Devlin's StoryChapter 40 free porn video

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"That was a nasty trick you pulled on me last night," Doug said when Devlin met him in the lobby of her dorm.

Devlin shrugged. "You mean with Charlotte, when you..." Her voice trailed off as she considered who might be listening. "I thought it was something that had to be done."

"She seemed well satisfied. Other women have been."

"So you learned something." She smiled as he held the door for her. "Look, Doug, I could sense her need."


"She didn't want any more oral sex," Devlin went on, ignoring his protest. "She wanted a certain hard piece of male equipment. So did her husband. Some couples get off on seeing their partner doing it with someone else."

"I didn't cum, you know."

She stopped, heedless of the people around them. "You faked an orgasm? I didn't think that was possible. I didn't think guys could."

He gave her an apologetic shrug. "I hid the condom, so nobody could tell."

She shook her head in amazement. "You sure had me fooled."

"I've learned a few things over the years," he said with a sour smile. "Give me credit for being a good student." He resumed walking toward the parking lot, and she had to hurry to catch up. "I've had plenty of opportunity to see what a man looks like when he cums."

"Still..." Devlin shook her head again, this time in admiration. She'd never heard of a guy faking an orgasm, and he'd had her totally convinced. "You certainly looked like you were."

"Only partly. Believe it or not, I was actually starting to go soft, so that's when I started the theatrics. At least you were enjoying yourself."

"What can I say, he was pretty good." She got in the car, demurely smoothing down her dress. He'd asked her to wear a black dress, and she had chosen a belted flippy dress with short sleeves, a high collar, and a full skirt. The weather hadn't moderated any, so she'd worn her leather boots as well.

Doug was wearing jeans and a jacket, not a dress, like she thought he would. She'd wanted to see the reaction other people would have to him wearing a dress into a woman's dorm, but apparently she wasn't going to find out.

"I'm sorry if I put you on the spot," Devlin said to break the silence. "But Loretta needed a hard dick in her, and you had the only one around that wasn't being used."

He started the car, but just sat there staring at the parking lot. "That's something I don't understand. I made her cum three times. I thought she was more than satisfied."

"Believe it or not, a climax isn't the only reason a woman has sex."

"I'd heard something like that once," Doug said. "I know a lot of women don't climax, and I thought this was a way women had of accommodating that."

"Most women will climax from oral stimulation," Devlin said, "just like most women will climax from masturbation. You're thinking of the statistic that only one woman in three climaxes from intercourse."

"Most of the women I've seen at Cindy's seem to cum from having a dick in them."

Devlin shrugged. "I think most women in the lifestyle do climax from intercourse. At least I haven't met one who doesn't. I'm not sure if that's because we get more sex than the average housewife, or we're part of that 35%. I'll leave that to the people studying the subject.

"But a climax isn't the only reason to screw. I don't know what it is for a guy, but for a woman there are all of the other things that go on: the touching, the caressing, the kissing, and even the bodies entwined together; everything is focused on you and your feelings. It's like it validates you in your own mind. A man finds her desirable. A man wants her. Sure, he's being selfish and will cum, but that's just the way men are."

"Thanks a lot," he said sourly. "So her wanting me to put it in..."

"It's a woman thing. It's a feeling unique to a woman, and a woman knows it. A lot of women define that as the sex act, not manual or oral stimulation."

"Guys can feel the same thing when someone puts it in their ass."

She shook her head. "Sorry, no. I admit I've never done anal, but I've know a lot of women who have, and they tell me it feels different, and not just because of different nerve endings. A vagina is meant to have a cock. That's in the back of your mind from the moment your mother has The Talk with you. It's the female part of the sex act. And to feel a cock sliding into you..." She drew a deep breath. "That's one of those things that is part of being a woman."

Doug pondered that in silence as they left campus and turned north. "Did you know it was my first time with a woman?" he finally asked.

"What? I thought you had before." He'd been a virgin? "How did you get into a lifestyle group without ever having been with a woman?"

"She took my cherry," Doug went on, ignoring her question. "Well, if you want to get down to particulars, she took my male-female cherry."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that. If I'd known I might have... I don't know what I would have done."

"Well, it's over and done with. It didn't feel like I thought it would, but nothing ever does, especially when sex is concerned."

"You're not going to tell her, of course."

"Of course not. She had a good time. She'd sucked me off earlier, so I had a good time. And I know you and her husband had fun, several times from the noises you were making."

Devlin laughed. "Yeah, several times. I was surprised he didn't want a blow-job or want to cum on my breasts. A lot of guys do. But he wanted in between my legs, and I wasn't about to tell him no."

"Different strokes," Doug said, shrugging. "Anyway, I'd appreciate if you gave me more warning in the future."

"You mean you'd try it again with a woman?"

"Perhaps. It didn't feel like with a guy. In some way I enjoyed it, but I think it was because I could see what it was doing to her. You don't always get that with a guy."

"I wouldn't know... something about not having the right equipment."

"Yeah, that's true." He pulled over in front of an apartment building. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I want to change."

"Wear a long coat, it's not the proper weather for a dress."

He laughed and left, leaving the engine running. Devlin turned on the radio and leaned back, letting her mind drift.

She hadn't wanted to put Doug in an awkward spot, but the woman he'd been pleasuring with his fingers and tongue had been whispering "put it in, put it in" for several minutes. He was certainly ready, the woman had been holding onto Doug's cock like her life depended on it. Between the two of them they had browbeaten him, she couldn't call it anything else. And so, reluctantly, he had rolled on a condom and pushed it into her.

The look on his face--a mix of surprise, pleasure and confusion--was priceless. She'd had a lot of experience looking at a man's face as he entered her, but she hadn't spent all that much time looking at a man's face when he entered someone else. Of course part of that was because the physical sensations she was enjoying kind of focused her attention.

