Hollywood Wishes
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Alan's Turn:
I feel like I'm on a merry-go-round that's spinning too fast to get off of. Not that I want to, you understand. I've never seen anything like this thing that's going on here.
Business? It's doing even better than I'd hoped for a start-up. I brought clients. Both Dans brought clients. Jason's name sits in the middle of some of them, and for heaven's sake, that Alabama utility company's regional manager was impressed by the Jason and Susan team.
He sent an engineer out to see them after they found a significant screwup in one of their substations. He watched them work, asked questions, then called us.
"You know, my people should've caught that," he said. "They didn't. Yours did. Your intern (that would be Susan) showed us the data you collected and how you insured that you got things right. My guys took the obvious shortcut and fell right into the trap. It's a good thing we didn't see a fault on that line. We could've mis-operated and lost a chunk of the state."
"People make mistakes," I said. "That's why we cross-check and test."
"Well, you people have impressed me. You're going to get a lot more work out of this deal. And pass that on to both of those that found that. Your Jason Ellerbee is impressive, and his wife doesn't give up much, especially for a novice."
I sort of laughed.
"What's funny?"
"I have three more that are just as bright, or brighter, than Susan. All of them just graduated high school this past spring. Two of 'em might graduate with degrees in two years without setting foot in a formal classroom except to satisfy their curiosities. One of them's too young to get her driver's license."
"Wow," he said. "You're serious?"
"Like a heart attack," I said. "That's why this business exists. Those girls are storming Auburn as we speak. So we moved here and opened the business doing what we do. And in two years we'll see how they fit in."
"Two years?" he asked. "Thought you said they just got out of high school."
"Susan and Tina were both 4.0 averages in their senior year, ACT's over 30, advanced placement classes, and both of them have interviewed and tested their way though their sophomore years. Tina skipped a year of high school after being forced to drop out. Came back as a senior and ran a 4.0 average."
"You're kidding."
"That's not the half of it. Like I said, the other two, one's fourteen and the other's fifteen and they did better than that. Both of THEM graduated last spring and they are graduating with engineering degrees in two years, too."
All I heard on the phone was him sucking a breath in sharply.
"You need to come by the office one day and visit. They'll be glad to see you and give you a tour of the place."
"It's an engineering office. What's there to see?"
"Certainly not our office. They have a lab. You need to see their experiments."
"They repurposed some power factor capacitors to make a big DC bank. They are building a railgun."
"Four girls."
"Yeah. They haul us in to talk to them about the hardware they want a little bump on. We make sure they're safe. But yeah ... high energy impulses."
"Safety! You're letting a bunch of teens play with high voltage?"
"Lord, Axell," I said. "In two years those 'kids' will be sitting in engineering offices or running around in the real world if they can get by the 'One size fits all' safety rules. They're bright, inquisitive, motivated, and they're soaking up knowledge at a scary pace. And using as much of it as they can." I paused. "Seriously! Make an excuse and come by and visit."
"You've got my curiosity piqued now," Axell said. "So that blonde intern..."
"Is the machinist-artificer for the bunch. Got an engine lathe, vertical mill and drill press for her wedding present from her dad."
"You're not pulling my leg now, are you?"
"Not even," I said. "There have been days with this bunch that I'm almost afraid to think of what could be next. The four of them are waiting on security clearances."
"Security clearances. So they can at least get familiar with an R&D project the university is doing in collaboration with the government."
"No shit?!?"
"Because they're building their own version of a railgun in their lab."
"Okay. Thursday. I've got Thursday open on my calendar. I'm coming over."
"We'll look for you," I said. "I'll have to check to see which of the girls might be here. They're on and off campus on a random schedule. But whoever's here will be glad to talk to you."
"I'll be there."
I hung up the phone, looked over at Dan 1.0. "That's a client who's impressed with Jason and Susan."
"Poor Jason," he said. "Top-notch tech. Goes on a job, and they remember his wife."
"And he does all the heavy lifting."
"In more than a strictly technical sense, I'm sure," Dan retorted.
"I dunno. You seen Susan in the lab? She doesn't come off as the squealy delicate type." I watched them at work. I know.
"Do we even HAVE any squealy delicate types?" he asked.
We both know the answer to that one. It's a solid 'NO!'. Last time we did an oil change on the Cessna, I kept bumping into Tina.
"Look," she said, "I can get my hands in there a lot easier."
I'm glad she's not one of those manicured, primped posers.
