CindyChapter 20 free porn video

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And Monday morning came. I wasn't one to hate or dread Mondays, but I dearly despised going away and leaving Cindy to catch her bus. I went through the day almost on autopilot myself. Fortunately for the project, nothing came up that required a lot of attention. Nah, I can't say that. I shift gears pretty fast in the face of real problems. I was happy none showed up on Monday. As I drove out the gate I speed-dialed Cindy on my phone.

"Hey, sweetie," she answered. "You on the way home?"

"You betcha, I am on the way home, and it has been the longest day of work I can remember." A five-day holiday with Cindy had altered my thinking drastically.

I stopped by the front office to check the mail. No Helen. She was off in Europe with her new husband. Steve was in the office and he handed me my mail. I thanked him, commented on the number of visitors in the park, and then headed to my own trailer.

Cindy heard the truck and met me as I was climbing out. When I shut the door, I turned to find myself in her arms, her red hair shining in the light of dusk. We kissed.

She giggled, the tip of her tongue sticking out. "I really LIKE this! We can kiss in public, babe!"

"Yes we can, babe," I said. And I kissed her again. "Load up! We're gonna go to Aunt Sally's Kitchen."

She was grinning as she got into the truck. The center console was in its stowed position and Cindy's beautiful little butt was buckled beside me. "I kind of thought that's what we'd do today after all the food this weekend," she laughed.

"So how was getting back to school?" I asked.

She smiled. "Mr. Hardesty let the cat out of the bag about his plan. I got some strange looks from some of my teachers. It was cool!"

"Do any of your classmates know?"

"Oh, not yet, but it'll get around, I'm sure."

I sighed. "Then it will get interesting, I'm sure."

Her face clouded slightly. "Uh-huh. I'm not sure how that's going to look. There are a few that already treat me different because I make straight A's and help the teachers out in class."

"Anything bad?"

"Oh, no," she said. "A couple of athletes are still playing because I helped them pass math class. With those guys as friends, I don't have to worry about bullying at school."

"Any of them put the moves on you?" This was a larger concern to me.

Smiles. "Yeah, babe, a few guys have paid attention to me. But I was telling them that I HAD a boyfriend. Today I got a few questions about my ring."


"I told people the truth. I'm married. Period."

"Teachers too?"

"Teachers too."

The phone rang. I flipped it open. Caller ID said Jim Hardesty. "Hey, Jim," I said.

"Hey, Dan. I heard some news today. I'm kind of startled."

I took a deep breath. I liked Jim and his family. They were good people. But this might be a bit much. "About a certain red-headed prodigy (his words) wearing a wedding band?"

"Yes. Exactly. What about it, Dan?"

"It's true, Jim. Judge Charley Peebles married us last week. Underage waiver and everything. It's legal."

"Wow, Dan," he said. "That's a hard thing to get my mind around."

"Jim," I said, "I value you as a friend. If you want me to explain it, you're my friend and you get an explanation. I think I owe you that."

"Dan," he said. "I dunno. She's one of my STUDENTS!"

"I understand, Jim," I said. "Before this summer I'd have had the same questions. Heck, right NOW I'd have the same questions. But YOU know that Cindy's a special case."

"Yeah," he sighed. "I know she's a special case. But ... marrying her?"

"All I can say is that we sort of rescued each other."

"But ... Married?"

"Jim. It's just that way. I mean, we're MARRIED. As opposed to sneaking around, or "do 'em an' drop 'em" or anything exploitive. I am an honorable man. And at fourteen, she is a unique and very honorable young lady. Who is now my wife."

There was a pregnant silence, then Dan spoke. "When you look at it that way, Dan..."

"Jim, look, I am very happy to call you my friend. You and Ann both. But have you ever seen me without Cindy?"

"Now that I think of it, no."

"It's still that way. Except we're married. And I ... we still want to call you and Ann our friends."

My truck was parked in the restaurant parking lot by now. Cindy was gazing at me, listening to my side of the conversation and what she could catch of Jim's.

"Have you told Ann?" I asked.

"Yes I did. And she's the one who told me to call you," he said.

"How'd Ann take it?"

"Apparently she took it better'n me. Said you were a nice guy and Cindy was a sweet and unusual young lady, and that stranger things have happened than this. And get over it."

