A Cloak Of LiesChapter 6 free porn video

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"Camille, you should rest."

The words came from a great distance, prying into her thoughts as she stared at the awakening day. She was tired—having slept little in the night—and her body was wracked with pain. Leaning heavily against the window frame, all she could think of was how to get out and what Niko was doing.


She turned her head to see the sleepy-eyed Lorette gazing at her from a few feet away. The woman's face was a study of concern, pale and watchful.

"I think you should take one of these pills," Lorette said, holding the bottle out in front of her.

"No, thank you, Lorette," Camille said with a sigh. "I need to keep my head on straight."

"I'm worried about you. What are you looking at out there?" Lorette asked, taking a step closer.

"The sunrise. I've lost track of how long I've been here."

"Seems like I can't remember being anywhere else," Lorette returned. "I want to see my father."

Camille straightened with a grimace, turning to face the forlorn woman at her side. She laid a comforting hand on Lorette's arm, hoping the small gesture would alleviate some of her sadness.

"I know, honey. I want to see Niko again. I need to tell him how sorry I am. If only I'd listened..." Camille said, letting her voice trail off.

There was a soft knock at the door, interrupting whatever Lorette had been about to say. Olaf entered, carrying a large tray, laden with what was presumably to be their breakfast. Camille frowned, wondering what it was the man was doing there so early.

After setting the tray upon the table in the corner, he held a chair out, meeting Camille's eyes expectantly. His startling gaze compelled her to take the proffered seat, if a bit warily.

Once seated, she kept her eyes on him, wincing slightly at the pain that turning her neck caused. His gaze left her face briefly as he reached in front of her to lift the lid off a plate on the table. He shifted his gaze to her face and then pointedly back to the plate again.

Camille glanced down, expecting to find eggs or some other offensive breakfast food, but found only a few slices of melon, a small handgun and two loaded clips. Her head snapped up, a gasp escaping her lips when the man lowered the lid quietly over the plate once more. He gave her a warning look, one intended to silence any words that might have flown from her mouth.

She studied his face, searching for some sign of possible threat from him, but found only an earnest expression of determination. With a slight nod, she slipped her hand under the cover, removed the gun and hid it under her napkin. She did the same with each of the clips, wrapping the three items in the cloth. She covered the package with the folds of her nightgown while the butler shielded her, presumably from hidden cameras, with his body.

When Lorette looked as if she might question what was happening, Camille sent her a warning glance. Once satisfied with how she had hidden the weapon, Olaf stepped away from Camille, walking to the exit. He left the women alone, locking the door quietly behind him.

"Uh, Pavli..." Brick said, his voice uneasy.

Roused from his doze in the seat next to the goliath, Niko was instantly alert. The bright azure blue of the sky greeted him through the cockpit window. It took a moment for him to see what it was that had Brick on edge.

There was an aircraft off the starboard wing. Craning his neck, he could see another off the port wing.

"Just take it easy, Brick," Niko said. "You didn't expect to just land on the base without a military escort, did you?"

"I don't like it," Brick growled. "We're out-gunned."

"That's stating the obvious," Niko said with a sneer. "All we have to do is bring it in according to Hansen's directions."

They'd only been in the air for a half hour after leaving Illinois when Niko had radioed Hansen. Without a secure connection, Niko had spoken in code, hoping that the colonel would get the full picture of what he needed.

"I guess that proves the base is actually here," Brick growled, pulling back on the throttle.

Ignoring him, Niko turned to check on the passengers in the back. Bob Phelps glowered at him, his hands still shackled with his own handcuffs. Olan smirked, his fingers clutched around the grip of the gun in his lap.

Turning back to the front, Niko tried to catch a glimpse of the airfield he knew was below. Carved from the Alaskan wilderness, the base was one of the military's best-kept secrets, a place so covert that it didn't have a name.

"How much do you trust this colonel friend of yours," Brick asked for the fourth time since changing course for Alaska.

"With my life," Niko answered absently. "Stick to the flight plan and everything will be all right."

