Apocolypse Chapther 7 free porn video

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if you dont like this stuff you shouldnt be here. this is all fake ok, in
other words its fiction. it has situations and axcts of a sexual nature
between young boys. like i said if you dont like that then LEAVE NOW. if
you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know

Chapter 7

I stood dumbfounded that the two younger boys knew each other on a first
name basis. "You guys know each other?" I asked. Without even answering
they ran to each other and wrapped each other in their arms and began to
sob like babies. Chris looked at them and then to me then shrugged his
shoulders. I returned the shrug since I had no idea what was going on
either. We simply stood there and stared at the two boys embracing like
they were the only two people in the world. After about a minute I kind
of coughed to clear my throat and to also get their attention. They broke
their embrace for a moment to look up at me. "Like I said before, you
guys know each other?" I said. "We sure do! He's my cousin.!" Josiah said
excitedly. "Kool you guys are cousins?!" Chris said more as a statement
than a question. "Did any body else make it? Where's Donny?" Joe asked
AJ. With a tear streaking down his cheek and a sad face he shook his head
no to confirm he didn't think any one else made it alive. This brought
both boys from a happy teary reunion to a sad crying one. I kneeled down
next to them and embraced them both with a slight hug to let them know I
was there for them.

The sobbing seemed to go on for ever, but in fact it was only for a few
minutes till the boys calmed down some. "Who is Donny guys?" I asked
quietly. "He was my little brother." AJ said as he heaved a heavy breath.
I could tell by the look in his eyes that he must have loved him dearly.
He had the most awful defeated look in his young eyes, and I could also
tell he was near the point of exhaustion. He had been locked in that
dungeon for nearly a week without any contact. I placed a hand on his
shoulder and said, "I know how it feels to lose some one you loved. All
of us have lost people we loved. You have to know this now. We have each
other and only each other to get through this. I'm not promising you
anything, but if you stick with us we will be here for you when you need
us." "That's right!" Chris spoke up now with tears in his eyes also. I
the got up and headed for the door and motioned for Chris to follow me.
Out in the mine shaft I told Chris, "Thanks for backing me up in there. I
think he needed to hear that. I want you to help me unload the atv and
stash it before it gets to late. I think we all need to hang around here
today. I think AJ needs some rest, he hasn't had much to eat either. So
when we get unloaded lets go back in and have a decent meal and let him
and Joe catch up." "Ok that's cool with me, but do you think we might
want to tell him about that other little thing about us?" Chris asked
making a good point. "I'm not sure of how to tell him yet. Let's just let
it work out later on and see how things go. For now he needs to regain
his strength." I replied. The two of us unloaded the gear off the atv and
I backed it into the mine entrance. As we were walking back to the safe
room down the mine shaft Chris had a thought, "Hey I got a question. What
are we going to do when it gets cold outside?" the thing my mind has been
racing over for the last few days had came to the fore front. "Well to
tell you the truth Chris, I have no damn idea. I've been thinking about
it for a few days now and I really don't know yet. I mean we can't build
a fire in that little room the smoke would kill us. And we can't exactly
put a chimney in either. It's just something we're going to have to
figure out." I told him. Now that we had two minds thinking on the
subject maybe a solution would present its self faster, especially since
Chris is as resourceful as he is.

