear. “You seem to fit together so well somehow, like pieces of a jigsaw.”

What she then whispered in Helen’s ear, I couldn’t hear and she wasn’t telling.

We visited Mum a couple of times more before Christmas was imminent, and the question with whom to spend the holiday was becoming urgent. After our contretemps over not mentioning me when she visited her parents, I thought it prudent not to bring the matter up.

It was when we visited Mum in early December that Mum herself brought the matter up.

“What are you two doing over Christmas?” she asked over our evening meal. For once the the older children were out that Saturday evening, so it was just the three of us plus two small ones who were chattering between themselves and ignoring the grown ups.

Helen looked at me and I looked at Helen. Both glances were uncomfortable.

“We haven’t thought about it,” I said, though I had thought about it without, as I say, bringing the matter up.

“Well, work it out between you and let me and, I assume, Helen’s parents into the secret. I take it you will be visiting parents over Christmas?”

“Yes,” I said. “I’ll let you know early next week.”

The conversation went on to other things, but we both knew we would have to talk about it and soon. In fact we wasted no time once back home.

“David, I’m their only child, and they’ll be expecting me for Christmas, and probably a few days either side...” at which she stopped and looked pleadingly at me.

“What you’re saying is that if I were to come with you, we’d be in separate rooms, and things would be uncomfortable.”

“Yes. I’m sure they’d be polite, but they would have ways of showing they were not happy you were there.”

“Middle class rudeness,” I said, starting to feel annoyed.

“That’s not fair, David. They would never be rude to you.”

“Don’t be naïve, Helen. Making it obvious I’m not wanted is polite rudeness. I’m sorry, but that brings out the worst in me. I’d confront them.”

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A Table For Two With A View

Part One Mark closed the computer down quickly. The noise of his wife’s key in the lock had jerked him back to reality. Today was really close. He was usually more careful, but today he had been finalising details. Details that would mean he would meet his friend, the friend he had been talking for nearly a year. Her name was Rhiannon, and as far as he could tell, she was a really nice lady. The small photos they exchanged online were only passport sized and didn’t show any detail but their...

3 years ago
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Community FourEverChapter 11

Mandy’s turn: I think I’ve entered an alternate universe. Dunno where to begin. Started at CPS in Robertsdale, wound up acquiring a Dad and a sister. I was beginning to believe I was an orphan, destined to wind up pole-dancing, or something. I know all the stories. I know the stereotypes. When Grandma went into the nursing home, I thought all hope of real life had ended. While I was at the foster home, being cared for by really good people, my case worker called me and started asking me...

2 years ago
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la reacuteveacutelation

Je n'avais pas encore 18 ans et je vivais une adolescence plutôt chaotique.Entre les conneries d'un garçon de cité HLM, les petits vols (emprunts) de mobylettes et une situation scolaire catastrophique. Je n'étais franchement pas le plus épanoui des garçons de mon âge !Toujours puceau, je ramassais râteau sur râteau de la part des filles qui m'aimaient bien pour la plupart mais comme copain pas plus. Il faut dire que j'étais le roi de la déconne et des bêtises et çà m'attirais une petite aura...

4 years ago
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The Duty of Princess KatrinaChapter 2

The Orc King caught a swig of beer from a tankard and let rip with a mighty burp. "This attempt at deceit will be forgotton if you and your cousins behave yourselves from now on," announced Delrog, "Will you?" "We will do as my father has commanded," replied Katrina in a resigned voice, "Yes, we will behave ourselves." "Excellent," said Delrog, taking another slurp, "Well my first command is simple - STRIP!" Katrina was stunned. Of course she knew that sex would be demanded...

3 years ago
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Daughters Cum Fetish

It did not work out as Jack had hoped, as the three never really were a family, with Britney striping at nights and sleeping most of the days. They had their moments and there was real love at one point, but in the end Jack was glad it ended. Jack was not alone anymore, and focused himself on raising Taylor. He did miss Britney at times, she was real beauty, and loved to show it, not just in her field of work, but at home as well. She was a nudist, and would walk around the house bare or just...

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Alien SpecimenThe Other Side of the Fence

ALIEN SPECIMEN: The other side of the fence By: ROBO Rob enjoyed writing stories on the Internet about Men turning into Women and had fun reading them. He often found himself day dreaming to what this would be like if it would actually happen. He decided that of course he would only want to try out a female body temporarily. That would be fun! Still, he couldn't help but wonder if the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Little did he know that this dream was going...

