Ingrams Assoc 2 RetreatChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 26
- 0
Today was the last day of the inquest. The verdict was death by misadventure. That Todd kid, I dunno. He sure see's things differently from me. He spent an hour telling everyone how I should have saved them all. That it was my fault. That I was perving out by following them, that I'm some sort of twisted nutcase. I tried to point out that the only reason I was there was because I was fishing, and there isn't anyone else there after dusk, so there's no one else to disturb the waters. Well, until that little group showed up, anyway.
I explained that I only jumped in when the branch they were swinging from broke – the three of them went tumbling into the shallows. It was obvious that they were hurt – it's strange how drowning looks. It doesn't look like it does in the movies. But I knew. I jumped in and grabbed one and got him out, and then other one, and then the third one. Sure, I wasn't gentle, but at that moment I was just panicking. I needed to get them out, and fast.
So two survived and one did not. He broke his neck on a submerged log. I don't know how that was my fault, but somehow it became my fault, at least in the press. I think the ringleader – Todd Byerland – was terrified it would be pinned on him. He's the son of the local mayor, and he obviously dotes on him, so once again, I get the painting. The strange old guy that hardly speaks and looks like a mountain man. I'm not surprised. I'd be scared of me and I am me.
I guess I'll just lie low – I'm just glad they got my name wrong. Tara won't find me ... I'm not moving again. I've done that too many times just to get away from the way my life is. I'll just hide out. It won't be hard – no one knows where I live. No one really cares anyway. And why should they? One more burn out – why would anyone care? I wouldn't.
It's a strange thing to save a life and be told it's your fault that you didn't save them all. It's a strange thing to have to hide for doing something like this. But I don't regret it. Life is too precious, as Manny would have said. I miss Manny. I should look him up, send him a card or something. I don't even know if he's alive. It's been eight years since I last spoke to him.
It's just the way my life goes. C'est la vie.
April guided the nose of her convertible into the parking lot of the Gettysburg Apartment complex. The building was old and run down, but in a leafy glade. There were lots of small nooks with trees and benches, and as she got out of the car, locking it, two kids, a boy and girl, ran past her, throwing apple pieces at each other. The boy was enjoying tormenting the small girl and she was screaming and loving every second of the attention. As the kids ran past, she smiled at them, wondering whose they were and thinking about her own biological clock.
After they were past, she looked around for the office signs, and saw them next to a sign about construction. Half of the parking lot was fenced off, and one of the apartment buildings in the complex was in the process of being razed.
She walked over to the office and pushed the door open. Sitting behind the desk, looking harassed, was an older woman on the phone. She looked up, saw April and gestured at her to sit down while she finished her conversation.
April sat down and studied the woman. She was older, with bleached and highlighted hair. She wore eyeglasses, the kind with the lanyard that went around her neck and her makeup was too heavy. She was plump and wore a shapeless and loud dress with red and yellow flowers.
"Oh, I know Juney. I know. She should be ashamed of herself. At her age. Who does she think she is? I mean come on. The tango? At her age? Who is she kidding?" the older woman said into the phone, glancing at April, who smiled amusedly back.
"Oh I know. It's ridiculous, that's what it is. I know. Look, I have to go. Got a customer. Who is obviously too nice for this place, that's for sure." She smiled at April in a conspiratorial way when she said this, and April's smile broadened. She could like this woman.
"Yes, I'll call you later. Yes. Later. I don't know. What difference does it make? Yes. Later. After your nap. Bye, dear." And with that, she put the phone down.
"Dear god, that woman can talk," said the older woman. "I'm Sarah Atwood. How can I help dear?" she enquired of April.
"Hi, Sarah. I'm April. I was wondering where I might find apartment 3612?"
"Oh no, dear," said Sarah, sucking on her teeth, "no, you wouldn't. That's in one of the buildings they've already pulled down. Asbestos, don't you know. How they could use that and not know the perils I don't know, but several of the buildings here have had to be pulled down over it. Building 36 was one of them."
"Oh." April looked at the piece of paper in her hand, not sure where to go next.
There was a moment's silence and then, on cue, Sarah said, "Were you looking for someone in particular, dear? Maybe I can help? I've worked here for years, know everyone, if you know what I mean."
April suppressed a smile. She did, indeed, know what she meant. It meant that Sarah was the older lady who disapproved of the parties you held, when you had blinds instead of curtains and tsked at you if you didn't hold the door open for anyone over forty.
"I'm looking for Julian Sullivan."
Sarah just looked at her and then said, "You aren't a lawyer are you?"
April was surprised. "No, not at all. I work as a counselor and I wanted to talk to him about a case I'm on. This is the last address I have for him."
Sarah was still wary. "It's not for that harlot, is it? I won't help if it's for that whore."
April was silent as she digested this. "No, I don't think so. I can't really talk about it, but I can say it's military in nature." April knew she was taking a chance, but instantly Sarah relaxed.
"Oh, well, in that case. Yes, he lived here. With that harlot he married. She was bad news from the word go, that one. Sunning herself at the pool and wearing almost nothing while he was out, trying to get that business started. When she started carrying on with his salesman, well, it was scandalous. It just was. We could all see it, but he couldn't. None of us could bring ourselves to say anything, I mean, it's just not your place, is it?"
April just nodded as this font of information flowed almost non-stop. She was glad she had her iPhone recording, because the details came fast and furious.
She learned that Joe Sullivan had indeed lived here, years ago, with his wife, Penny. Joe had worked hard to build his own business. He had had some problems in the past, Sarah told her, but he didn't talk about them. She assumed he wanted to leave them behind while he built a new life with his wife and started his new business.
As the business grew, Joe had hired an eager, younger salesman to help handle the increasing business. The new guy had taken to the job as though born to it, but he'd also taken Joe's wife, Penny.
