RedemptionChapter 23 free porn video

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Friday morning, Morgan emerged from a downstairs bedroom just as Dex was coming down to the gym. She looked just like the first day, if not a bit more weary. Dex stopped when he saw her and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Hey, you said you preferred the panty show, didn't you?" Saying this, she raised her T-shirt and waggled her hips at him.

He gave a mocking wolf whistle and laughed. Getting serious, he asked why she was sleeping downstairs. "Mom had a really rough night - constant nightmares. Grandma finally insisted she sleep in Mom's bed and I should find somewhere to get some rest, so I came down here. I don't want to risk disturbing her to get my running shoes, but I can do the rest of the workout barefoot."

She brightened considerably as they worked out, and once again she stopped and just watched his form drills. He did not look at her this time, but he would have seen her squirming, even though she kept her hands away from her breasts. The next machine she used clearly displayed the new damp spot at her crotch.

At breakfast, Dex told Megan's parents he hoped they understood about the short visit and that he was glad they could come on such short notice.

"Well, Patrick has to work Saturday and Sunday for the friend he swapped with, anyway. Dex, these two days have been so wonderful. The reason we're here is terrible, but you've helped bring our family back together again. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, and your generosity."

"Patrick, why don't you see if you can get free for a week or more in the near future, and you and Jeanette can come for a longer stay."

Just then, the phone rang, and it was Tim. He had wanted to call the night before after seeing Megan on TV on the late news, but deferred because of the late hour. "My God, Megan, I had no idea! How are you doing?"

"Oh, thanks for calling again, Tim. I'll be OK. I feel pretty rough right now, but it will get better every day."

"I'd like to stop and see you this weekend. We'll really miss you at the Christmas lunch today."

"Oh, no!! I forgot all about that. I wasn't quite finished with all the planning!"

"Don't worry about that. It's all taken care of, believe me. You had done such a wonderful job, there wasn't much left to do."

"Tim, I've got to go now and have a big argument, but I'll be there. See you later."

Megan had seemed like a different person that morning, her experience at the arraignment having obviously helped her immensely. Hanging up the phone, she turned toward the others in the most defiant stance she could manage with one arm in a sling and her face still pretty immobile. Dead silence greeted her, until Dex threw up his hands in a surrender gesture, and everyone broke into laughter.

"I'll get working on some secure transportation," Dex said. "I'd bet anything someone is watching for you to show up there." He went off to call Carl and set up a vehicle shuffle like they had done for the arraignment.

As it turned out, they could drop off Patrick and Jeanette and go right to the mall where the vehicle swap was set up. Carl would have a nondescript sedan waiting at the loading dock of a friend's store. He would move Dex's Jeep there after they left in the sedan. Randy would be at the mall to check for anyone following Dex and the women as they made the switch.

The airport goodbyes were emotional, but not dragged out. Both for Megan's endurance and for security, they did not park and enter the airport, just dropped the parents off at the curbside check-in.

Megan made a grand entrance to the Archer cafeteria, as the entire body of employees rose and cheered when she walked in. Morgan stood and watched with unabashed pride as a virtual receiving line formed spontaneously, with people abandoning their lunches to greet her.

Amid the goodwill of Megan's entry, a muscular young black man, Russell Barber, hurried up to Tim and whispered frantically in his ear. Tim motioned to Dex and the two of them followed Russell to Tim's office.

"Mr. Archer, you've got to fire me! Right now! Please!"

Trying to recover from his shock, Tim protested that Russell was doing a fine job in their transportation department, and besides, it was Christmas, and Russell had two kids and a wife to think about. It took ten minutes of pressure before Russell would divulge the reason.

"I'm supposed to watch Mrs. Wallace, and call a number and tell whatever she does. I've had to do it for a long time, now. There's never been anything to report, except for coffee once with Mr. Madison, here. I had no idea anything like this would happen. I can't call them, but if I don't they'll... they'll... I... I... uh, I've done some things I didn't want you to know about. The only way I can not hurt Mrs. Wallace and keep my kids safe is if you fire me."

"They threatened your kids, too?" At Russell's nod, Tim continued, "Russell, we know about the drugs. We know how hard you struggled to get off of them, and we know you're clean."

At this point, Dex entered in. "Tim, give me a few minutes, then have Russell make the call. We can use this to track who's behind it, and Russell will not be exposed." After a few more minutes of discussion, Dex went off to call Carl and the Police, and Tim and Russell went back to the lunch. About twenty minutes later, Dex came back and told Russell to make the call.