She let that go. Doug brought the woman to a moaning, back-arching climax. It seemed to do something to her husband, too; he had been watching, and after Doug began thrusting, he began pounding away with renewed energy, and managed to achieve his own climax at nearly the same time as his wife's. Afterwards, as they came down, the two had held hands and kissed. That moment of romanticism had been a satisfying conclusion to a night of pleasure.

A woman came out of the apartment building and got into the car. With a start Devlin realized it was Doug. The blonde hair was a wig, and the bosom had to be falsies of some kind--she wondered what he was using--but other than that Doug looked good in that black dress.

"Why do so many guys wearing a dress put on a blonde wig?" she asked. "What's wrong with being a brunette?"

"A blonde looks more vulnerable," he said. He glanced down. "I don't have your boots."

"You wouldn't. They don't make these in Men's Sizes. These things cost me $270 at Nordstrom's in Chicago."

"At that price they'd better be warm."

"They're the best boots I've ever had. If I ever win the lottery I'll probably spend half of it in the Nordstrom's shoe department." She studied his face. "Did you want us to look alike?"

"Well... that crossed my mind."

She hated to disappoint him. "Let's swing by the Athletic Club. I have a pair of sandals there that I could wear." Her feet might freeze, but with any luck she could get inside where it was nice and warm before that happened.

Her sandals were right where she thought she'd put them. She snagged those, and then after a few seconds of thought, a set of inserts from her sample pack. She was sure she could improve on whatever Doug was wearing. She didn't tell him about them, though, when she got back in the car.

"You're going to have to tell me where and how you hid it," she said, looking at his lap.

"A special girdle. It tucks everything between my legs and cushions things so nothing gets pinched or squeezed."

"That could hurt."

"More than you could know." He glanced at his watch. "Now let's go. I told Lisa 7:30, and it's nearly that."

The club was a couple of blocks west of the University. The outside was cinder block painted some dark color; there was a sign in an otherwise blacked-out window: 'No Alcohol'.

"They're serious about that, aren't they?" Devlin asked as Doug pulled into the parking lot.

"Life is easier without booze," Doug replied. "It keeps all sorts of people away. We still get the cops from time to time--they want to make sure we aren't secretly serving liquor--but we don't get anything more than that."

"You mean they aren't here to check on 'morality'?"

Doug shook his head. "If they've checked up on us, nobody's noticed."

Devlin remembered Denise's warnings; as she got out of the car she glanced up and down the street. About a block away she could see a car sitting by the side of the street with its lights on. How much could they see? She decided not to worry about it. Unless they knew what this place was, they'd just see two people in dresses entering the place.

There was a band playing; their music was like a physical wall you had to push through. There were people dancing on the floor; a lot of whom wore dresses. A few were obviously female--there was one woman with long straight dark hair, a tank top that didn't hide much of her braless breasts, and a miniskirt that was so tiny her panties were visible when she bent over, who was dancing by herself. A couple of others who were clearly women were standing on the side of the dance floor moving with the music.

Doug paused as the door banged shut behind them, looking around. He picked his way around the dance floor, shedding his coat and tossing it in an empty booth.

"Let me see," Devlin said, removing her own coat.

Doug turned. His black dress had a high neckline and long sleeves. It flared at his hips, and the hem was just at the top of his knees. He wasn't wearing any jewelry, except for a thin gold necklace.

"Not bad," Devlin said. She eyed his chest; she could see something poking up a little. "A woman would wear earrings, and maybe a ring on her right hand."

"Like you are."

"Like me. And the ring, necklace and earrings would go together. What did you stuff your bra with?"

"Same thing as always: tissue."

"You're lumpy." She pulled the inserts out of her purse. "Use these instead."

He turned them over in his hand. "Are these what I think they are?"

"Gel inserts. Women who've had a mastectomy wear them. They come in just about any size imaginable." She looked at his dress. "I would suggest nothing larger than a B cup for you."

"I'd like to try something larger."

Devlin smiled, shaking her head. "Trust me, it doesn't look that way. A girl with boobs like mine has grown into them, or at least gotten used to just being larger. A guy won't have the subconscious actions. With your frame you'd look properly proportioned with a B cup." She looked him over again. "What size bra are you wearing?"

"40B. That's what a girl I know got me."

"Ah, then these will fit just about right."

"How do they... ? How do I put them in?"

"Hasn't anyone shown you... no, nobody would, would they?" Every one of her other customers was a woman who knew how to put on a bra, knew exactly what she wanted herself to look like, and could figure out the inserts without thinking.

"Well, there's an up and a down, at least on this brand of insert." She took one, turning it over in her hand. "That's because a woman's breast is fuller toward the bottom, one of the 'benefits' of gravity."

"These don't have a nipple."

"That's because most women want to be smooth on top. We don't want to show any lumps. It's... wrong."

"Will you show me how to put them in?"

"Here?" Devlin looked around. "In front of everybody?"

"No, in the bathroom. We can be private there."

She sucked in her gums. "Tell me, Doug. When you're wearing a dress, which bathroom do you use?"

"The Men's, of course. I'm a man."

"Even in other places?"

He nodded. "Naturally. Of course I don't go to too many places while wearing a dress. Often I'll go there in jeans and what-not, and change. Tonight is one of the few times I've left my apartment in full rig."

"And you expect me to go in the Men's Restroom?"

He shrugged. "Why not? You won't see anything you haven't seen before."

She gave him a half-hearted laugh. "If you say so."

He took her by the hand and practically pulled her into the Men's Room. "Unzip me."

She pulled down his zipper. She tried to ignore the guy at the urinal, or the guy in the corner who was pulling on a green dress.

"You have no idea of how uncomfortable this is making me feel," she muttered in Doug's ear.

"Just tune it out," he replied. He reached into his bra and pulled out wads of cotton and tissue. "All right, what do I do?"

Devlin focused on Doug. She slipped an insert in one cup and handed him the other one. "There. See how I did that?"

He pulled the cup open and took a look. "Oh. Okay, yeah, I see." He put the other one in. "How's that?"

One was higher than the other, and looked misshapen. "Let me adjust." She reached in and slid the insert over. "There."