"I don't think I'd ever like being that way, Alan," she'd told me once. "Even earrings. I would be afraid you'd get frisky and chip a tooth."
I guess that Susan's the only one of the bunch who'd ever shown up with noticeable makeup, and hers was a tiny bit of eyeliner and mascara. Her eyelashes are long, but light-colored. My Tina's were equally long, but dark enough to need no enhancement. I thought about Dan's Cindy and the other Dan's Nikki. Nope! Nothing, other than perfume.
The perfume thing was fun. They traded samples among themselves. My Tina was subject of a variety of enhanced aromas, along with my other favorites, freshly-scrubbed Tina, slightly sweaty Tina, and sexually aroused Tina.
"Where'd that one come from," I'd asked her last week.
"Cindy," she giggled.
Apparently my excursion into thought was noted. "Where did you go, bud?" he asked.
"Oh, just letting my mind roam. Tina showed up with a new perfume last week."
"So did Cindy. They swapped. Our wives had good tastes."
I laughed.
"And you have a dirty mind," he said.
"Nothing dirty about what goes on between a man and his wife."
"Uh-huh ... so that was our utility company rep on the phone?"
"One of 'em," I said. "Good report. And was impressed by Susan."
"Not Jason?" Dan asked.
"Oh, he was impressed by Jason, but Susan's memorable."
'I can imagine," he laughed. "What would YOU think?"
"I dunno. And I suspect that the girls will have that effect for years." I knew that despite the guise of gender equality in the workplace, females still had hurdles. I knew some who rode the idea of being a 'protected class' and some who played the gender thing as a way to shirk tough jobs. I also knew some who not only held their own, but excelled. Just like men. Of course, you can imagine what happens when one of your key engineers pops up in the middle of a project and cites pregnancy and the medical leave that goes with it.
I continued, "But he's coming over Thursday to visit. We need to see if we can get as many of the Sisterhood together as possible."
"At the very least, we should have a couple, I think Cindy and Nikki usually go in on campus on Fridays."
"We should be good. Might want to take a bit of time to organize things here." 'Here' is an engineering office. It's not exactly the sort of place that cultivates walk-in business. However, we do need it to be presentable. It wasn't far from that point right now.
I heard the back door open and the twin giggles of Terri and Rachel. The giggles died quickly as the door closed. We didn't mind being part of their summer world of explorations. As a matter of fact, if Beck wasn't home, we served as babysitters.
"Hi, Dad!" Terri said, followed by "Hi Mister Addison," from Rachel.
"Hi, sweetie! Hi, sweetie also," I said. "What are you doing?"
"We were hangin' around in the lab, but Susan's welding so she recommended that we leave so we don't hurt our eyes."
"Susan's right, you know," I said. "That arc can damage your eyes."
"It's interesting, though," Terri said. "I watched 'er with welding goggles. You can actually see that little puddle of melted metal."
"I'm glad you learned from it," I said. "But you need to be very careful. Molten metal is no toy."
"No, it's not a toy," My precocious daughter said. "But it makes things. Real things." She giggled. "Have you watched Susan? She does STUFF. With metal an' plastic, and it's like Play-Doh for real!"
"That's what makes the world go round, little one," I said.
"Dad thinks you're crazy, you know," Rachel said.
I know that. I and Sim, Rachel's dad, had many conversations. Sometimes he drops into the office. Sim and I exist in different worlds. He's in academia, facing a different reality than I and my fellow engineers (and yes, I add Jason and the girls to that number) face. He knows it. Even admitted it.
"You know," he said, "we sociologists, some of my peers, try very hard to make it LOOK like science. I see papers with all sorts of formulae and statistics. What I don't see is the sociological equivalent of Ohm or Newton."
I smiled. "Yeah, it's kind of hard to do some of this stuff on the basis of opinion. Not that many won't try."
"Yes, I understand that," he said. "But it's not like a few peer-reviewed papers are going to push your opinion of the validity of the Laws of Thermodynamics off to the side. Happens all too often in sociology."
"I'm just peripherally aware of that stuff," I said. "You have to be brave in that world."
"Or just go along to get along. Flavor of the month. Drink the Kool-aid," he laughed. "I won't reach the upper strata of sociology. I'm making a living. I publish from time to time."
I had a feeling where this conversation just turned.
"Alan, would you mind if I used the Sisterhood (yes, he used the accepted title) for the subject of a paper?"
"I suppose that if I had the right of review and sign-off," I said. "I'm awfully protective of our little bunch."