Megan and Morgan were not told about the episode, and seemed to enjoy the lunch immensely. Morgan had been aware of some of her mother's previous work places, and was thrilled at how much better this was, and with the high regard in which Megan was held here. She was greatly impressed also with Tim, and the constant attention he paid to her mother.

Neither woman was aware of the car that followed them when they left the party, nor of that fact that it was followed by both Carl and Randy and intercepted by the Police well before they reached the mall.

While on the short walk through the mall to pick up Dex's Jeep, he received a call from Karen on his cell. He spoke in very short sentences, turning his back to the women. He still had not learned, though, how sharp a woman's hearing could be when faced with attempted secrecy. Megan overheard him say "I'm afraid that would be too much for her," and grabbed the phone from his hand.

"This is Megan Wallace. What does Dex think would be too much for me?" When Megan and Karen finished the conversation, they were all headed to the Ferguson's for dinner. Megan would take a long nap before dinner, and Rick would be there to give her a quick checkup. Once again, Dex gave his surrender gesture as Megan glared at him. She couldn't keep it up long, though, and finally kissed him on the cheek before they headed for the car.

Karen and Mike had done a major remodeling job several years ago with Doggerel earnings, rather than moving, so the first half-hour of the visit was spent on a tour for mother and daughter. Donna was there already, and dragged Dex off to the new study. Pushing him into the swivel chair, she straddled his lap in their long-familiar communicating position.

Motherhood had done good things for Donna's looks, expanding her in the right places, while her strict exercise program had kept her nice and tight. The hug they shared before any words were spoken was sensual, but its main effect on Dex was to evoke memories of past times with Donna. His very brief reverie ended with Donna's question "Mother or daughter?"


"Come on! Don't act dumb with me! Mother or daughter? Daughter has the hots for you, but I'm guessing you've been drooling over the mother for some time. Right?"

Chuckling and shaking his head, Dex replied, "Megan is a good friend who really needs my help. She's still married, remember. I've known Morgan for three days, now. No wedding announcements, yet, OK?"

Heaving a huge sigh, Donna told him "I know, I know. There are never any announcements. I just worry that even when you find the right one, you won't do it."

"I found the right one once, remember?"

"Dex, that was twelve years ago! I can't believe Connie would be happy with you being single. You know how guilty it makes me feel seeing you still alone, don't you? "

"Hey, we've been over this too many times already. You and Rick were made for each other. Your marriage is a shining example. You and I were right to go our separate ways. Stop this crazy guilt. It's MY demons that are the problem."

"It's just that I love you so damn much! I want you to find the kind of happiness I've got. It hurts to see you alone."

"I love you too, Donna. I'm not exactly pining away, you know!"

"Well, I think between mother and daughter you should have a keeper, here." With that, Donna got up to join the tour.

Mike was still teaching, but school was out for the holidays, and he and Dex watched one of the bowl games that seemed to happen every day as New Year's approached. Morgan joined them after a while, and assured Dex that Megan was sleeping soundly until dinner.

Dex should not have been surprised that everyone showed up. Rick was the first, followed shortly by Kristen and Coach. Morgan, it turned out, was somewhat of a basketball fan, and had heard of Coach. When Margo and Hank were introduced, Megan's eyes about popped out, and both mother and daughter were floored when Jenny and Chris walked in. Dex once again held up his hands in surrender, and the guys moved off together while the women told how they were connected to Dex.

The dinner was a typical Ferguson do, with rarely less than three different conversations going, and seldom a gap of three minutes between all-out laughter. At one point, Megan was sitting quietly with huge tears running down her cheeks, when Karen noticed.

"It... it's just that I thought only old-time TV families were really like this. It's great to see this is all real. It gives me something to hope for. You guys (nodding at Margo, Hank, and Jenny) are rich and famous, but you're just here like a happy, loving family." This triggered a more sober time of Kristen, Jenny, and Margo telling their stories. As Kristen talked, Megan reached her good hand across the table to grasps Kristen's in a show of shared sympathy.

Before Dex left the Ferguson's, every one of the women had cornered him for a grilling on any romantic possibilities with Megan or Morgan. They didn't seem to care which one, but seemed more desperate than ever that Dex find someone.

Megan was unaware of the gauntlet of well-meaning women Dex had to run, and was amazingly energized through the whole evening. She and Morgan both gushed non-stop all the way home about his family, and how impressed they were with all of them. She was definitely weary when they reached Dex's after ten, and headed right for bed.

It was eleven o'clock Friday, and Dex had been pondering the events of the day. He was concerned that the threat level was higher than he had anticipated, but happy with the steps that had been taken. He decided they really had done their best for Megan. Morgan was watching TV when he told her he was off to the hot tub.

