Peter and Chloe
- 5 years ago
- 42
- 0
Prue fell on a wooden bench, tears running down her cheeks.
The bench stood on a knoll looking out over the dark sea, but she didn’t see it – neither the water, nor the clouds that chased the stars. Her trembling hand went through her bag until it found her ringing cellphone.
The tinny voice sounded urgent.
“God, Jules, it was awful!”
“I thought you’d meet him about now?”
““It’s already over, Jules. I ran! It was horrible!”
“You mean you didn’t talk?”
“He attacked me!”
“He did what?”
“Well ... he yelled at me. He called me a slut.”
“Oh my, Prutty, you don’t have to take that.”
“I didn’t. I ran.”
There were a few seconds of silence. A boat blew its horn in the distance. The wind had died down a bit; it wasn’t as cold anymore.
“Where are you now, Prue?”
“At the beach, close to the harbor. On a bench.”
“Yes.” She sobbed.
“You’ll catch a cold. Go into the Anchor. I’ll see you there.”
“He accused you right away?”
They sat in a niche by the window. The Anchor was an ancient fishermen’s pub, and rather busy this Sunday night. They both nursed a glass of tea.
“Yes,” Prue said, sniffing her red-rimmed nose. “He supposed I must’ve been coming straight from “him” and his spunk must be still running down my legs.”
“Oh God, did he say that, really?” Julia said, her hand covering her mouth. “How rude. Maybe you’re right. He can’t care much about you if he treats you like that. Spunk down your legs? Oh my, gross!”
Prue looked at her friend in utter misery.
“What can I do now, Jules?” she asked, her voice thick with tears.
Julia shook her head left and right.
“Can’t tell you, honey,” she said. “Never thought he would treat you like that. Was that really Pete saying that? My God.”
She took a sip from her glass and looked out of the window into the darkening night.
“Maybe you should talk to a lawyer, Pruts,” she said. “You are from rich family, girl. You’re an heir; you should protect yourself. God knows what he might do to you.”
Prue pushed herself away from the table and from her friend.
“Lawyer? What do you mean? Divorce? Are you mad?”
Julia took Prue’s hands and pulled her back to the table.
“I’m as amazed as you are, Pruts,” she said. “But would you ever have thought Pete would act like this? That he would say things like this? To you?”
Prue’s thoughts ran around and around.
Everything went so fast. Only Friday there’d been Pete and Prue, Prue and Pete – fast in love, unbreakable. And now ... Everything was such a mess, feeling so unreal. Look what Pete said to her, calling her names, accusing her of ... of fucking around.
He really must be covering things up – something, anything.
“You think he’ll steal my money?” she asked. “It’s not that much really?”
She wondered why she mentioned the thing that was the farthest from her mind.
Julia shrugged: so typical for the brat to call a ton not much.
“Better be safe than sorry, girl,” she said.
Prue’s eyes rested on Julia’s, utterly helpless.
“Will you hold me, Jules?” she asked. “Will you please hold me?”
Julia came around and held her friend tightly. They didn’t talk for a while. The only sound was Prue’s sobbing and Julia’s soft humming. Then Julia untangled their embrace.
“Sorry girl,” she said, trying to strike a lighter chord. “Nature calls.”
Prue rose as well, following her friend to the restrooms.
The Anchor was a great little pub, but roomy ladies’ toilets weren’t their main strength. So Prue had to wait outside while Julia used it. Standing around she heard her cellphone beep. It made her heart race, but she didn’t dare look. Only when she sat on the toilet did she open her phone. There was a message. No name, no number.
“Such a nice cock he has,” it read. “I guess you lost him, honey.”
Julia looked up when Prue returned.
“What happened?” she asked. “God, you look awful.”
Prue slumped down. She slid the phone over.
“Such a nice cock he has. I guess you lost him, honey,” Julia read out loud. Then she looked at Prue.
“Fucking bastard,” she said.
Prue grabbed the phone and punched a button.
“Daddy?” she said. “I need Mr. Andersen’s number.”
When you’re a big concern, you don’t have legal aid – you have a legal machine.
The firm Daddy had been using since forever was just that, a machine built to process each and every legal occasion in the most efficient way possible – dispassionate, impersonal, and unstoppable. Time had honed the machine. It had oiled it and turned it into a sleek monster.
It chewed, ate and digested every obstacle in its path.
What Prue did was not merely phoning her father, she was pushing a big red button that started giant cogs and wheels to turn. In the end they would eat her marriage and spit it out.
They even might eat her.
Prue didn’t realize this when she dialed old sweet Uncle Andersen’s private number. She was just being little Prue Princess again, treated so very unfair by the cruel machinations of Fate.
She’d been betrayed and she needed the pain to go away.
The next morning she walked into the marble-and-steel cathedral of Burton, Barton and Andersen, wearing her little Chanel number while letting her Jimmy Choos click away on the shining floor. Young legal eagle Gerald J. Dunston (“call me Jerry”) took her to a sleek conference room. He poured her some design water and started the first question on a time-honored road to surgically precise destruction.
“Mrs. Hawkins, how can we be of help?”
Peter got the papers served on Tuesday afternoon.
The person who served them was a distinctive, elderly man in a fine suit – graying hair at his temples. His voice had a cultivated British accent. He kept it low. No need to upset anyone at the office, was there?
Peter knew there was a prenuptial arrangement.
He remembered signing it, agreeing that it was wise to protect Prue’s trust fund and the optional shares she had in Daddy’s business. Peter didn’t care, back then. He’d had his own plans and his pride – he would be his own man, not needing the help of the father of his wife.
He also recalled that the prenuptial didn’t say anything about causes or reasons; nothing about cheating from either side, or other claims.
Daddy agreed to pay for any legal bills involved.