"So are you getting over it?"

"But you married ... a fourteen year old..."

"I would have married this person had she been fifty, too. What a startling person she is."

"Startling. That's an interesting adjective." He sighed. "Okay, Dan. I may wake up in a cold sweat later, but I understand. I think."

"Still friends?"

"Friends. So ya'll need to come over and visit, okay?"

"We'll be happy to. Soon."

"Okay, Dan. Forgive me for questioning your intentions, okay?"

"No, Jim," I said. "Nothing to forgive, there. You take your job seriously. I appreciate you caring about Cindy, in and out of school."

"Dan, that's just me an' you. We both take our jobs seriously. Talk to you later, okay?"

Cindy held her hand out for my phone.

"Uh, Jim, Cindy wants the phone."

"Let 'er talk to me," he said.

"Hi, Mister Jim," she said. "I guess you heard the news, huh?"

"Yes, Cindy, I did. It surprised me."

Cindy sighed, "I'm sorry. Dan and I wanted to tell you personally (a little white lie) but things just didn't line up for that. I really like you and Mizz Ann."

"Cindy," he said. "It was a shock and I guess I took it wrong. I'm a teacher ... well, a guidance counselor, and you're one of my kids. How my kids are treated is important to me. I didn't want you hurt."

"I understand, Mister Jim," she said. "But Dan's a good man, and if it wasn't for him and Mizz Helen, my life would be bad. And you, too, Mister Jim."

"I understand, Cindy," he said. "Everything is okay with us now. I'm happy for your good news. Ya'll need to get over for dinner soon, okay?"

"Okay!" she squeaked. "Thanks, Mister Jim!" And she closed the phone. Looking at me, she said, "Baby, you didn't sweat that much when Tootie cornered you."

"I know. But Jim's not family. He's a friend. And that's a different set of rules. I wanted him to think well of us. You and me."

We went inside and had a pleasant meal. And the dear old ladies who owned the place noted the matching rings. And smiled.

The taller one said, "We thought you were such a lovely pair ... Congratulations!"

Cindy beamed. "Oh, thank you so very much! You honor us!"

That completely melted the two ladies.

We bid them goodbye and left. In the truck, Cindy belted in and slumped against me. "Gosh, Dan," she said, "This bein' married is a strain."

I put my arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry, babe," I said. "I knew we'd cause some upset."

"You know," she opined, "You'd think people would be happier for us. D'you know how many people just shack up these days?"

"I don't think that's it, babe. I think it's the fact that you're so young. People who care enough to treat us like individuals and to find out the situation, THEN make judgment, they're going to accept this. But a lot of people will look at us and see and older man exploiting a tender young girl."

"Oh, yeah..." She took a breath. "Like I want you to exploit me when we get home?"

"Oh, no, babe," I laughed. "I exploited you last time. This time you have to exploit me!"

Laughing and giggling in relief, we drove back into the park, entered the trailer, and exploited the daylights out of each other.

Life got back to a routine slowly. After a week or so, all the local places we visited, cafes and restaurants, the same places that had gotten used to Dan and his young friend, now were getting used to Dan and his young wife. Or in some cases, Cindy and her husband. Cindy was a striking young lady, both in her appearance and in her polite and mature demeanor and women took a liking to her, conveying on her no guilt or ill will. So I was Cindy's husband and if it was okay with Cindy, it was okay with them.

We finally did get a chance, too, as promised; to go to the gun range and I coached Cindy in firearms basics. I had thought, foolishly, when considering that I had yet to put something in front of Cindy that she backed down from, that she'd be timid at the prospects of handling lethal hardware, but no...

"It's something I've been thinking about," she said. "These are tools. Right now I'm learning to use them."

So I coached her. First range session wasn't going to turn my girl into Annie Oakley, but I showed her how to use both pistols at ten yards (you'll never use a pistol at a longer range, not for self-defense, I told her) and the shotgun at the same distance. I thought a twelve-gauge shotgun would be a bit of stretch, even for little Miss "I can do it", but I told her about pulling the butt into her shoulder and using the ghost-ring sights and SHE asked for the second five rounds. A man-sized cardboard silhouette lacked a midsection from her efforts.