"I should have my head examined for letting you talk me into this shit, Pavli. I could be back on my mountain--"

"Staring at the walls and listening to that mangy wolf growl," Niko said, cutting him off. "Don't worry, Brick. You'll be well-compensated. Now shut up and land this thing."

Brick grunted his disdain, reducing altitude while watching his escort closely. Niko understood his edginess. There was little question that the two F-18's would shoot them down if they altered their course. One mistake and they would be a flaming memory.

The passengers were tossed in their seats as Brick set the Cessna down with his usual grace. Bob yelped when he conked his head on the window. Niko would have found some small satisfaction in the man's pain if not for the anxiety that grew with each passing moment. He only hoped that Hansen would come through for him.

All four passengers were escorted from their craft at gun point, herded into a nearby tin shack and left to await their fate. Armed guards were posted at both entries, leaving little doubt that they were all now in custody.

"Christ, Niko," a voice bellowed when the door flew open minutes later. "You better have a good explanation for your actions. There's a firing squad with your name on it."

"Colonel," Niko said, coming to attention. "Thank you for meeting us."

"Dispense with the formalities, agent," Colonel Hansen barked. "You're in shit up to your neck. The whole fucking country's out looking for you."

"I know," Niko replied, clenching his fists impatiently. "I wish I had time for explanations, but time is the one thing we don't have. We know where Oleander is."

"You better make time. I'm not scrambling an entire squadron on the word of a rogue operative. What's going on?"

"Squadron? Damn it, Hansen, we need more support than that. Oleander has an entire army at his disposal. Get on the horn. We need naval --"

"Niko, I can appreciate your sense of urgency, but I'm not going to authorize a full-scale operation because you got your wife in trouble. I expect a full debriefing."

"Christ," Niko hissed, dragging his hand through his hair. "They came for her, Colonel. They're trying to draw me out."

"Colonel, if I may," Olan said. "What Niko says is true. We know where to find this Oleander."

Having heard enough, Brick stalked toward the man in charge, looking as if he were ready to break someone.

"I'm through," he said. "Let me the fuck out of here. I've had enough."

"You'd be Marion Brickler," Hansen stated. "What's your part in all this?"

"I ain't got nothing to do with it. Pavli strong-armed me into helping, that's all. I'm done. I gotta get back to Rafe."

"Who's Rafe?" Hansen asked, eyeing Brick's size and wondering how anyone could strong-arm him into anything.

"That fucking wolf will handle his own," Niko shouted.

"Gentlemen," Bob Phelps interjected.

"Who the hell are you?" Hansen demanded.

"Enough!" Olan yelled. "Listen, Colonel. Years of agency work, hundreds of lives lost, will be worth nothing unless we move now. Oleander is holed up on an island. If we strike now, he won't be expecting it. Word gets out that we've been in contact with you and all's lost."

"All right, Jeffreys," Hansen said, folding his arms across his chest, "you seem to be the voice of reason here. Suppose you tell me what's going on and just where you and your partner have been the past couple of weeks."

Olan gave Hansen the abridged version of the events that had brought the small group to the base, leaving out more than a few details that he felt were unnecessary. Niko was reduced to pacing nervously while Brick and Bob glowered at him.

Finally, after Olan finished, Hansen took a moment to digest everything. Without uttering a word to the others, he left the shack. Niko grinned at his partner.

"Looks like we're in business," he said.

"What makes you so sure?" Brick demanded. "For all we know, he's gone off to order our last meal."

"Nope," Olan answered. "He left with his game face on. He's ordering the strike."

"Well, Phelps," Niko said, smirking, "looks like you're going to get that chance to prove yourself. Ever been in combat?"

"Do me a favor, Niko. When this is all over, go fuck yourself," Bob said.

The door opened again, admitting two large men in fatigues. They had shouldered their weapons, but looked no less threatening. The men escorted the four captives to another building where they were outfitted before being loaded onto one of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters that would take their small force to a waiting vessel at sea. The lengthy flight delivered them to the aircraft carrier, the USS Abraham Lincoln, which was well underway to Oleanders island. With the additional personnel aboard the ship and the other vessels in her flotilla, it looked as if they were going to war.