Receiving the papers shook him more than he thought it might. His days and nights had been weird since that awful Friday – like drifting in a misty world, hardly noticing the ground he walked on.
He’d found a better place to stay. Not that much better, but it was closer to work, and it had a kitchen.
On Monday he’d gone to the office.
He was determined to drown his misery in activity. To his surprise it worked. Plunging into plans and sketches, construction problems and computer drawings helped.
Being with colleagues did too.
Evenings were bad, so he tried to make them as short as possible. Nights were even worse, but there were pills for that, weren’t there?
The evening of the day he received the papers, he sat at a small Italian restaurant one block away from his office. He was with two young male colleagues and most of their dinner conversation was an extension of their workday, really.
The table was strewn with paper.
Looking up from his notes Peter saw one of his table companions look over his shoulder, obviously seeing something interesting entering the place. He turned and saw a tall blonde walk his way, swaying on long legs – dressed to kill. She was alone and murmured a greeting in passing. Then she stopped at a table the waiter pointed out to her.
Julia Connors sat down and smiled at him.
He returned the smile. Then he rose and walked over to her table.
“Jules,” he said. “Such a coincidence.”
She smiled and shrugged. It did interesting things to the cleavage in her tight white top. Then she waved over to the chair in front of her. He sat down.
“I’m sorry, Pete,” she said. “I should have warned you from the very start. But the two of you were so very much in love.” She reached over the narrow table to squeeze his hand. “Well, I guess at least you were.”
Time for him to shrug.
“The bitch fucked and then she fucked me over,” he said. “She divorces me.”
“God, Pete, you’re bitter,” she said. “And rightly so. It must have been all so sudden for you.”
Watching the woman made him feel uncomfortable. Was she really concerned? Or was she gloating? Who cared? His eyes kept returning to the firm globes of her breasts, adding more discomfort.
“I, ah, thanks, Jules. I’m fine and, well, I’m rather busy,” he said, rising.
“Of course,” she said. “But call me if you need a patient ear ... or anything, you know.”
Damn, why did he have to ogle those tits again?
Prue sat up in bed.
She didn’t want to know what time it was. She’d clicked her small reading light on and off for the last hour, too scared to lie in darkness, too tired to read.
She had no talent for being alone – never had.
Reaching for her cellphone she swiped through pictures. Pete, Pete and Prue, Prue and Pete smiling, hugging, posing. Short videos at the zoo, on Aruba, in the water, on the beach. The two of them in New York, Prue in her blue little Paris dress, Pete in his rented tux, Jules, Jules and Prue...
She’d pressed the button. Julia sounded groggy. Shit yes, it was late.
“Sorry, Jules,” she said. “Just had to hear a voice.”
Julia said she didn’t mind. She asked how she was.
“Awful,” Prue answered.
Julia said she felt sorry for her. And she admired her for cutting the knot so decisively. Prue groaned at that.
“It’s so hard, Jules,” she whispered.
Julia told her to be strong; the bastard cheated on her, remember?
Prue sighed. Of course she remembered.
“But it hurts,” she answered. “I’m so alone.”
There was silence.
“Can’t you,” Prue started. “Would you ... I mean, I’m all alone.”
There still was silence.
“Be strong, Prue,” Julia finally said. “You can do it.”
“Jules... ,” Prue whispered.
“I have to get up early, honey, sorry,” Julia said.
“Of course,” Prue mumbled. “Sorry for waking you up.”
The phone’s little beeps mocked her.
Another Friday evening yawned at Peter Hawkins.
He couldn’t believe it had only been a week since his world collapsed. Looking at the coming weekend he saw a never-ending stretch of solitude. He’d considered to just go to work on Saturday, but he knew the place would be deserted.
Being there might be more devastating than staying at home.
Gus had called him, asking him to spend the weekend fishing with him and a few mates. Peter hated fishing. He also knew the real action would be mainly drinking. So he thanked him, but declined, making up a lame excuse.
Gus had been calling him all week, no doubt considering it the duty of a true friend. But Gus wasn’t very good at comforting – not in person and not at all by phone. Each call was mainly a stretched silence punctuated with groans and platitudes.
On Wednesday night they’d met in a pub. Pete’s head hurt all the way into Thursday.
Tomorrow he would go and hit the fitness club, he decided. He’d been a member for years, but had slowly decreased the frequency of his visits. Prue might be there, but damn, he had to take the risk. Working out would take a nice bite out of his Saturday. Maybe he should go Sunday too?
But what about this Friday night?
“Come on, Peter, join us, it’s Bell time!”
Like in a jolly Norman Rockwell painting Jake and Eric’s heads peeped around the post of his office door. They pulled faces, and Jake even rubbed his shock of spikey hair with the knuckles of his fingers – Stan Laurel style.
The Bell & Clapper was a wannabe British pub one block away. Their pride was local ales in pint-sized glasses. In better days he’d tasted one or two of them on Friday nights, throwing darts and winding down before going home.
This time Peter pretended the beer tasted great and the jokes were good, but after his second pint he went pissing and left through the backdoor, feeling a great tiredness in every muscle of his body.
The ale hit him hard when he stepped into the cold outside air. Feeling tipsy he followed the sidewalk. It must have been instinct that took him to the beach. Gushes of wind tugged at his hair and coat, blowing away the dizzy spell.
Then his phone rang. “Prue” it said.
She hadn’t called him all week, but to be honest: would he have taken her calls? Would he take it now?
Damn, the slut had been ass over teakettle to get her divorce, hadn’t she? And why? Because she cheated on him. So typical for the bitch – always accusing others.
Jules had been so right.
He pushed away the call. But he couldn’t click it away in his head. Fucking slut, why couldn’t she leave him alone? Didn’t she get all she wanted? Freedom and all cock she could eat? Damn, why had he ever married her?
He knew why.
He knew it while lying awake. He knew it while not tasting his food, not finding the fun in a joke, or walking here into the sea breeze.