1 year ago
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Devil May CareChapter 4

The bad guys were smart. The door to the Ring was cut open by a small drone – a ring roughly the size of a manhole cover. Then two manhole covers rolled into the entry area. Dey lifted her pistol and aimed it towards the ceiling with a scowl as she recognized the sight of two K12s. Dramatically larger than K9s thanks to some complexities involving diminishing returns on microsized DV emitters, K12s were also big enough to shred the entirety of the Ring, no matter how fancy her warp bubbles...

3 years ago
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Special Delivery

 I’ve had the hots for the guy at our local post office for some time now, but since we are both married I never acted on it. I have flirted with him on numerous occasions and he seemed receptive and even responded with some flirting of his own. But like I said, it’s a small town so you have to be careful. I remember once he commented on my tan and now nice I looked. It made me feel like he really did notice me. I responded by saying I used to go to a tanning booth but now I have one at home. ...

2 years ago
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My first swinging bigay experience

OK. I'm setting out to record the story of the most fantastic adventure that I have had in my life. As any good historical account must go, I need to include the background info -- kind of setting the scenario...About six years ago my wife, Brittany, and I had come to a kind of agreement -- we could have a lover if our spouse agreed. Ok, I know that sounds a bit ridiculous -- who would expect a someone to ever agree to an affair by their spouse?? We didn't necessarily have someone in mind,...

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Dungeons and Dragons Royal Prerogative

A/N: Hey guys, this is my first story on CHYOA, set in the DnD universe. For a more accurate setting, this is set in the year 1360, based on the Forgotten Realms Ck2 mod I’ve been playing lately. Do note that this is a public story, so I encourage prospective or interested writers to try creating their own threads where possible. Will be working on the rules for new threads after I post the first few chapters. With that, let us begin. Prologue The world of Toril, a world of many fantastical...

1 year ago
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Compound X131Chapter 16 Kate Queen of the night

"Help, oh help me please!" Screamed Amanda as she hurtled into the lab at a tremendous pace. Even the cool, collected Jenna jumped. "What on earth's wrong Mandy?" Jenna asked. "Its TOM! He saw me with Kate, I think he's had a heart attack - hurry" just a quickly Amanda had vanished. " But where?" screamed Jenna after her. With an agile leap she cleared the desk in front of her grabbed all the first aid stuff she could find in her arms, and dashed to the door, swiveling her head...

3 years ago
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Weekend With Mom

HI FRIENDS THIS IS RAJ AGAIN FOR YOU WITH NEW STORY OF HOW MY WEEK END WITH MY MOM IN MY WORDS FROM MY GOOD CHAT FRIEND GIVE ME YOUR COMMENTS AND ANY BODY NEED ANY SUGGESTION FOR HOW TO START ANY RELATION SPECIALLY SEX I WILL HELP YOU WITHOUT FEES AS A “LOVE GURU” She was selling the family home. She wanted me to visit one last time before she did. Straight long brown hair, big eyes, full lips, ample bosom, an ass to die for, affectionate and loving – it was my mom on the line. “I can’t keep...

2 years ago
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My 5dateSaturday

Five ‘fuck/suck jack-off dates’ one day… Back when I was 18 I decided to play on Facebook and set myself up with some dates. I could not paste nudes but did pose provocatively in my photo albums. I threw it out there that I was looking for boyfriends and wanted to meet up. I picked the guys who were topless showing their abs and were the most handsome. I decided to go a little crazy and set up 4 dates in one day. Maybe too ambitious to work out the timing, but I thought I managed it well....

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I just turned 22 and had finished a four year hitch in Uncle Sam's Navy. I had been stationed overseas for the past three years, on a destroyer tender out of Naples, Italy but now that my enlistment was up the government was kind enough to fly me back to the States for out-processing. I signed my final discharge papers at the Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia and I was officially a civilian again and had my ticket home to San Francisco and a place to stay at my mother's house in the City. My...

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The Beginning

I was going crazy thinking about my wife, Anita, making love to another man... But I knew that I wouldn't really like her making it with another man. I talked her into it! Not all at once of course... but after a while of fantasizing and talking to her about it, I got her to think about making out with another guy, as I watched, and then after he left we'd make love! It all started innocently enough, I have always been somewhat of a voyeur and my wife is definitely attractive! I would love...

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Captain GoldChapter 8 Death Dive

Sensibly holding his pace down to a brisk walk, Rand followed the others out into the corridor. He headed for the nearby man hoist, rather than the stairs, keeping in mind Berniss's caution that he wasn't supposed to strain himself this soon. As he waited for those ahead of him to catch the man hoist's moving platforms, he scanned the space around Skryben. It was better than he'd feared, in some ways, but worse in others. Only one Vortigen craft was close by. Much closer, and it might...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Gabriella Paltrova 05222017

It’s often said a fantasy is best left as just that — a fantasy. Just ask Gabriella Paltrova and her Hubby. In an effort to spice up their sex life, they’ve really been playing up the “bedroom talk” while fucking. Hubby keeps bringing up “fucking random black guys” while doing the naughty, so, as a couple, they’ve decided to turn a fantasy into reality. Hubby makes Gabriella like a slut before heading to an adult bookstore that has a reputation...

