- 4 years ago
- 35
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I got up the next morning feeling better and I hoped my wives did too. I still had the body aches but my heart didn't ache.
I sawed some more that day.
The training was going well for the riding stock. I was surprised that they didn't even attempt to buck when the saddles and tack were put on them.
I was informed a few days later that both the young hinnies would make fine messengers. They were plenty fast and able to make a quick trip over rougher terrain than the wagon or cart. They were young and would need to carry lighter weight people at least until next year.
My wives were very attentive to my needs. I loved my children and took time to teach them things. I meant to get some more books when I went back to Marty's next year.
The clan was bigger now than it had ever been. I thought often and long about my role in the clan.
I fished some and thought about my situation. I decided that I loved my wives and would not worry about them and loving me anymore. I loved them and I was going to let them love me.
I worked on planting the wheat before the snow fell. We also sawed a couple of days a week.
My sweet wives had worked out a schedule for spending time with me at night, but they had decided to change it over to four groups instead of two groups. They also had everyone sleeping in the bed, but they knew who was to have a turn with me each night. I liked the new schedule better since I retained the closeness with my wives, but didn't have to feel like I had to perform, so much. It was much more restful.
Luke and Joe were repairing the cabin roofs before winter. I told them I appreciated it. They told me that everyone's life had improved since I came to live with them, and fixing my cabin roof was the least they could do to show that they cared for my family.
I received word that I was needed in an outlying camp to judge some problems they had there. Randa, my political advisor, and Kimi, my self-appointed body guard, were going to go with me. We loaded some supplies on the cart and hooked up Jenny. I took my usual SMLE and pistol, Randa and Kimi were both armed with their pistols.
I was sitting on one side of the cart and they were on the other to even out the load. The third day out, as we neared the village in question. A volley of stones hit us. Neither Randa or I was hit, but Kimi was struck on the left arm. It was obviously broken from the lick. She gamely pulled her pistol and began searching for a target. Randa jumped out of the wagon and began leading Jenny along to get us out of range.
I got out of the cart and performed a rear guarding action. I saw one man stand to throw another stone and shot him. I heard Kimi fire a couple of fast shots and heard a yell in answer.
I didn't see anyone else. Kimi fired one more time.
I put a rough splint on her forearm and we moved on toward the village.
We got there in around a half-hour. I asked for a healer to tend to Kimi's arm.
Randa knew that I was taking care of my first priority, so she proceeded to get to the bottom of the attack. She got the warriors from the village guard group to go with her and the cart to pick up any bodies, or trail any wounded.
They found the man I had shot and the man Kimi had shot. Both were dead. They also found a trail of blood from Kimi's last shot. They followed it back to the village.
Kimi's victim had been shot in the ass. His wife was tending him. The warriors dragged him out and brought him to me.
Randa had found out that these men plus two more had been in a faction that was on one side of the problem I was here to judge. I had the warriors search for the remaining two while I sat with Kimi.
The village healer was very adept and had Kimi's arm set and splinted. She also had given her some soothing herbs to ease the pain.
Brushstrokes By Katharine Sexkitten The wisest human I've ever known explained it to me. Life, he said, was a painting. Each new experience, each new adventure, each new day, was a color, applied to the canvas. Some were barely there, whisper-thin, hardly noticed, applied by the Master with a deft and light hand. Almost invisible. Others were striking, important, broad and dark and heavy. It was the accumulation of all of it that creates our masterpiece. Life was...
This story, unlike most of my other stories, will not go into too much explicit details along the suck and fuck lines. You know, for instance, "His cock head expanded as he unloaded his big, fat, 8" cock into her hot, wet mouth." There might be a bit of that as I write, to be sure, but right now I'm not sure just how much. But I guarantee it will titillate and tantalize you, if you have any blood in your veins at all, that is, for sexual imagery. My main focus, in this tale of truth, is...
Pornography and the way people consume it has come a long way from its humble upbringings. From truckers buying nudie mags to keep them occupied during their long drives back in the 70s, to a whole revolution of alternate and taboo pornography emerging out of Europe in the 80s, porn has always evolved its format and content to keep those who demand for it satisfied. As the generations pass, pornography has adapted and changed with each decade in order to keep up with the way the world consumes...