He still loved the damn whore.
Prue cried as her phone went dead.
Of course he wouldn’t take her call – too busy fucking his slut, no doubt. She shook her head to get the images out of it. She must be blond with big tits, a real bimbo. Sucking his cock with her fat collagen lips and taking all of his meat in, no problem. She’d let him do everything Prue didn’t. She’d swallow sperm and take him up her big ass.
Damn, Peter, why?
Her phone rang. She grabbed it, hoping silly hopes as she looked at the screen.
“Jules,” she sighed.
“Did you cry, honey?”
She sobbed.
“I’m so sorry I left you hanging last night,” Julia said, her voice up beat. “You need to get out, girlfriend – letting your hair down and everything. Come, let’s hit town.”
“I don’t know, Jules. I’m tired.”
“Of course you are!” Julia cried out. “That’s why you need to get out. What do you think the bastard is doing right now?”
The damn flashes returned before her inner eye. Blond, tits, legs.
“Meet me at the Zoozoom,” Julia said. “Or better: wait and I’ll pick you up.”
Prue sighed.
“I really don’t know...”
“But I do! Dress up, girl. Ten minutes.”
Walking on the beach Peter remembered waiting for his company’s lawyer, earlier that day.
He had visited him to look at the papers Prue served him with – better safe than sorry. He recalled sitting in the stylish waiting room, wondering if this would be what he’d be doing for the foreseeable future: waiting.
It passed the time for sure, but was there an end to it? A goal?
The door had opened after a few minutes, of course, and he’d listened to the smooth talking lawyer. But it had been just another bout of waiting until the man was done. Then he was back at the office, waiting for the end of the day. And after the end of the day there would be another track of time waiting for him to wait through. And then there were the dark hours, lying on his back waiting until his alarm went off.
What was the point?
Walking into the wind, Peter wondered if he could take this for another week, another weekend. It was like drifting in an ocean’s doldrums, or crawling through a featureless desert – rudderless, pointless. Every word ending in ‘less.’
He took his phone from his pocket.
Putting a stop to his wailing mind, he pressed a button. Turning away from the wind, he listened to the endless ringing – waiting.
Hearing Prue’s voice shook him. We all tend to believe memories are mostly about images, but it is the voices that cut the deepest.
“Hello,” she said. “You’ve reached Prue Gascoyne Hawkins. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
Getting back to him. As soon as she could.
Peter stared at the lit up rectangle. Getting back to him. He decided not to leave a message.
He decided to yell into the wind.
The Zoozoom was a club, and it was true to its name: a zoo.
Hot lights glared and swept over the darkened dance floor. It was packed with bodies – bodies that churned, arms that waved like a forest of swaying trees. Stroboscopic flares pulsed with the heart-throbbing, belly-stomping sound. Everything shifted, everyone moved.
Prue hadn’t been to a place like this in years.
She’d danced at bars and clubs, but never at a zoo like this since she got married. Oh, she’d been here before – before marriage, before Pete. It was a boot camp for dry fucking, one endless stretch of sweaty foreplay. She saw bodies glued together, girls sandwiched between boys, tongues down throats, tits popping out, skirts riding up pale thighs, panties missing, hands groping.
She closed her eyes and moved, arms in the air.
The music beat the last thoughts from her brain – replacing them with mindless booming. She yelled until her throat was hoarse and had to be oiled with mean, burning shots. One drink seemed to replace the other and at last all that held her up was the surrounding sea of bodies.
Like the strobe lights, Prue’s mind seemed to pass through glaring whites and deepest darkness – from clear patches to streaks of utter oblivion. One moment she was in the Zoozoom, the other in a bar she knew but couldn’t put a name on. She woke up to a place filled with naked girls, only to end up in a darkened room full of shadows and groping hands. Her tongue was down a throat, she found out, and her cunt was riding a hand.
There was no logic anymore to her observations.
Her head seemed a roiling box filled with cotton, her body hummed with electricity. She wasn’t Prue anymore, just a tighter and tighter winding wire on its way to snap – a slowly filling powder keg getting primed for explosion.
She never remembered exploding.
All she knew was waking up in a cloud of foul-reeking vomit, sweat and, and ... She felt the skin of her face itch and stretch where gray flakes tightened it. She smelled booze and urine.
Retching she crawled up, only to be hit by a mighty hammer.
The wind had cleared his brain, just like Prue’s voice had cleared his mind. He couldn’t help loving her, but he could very well despise her. He could call her a slut and a whore and not wince anymore. Nothing of it all was his fault.
She was the cheater, and maybe she always was.
Peter went home, or whatever one might call the dreary black-and-white furnished studio he lived in. He would take a long shower and go watch sports on TV, drinking beer. He didn’t know which sport yet, but did it matter? Staring into any colored square with moving puppets was all right with him. He’d never really been a sports fan anyway, although he’d played most of them in high school and college.
The night dragged on as expected.
He didn’t stay with any of the games more than five minutes. Halfway he took another shower. The chips and the beer built a nauseating lump in his stomach. He tried old movies, but his zapping speed only increased.
In the end he went to bed.
He couldn’t read, and he couldn’t sleep. But somewhere in the wee hours he must have dozed off, because the beeping of his phone woke him with a start.
He had a message.
Pressing a button made it materialize. The screen spread an eerie light, casting Peter’s shadow against the wall and the ceiling. The message only said “watch,” and there was an attachment.
Peter hesitated.
Then he punched, and a picture sprang onto the screen. He saw a long, naked, muscle-bound back and half of a face peeping from behind it. He knew it well. Its eyes were closed; its mouth was a perfect O. It was the face of Prue and it held an expression he’d never seen before.
It was an expression of utter abandon.