Doug looked at himself in the mirror. "I don't know."

Devlin zipped him up. "Now how does it look?"

"Oh, much better." He smoothed the dress down below his bosom. "Yes, much better. It looks real."

"That's because it was designed to look real," she replied. "Women are very sensitive about the way things look."

"Excuse me," said the man wearing the green dress. "I couldn't help noticing. What are those?"

"Gel inserts," Doug said, "just like some women wear."

"Could I get some? They'd beat the balloons I normally wear."

Before Doug could say anything, Devlin nodded. "We're in a booth in front. I'll give you my card." A sale is a sale, she told herself, trying to look the guy in the eye and ignore his dress. I'll probably end up selling these to every guy in town who wears a dress.

"I'll be out there in a couple of minutes," the man in the green dress said.

Devlin practically ran out of the restroom. When she was back in the hall she paused, drawing a deep, shuddering breath.

"It wasn't that bad," Doug said from behind her.

"Yes it was," Devlin replied.

"But you've seen plenty of guys naked, and--"

"It's not the same thing," Devlin said. "I don't belong there. It's... wrong." She took a couple more deep breaths to settle her nerves. "It's a, I don't know, it's a taboo or something, and having seen guys naked isn't the same thing. I have a friend who is a nudist, and she says she can't nerve herself to go into a Men's Restroom."

Doug looked confused. "If you say so," he said at last.

"Would you go in to the Ladies Room? Even wearing a dress?"

"Of course not! I told you that already."

"That's the same thing," she said. "You don't know how uncomfortable I felt in there."

"Well, it's over with, and I see Lisa over by the door. Let's go meet her."

Lisa was a thin gal with short blonde hair and a heart-shaped face. She was wearing a sleeveless, low-cut black dress with a pencil skirt. She was looking around, her jaws working furiously on some gum.

"Lisa!" Doug called, waving. "We're over here."

Lisa joined them in their booth. "You're looking good, Doug. I hate it when you look better in a dress than I do."

"It's Devlin," he replied. "She gave me a real bosom."

"And here I thought you'd had surgery or started on a drug therapy." She turned to Devlin, holding out her hand. "I'm Lisa. And you must be the mysterious Devlin he's told me so much about."

"The mysterious Devlin?" Devlin asked, shooting Doug a glance. He looked down, color rising to his cheeks. "I didn't know I was mysterious."


"He told me he'd met a girl," Lisa said, sliding into the booth. "Naturally I thought, well, you know. I confess I was a little surprised. I really didn't see Doug dating a girl."

"We don't date," Devlin said.

"No, you go to some strange parties that he doesn't tell me about."

"I have too," Doug said.

"And you go with her, not me." Lisa faked a pout, and then burst into laughter. "I know, you think I would feel out of place at the party. It wouldn't be the first time I've gone to something and felt out of place."

Doug smiled wanly. "Trust me, Lisa, you'd really feel out of place at these parties."

"What is it, some... some orgy? Jo and I have been to other parties with you, and--"

"As a matter of fact, it is an orgy," Doug said, pitching his voice so it wouldn't be heard by anyone else."

Lisa stopped, surprised. "You're kidding me."

Doug shook his head. "Nope. Men and women, naked on the bed, going at it like crazy. Devlin and I attend together because it's couples only."

"But you don't do women, or at least I don't think you did. Do you?"

The color was rising to Doug's cheeks again, so Devlin decided to step in. "It's what we call a lifestyle party, and it's male and female couples only." She held up her hand as Lisa started to say something. "We spend the evening partying with another couple. Doug gives and receives oral sex with the women, while I..."

"Devlin has more conventional sex with the men," Doug finished.

"But... really? You aren't putting me on?"

Doug and Devlin both shook their heads.

"You just have sex with them, these strangers, as if it's just... nothing?"

"Some people play cards at a party," Devlin said. "Others dance or stand around, talk, and get drunk. We have sex."

"But with complete strangers? Isn't that kind of dangerous?"

"We all know each other," Doug said. "And we use protection."

"But..." Lisa's voice trailed off. "I never thought you had it in you," she finally told Doug. "A woman. Several women."

"Not at the same time," Doug said. "You could call it a form of serial monogamy. For that one evening I'm true to them."

"I didn't think you knew your way around a woman's body."

Doug shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a quick learner. And most women are quick to tell you when you're doing something right."

"Well, that's the truth," Lisa said. She looked at Devlin. "You look familiar. It's as if... I've got it: the bra gal. You fit me and Jo with a half dozen perfectly fitting bras."

Devlin smiled. "I'm sorry. You look vaguely familiar, but I can't place you."

"That's all right," Lisa said. "There were 30 gals at that thing; I'd be surprised if you remembered me. But that probably also explains why Doug's bosom is a lot smoother than normal."

"She gave me a pair of gel inserts," Doug said.

Lisa reached out and squeezed Doug's bosom. "They feel natural."

"I like the even curves it gives me," Doug said.

"So you and Devlin go to these... sex parties. Is that how you met?"

"More or less," Doug said. "Almost everyone there is either on the faculty, or is staff of some kind. Except Devlin. She's a student."

"A student?" Lisa studied Devlin's face. "What year are you?"

"I'm a sophomore," Devlin said.

"And you... do... have sex just for the fun of it?"

"Why not? We practice safe sex, and nobody's carrying any weird disease."

"Do you know Karen Sullivan?"

"Yeah, I'm participating in a study with her."

"I did, too," Lisa said. "Last year she was studying sexual habits among lesbians."

"This year she's studying straight gals," Devlin said, "but only if the girl has more than one partner."

"Devlin qualifies," Doug said.

"I'm probably over qualified," Devlin added.

"Well, you skew the curve rather dramatically," Doug said. "No, Lisa said something to me a while back, and I thought you could help her."

"What was it I told you?" Lisa asked. "I tell you a lot of things."

"You said you were curious about having sex with a guy."