"Buff, I presume?" she asked.

"Of course."

"See ya."

He was deep in thought in the hot tub room as he slid off his underwear. He jumped when Morgan said "Told ya!"

He saw her standing naked in the doorway, and stammered out "Told me what?"

"Told ya I'd see ya. All of ya." Even in his surprise, he could not stop the laughter. She joined him, then stepped into the room and did a slow 360. "Thought you might want to see all the extra padding before it's gone."

Still chuckling, they stepped into the tub. "Morgan, have you always had this exhibitionist streak?"

"I don't know. Maybe so. Everyone wants to be accepted and appreciated. I feel like you appreciate me. So, I just want all of me available for your appreciation."

"Oh. Um, that's not from Psyche 101, is it? There must have been lots of guys who would appreciate the view I just had."

"Nope! They'd only appreciate what they thought was coming next."

"Don't you think I have those thoughts? Didn't you decide I wasn't gay?" She was sitting across from him and raised her leg to throw water in his face with her foot, giving him a brief pussy flash as she did it.

"I sure as hell hope you do! But I get the feeling you'd let me decide if there was going to be more. And you'd appreciate just this even if there wasn't any more."

"Thank you for not recognizing me for the dirty old man I really am." This earned him another splash and another flash, which was completely his intention.

She noticed the direction of his gaze and, feigning anger, dove across the tub and pounded playfully on his chest. "Hey, are you trying to destroy my illusions of the first real gentleman I've met?" Holding her arms straight against his shoulders, she stared at him with playful mock anger. It was a losing struggle for him to look at anything but the very nice tits hanging right in his vision.

Ending her stare with a giggle, she made to rise to her feet, dropping her hands to brace against his thighs. In doing so, her hand bumped the head of his cock, which had leaped to full erection. She gasped and lurched backward to fall into her original place, face frozen in shock.

"I'm sorry about your illusions, Morgan, but below the waist, no man is a gentleman."

"But, I didn't, I mean..."

"I know, I know. You were just being playful. But being in a hot tub with a sexy naked woman is tough on a man's self-control. When she dives on top of him, it's just too much."

"Me? Sexy? But I'm fat and..."

"And your nice figure is barely disguised. Sexy involves a lot more than weight, you know."

"I'm sorry. I'll be more careful not to..."

"No! No! No! Don't be anything but your playful self. I'm having fun. I'm sorry to offend you with my arousal, but that's my problem, not yours. Be yourself." He was afraid the mood was already lost, despite his encouragement. She struggled to regain her composure as Dex continued. "Morgan, I don't mean to pry, but you haven't had any experience with men at all, have you?"

"Of course not! Who'd ask a lesbo to the prom, anyway? It's the way I wanted it. Or thought I wanted it."

"And now you're not sure?"

"That little stunt the other morning got me all hot."

"I know."

"How could you know?" He didn't answer, but held his nose high and sniffed loudly. "Ohhhhhh! You're terrible!!" She dove at him again, and this time he grabbed her firmly around her soft waist and held her away from himself. She braced herself against his arms and they stared for a few seconds, then she started to shake and her face broke. He took a chance and pulled her across his lap, wrapping his arms around her. She was pressing his cock down rather painfully, but he didn't want to do anything to spoil the moment. He pulled her face down to his shoulder and just rocked her gently as she sniffled.

When the sniffles stopped, he asked her, "You want more, don't you?" She nodded against his shoulder. "How much more?"

"All of it."

"Are you sure? We've known each other just a few days. We can't claim to be in love yet."

"In three days, I suddenly saw how much I had missed. I like you a lot, Dex. Maybe even love you. I want you to teach me and make me a woman."

"But I can't promise to marry you or even be with you for a long time. I don't want to end up hurting you."

"The only way you'll hurt me is to let me leave here as stupid and unloved as I came. You wouldn't want that, would you?" Some of the playfulness had already come back. "And I want to start my education with a thorough investigation of that thing poking my bottom. In the literature it is called a phallus or an erection. In the vernacular, I believe it is commonly referred to as a cock, a dick, or a hardon. Do I have it right so far?"

"A+ for your first assignment, Miss... ? God, Morgan, I don't even know what you use for a last name! I'm betting it's for sure not Wallace, huh."

"You got that right! Let's not even worry about what it is. Maybe you'll change it for me, anyhow." She giggled, but his shoulders stiffened noticeably. When she felt it she spat out, "Shit! Me and my big mouth!" and started to cry. He stroked her back to comfort her, and she was able to say. "Dex, I was just kidding, honest!"