Swiping the image he saw another, taken from the left. The naked back he’d seen proved to belong to a white man, still pretty young. His face couldn’t be seen. His body was connected to Prue’s where their privates were. Prue arched her back and the man gleamed with sweat. Pete swiped and Prue had a fat cock in her mouth, a black man’s cock. He swiped faster. Prue rode another man. Swipe. She was sandwiched between two men, one white and one black. Swipe. Swipe.
The phone pinged. Another message
“Now you know what he looks like,” it said. “Or rather: what they look like.”
Peter Hawkins rose from his bed. He walked into his den and on to a cupboard. The bottle with the 10 on it was still almost half full. He poured two fingers. Swallowing it all at once made him cough, but he poured another two fingers.
Prue crawled out of a ruined bed.
It wasn’t hers, nor was the room as far as she could discern. She walked around on jellified legs, feeling her way into dark grayness. She was the only one in the room – in the house, it seemed. She tried using her voice; it felt like tearing her throat open. Then she found a bathroom and it was spotless.
The shower was hot; it gave her the illusion of getting clean.
The soap had a nice fragrance and there was body lotion. Her pussy felt raw and hot like glowing coal; her anus burned.
She sank to her knees, letting the water drum on her back.
When she came out of the glass cubicle, she found a towel and a fluffy white bathrobe. Walking back into the bedroom she avoided looking at the filthy bed. There was a door and it led into an apartment.
At last she recognized the place; it was Julia’s.
“Jules?” she said, repeating it louder.
There was no answer.
The living room looked empty, so did the kitchen. She wasn’t hungry; even thinking of coffee made her nauseous. Taking a bottle from the fridge she drank deeply. The icy coldness of the water hurt her chest. She coughed.
She ought to go home.
Where were her clothes – the flimsy dress, bra, stockings, and heels? The little bolero-type wrapping she’d worn against the cold? Her clutch? Her keys and her money?
“Jules?” she yelled, only reaping a little echo.
She went back to the bedroom rummaging through the reeking ruin on and around the bed, finding nothing. She opened a closet door. Picking up panties, a blouse and a skirt she dressed in clothes two sizes too big for her. Then she slipped into sneakers and found a jacket.
“Money,” she whispered. “I need money for a cab; it’s too far and too cold to walk. Where the fuck is my wallet? And where’s Jules?”
“Wow, I look good on you.”
Julia stood in the doorway, wearing a rain-splattered coat. She brought a gush of fresh air with her as she carried a big paper groceries bag. Prue ran to her, grabbing her by the shoulders. A cucumber fell from the bag.
“What happened?” she cried out. “What did you do to me?”
Julia took a step back, shaking her head sideways, chuckling.
“Moi?” she asked. “Nothing, alas. You, on the other hand...”
She passed Prue by and walked over to the open kitchen, putting down the bag. Walking back, she picked up the cucumber, wiggling it in her hand.
“God, girl, I guess you needed it,” she said, giggling.
Prue stood speechless.
“Needed what?” she then stammered. “I don’t remember a thing. I feel sore all over. I stunk when I woke up and had filth all over me, but I remember nothing. What happened?”
Julia squeezed her eyes half shut and used a childish voice, while waving her hands frantically besides her head, the green vegetable still there.
“Ooooooh! Oh yessss! Ha-harder, deeper. Oh my, yessss ... Oh God! God! Haaaarder...”
“Stop it! It isn’t true!” Prue cried out, covering her ears and stamping her foot. “Stop it!”
Julia’s face returned to normal. She shrugged.
“Have it your way, honey,” she said. “But I truly feared the neighbors would call the cops.”
Prue sank down on the couch. Leaning forward, she covered her eyes. Her shoulders shook. Julia watched her for seconds. Then she rushed over and held her in a hug.
“Now, now,” she cooed. “No need to be sad. You made quite an impression on the gentlemen, honey. They walked mighty funny when they finally left.”
She chuckled. Prue jumped.
“They?” she cried out. “Men? More than one? My God, what did I do? Did you drug me?”
Julia pulled back, looking upset.
“Drug you? What do you think I am?”
She rose and stepped away.
“This is really vintage Pruts, honey,” she said, arms crossed under her breasts. “Always finding someone else to blame.”
Prue looked up, her face blotched, her eyes red.
“S-sorry,” she said. “But I really don’t remember.”
Julia sank on her knees in front of the girl, holding her.
“Stop worrying, honey,” she said. “You drank a lot and you had to get rid of a lot of shit: all the stress and frustration damn Pete saddled you up with. The bastard made you doubt yourself; you had to compensate. It’s perfectly normal, Prutty. Believe me.”
“I feel so... dirty.”
Julia hugged her tighter.
To Peter half of the next Saturday was a swamp.
One moment he sank into it, surfacing the next – there was quicksand to suck him down, stinking gas bells to belch him out again.
He hadn’t slept all night.
Of course he’d tried not to look at the pictures every half hour, but of course he had. He’d studied the bodies, the utter, alien lust on his wife’s face, the sheer aggression of the men.
Three different guys he counted, two white, one dark. Only two photo’s showed cock, big cocks – one where Prue sucked it, another that was shot right after pulling out – or was it before pushing in?
Most of his attention went to Prue’s face – her bliss, her contorted expressions, and the globs of sperm on it. Her body must be aching like mad after the relentless bending and arching and stretching.
He shrugged.
Maybe she was used to it?
The one emotion Peter most prominently felt through his nausea must be jealousy. There was pain, of course, the sheer hurt of being betrayed. But all through that was a quiet bitterness. Would he ever again be able to even think of Prue without seeing these pictures – let alone if he met her?
Paralyzing was what the pictures were.
They mocked his very essence, tearing at a tiny, deeply buried kernel of doubt and pulling it to the surface. He knew it had always been there: the doubt that he would one day stop being enough for Prue.