Online Sex Toys ShopsStroke Break by DirtyMindedMom Lactation rooms are being provided at work for nursing mothers, how about a special room that everyone can use? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I watch the new intern bending over while he puts another ream of printer paper away on a lower shelf. Someone should tell him those khakis are too tight for the workplace, but it won’t be me. He flashes an innocent smile as he passes my desk on his way to his next menial task. I open my top drawer, take out my little blue dildo,...
It was, as they say, like waving a red flag to a bull... Laura was bent over and rummaging through the dresser. It was one of my favourite positions. She was only wearing a loose, white T-shirt, which afforded me a look at her long, slender legs. My eyes traveled up the length of her smooth thighs and lingered upon her arse. It was such a tempting sight. Laura had the most luscious arse I'd ever seen — full and ripe and so immensely fuckable. I checked myself. I couldn't do it again. Yes,...
Got together with my buddy and we smoked a little 420 and turned on the computer. Of course we went to XHamster and loaded my page and fav vids so we could go to some hot porn quick. Then we took off our cloths and got comfortable. We were both pretty stiff and getting excited. First we watched some hand job compilation vids and we began to stroke each other slowly. I told him to stop first but he let me rub his cock a little longer before he had me stop. Oooooo, took a little break and found...
Malcolm sat on the subway car, angry about his life. He was in his late 30s and still worked a grill at a restaurant. He had to take orders from some stupid white k** every day. He hated being ordered around by white people.Malcolm's also gay. He's had very little luck with men lately, though, He's 5'10, 230lbs the one thing that helps him is his huge black dick.In the past, he enjoyed the discreet encounters he'd have with white guys. He always enjoyed when a white man - especially "straight"...
one day me and a buddy were playing some video games together, something we did together a lot. after awhile he perked up and mentioned that he had seen this really good porn the other day, and wondered if id like to watch it. I said yeah, cause id showed him some porn id enjoyed before so I wasn't shy about watching porn together. we linked the computer to the tv and he pulled up the site then found the video. it was like most porn except it had goth women in it, something he loves. we sat...
We made the trip home on edge but uneventfully. I was healing up, painfully. Lena was very conscientious about her work, she kept me in line like a drill instructor. When I got grumpy with her the others would give me "what for" and make me apologize. When she saw our bathing equipment, she made me bathe. She got in the tub with me and scrubbed me all over, especially my wound. "A clean wound will heal much better, my husband," she said. Sherry added, "It will make him smell better,...
Here I sit and beat my meat, With pubes trimmed back nice and neat. I watch the porn to no avail, Nothing beats your smooth tight tail. All I want is a little fun, Push my fingers in your bum. Front to back that’s how she wipes, but still won’t let me stick in my pipe. The puckered starfish so far from sea, that’s right where my dick really wants to be. Nice and slow that’s how we’ll take it, look at that the helmet’s made it. Don’t scream or cry it’s barely inside, with a little practice...
Here I sit and beat my meat,With pubes trimmed back nice and neat.I watch the porn to no avail,Nothing beats your smooth tight tail.All I want is a little fun,Push my fingers in your bum.Front to back that's how she wipes,but still won't let me stick in my pipe.The puckered starfish so far from sea,that's right where my dick really wants to be.Nice and slow that's how we'll take it,look at that the helmet's made it.Don't scream or cry it's barely inside,with a little practice it'll open wide.I...
I was almost as happy as my wives about the things Marty sent us. We were able to build the cabins faster with the additional tools. We would be able to farm more efficiently, and enjoy a wider variety of foods. It was a wonderful time for me. My wives were very happy during this time. They were living better than any time in their lives. I was happier than any time previously in my life, also. My day to day life included a large amount of vigorous physical labor. I was healthy, my body was...
While I was lying around healing up I had plenty of time to think. This damned feud business was too much sugar for a dime. I just didn't need it. If I had learned anything about women in the last year or so, I learned that you needed to tell them what was going on, and what you were thinking about. They would worry you to death otherwise. I told my wives what I was concerned about the attack and was afraid that one of them would get hurt. "Is there a way to end this up without having to...
"I also agree," he said and extended his hand. I reached out and took it in agreement. Lena and I left and loaded Pet up with our camp supplies, and headed back to our home. "Do you believe him?" Lena asked. "Yes, I do," I answered, "I think we have seriously depleted their family's young men. Their mothers and wives are not going to let any more go and waste their lives on a fool's errand." "I hope you are right, my husband," she said. We had two more days of lots of sex....
