Naughty Overwatch
- 2 years ago
- 61
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After our brief call, the phone was removed from my room. I guess Colonel Featherstone wasn’t a very trusting sort, or maybe he was just a careful sort. It wasn’t important to me. I had come to terms with what was happening.
I wasn’t going to hide my money anymore, either. I asked him to arrange a nice suite at a nearby hotel, a good one, like a Hilton or a Ritz, not some damn Super-8. He suggested the Hilton in Silver Spring, which was only a few miles away, across the line in Maryland, and less than a ten-minute drive. I agreed to that. He would have somebody from the local JAG office in Fort Bragg call her tomorrow and give her directions or meet with her on Friday before she drove up. Then somebody from the JAG office in DC would meet her and get her to Walter Reed on Saturday.
After that I said thank you and farewell to the colonel. He told me that he’d follow my case, but that he needed to fly to Fort Rucker in Alabama to sort out some other assholes. I got the impression that was his main job, solving problems that nobody wanted to go to trial or to be in public with.
I knew Marilyn. She would be lucky to get the car packed and on the road by noon. The family joke was to always tell her you had to leave half an hour before she really had to leave, that way she would be on time. It was about a six-hour drive from Fayetteville to Washington, unless she got lost and detoured through San Francisco. Hopefully, she would notice the Mississippi River before she crossed it.
That meant she would spend the night at the Hilton and see me in two days. That was fine by my schedule. That had me spending two more nights here, getting prepped for the transfer, and then being flown in an old C-123 Provider to Andrews in Washington, to be transferred to Walter Reed. I probably wouldn’t get there before she did. I just hoped I would have a chance to see her before they started working on me at Walter Reed.
In two days’ time I was deemed healthy enough to travel. Whatever was wrong with my kidneys seemed okay, but they left the drain in my side. I lost a few more of the tubes in me, but they kept a couple of IVs in place, as well as the catheter. It was a wonderful flight. The Provider was even noisier and rougher than a Herc, and my not quite cute and bubbly flight attendant had a five o’clock shadow.
I was greeted at Walter Reed with a full physical. It was apparent that only Walter Reed’s eminent physicians could possibly diagnose me correctly. After all, the Navy ran the hospital at Guantanamo Bay, and it was well known that they still used leeches. (Surprisingly, I heard the same comment from the staff in Gitmo about Army hospitals.) This continued the next morning, until about lunch time, and nobody would tell me if Marilyn or my son were there yet.
They were. I was wheeled in my bed back to my private room around lunchtime. The private room was at Colonel Featherstone’s request, because I had told him that Classified or not, I was going to tell my wife what had happened. I wasn’t going to tell her what I had done with the four prisoners. Marilyn would never understand or accept that.
I had been giving those killings a lot of thought over the last few days. By some standards I had murdered those men, but not by all standards. According to both the Geneva Convention and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, I was prohibited from killing civilians under any circumstances, unless they were attacking me or my troops. Then again, if I had obeyed the Geneva Convention, I was to turn myself and my men over to civilian authorities and be interned or paroled and released. That was ludicrous.
During war time operations, I was justified in some cases in killing people in furtherance of my mission. Again, that didn’t apply. If I had been there legitimately on a drug related mission, I could turn my prisoners over to civilian authority for disposal, again, not a realistic alternative.
Or I could just put a bullet in each brain and decide the world was better off without four narcos in it.
Once, when I was working on my MBA, I had taken a class in Personnel Management and Human Relations, taught by a guy who was a vice-president at ATT and chain smoked in class worse than Featherstone. One day, totally out of the blue, he asked for a show of hands. ‘How many of you believe in capital punishment?’ About half of us, including myself, put our hands up. He nodded and then told us, ‘You’re the people who will be able to fire people.’ He then went on to explain how firing people was very similar to killing them, in terms of self-esteem and the consequences, but that managers had to be able to do it.
I often wondered if that was why I always liked line jobs over staff. My father didn’t believe in capital punishment (strange in a hard-core Republican, at least to me) and hated line positions, where that sort of thing happens. I never had any problems with firing people; it’s just part of the job, nothing personal, just do it.
It seemed as if I was the same when it came to killing people. I didn’t have to like it; I just had to do it. So far, I hadn’t lost any sleep over it.
Curiously, my mother had no problems with capital punishment, either. She had a cold streak at times. I remember once when she sat on a death penalty jury and voted to give the guy the needle. He sat on death row for eight years before the Innocence Project got his DNA tested and proved he was innocent and got him released. As far as Mom was concerned, he was a scumbag anyway, so they should have fried him regardless. She didn’t bat an eye when she told me that. Mom wouldn’t have minded my killing four narcos, that’s for sure!
I saw Marilyn with a baby stroller in the hallway as they wheeled me into my room. I turned to call to her, but the orderly was moving too fast. It didn’t matter; Marilyn had seen me, too. About thirty seconds later she came barreling into my room with that stroller, followed by a nurse. The nurse was smiling, and she didn’t interfere.
Marilyn’s face was lit up, but she was also crying, and she damn near threw herself on top of me. “Oh God, oh God, you’re home, you’re home!” Thankfully she was on my right side, since all the tubes and lines running into me were on my left side. I just smiled and rubbed her back. “You’re alive! You’re alive!”
I stopped her with a big kiss, and then pushed her upright. “I have missed you so much, but I think we need to let the nurse get in here.”
The nurse, named Hawthorne according to her name tag, simply checked my temperature and blood pressure, and then told us what the visiting hours were, and then she bent down over the baby stroller and cooed. “Well, aren’t you just darling! And so well behaved, too!”