Penny had announced she was pregnant, and right after the baby was born, she'd left Joe for this young salesman, moving out of the complex. It was the height of scandal that the baby wasn't his. Joe had left shortly afterwards, a broken man. She'd not seen him since.
Sarah had no idea where Joe might be living now. It was almost a dead end.
But April wasn't beaten yet. She had the resources of Ingrams at her disposal, and all she needed were the right details
She learned that the company name was Sullivan Design, and the salesman's name was Mark Glasso. Penny Sullivan had apparently married him, once Joe was gone, so Sarah had heard. Sarah hoped they had a miserable time of it – Joe hadn't deserved what she'd done to him, but he'd borne it, like he bore everything.
Then April got onto why Sarah considered him for sainthood. Apparently one night Sarah had been returning from the grocery store, laden down with bags, and passed by a bunch of teenagers, who had felt it their job to taunt her. Coming from the generation were you didn't put up with that, Sarah had put down her bags and verbally launched into them.
They were surprised at that, and aggression showed in their eyes and for the first time, she suddenly started to worry about her safety. Then, just as suddenly, one gave her the finger and all the rest pushed off the fencing they were leaning against and ran off down the street. Sarah was surprised and impressed at herself for seeing them off like that, but then, as she turned to pick up her bags, she found Joe Sullivan standing behind her, arms crossed, staring at the teenagers who were high-tailing it down the road.
He looked at her and wordlessly picked up her bags and carried them back to her apartment. He didn't say a word and just smiled at her while she protested that she could handle the bags.
From that point onwards, he organized grocery runs for her and several of the older women in the complex. Never said anything about it, just pulled up to her door on a Thursday and told her to get in, he was going to the grocery store anyway, and he could use the company, since she knew more about what he needed to get than he did. It wasn't true of course, just an excuse, but as excuses went, it went pretty far with her.
After an hour of conversation, two coffees and some giggling about the latest boy singer sensation, April exited the office, pretty sure she'd just made a new life long friend. She was damn sure she'd be going back there to just talk – it was amazing how in an hour what you could learn, and Sarah was just the kind of irascible older woman she really hoped she'd turn out to be. Someone who knows herself, knows the world, knows how it ought to be and was, by god, going to live in that world.
She was less impressed at what she'd learned of this Penny woman, and their marriage ending, but she wanted to keep an open mind. Julian Sullivan might have been a complete asshole – although she doubted it – so she tried not to prejudge. But from what she had heard, she was finding it hard not to. She needed more data.
As she sat in her car, she pulled out her phone and dialed work. She got the usual Ingrams receptionist, Rose, and she gave her a identity code and asked her to get Dermot on the line for her. Dermot McConaughey was the general manager of Ingram's & Associates, and as such, everything that the company did went through him. If she wanted access to the research department for this unique situation, regardless of what Desirea said, she needed to clear it with him first.
She waited a minute or so before the phone was picked up. "Hey April, how are you doing? Desirea filled me in, you ok, girl?" Dermot's Scottish brogue was almost imperceptible by now, with his many years in the U.S., but it was still there if you looked for it.
"I'm surviving, boss man. Can I use R&D? Desirea said it would be ok, but I wanted to be sure first."
"You looking for background on your mystery man?"
"Sort of. Need to find his ex-wife. I think she can lead me where I need to go."
"And where is that, April?" asked Dermott, point blank.
There was silence for a second, before April answered, "I honestly don't know. But you know I can't let this go. He died saving me. I owe him. I need to find out who he is, and see if there is someone left I can help."
There was more silence. April could almost see Dermott considering his options.
"Ok, go ahead. But only a couple of days, ok? We do have irons in other fires."
"Thank you, boss man. Big kiss on the cheek. Can you ask Tina to look for records on a business named Sullivan Designs, based out of the Westside of Washington. I'm looking for history and an address on Penny Sullivan. She would probably be remarried by now and have a last name of Glasso. Her husband would be Mark Glasso; he was the sales guy for the Sullivan's Design outfit. Anything they can get me would be great, as soon as possible."
"Will do, April. Keep your cell on. And April?"
"Be well. We all know what happened and we're here for you. If you need anything else, let me know, ok? Come and talk to us."
"Sure thing, boss man. I'll be back soon."
April broke the connection and smiled. She knew Dermot meant it.
Hillier waited until he finished swallowing the last donut bit before he answered the trilling phone. It was a stereotype that all cops ate donuts, but in this case, it was true, mainly because a grateful parent kept delivering them to the station. Two years ago, Hillier and his partner - God rest his soul - had found and arrested three gang bangers who had terrorized several homeowners, burgling them late at night and tormenting the homeowners. The homeowners had formed a little club to support each other and after Hillier found the perpetrators, they'd solemnly decided it was their duty to keep the cops in donuts. Because all cops liked donuts, right? They'd even bought into a donut store together to ensure it would be regular.
While Hillier liked donuts as much as the next guy, he also knew this was going to cost him twenty minutes on the treadmill later. Oh well. What the hell. It was worth it. They were good donuts.
The phone continued to ring and he scooped it up, licking the fingers on his left hand as he did so. "Detective Hillier here."
"Hello, Detective. I understand you wanted to talk to me?" said the voice on the other end of the line.
"And this is?" asked Hillier. He thought he knew, but better to be sure.
"This is Manny Trueso here. I got a call from the VA saying you wanted to talk to me, and you left a message earlier today?"
"Ah yes, Mr. Trueso. Thank you for calling me back so promptly. I hope you can help. I have a John Doe here, and he has a tattoo that I'm having trouble identifying. I spoke to our contact at the VA here in Washington, sent him a copy of the tattoo, and he got back to me an hour later and said I'd probably want to talk to you. Do I want to talk to you Mr. Trueso? Would you know what I am looking at here?"