Lisa laughed. "Oh, that." She reached out to touch Doug's shoulder. "I must have been drunk on strawberry wine again." She paused long enough to remove her gum and fold it in a napkin. "I suppose you could put me down as a lesbian who is bi-curious."

"Normally when I hear that someone is bi-curious," Devlin said, "it means the gal wants to know what it's like to have sex with a woman."

"Yeah," Lisa acknowledged. "Well, ever since I was old enough to be aware of sex I've been attracted to gals. The high-point of my day was gym glass. All those tiny little boobs and those tight little asses just did it for me. And if I saw pussy, well, seventh-heaven. Guys did absolutely nothing for me. The only thing about growing up knowing I was interested in girls was that I could discuss gals with my older brother. He knew I was a lesbian and it didn't bother him. Coming to college was wonderful. I hadn't even registered before I'd found at two groups of lez gals."

"And you're interested in guys, now."

"Sort of," Lisa said. "Sort of. Part of it is just old-fashioned curiosity. I want to know what it's like being with a guy. But the gals I've asked all assume I've been with a guy, and so when they talk, it doesn't make sense. Of course some of it is just wondering if I'm missing something."

"And since you have a female partner, Devlin, I thought you could help Lisa."

Devlin looked at Doug. "Oh? Where did you hear that?"

"From Cindy. She said you have a girlfriend you're intimate with, but she didn't say anything beyond that."

"You're bisexual?" Lisa asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Not really," Devlin admitted. "I have a girlfriend, and we occasionally have sex, but she's the only gal I've been with. No, I'm in Karen's study because sex is a social activity for me. It's like what I was telling you, but I party with another group, not just the one Doug knows about." She laughed a little self-consciously. "I'm what you'd call promiscuous, but only within a select social setting."

"See, that's one of those things," Lisa said. "I am, too, which is rare in the lesbian world. Most lez gals date around a bit, but quickly settle on one partner." She grimaced. "About half the gals are looking for someone strong to take care of them--but without having to deal with a man--and most of the rest are looking for someone they can take care of, so it works out. But a few of us like to sleep around." She looked at Devlin. "Promiscuous?"

"Compared to most women, yes. We call it the lifestyle; most people call it swinging."

"Oh. Wife-swapping. I've heard of that."

"Well, we don't call it that," Devlin said. "That's a derogatory term other people have used."


"And I'm not married," Devlin said. "Sex is a recreation for me."

"And she recreates enthusiastically," Doug said.

"Thanks a lot," Devlin replied.

"Well, you do."

"I guess."

"So, do you think you can answer some of my questions?" Lisa asked.

"Depends on the questions." Devlin shrugged. "I can probably answer some of them."

Lisa looked around, spotted the waiter, and motioned him over. "Iced tea, and spaghetti with mizithra cheese all around," she said. She waited until the waiter left before leaning forward. "What does it feel like when a guy puts his thing in you?"

"You've never been with a man?" Devlin asked. Lisa shook her head. "Have you ever put anything in there?"


"No fingers? None of your partners have, either?" Lisa shook her head again. "All right," Devlin sighed, "you've asked a question I can't answer. It feels... the first time you do it, it feels really weird, like nothing you've ever felt before. You can feel it going in, and it's stretching you in places you didn't even know could stretch. And it hurts a little, too, at least the first time. Fingers and tampons don't even come close; they can't replace that stretched feeling, that full feeling you get when he enters you, or the feeling of it sliding in you... that is a very unique feeling that's hard to explain."

"I was afraid of that," Lisa said. She leaned back, shaking her head. "So, basically you're saying that I'm going to have to try it before I decide if I like it."

"That's about the size of it," Devlin said. "It's very much a physical thing, not an intellectual thing. There's an emotional part of it, too," Devlin added after a bit. "There's a sense of, well, of completion. You're female, he's male, and the two of you are joined." She laughed. "You don't know how many guys have asked me what it feels like."

"Like they have a way of knowing," Lisa said. She seemed to sink in on herself. "Well, I'm not wild about the idea, but if there's no other way to find out, I guess I could."

"Don't do it if you don't want to," Devlin said.

"Yeah, I'm kind of tossing the whole thing around in my mind." She smiled at the waiter as he brought the iced tea. "Maybe you can tell me a few other things."

"Such as?"

"What are guys like other than down there? I mean physically, not socially."

"Umm, all right, how about this? Guy's skin isn't as smooth as a gal's, nor is it as sensitive."

"That makes sense," Lisa said.

"Sometimes that roughness is kind of a turn-on. Umm, other things: guys have more hair, you wouldn't believe how hairy some guys are, or where they have hair. That takes some getting used to. Umm, what else. Guys are more aggressive, less sensitive, when they kiss. My girlfriend can kiss me, and it's like being caressed by a butterfly's wings."

"Oh, I like the imagery," Lisa said, smiling.

"Thank you," Devlin said. "But guys don't kiss that way. And while a gal knows infinitely more about foreplay than a guy, you have to understand that a guy brings a different perspective to it. A guy gets better if you tell him what you like and don't like. From listening to most bi-gals at parties, a lot of them don't like being told what they're doing right or wrong."

"You're expected to know," Lisa said. "After all, you're a gal, too. But I thought guys would, you know, not take orders from a woman."

"Far from it," Devlin said. "Guys really enjoy being told that they're doing something right. They really dig that sort of reaction. And it doesn't have to be vocal, guys like verbal reinforcement, but they are also quick to pick up on sighs, little clenches, and things like that. You see, for the most part, guys are really insecure about sex. Our bodies are a mystery to them, and some of them try really hard to learn more and get better at foreplay."

Lisa nodded, and then stopped. "Wait a minute, you said some of them try to get better at it."

"That doesn't seem to apply if the guy is big down there. There are guys I know who have big dicks, and they are totally satisfied with what they do. They don't want to hear that they can improve. As far as they're concerned, a big one is what it's all about."

"Does size make a difference?" Lisa asked. "In your opinion. I know what I've read in the magazines."