With that I went and started my mom's old Chevrolet, and away we went. Sherry and I had a nice trip back to Marty's house. Marty really was a very safe driver and we followed along talking and showing different things. Sherry didn't understand governments and laws very well, but I tried to explain them as customs. She seemed to understand that better. I signaled Marty that we needed to stop and refuel. We stopped at a convenience store and refueled both vehicles. Marty's wife and Sherry...
I showed which finger it was to be worn on. They all put theirs on immediately, and I don't ever remember seeing them off again. The next day was Momma's Doctor appointment. I asked Lena to go with me since she was a healer. We took her to Troy to the doctor. While Momma was in with the doctor, Lena told me that she couldn't really see anything wrong with Momma, except she was getting old. Some people get ready to die and their health just fades away. "Maybe we should help Momma want...
I had many things to take care of at our home. The first thing was to plan a way to set up the windmill and showers. My girls were busy giving presents to everyone, and telling everything what they had seen at Momma's house. Everyone loved the shoes and clothes they had gotten. I gave Mac some ammunition for his rifle and pistol. I gave Lamar and Eldon the Savage rifles I had bought along with some ammunition and told them it was for them and their brothers and their families. I showed...
"I don't know if I have that much gold," I joked. We all worked and loved and talked the time away for a couple of weeks. Luke came up and asked if I was ready to go catch the horse for his bride price. I told him I was, so we got our things together and I asked my wives if any of them wanted to go to catch horses. Sherry and Betsy both wanted to go, so we got some food and loaded up Jenny, and away we went. Needless to say Jack came with us also. We went back to the same place and the...
We were all happy and living a good life. My brothers-in-law were hunting all the family could use. I went fishing in the fall run and caught several hundred pounds of fish. We smoked them and stored them in a plastic drum. I figured out a way to heat the hot water drums but it meant using a lid from a metal drum to hold the fire. I just built a fire under the drums with water in them. It made for a warm shower, which Zepha loved, but it took some work to make it function. When the weather...
As I drove home I was considering the braking system for the wagon. It was just a simple lever that pressed a wooden brake shoe against the rear tires. I thought a hydraulic system would be better, but I would not have the repair parts, so I just decided to use the simple system that they used at Union Springs. Aside: Union Springs Alabama is the home of the national field trials for pointing dogs, and many "yankee plantations" where they use mules and wagons to take the hunters around to...
That was a very good winter for my family. We had plenty of food. We logged or sawed two or three days a week. Our cabins were warm. Our warm clothes from the future made it much more pleasant for everyone. The stock was able to graze on standing hay or hay that we had cut and hauled so they made the winter in good shape. Studly bred Jenny, so we had two little hennys on the way. I thought that was the name for the backward cross of a stallion and a jenny. Zepha was getting very large, and I...
Edie was very happy. She was still just as good a worker as ever, but she smiled more and touched me whenever she could. I made love with them both the next night. Edie glued herself to me and we slept. On the sixth day we arrived at Warn's camp. Everyone come out to look at the wagon and burros. I got down from the wagon and told them who I was. I said, "Warn and some of his men attacked my family to steal my wagon, women and livestock. Those seven men are dead and I am now the...
I bought some additional tack for the horses and burros. I had some ideas about fast messengers so I bought 3 saddles, 6 blanket and 6 bridles. I took the girls by the library, and we bought a couple of boxes full of books. They were mostly children's books and an old set of encyclopedias. I also got a couple of books about ancient battle tactics, and weapons. I bought three fishing rods, and a tackle box full of lures, just for fun. I got two cases of buckshot and five cases of #6...
Our guard unit reformed and after getting rations and water, followed the enemy to their own camp. Ronka led us to the enemy camp. When we camped at night we had pickets set and changed watches every two hours. When we arrived at the camp, the men came out and begged us not to slaughter their village. I said, "I am your new clan leader, why would I slaughter my own people." I hoped this tactic would keep us from having to kill many people and save our own forces. One of the men who had...
I'd slept with Sam the first day I had met her. Well, shared a tent with her. It was her 16th birthday and we were camping, so I had drunk a bit.But, being 17, and having a girlfriend, and not being a bastard, we talked and then fell asleep; separate sleeping bags, but next to each other, just the two of us in the tent. God, it took some restraint not to try anything. But I'm not one for messing around with girls, and managed to stick to my guns.It was over a year later now, and we had grown...