Marilyn smiled at me, and then bent down to the stroller. “Would you like to meet your son?” she asked me.
Nurse Hawthorne gasped and said, “Is this the first chance you’ve had to see your baby?” She raised my bed up so that I was sitting upright, as Marilyn extricated Charlie from his contraption.
“Charles Robert Buckman, this is your father!” Marilyn held our son up to me. He was in blue baby clothes, and had a summer weight blanket around him, and she placed him in my hands.
If I had been expecting Charlie to look like Parker, it wasn’t even close. Parker had taken after me and my mother; Charlie was more like Marilyn’s family, the men’s side, which tended to blond and stocky.
I sat my son in my lap and supported his back. He was about two months old now, and was able to hold himself upright, with some help. He didn’t make much noise, but he was looking at me and making the funniest expressions on his face, and then he gave me a big grin. Marilyn was ecstatic! “He knows he’s with his Daddy!”
“He’s probably got gas!” I replied.
That set the nurse to laughing and she took her leave. Marilyn scolded me, but I just sniffed the air, and told her I thought I was closer to the truth. I held my right thumb up in front of him and he latched onto it. He was still too young to do much more than that, but he seemed pretty normal to me. Certainly, I didn’t see any signs of Williams Syndrome! You can tell in the facial structure long before any of the other symptoms show.
I counted aloud his fingers. “All ten! What about his toes?” I asked Marilyn.
“All ten there, too.” answered my wife.
I grinned at my son. “All ten piggies? I’ll check them later!” I glanced back at Marilyn. “What about, well, you know.”
“Well, can he count to 21?”
It took her a second, but then she rolled her eyes and groaned. “Men! You all think that’s so important! Yes, he can count to 21!”
I turned back to Charlie. “I’ll take Mommy’s word for it. I’m not going to look. Daddy doesn’t do diapers!”
“Daddy’s a wimp!” Marilyn took him back and sniffed his diaper. “Here, you get to find out now.” She handed him back to me and then dug a diaper from the diaper bag on the back of the stroller. She found a flat spot at the end of the bed and expertly changed him. She had been changing her brothers and sisters since she was big enough to pick up a baby. Before she was done, though, she held him up for me to see. “See? Twenty-one!”
“Looks like he can get to 22 and 23 as well,” I commented.
“Men!” After changing him, it was feeding time. Marilyn gave him back to me, and then dug out a blanket from the bag and draped it over her shoulder and her chest. Then she unbuttoned her blouse and took Charlie back and slid him under the blanket. She was breast feeding him!
“Well, I guess that beats a bottle,” I said. We had discussed this during Lamaze classes.
“He’s a little piglet is what he is!” Marilyn grimaced for a moment as he latched on fiercely. “Watch it buster!”
“Well, he’s a Buckman, that’s for sure!” Marilyn smiled at that. “God, you look so good. I have missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you, too. You look terrible, though! You’ve lost a lot of weight.”
I shrugged. “It’s that delicious hospital food,” I told her. “It really cuts down on going back for seconds.”
“It’s more than that, and you know it.”
I shrugged again. “I’m home now, and with you guys. I’ll get back in shape. Hell of a diet plan, though, isn’t it?”
Marilyn turned serious. “Carl, what happened to you? You were just supposed to go to Honduras for a few months and come home. Then you were reported lost and dead, and then you were under arrest, and then you were in the hospital. I don’t understand! What happened to you?”
I sighed and told her. It took a good solid hour to explain things, since Marilyn didn’t have the military background that Featherstone did. I glossed over the part with the prisoners, simply repeating my story that I released them and fired some shots in the air to hurry them along. (Yeah, hurry them along on their way to perdition. I was sure they would be there to greet me at some point in the future.)
She was simply speechless at the end of it. Charlie had drunk his fill and was snoozing in his stroller. I finished by saying, “And that’s it. Now they have to operate on my leg and give me some rehab, and I’m out. I won’t be Captain Buckman much longer, honey.”
“After all that, they just throw you out? Like garbage? That’s terrible! Can’t you do something about it?”
I was surprised by that since Marilyn isn’t the real gung-ho type. She wasn’t really big on the Army to begin with. Maybe it was like when you are cleaning out a kid’s closet and find the toy in the back they haven’t played with in a year. You go to throw it away, and they toss a tantrum about it.
“It will be fine, Marilyn. We won’t have to move to Oklahoma now, will we?” I said, putting a good face on it. It still galled me, but I could live with it. “Seriously, I might never walk without a limp again. I’ll never have a command again.”
“And that’s important to you?” she asked.
And right then and there I knew it was. I didn’t know what I was going to do in the future, but I knew I would have to be the boss. I looked out the window for a moment and then turned back. “Yeah, it is. It’d be like working in an ice cream store and never getting to lick the scoop. I’d go crazy. Don’t worry about it, we’ll be all right.”
Marilyn gave me a very odd look as I said that. “Carl, we need to talk about that, too. I found your letter.”
“Huh? What letter?”
She reached into her purse and pulled out a big manila envelope and my jaw dropped, and my eyes opened wide. Oh, shit! That letter!
“You weren’t supposed to read that, unless, well, you know!” The envelope had a label on it specifying, ‘Open only in the event of my demise.’, and had been in my dresser, under my briefs and underwear. I rubbed my hands over my face. Most soldiers have a letter like that, at least in the combat outfits. They either have one already made up, or write it just before they deploy, or sometimes they wait until the last minute and hand it to somebody back at the base before heading out on patrol or a jump. I had written mine back after we got married, and I updated it every few months after that.