With the AR-15 rifle, she had fun. After a few sketchy "this is how you do it" pictures about the sights, the lifespan of a four-inch clay pigeon at a hundred yards was distressingly short.

Following our exercises, I showed her the fine art of weapons maintenance. She was impressed with the apparent simplicity of good weapons design and function. And after I showed her disassembly and assembly once, I let her try it on her own. With four different guns. And her first attempt needed a little coaching and reminding. Her second and third attempts didn't.

Back at the trailer, I distributed the weapons around the place as they always had been. "Now," I said, "I feel better. I know YOU know what's going on, and YOU know how to use one of those if you need to."

She looked at me wearing her "serious" face. "Yes I do." She smiled. "You, know, babe, you just keep giving me the tools to take care of myself."

"What?" I looked at her.

"You want me to be able to take care myself. You show me that I can do things."

"Oh, well, baby, I want you to be independent. Except for one thing."

Her brow knit in her little "worry" look. "One thing?"

"Yeah," I said, "pulling her against me. "I want you to depend on me for your love and care."

She nestled against me. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I will never leave you or forsake you."

"I still worry. You still go to school and see guys your age and you tell me they try to put the moves on you."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to meet her face to face. "So what," she said. "You CARE about me for my mind and for my future and YOU know how to do things. You've given me wings, and I'm not just talking about that old airplane, either." She looked into my eyes. "Do you know that when I close my eyes at school I think of getting home to YOU? Well, I do, you know." She held her hand up, showing me her ring. "This means something to me. Everything. Besides, it's Saturday. Why don't we get the heck out of here and go find us a big shower?"

We did. This time when we walked in with bags in hand, we were holding hands. After a marathon session naked in the middle of a king-sized bed, we walked back out, dressed for a concert. She was in an outfit guaranteed to etch itself in any male mind: Simple "little black dress". Tastefully subdued black pumps. Flawless skin. Green eyes. And perfectly aligned, every strand in place, red hair. I was wearing my "let's look civilized" suit. And we walked out, and heads turned.

Our night on the town included a concert by a very competent chamber orchestra, a meal at a fine restaurant, and a stroll in the park. And we returned just after ten PM, stripped off our clothes and showered together. I shaved and Cindy dried her hair and we kept exchanging glances in the mirror we shared.

Naked. In bed. I pushed her onto her back and pinned her, our mouths meeting, tongues caressing each other. Her arms and legs wrapped around me drawing us together, my dick trapped between us.

"You are perfect, Cindy! I am the luckiest guy in the world."

Her eyes twinkled. "And I'm the luckiest girl. Because we're MADE for each other." Her mouth met mine again and she squirmed under me until my dick popped from between us and slid down her wet, waiting slit. "Mmmmmm, baby," she purred. "All my perfect evenings end with us mating."

"Why is it that when I'm thinking of something, getting ready to say it to you, you say it to me first?"

"Cuz," she said as she wiggled her pussy to line up with my dick, "it's like when I told Mizz Sara we were married. She said it figured, 'cuz I was a little female version of you."

Her pussy caught the head of my dick and I slid, well, with her deliciously tight pussy, I pushed inside her. "OH, god, baby. That feeling will NEVER get old."

"Mmmm! No it won't." She giggled. I felt her butt's musculature tighten as she pushed up forcing me further into her. As we pushed together her delight was expressed in tinkling glee and I laughed along with her.

"You are a joyous lover, babe!" I said.

Her eyes were bright, but she bit her bottom lip, then said, "We always start out laughing, but then it gets serious..." She pushed up and I pushed forward and we hit our rhythm. I could feel her thighs flex, wrapped around me. My hands found their way to her waist and I gripped her to better gain purchase as I drove my dick into nirvana.

Her own hands were on my shoulders, her fingers digging in and as things got more intense, she moved her head forward, her mouth searching for purchase on my chest. I felt her teeth bite into my chest, her lips sealing around the point of contact, sucking.

As she reached orgasm, I heard muted cries from her occupied mouth and I joined her in a parallel universe, my balls contracting as I sent spurt after spurt deep inside her pretty pussy. Her head fell back to her pillow and her eyes opened.