"Hey, Psyche major! Ever hear of a Freudian slip? That's why I worry about hurting you. If you give yourself to me with any hope of this being permanent, then you will be hurt if it doesn't happen that way."

"So you won't teach me? You won't make love to me?"

"I didn't say that. I want to in the worst way. I think we need to make sure that if we never see each other again after tomorrow, or next week, or next month, we won't be scarred for life."

"Dex, I'm already scarred for life. I kinda think you are, too. I think we can only make each other get better, not worse, no matter what else happens."

He stood up, setting her down gently, stepped out of the tub, held out his hand to her, and said "Come on."

She had her eyes locked on his partially erect cock, and asked distractedly "Where?"

"We're going to bed. Together."

"Oh, goody! Shouldn't we dry off first?"

"There are plenty of towels in my bathroom."

"OK, let me go to my room and get my stuff."

"You've got your stuff." He playfully squeezed an ass cheek. Now quit stalling."

"I'm not stalling! I'm not stalling!" She grabbed his hand and towed him toward the bedroom.

In his bathroom they toweled down. He found her a new toothbrush and they brushed their teeth together, grinning at each other in the mirror. When they had rinsed out the brushes, she got a worried look and said, "Dex, I gotta pee."

"Yeah, me too. You go ahead."

"But... I... You... !" She put on a mock cross face, stamped her foot, said "Meanie!" and wiggled off to the toilet room. He saw her start to shut the door and called out "Uh! Uh!" It didn't take long for her to start and she went a long time. She was very red-faced when she emerged. "That was a test, wasn't it, you rat!?" He just laughed and went to relieve himself. When he turned after shaking himself off, he practically bumped into her. Grinning, she waggled a finger at him. "Toilet seat down from now on!" With that, she skipped off to the bed and dove under the covers.

He followed her, sat on the edge of the bed, and bent over to kiss her. She instead grabbed him around the neck and gave a little squeal. "Dex, whatever else happens, I have had more pure fun in three days than I can ever remember. Thank you!" Then she did the kissing, threatening to break his neck or mangle his lips in the process.

Breaking away momentarily, he asked her, "Morgan, are you on the pill?"

"No, but I just stopped Tuesday. Maybe that's why I'm extra horny. I want the first time with no latex. Does this mean we are going to do it?"

"I don't think we can stop it, do you?"'

"Then don't try!" She threw back the covers, spread her legs, and pulled him on top of her. "I want it now!"


"You can show me about foreplay later. I'm a horny twenty-one year old virgin with no more patience, and I'm already dripping just thinking about it. Please!"

This was not the way he had pictured it. Of course, he had not really pictured it at all with Morgan. She was needy and insistent, and he was not without his own need. He eased into her gently and found her to be very wet indeed. He began to work his way slowly, but she wanted none of it. She muttered "No hymen!", grabbed his ass cheeks and began pulling him in vigorously. He thought he saw slight flashes of pain, but she did not acknowledge any discomfort. In a surprisingly short time, he was all the way in, and paused to kiss her. She kissed back and said "Do me!"

As he started thrusting, she started talking: "OhMyGod! OhMyGod! Unbelievable! What was I waiting for? What was I thinking? So good! So good! Oh! Oh! Oh!" Very quickly she was thrusting back at him. He was concerned that his ride would be very short, and he didn't want that for her. Despite her grabbing and thrusting, he throttled back to a pace he could maintain a while longer. When he felt himself nearing the peak, he would hold steady against her and rotate his hips. While rubbing their pubic bones together this way, he got an idea, and slid his right hand down between them to rub her clit. At the same time, he took a nipple in his mouth and began licking and sucking.

As she felt him raise up slightly, she objected to the loss of contact. When he found her nub, she hissed, then hummed softly. She reacted strongly to his manual and oral efforts, stopped talking, and began emitting low moans as her squirming increased. As her agitation rose, he began stroking with a long, slow motion. His position was awkward, putting a lot of strain on his left arm, but he could tell the motions were increasing her already high level of arousal. The discomfort helped to ease his own urgency, giving him confidence he could take her all the way.

Having no previous knowledge of her reactions, he gradually accelerated the pace of both the stroking and the rubbing, until he feared he might drive her into the head of the bed. He was beginning to worry whether he could hold the position long enough when she went suddenly over the edge. She let out a prolonged 'eeeeeeee' sound as she stiffened under him, then started to shudder violently. He kept his finger and his mouth in place for several more seconds, but as his hand was shaken loose by her tremors, he slipped both arms around her and started driving into her with fast, hard thrusts. He made sure to push firmly against her pubic bone at the bottom of each push.