There was a laugh on the line and Manny answered, "First, call me Manny. Mr. Trueso was my dad. Secondly, hard to know without seeing it. Can you describe it?"
"Yes, it's blue with age. Got a logo with what looks like a serpent, tied around a bullet, and a Latin phrase under it."
"Unum Superesse, right?" said Manny.
"Yes, that's it."
"That's the Cambridge tattoo. Had by the appropriate people to remember the Cambridge event in 1992 in Kuwait. It means 'Survive Together'. It's to remind a bunch of people who survived something really bad that survival comes when you work together. The event itself we called the Cambridge Event. I'd rather not go into why. It just takes too long."
"Interesting. So our John Doe was in Desert Storm and part of this event?"
"I would say so. There were about thirty to forty people involved in that, though. What else do you have that might identify the guy?"
"Two bullet holes, one in the shoulder and one in the pelvis area."
There was dead silence on the phone, then a deep sigh. "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck."
"You've got Joe Sullivan right there. No question."
Ambrose Hillier lurched forward and wrote the name down. "How can you be sure?"
"Only one guy came out with those wounds. That was Joe Sullivan. That wasn't his real name though; I think he was Julian or something like that - Joe to all us. What happened to him?"
"I can't tell you much, Manny. He was killed protecting a lady from a mugging that went bad. He just stepped in and stopped someone knifing her, and in doing so, took that knifing himself.
"Goddammit. Fucking Joe. He just couldn't help himself. Always had to be the Boy Scout. Do first, think later." Manny's voice broke, but Hillier could detect a note of pride in it.
"Can you tell me what happened in Kuwait?" he asked, curious about this man, Julian Sullivan.
Manny sighed and Ambrose could tell he didn't want to.
"Long time ago. We were a mobile hospital; Joe was part of the security detachment. We patched up servicemen and also the locals who got caught up in fire fights. Pretty much anyone who needed help, honestly. They'd not seen a hospital out in those areas ever.
"Anyway, one day the local mullahs got angry and came by, demanding tribute. We told them where to get off and three hours later, we were under attack. We tried to tell them we had children and wounded, but no, they kept coming. Joe was one of the guys holding them off.
"After the first attack – there was never just one – Joe ran out and grabbed weapons from the dead. Several AK47's, some pistols and a rocket launcher. He made a point of arming the doctors and nurses. We all figured it was just a matter of time. The initial attack had taken our defensive force down from twelve to eight. One more heavy attack and we were done for. But no one was going down without fighting.
"They came again at dawn. Joe and the other guys mowed them down as much as they could, but some got in. Joe literally took out two guys a foot from me. I was lying in a bed there, holding a rifle and trying to stay awake. I was loaded with morphine from an earlier mortar attack and it was hard to stay in the moment.
Joe took a shoulder wound and was shot in the leg or pelvis right at the point the Blackhawks arrived and made mincemeat of the local thugs." Manny's voice quavered with emotion as he detailed the events.
"Jesus. Was he invalided out after that? I presume he got a medal?"
There was a snort on the other end of the phone. "Christ no. This was Desert Storm. This wasn't the Iraqi invasion. His CO – who by the way, wasn't even present, but was at HQ - wanted to bounce him out for disobeying orders, for abandoning his post. He was lucky to be allowed out without a dishonorable discharge or court martial. The CO was an asshole of epic proportions, but those were the times."
"So, he got wounded, kicked out and no one even said thank you?"
"Mr. Hillier, have you ever been in combat?"
"Not in the way you have, no. I've been shot at, but not like you have."
"Then you'll never know the way we deal with this. The CO might have been an asshole, but me and lots of other Joes and kids are only breathing because he did what was right at the time. I owe Joe my life. Don't get me wrong, he didn't do it all by himself – there were seven other guys there who did as much, if not more. But Joe was one of them. I haven't seen him in a few years, since that bitch Tara did a number on him, then he married Penny. I was best man for that. Penny did him no good either."
"So, married twice then? Do you have any idea where he might be living now? This Penny woman?"
"Oh no, that ended a while ago. She fucked him over too. Joe's life is all about him being fucked over and him just trying to pick up the pieces."
"Do you know where she lives now? Or Joe, for that matter?"
"No, sorry, I wish I did. Like I said, once Penny screwed him up, I lost touch. He just seemed to vanish. I doubt the VA even knows where he is, although they might. They still mail me a check; maybe they do for him too. Detective, can I ask you to do something for me?"
"What might that be, Manny?"
"Let me know where the funeral is. I should be there."
"Of course. As soon as I know, you will too. Do you have any details on this Tara or Penny, so I can find them?"
"Honestly, no. I only met Penny at the wedding and the last time I spoke to Joe, there wasn't much coming from him except how much he hated and loved her at the same time. She led him to believe that they had a child together, but in fact she'd been fucking Joe's salesman, and the kid was his. It destroyed him. That's why I think he went feral."
"Well, thank you for calling me, Manny. I'll be sure and be in touch as soon as I have more details."
"You are welcome. The world is a poorer place without Joe in it. I'm going to the bar to get loaded and raise a glass to him, poor bastard. Always on the receiving end, that guy. What a life."
I bought a shack today. An honest-to-god shack. It's the last shack in the row of cabins at Trolleys Field, out of Virginia. We used to come here as kids. I brought Tara here, once. She would never come again. And I brought Penny here a couple of times too. It seems ... fitting. The guy who runs the place told me about this broken down cabin off at the end of the row. He couldn't rent it, so I offered to buy it. $10k, flat out. The deal is that I do it up, and when I move on, he gets it back. He's happy and I'm happy. My name won't show up on any deeds and Tara won't find me.