As we walked back into the safe room we could tell that AJ was definitely
tired. His eyes were so droopy I couldn't tell how he was staying awake.
"Looks like we're going to have to make our bed a little bit bigger." I
said. "OUR bed? What's that mean?" AJ asked. "It means we all share a
bed. We don't have enough room in here for all of us to have our own
little area so we sleep together to keep warm. Plus we don't have enough
blankets to make a bunch of beds." Chris replied. Not seeming to mind
about the sleeping arrangements any further AJ yawned like a sleepy
tiger, loud and large. "Looks like you need some sleep bud. Lets get you
cleaned up real fast then I'll make you some room on the bed and you can
crash out for some rest. But first lets eat something I know you got to
be starving." I told him. He shook he head yes feverishly. I opened our
food cooler to let him peek inside at what we had left. "No way a pepsi.
I haven't had one in over week." He said as he reached in for one. He
sat down and cracked the can open and slowly sipped and savored the
sugary drink. I prepared a five star gourmet meal for us while he sipped,
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and potato chips. Well it was gourmet
considering what we had to eat. AJ devoured the sandwich as if he hadn't
eaten in days while the rest of us ate at a normal pace. As he sipped the
pepsi the caffeine in it seemed to have a complete opposite effect, it
made him even sleepier. "Ok bud before you fall asleep on us lets get you
scrubbed down so you can snooze. "How? I mean there's no bathroom here."
He said. "Well you're sitting in the bathroom. The bathroom, bedroom,
living room, and kitchen actually. I said chuckling. "You mean you guys
just bathe in here?" he asked. "Sure do. We all got the same stuff, so
why not." Chris said referring to our equipment. AJ seemed to be unsure
about the idea of undressing in front of us as he looked to Josiah. "It's
kool dude go ahead." Joe told him smiling. Hesitantly he removed his
dirty shirt and shorts leaving him only in his briefs. I asked him to
hand me his clothes that he removed so I could do something with the
stinky things. I then looked at him and waited. "What?" he asked not
knowing why I was staring at him. "The undies to dude." Josiah told him.
He seemed to not want to remove them in from of us. I guess young boy
modesty was still holding him back. "Adam dude just take em off its cool.
Here if you want I'll take mine off to ok." Josiah told him in kind of an
annoyed tone. He then slid his shorts off over his sore foot exposing his
nude form to us. AJ stood and gazed at his naked cousin sitting on the
bed now with his smooth hairless shaft exposed to the world. I looked
down at AJ and could swear I saw him start to get hard. He looked back to
me then he noticed the tent developing in his undies making his hands fly
in front of his crotch to cover it. I figured now was as good as any time
to break the news to him. "Ok Adam, before anything in this room is said
or goes any further you need to know a few things. Number one, you got no
reason to be embarrassed of your dick getting hard. Number two we see
each other naked a lot. Number three we all sleep naked to. And the most
important thing I guess is we all like each other." I told him. "Whadda
ya mean like each other? Joe what's he mean?" AJ asked. Not Knowing how
to ay it without sounding weird Chris just put it bluntly. "Josiah and me
are boy friends. That's how we all like each other ok." He said getting
annoyed. AJ then looked back to me. "Yea he's blunt about it but right."
I said. AJ still stood for a minute before he spoke, "Shoo I thought you
guys were trying to play a joke on me." He said right before yanking his
under wear off. Now standing totally nude with his 3 inches dancing to
his heart beats he smiled at me. "I have always liked boys. I just wish I
knew Joe did before all this stuff happened maybe could have messed
around some." He said smiling now. "Well Adam actually I never really
thought about liking boys before this happened. Chris and Derrik kind of
changed my mind." Josiah said with a red faced smile. "Ok bud I know
you're tired, are you ready to get cleaned up now?" I asked. Adam being
the cute character he is put his hand up like he was reaching for the sky
and smiled. "Wash away." He said laughing. That's exactly what I did with
a soapy wet rag. I scrubbed him from thigh to tip toe. I then scrubbed
him from belly button to finger tip. The very last and best of all I
asked if he wanted the pleasure himself or if he was going to just stand
and enjoy. He looked and me and smiled and placed his hands behind his
wet head. I took that as a sign for go for it so I began to wash him from
belly button to thigh. The moment the rag touched his skin near his
nether region he began to giggle loudly. "That tickles." He giggled out.
I then turned him around instead and began to wash his firm white boy
cheeks. I glanced over to the other boys and they were transfixed on him
and both hard as rocks watching us. I cupped my hand over AJ's ear and
whispered, "Hey watch this it'll be funny." I then slowly reached around
to the front of him with the rage and slowly brushed it past his stiff
boyhood. I knew this was torture for the others since they were in the
middle of getting off when we got home. I brushed against his cock again
but this time no giggles out of him, instead I got a deep groan. That
seemed to be all Chris needed for his clothes to fly off his body. I the
dropped the rag and began to message AJ's tummy just above his throbbing
little cock. The next thing I heard was, "Oh god I cant take it no more."
From Chris then I see him dive for Joe's cock and engulf it in his young
mouth. Now these two could finally finish what they started earlier. AJ
looked on them and smiled as Chris and Josiah moved their bodies into a
69 position and began to suck each others smooth shafts. I wrapped my
free arm around Adam's chest then and said in his ear, "Are you ready for
some fun big guy?" he nodded yes like a mad man. I held him against my
chest as my other hand found its way from his tummy to the base of his
shaft as he let out a soft moan. My fingers encircled his little cock and
I began to stroke him maybe for the first time by another person. "Your
first time?" I whispered to him. He nodded yes and said, "Yea with some
one else." I slowly slid my fingers from the base of his shaft to the
bottom of his tender mushroom headed boy toy making him shutter in
pleasure. I ten gripped him firmly with my whole hand and began to jerk
him with my whole fist slowly and tenderly. I turned him to face me so I
could see the expression o his face. It was one of a blank total
pleasure. I stopped just long enough to say, "Let me wash the rest of you
real quick and I'll give you a little of what their feeling." Referring
to getting his first blow job. He smiled and nodded. I washed his
remaining private area thoroughly then sank to my knees. I looked up at
him as we heard the others slurping, sucking, and moaning. "You ready for
this?" I asked he smiled very big and nodded. I cupped his tender but
cheeks with one hand then took his small boy cock in my fingers and
guided it to my waiting lips. The tip slid in on top of my tongue as he
gasped in pure delight. Once I had him all in my mouth I cupped both
milky white but cheeks with my hands and guided his hips back and forth
as he placed his hands on the top of my head. In no time he started to
breathe heavy and moan slightly. The more he moaned the faster I sped up
my pace as we heard the others nearly finishing as they were moaning and
sucking at a neck breaking speed. Then. "Oh fuck Joe!!" Chris moaned
loudly as he let Josiah's dick slip from his mouth as his orgasm struck.
That made AJ giggle a bit as I began to work the tip of his little prick
with my tongue. "Oh shit!" he let out as I worked his cock head. Christ
then went back to sucking Josiah as his orgasms peak was fading so that
Joe could reach that pinnacle to. A few seconds later Josiah began to
moan as well letting his boy dick pulsate and twitch in Chris' mouth
popping a dry orgasm. I stopped with the tongue work on Adam and began to
suck once more. I felt his hands start to guide and push my head down on
his cock as I knew he was getting close to popping himself. Then all of a
sudden a sound snapped us instantly out of play time and into danger
mode. The jingle bell alarm began to make noise.