That's exactly what they were doing, Niko reminded himself as the helicopter settled on the deck. Brick looked as if he wanted to jump overboard when he left the aircraft, glancing around with his hand clutching the knife at his hip. Phelps, with his hands now free from the cuffs, was led away by two sailors, leaving Niko and Olan to contend with the increasingly agitated giant.

"What the fuck am I doing here?" Brick muttered to himself.

"Steady, big guy," Olan said. "Just pretend you're back in your military days on maneuvers. With any luck, we'll all get out of this with our balls intact."

"Shut the fuck up," Brick growled over the wind that buffeted them.

"Knock it off, both of you," Niko commanded.

A man in black fatigues approached them, saluting smartly as he snapped to attention. He led them to the captain's quarters where Colonel Hansen was already mapping a battle plan. Air reconnaissance was in route to the island strong hold. They awaited photos and reports of the flight crew's findings.

As they discussed scenarios, Brick paced like a caged tiger. Niko kept one eye on him while listening with growing alarm to what they military was planning. Finally unable to stand anymore, he broke into their discussion.

"You can't just go in there and bomb the hell out of them," he growled. "Camille would be the first to die."

"It's regrettable," Hansen said slowly, "but we have to make sure we stop Oleander, Niko. You know that. There's more at stake than one woman's life."

"She isn't just a woman," Niko said, a low hint of danger in his voice. "She's my wife! I mean to get her out of there."

"Out of the question," another man said, stepping into the room.

Hansen offered a quick salute before introducing the man to Niko, Olan and Brick.

"This is Admiral Jameson, gentlemen," he said. "He's in charge of this operation."

"I don't give a fuck if the President is in charge," Niko yelled. "I want my wife out of there before the first shot is fired."

"That would be counter-productive," Jameson said in a clipped, business-like tone. "Let's just keep our minds on the objective, shall we?"

"The objective," Niko countered, "is to get Camille out alive, goddammit. If not for her, you wouldn't even have this operation. She's a civilian, for Christ's sake."

"I've been well-briefed on how she was put in harm's way, Pavli," Jameson said. "That's what happens when you let your johnson do your thinking for you."

Olan and Brick both got to Niko at the same time, taking his arms before he had a chance to pound the good admiral into oblivion. As big as Brick was, he had a time trying to keep the snarling Niko under control, even with Olan's help.

It was Hansen who stepped up to take control of the situation, admonishing the admiral with a look and silencing Niko.

"Enough," he said, placing a hand on Niko's shoulder. "From what you've told me, Camille is a smart woman. She'll look after herself."

"Just give me two men and a head start," Niko said. "That's all I ask."

Hansen turned to look at Jameson, the latter offering a curt nod in response. Hansen barked orders at a soldier by the door, waiting for him to exit before facing Niko again.

"You'll have one hour once you hit land — no more than that. You understand?"

"Yeah," Niko replied.

"I'm sending a couple of SEALs with you-" Hansen began, only to be cut short by Olan.

"Hey, just a minute, pal," Olan said, stepping in front of Niko. "You're not figuring on leaving me out of this, are you?"

"I didn't want to speak for you, partner. You already took one bullet in this mess."

"And I lived. We started out together. We finish this together."

"Ah, hell," Brick growled from the other side of the room. "I'm in, too. You ain't leavin' me here with a bunch of pantywaist sailors. Besides, I wanna meet this wife of yours. She's gotta be a hell of a woman."

With a grim expression, Niko shook each man's hand in turn, his voice gruff to mask his emotions.

"You know I'll never forget it."

"Sirs," a young army captain said from the doorway. "Air reconnaissance is sending back photos. The satellite's in position now, too."

The men adjourned to the bridge where they finished their battle plans. The entire flotilla became a flurry of activity as the vessels were readied for the mission ahead. It would be at least another ten hours before they reached their objective, so Olan suggested to his partners that they all try to get some sleep. The night ahead would be a long one.