He guessed it was a doubt that lives in every married man, especially the ones married to young and attractive women. It was all pretty banal, wasn’t it? He often felt ashamed about it, but the doubt kept penetrating his zone of comfort when he saw Prue flirt or dance or talk intimately with a man.
Curiously enough he’d always had trouble blaming her for it. He rather blamed his own immature insecurity. But now, seeing the pictures, he knew his deeper, secret feelings had always been right.
Hadn’t they?
Prue was a cheating slut, and when he challenged her, she divorced him in the blink of an eye. Which was silly, of course, but who understands women? Why did she keep it a secret all this time if she wanted out all along? Why take the action? Shouldn’t he have been the one to divorce her?
After all he hadn’t been the cheater.
The bitterness of his thoughts, his emotions, his fatigue and the ever- present nausea engulfed him like the tide – rolling in and out, in and out.
Around two in the afternoon he took another shower, shaved the stubble off his face and went out to have a belated breakfast – ah well, just a glass of orange juice and a carefully sipped latte.
He sat at the street window of a small place, a kind of a tearoom two blocks away. It looked out on a tiny park, frequented by young mothers, their children, and little dogs. He’d bought a paper, but he couldn’t read – just skim the pictures and the headlines.
His cellphone rang.
It buzzed around like an angry insect on the chipped marble tabletop. Staring at it he remembered hearing about ‘guilty landscapes;’ paintings or photographs of places where horrible things had happened. It was how he felt about his phone. It made him hesitate to pick it up.
Finally he did. Julia Connors, he read on the screen. He sighed.
“How are you, Pete?”
“I feel great.” He grimaced. “My loving wife sent me pictures.”
“Pictures? Pictures of what?”
He snorted.
“Of her being fucked by three men.”
There was silence. Just when he wanted to go on, she interrupted.
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Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the characters from the Tucker stories here. Then we can get on to much better and more interesting stories. Peter and Dash: Homecoming By Wolverine Almost a year before this story begins, a young man named Tucker came under the possession of a strange entity. The entity corrupted Tucker's soul, his sister's (Whitney), and his mother's (Sherry). Murder, lust, prostitution, and the loss of souls were only a few of the sins they committed. A young...
“Peter and Paul” Peter knew this would be his very last chance to go the Model Plane Exhibition at Earls Court. Georgina would never go after the last time; his brother was his only way out. There was no way she would let him go on his own anyway. The house was quiet, Peter took the opportunity of ringing his twin brother, If Georgina found out too soon all would be lost, including his relationship with her. “I...
Peter and Dash: The Agency Part One By Wolverine Michael rushed through the moonlit forest. Every footstep he took gave the tell-tale crack or snap of a twig. The limbs were low for the 6'3" man. He had to duck to miss the branches, making his steps louder and heavier. Michael was tired, but he couldn't stop now. Even dying from exhaustion was better than the fate behind him. Pain roared through his sides. He had to stop. Michael looked around for a hiding spot. He saw very little...
Peter and Dash: The Agency Part II By Wolverine The fight was a blur to Dash. Bunny had lunged out of the forest at Peter before he could even sense her. These agents were good. Luckily, Peter had been able to utter Dash's name in the scuffle, throwing Bunny back and allowing Dash to emerge. Bunny lunged at Dash as he gained control which prompted him to roll out of the way. She missed and Dash took the opportunity to take her out with a sword slash. Surprisingly, before his sword...
A snapshot into the fucking of my wife by Peter (more to come)I was naked by the side of the bed slowly playing with my cock. My wife was on the bed with Peter between her legs. Her cute feet were resting on Peter's shoulders with her toenails painted a light pastel blue. She was nicely tanned from a recent trip to the beach and that contrasted perfectly against her painted toes. Her heels sat upon his bulging traps, her arches curved over his wide shoulders with her toes resting on his...
Every day after work, Peter got on the same train and sat in the same seat Every day after work, Peter got on the same train and sat in the same seat. It was a boring journey home, taking him out of the city, through the suburbs, and eventually out to the small village he had lived in for the last ten years. But he always looked forward to the train home, because every night, without fail, in the seat opposite him sat the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He?d first noticed her a few...
Peter came to the house. It was our annual holiday party with about 20-30 friends and neighbors. Always a good time with lots of drinks, lots of laughs, and usually a memorable moment or two throughout the night that would give us something to talk about until the next December party came around. Usually nothing bad or torrid but always something "on the edge" of decorum. Peter brought a friend, Paul and they both mixed in with the rest of the party perfectly. It was quite an evening. The wine,...
Peter?s Family Fuck by dale10Well, Peter was finally fucked by his father and mother last night. I was invited to attend and help out with the boy's first parental fucking. As I was fucking him in the afternoon, I explained to him that this was a really big night for him. He is sixteen now, no longer a child, and it was time he was introduced to his dad's huge cuntstuffer and ass buster. Peter was freaked out. For the first time he put together the facts and realized that his seduction,...
It’s very hard when you’re introverted and shy. It feels like speaking can be hard because you’re afraid of rejection. That’s how it was for Peter Smith. Peter was depressed that he didn’t have a girlfriend. It’s hard to do things when you’re depressed. It was even harder when he went through puberty to discuss things with his parents. He would breakdown and become anxious.Lucky for him there was the internet. He googled his questions and his problems were answered. He learned about sex...
First TimePeter was new on campus; he’d been forced to go to school outside of the big city because of scholarships he’d won as an athlete. He’d grown up in urban America, and this was his first experience living in a rural area. It was hard enough being a gay jock in the city; he wasn’t sure how it’d go over here, so he kept a low profile. Pre-season soccer practices were double sessions, taking up four to five hours of his day, but it kept his mind off of his problems, so he went through every session...