“Dear Marilyn,
If you are reading this, then you’ll know that I finally managed to make that jump without my chute on properly. Mom always said I’d come to no good, so I guess she was right all along.
You were the best thing I ever had in my life. You are better than I ever deserved. If I was to live a hundred lives, I would want you in each of them. I love you more than you can imagine. Please forgive me for not being good enough for you.
I am sorry I wasn’t a better husband to you. You deserved a better man than me. Now, with you carrying our baby, I leave you alone with him (or her) and I wish I could have seen you with him. You will be a wonderful mother, and probably a much better father than I would have been. I am so sorry for that.
Someday you will meet somebody else, a man who will see in you all the wonderful things that I saw in you. He’ll be a better man than I was, that’s for sure. When it is time for you to move on, know that I want you to be happy. You deserve a good man.
As one last note, I want you to take the inner envelope to John Steiner, in Timonium, Maryland. His address is on the label. John has been my attorney for many years, and he wrote up my will, and will help you through all the probate and paperwork. Listen to him carefully. He’s a very smart man, and a good friend.
Again, I love you beyond words and writing. You have been the best thing in my life, and know that no matter what happened to me, my last thoughts were of you.
The inner envelope contained a copy of my will and my most recent brokerage account statements, along with written instructions to John, Missy Talmadge, and my accountant about helping Marilyn manage her money. Marilyn had opened this envelope as well. Both letters were smudged and spotted and crinkled up, and it took me a few seconds to realize it was from tears. I felt even lower than before.
Marilyn was crying as she watched me read the letter I had written her. “How can you say things like that? I love you! I’ll never find a man better than you! You know I hate it when you run yourself down like that!”
Oh, shit! I opened my arms and she collapsed against my chest, crying. In doing so, she shifted on the bed and nudged my right leg, which made me want to scream, but I held it in. Better to lose the damn thing than piss her off anymore. I just caressed her back and told her repeatedly that I loved her and was sorry for making her cry.
Eventually she relented and sat up again, once more hitting my leg, and I bit my tongue a second time. I also hit the button to call the nurse and get some morphine going! Marilyn picked up the second envelope and waved it at me. “I read through this, but I don’t understand. You have a brokerage account that’s worth millions of dollars? That can’t be right!”
I rubbed my face again and smiled at my wife. “Actually, it is. Marilyn, I’m a millionaire. A multimillionaire, actually. I’m probably worth about $35 million by now, maybe a bit more. I’m not sure.”
“You don’t know!” she asked, a look of astonishment on her face.
“Honey, it’s not like I’ve had a chance to look at the Wall Street Journal lately. It’s not just in cash, it’s in stocks, too.”
“When? How? Why didn’t you say something?”
“I was going to tell you soon, anyway. I’ve been trading stocks since I was a kid. I’m very good at it. I made my first million before I ever met you. It’s how I could buy a car and have my own apartment back when I was a teenager living in Maryland.”
“You should have said something!”
“I was going to. I didn’t tell anyone. Can you imagine the nuttiness if they’d known about this at the frat house? Or girls? How would I know if they loved me or my wallet? You loved me for me! I was going to tell you when we moved to Fort Sill. I told you I would buy you a house, right?”
“Yes,” she agreed, nodding her head.
“I was going to pay cash, no mortgage. Captains don’t have that kind of money, Marilyn. I was going to tell you then.”
Marilyn just stared at me, stunned. Finally, she just muttered, “Wow!”
“It wasn’t a lie, honey! I just didn’t tell you everything!” I pleaded with her.
She swatted me a few times with the letters, which got rid of whatever mad she had, which couldn’t have been much. “You and your sins of omission and commission! You’d have made a fine Jesuit!”
I smiled at her. “I’d never be able to handle the vows of celibacy!”
Marilyn blushed, and her eyes dropped down to my midsection. When I caught her doing that, she blushed even more. However, she recovered, and said, “Speaking of which...”
“Ah, yes, well, nothing is happening anytime soon. They’ve got a catheter in me. I have no idea when that’s coming out. Soon, I hope. What about you? Are you able to, well, you know...”
Marilyn smiled and nodded. “I’m all healed up.”
“What about the Pill? I’m guessing you’re off that still,” I asked.
“Yes. I wonder when I can start that again,” she admitted.
I grinned at her. “You’re at the U.S. Army’s premier hospital in the entire world. I bet you can find a doctor here to answer that question. In fact, I’ll bet you a million dollars that you can find a doctor here who can answer your questions!”
Marilyn’s face lit up. “But I don’t have a million dollars! What if I lose?”
I leered at her. “I’m sure we can find something else of value to wager. Maybe I’ll take it out in trade.”
Marilyn snorted and picked up Charlie who was fussing and waking up. A different nurse also came in, in response to my call for more pain meds. “You called?” she asked, pleasantly.
“My leg is bothering me. Any chance I can get something for it.”
She looked at my chart and nodded. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll bring something.”
“Thank you. Hey, can I ask a couple of questions?”
“Carl!” protested Marilyn.
“Sure,” answered the nurse, who eyed Marilyn.
I ignored Marilyn. “How long is this catheter going to be in?” I turned to my wife. “Honey, she’s a nurse. Trust me, we can ask her.”
Nurse Greghams laughed. “Very true. As to the catheter, I can’t really say. At least not until after your surgery, but you can ask the doctor tomorrow. Anything else?”
“My wife needs to go back on the Pill. Any chance you can help with that?”
Marilyn squealed in embarrassed outrage, but the nurse just laughed and asked Marilyn what brand she had used. “You’ll need to see one of the OB-GYNs, but I can call and see about getting you an appointment.”
Marilyn slugged my shoulder, and then sweetly said, “Thank you. Please.”
