Puzzle Box Genie 2.0Chapter 1 free porn video

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I trudged through the snow, wind blasting into my face, biting at any exposed skin. Silently. I vowed not to leave my shopping until Christmas Eve next year. Last year I said the same thing. Come to think of it, the year before that as well.

I wasn’t the only one. Despite the freezing weather and late hour, the streets and stores were still busy. It was primarily worried-looking middle-aged men trying to buy for their wife’s or girlfriends. Judging by some items I saw them carrying around, there would be a lot of disappointed women tomorrow morning. I saw one man at the gift wrap counter in John Lewis with a toaster.

Practical as it may be, it didn’t exactly scream “thoughtful Christmas gift” He would have had better luck at the jewellery counter.

Thankfully, I had managed to buy most of what I needed. All I needed now was something for my difficulty to buy for older sister. Most of my family members are easy to buy for. I brought my mom a bottle of her favourite perfume with 25% off. For my twin younger sisters, a new Bluetooth speaker for their room and gift cards to their favourite clothing store. They had broken their old speaker with an overzealous high kick while practising a new cheer routine. Both girls are on the junior cheer squad at school and have been taking ballet lessons since they could walk.

My older sister, Lauren, was always difficult to buy for. Not that she was a diva or overly selective. Rather, she just changes her style, tastes and interests as often as the sun sets. She had arrived back from university two days ago in fishnet tights, a purple and black pleated mini skirt and a purposely torn and worn tee with some metal band logo across the chest. Topping off her look, she had purple highlights streaking through her naturally midnight black hair.

It was dyed blonde the last time I saw her, which was only three months ago, to fit with the “Preppy” style she was then trying. Now she had decided on some Goth type look which I could never pull off, but she managed it pretty well. How she hadn’t caught her death wearing so little in December, I don’t know.

On her last birthday, she was going through a gamer girl/geek stage, so I just bought her a few game tee shirts. Easy. But now I had to buy something sufficiently dark, possibly occult-ish during a time of year where everything is all sparkles and jolly.

Stepping into a side street gave me a temporary respite from the biting wind. Rubbing my frozen hands, I tried to decide on my next move before everything shut. Jewellery was always a safe bet, but my wage packet would only stretch so far. After turning 16 six months ago, I had got a part-time job at a retail store. The pay was enough to let me be a bit more generous with gifts this year. But. I still couldn’t afford to visit the glass-fronted high street jewellers.

Looking down the side street, I noticed a sign for a shop I had never seen before. It said, “Black Cat Curiosities “, “Oddities, Antiquities, & Occult”. Goths are into all the occult, black magic rubbish, right? Glancing at my watch. I decided it was my only option. There was maybe half an hour till I needed to head home and didn’t want to miss the last bus. I already couldn’t feel my toes.

Below the sign was a large glass display window showing various deity carvings and a few fliers offering palm and Tarot readings, and seance events. Things I have zero interest in. The faded black door swung open with a creak. The cast iron bell above the door chimed.

Inside, it was lit only by a mish-mash of candles placed sporadically around the room. Fearsome-looking shadows moved and shifted as the flames flickered. Despite the door chime, no shopkeeper stood behind the ancient-looking register. I moved toward the aisles on the right and started searching for some type of trinket or bauble that would appeal to my sister’s latest phase and without breaking the bank.

Shelves containing various carved statues, such as Buddhas, Fertility Goddesses, and crosses, sat across from shelves of Tarot cards and crystal balls. Rounding the corner, I noticed that various occult figurines and books took up most of the tiny store’s shelf space, with smaller oddities dotted around. Reaching the back of the store, I came across a wooden box about seven inches across. The front face was carved to depict the face of a woman with her eyes closed.

Even from the old carving, it was easy to see she was stunningly beautiful. The bottom was plain, and the top embossed with some sort of crest. Small pieces of gold leaf remained, but most had worn down to show the dark wood beneath. The remaining three sides were a complete mess. Each side was split into an eight-by-eight grid and had one panel missing from each.

I don’t know what exactly it was that drew me to it. It didn’t stand out against everything around it. It was actually one of the more modest pieces. But I felt compelled to pick it up.

“It’s a puzzle box,” a sensual voice purred.