Our intruder alarm was active and working perfectly. Something was
outside the mines entrance.
Lucky's head came off the floor and his ears perked up and he began to
growl. We had never seen him do this yet so we kind of got scared. I let
Adam's boy dick slip from my mouth and I jumped up and bound for the
guns. AJ had no idea what was going on. "What's going on why did you
stop? It felt so good." He asked. "It's the alarm something is outside
the mine entrance. If we live to see each other again I'll finish what I
started. If not I had fun and I hope you did to. But right now get over
in the corner and get ready." I said in a whisper instructing Adam to be
ready for anything. Chris and Josiah sat on the bed scared out of their
wits as I got the shotgun ready for action. I motioned to them to kill
the lantern so that the room went dark. I then tossed them each a flash
light and told them quietly to aim the light at the door and wait for it
to open. When it opened they were to turn the lights on and I was
prepared to start blasting away. I braced my self with the shot fun
butted against my shoulder. Just as we sere in position and ready I heard
something I had heard once before and will never forget, the unforgetable
sound of an alien communicating. I tensed every muscle in my body and
prepared to defend my own and the lives of the others from certain death
that was almost in our home. The sounds grew closer and closer to the
door and my heart raced faster and faster. The door began to open with a
slow dry squeak. My finger was poised on the trigger and ready to twitch.
Then the door burst open at full speed as the alien forced it open. The
flashlights came on them BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

Silence filled the room now after I let off three bursts of the gun.
"Turn the lantern on!" I yelled. The lantern slowly lit the room to the
sight of a bloody mess on the ground I the door way to our safe room. I
had shot the alien dead center in his torso and now it lay dead. The
younger boys were all now sitting on the bed still nude crying fear of
what just happened and what might still happen. "Shhh! Guys quiet. There
might be more. Chris get the other guns and get ready just incase." I
said quietly. He then got up and grabbed 3 of the guns we had stockpiled
and gave one to the others. I walked up to the monster with the gun
barrel pointed at its head and gave it a swift kick. It didn't budge or
move at all so I assumed it was dead. Still we sat in wait just incase
there were more of them to come. Minutes turned into hours as we sat with
guns at the ready waiting for another attempted attack on our lives.
Finally after about 4 hours we let our guard down and settled on the idea
that no more were coming. "Boys get some kind of clothes on for now. We
might need to make a run for it. I just want us to be ready it we do." I
told them. They complied and dressed all the way even with shoes. I
grabbed a few shot gun shells and reloaded my gun before I grabbed a
flash light and headed in to the mine shaft. I walked cautiously towards
the entrance waiting to see another monster. When I got there the area
seemed clear. I hoped that this lone alien was just some sort of scout or
hunter that was on his own. If that was the case then maybe no more of
the would be looking for him. I resecured the entrance to the mine shaft
and headed back to the safe room. "Guys I think we're safe for now I
don't see any signs of more of them. Let's drag this ugly fucker out of
our home and into the shaft a little ways. We can deal with his body
tomorrow. We need to get some rest now." I told them. Chris and AJ helped
me pull the aliens surprisingly light for its size corps out and into the
mine shaft about 20 or so yards away from our room. Josiah being still
injured sat on the bed with a gun still at the ready. We walked back in
the room and he almost shot at us. "Dammit put that gun down it's us!" AJ
yelled at him. I walked over to him and he handed me the gun and
apologized. I then shut the safe room door and used what ever I could to
jam it shut for the night just incase something else came while we were
trying to sleep. I could tell by now that Adam was barely able to keep
his eyes open. He was sitting leaning against the wall next to the bed. I
walked to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Lay down buddy I know
you're tired. Try to get some rest. He crawled onto the bed and stretched
his slender body out on it and in no time was asleep. I myself was also
getting tired from everything I had been through in the last few days.
From making the trip to Kingston, to finding and digging Adam out from
under his home, to bringing him back here, and finally to killing the
invader had all sapped most of the energy from my young body. I was
nearly exhausted now, and my shoulder also now hurt from the kick of the
shotgun. I lay down next to Adam ad got ready to catch some sleep myself.
"How the hell can you sleep at a time like his?" Chris asked. "Easy I'm
tired as hell. If there's any more of them they'll have to break through
the door now to get in. when the start banging on it we'll hear them and
then we'll be ready. If we have to we'll kill every fucking one we can!"
I told them as I yawned. I then lay down next to Adam and scooted up
against him so that we were back to back still fully dressed. Just like
Adam once I closed my eyes I was out like a light.

It seemed like only minutes had passed when the alarm on my watch went
off at 6 am. "Oh fuck already." I moaned as I shut the alarm off. I
glanced over to the other boys and Josiah was still awake and staring at
the door with a gun at his side. Chris was sitting up and his head was
slumped over laying on Joe's shoulder as he was sound asleep. They had
tried to stay up all night and keep guard on us. A true noble effort for
boys so young. I sat up and Joe looked over to me. I could tell he was
tired. He had bags under his easy and he looked exhausted. I got up and
crawled around Adam and over to where the other boys were. "I'm going to
pick him up off your shoulder then lay him down. Then I want you to crash
out for a while to. Thanks for keeping watch buddy." I told him as I half
hugged him. As I broke the hug and pulled away I gave him a small quick
kiss on the cheek which he seemed to like. Then I picked Chris' head off
his shoulder and held him upright so Josiah could scoot away from him a
bit. I held Chris' head and upper body as I pulled his legs at the same
time to force his body down in a horizontal position laying on the bed
next to Adam. As I was moving him he didn't quite wake but he stirred and
let out a whining sound you'd hear from a younger kid as you disturbed
their sleep. Soon enough he was comfortably again enough to be lightly
snoring as he lay next to AJ's cute body. "Give me the gun and lye down
and get some rest. I think it's ok now." I told Josiah. He handed me the
gun then slid his body down on the blankets so that he was lying next to
the other boys and fell fast asleep. Myself I had a lot of work to do
today so I got a start it, but first I had to shoot the golden arch from
my dick on some trees. I called Lucky to follow me and we went to the
mine entrance where we were greeted by a cloudy morning. I walked over to
my usual tree and Lucky went to his now normal tree since he has pissed
on it so much. We both let the urine fly as I yawned from still being a
bit tired. When we finished we headed back in and I got ready to deal
with the dead alien in the mine shaft. Thoughts of how to dispose of its
corps ran through my mind. I though about burning it, but the smoke may
attract unwanted attention. Burying it seemed like the best course to
take to get rid of it. When I got back to the safe room AJ was now awake
and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning sleepy head." I said.
He simply smiled and waved. "How about you come with me today to town. we
need to restock our supplies and get you some clothes of your own. You
cant all three share Chris' clothes. We need to get you and Joe your own
stuff to wear. Here put these on their Chris', but I don't think he'll
mind as long as your getting your own." I told him as I handed him some
of Chris' clothes to wear to town since he didn't have any to wear. He
got dressed being extra careful when zipping up the shorts making sure he
didn't zip mr. happy up in them, OUCH!. When he got to the shoes they
were way too small for him. "Ok problem, my feet are bigger than Chris'
are. His shoes wont fit me." He said. "Guess you'll go bare foot then,
just be careful." I said as I handed him a gun. "For just incase." I told
him. I grabbed the shotgun and I then woke Chris momentarily to let him
know what was going on. Once he was informed he lay back down and went
back to sleep next to Joe. AJ and I then left for town.