"Did you get any sleep?" Camille asked softly as she carefully pushed herself to her feet.

The two women had lain together on the bed, each trying to get much-needed rest as the late afternoon faded into evening. Camille's body ached in protest of each movement, her limbs stiff and her injured skin drawing tight.

"A little," Lorette whispered. "I'm so tired, Camille. I don't want to do this anymore. They're never going to let us out of here, are they?"

Camille felt a pang of anger at everything the poor woman had been through. If Oleander had not lopped off his family jewels himself, she would be very tempted to remove them with her own hands.

"No," Camille told her. "They have no intention of letting us go. That's why we have to be ready. The first time they slip up, you and I are out of here."

"How?" Lorette whispered, her eyes filling with tears. "How can we possibly escape? Even if we managed to get out of here, there's still an ocean full of sharks to deal with. We're going to die here."

"No, we're not," Camille snarled. "I have no intention of giving them the satisfaction. Just stay close to me, no matter what. When we get our chance, we'll run. If I know that husband of mine, he's probably on his way right now. He can be a nasty son-of-a-bitch. He'll come up with something."

"What if he can't find us?"

"He'll be here," Camille said with more conviction than she felt. "If not, we'll just have to find our own way out."

Glancing out the window, Lorette noticed the sliver of moon, already high in the sky. With a frown, she moved closer.

"I wonder what time it is," she said.

"Probably well past dinner time," Camille said. "I wonder where Olaf is. Seems to me he'd have brought some food by now."

"You hungry? How can you even think of food?"

"Yes, I'm hungry. Besides, we need to keep our strength up."

"I don't see how you have any strength left after what they did to you. You should be resting, not pacing the floor."

Camille stopped in mid-step, turning to give Lorette a pained smile. Reaching her arms up, she stretched her body slowly.

"Gotta loosen my muscles up. I'm stiff as a starched shirt."

"I still say you should be resting..."

Lorette fell silent at the sound of the lock turning in the door. Olaf entered bearing a tray draped in white cloth. He set the tray on the table, lifting the cloth to reveal sandwiches for the women. There was a strange light in his eyes when he lifted his gaze to Camille's face. Then he was gone.

"He gives me the creeps," Lorette whispered.

"Me, too," Camille admitted as she snatched a sandwich from the tray.

The sound of clinking metal caught her attention. There, on the plate where her sandwich had been, lay a single brass key. Before Lorette had a chance to see it, she snatched it up and stuffed it into a pocket. It seemed almost too convenient for the silent man to give her a key to the very door that held them prisoner.

She chewed on a bite of food, thinking about the strange, silent butler. He had given her a gun and now a key. It was almost as if he wanted her to try to escape. Was it a trap? Shaking her head, she stepped to the window, gazing through the glass and bars to the night beyond.

Far below on the ground, she could see men walking, making their rounds as they guarded Oleanders expansive home. Using the key to get out would serve no purpose. If by some miracle the women managed to get outside, they'd still have to contend with the guards, and then there was the matter of the ocean that surrounded the island.

"What are you thinking, Camille?" Lorette asked.

"I'm thinking of getting out. Lorette, you have to believe. We'll get out of here somehow."

There wasn't much light cast by the moon. Three men, their faces set in grim lines, crouched together next to an out-cropping of rock on an expansive, sandy beach. They were armed with a small knowledge of the terrain—thanks to satellite imagery and air reconnaissance—but little else other than the weapons at hand.

"I hope you got a plan, Pavli."

Brick's harsh whisper tore the air like a scream in the night. Olan winced visibly, once more checking the area with his night-vision goggles. Niko, for his part, looked completely unflustered.

"Yeah," Niko said. "I'm going in the front door."

"Have you lost your mind?" Olan asked, incredulous. "You won't even get to the door before they cut you down."

"How much time we got left?" Niko asked.

"Fifty-six minutes and counting."

"It's now or never," Niko said. He checked his weapon once more, then patted the small canvass bag he carried under his arm. "Ready?"