It's small – three rooms – and needs work, but I can do that. The guy here who owns the place, Marco, said if I did a good job, I can be his handyman. I know I can do that. Maybe it's time for some peace. I'm obviously not meant to be out in society – every time I've tried it's been a disaster. Maybe I need to be a hermit, like Obi-Wan Kenobi. Of course that would suppose there was a Luke Skywalker out there for me to be looking out for. That would be nice.
I was thinking that maybe I could buy a TV and see what everyone is talking about, about that show Lost. It sounds appropriate.
There was a knock at the door and Penny Glasso looked up irritated from the Hello! Magazine she was reading, following the latest exploits of Lindsey Lohan. Who could be here at 2:00 p.m. on a Tuesday?
"Aaron!" she yelled, not moving from the couch. "Is one of your dopey friends at the door?"
There was silence. There was another knock. "Aaron!" yelled Penny Glasso, a second time, louder. Still silence.
Grumbling, Penny threw the magazine down on the table and got up and answered the door.
Outside, she found a blond woman, with neat hair and a glossy lips and a ready smile.
"Hello", said April, "Are you Penny Glasso? I was hoping to find the Glasso residence?"
Penny looked at her, eyeing her up and down. "Who wants to know?"
"I do!" replied April, with a smile, being as perky as she knew how.
"Well, lets just say I'm tracking down people associated with one..." she consulted a piece of paper, "Joe Sullivan? He has, unfortunately, passed away. I'm one of the legal staff who are executing on his will. He left a considerable amount of money in that will, and since it hasn't been updated in quite sometime, my understanding is that some of this will come your way. However, there are some small things we need to go over first. Can I come in?"
April watched Penny's reactions closely. Her instinctive reactions would be very informative as to how she left the marriage from Joe, and April was extremely interested in finding that out.
Penny's eyes went wide at the news of Joe's demise. There was the start of honest regret and sadness, coupled with shock. But the moment a will was mentioned, the eyes tightened and with it, a sense of restrained interest. In that moment, April knew all she needed to about Penny, who she was and her relationship with Joe. But she needed to complete the charade and find out as much as she could
Penny stepped back and gestured to April to come in. "He's gone? Seriously? Shit. Joe is gone. What happened?"
The words were there, and the intent behind them was genuine, but the overall posture was that of someone who wanted something.
"He was killed while defending a woman from a mugging downtown. It's very sad," said April, as she walked into the apartment and sat down on the couch.
"Well, that was Joe," said Penny, sitting down opposite and rolling her eyes as she did so, "always rushing in when it was the right thing to do, at least in his mind. Doesn't surprise me in the least. Although, if I were totally honest, I think that's how he would have liked to go. Doing good like that. He was a total do-gooder."
"Yes, I'm sure he was," replied April. She pulled out a pad and made a show of consulting notes. "So, you were his second wife, is that right? The first, a Tara something or other, ended before he met you, is that right?"
April had nothing in the way of information, but this was the best way to find out. Give someone incorrect partial information and most of the time, if they have it right, they'll fall over themselves to tell you. No one ever sits there and says 'wait a minute, aren't you supposed to know this stuff?'
"Yes," said Penny, "she'd left him and he was on his own, trying to make a go of that business when I met him. We met on a cruise, in Alaska. There was just something about him. When I met him, you know? An aura of some kind. He just felt ... safe."
"How long were you married?" asked April.
"Three years. It came to a natural end. I ended up marrying his chief salesman. Obviously Mark couldn't carry on working for Joe once that happened, so he struck out on his own. He's been quite successful, too."
April made herself look down in her notes to not give away her reaction to that statement. She knew a fair bit about Penny and what had happened, and that statement wasn't in any way complete or even accurate.
She'd been on the treadmill in her apartment, sweating out the drinks she'd had the night before with Desirea – who'd dropped in, unannounced – when the phone had rung from Tina at R&D at Ingrams. Tina had some interesting info on Penny Glasso.
They'd found her via tax returns – April hadn't asked how they'd got that information – and provided both a current address, a state of her marriage and some other more pertinent information.
An ex-employee of Glasso Design had posted a blog about his time there and was very forthcoming on opinions on the moral turpitude of Penny and Mark Glasso, both professionally and personally. Recorded also were his opinions on the divorce from Joe Sullivan, and contained within were some interesting facts of information. Firstly, it was patently obvious from comments made in the blog that Mark and Penny had been getting it on for months before Joe found out about it, and it was equally obvious that Mark had taken all of Joe's clients when he left. How, no one knew, but Mark was a silver tongued devil, it had to be admitted.
Upon meeting her, most of April's preconceptions were confirmed – Penny was a gold digger and Mark had more gold.
Following the phone call from R&D, just as April was getting off the treadmill, a text had come in, from a number she didn't recognize. It simply said, "Your guy's name is Joe Sullivan. Ex Military. More when I have it. Ambrose."
She looked at the text, smiled and said, "Two days too late, Ambrose. You're good, but I'm better," and went to get ready to visit Penny and Mark Glasso.
April got control of her face and looked back at Penny, taking her in. She was short – 5'4" – not quite pudgy but not slim or angular. She was well-endowed up top but her dress sense was sloppy. Mismatched top and pants, and shoes that were at least four years out of date. Her brunette hair was rich and had a distinct red tint to it, but it was carelessly brushed and tied up. A woman who didn't see many people and didn't care about what she looked like at home.
"Is your husband at home, Mrs. Glasso?" asked April.
"He'll be here any moment," she replied. "He just called. He's late again because of client meetings, but he's on his way."
"Ok, yes, that's not a problem."
"So you mentioned a will? When did Joe write it? I mean, we haven't been married for almost eight years now. I would have thought he'd have..." Her voice died away as she looked past April, and her face scrunched up in annoyance.
April looked behind her, at whatever Penny was looking at and saw a boy in the door way behind her. He was tall, willowy and had a mop of curly black hair. He smiled at April and said, "Hi there!"