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Teacher Kanini Soli Tharum Pozhuthu Kaamam 8211 Part 2

Teacher pundaiyai nandraaga naki kanjai kuthitha maru naalil irunthu ena nadanthathu enbathai tamil kamakathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, thodarchiyaga padithaal thaan kathaiyai ungalaal purintha kola mudiyum. Adutha naalum teacher ennai kanini araiku azhaithu selvaala endru asaiyaaga irunthen, aanal teacher annai adutha naal azhaithu sela vilai. Kanini teacher vaarathirku iru murai thaan vagupil paadam edupaargal, anaivarum kanini irukum araiku vaaram oru murai matum lab seluvom. Adutha naal...

4 years ago
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Rubber Slut Gang Bang with Mistress Madame C

I could not believe what I saw in a well-known ladies underwear shop today….A rather handsome man blatantly sifting through silky lingerie sets-all in large and medium sizes, what was even more apparent was the bulge in his jeans as he was touching and feeling the textures of the clothes. I boldly approached him and told him what I thought was going on….that he wanted to try on and wear what he was handling. He turned bright pink dropped his hands over his jeans and the bulge that was ever...

4 years ago
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Do I believe in soulmates? You bet I do, and if you’re destined to meet yours you will, no matter what mountains may be placed in your path. In the case of Evan and me, there was just one mountain and it was an isolated peak of 7200 feet in northwestern Montana. It was called Wolf Mountain and there was a lookout tower on top of it, a fourteen by fourteen foot box perched on stilts above a barren rocky summit, below which stretched sloping meadows of beargrass and dwarf huckleberry interrupted...

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My StepDaughter and I go Camping

The story that I'm about to tell you took place 4 years ago when I was 53 and my step-daughter was 26 years old, the oldest of three step-k**s, 1 boy 25 at the time and the youngest a girl 23. This story is about the oldest step-daughter and myself. The wife and I met at a swingers party 2 years before this story takes place. Her three k**s are not into the swingers life styl like the wife and I are. ...

3 years ago
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I finally lose my virginity

In September of 1968, I return to Washington University for my sophomore year. Although I dated a few ladies my freshman year, my virginity was still intact. Freshman year included a season of competitive swimming, where I first met Linda. She was going out with a diver and liked to hang around the swim team. Well, who wouldn't? Young men in the prime of life wearing at most 6 ounces of nylon and college life in 1968... yep, it was interesting.Following year her boyfriend was gone and Linda and...

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I am one lucky Girl Pt 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 ***** THURSDAY I woke up reasonably early and took care on an itch that I had between my legs although judging by how wet my pussy was when I woke up I think that I may have had a few itches whilst I slept. After breakfast and my bathroom routine I phone my doctors and told the receptionist that I needed an appointment to get a birth control implant fitted and she gave me an appointment for later that afternoon. Then I phoned the number that Mia gave me for a Laser...

2 years ago
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A woman pays to attend a house where the guests will be dominated and serve as a slave

The house was fairly rundown but a mansion still the same. Donna had paid a lot of money just to come here and wasn’t about to turn back now. This was a dream she had fantasized about for yours. Total submission she craved was finally about to be given. She got out the door of the car that had picked her up at the airport and grabbing her one bag and purse started walking towards the door. Donna had read about the place on the internet and talked to several chat-room people about it. It...

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Maut Bulati Hai 8211 Part I

Ye bilkul alag type ki story hai, unke liye jo kuch hatkar chaahte hain. Nnot like ‘Aunty ko choda’, ‘Classmate ki Gand’ type. Crime-Sex-Thriller in form of five long stories, this is first part. Hope u like it. Please read full it not only contain sex but other elements like thrill also. ———————————- ############ PART 1 ############## ———————————- Indrajeet kuch pareshan tha, wah samajh nahi pa raha tha ki ise majak samjhe ya haqeeqat. Uski pareshani ki wajah ye khat tha jo aaj subah use apne...

3 years ago
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Whitneys Naughty Relatives Ch 02

Whitney’s Naughty Relatives – Chapter Two by BrettJ © 2012 Whitney was enjoying the ride in her aunt’s little red Corvette. Ophelia had told her she found sexy cars just as pleasurable as good food, good wine or sex. “I thought about driving professionally,” Ophelia smiled at her niece as she let her sunglasses slide down her nose. “Then I realized it was too much like work and I do like a life of luxury.” She giggled. Whitney and her seductive aunt had grown very close in the few weeks that...