GaySee part 1 for the beginningPeters's cock was raging hard. The veins were now bulging as if a tournequet was tied to its base. It's as if it knew that pussy was near. Peter was now between her legs, he lowered himself down on her. Their mouths met, he kissed her deeply. She looked as though she was trying to swallow him, that's how deep she was trying to kiss him. She moaned into his mouth, her arms wrapped around his thick muscular body. Her legs spread wide enticining him to enter...
Peter could not believe his eyes as he traveled throughout the suicide sector slums the next day. Everywhere he turned, there was a female superhero he knew dressed like a 2$ whore or an old girlfriend on a street corner looking like a slut who was just begging for cock. He had been careful not to be seen by them but knew that by the time Starfire made her rounds, the whole female population of the slums would know he was there and what huge cockmeat he was packing. Seeing the actual...
Warning: This and subsequent chapters deal with many explicit passages with topics you may find objectionable. Theses topics may or may not include: straight sex, extramarital relations, cuckoldry, interracial sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, FemDom, male domination, voyeurism, masturbation, etc. If these, or other similar topics offend you, it might be best to find another story more to your liking. *Paul knocked the ashes from the end of the pipe and put everything away. Then the two of us...
It was nearly midnight and Molly was bored out of her mind. Her friend Peter was here and he insisted that she took the bed. It was extremely hot out but that didn't seem to bother Peter. They chatted about school and parents for awhile until Peter changed the conversation to relation ships..."So who's the lucky guy that gets to spend lunch with you?" asked Peter mockingly."Peter shut up.. you know I don't have a boyfriend.. and what about you and Sarah?" Tutted Molly with a hint of jealousy....
Peter's happy world is turned up side down, when first his mother finds out that his father is having affairs and is thrown out of the house, and then when his elder sister is killed in a road accident. Peter's mother then turns to Peter for comfort and looks to him to fill his dead sister's place. Peter & Pamela By Nina Henderson. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the...
It was Friday night and I was in a bar mainly frequented by over-thirties. I was on my second drink and sitting by myself in a booth facing the dance floor. All of the booths in this section face the dance floor and have U-shaped, high-back bench seats with just enough room for two people on each side and one at the "bottom" of the U. I was wearing a short black skirt, a crisp, white button-up blouse, white silk panties and a black push-up bra. The top two buttons of my blouse were open showing...
Group SexI have been in love with Peter ever since I was a little girl, he is a good friend of my parents and even though he is much older than me I always planned on marrying him when I came of age. I grew up in a small town and had no experience with boys so I was completely naive about sex. On my 18th birthday the time had come, my mommy was dressing me and giving me instructions about the wedding when she stopped, sat me down and said that she had something important to tell me and that I must...
How had it gotten to be like this. How had Peter Parker, the handsome yet shy Nerd/Geek from Queens managed to nab, at the age of 20 no less, a beautiful and powerful woman 8 years older than him, who kicked the ass of Evil all over the world. Truth be told, the meetings the two had had before Natasha finally saw what she was looking for in Peter had been far from normal in terms of what society expected. ############################## He was taking pictures of the park. J.J.may have...
Peter was my friend first and we're still great friends... I thought it would be good to establish the chronology of events before we get too far into the story. Peter was a golf buddy and we met through another friend about six months back. With the weather getting colder and golf season winding down, we started hanging out for drinks more than golfing. A lot of the time recently it was just Peter and me at the nineteenth hole on Saturday afternoons watching sports and having long chats...
When Monday came, Prue went back to work. When it all started going to pieces, she’d first tried to drown herself in work for a few days. Work would distract her, she’d hoped, and she needed distraction. But it hadn’t. That first Monday, weeks ago, her boss Victor Kuric, Vic, had talked to her and it had been about her coordinating the next project. It was a promotion and a huge compliment. But somehow all the glamour had left the prospect, and he’d noticed. Grinning in his sweet...
Chapter 1: Starfire. Peter walked home slowly, the streets of New York so familiar to him thof he could walk home blindfolded. He had decided to take a break from the hero gig for a little while, having worked out a deal with the X men who were visiting to patrol for him. He really needed to rest once in awhile and going head to head with someone like electro or Rhino wouldn't help He turned round the block thinking to be home when all he saw was an unfamiliar street. This wasn't...
Introduction: I hope you like it I was out with my friends for a sort of girls night. Slightly tipsy I was made to walk home. I protested considering I was in stilettos and a dress that ended right under my ass. Purse in hand and red dress riding up I stumbled down the sidewalk. I thought I heard a noise but I was one block away and I could see my apartment building. Just then a flashlight appeared casting my shadow out in front of me. I stopped and stared down. Excuse me maam? I spun around...
Peter becomes a cuckoldSandra..Hi my name is Sandra, I new Peter at school but I was to shy to ask him out. As I left school he asked me out & we have been together since.We had been together for about a year, we waited till we were both 16 before we had sex. This was in the late 60 s, we went dancing at the local club which meant catching the bus, a 10 minute ride. I wore a short skirt with stockings & suspenders, I also had on french knicker which Peter like because he could easily...
There are times that you know, right from the start, that something's going on, and it ain't quite kosher! Like I did that night when I awoke at some unearthly hour and instantly became aware that standing beside the foot of my bed was an apparition ... To-whit, one patently beautiful and very naked female! In fact I could only just make out her form; but I could see enough to recognise that she was completely naked, and that her figure went in and out in all the right...
I have watched Peter North videos since he came onto the scene. He has one of the greatest looking cocks of all time and boy does he cum. One day my girlfriend and I were eating lunch in West Hollywood when Peter walked in. I could not believe it; here was my all time porn hero right in front of me. I decided at that moment I would ask him if he would like to fuck my girlfriend. It took guts and his reaction more than startled me. "Where is she" he asked. When I pointed her out he quickly...