"Hi back!" smiled April back.
"You're pretty," said the boy, innocently.
"Well thank you, kind sir. That's a very nice thing to say," said April, smiling even more broadly.
"Aaron, what do you want? I was yelling for you," said Penny, in an annoyed tone.
"Sorry, mom," said the boy. He held out a fine-toothed comb. "Can you brush my hair? They told us about nits today at school and I've been trying but I can't find any nits. But I can't see what I'm doing. Have you seen a nit, Miss? They showed us at school. They look like little aliens, like from Doctor Who. I'm going to be an actor when I grow up. I want to play the Doctor. He's cool. Do you ever wear bow ties? Bow ties are cool."
The words just came tumbling out and April couldn't help but keep smiling.
She looked back at Penny, who smiled at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, that's Aaron, my son. He's completely into some British show called Doctor Who. Can't stop talking about it."
She then directed her speech to Aaron. "Honey, I'll be there in a minute. I'm talking with this lady right now, ok? Go on, run along."
Aaron smiled again at April and then turned and vanished back through the door he'd arrived from.
"Cute kid," said April, "is he from this marriage or... ?"
I hired my first employee today! Mark Glasso. Nice kid. He seems smart and driven. He's got a great pedigree and he's all up in the biz. Knows the buzzwords and knows the right people to talk to. Good looking Italian guy, which for a salesman is a great look. I suspect he's a lady-killer too, but we aren't close enough to talk about that yet. First employee! This time next year, there'll be ten of us! Finally, I feel like life is back on track! It had rained all night and the...
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We both did sleep well that night, in separate beds. Nothing was said the next day, - spent mostly on the beach drinking pina coladas and trying not to get sunburnt. That night we ate at the restaurant right near the trailer, and Megan wore a less outrageous dress. We passed the night trying different wines and when we got back she kissed me hard, murmuring, "Down boy. I need my sleep. We are leaving tomorrow, so get your Zs. Packing first thing tomorrow." And that was that. I had no...
Two days later, April found herself on a United flight to San Francisco, to pick up a flight to Fiji later that day, accompanied by Simon Miles, and their two contractors, Mikey and Ramon. The flights were uneventful, and she did her best to relax and prepare herself for the upcoming ordeal. When they arrived at Shizuoka airport, after dealing with passport control and gathering their luggage, Simon and his colleagues hugged April, wished her luck, and left for their hotel as soon as they...
The following day was a milder one than the previous ones. There was some cloud cover and it wasn't a day where you felt like you had to be undercover every second, or be scorched. Even so, April applied sunscreen liberally. The sun here was ferocious; it didn't pay to take it for granted. Breakfast was a buffet of salmon and poached eggs and other assorted goodies. Mario had outdone himself. Everyone had made it out of bed by 10, and was enjoying the less brutal morning sun, and chatting...
The next day was a blur. Up late because of the late night, she missed the initial breakfast meal. Martin Steele looked hard at her when she showed up at 9:45, but didn't say anything. She had the feeling she would be hearing from him later. Tom Smith studiously avoided her, not even glancing in her direction. Thankfully, it was another day with most of the holidaymakers off the island. There was a fishing contest and they were gone most of the day, leaving April time to recoup her energy....
After the phone call with Ingrams HQ was done, April decided to have a beer in the pub, to celebrate. She’d been there every evening after work and this evening, as she appeared and took a seat, Bernie glanced over at her, didn’t even blink, and just got her a pint of cider and placed it in front of her. April was very pleased. She was a regular! “You look happy?” inquired Bernie, and he wiped down the bar, glancing around. There more people than usual, but it was still not exactly...
Eric left around 3am. April drifted off with a small smile on her face, after setting her phone alarm to get her up in time so she could shower, dress, and be in her little convertible and back up to the Pub ready to be picked up by Rachael for their weekend getaway. As it was, she barely made it. The traffic out of London was heavier than she imagined, and she got back to the pub just in time to dump her bags, grab a backpack she’d already stuffed with clothes, transfer her toiletries, hit...
April woke cold. She was shivering. She looked around, she was shivering because she was in a cold room, with one fluorescent strip light overheard, putting everything in stark black and white relief. She was dressed in just the camisole top she’d been wearing and her panties, and neither offered any warmth from the cold of the room. She was on a small bed, against one wall. There was a small toilet in the corner, and a sink, and that was it. The door didn’t even have a door handle on the...
The Adventures of American-man: Dreamworld By Paul G Jutras Chapter One: Doorway of Doom October 31, 3086, a historical team uncovered a weird chest with pictures carved all over the outside. Each was dressed in hiking boots, knee-high socks, too tight shorts, sleeveless shirts and pit helmets. As one of them broke open the chest a mist rose out and formed into a skull headed demon. Rays shot from it's eye socks, transforming the girls' skin to plastic. As they fell over, the...
South American Cock TormentAndy Douglas was eighteen even though he only looked much younger. Five seven, he had a nice balance of slim waist, good shoulders and a neat, tight butt. Plenty of sport and exercise in the open air had given him a great tan and a body with good muscular definition including a modest six-pack. The sun had also bleached his shock of naturally blonde hair. Coupled with pale blue eyes and a ready smile he looked good and attractive?and he knew it.He liked girls, but...
America hosts dozens of agents, who work secretly exclusively for me. Although all-American applicants think they are for porn.America's agencies are in all major cities, which house hot tasty teen or twen beautiful brides to be. We will mention all towns.Professor Poet-PETER erotic experiments interestingly include his agencies world wide. Together a dozen of dozens capitals.Professor Poet-PETER prayed his dear great granddaughter Princess Petra to go the other side of the 'big drink', to...