Devlin thought about it. "I think that's up to each gal," she said at last. "For more than two years I had a boyfriend who was big, at least 10" long, maybe longer, and really big around. Taking him was... hard, especially the first time of the evening. It was more exciting when I wasn't with him; I'd think about it, and get turned on. Of course, the greatest thing about him was that he could recover quickly. We could do it three times a night, and often more than that. And we could always do it at least once the next morning. Some nights he seemed inexhaustible. I'd be totally pooped, and he still wanted to play."

"You?" Doug said in disbelief. "I thought you had the endurance of a marathon runner."

"It happens," Devlin said. "I usually do at a party I do because I'm ready for it, but I can also take or leave it as much as I want."

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...

3 years ago
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his best friend

My friend has a best friend for more than 30 years. I didnt know that he married my friends ex. lol. While our relation kept growing we made the next step and we live together for a few years now. they both had a tradition called CGT Coffee,Gaming,Talking but because there where a few more miles between us it didnt stand. I wanted to surprise him and after a while I called his friend, asking hem to come over. As the weekend came I didnt tell my friend there would be a visit. So it was fun to...

2 years ago
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How a Good Girl was Turned Bad Ch 3

This was silly, but the first thing I noticed when I put my hand on Justin’s cock was that my nails looked terrible! Due to the Covid shutdown of salons I had not had a manicure in a long time.  I was not good at doing my nails and with no chance for a manicure and that I spent the majority of my workday using a computer keyboard my nails had taken a beating.  I then focused back on Justin’s large penis. I did not take Justin’s cock in my mouth at first.  He said I could take my time and enjoy...

1 year ago
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Threesome fiction

So here is a story a wrote awhile back for my woman. I'm just curious what y'all think. Not claiming to be a writer or anything. So thoughts appreciated! And it is a fantasy, so hopefully sometime it can come true!Threesome funYou and I had been talking about experimenting with another woman in our bedroom. You asked me to look into finding a woman for us. I was super excited and ran to my laptop. I looked on Craigslist and found a few women in our area who wanted to join a couple in the...

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Gangbanged in Dominica

My sweet wife suggested we could go this time to Dominica on vacation. I agreed with Anita; sunny days, sandy beaches, a nice resort… We could not ask for more…During the second night there, after a wild hard fuck session, my sweet wife confessed she needed much more than my cock.I had made her cum twice before I could fill her cunt with my warm semen, but Anita insisted she wanted more and more…She added that we could find a huge and hard black cock there…She convinced me next evening we...

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Turning Point ch 4

Robert has reached another turning in his life. He has had sex with a woman and one that he least expected but is very happy with the turn of events. He now looks forward to broadening his sexual horizons. I was up very early Friday morning. I rushed through my chores and was back in the house making me a morning snack to take to the lake with me when Mom and Dad walked in the kitchen. Mom was in her old house coat and looked like shit. Dad was about ready for work and Mom was...

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A good weekend fuck session conclusion

When I came too, Eric had turned me to my side and had one leg up over his shoulder and the other stretched down between his legs. His massively huge penis was lunging into my anal cavity very rapidly, causing sloshing sounds from the flood of baby making fluid that he had filled my rectum with. Eric was in my butt for nearly three hours before he finally shoot his last load of spunk into my bowels. We laid in each others arms and slept for a couple of hours. When Eric woke he said to me 'now...

2 years ago
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Reunited Part Two

This is the sequel chapter to Reunited, in order to gain context, please read the first chapter for more pleasure... Meg. His cock is throbbing in my mouth as I hold his hips closer, looking up, I can only see a gorgeous young man in front of me. He is someone I had never laid eyes on before now but is biologically my son. I break my mouth away from his manhood, gasping as I stare at the muscle in front of me, coated in my lustful spit. What am I doing? Oh god, what have I done? I look up to...

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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part XXIXa

Chapter 87 Rach had an ache in her side, like she had laid down wrong on something. Uhh, what a... The pain in her side was explained away as the misshapen lump of blue clay, Rach looked at it and... Wait a minute, that dream. Her eyes fluttered open to a beautiful shade of blue; when she moved to get up, the blue moved with her. A quick glance at the mirror over her dresser confirmed her suspicions. Fucking magic shit. Rach sighed as she remembered everything else. Rach was...

4 years ago
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Take My Cherry

“If you want, you can take my cherry!” I’m not sure how it came that I heard it at all, with the music blaring much too loud through the worn-down speakers and the crowd around me shouting and jumping. Someone had bumped into me, as if I hadn’t been miffed enough after Kirsty and Jo-Anne had somehow up and vanished from the party. I had swiped the spilled Tequila Sunrise from the front of my red tank top as good as I could and cursed the gods. This should have been our big end-of-year party,...

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The Stepford Husbands

The Stepford Husbands by Agatha Part One Peter was in shock. He had never known or experienced such humiliation inall his young life. Peter was thirteen years old, and had up until now, leda happy and reasonably unhindered life. The death of his father and the subsequentinsurance payout had allowed his mother to do something she had always wantedfor her young son… to send him to the most private and exclusive schoolshe could afford. Had she known exactly what her young son was to experience,...

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Mind Swapping Chapter 14 rejected

Mind Swapping Chapter 14 Carol and Barbara woke me early monday morning. It was the first day of classes after Spring Break Week, and we had a nine AM class. I quickly bathed, shaved my legs, underarms and pubic area, fixed my hair, applied my make up and put on the lingerie that Carol had laid out for me to wear: a pair of white lace bikini panties, a front hook white lace brassiere, white lace nylons with elastic lace tops that didn't need a garter...

2 years ago
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Elles Revenge

Oh how she loathed that nickname, was it her fault her stupid parents named her Elle, knowing perfectly well that her family did not exactly have a history of being thin. Of course she had escaped that ridicule for most of her childhood having been home schooled, but unfortunately her new step-mom, who stuck out in the family photo like a sore thumb. Thin and athletic in a group of well, overweight individuals. Elle’s family liked to eat and combined with the ‘bad’ genes the family definitely...