"No," the other two men said in unison.

"I'm going to circle around to the front. You guys run interference and stay back. I don't want them to know you're here."

"This is suicide," Olan muttered.

"We're wasting time," Niko retorted as he dodged to the shadow of the trees up ahead.

Brick growled before following. Olan charged after them, saying a silent prayer to any patron saint that might be listening. He had the feeling this would be the last time he saw his partner alive.

Brick had a nose for traps. He found the trip wires and landmines that littered the sparse path under them. There were cameras, too, but they managed to keep out of sight. Before long, they were hiding in the shadows of a clearing that surrounded a massive building.

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 260

Compliments of dorsetmike The Annual Spoonerism Conference was hit by rumours of a delegate food shortage. This was attributed to a pack of lies. Say thanks to BBBB ‎ Not original but they made me smile. I am considering a new career in mirror cleaning. It is something I can see myself doing, (A Heads up:::: Jim7 applied for the job) A guy walks into a bar and asks for a beer. “That’ll be five dollars”, says the bartender, and the guy throws 20 quarters onto the floor. Reluctantly,...

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Lala Ne Leli Maa Ki Laj

Gaon ka gunda Lala Bhaiya meri Maa ko buri nazar se dekhta thha. Meri Maa ka rang gora aur sharir bhara hua hey. Maa ki Chuchiya aur gaand dono bari mast hey. Ek din Bapu shahar giya hua tha.Maa akeli thi ghar pe. Mey school gayi thi aur jaldi chutti hone ke baad ghar ki aur chal padi. Mey ghar par pahuchi to dekhi ki Lalaji ki jeep bahar khari hey.Mey piche ke darwaze se ghar ke andar gayi to dekha Maa petticoat aur blouse me ghutno ke bal bath kar bartan saf kar rahi aur unke thik peeche...

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Erotic New Year8217s Eve Party 8211 Part I

Hi friends, I’m Ankur Roy from Mumbai, a 21 year old man. I’ve been reading stories on ISS from the last 6 years and have always enjoyed them. First let me describe myself, I’m 5.11 feet tall and weigh 75 kg, kind of fit body. I’m the tall dark and handsome types. My tool is 6.5 inches long which is erect more often than not. This is my first story here, so pardon any mistakes. The story is a little long so read with patience. Now coming to the story, I’ve been waiting for quite a long time to...

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Hello and welcome to my readers. Thanks for your votes and comments on my previous stories. If you’re looking for explicit sex, there’s none in this story. If you’re interested in a tender romance, read on and enjoy. —————————————– Byron lay down his pruning shears when he heard the chime of the door alarm. Pushing the curtain aside he entered the front of the flower shop to find a tall, stately woman standing at the counter. It’s Cynthia Graham. It must be. She’s just as George described...

2 years ago
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Customer Service

Starting a couple of weeks ago I changed positions in the company I work for. Now I am on the road as a customer service and sales rep for a trucking company. I wasnt real sure about my decision to accept the job change at first but a change of scenery was sure to do me some good. MOst of the sex I have been getting for the last six months has been with my black boyfriend and only then everyother weekend when my husband was out of town. I thought that the change might give me some extra play...

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Anthem Book 1 The BeginningEpilogue

To Alex, the next few weeks were tough, as tough as the days just after Lisa had died. But, true to his word, his Dad did talk to the HR Representative when he went back into the office after the 4th of July holiday. Unfortunately, they did not have counseling as part of their benefits package, but the representative did provide a number for a counselor in the area. As his Dad progressed through his counseling, he slowly came out of his depression. The one sticky point for him was his...

1 year ago
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New Life Ch 1Meeting Mark

My name is Amber and I had been talking to Mark for quite a while on the computer and I was actually going to meet him. He sent me an instant message telling me to meet him at a small restaurant this Saturday at 5:30 PM. I was half Puerto Rican and half black and Mark was white but it really didn’t matter to me cause he told me that he had a 9” dick. And boy was I looking forward to riding that dick long and hard. Friday afternoon I went shopping for something to wear. I found this dark red...