Nurse Greghams laughed some more and then left to get me some hospital quality meds.
It was also time for Marilyn and Charlie to leave. We had been talking the entire afternoon, and still had so much more to say. My son woke up enough to sit in my lap and play with my fingers some more, and then I kissed him and his mother good-bye. I was perhaps more enthusiastic with his mother. Marilyn promised to return early the next morning and we would talk some more. The surgeon was supposed to come along in the morning and go over things with me also, so if the timing was good, she could sit in on it.
The next day was a Sunday. Marilyn got there in time to watch me finishing my juice and toast. I was now eating normal meals, or at least as normal as hospital meals get. Part of the liquids only was that by the time I got to the hospital I had been without food for several days and surviving on Lurps for most of the time before that. If I had managed to get a real meal, I’d have puked it up in no time.
Marilyn was nursing Charlie when the surgeon came in. He had good news and he had bad news. The good news was that he wouldn’t have to amputate, and I wouldn’t need a knee replacement yet. The bad news was that I had some surgery to repair ligaments coming, and I would need rehab for months. Ultimately, I would need a new knee, and in the meantime, I would probably be able to predict the weather. He had a model of a knee and pictures of all the ligaments, and it was just gibberish to me. Worst of all, they wouldn’t know how bad it was until they cut me open.
In the early Eighties, most hospital imaging was still limited to old fashioned X-rays. While CT scans and PET scans and MRI scans had all been invented, the equipment involved was ludicrously expensive and very rare. Certainly, the Army didn’t have this stuff. It would take the coming digital revolution to bring costs down to the point where they would be commonplace. The same applied to the surgery itself. Arthroscopic surgery was still experimental. They were going to have to cut me open the old-fashioned way, with long zippers and extensive recovery time. Surgery was scheduled for Monday morning, and Marilyn was asked to stay away. I would be unconscious for hours, and there was nothing she could do; they would call her when I woke up.
Afterwards, Marilyn and I talked some more, for the rest of the day. She had a very good idea, too. “Maybe we can call Suzie and see if she can visit?”
I blinked at that. “It’s the end of November. She’s in school. You’ll have to call her and ask. Maybe she can take a bus? Or she can wait until Christmas, I’ll probably still be here then.”
“She needs a car,” Marilyn remarked in passing.
That got me to thinking. So did Marilyn and I! “You know, hold that thought. I need to dump the Impala, and you need something bigger for you and Buster. How about a station wagon for you?” Chrysler had not reinvented the minivan yet, not for a few more years.
Marilyn’s lips flapped for a moment. “Really? I can get a new car?”
“Whatever you want, honey. Well, within reason. I don’t think Rolls Royce makes station wagons.”
“Very funny! What about you?”
I shrugged. “I’ll trade the Impala in on a Caddy or a Lincoln. Something nice and big. We can have a car, and a wagon.”
“What about my little Toyota?”
“Probably won’t get much for it. Why don’t we just give it to Suzie? It’d be perfect for a college kid. She could pay the gas and Dad would pay the insurance,” I said.
“What would your parents say if they knew where it came from?”
I shrugged again. “Suzie can lie to them. That would be her problem, not mine.”
“We should call Tusker and Tessa as well, invite them down. We haven’t seen them since last year!” she said.
That was true. We had kept in touch with Tusker and Tessa since that oh so memorable wedding! They were married now (grandchildren will melt a grandparent’s heart!) and were doing well. They had both graduated, Tessa with her bachelor’s and Tusker with his associate’s in Business, and last year, on schedule, he had opened a small motorcycle repair and sales shop in Timonium. “That’s a very good idea! Give them a call and ask them to come down. We can get them a room for the night. When Suzie comes, she can stay in the suite with you, I guess.”
She nodded, but then gave me a worried look. “Do you have their phone numbers? I left my address book at home!”
“And that is why the good Lord gave us telephone operators. When you get back to the hotel, get an outside line and call the operator. You can probably get a number for Tusker’s business, and if you call the University of Delaware, they can at least find a way to get a message to Suzie. It’s too late for either of them to come here this weekend.”
Like my last trip through time and space, Suzie had applied to the University of Delaware’s nursing school. She was just now starting her junior year. In a couple of years, she would have both her BS in nursing and her RN credentials. She was about an hour’s drive from Lutherville. “Maybe Suzie can take a bus from Dover to Washington, and you can get her, or she can take a cab,” I said.
We talked about our future, now that I was no longer going to be going career in the Army. Wherever we ended up, I would buy or build Marilyn a house, and we’d get some new cars, and as soon as I could get loose from the hospital, we were going on a nice and long vacation! Beyond that, we didn’t make too many plans. We couldn’t agree on where we wanted to live. Marilyn wanted to leave the Fayetteville area (too hot, too muggy, too southern) and I refused to move to upstate New York (I spent fifty-plus years shoveling snow up there; screw that idea!)
A lot of time was simply spent getting acquainted with my son. Charlie was only about ten weeks old, but he certainly seemed to have a healthy curiosity about everything. He looked at everything! He couldn’t sit up by himself yet, but that little head and those little eyes kept turning around to watch everybody! Otherwise, he was nothing but a food processing machine. Mom’s milk went in one end, and toxic chemical waste came out the other end. What that child produced was a violation of the Geneva Conventions against gas and germ warfare! Oh, and keep your fingers and car keys out of his reach since it all went into his mouth!