I spun in shock at the sudden appearance of who I assumed to be the shopkeeper, and my breath caught in my throat. She was stunningly beautiful. Unbelievably so: Pale alabaster skin stood out in stark contrast to the dark shadows behind her. Pools of orange candlelight reflected off her skin, making it look like she was glowing. Tresses of raven black hair cascaded down her back in a glossy obsidian waterfall. Her eyes were a strange piercing violet colour; lips red and invitingly full. The dress she wore was black with a plunging V-neck ending just below the bottom of two of the largest breasts I had ever seen.

The same alabaster white as the rest of her; they were massive yet perfect on her frame, standing high and firm on her chest with no help. The slight bounce caused by the rise and fall of her chest proved they were natural. The design of the dress left the inner portions of her creamy breasts in full view. A slit starting at the hip and running the full length of the skirt displayed a long, smooth, toned leg. Slowly coming back to myself, I realised she had been talking and was waiting for an answer.

“I’m sorry, what?” I said oh so eloquently.

Mom had taught me better than to stare at a woman’s body. Somehow. I maintained eye contact. Perhaps it was her strange purple eyes that trapped my green ones in their gaze. Her ruby red lips twitched as she gave a slight smile. She knew where my attention had been, albeit briefly.

“I said, it’s a puzzle box. It is said to contain a powerful being that will grant wishes to any person able to complete all three sides of the puzzle.”

Released from her gaze, I gathered myself and remembered my original purpose: finding my sister a gift.

“Do you have any jewellery for sale? It’s a Christmas gift for my sister. She’s really into this sort of stuff,” I said as I waved my hands to encompass the entire shop still with the box in my hand.

She stared at me for a moment before turning and walking towards the counter. Moving with a sensual sway to her hips, she had enough grace and poise to put any catwalk model to shame. Just as stunning from the back., the black dress was backless, revealing a smooth expanse of skin that begged me to reach out and touch it.

Her ass, perfectly shaped and framed by the dress, could cause traffic accidents. The tight black material showed no lines to suggest she was wearing underwear, and the thought made me weak at the knees. The spell over me broke as her ass disappeared behind the counter, and I quickly raised my gaze, hoping she hadn’t noticed.

Moving to the countertop, I placed the puzzle box next to a long, thin box the woman had retrieved from somewhere while I was busy worshipping her butt. She lifted the lid to reveal an eye-catching necklace. A delicate silver chain held a black spherical jewel, the inside of which seemed to swirl as if a black hole was in the centre. It was perfect.

“How much, Miss...?” I let the sentence hang, hoping for a name.

“Esmeralda Smoke. But call me Esme.”

“£100 for the necklace” Even business-like, her voice sounded seductive.

“And for the box ... a kiss,” she finished.

“Pardon?” I asked. Surely, I had misheard her.

“£100 for the necklace and a kiss for the box.”

I just stood there, the gears in my head slowly processing what I was hearing. Taking my silence as an invitation, Esme leaned over the counter toward me, and my eyes dropped to her cleavage, which was now even more outrageous, being pressed together by her arms. I could fall forward into those perfect tits, suffocate, and die happy with the knowledge I had experienced perfection before I died.

A shock ran through my body, and my cock instantly grew hard as a slender finger touched my chin and lifted my head to bring Esme’s face just inches from mine. Her violet eyes grew brighter the closer she got. Her lips feathered along my jaw bone before she gently nipped my ear lobe.

“Do we have a deal?” she whispered into my ear.

My heart pounded, my head swam, and my erection throbbed.

“Yes,” I replied in a hoarse voice, my lips nearly touching her ear. I breathed her in. Her hair smelled of lilies.

She pulled back until her face was just millimetres from mine. She stared into my eyes, looking at the very essence of my being. It felt surreal, as if she were looking past the physical and seeing my soul. Taking her finger from my chin, she gently stroked down the side of my face, her soft fingertips sending shocks of pleasure with every touch. Her hand slid to the back of my head and softly gripped my shaggy, black hair. She pulled me that last short distance toward her, and our lips touched.

My entire body tensed. Every nerve exploded with pleasure. My vision blurred, my head swam, I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. As her tongue slipped past my lips, I came. My head fell back, supported only by her hand, my mouth dropped open, and I felt as if something was tugging deep inside me. It was the only thing I was aware of beyond the pleasure burning through my body.