4 years ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 2

Tommy was my first. He was my first in a lot of things, just as I was his first. When we began learning about the opposite sex, he and I were paired up. That was back before my secondary sexual charactristics began budding, i.e. pubic hair and boobs. There isn't much to see when you're that age, and we sort of looked, noted, and ignored. I was a girl, and I was shaped this way, he was a boy, and he was shaped that way. Big deal. We hung together a lot. Call it natural attraction or...

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Allergic ReactionChapter 6 Home Invasion

Tamara Jenkins was shocked and apalled at her behavior the previous night. Less than a week ago she never would have considered doing anything of the sort, and now she was without a doubt no longer a virgin in any respect. Numerous boys and a couple of men had put body parts into her pussy, her mouth, and one had even pushed his way into her ass hole! Of all the things she'd done at Kevin's house the night before, that was the only one she truly felt disgusted by. The rest were stunning to...

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Beware of Old Men2

For a week I met the old janitor in the boiler room, on one day I would jack his cock till he came. The next he would make me suck his cock till he comes, it was Wednesday when he finally decided to stick his cock into my bunghole again. I was waiting in the stairs when he walked by, he opened the boiler room door and stepped to one side. I that was my signal that the hall was clear and I would scurry inside. I walked behind the huge furnace and turned to face my tormentor, 'drop your pants...

2 years ago
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domination of alice

my name is alice im 28 years old brunette 5 ft 5 inches average to good looking looks wise fittish body from working out and 34 c tits , i have and always a bit of a pushover i split with a recent boyfriend over this he said i never argue i dont know what it is but ive always been the same i enjoy pleasing people in a bit of a submissive way from way back i work as a p.a at a local firm ad recently was promoted to senior p.a for the managing director who was a women her name was mrs adams she...

1 year ago
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Sex With Engineering Friend After Marriage

Another incident happened with my engineering college friend who is already married and when my wife had been to her mom’s place when she had conceived. It was my back to bachelor life period. This engineering friend of mine named Lakshmi was in constant touch after college, we kept on discussing lots of things about our love failures, how she couldn’t marry her bf and how I couldn’t marry my GF.   In the process we discussed everything, I told about how I fucked my GF, and she also revealed...

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Little Sisters Punishment

"Bye mom, bye dad! Have fun!,” my 20 year old brother, Dylan, yelled after our parents car. "There, now we have the house all to ourselves."Our parents were going on a week long vacation in Florida. They said they wanted to relive their honeymoon. “And?" I rolled my eyes, for some reason every word that comes out of my big brother's mouth just irritates the shit out of me, “I don't want to be stuck here with you.""Well, you are. So, get used to it.""Maybe I should call Justin over to keep me...

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Linda was my daughter-in-law’s good friend from SCUBA Club. We had known each other socially for several years when she called up and came over to talk with me. She was 38, bright, good looking, and pretty shapely. Since I was 65, I had never given dating her a thought. We had some coffee, then she broached the topic she came to explore. Basically, she said that she was young and single and needed some money for a new car and that I was older and single and seemed to have a lot of money....

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My Uncles Dirty pictures

I grew up in your typical suburban neighborhood. We had a nice house and everything. Swimming pool, you know, really nice place to grow up. My mom and Dad were good parents but, well, my brothers and I always knew they were doing their best to put on a "Happy Face" at home. Anyway, my Mom's brother Jeff used to stop by from time to time and you should have seen my Mom's face light up when she saw him pulling up outside. He was an interesting guy for sure. Uncle Jeff was a free lance...

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The UpgradeChapter 7

We got up early, since we passed out early and heard a light ding in the office. That’s the road alarm, and generally, it doesn’t go off until 7:15 when a school bus uses our opened-up area at the end of our driveway to turn around. The driveway alarm is louder and is heard all over the house. I looked out the office window to see a black SUV, like the ones the FBI uses on TV. Interesting. They just drove up and turned around, but unlike the bus, the windows went down and someone was snapping...

4 years ago
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To Switch or Not to Switch

We had plans for this evening. Per his orders I was to be ready to leave for a party at his Mentor’s home at 8:00 sharp. His Mentor is a famous author who lives in an elaborately renovated castle. I’m fascinated by the architecture, and curious about the redesign. I have heard that the Mentor is also known in inner circles as an extremely cruel, strict and sadistic Master. But most importantly I am thrilled to meet the man who helped form my Master into who he is today. So, I have been...

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Ass fucking my wifes best friend

Lena is drop dead gorgeous, long legs, fashionably thin, green eyes and long curls of flaming red hair. She is bubbly, witty and inconveniently married. Lena’s husband, who I call ‘Bod’, is away on business most of the time. A civil engineer by profession, he works for the World Bank on development projects that take him overseas for a year or more. I only met him once. A short, nondescript kind of guy who wore an NRA baseball cap on a dome-like, prematurely balding head. For most of the...

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Lady Augusta of Evian

The bright, rainbow-hued light streaming through one of the many intricate stained-glass windows of your tower bedchamber falls across your pixie-like face, waking you from a restless sleep. Stretching between the luxurious, white sheets and heavy comforter, you yawn, then suddenly sit straight up, your waist-length, fiery red hair falling out of its haphazard bun and cascading down your back. "Oh good heavens!" you exclaim. "'Tis my wedding day!" You let out a very unlady-like groan. Your...

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Freddy in the Bathroom My Wifes Confession

Author's Note: Although I wrote this story in such a way that it can be read as a stand-alone story, it is really meant to act as a companion story (a sequel) to the “Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away” story, which has already been posted to this same website by my better half. So I would highly recommend that you read that story first, before you read this one. * * * * * Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife's Confession by rat_race * * * * * “How would you feel if you found...