This time just as the previous times we stashed the atv in the woods at
the edge of town and walked in to make sure things were clear to proceed.
We walked into town cautiously as usual with the guns at the ready and
scanning for anything that looked out of place. Nothing seemed to be
different this time from the last so we walked back to get the atv and
cart trailer so we didn't have to walk 5 or 6 trips to get all the stuff
we needed. First stop after fetching the atv was wal mart to get the boys
clothes. We went straight for the boys department and AJ picked out what
he liked including the tasmanian devil boxers he liked. Then we went to
the shoe department and he got a pair of shoes that fit him. "I wonder
what sizes Josiah wears. He's got no clothes either, and he's definitely
going to need some." I said. "Well that's easy me and him use to wear
each others clothes al the time. We got the same shoe size to." Adam
answered. Since he made it easier for me I just went back and grabbed a
bunch of shirts shorts and pants that were the same size that AJ had
grabbed. I also got him shoes the same size that AJ did. Once we had
their clothes squared away I decided to just look around inside for
things that may come in handy for us in our current situation. AJ found
the electronics department and remembered looking at the games before the
invasion. "Hey you know you can take what ever you want. No ones gonna
turn you in for stealing." I told him. He smiled and grabbed a psp like I
suggested an as many games as he wanted. I also not forgetting about Joe
grabbed him one as well. We pushed on into the store and the idea that
the car batteries we grabbed before weren't going to keep a charge
forever and we had no way of charging them. That's when a moment of
inspiration hit me. "Come on." I said to AJ as I raced off to the
automotive department. I was looking for one thing particularly. And it
just happened that there were some on the racks. I found those solar
powered cooling fans you put in the windows of your car in the summer to
keep it cool when it's locked up. I figured we could rig them to charge
our batteries some how so I grabbed all of them on the rack. I grabbed as
much wire as I could find as well so we could keep the batteries out of
site as they were charging. Then we got a few other things from the store
like more blankets and more sleeping bags so we could expand our bed some
and headed out. We loaded everything in the atv then left for the grocery
store. We went inside with guns at the ready just incase and checked the
place out first. We decided it was all clear so we both grabbed shopping
carts and began to put things in them. I grabbed things we needed and
things that would last us over time. Adam on the other hand being a
typical 11 year old grabbed nothing but junk food. "Dude we need stuff
that won't go bad. Those chips are gonna get stale after about a week
after they're opened. So will the cookies." I told him as I looked
through his carts contents. I grabbed things like canned food and
dehydrated foods like soups and stuff. Seeing my point he stopped
grabbing junk and helped me find things we needed. "Hey Derrik I think we
need a broom. That cave floor is sure dusty." He said giggling being a
smart ass. "Yea and some glass cleaner to. The windows are so dirty the
light can't even get through." I said laughing in return. While we filled
the carts I grabbed something I knew we wouldn't have much chance of
eating. I handed him an ice cream bar and I opened one for myself. He
devoured his and grabbed another. "Oh god that's great." He said as he
inhaled the second one to. We pushed on through the store grabbing things
as we headed for the door to load up the atv and trailer. "You think we
got enough stuff?" AJ asked. "Nope. There's always something else we need
that we wont get this time." I told him. We loaded up the atv with food
and supplies and I ran in the back of the store for e one last thing, a
few bags of ice for the coolers in the mine. I ran back out tossed them
on the back of the atv and we tore off back to the mine. It was now
nearly 10 am and I figured the other boys would be awake by now so they
could help us unload at least.

A short half hour later the atv was lugging the heavy load on it up the
last little hill to the mines entrance. AJ got off once we got to the
entrance and opened the covering we had put over it so I could pull our
vehicle inside. As I was backing it in I remembered the dead alien in the
shaft. "Dammit we still have to bury that fucker today. I hope you and
Chris are up to helping me dig a hole for it." I told AJ. He smiled and
nodded yes. Just as I stopped the atv and killed the engine, "DERRIK!
HELP!!!!!" both boys in the safe room yelled out. I looked at AJ and he
at me, we grabbed our guns and ran back to the room. The door was wide
open and the lanterns were burning bright. I burst into the room sweeping
from side to side with the shotgun looking for another monster. What I
saw was Chris and Josiah huddling holding each other in the corner of the
room naked. Apparently they had woken up and decided to have a little fun
while we were gone. I turned to my left to see what they were staring at
and afraid of. AJ then came in the room and looked to the left as well.
"Holy shit! They are real!' He said more astonished than scared referring
to the form laying on the ground just inside the room entrance.

I know cliff hangers suck guys but I think you'll like the next chapter.
It gets a little more science fictiony . hope you like it so far though.
and it'l have a little more action to it, although im not sayin what kind
of action lol.