America hosts dozens of agents, who work secretly exclusively for me. Although all-American applicants think they are for porn.America's agencies are in all major cities, which house hot tasty teen or twen beautiful brides to be. We will mention all towns.Professor Poet-PETER erotic experiments interestingly include his agencies world wide. Together a dozen of dozens capitals.Professor Poet-PETER prayed his dear great granddaughter Princess Petra to go the other side of the 'big drink', to...
American-Man At War By Paul G. Jutras "1,2, 3, 4...." Christine said as she stood in gold three inch pumps and a backless evening gown with spaghetti straps. With the clicking of drumsticks the band prepared to join in. Soto began to played the guitar in his usual leather jacket, pants and boots and red tee shirt. Mark played the drums, Luke the keyboard in their yellow and red striped coveralls, and Starshine the tambourine in her purple blouse, leopard print mini skirt...
Ida Hoe was waiting nervously back stage as her arch rival, Holly Keyhole, performed on stage riding Hoss Bigg cowgirl style on a trampoline. She could hear the audience shouting in delight. The raucous cheers were almost deafening.Ida was horrified that Holly might give an unsurmountable performance. Ida barely trailed her for first place in this grand finale episode of Miss American Pornstar. Winning the title of the first Miss American Pornstar would not only make her the newest rage in the...
Group SexNew Job for American-Man By Paul G Jutras Since American-Man's appearance the crime rate in Federation city had dropped way down. Too bad the number band of gigs his rock band had were also way down. Needing the extra pay, it was in his American-Man form that he became a bag man at a Federation City super market. The job was easy and American-man changed his costume with the bluish green shirt, black slacks and sneakers of the market. When he eyed a shoplifter trying to head out...
Okay, here goes nothing. African-American guys like myself have a certain image in the eyes of the world. We’re thought of as tougher, meaner and more athletic than the average guy. Also, people seem to think we gravitate toward either athletic pursuits or criminal endeavors, and nothing in between. Neither is exactly true for most Black men living in the United States of America. Just to prove to you how untrue these stereotypes are, take me for example. My name is Arnold Thompson. And I’m a...
“We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, ‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.” ― J. Robert Oppenheimer It seems sort of strange looking back on the unfolding events of...
To begin, may I must make something perfectly clear. I’m virgin by my haughty cousin’s definition -- he says we may do it now because it is very assuered our families will marry us together -- but that doesn’t mean I have never made love. My story begins at St. Mary’s, an elite English-medium secondary school for girls. St. Mary’s has a Christian headmistress and several Christian faculty, but few of the students are of that faith. Christians know academics better than do mullahs and holy men....
The unlucky American. ? A reader of some of my other stories challenged me to write one about a terrified boy enslaved by a girl. This is the outcome of my efforts. ? Note: Tim’s private thoughts are marked by single inverted commas: ‘Shit’; direct speech by double: "Yes, Mistress". ? Part one. ? "I'm an American citizen, for chrissake. It's your fucking duty to defend me!" I shouted angrily at the embassy's legal secretary. ? "You are and I have". She looked calmly back. ? "But I was...
American Girl in Bangkok By Tiffany Parker The following story is a work of fiction and is copyright property of the author. Please don't repost it without permission. But most importantly, I hope you enjoy reading it. Chapter 1 Kaylee impatiently bided time while sitting in the middle seat in coach on the long trans-pacific flight. She was excited about her trip to Bangkok that would complete her journey and provide her the gender affirmation surgery she desperately...
Author's Note; This story is a dedication to Tom Petty. Song meaning to me are very subjective. I can take someone different out of song than someone else. I can even take something different out of a song depending on my mood. So with saying that this story is how I filled in the blanks of this great song. Debra Webster was an American girl who was raised on her mom and dad's promises.These promises were being able to be whatever she wanted to be in life, and their daughter would...
Alright, I can finally admit it to myself. I am a Muslim. I used to be one of those people who felt a strong dislike of Muslims, until I fell in love with one. It’s funny how these things happen, huh? My name is Solomon Kingsley Henderson, although many of my friends have taken to calling me ‘King Suleiman’ in recent times. It’s my Muslim name, though it’s not on my passport or anything. My wife Khadija Abdullah certainly likes it. She’s a lovely lady of Somali descent who saved my life back in...
Opportunities for foreign assignments with large, American owned companies can be very lucrative. In some cases, expatriates can earn up to three times their normal salary, while at the same time having housing and food provided for free. My wife and I recently got such an opportunity to go to Saudi Arabia for two years, and it came at a perfect time in our lives.My name is Alan, and my wife, Karen, and I were forty-two years old at the time. Our two kids were in college and living away from...
InterracialDO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18OR EASILY OFFENDED BY SEXUAL MATERIAL, BONDAGE, DISCIPLINE, FEMALE SUBMISSION OROTHER SEXUAL SITUATIONS. Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X. I came up with the othervillains. Please direct all comments andfeedback to [email protected]. Put Ms Americana or Story feedback insubject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete. MS AMERICANA: THE PALACE By Thom Gall Sugar...
American Ladyboy By Cassandra Morgan No matter where in the world you are, no matter languages are being spoken around you, calculus is boring, it seems they teach the subject so people will know how to torture spies. And so, half a globe away, Benjy Hawkins sat in his math class with his head resting on his arms, which were folded over his desk. The teacher droned on, his lilting accent punctuating his speech. The subject, and the speech, was more than Benjy could bear on a...
Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rat Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rather than by pool. That would be wrong?Daris is a creation of my own. Ms Americana belongs to Mr. X. I hope you like this ENTIRELY FICTIONAL STORY. [email protected] If you are a minor, you shouldn?t be reading this story since...