Monday was not enjoyable. Since I was going to be under anesthesia most of the day, they cut my meals off the afternoon before. Marilyn kept Charlie at the hotel. I signed papers and listened to warnings and then I was asked to count back from one hundred. I got to ninety-nine and was out like a light. By the time I woke up, it was almost dinner time, and Marilyn was sitting there with Charlie by the bed. I stayed awake long enough to say, “Hello,” and then fell back asleep. By the time I woke up again, it was the middle of the night, and they were gone.
They came back first thing Tuesday morning, and we all met the surgeon. The good news was more than I could hope for. While there had been extensive damage to the joint and the ligaments, they decided to do the repairs in a single seven-hour session rather than two or three smaller sessions. That meant less time in the body shop and more time on the highway, so to speak. The bad news was that there had been extensive damage. I was going to need a couple of weeks before I could try walking on it, and a full recovery was very doubtful. My career was shot.
Two more weeks like this was going to drive me batty. We could still make plans, though. Marilyn decided to switch Charlie over to formula, and she spent a morning that week talking to a staff gynecologist about going on the Pill. Fortunately, although all of her medical records were still at the Fort Bragg clinic, Marilyn still qualified to see a doctor here. When I was able to get out of here, we’d both be able to do something about the horniness that had been attacking the both of us. We started planning my escape.
That weekend I had visitors. Suzie caught a bus back to Baltimore, but then Tusker and Tessa and little Bucky went down to pick her up, and they all drove down to Silver Springs to see us. Marilyn and I had been joking about Tusker and his family driving down on his bike, with Bucky in a sidecar, but they came down in an old Ford he owned.
That Saturday was the day my catheter came out. Suzie was there when the nurse came in. “Cool! Can I watch?”
I spluttered something incoherent. “Suzie! No!”
“Carl, don’t be so uptight. I’m a nursing student. I’ve seen penises before,” she replied.
“I don’t care how many penises you’ve seen! You’re not going to see mine!”
“You’re no fun at all.”
I shook a finger at her. “Why don’t you go home and tell Dad about all the penises you’ve seen? I’ll bet that will be a fun conversation!” She had the good grace to blush at that.
Tusker and Tessa were looking a little frazzled, but otherwise happy. Tessa was doing some part-time work at the biker bar, as well as doing the books for the bike shop and taking care of Bucky. Tusker was working all hours at the shop, and only had Sunday off. On the other hand, they seemed to be treading water with the money, and their little business was growing. They already had two full time employees and were looking for a third. Bucky had his mother’s build and features, but his father’s bright red hair, and was a good kid. He was three now and got into everything.
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After years of struggle, pain, and blood, you are within arm's reach of the Overlord, your mortal enemy. You stand in the Overlord's private chambers, prepared to finish the chase that has consumed you for as long as you can remember. You tighten your grip on Endbringer, the enchanted sword you recovered from the Tombs of Oblivion. The Overlord takes a step back and raises Starstroke, the only spear in the Nine Worlds capable of piercing the hide of a Scourge Leviathan. Then the Overlord...
FantasyPushover A Whateley (fanfic) story. By Shrike This story is in (US) English, but it mostly is situated in the Netherlands. Several times the conversation is written in Dutch (my second native language), with the translation directly trailing it between straight brackets. I have done this because many readers will not understand the Dutch language, but I feel that the conversation in a country should be original as spoken in that country. Cursing I walked with my trashed bicycle...
The Futanari Overlords, an empire of incredibly powerful and especially massive futanari that have risen to power. Whether through diplomacy, war, or business they have laid claim to hundreds if not THOUSANDS of worlds. They're technology is incredibly advanced as well, flying vehicles, futuristic buildings, completely mastered space travel, it's said that some scientists in the empire even have been working on a way to open a door to other universe's. Members of the Overlords original race...
I WANT DO-OVERS By Persephone The older of the two women, Jamie Leigh, stood on the playground of her old grade school. Next to her was her daughter Jennifer Lynn, a younger version of herself. Both were very attractive women. "It looks really good, Mom. Does it look like it did when you went to school here?" Jenny said. "Yes, it looks exactly the same. It brings back many, many memories." Jamie Leigh answered. "I don't think I'll ever understand why this project was so...
About a year into my tenure with the airline, I was paired up with Tracy, who was a year older than me, and had already been a flight attendant for several years when we met. Shortly after our first shift together, I happened to walk into the cockpit while she was serving the pilot and co-pilot coffee just before take-off. I couldn’t help but notice that our pilot – Paul – was reaching under her skirt from behind and slipping two fingers past her panties and into her pussy as she bent over...
Alice sat at her desk looking through the replies and was delighted that all four had agreed to attend. Her pleasure was made all more enjoyable because she knew that none of them would have replied had she not made it clear that she knew something about them that they wouldn’t want to be made public. Alice smiled to herself as she heard a commotion outside and got up to look out of the parlour window that overlooked the walled garden. Children were being drilled naked, by their teacher...
THE TAKEOVER James Lock was on a knife edge. He had worked for the Sunlight Group as first as accountant then a Financial Director before he was thirty. His promotion was one of the last acts performed by the Group owner before he died. It was designed as a wedding present for his daughter Sue, when she married James, but he didn't know that it would shortly be her that had to take over the reigns of running the businesses when he was suddenly taken ill. A mere six weeks later he...
Late night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...
Fresh Start By Julie O Synopsis: Dr. Liz Reid takes a job at a spa following the death of her husband. For her son Josh, the trip will result in a life changing experience. Fresh Start By Julie O Edited and with menus by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Josh Reid stared out the window of his mother's Land Rover as they drove towards their new home. He was lost in thought about how much his life had changed in the last year. His life had changed dramatically...