Any suggestions for this story or for other stories feel free to email me at [email protected]


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you don't like this stuff you shouldn't be here. This is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature between young boys. Like I said if you don't like that then LEAVE NOW. If you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know Apocalypse Chapter 15 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them enough. Derrik, he's...

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Apocolypse chapther 34

gay teen and preteen boys in sexual situations and acts then stop reading and leave now. If you like that then read on. This is a story I have been kicking around in my head for a while. I drew parts of it from a lot of different things lets see if you can figure what they are. I kind of like to set the theme for the story and get it going first before I get to the good parts with the boys. Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you like the story. [email protected]. Chapter...

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Apocolypse chapther 12

Ok just some info to get things going here. The story is based in the not so distant future. The main character is a boy who discovers who he really is in a world gone totally mad. He's a country raised 13 year old kid from the mid west living near a big city when a catastraphy strikes. Light brown hair and blue eyes. 5ft 5 in tall around 115 pounds just to give you an idea of him. The future puts his will and soul to the test now lets see how things unfold. chapter 1 The end....

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Apocolypse chapter 2223

Introduction: ok so if u like this rate it positive if not rate it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it Apocalypse chapter 22 As before time passes faster than it seems and it is now late spring. We have made a lot of progress on repairing the crashed space ship with Adriens help. He has managed to get the power system inside repaired and with everyone elses help some of the other minor damages have been fixed to. We have managed to get the craft almost flight...

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Apocolypse chapter 1718

Introduction: ok so if u like this rate it positive if not rate it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it Apocalypse chapter 17 E.L.T. was that going to be the definition of our lives being over with or not? I decided right then that I wasnt going out that easily. Adrien we have to contact those good aliens and see if theres anything we can do to survive. I dont know if you can make contact with them or not but I want you to at least try to. I told him. I will...

1 year ago
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Apocolypse chapther 34

Introduction: ok so if u like this rate it positive if not ratre it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it This is a fictional story that is in no way true. If you are offended by gay teen and preteen boys in sexual situations and acts then stop reading and leave now. If you like that then read on. This is a story I have been kicking around in my head for a while. I drew parts of it from a lot of different things lets see if you can figure what they are. I kind...

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Apocolypse chapter 1921

Introduction: ok people trying something new….. Let me know if u like the whole 3 chapters at once or back to the 2 at once Chapter 19 It was finally time to go to the grocery store to restore our diminished supplies. You ready to go AJ? I asked. Yep Ill be there in a second. he replied hugging his little brother bye and running out to catch up with me. I hooked the trailer cart up to the ATV and we were off to town. We walked into the store a little while later to a raunchy smell. Eww oh my...

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Apocolypse chapter 11 12

Introduction: ok so if u like this rate it positive if not ratre it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it Ok you know all the legal stuff, if youre not 18 you shouldnt be here. If you dont like this stuff you shouldnt be here. This is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature between young boys. Like I said if you dont like that then LEAVE NOW. If you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know...

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Apocolypse chapther 56

Introduction: ok so if u like this rate it positive if not ratre it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it This is a fictional story that is in no way true. If you are offended by gay teen and preteen boys in sexual situations and acts then stop reading and leave now. If you like that then read on. This is a story I have been kicking around in my head for a while. I drew parts of it from a lot of different things lets see if you can figure what they are. I kind...

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Fully clothed sensual fuck

Kissing you is exquisite. I love the way you respond. I slip my tongue in to your mouth, exploring you, stroking your tongue with teasing, sensual strokes. I like the way you push back, exploring me, our soft tongues doing battle as we feel each other’s passion.My hand moves over your breasts, though you are still fully clothed. Through your thin blouse I feel them, heavy and full. I rub them gently, feeling their shape, their warmth. Your nipples are hard and I can feel them vividly...

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CHAPTER ONE Lammas Day dawned bright and fair, and Seth and his wife hastened about their preparations for the journey to the village. There was little to do, for Elizabeth, in the  far-sighted way of women, had made ready as much as possible the day before. All that remained was to cook and eat breakfast, to load the cart Seth had made for her, and to arrange for the care of the farm beasts during their absence. As they wouldn't be returning until the evening of the next day, the feeding...

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Stevens Enslavement

Steven's Enslavement By Peppermint Gomez Chapter 1 Here I was, 21, fresh out of college with a useless degree and completely broke. I had taken the terrible advice to "follow my heart" in my studies, and ended up with a degree in History. If I'd been able to go to grad school the situation might be different, but my parents were gone, and I had used up all my inheritance just getting to where I was. I was behind two months on my rent, if I didn't find a job in a few days...

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My family

It was summer time and I was well into puberty. I wacked off every chance I got like most boys this age. I have two sisters, Sophie who is eleven months older than me and Sadie who is ten months older than Sophie. My mom is in her mid thirties and dad is a little older than that. This day I had been at the pool with my buds and came home to jack off after watching all the women in their swim suits. I got to my room and had a real nice boner in my swim trunks and was ready to get after it...

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An Alternate Me

An alternate me Andrew had a pretty normal calm life. He went to high school, wasn't failing any classes, and had 2 friends who were always there for him. All was well in his life... and that was precisely the problem. Andrew: *sigh*, "everyday I wake up and it's the same thing. Sometimes I just wish something...anything would happen" Mom (from outside room): "Andrew? it's time for school, you need to come down and eat." Andrew: "yeah, yeah, I'm coming" He went down the...

