Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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In our room, there's a note from Beth. 'Go see Steve.' I call Barb and we head down to the infirmary. Steve's off-shift but he left long instructions for us and permission for us to use the infirmary's satellite internet. The lab has a website; we could check our results on line. Over Alex's shoulder, I breathe a sigh of relief as we view the list of negative results. Only one positive.
A yeast infection.
I've got it too.
"How the fuck do guys get a yeast infection?" Alex mutters for only the tenth time as we sit down to eat.
"You fuck uh girl that got one, that's how." I can't even guess who. Kai or Barb were the only two choices. Unless they could jump through a condom. Or if they could transfer orally. That thought makes me wretch.
"What? You ok? Dude, what?" Alex nearly panics.
"Relax. I'm cool. I swallowed something wrong."
Barb joins us eventually in another sarong. She's damp so it's plastered to her.
"God damn, you hot." Alex greets her with a kiss on the cheek.
"So now I'm going to hear this sort of stuff from both of you?"
"Look like." I say. "God damn, you hot." I kiss the other cheek.
She sighs deeply and goes to the buffet. "So, I got your message." She starts when she has her food and settles at the table. "And it's all negative, thank god. I have a yeast infection which is annoying but harmless and another case of BV which is a life-long thing for me. Again, annoying but harmless."
"You gave us that shit!" Alex snaps.
"Quiet!" I snap back. "What's BV?"
"A yeast's cousin. What do you mean I gave you that?"
"We both tested positive for yeast infections as well."
"Oh." Her face falls. She looked utterly crushed.
"Hey. Could be worse, right?" I tilt her chin up to me. "Don't they have like one-day pills for that?"
"Yes." She smiles sadly then sighs. "Yes, they do. You're both fine - and very lucky that none of your friends were carrying anything worse."
"No shit." Alex agrees.
"Language." I remind him. "I guess we aught to call Da and Kai. Let them know."
"It would be nice, but it's not a panic. Worst case is they'll itch a bit."
Alex agrees to stop by their cabin later. We eat and discuss the weather.
Beth appears as we finish, on the arm of a very unhappy Dr. Steve.
"Would you please keep Miss. McElroy out of my office?" He tries to remove her but she laughs and clings to him. "God damn it, my co-workers are beginning to talk."
"They're teasing him about his 'new girlfriend'." Beth laughs. "They think Ima kid with uh crush."
"You are." Steve finally snatches his arm away and Beth sits down.
"No, I'm not. Believe me." She leans over to Barb. "So where have you been all morning?"
"Look, I'll make this quick." Steve talks over her. "I saw your lab results and we should all thank heaven that they're all negative."
"Says who?" Alex whines.
"Quiet." I bat him in the head. "Go on Doctor."
"I've put in a prescription for you all; you can pick it up after noon. Just follow the instructions. Ordinarily, I'd say that none of this is communicable, but you've been swimming a lot and wear the wet clothing for long periods?" We have. "Yeah, that can create a host environment for candisis. Read the information in the package. Call me if you have any other questions." He turns to leave and stops. "Alex, how are you doing? Any problems?"
"Totally healed, dude. All clear."
"Good." He walks away.
"Bye Stevie." Beth calls out. The Doctor's shoulder flinch but he doesn't turn around.
I bat Beth in the head. "Quit harassin' him. What, you tryin' ta get the boy fired?"
"What? He told them how old I am. Seriously, they all think I'm just a kid with a crush on the handsome young doctor. They given' him hell but they don't think anything goin' on really." She took a sushi off my plate. "I'm not stupid."
"You more trouble than he is, what you are." I groused.
"Nobody more trouble that him."
"Hey! I'm right here, god damn."
We bickered for a few minutes about who's more trouble than who.
"Enough!" Barb shouted. "You're all trouble. You've given me a headache. No wonder your parents let you go for two months. They're probably enjoying the rare peace and quiet."
We look at each other and laugh. "In our family?" Barb left before we regaled her with too many stories of the 'quiet' McElroys.
Alex went to see Kai while Beth and I hit the ship's store. Beth got picky about the choices.
"What's the difference?"
"I like this one."
"How do you know? What, the box color?"
"No." She sighed with exasperation. "I used to get these all the time, right before my period. They stopped a couple years ago. It's not a big deal. It's probably the type of chlorine they use in the pool here. I'm surprised my allergy hasn't broken out again."
"Look, just pick one. What you need this for anyway? He's gettin' you that pill treatment."
"It's for the itch. Peter." she muttered.
"Quit callin' me that."
"Why? It's your name."
"Yeah, but that ain't what you mean."