2 years ago
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Who Loves Ya BabySitterChapter 2

"You're just going to have to do it again," said Emily Bollard. "This time, Alyssa must be satisfied. Do you have any condoms in the house?" I shook my head. "Well then we'll just have to be careful." Emily examined my wilting penis. "Now would be a good time to instruct Alyssa in oral sex, wouldn't you agree? It'll get you ready. Come close, my dear, and I'll coach you." Emily Bollard had been an ineffective chaperone, from my perspective. Her daughter Alyssa, our current...

3 years ago
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8 Days a Week

I jack off every day. Some days I jack off twice. Even on days I have sex. But it hasn't always been that way. Just like many of my friends, most guys upon discovering masturbation jack off multiple times daily. That isn’t how it worked for me though, probably because I discovered masturbation fairly late. Living in the "Bible Belt" we didn't have sex education in school, and my parents never discussed sex with me, so the mechanics of sex were unclear. And I had never heard of masturbation. I...

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LA FunChapter 7

My internal clock woke me and I checked the alarm next to the bed. It was six and time to get up and get going. The two girls had a little trouble coming out of their fog, but they did and dressed in workout clothes. The three of us did our half hour workout, then showered while I assisted the girls to make sure their fun parts were clean. They took a minute to make sure my pipes were also empty. Connie had to make an effort to get out of the warm bed, but Jules and Katie cajoled her into...

1 year ago
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Incestia 2

[the last of the bi theme for awhile] _____________________________ Judge Ciro T. Nikolai was seated behind a huge desk as Avan Volka and his young nephew Caci entered the judge’s chamber. Nikolai was a gruff sort with hard eyes and a wrinkled and stern face. He motioned for Avan and the boy to be seated on the opposite side of his desk. “Volka,” he began, “I have here a Grant of Immigration and since their father can’t answer for himself, your signature will suffice.” The judge raised...

4 years ago
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Kaye My First Pride

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror as I left the flat. I was wearing khaki shorts, a red t-shirt and a grey hoody. I tidied my short, brown hair and slung my camera bag over my shoulder. It was a bright, clear day, so I grabbed my sunglasses and headed out into the sunshine.I was single again, but instead of moping around, I had decided to get out, try new things and generally try to make the most of the summer. Today, I was going to Pride for the first time, hoping to get some good...

1 year ago
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On The Mound

The end of summer brings a sweet sadness. The long, hot summer days take their place in our memories while the beginning of the end of the year approaches. For me, the change from bikinis to book bags is now in full swing as my classes for the fall semester are confirmed. Time with my boyfriend is more precious than ever as his baseball team prepares for the playoffs. With the increased practices and meetings, our sex life is dwindling. We went from having sex more than 12 times a week, to...

4 years ago
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The Solarian Soldier 2

Daniel followed M.J. through the sliding doors of the CIC and walked down the floor beside her. SFS Lalande was devised as a Flagship for task force operations, like all her sister ships of the Krüger 60-class. M.J's "ready room" would normally have belonged to the commanding Admiral aboard. A place to host receptions and diner parties or impress foreign guests. The dimensions were luxurious for a warship, especially for a cruiser, and wasted the one thing which you never had enough of in...

1 year ago
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Julia my darling Chapter 3

Preface: In the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, I described how John enjoyed sex with Julia and her sister Pamela. I hope readers have enjoyed the first part of my story. In this chapter, I am describing John’s threesome sexual enjoyment with both Julia and Pamela. ____________________________ It was Saturday afternoon. I was casually watching a porn magazine. There was lot of pictures of naked men and women doing sex at different postures. Suddenly my mobile phone started ringing. From the mobile...

2 years ago
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Janis the Vixtorioxx

Behind her sat the Queen, and beside her, was a low table empty save a set of gold scales balancing several gold sovereigns. One for each minister, Marcos, and Kaarthen now too, Janis, and the King’s Emissary in Mavvus. “Of course we all look forward to the many tournaments.” She started looking around at the ministers seated around the room in a crescent shaped table. “Every year is brutal, but the king wanted to add something to this year’s tournament for the title of ‘Blade...

3 years ago
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Maid and her daughter

Hi iss fans n readers. This is Uday from Vizag was doing my 3rd year when the incident took place. My parents got transferred to other place so they have to move leaving me in our own house along with Rajamma, our maid who used to work in house since a long time. Rajamma is a old lady of 58 years of age. She had a daughter named Latha who is a divorcee with a son; he just finished his intermediate and entered into graduation. Latha used to work in small school with a little salary....