"So are the others," he said. "I talked to Dan. Cindy's husband. He's much the same way. And I would not use names, of course, but it wouldn't take much intelligence around this place to find out who we're talking about."
"What's the thrust of the paper?"
"Prodigies. Precocious prodigies. Cindy already sent me to talk with her middle school counselor. Apparently that was his thesis."
"Oh, yeah. Uh, Jim Hardesty. I've met 'im. She says he's responsible for cutting her out of the crowd. Plays a mean banjo, too, by the way."
"So I've heard. Cindy's got a DVD."
"You think we're a good subject?"
"I thought so from the first week I've known the bunch of you. You don't see this often. Uh, like 'never'."
"They're certainly the first I've seen," I said. "I was happy that Tina wanted to get back into high school when I first met 'er. Now look at her. And the rest."
I went back to my task. Sometimes it's not that exciting, you know. Tables of esoteric numbers, meaningless to most of humanity, there on my monitor, but I knew their import and had to therefore accord to them great importance and attention. I knew that at the end of the thing, I'd give that file to one or the other of the Dans for a reality check.
I knew, too, that Tina's eyes were good for proofing, although she was only just beginning to understand this stuff past 'a nine point one on that one means there should be a nine point one on this one' direct comparison.
But Cindy. She was in here one day with her Dan and I was bitching about the comparisons.
"Why don't you port 'em into Word and compare?" she asked.
"They don't format the same. The 'compare' doesn't work." I should've known better. I could almost hear little gears spinning. Her husband was smiling, watching.
"Then convert it to text. Write a program that strips the spaces that hang around after you convert to text, then have the program chop your text files up and compare, then output the results to another text file."
"Sure," I said. "Just write a program..." I knew it was possible when she finished explaining it. "It's been too long since I programmed ... And I wasn't that good at it."
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Straight SexYou don't really know how much stuff you have collected in your life until you move.With our last son going to college, we did two moves in one. We were moving to a condo only a few miles away, while we were driving Cory sixteen hours to college. Because we had to put all our items in storage, we didn't get title for three more weeks, we were going to do a two week road trip after we dropped Cory off.As we packed the car with both Cory's stuff and our suitcases for the almost three week round...
The summer of 1980 seemed to hold nothing but promise for this young man. Just one year out of high school it was an easy decision for me to take a year off before going to college. Heck, I was young enough to enjoy myself and wanted to travel and see the country while I had the opportunity. The year before, just out of high school, I had taken a job as a carnival worker or carnie as they are known. It gave me the chance to schlep across country and get paid in the process. Being a carnie can...
Straight SexSteve had raised Jess by himself since she was ten, when her mother, Julie, lost her battle with cancer. Steve and Julie had already divorced by that time and he had joint custody. It made it easier for Jess to adapt to living with him when her mom got real sick. They became bosom buddies, best friends. To say that they were inseparable is an understatement.Steve had purchased a home in the country with lots of trees and no neighbors within ear or eye shot. He wanted his privacy but more...
IncestDonna ran to the front door when she heard the bell ring. She opened the door. John, her boyfriend, stood there with a seductive smile, “What’s up babe?” Donna smiled back, “Mom and Dad went to the mall. Their night to shop and eat out.” “Way to go good old mom and dad.” John stepped inside and pushed the door closed. He wrapped his arms around Donna’s slim waist and kissed her hard. She kissed back until she had to pull away to catch...
I opened my eyes to darkness. I felt the fabric against my face, knowing that I was blindfolded so I couldn’t see anything. All I knew was that I could feel someone breathing heavily in my face. I was startled at first and attempted to lash out and try fighting the intruder. However my hands seemed to be bonded to something. I was scared, and I had every right to be afraid. I was alone with a complete stranger who had me tied to what seemed to be the bedpost. I wanted to scream and as I opened...
Like an addictive aphrodisiac, Lori craves the erotic thrill that she receives from teasing and pleasing a man's cock, manipulating his erotic pleasure to indulge her own until he can't resist the intensity of his primal urge to cum for her. She is enthralled with her sexual power to arouse and stimulate a cock to swell hard, rising and thickening for her, and enflaming her own passion. Simultaneously exploring his erogenous zones and tantalizing his manhood, she exploits his arousal, making...
You spent most of your lives watching cartoons. To you they were better then any form of entertainment. People thought it was unhealthy to be watching cartoons at your age but you never really gave a crap what they thought. You even fantasize about the women. There was nude poster of Jessica rabbit on your wall. There was nude Judy Jetson pictures on your computer. One Day you were walking down a street when you heard a woman scream. People in the city were ignoring the scream like nothing was...