MasturbationI returned to Kathleen's around 9:30 A.M. to find a note saying she would be out until mid-afternoon, and that she had luch fixed for me in the kitchen. "Make yourself at home dear," was the last line. I set to the business of finishing the painting, and soon realized it was nearly 1:00 p.m. when I finished. I put everything away, washed up, and decided to have the luch she made for me. After finishing, I cleaned up the dishes and sat at the kitchen table having a soda. My thoughts turned to...
I’d slept with Sam the first day I had met her. Well, shared a tent with her. It was her 16th birthday and we were camping, so I had drunk a bit. But, being 17, and having a girlfriend, and not being a bastard, we talked and then fell asleep, separate sleeping bags, but next to each other, just the two of us in the tent. God, it took some restraint not to try anything. But I’m not one for messing around with girls, and managed to stick to my guns. It was over a year later now, and we had grown...
So I was inside looking around ya know the new house thing seeing where stuff goes so I turned the light on in the dinning room there was a sliding glass door no curtains yet guys next I found myself naked walking around playing I opened my eyes and found myself in front of the door. I looked out and it was pitch black I saw nothing no where I'm in a pretty private spot half of the yard is privacy fenced the other part trees so I got to thinking I should go out side by the pool so I put my...
MasturbationSTROKING SISSY by Throne My wife June told me to get out of my apron, put on what she'd laid out for me, and then come to the bedroom. As she sauntered away I couldn't help admiring her trim but sexy figure and pixie-cut blond hair. I sighed and went to my room, where I slept on nights when she banned me from her bed. It still upsets me to see my space, small and decorated the way a girl in her early teens might like, all pink and white, with rainbows and unicorns. Right in the...
I arrived at a five-star hotel with my oils and massage table in tow, being a masseuse and all. I took the elevator to the fifth floor, which led me to room 504. I knocked on the door and said, "I'm the masseuse and I'm gonna give you a massage." I waited a few seconds before someone opened the door, then a tall, fit, half-naked man with a white towel wrapped around his waist opened the door. It was none other than WWE superstar and my pro wrestling crush Randy Orton. "I'm so glad...
Well I found my self horny again while I was driving home so I look down to find my cock hard as a rock I was wondering where to go and jerk off so I cruised by the new house still no one there it was about ten our so but I didn't care I was horny and just love jerking off outside it was still pitch black out over there so I got my jerking tools and went around back by the pool I didn't even go inside this time I just went out back and stripped down to my jacket again and found a spot in the...
MasturbationAnna logged off the computer and stood up. I bugged her, ‘Watch out for the wet spots.’ Anna looked down at the the red chair. There were darker spots where she had been sitting. ‘What’s that?’ She asked. ‘And do you see the little dots on the arms of the chair,’ I explained to her, ‘That’s when it squirts out really high.’ ‘That’s disgusting,’ Anna declared, yet looked carefully at the red chair. ‘Why is it–‘ I smiled, ‘Let’s just say he’s got a lot of pictures that remind him of you.’...
I am a 32 year old woman. My name is Tammy. I few years back before the economy crashed I had a job working had in an accounting firm. I hired a young man that year named Codie to intern with us. He was in his early 20’s and like most young men he spent a great deal of time flirting. I had caught him on many occasions eyeing me. I don’t consider myself difficult to look at. I am almost six feet tall and my best assets are my legs and my backside. My husband used to say, your legs go all the...
STROKING SISSY 2 by Throne My wife June's date with Chuck, the guy she used to go to bed with when she was single, was fast approaching. The night she had caught me in her panties, wearing a bra and wig and cosmetics, she had made me promise to obey her no matter what she wanted. But this was especially difficult to handle. It was bad enough that I was no longer allowed to have sex with her, but now she was going to happily let him take my place. The only contact I could have with...
A few months ago I started putting an add on Craigslist asking if any women would like to add a little excitement to their day. Driving to work, shopping, or whatever. I finally got a reply from a great open minded woman who said she always wanted to catch a guy jerking off and said she would be shopping at a particular food store nearby this afternoon. I told her what type of car I would be in and that I would be parked next to the cart return at a specific time. I got there about ten minutes...
I took a long sip of my dirty martini and leaned into the bar, staring resentfully down towards the end of it. My boyfriend of three years, Ryan, was still engaged in conversation, feeding his ego with clever banter. I noticed the familiar animated expressions, grand gestures, and overly enthused laughter that captivated the small crowd of people he was talking to. I sighed heavily, and settled back onto my bar stool and played with the spear of olives in my drink. It was New Year’s Eve, but...