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 38

Saturday, June 12, 2010 “I’d like to have a family meeting tonight,” Jake said. He and Ellen were sitting at the kitchen table with Leanne and Kara. “What do you mean by that?” Leanne asked. “You three are the core of my family. I don’t want to make any important decisions without talking them over with you.” “What decision do you want to make?” Ellen asked. “We need a place to live. We’ll have to talk about budget and location. We’ll need to decide who will live there and what kind of...

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My Imaginary Friend

I am a 37 year old,bisexual man, who adores asshole stretched to its limits and fucked deep and hard! My favorite toy is a ten inch, six and a half inch in girth,beautifully shaped cock-like dildo,with balls!! It always fills me to my limits and I love it!! As a matter of fact,I haven't done it in awhile,until just earlier this morning! I had the overwhelming desire to be fucked and my asshole was tingling with excitement. I just had to satisfy myself!! I pulled the lovely dildo out of my...

2 years ago
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Mad Cowboys and Alien FucktardsChapter 7

I rode into Indian Territory unescorted, completely alone, ahead of my cattle and men. I knew better but didn’t give a shit as the boys were getting on my nerves and I needed some space. Even Jimmy was grading on me, giving me hell each and every time I put Benny in back to gather up stragglers. According to him, I was an asshole who’s picking on my youngest brother when in fact it was simply Ben’s turn to be in the trenches. If I didn’t give Benny regular shifts the other drovers would...

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The Darkroom

Mr. Harrington was my favorite teacher in high school. He was twenty-three and in just his second year of teaching. He was only six years older than me when I was in his English class. He was the most handsome man, with the most incredible sparkling blue eyes, I had ever seen. I still clearly remember how I used to fantasize about running my fingers through his sandy-blonde hair while I sat in his classroom, staring at him for the entire period. In this fantasy I would kiss his lips as my hands...

4 years ago
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Tale of the other world Act II

"Torl. Where are you from?" "I had no home. I was raised on the rods of the east and came north to kel." "We do not teach alchemy here. We are a school of magic. Silly child." I grinned and flicked a blue bolt to the wall and it fizzled out. "My my. Handsome and adept in the art." "Im just a wandering soul milady. Thought about joinin the white hand." "Well our meeting is fate." Her smile and attitude made for a great combo. So positive. She was truly an optimist. "I need a tutor...

1 year ago
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Gulf Companys New Bitch

Gulf Company's New Bitch. This tale comes from a client and it is a duzey. I will let the client tell it. Peace. Belle. I just awoke form what I thought was a bad dream. I saw that it was true. I was in a hosptial type bed with an extra blanket. I knew I was not at the base hospital. The room that I was in looked like a cross between a good hotel and a hosptial. I sat up and carefully got out of bed. My body was gravid with child. I staggered to the window and looked out. I saw that...

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Vet School Part 7

Vet School Part 7All Melissa wanted to do was to escape from the rules of the vet school where she was attending. She was driving too fast, and didn’t pull over when the police car tried to pull her over, and now she was arrested and sitting in a jail cell. It was located in a very small town called “Unknownville” that was out in the middle of nowhere. She was now wearing a bright orange two-piece jail uniform that was made for a man. She even wasn’t able to wear her bra and panties.To make...

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Spending Time With Friends

Spending Time With FriendsMy name is Michael and I want to share with you the story of the first time my wife and I had sex with another couple. Now let me describe myself so you have and idea of what I look like. I am 6'3" with blond hair and blue eyes, I work out daily to keep my flat stomach and nice chest and arms. It seems the harder I work out the farther away from a 6-pack I get. I also have a massive 8.5" cock that drives my wife, Kelly, wild. Kelly on the other hand is a gorgeous 5'4"...

Wife Lovers
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Dewar Ne Chudaya Vabiko

Hi, I am Rajeev a young boy and this is a story about my neighbors-Deepak with his vabi-Sita. Sita is a 32-year woman has already four children and her husband work in UAE and she looks pretty and good shape. She always wears transparent Sari or Kurtha so she looks always sexy. However, She has economic problems must of the time due to more child. Deepak is her young Dewar but stay separately quite far from her place. This is a story, which I saw between them in Sita house. One day when I was...

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An Adventure with Kate and Karl

Number 4 of a series of individual stories. ([email protected]... - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!)? An Adventure with Kate and Karl ? by: Sonia_en_femme Chapter 1 - The Phone Call I came home from work and found Sally Anne looking excited. "What is it?" I asked. "Do you remember Karl the waiter that we met on our sexy weekend?" she asked and then went on, "Well Kate, his wife, rang me and she seemed very upset and had said that Karl had asked...