Gina knew that this was the season of girl scout cookies again and she was excited but nervous that she might not live up to last year’s sales to raise money for their girl scout unit. Her unit had been first in sales for the past four years that she had been a member and in a large part it was due to her unorthodox methods of boosting sales of their cookie products. Even her favorite pitbull called Pete was caught up in the excitement and nervously attempted to hump her leg in the basement...
"Loni? Are you awake, honey?" Van's voice whispered into the stillness of the room. "Yes, Daddy, I knew you'd come to me tonight," the teenager murmured excitedly. "Good girl," Van murmured as he sat down on his daughter's bed. "Your mother just wanted a quickie tonight so I fucked her real fast so I could come in here to my favorite girl." Loni giggled. She was never jealous of her mother, or of the time her father spent in bed with her mother, because her daddy had made it very...
if you dont like this stuff you shouldnt be here. this is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. it has situations and axcts of a sexual nature between young boys. like i said if you dont like that then LEAVE NOW. if you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know Chapter 7 I stood dumbfounded that the two younger boys knew each other on a first name basis. "You guys know each other?" I asked. Without even answering they ran to each other and wrapped each...
Hey to all and before this incident I never believed that incest sex would ever happen to me. It’s just awesome when you have someone in your family who can fulfil your sexual desire. You don’t have to just shag your tool and make yourself comfortable and you have someone who knows how you’re satisfied. The story which I’m going to narrate you and what happened to me in my summer vacations. It all happened when I went to my Mausi’s home to spend my vacations. Oh I forgot to tell you about my...
Just last year I was wearing low cut Barbie sneakers, you know the ones that sort of looked like slippers with the single thin Velcro strap across the top on an angle? They were pink of course. I thought they were sooo cute. I had Mom paint my new room in pink too! It was the very first time I had my own room and I was eleven ... but this is wrong! I am starting in the middle, well not exactly the middle, but not at the beginning. Dad, he's not really my dad, but he is too, he's my stepdad,...
Debs was now a sex addict after sampling her first BBC and then a BBC gang bang and couldn't go a few hours without having an orgasm. She was taking vibrators to work just so she could slip into the ladies and bring herself off just to get through the day. When she got home she needed a fuck session before she could think of doing anything else. I wasn't complaining of course and I was getting sex everyday and Debs wanted more and more nasty, taboo and depraved role play and would cum hard with...
Plot. Someone learns the hard way not to steal from Ms. Saba.Story Three of the Ms. Saba Spanking SeriesPOV Work of Fiction.After drying off my hands and tossing the paper towel into a nearby wastebasket, I exit the staff restroom and head back to my office where my lunch was waiting. I actually liked the idea of us staff and teachers having separate restrooms from the students. I enter the commons area and began scanning about with my eyes as I went towards the hall that would lead me back to...
The vision rushed forward and caught Heather's arms, pulling her back to her feet. She shook her head. "No, Heather, I'm not Mara, not really." Heather stared, her eyes wide, her mind racing as if she had not heard a word the vision had said. "But ... Mara, we had so many ... Jason wanted to ask ... y-you warned me about my mother ... the girl we were supposed to stay away from ... th-then the danger to me and another girl..." Heather's face flushed pink when she realized she was...
Having the view of the common areas and the entry door makes my office prime hang out and BS area for everyone. My desk is a large digital drafting table and extra PC. The girls and occasional guy would come check their email accounts and browse the web with out fear of the "boss" finding out. You should see some of the stuff these girls find to gawk at! It would make a soldier blush! Most of it was humorous, other just plain gross! Employee turnover was low here, but one day the...
By Mike Escondido (as told to and recorded by Tony Reeno) Chapter 1: The Seductive Showoff This is a story that some of you may find engaging, while others will want to ignore. It deals with an erotic bond that developed between my mother and me. Be aware that you know that before proceeding. Moreover, be advised that the story is not about full-blown sex. If anything this is just a reminiscence that is laced with eroticism and exhibitionism more than explosive sex between parent and...
The men sat in Dave and Evie's apartment talking, laughing and killing time, their shoes off and their feet propped on ottomans or the coffee table. The TV was on, muted, as some guy was catching and eating bugs on one of the "survival" shows, not that any of the men were paying attention to the TV. Diana walked in and plopped down in her husband's lap. "Mind if I invite Steve and Marcie to go with us tonight, then share in our party?" (Steve and Marcie are the nearest neighbors down...