4 years ago
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Party Tasks

Rene was driving absentmindedly. Her mind raced as she thought of the possibilities. Ed had asked to see her tonight. More importantly, Ed had asked to see her and had told her to dress sexy. It was that that had her mind soaring to places that were everywhere but on the road in front of her. She remembered the last time Ed had made a request. They were going to go to a party and Ed wanted her to wear a dress with a thong underneath. When she arrived at his house, she understood why. Almost...

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Spanked by His Wife

  It was quite a scene. David, my 22 year old brother in law, across his Mothers lap having his bare bottom turned a bright glistening sore red. Her hand rising and falling methodically as she splattered David’s bottom with the open palm of her hand before picking up her wooden backed hairbrush and applying that as precisely and so effectively. David was already a crying sobbing heaving squirming repentant young man who knew there was still a long way to go before his Mother would stop...

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‘I’m gonna cum, honey! I’m cumming- ahhh!’ Loi tensed his whole body, holding himself stiffly before rolling off and collapsing on the mattress beside me. I carefully pulled the condom off of his penis and got up to throw it away. I didn’t cum before he did, which means I wouldn’t cum at all, when he cums, he’s finished with sex. It’s okay, sex isn’t everything, he loves me very much, but I have accepted that making love just isn’t as satisfying as I’d like it to be. Every time is the same....

1 year ago
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What A Pleasure

What A pleasureBy: Londebaaz ChohanAlthough, I had fucked a decent number of pussies, my best hobby was still to eye and scrutinize every good looking girl to wonder who would be the lucky bastards, getting those delicious cute cunts to their bed for the naked joyous pleasures. Hello, I am Michael, a sexy horny and fairly good looking sophomore in Elton State College. In the dorm hall, every room was allotted to the 2 students and the guy rooming with me was Joseph. Quite a nice guy, Joseph but...

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How I got addicted to Interracial Porn

How did I become addicted to interracial porn? I am a middle-aged white married male, who had never really watched IR porn or avoided it out of racist jealously. One weekend, on a business trip sitting by the pool at my hotel, an attractive blonde was dancing on the deck drawing attention to herself. Needless to say I started getting hard, watching her dance along the pool. I managed to take a few secret pictures of her as I rub the outside of my swimming trunks. I’m a happily married man with...

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Girls School PetChapter 6

When Ben arrived at Victoria's dormitory, he had stealthily gone around to the back, rather than to the front door, telling himself he didn't want to alarm the girl for no good reason. The big man stayed close to the wall as he approached the sliding glass doors so that he would not be observed. Since it was a warm day, the doors were open a little and Ben had no trouble hearing the strange sounds that floated out from behind the drapes; moans and gasps and panting whines, both human and...

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What the Future May BringChapter 22

Kathleen Lehrer then walked out of the Cabinet Room and headed toward the Oval Office. There she saw Anna Escrito talking on the phone. She stood there for a moment, waiting for her to finish, and then asked her, "Any messages?" The President groaned when she was handed a thick stack. "I shouldn't have asked." She quickly glanced through them and then said, "Anna, please call Fred Valentine and Sherman Watson and have them come over, please. I'd like to quickly go over a few things...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 05

Tom Albright drawing in the summer Missouri morning. He wore his swimsuit and surfing shoes beneath his white T-shirt as he stood on the dock of his neighbor, Michelle Hawkins. She was a voluptuous woman of forty whom he just started a physical relationship the night before. She posed on her lounger for forty five minutes in her white robe in different positions before removing it so he could draw her naked. Her face was a little tired from lack of sleep, but aglow with the aftermath of great...

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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 4

"You're naked," I whispered. "You are too," she whispered back. "I can't find my shorts," I complained. "Go to sleep!" she hissed. "But we're naked," I said, unnecessarily. "Go - to - sleep!" she growled. So I lay down on my bag, because it was too warm to get inside it. She gave me maybe fifteen seconds before I found out it was all an act. Suddenly, she rolled and landed half on top of me. "Maybe just one little orgasm," she murmured into my lips. And then she...

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MILF gives in

We love living here on the lake. We both had spent a lot of time growing up on the water and knew that someday we would like to move to a lake. With our son and daughter now grown and moved out, being here at the lake is an attraction for them to come back to visit us. We love hosting groups of our kids’ friends on weekends and holidays. This weekend we had a good size crowd of 12 all in their mid-twenty’s. I love cooking for all of them and it is not at all unpleasant to have several...

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My brother Brandon and I Part 4 Having sex at school2

I get out of bed, grab my clothes for school and head into the bathroom and quickly take a shower. I step out, towel off and put on my clothes and head downstairs to make myself breakfast. I grab a box of frosted flakes out of the cabinet along with a bowl, and a spoon out of the drawer and the milk out of the fridge. I put it all together and start eating my breakfast. Brandon comes down the stairs and into the kitchen and I hand him a bowl and he starts to fill it with cereal. “I want you...

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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 9

The orientation was not quite what I had expected - I assumed it would be in an auditorium watching some movie. I followed miss tall hot-but-not-horny brunette into a brightly colored building and into a small lounge area. The comfortable leather sofas and chairs were casually arranged in a circle. There was a large flat-screen television on one wall. Seated in one of the love seats were two older women (definitely guests, not staff). Judging by there proximity to each other, they were...

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Sweet as summer rain

During my middle school years I was assigned a new case worker named Melody. She was, I recall thinking, a very strange person. She was an older lady with a neat curl of graying hair, mocha skin, and the deepest brown eyes I had ever seen. During my first meeting with her, she just looked at me for about a minute shuffled through my file, and gave a grunt. "Hmph. Troublemaker my black ass! Son, what you need is a decent set of folks to take care of you and an assload of fresh air and...

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Just a little somethin

The lights burned in the back of her skull as she opened her eyes. The room was completely empty besides her and the security guard that was sitting at the door glaring at her. She tried to get up just to be stopped by the restraints attached to the bed. She was completely naked god knows how she got that way, She thought about the last thing she remembered. She had no memory of the day prior to this, everything a black gap. She slowly started to calm down from the rush of adrenalin. She stared...