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Bobbie Sue comes home

Note : This story is completely fictional! When mother and I returned from our trip to Dallas, we found Bobbie Sue at home, three days early and full of stories from her adventure! We all visited for the rest of that day, monday, then went out to dinner. I would have thought Bobbie was tired of eating out, and was willing to cook up some ribs...but she was ok with dinner out, where the chat still centered on her trip. That evening, while laying in bed, ready to fall sleeep for the first time...

3 years ago
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Dawn of the Gods MultiQuest Storytellers Welcome

Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin to the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...

2 years ago
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Remix Chapter 4 Harmony

Remix, Chapter 4 : Harmony. By Brevdravis Wardrobe was beginning to become a problem for James. Dejectedly, he tried pair after pair of his pants, noting how each of them reached the same point on his legs before they became uncomfortably tight. They were not too long, since he had not lost a centimeter of his height, but the crushing sensation about his hips made the garments virtually unwearable. Admitting defeat, he retrieved the pair of sweatpants that he had worn...

3 years ago
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No chance of escape

Callum was bored, lately there was nothing unusual about that, Bored was the norm, ever since his mum and dad had divorced and his dad had dragged him of to live a nomadic life style, in the Far East. Callum’s dad works for an international Aid Organization, they went to the Countries where his dad was needed the most, and this subsequently meant that the places he went to live and work, were invariably third world countries where poverty was the order of the day.This City in the south of...

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The Resurrection of Crazy JaneChapter 4

I sat in the parking lot of the apartment complex where Beth lived, and I just stared at my knuckles. They were gripping the steering wheel and were solid white. To be honest, I was still shaking from adrenaline. "You're dead, motherfucker! You're fucking dead!" His words and what came afterward kept echoing in my head on a constant loop. Simply remembering them made my heart race. It made my heart race even more to realize that this night wasn't even close to over. With a sigh, and...

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MommysGirl Christie Stevens Laney Grey Chanel Grey Slumber Party Sneakaway

Laney Grey and her best friend, Chanel Grey, are enjoying each other’s company, although it’s bittersweet. They’re both going to be away from home soon, so they’re having a slumber party to get as much time together as possible! Even if they promise to see each other again, who knows what life has planned for them? Their tender moment is interrupted by Laney’s step-mom, Christie Stevens, coming in and checking on them before bed. But instead of being annoyed,...

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Little Dove

By Beagle9690 January 2008 We had just returned home from the Gun Smoke after spending a wonderful evening of dining and dancing with our friends Adam and Rose. Laura loves to dance, and although I am a fair dancer as the result of her help, it is my little dove that shines at this endeavor. Laura makes me look better than I actually am. After a night of dancing, Laura is shall we say… stimulated…..no, make that romantically inclined. Our lovemaking is quite special afterward, and we...

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A citizen of Cyneburg

/* Author's notes Feel free to leave any opinions in the comments or send me a message, I am not an experienced writer and would appreciate any criticism. Also, this is a fantasy, I do not approve of rape/sexual slavery/etc, etc in real life. */ For as long as the small city state of Cyneburg can trace it’s history an average of 20 women are born with the potential to wield extraordinary powers each year. In most, the powers lay dormant. Dormant powers are can’t turn into active powers, however...

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Stranded Desires

Dane had just gained entrance to the suite his father had purchased in an underground luxury fall-out bunker. He decided it was time to start living there after the news broke that the French had launched the first nuclear attack in what had previously been an incredibly long cold war. With Los Angeles now an uninhabitable wasteland the entire country was freaking out. Although he was 3,000 miles away, in the out skirts of New York City, Dane thought it would be a good idea to move...

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Girls Night In

When I go over to my best friends house, I always hope that somethings going to happen between us. We're always cuddling and hugging, and she's constantly touching me whenever she can. Not in naughty places though, although I wouldn't mind. We even have the odd shower together, in bathing suits. Although there was this one time that she poured the water down my back giving me shivers up my spine. Still, there was no kissing or sexual contact. I'm not a lesbian, I guess I'm just bi-curious...