Esme drew back, a look of pure ecstasy on her face as motes of white light floated from my mouth into hers. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was her shutting her lips, cutting off the stream of light. Her skin glowed brightly, and her very being seemed to hum with satisfaction. She released the hold on the back of my head, and I fell back unconsciously to the shop floor.

As I came back to the world, the first thing I was aware of was the ache. Every muscle in my body hurt as if I had just run a marathon while holding weights above my head. I could feel dry cum in my pants, feeling embarrassed by the situation. The images of Esme’s face in front of mine swam to the front of my mind.

“What the fuck?” I groaned as I pushed myself up.

I remembered the puzzle box, the necklace, and the kiss. The pure ecstasy it elicited and then the weird tugging sensation and motes of light leaving me and entering her. After a moment, I pulled myself up, my muscles protesting every movement.

I leaned against the countertop and looked around. The shop was empty. I called out but got no reply. Mysteriously, the shopkeeper had vanished. Looking back to the countertop, I saw the necklace box gift now neatly wrapped and, next to it, the wooden puzzle box. A folded note on top read;

“The necklace is on the house; the kiss was worth it.” She’d signed it ES x.

Tucking the note into my pocket, I looked around once more, still seeing no sign of the beautiful woman. I dropped the necklace box, the note, and the puzzle box into my bag and left. I hurried, as best my aching muscles would allow, out of the shop. When I finally pushed the door to my house open, it was 6:35. My fingers and toes felt frozen, my hair was wet, and I was home over an hour late.

“Hafthor Henry James, where the hell have you been?”

Oh shit! You know it’s bad when Mom uses your full name. No one ever calls me Hafthor. Most of the time, it was always just Thor.

When she was angry like this, her native accent came through, and it was as if she were a Valkyrie coming to claim your soul. I was well behaved most of the time, but I knew from experience that voice could spell doom if mishandled.

I groaned as the tall, statuesque blonde woman, my mom, entered the hallway. At 37, my mother still had her good looks. Her Nordic parentage had granted her high cheekbones, long blond hair and smooth pale skin—a natural Nordic beauty who could readily appear to be nearer to 30-years-old.

My mother was 16 when she met my 19-year-old father. He was studying in the Netherlands for the summer. They had a short summer fling, then both went their separate ways. Seven months later, a heavily pregnant 16-year-old turned up on my father’s doorstep. My grandmother quickly brought the young woman into her home and made her part of the family.

Family lore is that while my grandmother hid her laughter, my grandfather was furious with my father for being so stupid. He forced them to get married before the child was born, and as soon as my father could afford a small flat, kicked them both out.

After about a year, he relented, and the family tried to build some bridges. My father and Eira, my mother, fell in love in the last few months of the pregnancy and were very happy together. It delighted my grandmother to have more contact with her daughter-in-law and new granddaughter. It was one big, happy family. Relations between my father and grandfather grew stronger as they worked together to build the business my great-grandfather founded.

Fourteen years ago, a traffic collision with a drunk driver killed both my father and grandfather. I was only two, so all I knew was what I’ve been told. Two days after the funeral, Mom found out she was pregnant with the twins. Gran helped her a lot. I think it was as much for her as it was for my mom. She had married my grandfather young, and I don’t think she knew how to be alone. Sadly, just two years ago, my gran also died, another tragic loss.

Thanks to the business sale that neither Gran nor Mom could run, and three life insurance policies, mom’s bank balance was nicely into seven figures. That didn’t mean she was indulging in an extravagant lifestyle. Mom was careful about spending her money. She had balanced the books for the business.

The most significant expenditure so far has been to pay off the mortgage on our house. Other than that, we lived reasonably simply. Other than monitoring her investments, Mom didn’t have an actual job; keeping the twins entertained took up most of her time.

Mum was usually merciful, but she seemed anything but as her icy blue eyes bored into mine. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, waiting for an answer.

“I’m sorry, Mum. I missed the last bus, so I had to walk home, and with all this shopping and the snow, it took ages.”

“That’s no excuse. You shouldn’t have left your present buying till the last minute again.”