This is a story about a man, a man named Peter R. Cooper. Peter is a 26 year old financial consultant. He works in a large multi-storeyed building in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. Peter has luscious wavy brown hair, a long smooth nose, two eyes, firm buttocks, two large bollocks, and a rigid 14 inch monster dick. Peter is a fan of erotic movies, baseball, pirates, homeless people, and the mighty Red Army. One day, whilst Peter was fulfilling his daily torture of working, he noticed a very...
EroticWarning: This and subsequent chapters deal with many explicit passages with topics you may find objectionable. Theses topics may or may not include: straight sex, extramarital relations, cuckoldry, interracial sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, FemDom, male domination, voyeurism, masturbation, etc. If these, or other similar topics offend you, it might be best to find another story more to your liking. Chapter 6I looked over at Paul and he was still slowly working his cock. He had amazing...
We were three drinks into the evening by the time we ordered food. So we were feeling pretty good. Despite Peter being in his upper 50s and about 10 years older than me, he could definitely hold his liquor. As a result, the conversation was flowing freely as I brought up his penchant for bedding married women. "It's great because they never want anything long term. That would definitely get in the way. Oh, a bunch come back for seconds and thirds... And hell, even fourths sometimes... but it's...
Another exciting Sunday night. "Goodnight honey" she said as she pecked him on the cheek. As soon as Susan left the room, Peter closed the spreadsheet he had been pretending to work on when she'd walked in. The web site he'd been looking at appeared and with the collection of amateur photos he'd been looking at. He was particularly fond of one girl in particular and he never tired of browsing through her seductive photos. God knows it was the only way he was going to get off tonight....
In 1994 I took some money from a loan shark, at the time they stated how I had 2 weeks to pay it back or there would be problems and of course I didn’t want that. There was 1 week left to pay and I had only 30% of the money I owed I was starting to panic as I didn’t want any trouble, for the next few days I was doing all I could to get the money back and with 1 day left the loan shark called and asked if I had the moneyi said “ I’ve got 90% please take this and give me some more time for the...
“What would you think about fuckin a black woman honey?” It was my first visit to a whorehouse. I was eighteen on my first weekend pass after basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Along with my two best buddies I took the bus from Fort Knox to Louisville. We went to a bar with a sign in the window that said, “G.I.s welcome.” After we had a couple 3.2% beers Tommy, the oldest at 19, asked the bartender if he knew where any whorehouses were. “They’re all over town son,” he said. “Just jump in a...
It’s very hard when you’re introverted and shy. It feels like speaking can be hard because you’re afraid of rejection. That’s how it was for Peter Smith. Peter was depressed that he didn’t have a girlfriend. It’s hard to do things when you’re depressed. It was even harder when he went through puberty to discuss things with his parents. He would breakdown and become anxious. Lucky for him there was the internet. He googled his questions and his problems were answered. He learned about sex and...
Panda is as pretty, petite, sexy, submissive as tasty and tight, this red-hot real redhead teenPanda is as stubborn as well, so she solicits of Professor Peter Poet procedures for enslavingPanda is still a virgin and almost inexperienced yet with men, mutual arousal or sexy excitementPanda is still playing the innocent girl, knowing well that her lovely looks are a turn-on to menPanda is offered a choice for her initiation: soft sweet and seductive or be brutally bangedPanda is obnoxious as she...
A couple weeks after that, Alex came back for the new school year. "Alex?" Yvette had been a bit timid all day so I knew she had something on her mind. "Yeah?" "Would you do something for me?" "Sure." He hadn't even paused chewing but I knew I wasn't gonna like whatever came next. "Would you talk to a therapist for me?" He actually looked up at that and I put my fork down. "Yvette -" I started but he talked over me. "Cool. When?" Yvette looked at me but if Alex was...
When I opened my eyes, however, there was sunlight. "Fuck." I groaned. How much of that was a dream, how much was me actually falling asleep on a gorgous woman? I opened my eyes to see Maria, curled up in a chair, looking lovely, reading. She was wrapped in a robe that looked like something Ms. Rachael would buy but not something my Grandfather would wear. I fell asleep on a chance to make love to that. I'm a moron. No one can be that tired. "Mornin'." I managed to yawn. "Good...
I Think X-Hamster is A great site. It’s funny that their are a couple of Peter North’s gay vid’s on her. And Great Video’s of Peter North Cumming on lot’s of lovely faces like Czech Republic Nikita Denise I think she’s so Hot. But I personally think Peter North’s greatest Cum Shot Came in a Flick called the Big Boob Boat Ride. His Awesome Cum Shot all over Bunny Bleu’s face. I hope Maybe someone might be able too get this one posted up. Peter North and some Guy called Johnny cum Lately both...
I Think X-Hamster is A great site. It's funny that their are a couple of Peter North's gay vid's on her. And Great Video's of Peter North Cumming on lot's of lovely faces like Czech Republic Nikita Denise I think she's so Hot. But I personally think Peter North's greatest Cum Shot Came in a Flick called the Big Boob Boat Ride. His Awesome Cum Shot all over Bunny Bleu's face.I hope Maybe someone might be able too get this one posted up. Peter North and some Guy called Johnny cum Lately both fuck...
Chapter 1: Spring I was the first to admit that I don't handle breakups well, but after Yvette, I was a mess. I spent a lot of time brooding. I didn't ignore Alex or my family but I wasn't really connected either. I did what was expected of me and nothing more. Mom showed up one Sunday afternoon with luggage. "What's up?" I asked her after I kissed her cheek and got her some ice tea. "Just came to visit my baby. A mother can do that." And if I didn't know what a brilliant liar my...
I woke in the morning to the amazing feeling of Deb taking my cock deep into her wet, warm mouth. The perfect start to the day and a fantastic continuation of the marathon session we had enjoyed last night. I let out a deep moan as she went all the way down. She released me for a second so she could talk, "Oh, you're awake! Good morning baby... Thought I'd relieve your stress a bit. You've been hard all night! Ever since we talked about Peter's... abilities..." With that, she took me back into...