1 year ago
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My Wife would Never Cheat Blacken

My wife Anna and I had booked our dream holiday aboard a charter Yacht where there would only be a few other people on board plus crew.It was to be a lifetimes ambition achievement for our twenty fifth wedding anniversary and at several grand we had saved long and hard, along with help from our four grown up k**s and friends we found ourselves aboard a twin hulled catamaran, where we were shown to our stateroom and wow it was truly magnificent. We fell into the luxurious bed and cuddled, kissed...

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Night Train

Exhausted, I leaned back against the long, leather, bench seat and closed my eyes. I was returning home after having spent the last two years studying in Germany, but before stepping on American soil again, I had decided to do one last trip to visit the Czech Republic, Austria, and Romania before flying home just in time for Christmas. The trip had been a wonderful experience, but I was now on the last leg of the trip and after having hauled a hundred plus pounds of luggage for the last ten...

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C1 Serendipity Pass A Ghost On A Cold Lonely Road Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ------------- Serendipity...

4 years ago
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Sometimes loosing a bet is not bad

Coming to the story one day mom has asked me give a parcel to her . I have travelled half the distance and it started to rain lightly I thought I would make it to her home without any problem but due traffic i could not and I was completely drenched in rain when I reached aunts house. I rang the bell and aunt has come and then she gave me a towel to dry. I thought rain would stop soon and I can go home back. But it did not happen it rained even heavily. Aunt has insisted me stay over...

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My Secretary Rebecca Chapter 1

It had been a little over six months since Rebecca began working for Mr. Roberts. She had come to him as a temp after his previous secretary had left to get married and moved away. Rebecca had been a very good secretary as a temp, and Mr. Roberts finally offered to hire her away from the temp agency and make her his full-time permanent secretary – an offer that she jumped on immediately! Rebecca was a drop-dead gorgeous woman, about twenty-eight years old. If you were to look at her, you...

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Party pt3

I was now able to bounce up and down on that firm love stick, giving all the other guys and Sasha a good view of just what a slut I was, just how keen I was to get my arse penetrated. There was no pretending any more that this was a trick that they had forced me into. I was absolutely loving it. And so were the rest of them from the hungry looks with which they still watched me. Stuart and Nick looked exhausted having dumped their cum over my face twice, but Ed still had a strong, hard dick...

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First Day In Prison

Ken Lewis looked in shock as the judge read the verdict from the jury. Guilty on all counts of drug trafficking. He looked at his attorney with rage. Ken's father had promised him that he had the best attorney money can buy. The attorney had assured Ken it was pretty much a slam dunk that Ken would be acquitted. The judge pronounced sentence immediately. "Mr. Lewis, you have shown nothing but contempt for these proceedings. I have seen your smug looks, eye rolls and scoffs. It is obvious to...

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Jane Part III My Aunt Jane

After two very different but equally dirty sessions with Jane, again I was left wondering what was next. However, what was abundantly clear about our “relationship” if you could call that, was the fact Jane had the clear upper hand in it. She knew where I stayed, my full name and even where I worked as I had shared this information with her, but she seemed extremely reluctant to do the same and I was learning things about this granny in very small amounts, with the fact she was a teacher the...

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Married But Not To Each Other 8211 Wild Couple Gets Wilder

Hi Guys, We are back with a fresh incident that happened a few weeks ago. For those who have not read our 1st incident, my name is Jay, the male in this story and Piyu is the heroine of this story. We are both married, but not to each other. She is working and so am I. I am 36 and so is she. We met on one of the social networking sites, met in real and have had great times. We love each other a lot, but this story is not about our love, but our lust. Yes we very proudly say that we are in lust...

2 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 48 At Smileys

I headed back toward Richmond and made Smiley's tavern my first stop. I had spent restful two days there earlier and enjoyed myself memorably although I never learned much of any use. Smiley himself was long dead but his young widow ran the place with the help of her two nubile daughters and one mature and considerate prostitute by the name of Jenny. I had managed to bed all four of them during my previous visit and looked forward to trying my luck again. They also had a couple of slaves,...