My name is Enrique and I am from Chihuahua Mexico. Since a c***d I never really liked girls, but I didn’t seem to like boys either. That was true until I first went to visit the USA. I fell in love when I met a white American boy. His beautiful blue eyes, his pretty smile, his perfect body, and his tall frame attracted me to him. I never met a man like that in my life. I was 18 and he was about 23 years old. I didn’t know much English so it was hard to talk to him. But he knew I wanted him. He...
American-Man Returns by Paul G Jutras The high desert winds kicked up as the hovering cruise ship sailed over the endless sands. Inside the ball room, Christine Jackmarr and her band rocked on with music from before World War Three. Once Christine was merely Chris Jackmarr. A normal teenage boy with dreams of being a rock star. Then one Halloween, a cosmic time loop resulted in the death of his old body and the reincarnation of his soul in his own relative of the year...
We were standing in line to order when one of the waitresses walked by. She turned completely around to look back at me. “There’s an empty table back there in the corner. I just cleaned it off, if you’d like to go back there before everyone recognizes you. I’ll be right back to take your orders,” she said and hurried away. “How did she know you?” Bonnie asked as we walked toward the table. “She probably thought I was someone else. I’ll find out when she comes to take our order,” I told her...
Shannon’s House, Arva, Ontario 4:26pm, Monday, December 24, 1979 “How was practice, guys?” Eda asked as Andrew, Wayne, Jon, Andy and I walked in the foyer of Shannon’s large farm house. “Oh! My! God! You wouldn’t believe the dunks these two guys were throwing down before we actually practiced,” Andy bellowed as he did a three-sixty spin jump with a two-handed pretend throw-down. “Yeah, Andrew did a nifty, between his legs to a reverse, two-handed jam, which was beyond incredible!” Wayne...
Introduction: Collin, a Business School Graduate, goes to Japan, hoping to find his dream job. What he finds instead, is a whole different life, based upon his dreams and nightmares, in a situation that he thought no longer existed in Japan. Tales of an American Geisha-Slave-Boi Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating...
Ms. Americana story this time. I?m still experimenting with different form of stories, plots etc, searching for the formula that fits me the most. If you have any thoughts, don?t be afraid to write at: [email protected]. Americana belongs to Mr. X Ms. Americana: A slut is born Ms. Americana almost finished her usual night patrol through the Delta City. She kicked some pimps and criminals, saved two innocent girls from rape and found a hideout of the famous bank robbers. It was fruitful...
I have a cool job that allows me to travel, see new places and meet people from all over the world. Each year in April, I get a visit from two Japanese businessmen, Raizo Kinjo and his younger b*****r, Hayato . They leave Japan and travel the world in search of merchandise to purchase for their f****y business. They are very small men and I tower over them like a giant. I am their protector when they are with me. The Kinjo b*****rs love American women. When they visit they expect me to provide...
I have a cool job that allows me to travel, see new places and meet people from all over the world. Each year in April, I get a visit from two Japanese businessmen, Raizo Kinjo and his younger brother, Hayato . They leave Japan and travel the world in search of merchandise to purchase for their family business. They are very small men and I tower over them like a giant. I am their protector when they are with me.The Kinjo brothers love American women. When they visit they expect me to provide...
The American Bride In the early days of Michaelmas Term, when the showers of summer have given way to the glorious, cool, sunny days of October, the Thames Valley takes on a mellow autumnal atmosphere. The grass is still green, the trees still in leaf. Roses still bloom before the cottages and families still walk along the towpaths, enjoying the fine weather. The days grow shorter. The farmers attend to the haying and harvests, and on especially clear days one can see for miles,...
Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. Thanks, and Enjoy. Chapter 1 I don’t know what his business is. The only time I asked him, we were riding in his limo, on the way to a Japanese opera, and he...
I was working in the tourist trade on the Island that I live on just off the south coast of the UK mainland and I was working hard this day in the Hotel Bar when I met these two American Ladies and the husband of one of them, well these where the first Americans I had met and they where so nice and easy to get on with, they where so friendly and I got to know them very well over the next week. Bill the man wanted to buy my tartan hat from me one night when he saw me getting ready to go home,...
An America Girl in Aden by Aurelius(The story takes place in Aden, a small British trading port in South Yemen, Arabia. The year is 1880.)As-salaam 'aleikum.wa 'aleiku-salaam. The visitors responded.Welcome, welcome. Please seat yourselves. Be at ease. You are honoured guests in my humble home.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carrstairs sat down nervously on a plush upholstered chaise, anxious not to cause offence to their host. This rich Yemenis home was the...
Caleb Douglas is the name and I’m a young African-American stud who’s having the time of his life. Seriously. Why is that? Well, let’ s see. I’m a full-scholarship student at Ripley College in Boston, Massachusetts. Ripley College was founded in the year 1950 by philanthropist and popular author Patricia Ripley and her husband, billionaire Thomas Highland Smith. They passed away ten years later but the Ripley & Smith Foundation has continued to look after the fledging college, providing...
There was a small family resturant down the street from the hotel we were staying at. A nice place, the main thing that stuck in my mind was all the blue tile on the walls and floor. A little while after we began our meal, I decided to go grab a smoke and draw, maybe wander around a little. I am what you would call a considerate smoker and chose to light up outside, being it was daylight my mother figured I couldn't get into too much trouble by wandering. I walked out to the...
September 1, 2007, I remember that day well. Michigan Wolverines fans wish they could forget that day. That was the day their football program took a huge hit. Since that day they haven't fully recovered. That was the day I hooked up with my first American. I was still reeling from Kira, and I was glad to get away for a couple days. I went with a few buddies down to Ann Arbor to watch that game. For me, I wanted to hit a game when the weather was still warm. We fully expected a blowout, and...
College SexMilena Dorin awakened from her slumber. She grabbed her iPhone and pressed the button to see the time. It was 6:14 a.m. She decided to get up and bathe. She walked into the master bathroom of her palatial two-bedroom, two-bath downtown condo. She pulled her douching apparatus from beneath the sink. She cleaned out her 40-inch ass. After completing that task, she hopped in the shower. The steamy, hot water felt good against her milky-white skin. She scrubbed her curvaceous figure with a purple...