2 years ago
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The InheritanceChapter 3

The next day I was on the road, heading for Butte. Getting Margarite and Jughead loaded in the trailer presented its usual issues. Jughead was never a problem with the trailer. He’s such a food whore that a handful of oats is enough to get him settled down. Don’t get me wrong. Jughead’s one of the smartest mules I’ve ever seen. He’s saved my butt more times than I care to remember. I swear he can smell good water from a mile away. He’s also the best judge around on the stability of the trail...

4 years ago
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My boy friends roommate

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here"You should put on a condom," I whispered. "No," Mike said firmly. "I want to feel you." I didn't say anything as Mike slid inside me easily in one quick stroke. I was wet and ready and wanted it just as bad as he did. Mike and I had been dating for almost a year and up until a couple months before I had been on the pill. Due to some bad side...

3 years ago
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Witness Chapter Two Proper Chapter

Chapter Two - Penelope Poppy lay on the couch in a very undignified repose. She was wearing a black vinyl micro-miniskirt, a pink crop-top and transparent white lycra tights. Her legs were splayed, lying side-on watching TV. Elliot could see what he thought was a camel-toe in her tight pink nylon panties, but he knew it wasn't and quickly averted his eyes. "I saw you looking." Poppy caught him averting his gaze. "You're intrigued aren't you? How has she got a god-dammed...

3 years ago
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The Demise of a Dour ManChapter 3

They left Perth after lunch and drove down to Edinburgh spending the night with Alison and her family. That came as a welcome relief for both of them. Moira had been acutely aware of David's dislike of her father even though he had remained scrupulously polite and had unselfishly and gently turned down her offers to leave early. They headed south after breakfast spending a blissful night at another B&B, this time in the Peak District. It was not so much that they were able to make love...

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Sylvies Mommydaddy

Sylvie's Mommydaddy By B. Willow My wife Megan passed away six weeks ago. Both my daughter Sylvie and I are having a difficult time adjusting to our loss. Megan learned she had pancreatic cancer only four months before we lost her. Those four months were the most difficult I had ever experienced both because I was losing the love of my life but also trying to prepare Sylvie for the loss of her mother and trying to figure out what life would be without my Megan. Megan and I had had...

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Ten minutes and I would be there. I couldn’t wait. It was as if I could smell the lake, right around the corner. I kept thinking the next corner and I would see the amazing Mackinac Bridge. Yet, I still had a good ten miles to go, but I could sense it, feel it, smell it. The excitement built up inside me until a smile washed upon my face. The Upper Peninsula in Michigan was my favorite place. The entire region is beautiful, but being near the bridge is just fantastic. I had the windows down,...

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Sister Time TravelChapter 4

I awoke with my morning piss prick in the crack of her ass. I got up and headed to the bathroom, then crawled back into bed with my pretty sister. Asleep she was still beautiful. Kirsten came into my arms even asleep and I held her. I thought about my new life, a second chance really. I had been a successful in life, earned a substantial income, but lived alone. There had been girlfriends but no wife or children. I thought about alternative realities and God. Here I was in bed with my older...

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Wife8217s Cheating Delimma

My story begins: I discovered that my now ex wife had been cheating on me. I deviously set out to once and for all prove that I had no jealousies. I had a deeply inward wantonness to be a part of and contribute to her bpleasures outside the normal range of our lovemaking at home. I incorporated my wife’s best friend to help me. She had been lied to about the whole situation herself. She was told by my ex that I would freak out if I even knew babout her outside exploits. My wife’s...

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ONE DAYI noticed one day that when I was alone I started dancing sexy. I never used to like dancing. I started watching football alone on TV, watching boxing, basketball games, down in my man cave. I didn’t want my friends, or family down there with me. I got a gym membership at this gym on E Manchester- it took me an extra 20 minutes to get there. It’s in Inglewood, there was mostly Black Guys there, a lot bigger than me, but I felt right at home. One day, I told my wife I was going to hit 18,...

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My Boston Vacation Part 3

It was only my 2nd day in Boston and already I have made love to Jen twice. We had sex the 1st night and then in the morning. It was pretty good. I couldn’t believe it. Didn’t know it was going to get any better. Well it did as we went along. Well it was afternoon after that morning of sex. We had our breakfast in the morning and watched some television. Yes I still watch Saturday morning cartoons. Even if the cartoons are not what they use to be. We decided to go to the mall in the...

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