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my hunger grew strong

Only true story. I really do get so turned on by my friend.My hunger grew every second away from him. The distance between us killed me. My heart ached for his presence and my pussy pounded at the thought of him. He was my everything and I couldn’t wait to talk to him, to see his face, to see the look in his eyes when I smile. Everything he does drives me crazy!One lonely night of writing fantasies and waiting for him to come on Skype, I started touching myself. I couldn’t help it, the...

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The Editor

After posting my last chapter, I was hoping things would change: I'd be getting lots of readers, lots of whom would score my story, lots of whom would do so highly, and soon I'd be receiving plenty of complimentary feedback. It was normal, I thought, that my first attempts wouldn't be very strong, but the community would be impressed with my growth. This was all the feedback I received: Your so-called story was extremely disappointing. After reading its description, which by some...

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Pay It Forward Ch 04

Thank you all so much for following this tale. Here is chapter four. I hope you enjoy it. Please understand this is a fictional story. None of the people are real. They are complete figments of my own imagination. This story has a long build up, so if you are looking for a quick flash and burn, please read something else. Thank you once again and enjoy. IR2R * Hours passed. But for the occupants in the OR waiting room, it seemed like a millennia. After several hours a doctor emerged. ‘Is the...

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Becoming a Slave Ch 01

Chapter 1 -- The Seed is Planted1This is the first chapter in the story of how I became a slave. Not in the traditional sense of the word of course, as I have a normal life with a job, a girlfriend, hobbies; I am certainly free in that sense. But unknown to my family and friends, I have sworn myself to serve a single master at his whim. Whenever he calls, I have to go to him and follow his orders, which are the same every single time. "Suck my cock, bitch". Yes, I am a cock slave. But let's...

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River RatChapter 3

“Pull your robe back all the way, Kat and I’ll look those pointy little nipples over real good to see if I can tell if there is anything that ‘d call out of the ordinary. “Whoa Kat, I didn’t mean for you to pull it off ... but come on and sit down on my lap. Hon you don’t even have any panties on ... you’re so naughty. What’s your ol’ Uncle Luther gonna do with you? You just don’t like a bunch of clothes do you?” “Well, since I started getting more pussy hair, I itch a lot down there Unk. I...

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The Meeting

I initially met Richard through a TG Community site and we seemed to hit it off from the very start.   He was very open about his likes and dislikes, about him being a TG admirer, about having had a fair number of encounters and dates, but he never pressured to know anything about me.   Drawn by his gentleness and gentleman ways though I found myself sharing my deepest dreams and wildest fantasies with him through regular emails over the following several months.   Richard had this way of...

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Epilogue

Jared has gone through considerable pains (and undeniable pleasures) to help produce Cherry's art - a detailed replica of... himself. But is its intended purpose the same as what he was told?Vanessa plumped up the pillows prior to Jared’s call. She wanted to be comfortable for this. GO ON, RED, SURPRISE ME, his text read. For the second time that month it appeared he was going to be punctual. Now there was a surprise for her.“So you don’t get involved with the Jared-types,” her friend Sammy had...

Straight Sex
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Jessis Mom

I was on my way to spend the night with my friend Jessi. His mom, Kate, was going out on the town and would not be home till late if at all. So Jessi and I had this big plan to play Xbox and watch some porn videos. I had a new DVD-Homemade Creampies II, we could not wait to watch it. When I got there Kate was just leaving, she told us to have a good time and we told her the to do the same and she was gone. We threw some pizza in the oven and went to playing Xbox. After the pizza, we decided...

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Draft Dodger Chapter 2

Draft Dodger ? Chapter Two by: Jan Armstrong The war was not going well. The Axis forces seemed to hold all the cards and had been able to successfully hide their activities by using the infrastructures of the countries they attacked. Very publicized arrests had been made in Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Australia. Despite these arrests they still managed to maintain steady pressure as more government buildings and cultural sites were attacked. Washington, D.C.,...

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