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PropertySex Octavia Red Neighbors Are Complaining

Chuck’s been getting complaints about loud sex noises and men cumming and going at all hours from Octavia Red’s apartment. When she answers the door in a skimpy outfit, saying “Welcome to Octavia’s outcalls!” he has all the confirmation he needs. Octavia tries to play it off, but finally recognizes that Chuck’s got her bang to rights… so she decides to offer him a bang to overlook it. She takes out her big natural tits, teasing him, then strips down and...

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Long Road to Ruin Ch 01

I shivered as his hand caressed my back. ‘I’m mad at you. Go away.’ I pouted at him. ‘I know you are.’ He responded, leaning in and kissing the back of my neck just below the hair line. ‘But that doesn’t mean you want me to stop.’ ‘I want you to stop.’ I told him looking him in the eye, and meaning it. ‘No you don’t.’ He said and kissed me. His kiss melted my resolve. I didn’t want him to stop. I turned around and he pinned my shoulders to the wall. ‘Tell me you love me.’ He demanded. ...

4 years ago
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First Experience With Teacher

Hi guys and girls, my name is Jay im from surat thoda apna intro. dena chahuga. Meri age hai 21 years height 6’3″ with good looks ;-) and regular gym jaane wala banda hu. Aur sath mai modeling ki tayari bhi chal rahi hai mera mail ID Ab mai aata hu apni story pe. Baat tabki hai jab mai 12th std mai padhta tha waise uss time me bilkul hi shaant sa tha aur na hi zada ladkio se baat karta tha aur na hi koi faaltu chakkar mai padta tha. Lekin maine apna sex ka 1st experience 12th std me hi kiya...

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My father in law

It all started shortly after I was married in 1970 and I was just 19. I moved into house opposite my in laws. The father was a bit younger around 45 and was one for the ladies apparently. I noticed he was always trying to sneak a glance at me when i wasnt looking. It was at the height of fashion then for mini skirts and boots with tights. One night i had arranged for night out with some old friends. I got dressed up in short silky blue dress with matching black silky bikini panties, bra, tan...

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Matt and his sisters 2

The three of them glanced at each other and couldn’t hide their quiet joy. “Don’t get any ideas!” Their dad said sternly reading their minds. “No parties while we’re away! You can have a couple of friends over but that’s all, understand” “Yes dad” All three replied in unison. “So, we’re going to try and make the most of the weekend and we’ll be back late Monday” “How late dad?” Asked Matt. “Well, it’s a three hour drive and we want to just take it easy and stop for lunch and sightsee so...

3 years ago
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High School part 3

“And it was sad seeing you so cold, you were shivering and your lips were blue…” he said frowning again. “Touché.” I say looking into his eyes and he smiled again, god he was sexy. Everything from his angelic face, to his well-defined pecs and abs, to the one thing I haven’t really examined yet, but he kept watching me, almost like he was expecting me to look at it. And it was getting me hard thinking about it. “Maybe you should go inside, it is really cold and your lips are turning blue...

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A Terrible Holiday

It was Thanksgiving. Dread filled Heather the moment she opened her eyes, waking to a slap. Last Christmas she was given humiliating gifts, like diapers. She hadn't seen extended family in almost a year, though she wasn't looking forward to facing them again. She knew her younger sister would probably brag about having given her a spanking twice over the last several months, on each girl's birthday. "Diaper girl, did you wet the bed again? You'll get SPANKED if you did!" Annie loved bullying...

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Orphan of Technology

Orphan of technology By John Howarth ©copyright 2001 John Howarth My Stories may be added to Any free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] Preface This story has been surfacing and resurfacing in my mind for the best part of the year 2000. It started with my annoyance of cell phones. Not so much about the phones themselves but...

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The Fall And Rise Of David Beckman Chapter 2

Two days later I received another call from a customer asking me about a problem with another of my contracts. I couldn't believe it was happening again. I contacted the customer and arranged to bring a correct version of the contract to them myself. I was now sure that I had a big problem to deal with. Either I was suddenly incompetent or someone was fucking with me. I was going to have to find out which it was and fix the problem. I started by going do to the C&L department and...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Cassie Del Isla eXXXtra Horny for Anal

French Penthouse star Cassie Del Isla always gets eXXXtra horny when she sees a huge cock, so when she meets with Rico Simmons today she doesn’t take long to dive right in and take his monster schlong down her deep throat. After getting her pussy licked, the tattooed vixen is now hornier than ever and begging to be banged. It’s hardcore anal sex that she really wants though and gets as he slips his big dick into her puckered bud and ass fucks her until he shoots his load all over...

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The Sweetest of Office Temptations diary entry 1

Being the relatively new girl in the office, Camila presents a demeanour of shyness that is tantalising alluring. There is a mystique about her that beckons to be discovered. I would guess her age at mid to late thirties and although I am some fifteen to twenty years older than her, I do look much younger than my actual age, so many people tell me. For that reason I live in hope that she might still consider me as mate material.Oh how I long to hold her in my arms and feel her slender hips...

2 years ago
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Keep Your Hands to Yourself

Keep Your Hands to Yourself After I'd gently cupped her chest, Brittaney quickly reminded me that there was no touching. "Even if I wanted you to, Brian won't allow it," she said. "And I don't want you to." But there was something so irresistible about that white vinyl tube top thing she was wearing... the sheen caught my eye and I felt like some kind of bird, helpless in the face of anything that caught the light in a certain way. "Okay, that's it," Brian, the night manager,...