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Four Times Satsu Didnt Have Smoochies

Four Times Satsu Didn't Have Smoochies With the Scoobies (And 2 Times That She Did)5. WillowSatsu answered the knock at her front door, and was confronted with a face out of what felt like a whole other life.There was an awkward silence as the two of them just stared at one another, across the gulf of years that had separated them. "Hey," Willow finally said."Hey." After another awkward moment, Satsu remembered her manners and moved aside to un-block the doorway. "Come in. Please.""Thanks."...

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Too Good to Resist Chapter 1

In the back of his mind, Mike knew it was wrong. After all, he was a married man and Naomi was married as well to someone else. However, his thoughts of morality were quickly squashed by the intense visions of Naomi and his memories of her. Mike and Naomi had a scorching hot relationship for several years, but things fizzled after awhile. They parted ways, and found themselves married to other people in a few years time. They had, for what it looked like, moved on from each other. Time, on the...

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My virginity

Introduction: My first story ever so be kind please but truthful non the less Me and my brother are super close in age and relationship. When I was 15 and him 16 we had a experience that changed our relationship for the better. At 15 I am done growing. I am 54 blonde with brown highlights I am in gymnastics so I kept fit and was about a 36 C in bra size. I noticed around when I turned 13 that boys had dicks or cocks and girls pussy or snatches. Growing up me and my bro took baths together until...

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Bug Control

Edited by Silverman * It was late at night and the janitor was almost done with his chores at the Center for Biological Research. As usual, he cleaned the containment room last because that place gave him the creeps. There were hundreds of glass containers with all kinds of small creatures that he had never seen anywhere else. Some of them looked like rodents, some looked like insects but according to the janitor, they were all very ugly. When the janitor was half way across the room, he saw...

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Halloween Fantasy with Kellykins

This is who the story was made for. was Halloween and I was feeling down. I had just broke up with my girl friend and was looking at another night alone. That’s when I got a call from my friend Pat looking to cheer me up. He told me a costume party at the local college and he was taking me. Well faced with a night alone or going to a party with lots of hot girls in what was I to do. We came up with a couple of quick costumes and headed out.We get to the...

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Another job interview

Three months after leaving the store they called Donna back for summer work. This is bloody ridiculous I can’t understand why they just don’t give her a permanent contract instead of pissing her about, but anyway. She received a phone call to go into the store for an interview even though they’d just let her go three months earlier, ‘store policy’ they said.I dropped her off 2pm this Thursday and then I went for a coffee and she was coming to meet me when she’d finished. She was wearing a black...

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Sympathy for the Devil

In the barren wastelands stood a derelict castle, there was one tower that remained intact. A glow could be seen emanating from the tallest window, inside evil events were unfolding.The young diabolist who had taken up residence in the tower was about to conduct his first ever summoning. He had laid out the protective circle exactly as the ancient scroll had described, the sacrifices were prepared, and candles lit. All he had to do was complete the incantation and he would be making his first...

Monster Sex
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 18

EARTH THE WASTES "You told us you would succeed Maraud." The albino white skin of the creature speaking pulled back over his lips to reveal needle sharp teeth. "You told us if we killed the rider, this dragon would not be able to act! Not only did you fail in killing the rider, you failed in killing the she-elves!" This secret mountain base was the last of the True People's strongholds on the northern continent and the most heavily defended. Hundreds of their people resided within the...

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Skipping School with Mommy

I remember it quite clearly to this day. Every detail, every image, all of it forever in my mind. A teenage girl is never supposed to catch her mother in such a... a... I was skipping school that day. I got fed up with studies and needed some free time like any teenager. So during lunch I simply skipped out the back door and walked home. Luckily home isn't that far away and in no time I'd be there relaxing by myself, free from the boredom of classes and stupid teachers. Who knows what...

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Diane educates two young men

The following morning after his encounter with Mrs M, Charles didn't go to the pool, though that's where his mother thought he was off to when he left early with his swimming bag over his shoulder. In reality he had an appointment to keep with a Mrs M, the mother of his team mate. A last minute hitch had cropped up. His friend Josh, had called to tell him his mother had taken off to attend a sick grandad, and he was going to bunk off school as he had the house to himself. They could...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 40

On Monday afternoon I was doing some more cleanup on Ka-Ling when my dad called. He told me to be waiting for him to get off work. The Wagoneer was ready and we would be picking it up. I still have no reason why I kept my new car a secret from everybody, but I had told nobody that I had already replaced Scout yet. So I was waiting in front of the house when my dad got there, and we were soon on our way to pick it up.And it looked great! All of the dings and rust were gone, the peeling fake wood...

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My best friend surprises me

I had no idea that I would ever want to suck cock, until it happened unexpectedly.Ken and I had been friends for a long time; we had been married to sisters at one time. Now I was married to a different woman, and we were living in California.I still stayed in touch with him, as we were the best of friends.He was working in Portland, Oregon, and I was working in Southern California at the time. I had called him up to see what he was doing, and he asked me if I'd like to come up and work on the...

Gay Male
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The Beginning Part 2

The Beginning Part 2Wednesday evening was turning into the night. Karen and I just got finishing watching the video of Bill shooting his black seed into her mouth. Karen was getting hot again but I had to reminder her we have to get our butts to the store. Junior won’t be able to nurse for the next few days. Once at the store we got to shopping. Karen was filling the basket up with baby food and formula.I said” Sure looks like a lot of baby food for just four days.”“As of today I decided not to...

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The Baroness and the Woodshed

The Baroness and the Woodshed By Stephanie Von Essen A short vignette about a Baroness who craves the harshest disciplinefrom the best dominatrix in Germany during weekly sessions in the woodshed. Eva, you and I have quite a trip to the woodshed in store for you. We haveboth become quite wet from thinking about your planned session all morning.You will receive the discipline you have been craving from the best dominatrixin Germany. Although you are a Baroness and extremely wealthy, you...