“I know, Mum, I’m sorry.” If I said “sorry” enough, she might let me off. It is Christmas, after all the time of forgiveness.

My mother’s eyes continued to stare into mine for a moment or two. I loved her dearly, but she had that stare that bore into you. She could be so gentle one moment and so formidable the next.

“Fine,” she said with an exasperated huff. “Get changed and dry off. Your dinner is in the kitchen going cold.”

Feeling somewhat relieved to be leaving her presence, I rushed upstairs before she could change her mind.

Walking home and the weird kiss from Esme left me exhausted. All I wanted to do was warm up, have some food, then go to bed. However, before I could reach my bedroom, two evil monsters attacked me. Working as a team, one wrapped around my legs, immobilising me. The other jumped at my torso, forcing me to the ground. Before I could grasp what was happening, they took my Christmas shopping bags from me, and the two tiny attackers vanished into their room.

I really cannot be arsed with this shit.

Getting up, I stormed into the twins’ room to find them staring in disappointment at the contents of the bag.

“You already wrapped them,” one said in disappointment.

“That’s not fair,” pouted the other.

“That’s right, munchkins. I got them wrapped in-store, so no presents till tomorrow,” I grinned as I had rightly expected their actions.

It was an unwritten rule in our house that any unwrapped presents were fair game and could be claimed at any time. But, as soon as we wrapped them, it was strictly hands-off. I’m not sure how the tradition started, but we respected it through fear of losing the aforementioned presents. I snatched up the gifts and turned to leave.

“But we need to know,” one said.

“I’m gonna die if I don’t know what you got me,” the other chimed in. I turned to see the twins giving me their best puppy-dog eyes. Even though I was not in the mood, I nearly broke.

Elsa and Elsie were 14-years-old and took after my mother. High cheekbones, fair skin, big eyes and, unlike my older sister and myself, long blond hair. They are identical in every way apart from their eyes. Elsa had inherited my mother’s piercing ice-blue eyes, while Elsie had my father’s strong green eyes. With their big eyes and pure colourings, they had the puppy-dog look down.

They were undeniably, absolutely, frustratingly cute. They were both tiny, however, at just 4’4”. It was already clear they would inherit my mother’s slim figure if not her height; their small bodies already supported a pair of well-formed and firm B-cups. Who knew how much more they would fill out; they still had a few years of growth. Their hips, while not yet womanly, were no longer narrow but curvy enough to hint teasingly at what was about to develop.

My older sister, Lauren, stepped out of her room to see what the commotion was. She was all feminine curves and like me took after our father. At 20, she was unlikely to exceed her current 5’4” and we shared the same dark hair and green eyes. Although she rarely actually had her hair its natural colour usually dying it to fit whichever style she was trying.

My exhaustion was the only reason I could break away from their devastating gaze. I quickly made my way to my room and shut the door behind me. Stowing the presents under the bed, I threw my clothes, including my cum caked boxers, into the wash basket and fell into bed. Food could wait for an hour or two. I needed a power nap.

I dreamed of Esme and the kiss, a loop that kept replaying. The occasional image of my three sisters and my mother occasionally swam into view. The puzzle box made a few guest appearances as well. I lost count of how many times I re-experienced that kiss, but when Esme’s face morphed into my sister Lauren’s face, the dream took an unexpected turn.

The edges of my dream vision got darker the closer Lauren’s lip got to mine. I tried to urge my body to react, but I wasn’t in control. Lauren’s lips crept closer to mine. Her small hand was on the back of my head just as Esme’s had been. Her green eyes were just as captivating as Esme’s violet ones had been. What was it with women’s eyes recently?

Lauren’s purple lipstick painted lips were mere millimetres from mine. As our lips touched, I felt the same explosive force of ecstasy and passion I had felt from Esme, and I shot up in bed, suddenly awake.

My covers had fallen to the floor, my cock had pushed its way through the gap in the front of my boxers. All eight inches of my cock pointed straight up as hard as it had ever been. Larger than most, my length and girth had always been a point of pride. Unfortunately, it had yet to experience the pleasure of a woman’s pussy.