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The SuitPart 3

THE SUIT: Part 3 By LJ He moved carefully through the shadows, a gun drawn in his left hand, ready to fire with his thumb on the hammer to hold it back. It was more convenient, and didn't necessitate pulling a trigger if he had to move suddenly. He just dropped the hammer, literally, on anyone in his way. He heard movement just ahead, and froze, the mini flashlight in his right hand switching off even as he raised his left hand, and aimed the pistol's snub nose toward the...

3 years ago
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The Hidden Side Of Brundavani Part 2

Day 2 : The next day I took her to my flat and this day I planned it in the same room which we tried the first time in my flat and I arranged a water bed sized 6X6 in it with a medium sized vessels next to it. The vessels contained warm aromatic oils that are squishy, slippery and juicy to touch. The water bed is bouncy and the surface gets adjusted to your body position on it.It feels like you are floating on the waves if you move slightly on it.It feels like just lying in air.The sounds of...

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My wife catches me cheating then takes a year long revenge

Where to start? This is my favorite fantasy. I just got married two years ago, and my wife caught me cheating with her best friend. At first she was enraged and didn't speak to me for three weeks except to insult me, with constant references to my very little dick and what did Carol see in me but to hurt her? If I had understood how women feel, then this would never had happened! Then like a light switch she became sweet as ever. Waiting on me hand and foot, and the sex was like our honeymoon...

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Laura Part 4

We went to the next meet and greet. Darlene and Joe were not there. Vicky and Robin were not there either. We chatted with a few people. Laura and I both agreed that none of them did anything for us so we left early. The night was not a total waste. We got to her place and still had a good time. We made plans on going to the next meeting. A couple of days before the meeting, Laura called and told me she had to work. I decided to go without her. I got there later than I wanted...

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Mistress Cruel Love Chapter 2 Total Commitment

“Apples? What kind of apples?” “You know the kind. The good kind! Empire apples. None of those tasteless Cortland's or sour Granny Smiths. Good Empire apples from New York.” “Baby, I don't even like apples.” “Too bad, you're going to starting eating them. You're not a kid anymore. It's time to clean up your diet.” *SMACK* Heather delivered a firm swat to his ass for his minor back-talk. She grinned deviously while pointing in the direction of the apple bins. Darius was startled by...

4 years ago
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Not Just for ChristmasChapter 13

The family settled in quickly, mainly because they had all lived in the house for months before. The only things that changed were that Mike moved in to sleep with Claire, and their relationship was no longer employer and employee. The new equal relationship was no problem to either of them. They had always talked about any expenditure so there was no change there, and Claire was in any case a thrifty person. In fact he had to persuade her to buy herself clothes and shoes. They held the same...

2 years ago
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Computer Games

Friday It was late at night. This was going to be just one of these nights; watching telly, drinking beer, chatting with friends on the net and then to bed at around 1. I was bored and decided to skip telly and turned on my computer. I searched for transsexuals on the net and got a lot of crap in google. There was however one link that drew my attention. I clicked on it to see what it was and as the page loaded I saw an upload page for your own pictures and the text: upload one of...

1 year ago
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Dawns Life

Hello. I plan this as a place I can scribble out various tales about a character I have mostly written about since creative writing classes in high school. I'm fairly attached to her at this point so don't expect anything too painful to happen to her. I make no promises about my writing schedule or the arcs I'll follow here, I'm just free writing. A quick description of Dawn. She is a petite woman around 5 feet even and generally weighs around 110-120 lbs. She sports a perky pair of b-cup...

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Jacobs Retirement

By Allison Bodiford Three years ago Jacob had made Chief Master Sergeant. He was First Sergeant of the 509th Missile Squadron now. He was at the heart of the command structure on base. That had meant that I was on my P’s and Q’s for the past three years, mostly. We were part of the political structure on base. Betty has remained a good friend, though with the lesson of Sharon I had learned to take her judgments in stride, though not to heart. Perception so often becomes reality even when...

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Garys GirlChapter 6

~Gary~ I woke up to the smell of lavender. I turned my head and the pillow beneath me smelled of female. I quickly opened my eyes and was relieved I still had my clothes on. For a moment I thought I had fucked Tiffany the stripper. I raised my body up from the bed and looked at the clock on the nightstand that read it was past eleven in the morning. Well so much for heading back to school to make my morning classes. I felt my head pounding and touched my nose to realize it probably looked...

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The Arrangement Ch 07

Jill stood in the door way of their bedroom. Her breath caught in her lungs as it always did when she looked at him. He sat on the side of the bed wearing nothing but his boxers. She smiled as she thought of that first morning that she had seen him in the white cotton. His shoulders were slumped as he spoke on the phone. His voice was low and his brow was furrowed, the soft lines more pronounced. ‘Yeah, Mom. I understand. I might be away for a while in a couple of weeks, but Jill will be here...

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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 35 Trust

"This exercise is called trust." I have my charges lined up on the practice field. Alys, Nev, Brin, even Godiva has decided to join in. I want to help them regain some of the trust in themselves and in their fellow man. I remember this game from one of the thousand classes I took when I as trying to find my place as a teenager. I was pretty sure it was a stupid game at the time. As it will serve a purpose today, so I no longer think it so. "That's a stupid name," Brin whines agreeing...

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Best Summer Job EverChapter 5 The Overdose

The next morning I woke to someone licking on my cock. It was very soft and tentative. It still felt very nice. I looked down and saw one of the U's. She saw my quizzical look, and said "I'm Ursula, Sir. Are you feeling better?" I paused. The sting of Ellen's death was still there, but I wasn't devastated like the night before. There was still a dull ache in my head. "Yes, I am. Thank you for asking." "Then you don't mind if I, you know..." "Suck you off. Say it already,...

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