The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose A doctor has to explain to a woman the side-effects of treating an overdose of ED medication. [email protected] ********************************************************************** The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose "Doctor, how is he?" The woman seemed nervous, even embarrassed. "Were you able to ... you know." The doctor frowned. "Your husband evidently had an overdose." The woman nodded sheepishly. "Um, yeah....
This was an incredibly difficult paper to write the research and verification involved came quite close to defeating me several times. Starting a fire is the hardest when you need it the most. These instructions are for times such as that. A calm or gently breezy, dry day makes the job a lot easier! One, it's damned hard to start a fire with wet wood. How can you tell wet from dry firewood? If it feels cool or cold when held against your lips then it's too wet to START a fire with. It...
Mark woke up early as usual, went to his desk, grabbed his coffee and went through his morning reports. Afterwards he decided to browse through some news sites, reading news article upon news article about Chinese submarines floating through the air and that they were being beached upon China’s shoreline. Everyone also agreed it had to be because they had tried to attack Atlantis. Of course, several articles started the fear mongering that Atlantis was going to eventually going to take over...
Summer turned quickly to fall. I was piling on hours to graduate at mid-term. To consume the rest of my time, my thesis spawned. There was enough material in my notes to do at least three solid papers. My original concept was a discussion of the impact of shelters and halfway houses on the inner city. A necessary thread running through this was a description of how shelters, and legal aid services interacted with local and state governments. The original topic became my senior thesis, mostly...
Are you hungry? Looking for some "Fresh Scat"? Is there really a need for me to introduce a site with such a straightforward name? Sure, some people might be confused as to what has to offer, but then those people are probably too young or not into this particular fetish. Well, if you do not know what scat means, that is basically pornography that includes a lot of disguising (for me) yet tasty (for some) fetish with shit, and sometimes other things as well.If you do not have a...
Scat Porn SitesFresh MMS! Greetings, freaks, and deviates. On today’s menu of amateur sluts, we’ve got super hot Bengali girls slithering into bed to show off their tits and muff, Arab girls in hijabs getting fucked hard, and Desi girls railed from behind in hotel rooms. has this and more, all for free.I have to confess, I’m a little late to the Fresh MMS party. The site showed up around 2016 and has been steadily growing in popularity. The last year or so has been fucking great for these...
Indian Porn SitesIt was to be my first day of highschool. I had spent a week out of town on the East coast and had already missed the first three days of school. I had my class list, books and the usual items and went to school. School was kind of a bore during the day. Finaly 8th. period came along. As I was aproaching my class a senior started talking shit. I was about to deck him when a teacher approached and broke the whole thing off. She was HOT. she sent us on our seperate ways and I went to class with a...
She MalesMy wife and I went to a party at some friends of ours house .Which was a treat as we have children so time alone is a cherished thing. We were having a blast drinking and laughing at all that was going on as everyone there was pretty lit.Well after a few hours of this we decided we'd better get home because it was almost an hour and a half drive. We had stopped on the way to the party at the package store and got a couple of bottles of wine on the way there. Just in case our friends didn't have...
ExhibitionismFresh friends invite me to meet them at a big beach in noman's land along the border between our two countries.I agree to meet them three at about three to shoot some fine footage for the couple and their dear daughter there.I arrive with my camera rolling and focus at the tight tiny titted teen who pretends she does not notice now me at all.Fresh friends watch with me how she dances in the waves and lets her waves flow for us as a sudden surprise!Fresh friends with no names yet to protect...
After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars' transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage was the same clerk that would...
It is time… After years of trial and error… After years hardship and insanity… It is time, time for a new cartoon overlord! (0) Deep within the darkness of your evil lair, plot and ponder your evil plan to conquer all of the cartoon universes. Eventually you come up with seven important steps that you need in order to begin conquering cartoon worlds. One: You need a loyal henchman or henchwoman to help begin the groundwork. Two: You require an army of disposable minions that are utterly loyal...
You lived in an isolated and village in a small kingdom that's hasn’t seen war for several centuries. Ever since The Overlord was defeated. The Overlord was a cruel creature who took over the kingdom, though the detail has faded and changed over time. They were defeated by all the races coming together. You are baker that lives and works alone in your tiny village. You grew up with the story but you saw it as more legend than real history. A scary story to tell children to behave. You’re...
BDSMFresh Start 2 By Julie O, Amelia R and Bob Arnold Edited by Amelia R Synopsis: Josh Reid was a typical teenage boy before he was transformed physically into a young woman. She became Jirra Reid and struggled to accept her new female persona. This is the continuation of her journey to find balance in her life. This tale also contains cameos of characters from many of Julie's other stories, including Ambition, Celestial Awakenings, and the Turbulence series. It also features a...
EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...
FOUR BAD-ASS JOCKS, TENDERIZED AND READIED FOR USE."God Fucking Damn! ... I need me some ass ... NOW! ...", shouted the burly bro nastily. Stroking the outline of his cock in his army camo. He roughly squeezed the shoulder of master Lucas's bitch sitting next to him. "How about it Greg? Want to go another round on this?", joked Jeremiah. "Hands off my boy, Jerry! ... His ass is still gaping from the last time I let you borrow his hole.", said master Lucas sternly. "Shit man, ... If I don't get...
The hair remover By: Suresh Hello to all the ISS readers I am an avid reader of ISS and feel that there can’t be a better site to read and express the sexual desires of human beings.but i will say that ur responce will be best encouragement for me to write more of my please do write good or bad. I have liked most of the stories and now I am tempted to share my own experience with all other readers. Well about me first. I am 36 yrs old athletic built handsome shopkeeper in...