I was breathing rapidly, chest heaving with a slight sheen of sweat covering it. I sat on the edge of the bed, cock in hand. With little conscious thought, I slowly stroked from tip to base. I already felt close to cumming; the dream had me massively aroused. A rumble and cramps from my stomach interrupted my self-indulgent pleasure. When was the last time I ate? I glanced at the clock: 3:24 AM. It had been nearly 14 hours since I had last eaten! I was still a growing lad and hardly ever went more than a few hours without eating.

With a bit of a struggle, I tucked my cock back into my shorts with the head pushing up past my waistband. Grabbing my dressing gown off the back of the door, I went in search of food. Finding a plate of meatballs in the fridge, I coated them with a generous helping of sauce before blasting it in the microwave to heat it up. While the meatballs were being zapped, I drank from a litre bottle of OJ while meditating over the strange dream.

Most of the dreams I could justify. Esme and the kiss were easy. I’m a 16-year-old guy. Basically, a bag of hormones on legs. Most women got my motor running. To dream of them was a regular occurrence.

It made sense that a woman as stunningly sensual and beautiful as Esme would have an impact. She seemed to suck away part of my soul before making me cum and then blackout. The experience permanently imprinted on my mind. The same goes for the puzzle box and necklace. They were all part of the Esme experience, so it seemed logical to mix those images.

I could pass off the images of the twins and Mom because I had interacted with them minutes before going to sleep. That just left me to account for Lauren. Like mom and the twins, I had seen her just before bed. But the way she featured so prominently in the dream and in such a passionate way made little sense. Admittedly, I have had a few erotic dreams starring my sister. She was a beautiful woman. Usually, however, I tried to avoid thinking of family members when masturbating.

I tried, but didn’t always succeed. Recently, I failed more than not.

Lauren had had the same green eyes and brown hair as me, traits inherited from our father. Slim like our mother, she was blessed with a perfect set of D-cup breasts that looked huge on her slender frame. A tight rounded ass atop toned legs finished a pretty damn fine package. She was a 10 out of 10. Plus, the alt/goth type look she was working on now added a sort of sexy, rebellious charm.

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Breakfast was the first thing on my mind. The energy I received from Lauren did little to curb my appetite. It increased it. I’ve been eating more and more recently, and my body has been growing more muscular and defined by the day. My body needed the extra nutrients to sustain my growth. I made myself some cereal, and Amara stuck to coffee. She said she had already eaten, eying my crotch and licking her lips seductively. My cock twitched at the idea of a second serving. However, my hunger...

2 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 10

Amara pulled Laura inside and took her into her arms, comforting her. “I quit my job and went home expecting my ex to be long gone,” she sniffed and shook, clearly holding back tears. “He wasn’t. We argued, both shouting and getting mad. I told him to get out, he punched me and...” she broke down at this point. I pushed the anger down long enough to glean the rest of the story from Laura’s mind. It only took a moment. The bastard beat her, then raped her. I lost the battle to hold back...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 12

I was alone in bed when I woke a few hours later. The bed had clean sheets, which I presumed was Amara’s doing. Being alone disappointed me and not for the base reasons you might think. I mean, don’t get me wrong, waking up with your little sister’s lips around your cock is incredible. With Amara, however, it was more than that. I would be happy to wake up with her in my arms every day, just to have that skin to skin human contact with another person who loves you wholeheartedly is something...

4 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 31

“You’re going to love the rooms I got us,” I told Lauren as she marvelled at the fact we had a private elevator. “This is crazy,” she said quietly as we sped upwards. “Seems like a day for crazy things, doesn’t it?” I asked. “That’s an understatement.” As the elevator ascended, I wondered about Maria, Lauren’s roommate. How would she and Lauren adjust to their sudden separation? Both Lauren’s and Maria’s bubbles had said they were single, so I guess theirs was a relationship of...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 42

When I woke up just a couple of hours later, I still had one of my sexy little sisters sleeping atop me with my cock firmly lodged inside her womb. This was definitely one of the best ways to wake up every morning. With my morning wood surrounded by a wonderfully tight, warm, young pussy. It wasn’t just my cock that was enjoying my little sister’s presence. I loved feeling the slight weight of her soft, warm body laying atop mine. The silky smoothness of her toned legs entangled with mine,...