Hello people. This is my first story (a fiction) please provide me feedback so can write better next time. Let me start: At the age of 29 I stood 5 foot 10 inch tall with fair complexion and athletic build, being another Indian who became quite influential CEO in USA with my own house, car and driver named peter. He was one year younger, kind of hunk and smart with fair complexion with height of 6 foot. He liked Indian asses and I liked big dicks. How we started is another story, this story is...
Gay MalePeter had four brothers. There was left arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg -- and Peter the penis. They were the appendages of baby John. At first none of the organs could do very much or understand very much, but then as John got older, Peter and his brothers began talking. "See me!" said left arm. "I can bat at that red thing and hit it!" "I can do even better!" said right arm. I can go for that fuzzy thing, open my fingers, and actually grab it!" The legs and Peter listened in...
We were a little family for six months. Yvette and I opened a joint bank account to save for the wedding and a house. I likely could have paid for them outright - and certainly, the family could have - but Yvette wanted our lives together to start on our joint footing. I couldn't argue the logic. I was wrestling with my own inner demons as I realize slowly that while I did want to move back to Reedville when I graduated, I didn't want to work for the fishery. The problem was that I didn't...
The opening ceremony was a blur. I remember parading in the team uniform. A lot. I remember the amazing water cube thing we swam in. And press. I know I talked to the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Washington Post and, oddly enough, a pair of Japanese papers. There were others but those were the ones I remember. If I wasn't in the water, I was at the pool rooting for someone. If I wasn't there, I was either eating or sleeping. In all that, there were a couple moments that time stopped and...
I stop at the gift shop and am thrilled to find that they do indeed stock corsages. I pick up two. Alex and Beth were both ready and waiting when I get to the room. My only suit was laid out and pressed. "Thanks!" I hop in the shower and wash as fast as I can. But while I'm in there, a thought occurs to me. I come out still drying. "I've been a complete dick today haven't I?" "It's cool." Alex shrugs, "You the Dom." "Stop that." I hate it when he says stuff like that. "Look,...
Our last day was at sea. I woke before Barb did and thought maybe I'd skip my morning swim and spend the whole day with her. She curled against me with a sigh and I held her tightly. "Shouldn't you be up?" She murmured. "Rather be with you." I kissed her temple. "You just think you'll get lucky." "I already am lucky." I was very glad I wasn't falling in love with her. That would make today heartbreaking. I stroked her back and tried to memorize exactly how her body felt...
We didn't even need to rent a van. Yvette had so little stuff, Alex and I moved it in just our cars. Alex was amazingly cool about the whole thing. But our first night together, I got a shock. "So when is Alex moving out?" she asked me. "What?" "Alex. I mean, he's not going to live with us. Right?" "This is his house." I sat up and looked at her. "I can't just throw him out." "How are we going to have any privacy with him around?" I shrugged. In all honesty, as close as...
We got back to my car. I had to shift stuff in my back seat to make space for Carlos but while I was shifting them, I found the Official Photo of me, in team colors, with both medals around my neck. "Here." I handed it to Carlos. "Hold this." As anticipated, he wanted to know all about it and we spent the whole car ride going over all there was to know about swimming. I even went as far as offering to teach him to swim. As I helped her out of the car, Maria smiled softly. "You'll...
It was a good night and when Marian and Ed dropped us at the house, we had already planned a dinner to meet a few other neighbors. "You make friends easily, don't you?" Maria observed. "I like people." I shrugged. "But I think it's time for a little alone time." "Really?" She tilted her head slightly. "Yes. I do." I pulled her closer to me and kissed her firmly. "You go shower, I'll be there in a moment." "You don't have to instruct me." She didn't snap but she was...
I mopped for a little while looking for something to do, to take my mind off her. Until I realized I hadn't cracked a textbook in two days. I set up my laptop in Granddad's office and logged in to catch up on my classes. I spent a couple hours half-assing some homework that was due and reading the class forums and generally acting like I was supposed to be in school. On-line classes reek. I'm a very social person and sitting alone at home was no fun. I was just thinking that maybe I...
Our wedding day was literally the happiest day of my life. Even with the stress, the last minute cold feet, the hang over from a bachelor party no one remembered, and the last minute rain storm. We got married in West Virginia, in April right around Spring Break so that we didn't miss any classes for it. We could have waited until after graduation but I wanted to get married and to my utter joy, Gwen didn't want to wait either. I wanted to do it in Reedville, so that my whole family — 25...
I was sixteen when I started to work on Saturday mornings at the local garage cleaning cars and running errands. I had been there for about a month when the boss told me to take a package to an older man, Peter, who worked in a small building at the back of the garage. I knocked on the closed door and there as no reply so I pushed the door open and could not see anybody. Peter made me jump when he called “Come in”. He told me that he repaired various car parts which was why he had his own...
We three meet up again in the cabin in time for dinner. As we're dressing, there's a knock at the door. Beth answers it casually, "Oh hey, come in." I glance up in the mirror and smile to see Barb in a mini dress and stiletto heels. I turn around. "Hello Ms. Robinson." Alex pops out of the bathroom, naked, then jumps back again. "Whoa! Jeez! Hey! Warn uh guy!" "I don't mind." Barb winks at me. He comes out again, wrapped in a towel and grabbed a shirt and pants then dashes back...
In our room, there's a note from Beth. 'Go see Steve.' I call Barb and we head down to the infirmary. Steve's off-shift but he left long instructions for us and permission for us to use the infirmary's satellite internet. The lab has a website; we could check our results on line. Over Alex's shoulder, I breathe a sigh of relief as we view the list of negative results. Only one positive. A yeast infection. I've got it too. "How the fuck do guys get a yeast infection?" Alex mutters...