“For God’s sake, Peter. Couldn’t you turn up on time just once? You know Geoffrey’s away and we’re short-staffed at the best of times.”It was Mrs. Turner doing the berating and I was the Peter who was being berated. I was a waiter in a small seaside hotel, having breezed into town for the summer and chanced upon this job. It required little in the way of talent or skill, but I think she had hired me because I was polite and well-spoken, neither of which I could take much credit for. You get...
Straight SexRose smiled, walked to answer the knock at the door announcing room service with the breakfast cart, and said, ‘Good. That’s a move in the right direction!’ They were quiet on their drive back to New Orleans and Rose had Jennifer drop her off at the Tea Room. Rose waved and smiled as Jennifer drove away, but her smile converted to a frown as she turned and entered the Tea Room. This was like nothing she had come up against before and it would take some very delicate work. She locked the door...
Tony has recently been dumped by his ex over the phone. His heart is totally broken! Tony’s stepmom, Jordan Maxx, happens to overhear the breakup. She sits down to console him, and listens nicely when Tony confesses that they were going to have their first time together tonight. He shows his stepmom the lingerie he bought to commemorate the occasion. Jordan says that she can find someone who will appreciate the lingerie set and Tony goes to his room. A little while later, Jordan struts...
xmoviesforyouThe StairbyMiss Irene Clearmont.An Adult tale of Female DominationThere is no coming to consciousness without pain.- Carl JungThe only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain.- Karl Marx-----------------------------------Copyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont (2012 March)The Stair.-----------------------------------The Dress.-----------------------------------I awoke to the sound of her heels on the stair. It must have been the creak of the door that actually woke me, but it was the click of...
Here it is Friday night and I’m sitting at the house feeling like shit. Most likely because of all the built-up tension from my work week. I wasn’t planning to go out but I was pretty hungry and didn’t feel like cooking. So decided to go to a local place that my wife and I frequent and grab me something to eat. While sitting there I decided to go ahead and grab a drink hoping that maybe that would ease the tension and my headache. The bartenders at this place sometimes are irritating and...
Twenty minutes later Jason and Maria both left. She was headed to the university to try to pick up the academic pieces of her life while her grandfather headed for a discount department store to purchase some basic clothes for Hawk. Jason returned to the apartment a short time later. He and Andy put a bronzing dye on Hawk. When they were finished Hawk quickly dressed, and he and Jason left to deal with Robert’s body. The first hour was rather quiet with both men considering what needed to be...
All through high school acting and making movies has fascinated you. After leaving school you have tryed to start your own Movie Studio. But you never had enough money for set or wardrobe or special effects. But you did have plenty of time on your hands so you sat down and wrote several scripts. But then several wealthy relatives died in a plane crash. As one of their only serviving relatives you inherited $12 million dollars. Now you had enough money to make a decent film. But you decide to...
This is me thinking: Let’s see, multi-bean soup ready at 18:00 but it will be good on low until midnight. Store closes at 20:00. We will have light until then. I hated to fill time this way but I wanted him fully charged. “Rick, we really have a math test on Monday. Play teacher for half an hour going over what you think will be on the test.” I swear to whatever gods that might be that without notes of any kind he said: “Mr. James’ tests always cover the current chapter plus one or two...
Have you ever had palpitations? When you truly believe that your heart is about to jump right out of your chest? I put my hand on my left breast and felt the thumping behind my ribs. All Zoe had done was to reach out to take my hand but my body seemed to be in the act of surrendering, totally. Justyna came to our table and kissed me in traditional style. She whispered in my ear.“Be strong Suzy, remember, I lof you.”I bowed my head and let myself be led away. The taxi was right outside the door....
LesbianWhile the movie "Revenge of the Nerds" had made them all dream of ways in which they would love to get back at the people who hurt them most, none of the seven really were serious until one of their tight circle of friends was almost killed by a "harmless" prank. Ginger was lucky. He lost an eyebrow, and the hair on the left side of his head, and a good part of the skin on that side of his head and neck was blistered, but -- as everyone said -- "it could have been worse." Like he...
Darcy giggled as she looked at the poor sob's crotch. He clearly had blue balls from all of the teasing that she gave him. It served the bastard right for drooling over her ass! Who said that she had to put out, just because she flirted with him? She took a certain sadistic delight in leading boys on for a long time, even occasionally letting them cop a feel, but never giving them any relief! The idea of a boy's aching cock and balls after a thorough teasing cracked her up. Boys were so...