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Genie in a Box

Jean groggily wakes up from her nap with a splitting headache. She hasn't had a headache this bad since the 1800's, when a drunken wizard sealed her in a bottle of brandy. Fun time while in there, but always filled her with an immediate hangover when released from the bottle, which is a terrible Pavlovian reaction towards her opinion of humans asking for wishes. Entitled bastards... Jean then blinks the tears from the headache from her eyes and sits up to find out what all that noise is, and...

Mind Control
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 37

The house where Ruby lived with her father was a fairly modern one they had moved into just a few years ago. It was in a fairly well off area of town that had seen a lot of renovations and complete rebuilds in the last decade or so. I had only met Ruby’s father in passing, either when he was picking up Ruby from our house, or dropping the twins off after being over at Ruby’s place. He was a pretty unremarkable man, being of a medium build, albeit with a few extra kilograms around the middle,...

3 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 43

The stadium neighbouring my school was quite impressive, and much larger than a town of this size warranted. Ten-thousand seat capacity, concessions, commentary box, VAR, and a broadcast booth. It was even laid out for track and field events, and most perhaps most importantly, considering how rainy the UK is, a retractable roof. While Wood Green Secondary was better funded than most public schools, a multi-million-pound stadium was far out of the budget. Generous donors, grants, and...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 41

With my hands in theirs, the twins impatiently dragged me to the master suite, eager for their night of debauchery. Before the door had fully shut behind us, they guided me towards an armchair that had been placed at the foot of the bed. With soft kisses and lingering caresses, they quickly stripped me out of my clothes, lust and excitement burning in their eyes. After giving my raging erection a few light, teasing strokes, they pushed me down into the chair, then stepped away. When the...

4 years ago
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Jeanie The Genie

Jeanie the GenieCopyright Oggbashan August 2015Edited September 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The information about genies is fictitious. Don’t try any of the information on your neighbourhood genie. September edit is to correct a minor plot...

1 year ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 11

I was roused from sleep while it was still dark outside. I don’t remember when Amara and I had come apart, but I felt more energised than ever. Sexual energy may be a poor substitute for a hearty meal when hungry, but it seemed to reduce my need for sleep considerably. I was wondering what had woken me when I heard a rattling sound, followed by a few distinct thumps and some unintelligible speech. Usually, I don’t think I would have heard it, but I had discovered recently that it wasn’t only...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 17

I gave my name, and he checked the list. “Ah, of course, Mr James. Please accept my deepest apologies for the disgruntled customer you had the misfortune of meeting. Please follow me to your table.” As we moved through the busy restaurant, I could see and sense the stares of the men, usually quickly followed by the jealous stares of their significant others. Even with all the costly jewellery and designer dresses adorning various lovely women in the room, my mother was easily the most...

1 year ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 18

When I awoke just a few hours later, the morning light had yet to break over the horizon and banish the heavy winter fog. I was cuddled close against Amara, her back to my front. I had my right arm over her, my hand gently cupping a breast. Her arm was laid over mine, her hand holding mine against her firm tit. I gave it a soft squeeze, drawing from her a happy “hmmm” sound. She wiggled her ass back against me while using her hand on mine to squeeze her breast a little harder before her...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 23

I held Lacey close as we floated on our shared orgasm. I enjoyed the rush of orgasmic energy, while a cum drunk Lacey lay limply in my arms. My cock remained hard inside her, acting as a plug, keeping my cum inside her. She would need all of it if she wanted to receive the full range of benefits my cum could provide, and feel no worse for wear after the punishment I had inflicted upon her tight, teenage pussy. Thinking about it made me wonder about the effects of my cum, and more...

4 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 27

Wood Green Secondary school was not your average British school. It had been highly Americanised. About a decade ago, you could have described it as very ‘middle of the road.’ Not the worst school in the country, but not the best either; just average. Then, at some point about fifteen years ago, wealthy people started to move into the area to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. With this influx of wealthy residents, came a demand for the kinds of things rich folk enjoy having in their...

2 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 28

With a bit of help from Amara, the rest of my class and I got dressed, cleaned up all the puddles of cum everywhere, cleared up the smell of sex, and fixed any messed-up hair just in time for the end of the period bell. After some quick deliberation with Amara, I decided that the best way to proceed was to have my classmates remember this period only as an unexpected, but enjoyable, dream, one to be remembered but never spoken of. I left a few suggestions to fill in the gaps with vague or...