We bickered all the way to the counter. I thought about it a few seconds then got a tube of the itch cream for me and Alex. The cashier didn't ask; we didn't offer an explanation.
"Could be worse," Beth said as we left the store, "Mom coulda named you Richard."
"You just mean 'cause you cross-eyed."
"Am not!"
"Are too."
In the end, she just gave up and hit me.
"Ow!" I laughed. "See? Mean."
"I am not." Then, after a minute, "Am I?"
I looked at her. I hadn't expected her to go all serious on me. "Nah, not really. I like you."
"You like any girl."
"Not true. I'll sleep with any girl. Most girls, least. But I don't like all of 'em."
"So then what's wrong with Steve?"
I stopped walking. "Come again?"
She looked away, embarrassed. "I'm not, like, fallin' in love or somethin' dumb like that but, I mean, we had uh good time that first night, I thought, and now he barely talk to me."
"The first time, he ain't know you 16. He could lose his license messin' with you, Beth. Course he don't wanna talk to you. Hell like that, I wouldn't either."
"Beth." I stopped and took her shoulders. "You don't see the look on his face every time you touch him. You drivin' him crazy. But he can't be caught messin' 'round with some sixteen year old - even here. I'll bet he ain't never meet nothin' like you an' you two years too young ta even dream about."
She blushed and rolled her eyes. "I'm sure."
"Hey." I looked around. "How you think me an' Alex feel back home? Uh girl who hot, smart and can hold her own on the dock? Hell, least you got better options. My sister damn near my dream girl."
"No, I'm not." she smirked. "Not enough tan."
I chuckled and we kept walking. "Yeah, ok. I got uh thing for dark meat. My point is you more than enough ta keep any man happy. Cross-eyed an' mean or not." She hit me again. "Ow." She kissed my cheek.
Alex arrived back in the room about two hours after we did.
"Where you been?"
"Da an' Kai's." He turned away but not before I saw the dark grin across his face.
"What you been up to, Alex?" I did not get up but I looked at Beth and at the balcony door. She got the hint, mostly. "I think I'll go see if Barb wanna go shopping." She left. "I asked what you been up to, Alex."
"I already done them." He said defensively.
"An' I said not again. They married."
"Yeah, but Da started it an' I ain't wanna be rude..." He stopped that line and shruged. "Anyway, Kai like it kinda rough, so y'know..."
"So I know what?"
"I was rough." he said softly after a hesitation. "I ain't leave bruises or nothin' but they was both happy when I left, right?"
"When or because?"
He hesitated again; I didn't think it had occurred to him that there was a difference until I said it. He shook his head. "No. When. They was into it. Both of 'em. They both uh pair uh little freaks, right? They like shit like that. First girl ever asked me ta do her ass. When. Totally when."
"Did you tell them?"
"Yeah. Before I did 'em. They ain't care. Kai say she always get 'em with condoms. Some bulls-uh-stuff about her balance."
I cross the room to him. I'm just enough taller than he was to lean my face over him if I intimidate him enough. He leans back so far he almost falls backward. "No more 'rough' on this trip. Clear? If she wants it that way, tough. She can discuss it with me."
"Yes, Sir." he says, contrite.
"You suspended." I say. It won't be for thirty days but I have to do something to get him in line.
"Yes, Sir."
"I want you in the gym, every morning, 7am. You need ta bleed off some aggression, punch something in there."
"Yes, Sir."
The phone rings before I give him another restriction.
"Peter, sweetheart, which do you like more, yellow or green?"
"Hey, Barb. For what?"
"Dinner dresses."
I look at the phone before I answer that. "I don't really care?"
"Oh, just pick one. I don't want to buy both and I can't decide between them."
"Call Beth."
"She can't decide either. She's going to buy the other one."
"Put Beth on." I cannot believe that she called me for this. "Beth, buy both - hell, buy two of both. I'll pay you back." I hang up the phone. "Women." I mutter.
Alex, I notice, was kneeling on the floor with his head down. "alright. Get up. Here." Hand him the insert from infection cream. "Read this."
Ten minutes later he gets to the part I was waiting for. "No sex? Oh fuck!"
"That's right. We all cut off until after Bangkok." He's suspended anyway
He doesn't swear aloud but he's struggling not to. "Sugar." He finally spits out.
"You got other hobbies."
"Not in f-in' Bangkok."
"Get over it." Barb and Beth shopping remind me that Alex and I have only a couple of shirts for dinner as well. "Come on."
We head down into the ship. It's a floating mall. There's even a Gap outlet. We find the girls and the four of us spend the rest of the afternoon shopping. It's actually fun.
When dinnertime rolls around, Alex and I were actually dress appropriately. Barb joins us again - looking lovely in green.