Sold as an American Bride By Jena Corso Michael and James were having a great time at their business conference in Moscow. After three days they had begun to make the business contacts they felt they needed if they were going to succeed in opening the Russian branch for the firm. On our fourth night they were beginning to adjust to the time difference and enjoying dinner and a few cocktails when Michael received an unexpected phone call. As Michael hung up the phone he stared at...
Xavier watched Ameena flee when she saw him. Hecursed under his breath. He was never going to fuck her if shekept avoiding him. She'd been wearing a small bikini giving him aquick glance at an incredible body. When his prey was out ofsight, Xavier finally noticed her husband had been standingnearby. "Your wife have a problem with black men?"Norman Howard was leaning over an expensive looking digitalcamera on a tripod. He'd been trying to photograph his wife andlooked upset that he'd been...
Bye Bye Miss American Pie. Codes: M/F, Spanking, Romance.It was Friday night and the big city blues were in full swing. Amidst the swirl of alcohol and misty tobacco I was with a few of the (motley) crew from lower south side getting totally blitzed on cheap vodka and snakebites as we sat listening to the sound of rebellion coming from the Fat Larry jukebox.Call me Joe by the way. At last count I'm 25 going on 40. Looks wise I'm tall, dark but nothing special at all. Anyway, I looked better in...
Last winter, during a January marked by both voluntary and involuntary shutdowns of Washington, DC, I went to a large room at 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan to swear allegiance to a government that at the time was having trouble staying open for business. With about fifty other people from a broad swath around the globe, I walked in a citizen of another place and walked out an American. There were several Chinese people like myself in the group, but I was the only Canadian. We all came...
Disaster Averted The change to the new order of things had begun with Monica Bushnell. With the support of the ACLU and NOW, she sued, citing the double standard of men being able to be bare chested in public and women not having that right. The case, Bushnell vs Cuomo, had gone to the Supreme Court after reversals and appeals at lower court levels. In a seven to two decision, for which the Chief Justice wrote the majority opinion, the law of the land was interpreted to mean that women had the...
The old man's hand was trembling, as he shook another hand. It seemed that everyone wanted to thank him for his service, before they meandered away and ignored the shape his country was in. It was another Fourth of July, and the old man was grieving over what he saw in the news, and on the streets of his country. "Thank you for your service," another young man said, "and Happy Fourth of July," he continued as he reached for the old man's hand. "Celebrate it while you can," the old man...
I knew now, knew without the slightest doubt, what my subconscious had been trying to tell me. The Oasis aftermath. The Gunthers. Or the Meriwethers. Or maybe both. Almost certainly Gunner. I had been the instigator of the Gunthers’ downfall. Was probably the symbol. Hated symbol. And the Gunther collapse was tied directly to the arrests of David and Charles Meriwether. The Buckshot Video was similar to the FaceTime video I’d saved on my laptop. When Greta Gunther blew the head off one of...
Summer days can be hellish in New York City. The city is really nothing but a giant heat sink. But on this particular summer day, a cold front had moved through and cooled things off considerably. I'd been fortunate enough to wrap up my business meeting by noon, and with nothing on my calendar for the afternoon, the rest of the day was my own. I went home to my apartment and changed from my business suit into more casual attire. I put on blue slacks and a gray-and-white striped dress shirt,...
Note to Reader: The following tale is centred on the Al-Nablusi family, who are Palestinian-Americans, and it follows them on a journey through love, sex, spirituality, tradition versus modernity. The father Faris Al-Nablusi, whose family originate from Nablus in the West Bank but he was born in Haifa, is a professor of Cognitive and Neuroscience at Berkeley and has been granted tenure. His wife Samira Hamoudi, who is from Nazareth, and is a lecturer of comparative literature at Berkeley- they...
© Copyrighted 2004 by Powerone She was bound with her hands behind her back with heavy metal handcuffs. She complained that they put them on too tight, but they ignored her. Her bra was gone, her shorts unzipped and open, her pink panties showing. She was pushed along the corridor of cells, some of them open to the hallway, others just ominous large metal doors, the unknown behind them. She looked in some of the cells and was surprised at what she saw. There were other girls in them like...
Montana, back in the day RAPTOR SLAMMED THE DOOR BEHIND her and threw her school texts on the kitchen table. She kicked her backpack to the side of the room. “Fuck ‘em!” “Daughter! Silence!” Mother’s tone was unmistakable. “I’m sorry, Mother. It’s just...” “Just what, girl?” Raptor took a deep breath and let it out. And another. Sighed. “Mother, the kids at school. They hate me.” “Why?” Raptor was pretty sure her mother knew why but she answered anyway. “Because I’m Chinese.” “You...
|Tomako was watching TV when he arrived. She didn't bother moving from her sofa where she was spralled out watching a game show. What did she care if er stupid brother had an American exchange student coming to stay? it just meant even longer queues for the bathroom! "Come and say hello to Dan Tomoko!" her mother commanded firmly as the babble of voices from the hall disturbed her programme. She sighed and unwound her slim legs and gracefully got up. At 18 she was a startlingly attractive young...
First TimeAn excerpt from The Erotic Adventures of American Glory Book One “The Quest Begins” Prologue January 1942 Glory Mounds is a young American woman suddenly embroiled in World War II Europe. She is twenty-four years old, and absolutely stunning! Standing 5’9” tall, she is athletic, yet voluptuous at the same time. Her lush golden hair hangs to the middle of her back, and her brilliant blue eyes are mesmerizing. She’s large breasted, has a narrow waist, and has long, gorgeous legs. Matching her...