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Welcome to The Quest. Embark on the quest with a woman. Throughout her journey, she will encounter many ordeals. Battles of will and might are down her path. It is up to you to decide if she will come out unchanged or if she will fall along the way. The Quest can be of anything whether it be getting a cake for a birthday or defeating a tyrant. The choice is yours. To the right of your screen, you can change various details about your protagonist to make her truly unique. Perhaps she will look...

2 years ago
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From Nyotaimori to Teppanyaki

"Hey, did they have everything?", I start moving to the door to greet her. "Yeah, but I can only carry so much. Here, take some of it." I take a few of the grocery bags from her and bring them over to the table. As she puts the last few on the table, I start putting them away. She slumps down on the couch and lets me handle the rest. "My arms are so fucking tired. We need a car." "We don't have that kind of money." "Well, we need to get that kind of money...

1 year ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 21

Heather welcomed the slow return to lucidity which accompanied her waning hours at Laura Bendon's house every other Sunday evening. The jeans and shirt felt strange at first, as did the underwear beneath. In her twilight state between slavery and freedom, she felt lingering shame that she was not dressed as her Mistress would have liked. "Are you quite done?" came Laura's sharp voice at the door. Heather spun away from the mirror. Her eyes shimmered, and for a second time she almost...

2 years ago
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1st time double penetration

Time for my yearly check up with Dr. Woods. I love my doctor, I have been seeing him for several years. There has never been anything sexual with us, but I have caught him staring at me at times. Any woman would know how that is when a man looks at them a certain way. I also know any woman would love to be his patient! He is 6 foot 2, brown eyes, and silky wavy brown hair that you would love to just run your fingers through! Muscular with 6-pack abs. I’ve heard many women talk about him, but...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kylie Quinn Veronica Weston Babysitters Fan Club

Kyliee Quinn and Veronica Weston are part of a service that sends babysitters to families in need. These two friends have both been babysitting for Jay Romero, who is just exiting an unhappy marriage. When Veronica learns that Jay’s ex-wife is out of town with the kids, the girls agree to get all dolled up to go keep him company. The girls show up at Jays door together, both claiming that they got a text that Jay needs a babysitter. He invites them in to sort this out. Once they’re...

3 years ago
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Broken Glass

Broken Glass By Jenna Hitch and shalimar "Thank you Mr. Spielberg for coming here to listen to my story," I said to the famous producer. "I know you want to record stories of the Shoah by those of us who witnessed and played a part in the Holocaust. As I was not born Jewish, I hope my story is not wasting your time. The incident of the returned box of cigars occurred on November 9, 1938. Yes, Kristallnacht. I met Maure, my husband, on May 8, 1945, the day my country finally...

3 years ago
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Changing Direction Ch 04

Chapter Four: The Shoot. Ella tipped her head back with a long sigh of relaxation and soaked her dark hair in the foamy bath water before smoothing it back over her scalp. She had a lot on her mind right now. Ending her relationship with Marc hadn’t been as difficult as she’d anticipated. What had surprised her was that although he’d been shocked, she knew that was only because he’d expected her to be there for him until he disposed of her. He was so self obsessed like that, she thought....

4 years ago
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The Real Deal With Teacher

Hello my lovely readers its Salman Shaikh from Mumbai (Mumbra) writing my 2nd story now. The 1st one was regarding my maid the link to it is I hope all of u liked it & if u don’t u can share your feed backs with me at sorry cant post my number here as much as i would love to but these people doesn’t allow that isn’t it. U can also search for me by my id on Facebook buzz me poke me etc… Well dis 1 is about my economics teacher who...

1 year ago
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Casting Couch

Two years ago I did something very uncharacteristic of me, I answered an ad in the local paper for interviews for women to be in porn moves. I don't know what I was thinking but I had just broken up with a boy friend that I hoped might develop into something more permanent. I was very blue and needed to be wanted again by men. Anyway I called the number and I was told to be at the address in the ad at nine the next morning. When I awoke the big day I almost didn't go but I thought - why not? I...