Regina 39 Jahre, war eine allein erziehende Mutter. Ihr Sohn lebte bei seinem Vater. Sie war schlank und hatte ein Körbchengröße von 75 D sowie kurze blonde Haare. Schon während ihrer Ehe, hatte sie immer wieder mit anderen Männern geflirtet, was zur Trennung geführt hatte. An jenem Tag war sie alleine im Hallenbad. Es war Freitagabend und sie wollte die Arbeitswoche ausklingen lassen. Im Schwimmbad war auch Chris, der gerade mit der Schule durch war und immer wieder kriminell aufgefallen...
Whitney Wright has her ass invaded by Manuel! Whitney Wright is a hot Oklahoma native that’s made her way out West to show us how much of a slut she is. She’s waiting on the table, face down ass up, in a hot lingerie set with thigh high stockings. Whitney shows off her body as she rubs her tight pussy and pulls aside her panties exposing that she’s got a bejeweled butt plug in her asshole already. Manuel fingers her tight cunt before pulling out his massive cock for her to...
xmoviesforyouAll week at work in the home center, I thought about last weekend. God, Shari was just amazing. And then she brought up the other girl, Kim, the slender little Oriental girl. The virgin. Yeah, I had a hard on all week. Well, last weekend Shari had asked about what I masturbated about. This weekend, I could tell her. Everything! I realized I was surrounded by women. Well, it was no different than usual, but now I noticed them. All ages, all body types. I was just on a testosterone...
New experience Where to begin? I’m sixty nine years old male, feel about forty, am still working and keeping fit. I’ve had a varied life, done the wife swopping and been to a number of swinging parties. I have watched my wife having sex with up to four guys at a time and also with two women. The most I have had, was two women at the same time. Well my wife and I parted company about six years ago. We are still friends, but not for sex. Over the past couple of years I have been...
Ryan is looking for his friend Johnny, as no one answers the door, he enters the house thinking nobody is home to wait for his friend. He walks to the kitchen and sees sultry Nia Nacci, who came out of the shower, dancing, in a very sexy way, headphones on and completely naked. He is shocked and so is she. He wants to leave but she wants something different. Nia seduces Ryan, mesmerizing him with her hot body. He cannot resist her and Nia gets fucked all over her kitchen, in several different...
xmoviesforyouSchool girl Addison Lee has more than physics on her mind when she invites over her nerdy study mate Eddie Jaye. The only thing she wants to study is that big black cock of his. She knows that wearing no panties under her short skirt will be sure to get his attention. She was right when he pulls out that big black cock letting her take complete control with her hands and mouth as she slobbers all over his shaft! He bends her over in doggy and throws that skirt up so he can drill his hard cock...
xmoviesforyouBy PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke up on Tuesday morning, Jill was still all entangled in me. It took a couple of minutes to untangle and not wake her. As I stepped into the shower, it dawned on me that neither the security guys nor the gate people had made it here. I made a mental note to phone both. I knew that our safe guy was now handling the lock changes at the Hawk. Need to have Sharon ask him to stop by at his convenience and finish installing the safes that he...
I do a lot of public speaking. It’s the price you pay to sell books. No, I’m not a bestselling author. I write for the practitioner market. Explaining boring technical shit to a bunch of nerds; all of whom are just slavering to point out flaws in your logic, or errors in your facts, is like taking a refreshing crawl across the Sahara Desert. Nonetheless, in academia, you either publish or perish. So, crawl I must. You gotta hustle If you want to get your ideas out there. So, I have a symbiotic...
Earth Remade Part 1 The woman lying on the table before me had been young, exceptionally fit, and spectacularly beautiful. She'd been perfect in every way. There was an unearthly beauty about her with her long dark brunette hair that cascaded from her head in waves, intense blue eyes, full lips, and a figure so wondrous that it defied description. Yet, for all her looks and seeming innocence, I despised her. She wasn't human at all. She was an alien facsimile. No one knows...
By the time we returned from Florida, I was at peace with my plans. I wanted to avoid giving the girls a false hope, so I planned on waiting a few weeks and then setting up a meeting with Annie. Then life intervened. The one thing that I never expected, occurred. It changed all of my plans. I fell in love. Her name was Jean and I met her on the job. My team had been assigned the job of designing a new corporate headquarters/factory for a client that was expanding into our region. Jean...