1 year ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 39

Before I could delve into Ellie’s mind, I needed to find her. I had gotten lucky with Cathy, spotting her in the hallway on the way to class, and with Maya, I just had to go to my normal class that she shared with Amara and I. No such luck with the petite fourteen-year-old redhead though. Maybe I could ask my sisters, who were in the same year and likely shared some classes, but for the most part I had no idea where to begin. With Amara, Lacey, and the twins, I could tell exactly where in...

3 years ago
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The Genie of the Lamp

The Genie of the Lamp By Janet Harris, copyright 24/9/99 Now I know it sounds very corny, but when I saw the tarnished old Arabic oil-lamp in an antique shop, I just had to buy it in case it was Aladdin's. Don't worry, I told myself how silly I was being. I'm not really a superstitious man at all, quite a cynic of things spiritual on the whole, but perhaps it was my self-denied belief that such magic does exist which caused it to actually happen. I remember that I carefully avoided...

2 years ago
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Genie Wishes

Genie Wishes By Morpheus Peter was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in high school. We were both 24, but he was 6 foot even, nearly two inches taller than me and somewhat more athletic. He was also the more outgoing of the two of us and something of a ladies man. At least he never seemed to have a problem finding a girlfriend, just keeping them. As for me, I was Larry Collins, 5 foot 10, average build and with a mop of dark blonde hair on top of my head. There's...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 031

Harry looked around the bed at the chaos on it. His duvet (Not a problem, since his room was always at a magically perfect temperature) and bedsheet, along with both pillows, were on the bedroom floor, having been lost in a fit of pleasure. The mattress itself had been dislodged from the intense acts of passion that had taken place on it. Harry watched the 6 girls sleep, all worn out from having had their way with Harry the previous night. Their bodies, as well as large portions of the...

3 years ago
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The Genie

THE GENIE By Katharine Sexkitten It was my parents' fiftieth wedding celebration. They'd decided to take all their kids, and grandkids, and some nieces and nephews and cousins on a trip. We all piled into an airplane and flew to Mexico. A beach- side resort. There was twenty-three of us. We all got along pretty well, actually. So that part of the trip was cool. But I was by myself. Divorced, with nothing on the go, and nothing since my divorce, which was almost ten years...

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Genie and the Lamp Gay

The best part of living near the beach was being able to go down any time and look at the eye candy of the beautiful men hanging out in just swim trunks. Today I was just walking along. As always, there were some great looking men, and I could get to them and let my fantasies go wild. Unfortunately, it stopped at fantasies. I wasn't bad looking, but I was a bit shy, so I didn't approach any to have a "beach encounter" that I could remember for the rest of my life.Enjoying the walk, I kept on...

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SRU The Sex Genie

Disclaimer: Adult content and sexual in nature. If you are not at least eighteen years of age, please do not read this story. Author's Note: This is the fifth Spells R Us story that I have written. If you would like to read more of my stories, you may contact me at [email protected] and I can provide you a site which hosts my other stories or provide you a link to my own site. This is a 'jdw' proofread. Spells R Us: The Sex Genie by JR Parz I. Tony Rodgers was so...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 081

“What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now! Kill us, or worse, and destroy everything we’ve worked for!” “Not quite sir, before they could manage it I released another genie and re-instated all our protections.” “Well...

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I was on holiday in Morocco, not in one of the touristy areas like Marrakech but being a bit more adventurous. Currently I was pottering around a village souk way out in the mountains. In hindsight it was probably overly adventurous because there were a couple of guys bothering me a bit. To get rid of them I ducked into what in England would be a junk shop selling all kinds of stuff a bit tatty and dusty. I have spotted that at the counter was a woman and I hoped she would help. Once inside the...