Clara was turning 40. Her friends had made a big thing of it, taking her out and celebrating with the usual amount of fake funereal trappings. It had been a hoot but now she was home and was left with it it, just left with it. She was turning 40 and was mopey about it. She wandered around fairly early that Saturday, and moped. She had a cup of coffee and just looked her house over. She called it always ‘the old girl’, and at times, when sadness was on her, she talked to the house. ‘What do...
This is a work of reality! It is autobiographical and written on feelings and observations gathered by me! My Makeover By Lisa Elizabeth Being transgendered is a rather ill defined thing. This topic covers a wide range of people and interests. You have the people that dress up one time and are quite happy. Then at the other end of the spectrum are those with an undying burning desire to become the gender they were not born. A lot of people fall somewhere in between those two...
Tim Goes Undercover By Moe 1) The Assignment I picked up the phone and answered, "Accounting, Tim Bradley." It was my sister Tracee on the line and she said rather urgently, "I need to see you in my office. Something rather important has come up and I need your help." My sister is eight years older than me at 30 and she is the president of our family company. She was working for our father who founded and ran the company when he suddenly died of a heart attack five years...
Fresh Bread By Wonder_DadStory #3Our high school was where all the food that was prepared for the lunch programs throughout area cooked. Every morning we were greeted by the smell of fresh bread cooking in the kitchen, loaf after loaf of fluffy white bread lined the tables of the kitchen. Some students worked in the kitchens with the cooks until their classes started. For a quarter, these students could buy a loaf of fresh hot bread. They were allowed to sit and eat it before class. If you were...
Hopefully, most of you who have arrived at this story have already read “Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand I and II”, so I won’t belabor the principles behind my Streams of Fuckmeat. I’ll just give a bit of an introduction here, and talk briefly about Thai women before diving in to Fuckmeat Stream Three. Work in international corporate and governmental consulting has placed me in the position to have fucked eight hundred three women, spread out over 46 countries worldwide. In five of those countries...
Four years ago, I decided to apply my experience devising strategies for businesses worldwide to develop strategies that would bring me streams of fresh Fuckmeat in the countries of the world whose women I most enjoy to fuck. Head and shoulders above the crowd of nations is, of course, Thailand. Thai women are undisputedly the world’s most beautiful, and are also by far the most satisfying sexual female creatures on earth. I have worked in Thailand several weeks a year for years, and decided...
My 60th entry in Fictionmania! How they do add up when you're having fun! This story portrays fictitious teenage kids experimenting with sex. It's their own idea, but anyone offended might just keep repeating "It didn't really happen, it didn't really happen," until they're persuaded that it doesn't really happen. Or else not read it. All others, enjoy! Sleepover By Vickie Tern "Is that you, Tim? ...
When I got on the plane, I was in a rush, so I hurried to find my seat so I could stash my carry-on and just relax for a few minutes before the flight. I was on a business trip and had a 12 hour layover in another city before catching the connecting flight to NY. I dressed in business attire. Light beige skirt right above the knee with a matching jacket, along with a cream button up silk blouse and heels. Not too high but enough to look professional but comfortable. Underneath my clothes is...
A Layover By strangefun Walking through a crowded airport, I smiled. The clothes I wore under my regular drab felt wonderful on my body - tight, constrictive, kinky, and so inappropriately feminine for a guy to wear under his mundane jeans, tee and sweatshirt. The only thing that could give me away was my footwear - tiny, cute, black canvas Keds with just a little of my opaque, shiny pantyhose showing below the hem of the jeans, but I figured they were innocuous enough not to...
“I left the money to pay the movers on the dresser,” her husband said, as he walked out the door. “How much are we paying them?” Renee asked. “One-hundred for the three hours. I gotta run, love you!” he replied, as he closed the door behind him. Three hours later all but a few boxes have been moved into the truck. "I need to run, there is somewhere I need to be," Jason, one of the movers, said. “Ok sorry, I can pay you now. Can you stay and get the last few boxes?” She asked Ty. “Sure, no...
CheatingIntroduction: Jessica and her family run away from the Meat Agency of Dolcett upon reciveing her conversion notice, will she keep her appointment with the spit anyway?, or survive?. Left Overs Story: #39 Copyright 2008 Written: January 30 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ Dad I dont want to be roasted on a spit like mom was Jessica said at the kitchen table sitting across from...
Fresh Fish in the Tank (It is the Roaring 20’s, and in a large city in the USA, an innocent 18 year old girl is arrested for prostitution. She does not notice it but the county jail seems a little unusual.) This would be Sally’s first time in the prison shower room. She was terrified. I assured her that as her bull, I would protect her. I led her to the shower room by the hand. Guard Catherine looking all beautiful as ever in her guard uniform. She looked at Sally. In a commanding voice...
Sweat dripped from his naked torso in beads, his dark body's muscles rippling in a primal rhythm while continuing to fuck into Joy's gripping cunt under the lights. With each lunge the young stud buried the entire length of his enormous dick, banging his black balls into the blonde's crotch. Thirteen inches of steel-hard cock! The bulbous head of his invading weapon ploughed up into Joy so far that he could see the bulge ripple along her abdomen right up to her navel. "God!!! Fuck meeee...fuck...
"... and the Stratham's cancelled. Well, actually I do have an idea. I found something while I was cleaning... stop guessing, it's a surprise. No, I'm not telling you." BEEP. "Darn, the battery's low. Oh, any preferences for dinner. You're hopeless... I love you anyway, bye." Virginia set the phone down in its charger and looked at the old shoebox with an anxious smile. She turned the box over dumping its contents on the bed: Velcro handcuffs, nipple clamps, vibrating dildo, ben-wa...