"Oh, no." Barb says when the discussion comes up, "I am not going into Vietnam with you Peter."
"Why not?"
"Because I am not spending another day of my vacation arguing politics with you."
"I won't do that."
"Yes, you will. You won't be able to keep your mouth shut." She signals the waiter over. "Singapore, fine. Thailand, sure. Not Vietnam, not Korea, not Taiwan."
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I wake this time as she gets out of bed and slips into the bathroom. 5:30am. I really should go swim. When she comes out, she sits on the edge of the bed. "Morning." She leans in slightly and I kiss her. "Mornin'. You up kinda early." "I was about to say the same of you. This is my regular time. I like to read the paper before I go to work." "I usually swim uh couple miles 'fore school." "A couple miles? How many laps is that?" "One. I ain't in uh pool; it's open...
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By 10:30 am, we were at the base of the gangplank, saying goodbye. The Captain had agreed to let us leave the bulk of our luggage on board but we had to clear off while the ship re-fit. We could return when the crew did. Barb got us a hotel room. The Presidential Suite on the top floor of the Plaza. "What's the point of being an executive with the chain if I can't throw my weight around on occasion? They're sending a car for you." "What about you?" I slipped my hand behind her neck...
At the hotel, there is a very large sign in the lobby announcing that due to a computer glitch, some reservations made online were over-booked and some guests were being re-routed to hotels nearby. Not athletes. Not Beth and Alex. Everyone in line is cranky with jet lag — most of us would be happy to sleep where we are standing. At the desk, Beth asks the clerk, "You know, I only booked my own room because my mother worries but would it be helpful if my boyfriend and I shared a room?" Beth...
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Warning: This and subsequent chapters deal with many explicit passages with topics you may find objectionable. Theses topics may or may not include: straight sex, extramarital relations, cuckoldry, interracial sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, FemDom, male domination, voyeurism, masturbation, etc. If these, or other similar topics offend you, it might be best to find another story more to your liking. *Paul knocked the ashes from the end of the pipe and put everything away. Then the two of us...
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I have been in love with Peter ever since I was a little girl, he is a good friend of my parents and even though he is much older than me I always planned on marrying him when I came of age. I grew up in a small town and had no experience with boys so I was completely naive about sex. On my 18th birthday the time had come, my mommy was dressing me and giving me instructions about the wedding when she stopped, sat me down and said that she had something important to tell me and that I must...
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Peter becomes a cuckoldSandra..Hi my name is Sandra, I new Peter at school but I was to shy to ask him out. As I left school he asked me out & we have been together since.We had been together for about a year, we waited till we were both 16 before we had sex. This was in the late 60 s, we went dancing at the local club which meant catching the bus, a 10 minute ride. I wore a short skirt with stockings & suspenders, I also had on french knicker which Peter like because he could easily...
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I have watched Peter North videos since he came onto the scene. He has one of the greatest looking cocks of all time and boy does he cum. One day my girlfriend and I were eating lunch in West Hollywood when Peter walked in. I could not believe it; here was my all time porn hero right in front of me. I decided at that moment I would ask him if he would like to fuck my girlfriend. It took guts and his reaction more than startled me. "Where is she" he asked. When I pointed her out he quickly...
This is a story about a man, a man named Peter R. Cooper. Peter is a 26 year old financial consultant. He works in a large multi-storeyed building in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. Peter has luscious wavy brown hair, a long smooth nose, two eyes, firm buttocks, two large bollocks, and a rigid 14 inch monster dick. Peter is a fan of erotic movies, baseball, pirates, homeless people, and the mighty Red Army. One day, whilst Peter was fulfilling his daily torture of working, he noticed a very...
EroticWarning: This and subsequent chapters deal with many explicit passages with topics you may find objectionable. Theses topics may or may not include: straight sex, extramarital relations, cuckoldry, interracial sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, FemDom, male domination, voyeurism, masturbation, etc. If these, or other similar topics offend you, it might be best to find another story more to your liking. Chapter 6I looked over at Paul and he was still slowly working his cock. He had amazing...
We were three drinks into the evening by the time we ordered food. So we were feeling pretty good. Despite Peter being in his upper 50s and about 10 years older than me, he could definitely hold his liquor. As a result, the conversation was flowing freely as I brought up his penchant for bedding married women. "It's great because they never want anything long term. That would definitely get in the way. Oh, a bunch come back for seconds and thirds... And hell, even fourths sometimes... but it's...
Another exciting Sunday night. "Goodnight honey" she said as she pecked him on the cheek. As soon as Susan left the room, Peter closed the spreadsheet he had been pretending to work on when she'd walked in. The web site he'd been looking at appeared and with the collection of amateur photos he'd been looking at. He was particularly fond of one girl in particular and he never tired of browsing through her seductive photos. God knows it was the only way he was going to get off tonight....