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Fifteen Minutes

Fifteen Minutes Ends a Marriage. I am sitting on the side of my bed crying. Reflecting on what fifteen minutes of stupidity cost me. My story. My name is Harriet. I worked as an analyst for a big marketing firm in town at the time. I was married to a general contractor named Jim, we had no children. A new department head was transferred from another branch of the firm. His name was Marty. He was also married, with two young sons. He was cute, funny, social and he liked to flirt. I did...

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FamilyHookups Brooke Haze Gabriela Lopez Have A Threesome With A Guy Who Thinks They8217re Real Sister

Teen cutie Brooke Haze is enjoying the afternoon with her older boyfriend when he tells her he wants to take their relationship to the next level… a threesome! While it isn’t the ring she was hoping for, she’s down, and she happens to have her “sister” coming over already. It’s her sorority sister but it’s more fun for her boyfriend if he doesn’t know that! She shows up and they waste no time getting down to business. Brooke’s boyfriend is...

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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 5

Lexi spent the next week working on her lair, this morning she was going through the library with a touch of a fingertip to a book she was sending copies to her a room in her lair, with a wicked grin she sent copies of the erotic books she and Con had grown up peeking at to join the rest, she was on the last row in no time, with a satisfied look she left the library. Since her mother was sleeping late, Lexi told Riley she was going to her lair, to call her if she was needed. With a giggle...

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The Thiefs Story

Here is a short short (for me anyway) as a continuation of the Djinnee story line. Now the lamp is out there for anyone to find. So find it already. Sheesh! Tales of Djinnar: The Thief's Story By Raven ********** The thief that had committed the burglary of Hal's place huddled in the back alley to analyze his bounty. He was able to fence everything except for that damned old, and beat up brass lamp. As he counted the wad of bills that he got from the fence, he put...

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An Easter Tale

An Easter Tale for SaribooSomething to think about when the sermon goes too long this SundaySari is a friend of my daughters, and since she moved to my area at some distance from her home, and my former home, I have tried to help her to adjust to being on her own. I helped her find an apartment, move in, a trip to Ikea to get furniture (and much assembly required), a search for just the right pots and pans; well you get the picture. And once or twice a week I take her to lunch or dinner. I try...

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Good Times At Cheddar High Part One

Part One The following story reads just short of a small book, a tale in four parts. It had to be that way because growing up is a long slow process, sometimes joyous, sometimes painful but always eventful. An abridged version of a young man coming of age would be a betrayal to the drama and excitement of youthful fantasies and indiscretions. After many false starts and several near misses, Richard reaches a spectacular happy ending with an unexpected conclusion. So you are invited to follow...

Straight Sex
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A New Style of Education part 14

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 14 "Years one and two in the front coach," instructed Mr Hobson. "The rest of you are in the second coach." All our concert clothes were taken on special racks and would travel with our instruments in a large truck. I'm sure that Paula wouldn't have had trouble carrying her flute, but my French horn got very heavy after being carried for a while. The rest of the luggage had been placed in the entrance hall on big trolleys and the...

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Training Your Cuckold Husband

Think of training in three phases:1. Basic Training - is required to make permanent the rebalancing of the sexual roles central to a hot wife/cuckold marriage2. Advanced Training - is for couples who seek a deeper expression of cuckold devotion and preparation for the third phase3. Fetish Training - is where you build on your newfound perspectives to explore a variety of previously unimagined pleasures...Why is Training Necessary?We are all conditioned to accept a limited and distorted view of...

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Medical Practice

Years ago,while in college in my early 20s(a small private church related universty),I was hospitalized due to an infection in my leg from a motor cycle accident,a cut that I had not taken seriously enough or had proper treatment for - until it started swelling up and oozing yucky greenish yellow fluid and hurting like hell. Think I was running a fever as well. After being admitted to the infirmary,I was placed on a high dose of IV antibiotics. My symptoms began to improve after a couple of...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 7 Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass

Chapter 7: Spanking the Bimbo Wife's Hot Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the bimbo serum. “Do I need to be punished?” I asked. I had been so naughty. I fucked so...

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Double TwistChapter 194

“Maybe we’ll have a vampire prom.” He shot me an appalled look. “What is this, Twilight?” —Veronica Wolff, Vampire’s Kiss OUR LIVES were defined by concerts. Saturday, we performed in our first ‘public’ venue at Marion Civic Center. There were around five hundred in attendance. Doesn’t sound like much compared to the thousands we performed for in California. Cindy and I lowered our expectations. We weren’t in a huge production with a cast of hundreds. We were two classical musicians...

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