3 years ago
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Stuck With A Genie Or Two

Andy cursed as he rummaged through the old storage unit. It was full of dust, droppings of animals, and who knows what else. "Couldn't your old man auction this lot or something?" he asked his best friend. "This ain't storage wars," Kyle shouted back from behind some boxes. "We are in bumfuck nowhere. Good luck finding bidders out here." Of course, Andy knew he was right. Sighing he did get back to work and started sifting through the boxes. There was his Sunday going down the drain,...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 021

“This is so much fun, don’t you agree, Dan?” Charlie said as they walked through the city. “Loads of fun,” Daniel said. “Oh come on, don’t be like that. Why don’t we go and get you something?” “I’ve got plenty of clothes already.” “So do I, but you can always get more. Now come on, let’s go and check out the market.” Late that afternoon they took the bus back, and parted ways, Charlie carrying her plethora of bags with her, after being unable to convince Daniel to come and carry them for...

4 years ago
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My Brothers Genie Chapter 04

“Charlie?” “Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?” Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry’s room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. “Yesterday? But it was like midday?” “You slept all day and night. You were exhausted.” “I’m not surprised. What the fuck did you do to me?” “I made you shoot half a litre of jizz. You passed out after that, so the girls just made love to each-other while you slept.” “Oh my God…Where are the girls, anyway?” “I sent them home to get...

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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 02

Chapter Two: Step One: Never Trust Another Genie! To say that the old apartment building was dilapidated would have been diplomatic. It had to be a serious fire hazard, with the roof sagging like that, and most of the paint coming off in dangling strips. But it was the correct address, he was positive of that. There was only one Georgia Street in town and this was it. Well, I wanted to know where she lived, Avery thought, as he made his way up the creaking steps and onto the apartment’s front...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 8

In a medium-sized but well-furnished house, an old man was sat on an armchair, sipping at a glass of wine. His laptop began to ring for a Skype call, and he answered it. “What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now!...

1 year ago
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My Life As A Genie

Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I've come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Genie Jessica

(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 3

Harry awoke the next morning with a smile on his face. Of course, this wasn’t a particularly unusual occurrence. Since finding Sarosa’s lamp 7 months ago, his life had been perfect. His every desire had been granted to him by this magical girl, who desired only to please him. Someone up there must like him, he figured. Harry looked around the bed at the chaos on it. His duvet (Not a problem, since his room was always at a magically perfect temperature) and bedsheet, along with both pillows,...

3 years ago
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************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan May 2003/October 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Reginald was a nerd, a geek, a wimp. He was the man who had sand kicked in his face, who...

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Genies Wish

Genie had been serving his master Aladdin for some time now.Sure he thought of Aladdin as a friend, but as a genie he was never able to make his own fantasies come true. Always having to grant wishesto make other people happy.Aladdin said he would be setting him free and once he did, Genie was going to make his own come true.It took a long time, Genie had to go through all kinds of bullshit because of Jafar wanting more power. But finally Aladdin made his last wish and set him free.Now that he...

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The Genie And Adolph Hitler

The opening of Chapter 1 was originally written by Oren the Otter for a contest a couple of years back - which I humbly acknowledge winning - (I was the only entry so obviously no one felt they could top my story in the contest. :) It was rewritten late in the last millennium. The Genie And Adolph Hitler By Caleb Jones CHAPTER 1 Adolph didn't know what to expect when he opened the box, but this wasn't it. What hovered before him was a wisp of smoke from the waist down. From...

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The Sex Genie Taboo Story

I've always told my mother that she works too much.She's a full-time attorney by day, and she somehow finds the time to teach a few evening classes per week at the law school which I attend.As a result, her love life had really suffered. Her workaholic behavior came as a result of the divorce several years ago. Overworking was her way of coping and moving on, and it left her in a cycle of being lonely and longing for the perfect man in her life.The Sex GenieIt was late in the afternoon and I...

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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 06

Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he’d imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he’d hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the sex he’d have. To some extent, that had come true, since he very much doubted he’d ever have had an orgy with an entire girls’ PE class without magical help. He’d probably not have gotten a girlfriend for a while either, and he was happy to have Sophie. He’d always...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 06

“Are you alright, Master?” Asked Alexis as she walked back into her Master’s bedroom. “Yes, I’m fine,” replied Leonardo. “My soul is cleansed. At least I hope so.” “I still don’t understand why you insisted on getting that priest in anyway.” “Alexis, nearly five decades with you would be enough to test anyone’s faith. But even you cannot determine or even know what lies beyond this life. Think of it as attempting to cover my bases.” “Master, I do not know if there is any sort of...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 11

“Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me or do humans get less intelligent as time goes by?” Alexis...

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