In 1994 I took some money from a loan shark, at the time they stated how I had 2 weeks to pay it back or there would be problems and of course I didn’t want that. There was 1 week left to pay and I had only 30% of the money I owed I was starting to panic as I didn’t want any trouble, for the next few days I was doing all I could to get the money back and with 1 day left the loan shark called and asked if I had the moneyi said “ I’ve got 90% please take this and give me some more time for the...
“What would you think about fuckin a black woman honey?” It was my first visit to a whorehouse. I was eighteen on my first weekend pass after basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Along with my two best buddies I took the bus from Fort Knox to Louisville. We went to a bar with a sign in the window that said, “G.I.s welcome.” After we had a couple 3.2% beers Tommy, the oldest at 19, asked the bartender if he knew where any whorehouses were. “They’re all over town son,” he said. “Just jump in a...
It’s very hard when you’re introverted and shy. It feels like speaking can be hard because you’re afraid of rejection. That’s how it was for Peter Smith. Peter was depressed that he didn’t have a girlfriend. It’s hard to do things when you’re depressed. It was even harder when he went through puberty to discuss things with his parents. He would breakdown and become anxious. Lucky for him there was the internet. He googled his questions and his problems were answered. He learned about sex and...
When I get back to our room, I come in and throw myself on the bed. "What's wrong with you?" Alex barely glances up from the TV. "Where's Beth?" He shrugs, "Went out. Told me ta stay put. Was real bitchy, so I ain't argue." "Kai's married." That got his attention. "Come again?" "Da's engaged. Her wedding's next year." "Married?" "That's what she said." I don't know why this has me so upset. People go on cruises to have flings. It's supposed to be meaningless,...
Panda is as pretty, petite, sexy, submissive as tasty and tight, this red-hot real redhead teenPanda is as stubborn as well, so she solicits of Professor Peter Poet procedures for enslavingPanda is still a virgin and almost inexperienced yet with men, mutual arousal or sexy excitementPanda is still playing the innocent girl, knowing well that her lovely looks are a turn-on to menPanda is offered a choice for her initiation: soft sweet and seductive or be brutally bangedPanda is obnoxious as she...
A couple weeks after that, Alex came back for the new school year. "Alex?" Yvette had been a bit timid all day so I knew she had something on her mind. "Yeah?" "Would you do something for me?" "Sure." He hadn't even paused chewing but I knew I wasn't gonna like whatever came next. "Would you talk to a therapist for me?" He actually looked up at that and I put my fork down. "Yvette -" I started but he talked over me. "Cool. When?" Yvette looked at me but if Alex was...
When I opened my eyes, however, there was sunlight. "Fuck." I groaned. How much of that was a dream, how much was me actually falling asleep on a gorgous woman? I opened my eyes to see Maria, curled up in a chair, looking lovely, reading. She was wrapped in a robe that looked like something Ms. Rachael would buy but not something my Grandfather would wear. I fell asleep on a chance to make love to that. I'm a moron. No one can be that tired. "Mornin'." I managed to yawn. "Good...
I Think X-Hamster is A great site. It’s funny that their are a couple of Peter North’s gay vid’s on her. And Great Video’s of Peter North Cumming on lot’s of lovely faces like Czech Republic Nikita Denise I think she’s so Hot. But I personally think Peter North’s greatest Cum Shot Came in a Flick called the Big Boob Boat Ride. His Awesome Cum Shot all over Bunny Bleu’s face. I hope Maybe someone might be able too get this one posted up. Peter North and some Guy called Johnny cum Lately both...
I Think X-Hamster is A great site. It's funny that their are a couple of Peter North's gay vid's on her. And Great Video's of Peter North Cumming on lot's of lovely faces like Czech Republic Nikita Denise I think she's so Hot. But I personally think Peter North's greatest Cum Shot Came in a Flick called the Big Boob Boat Ride. His Awesome Cum Shot all over Bunny Bleu's face.I hope Maybe someone might be able too get this one posted up. Peter North and some Guy called Johnny cum Lately both fuck...
Chapter 1: Spring I was the first to admit that I don't handle breakups well, but after Yvette, I was a mess. I spent a lot of time brooding. I didn't ignore Alex or my family but I wasn't really connected either. I did what was expected of me and nothing more. Mom showed up one Sunday afternoon with luggage. "What's up?" I asked her after I kissed her cheek and got her some ice tea. "Just came to visit my baby. A mother can do that." And if I didn't know what a brilliant liar my...