3 years ago
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The Phone Call Again

Recap: (Read The Phone Call first please!) "Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me." She looked at the caller i.d., picked up the phone, put it on speakerphone and answered. "Hey Jon! What's up?" "Are you panting right now?" "Um..." "What were you doing?" "Running." Samantha realized she needed to explain herself. That or find some excuse that didn't sound like bull crap.  "I think you were masturbating!" The sound...

2 years ago
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Neena Me In The Shower

hHi all ISS readers this is Sam you remember me ,oh yes I know u remember, i got lot of mails for my past two stories and happy that u all liked it, well from past 7 months I have been busy in some work…but last month it was like hell. I was in Mumbai last month and all what happen with me I am going to tell u now. As all of you know I like mature woman too much and always fond of having a sex and feel aroma of a woman it really makes me mad when I get around to a woman, I ill go vulgar in sex...

3 years ago
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Storm Warning Fun

Jack got home at the usual time that day, unsurprised to find Lauren sprawled out on the futon wearing nothing but a robe and her panties. She had called him when she got off work, telling him she was getting the rest of the day off because the storm warning. When Jack shut the door Lauren glanced over the arm of the futon and waved at him. “So why exactly does a storm warning give you a free day off?” Jack asked, setting his things down and pouring a glass of pop. “Some of my co-workers live...

2 years ago
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Oh Brother Those Are My Things

Oh Brother! Those Are My Things Author's Note: We've read so much about how the boy feels getting into Mom's or Sister's things. I thought I would take a shot as to how the sister might feel about it. Allison rushed in through the kitchen and headed for her bedroom. "Allie-girl? Is that you?" she heard her mother call from another part of the house. "I thought you were heading to Helen's house." "I am," she called back as she pushed open her bedroom door. "I just forgot some...

3 years ago
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My new life

I was nothing special in School. High School or college. I spent my time trying to keep my head above water. I didn’t play sports or have a lot of girlfriends. My Mom took up a lot of my time and so did the house we lived in. I got out of school and found a job and went to work. I started looking at porn and was drawn to all sorts. For some reason I liked guys in panties the most. I did put on my mom’s when I found them. And that was fun. Sitting in my room with the door locked, shades down. In...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Troubled Waters

"Umm... perhaps you should come in," Mary muttered, uncertainly, as she tried to get her bearings. She'd just been informed that, apparently, her sister and her sister's husband had died and she was having a hard time thinking clearly. "Just give us a moment to get ready for you, please. I'm not comfortable with anyone entering the house at the moment, but... just give us a few minutes, please." She turned to her daughters and said, "Put on masks. This gentleman needs to come in to...

3 years ago
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Memories of A Dream

A Chapter excerpt from Nella's Memoirs Dream Images I dreamed of McAllister last night. A hot, sexy dream that I can not get out of my mind. I woke from it dripping wet between my legs and very aroused, and I could almost feel his tongue working my clit, as it had in the dream, while I used my fingers to bring myself to orgasm. My body shuddered with pleasure, and half-awake, I returned to the world of the dream. It is a strange reverie, for I am awake and yet I'm caught up in these...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Spencer Bradley 10242021

Spencer just can’t help it. Whenever she sees her husband she literally wants to slap his face. His very essence makes her furious. So when she returns home to find him with a couple of his co workers enjoying drinks after watching football his happiness triggers her. She is never happy with him. And especially not in the bedroom when and if he gets his perpetually flacid penis hard it only gives her minimal pleasure. So yes Spencer enjoys belittling him and making fun of him in front of...

2 years ago
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My Big Brother Jack

Introduction: A brother visits his little sister for a night. I barely had time to get in the apartment door before my roommates were on me, both talking at once and more excitedly than Id ever seen before. There was a guy here looking for you, Sarah said, her voice full of mystery. He was huge! He said he was your brother, Ellie said. My brother? I felt my heart quicken as the image of my older brothers face filled my head. Are you sure? I hadnt seen him in six months, the longest wed...

1 year ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 3 Preparations before battle

When I opened my eyes next morning the sun was streaming into the bedroom. After the calming vision of Dawn on Still Waters I had slept like a log; a long unbroken sleep with no more bad dreams. Although still nowhere near top form I felt much better than I had for days. Maggie entered the room dressed to go out. She sat on the bed and gave me a mouth full of her toothpaste flavoured tongue. "You've had a lovely long sleep, though at first you tossed and turned and cried out. Were you...