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Wills new old home Part 2

Introduction: So this one is less erotic, and focuses on some drama….I like it, you may not, but I like it….btw, if you want to see anything in particular happen in this story, post a comment about what you want to see, and if I like it, its in!! AH! Lynn yelled. She quickly sat up in her bed, clutching her sheets tightly in her hands. She turned around in her bed to put her feet on the carpet. Standing, she walked to the bathroom. What the fuck is wrong with me… She said to herself, as she...

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The CoachChapter 5

It was the last day of the first school week when Ted was sitting by himself at a table in the teacher’s lounge and he heard someone say, “Mind if I join you?” Looking up he saw the voice belong to Marie Watkins the Principal’s Secretary. Putting down the paper he was reading he told her he was happy for the company. He knew that Marie who was close to retirement age was privy to the many things happening not only at school but also in the area. “I am not going to ask you how the summer...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 34 Murder and Music

Lori was overjoyed to have us back home; as was Tracy. Even though we tried to be quiet, we woke them as we got into bed. Despite being tired, we made love, and then I slept soundly until nine in the morning. I would have preferred to have gone back to sleep, but I had to get across to the university to enrol. I grabbed a quick breakfast, got my organizer folder from the study, and drove across to the University. I parked behind the Electrical Engineering building, and went up to Professor...

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My Master calls

My Master William called me up last night and required my services at a party.He picked me up, told me to strip, gave me a cock ring and a collar, and we drove to a delapedated building out in the country.I got out of the car and crawled to the building where inside around two dozen naked guys and two well used cum covered big titted naked women were, seemingly waiting just for me.I was tied to the ceiling, arms over my head and the two women started to whip me. I had earlier in the week been...

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Sexy step sr and the stranger True

This is a very accurate true story. I love telling this story because till this day I get hard thinking about it. My step s****r would come stay with me and my step dad and mom every summer. We did not get along at all not until we entered our teen age years. First off Brandy is a year older then me she is about 5’9 and has an athletic figure with large firm breast from a young age. Blond hair and blue eyes. Every summer by the pool I would try not to stare at her sexy yummy body. And the...

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Pathan say gand marwai

Hi I am Kahif. Aap sab ka buhut buhut shukria aap nay meri story Foji say gand marwai pasan ki aaj jo main story sunany ja raha hun bilkul true story hai aur foji say gand marwany kay kuch time baad ki hai. Foji kay moty lund nay meri gand zakhmi kar di thi aek hanta tak main rozana apni gand par cream mallam lagata raha. Hoa yunaek din mai school say ghar aaraha ha jun ka maheena tha garmi buhut sakht thi achanak aek honda accord car mery pas akar ruki main nay car kay andar dekha tao aek koi...

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Measuring My Cum pt7

I decided to have a quick shower, put on a fresh pair of boxer's under my gown, and then went downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen, still wearing her tight shorts and low cut top. She served up the plates and we both took them into our dining room. Mom had already set the table. I was surprised to see a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses there. Mom normally only drank alcohol on special occasions or social events and had rarely allowed me to drink at home, although I did drink if I went out...

1 year ago
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Falling For My StepsistersChapter 4 Life on the Farm

I woke up the next morning in pain. There was a reason that I needed to go the night before, but now my poor bladder was reminding me of that reason. After taking care of my bladder and getting dressed, I headed downstairs. I found Liz already in the kitchen working on breakfast. "Morning Liz." "Good morning Rich. Sleep well?" "Too damn tired not to, as always." "Yeah, your father told me that you work too hard. Has it been any easier with the girls help?" "Definitely. I have...

1 year ago
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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIChapter 3

“I need you inside me,” she muttered. The sound of cum dripping to the floor was well heard as Paula let go of the cum filled bin and stood up. She wiped the cum from her face and opened her eyes. The sight before her was unbelievable, Alene was clearly not done, her cock seemed only bigger, it was surely bigger than her forearm and so thick it was hard to believe anyone can fuck it. Cum was dripping from the tip at a study rate, hitting the puddle on the floor, the huge puddle Paula and the...

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My incredible granny experience

For some reason I’ve always gravitated towards older women. For example, when I was 21, my girlfriend was 37. Sadly, we broke up because she was ready for something more and I, still being young with a libido in overdrive, wasn’t. So it was really no surprise when I met Phyllis shortly after our breakup and I was so glad I did.I was home on leave from the service visiting one of my good friends. We were enjoying some beers at his local hangout, when this older but very attractive red head sat...

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Weekend in Vegas

A few months back, my wife and I went to Vegas to see a show and have some fun. We flew out Thursday so we could catch a Friday show. We got to the hotel, threw our bags down and headed out for dinner. During dinner I kept ordering drinks for my wife. She loses her inhibitions when she gets tipsy and she knew exactly what I was up to. She knew that whatever it was would feel good so she kept drinking. I told her we were going to an adult store to look at things that might be fun that night. She...

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Would she be a gurl

I was spending my third night out of town, supporting a very bad stressing business trip. Worst of all, I was horny as hell, since I had not fucked my sensual Ana in those days.On the other hand, I was pretty sure that my sexy babe would be now in her Black Master’s bed, being fucked in a very wild way.That bastard nigger would also fuck her in that nice tight ass…After having some light meal for dinner, I went back to my hotel. I was really tired and just wanted a relaxing warm shower and some...

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A day on Amys Boat

A Day On Amy’s Boat by KatrinaIf you've read my last story about what happened with me and Bobby at my backyard pool, you know that, after that experience, I now think about boys differently. How a smart girl with an aggressive attitude can dominate boys. With my new outlook on life and my new freedom after graduating from college, I planned on enjoying my last summer off before I finally jump in to the rat race and get a job.Well, the first thing I thought about doing was seeing if I could get...

1 year ago
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Busty Neighbor8217s Young Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Ragu posting another story. Feedbacks are welcomed at . please give feedback just for one line, it encourage us to write more. This happened when I was studying in college. We are living in congested village in outskirts of trichy. Me, my mom and my sister lived there as we both are studying in trichy. My father is in native area as he take care of fields. We had a neighbor there, he is ramesh, he is widow working in government office. He having a daughter studying in...


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