*** Fallon wished she could go back in time and listen to the doctors as they explained to her parents what had happened after the accident. Never really told her, and when she’d looked at the medical reports and results for exams the doctor lingo confused her. And since her regular doctor was too smart for his own good, the babbling that came out of his mouth was worse than the stuff on paper. So, she had to live with it. The only thing she was able to wrap her head around was that her...
BARBARA'S MAKEOVER by Barbara I sat in the car absolutely terrified. I had parked alongside the road only a few blocks from my destination and was afraid to go any further. I kept asking myself, "Why was I doing this?" My wife and children had left earlier that Friday to visit her parents for a week. I had stayed at home because of my work schedule. At least that was the reason I gave everyone. My real reason was that her absence gave me an opportunity to...
Hungover A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was hungover big time. I filled the sink with cold water and plunged my whole head in. The only comfort was that I knew that the night before had been the craziest of my life. It was a night that we would be sure to talk about for the rest of our lives. Except maybe not Greg. He might want to forget all about it. It had started out as a joke, but maybe it had gone a little too far. It was just that the ladyboys at the bar had been...
There once was a young man, a youth from another world who fell into this one. He rose from nothing to accomplish great things, terrible things yes, but great nonetheless, for he was a Dungeon Keeper and his quest was to rise to become the Overlord the unchallenged Master of Darkness and King of the Underworld.
FantasyDeep within a dark cave a great evil slumbers... Darkness, all around you. The chains binding you. You immediately begin to meditate in order to remember. A pair of sadistic red eyes widen you remember being sealed away from all. Those three mages used a forbidden spell, such irony light mages using forbidden magic. However, unknown to the enemy at the last second you used one last spell to make your magic slowly consume the seal. Eyes narrowed one word leaves your chapped lips "fools." With...
BisexualNote: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. THE OVERTHROW By Wyrdey Zaadon the Great sat on his throne, smiling thinly to himself as he pretended to read one of his books of the Dark Lore. He always enjoyed days like this, it was why he'd made himself a king. Around him in his luxurious throne room, his advisers sat, laughing and amusing themselves in their normal, depraved fashions. Zaadon despised them to a man. He...
[Note to reader: This chapter is a continuation of The Librarian. It picks up where the previous story ends. While it should not be necessary to have read The Librarian to understand the characters and relationships that follow, it is recommended.] The small fleet of transport ships was getting close to Azahar. The colonists were getting a bit restless after spending two months in the confines of the three Aurora-class vessels. All of the standard briefings, enhancements, and cosmetic...
Left*o*vers For the hell of it I went on line and typed in the word leftover. What I came up with was both funny and disturbing. There were over 7,000,000 hits. Now, I like to surf the web, but I was not going to waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon going to every link. So I copied down some interesting facts, and thought I would pass them along. The word leftover can be used as an adjective or a noun, either way it means the same thing. ‘A remnant or an unused portion’ It has also been used...
All good things come to those who wait, they say.And I waited a long, long time for Kinky.We started chatting almost 2 months ago on another site that's more fetish oriented than xhamster. Still the same percentage of shy people hiding behind their avatars as here, but a bit more specialised.And we got chatting. A few messages back and forth. An exchange of email addresses. A bit of time on MSN. Eventually that exciting moment when we spoke on the phone. And then, once we'd looked at our...
Like every night, he finished watching the news at 11:30, turned off the TV, and walked through the house to ensure the doors were locked and no windows were left open. He peaked into the quest room. There she lay, his granddaughter. She had come to live with him while her parents were figuring things out. Their home was hostile and Cynthia was internalizing it all. She had been struggling in school. A senior now, she was striving to get scholarships at U, 25 miles away from Pee Paws house....
Disclaimer: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion, or its characters. It is a property of Gainax, and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (The manga author). The Miss Gender character is mine. REFRESH SHAMPOO It had been another tough day in the miserable life of Shinji Ikari; another day of waking, cleaning, cooking, eating, schooling, and copping more of Asuka's flak. On top of all that, there were his piloting duties at NERV, in which he usually dreaded death at the hands of the Angels,...
Hello everyone I am Venky. I am from Hyderabad. About me I am 6ft height and well built and I am pursuing my from a prominent college in our city. This is an incident which happened in my life; in which I had sex with my senior which I dint except to happen only. Her name is Aparna; she is my senior. And to tell about her; she is 5’8 and white complexion and has a stats of 36-30-36. Very hot stats which can make any guy go weak in their knees. I used to travel in the college so I was...
Hi friends mera naam danish hai meri ISS ka bahut bara fan hu kaafi saari kaahaniya mai ne yaha padhi hai kuch sachi hoti hai or kuch jhooti lekin maza dono mai aata hai Meri kahani bilkul saachi hai meri kahani agar pasand aaye to pls mujhe mail jarur karna.ya koi larki ya lady sex karna chahati ho to pls batao Ye ghata mere sath 2 saal pahle hue the jub mai pahli baar delhi mass com karne aaya tha sorry dosto mai ne aap ko apne baare mai to bataya hi nahi meri hight 5 ‘5 hai health v aachi...
Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] Two Makeovers by Amy Brett I found that I really didn't know what to do. The situation was so totally alien. I had spoken softly to Barbara for a scant moment after she had admitted me to the basement room of the...
Aimee's Makeovers Part One By Jena Corso Tony and Aimee have been dating since the last two years of college and their relationship had never been better. Since Tony's graduation, they've spent a lot more quality time together than when they were in school. Aimee is in her third year of school and is looking to become a fashion designer. As for Tony, he now has a degree in finance and has been horsing around with his band with the hope of becoming a rock star. He figured he...