1 year ago
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Message Sent to me Whilst away training for 10 wee

When you come home I'd like to run my tongue up + down your stiff cock whilst you tug on my hair, then i'll run my tongue around the end, flicking it gently.Whilst doing this, I'd be on my knees on the bed, so you can touch my tits through my shiny, silky top, my nipples will be nice + hard + feel so good.You would slide your hand between my legs to find even more silkies.My pussy would be nice + wet ready for you to touch.Now, id be sucking your big hard cock, pumping it with my hand, getting...

4 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Twilight Drummers

LEANING AGAINST A TREE at the top of a rise, Steven surveyed the land before him looking for a suitable place to camp. The knights had stopped to rest the horses in the middle of the afternoon, but Steven kept running ahead to prepare their evening camp. Below him a small river crossed the road and it appeared to be a frequent campsite for travelers along this way. It would certainly be appropriate for the knights. Steven looked back the way he had come and saw the knights in the distance...

2 years ago
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Hot picnic

We meet for the first time and we areIn a field of flowers a meadowWe are having a picnicAnd we have some nice things to eat andSome drinksWe talk and I gaze into your Pretty eyesSmile is wonderfulI start to fall in love with youAnd lean to kiss youHolding your face as I kiss youTouching with my finger tips over your sweet lipsKissing your face Kissing your cheeksCovering you with soft kisses As I begin to kiss your neck very slowlyKissing your ear and whispering I love youSoft and...

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The Trick is Turned or Cocktales for two

The Trick is Turned; or Cock-tales for Two. I entered the cocktail party at Lee's house with a bit of an attitude. I had just conceded defeat to her in a recent election. She was now the incoming president of the local accounting association. I had only lost by a handful of votes and decided against asking for a recount. Since the election was overseen by fellow accountants, asking for one would have been a tactless symbol of no-confidence. How that dyke had gotten elected was a...

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Sue My Cum Queen

I grew up in a farming community in Pennsylvania and we lived in a large old farm house. My room was across from my sister’s room. I was 15 and I woke up one day and discovered that I was the horniest guy in the world. I took notice of my older sister’s friend Sue. Sue had long, straight beautiful blonde hair and a set of lovely, large breasts. I fixated on Sue and she became the center of my “jack-off” world. She was short, and cute and perky and the way her breasts bounced used to drive...

1 year ago
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Dont Judge a Book Part 2 Ch 15

 Saturday 9th June 2018  “Give them some time, honey,” Dee’s soft Southern accent suggested. As her eyes looked into mine, trying to keep me from looking past her at the sight of my wife disappearing off into the night with a man other than her husband. Jill and my evening together was ending pretty much as it had started; with her hand-in-hand with this new man who’d burst into our lives over what now seemed a lot more than a week. I could only see her back and the sensual and exaggerated sway...

Wife Lovers
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Supporting Our Vets

I’m Jay. Christine and I have been married for twenty-two years. When we first got together I thought she was the hottest girl I’d ever laid eyes on. In the twenty-four years we’ve been together she has only gotten hotter.At forty-four, she has the most amazing body. Yes, she has gained a few pounds over the years, having two kids will do that to you. That has only made her hotter. The curve as her hips spread to accommodate birth, the growth of her breasts, the slight mommy tummy has only made...

Wife Lovers
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The best of the worst

I grew up in a small town north of the river, completely surrounded by cropland as far as you could see. Life was boring as hell, with nothing to do except drink at the local taverns if you were old enough. I loved it there none the less. The peacefulness and serenity that one was garnished with made one feel welcomed and alive, nothing like in the big city. Regardless of what the city life had to offer I was more than happy to live the simple life I had grown accustomed to and not have to fill...

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Bathtub Beauties

As a young man I entered the Air Force and sent to South Korea for my first assignment. It was 1980 and 81 and the tension between the North and South was thick enough to cut with a knife. I was 19 and scared to death of what I’d be exposed to when I arrived.It was a different time and place from Washington State where I grew up. Korea was still like it was stuck in the 1950’s with a blend of 60’s night life kicked in. I worked with bombs in the munitions squadron. Work was so different from...

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