HunterChapter 7 free porn video

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On Monday, I had Harlow drive the team pulling the freight wagon. The windlass had been transferred to the new wagon, and having Harlow along sure did make it easier to load the dead hogs. I had all four dogs along with us because I wanted to use this as a training session for Judy as well as getting the hogs I needed for my customers.

For the first hog, I sent all four dogs out hoping that Judy would do what the other dogs were doing, kind of as a way to let her get the idea of what her job was. Of course, I depended upon Sam to direct her actions and to keep her out of trouble. It seemed to work because she was a part of the pack when they chased a fat sow toward the wagon.

The only error I saw from her was when she didn't stop went the others did to let me get my shot off. Sam took care of that by running against Judy and knocking her down before she could get into the line of fire. She got up looking rather indignant, but it was time for me to shoot before she had a chance to do anything else. Harlow said that it was almost a case of her jumping out of her skin when the shotgun boomed. That cowed her, and she took the noise as an admonition for her to do what the other dogs were doing.

Again, I sent out all four dogs, and Judy seemed to be paying more attention to the other dogs this time. She stopped chasing the sow when the others did, and she didn't jump this time with the noise from the shotgun. The mules took the noise more in stride, too, so it looked like we were making progress on all fronts.

One more trip with all four dogs, and Judy seemed to have the routine down at last. She did not overreact with the shotgun's noise this time, so I sent her out only with Sam as a test of how well she had the proper idea of what she was supposed to do. Judy did well, so I sent her out with Sarah this time. They were out just a shade longer than before, but it just may have been a case of rookie uncertainty. They did deliver a sow as expected, so I had no complaints.

I figured that it was time for Judy to rest, so I sent out Sam and Eve. They came back with a fifth hog very quickly, and we were well on our way to making our day's quota. I wanted at least 15 adult hogs from today's efforts because we had to deliver 20-22 to Baker on Thursday. Seven of these hogs were going to Mr. Benson in Winslow tomorrow, so that many were unavailable for Mr. Malone and Mr. Frody on Thursday. Making sure that I had enough hogs for each customer was getting complicated.

Next, I sent out Sam and Eve, and they came back with a sow. Now for the acid test: I sent out only Sam and Judy. Sam was not easy to please, and I wondered just how well Judy was going to measure up to Sam's demands. Apparently, Judy did well because they were back as fast as Sam and either Eve or Sara usually were. She did everything correctly, so I figured that she had mastered the basics as long as she had an experienced dog to emulate.

Okay, that was enough for Benson, so any more adult hogs could be ear-marked for the two butcher shops in Baker. I rotated the dogs around, sending out two at a time, until we had a total of 17 adult hogs. All of the dogs seemed to be in great shape, so I sent all four out for pigs. I made a point of giving the different command to Judy so that she could hear the difference, though she had no idea of what the new command meant.

All four dogs took off, and Eve and Sarah returned shortly with pigs. However, Sam and Judy were out somewhat longer, and I wondered what was holding them up. Eve and Sarah were not concerned—they lounged in the shade cast by the wagon. That was encouraging, but it was about 10 minutes after those two came in before I saw Judy coming in chasing a pig. She stopped where she had stopped before, so there was no danger to her when I shot the pig that she had been chasing. A couple of minutes later, I saw Sam coming in, and I know that he was showing off because he was chasing two pigs. That would not have been practical if they had not been running in a furrow, but they were readily guided to me to shoot them.

That gave me five pigs, and I figured that was enough for today. The dogs were still pumped up from the fun of chasing hogs and pigs, so they did not want to ride in the wagon. No problem, they just followed us home. On the way, we stopped long enough to give a pig to Mrs. Hanson and another to Mrs. Jenson. I didn't have one for Mary and me, but we had smoked pig and a couple of rabbits, so we were not in need.

Harlow and I hung up the kills for the day, and I had him take the buckboard and Edna with him so that he would have an easier time commuting from his home. I did ask him to tell Ed, Jr. that I needed him for tomorrow, so he should come with Harlow if he was available.

My idea was that Harlow had proven that a helper with me to get the dead hogs pulled into the wagon made loading move a hell of a lot faster; therefore, it made the whole operation move faster, and that was going to be needed from now on. My plan was for Ed to take the farm wagon pulled by Dun on Tuesday to make the deliveries in Winslow while Harlow stayed with me to help in the hunting. That made Harlow available to manage the team of mules for me.

That was the way we handled the work distribution on Tuesday, and it worked out well. The three of us worked to get the farm wagon loaded with seven hogs and two pigs, and the job went amazingly fast. We saw Ed off to make the deliveries in Winslow before heading back to the Hanson farm to bag the rest of the adult hogs we needed for delivery to Baker. We needed 12 more adult hogs, and I figured that we would have to move to another field to get the full complement. There were only just so many adult hogs in one grouping.

To my surprise, we managed to take six hogs in the first field, but that was all that the dogs could come up with. We moved to the next field in line and took six more hogs much more quickly than I had expected. This was enough, so we headed home and met Ed returning from Winslow. He led the way home, and we quickly got the hogs hung up to bleed out.

The two washed out the blood from the two wagons and put them up as well as taking care of the draft animals. My two employees went home, and I let them use the buckboard for transportation. I still had some daylight left, so, with Mary's help, I measured the proposed sheds for the wagons so that I would know how much wood to buy. Mary brought me up short by suggesting that I go ahead and plan for a second freight wagon, and go ahead and build enough of a shed to store the three wagons safely out of the weather.

I don't know why, but I had not thought of a further expansion of the meat business, but Mary was right that I would need another freight wagon if I did anything to expand our operation. Mary further suggested that we organize Allgood Meats as a regular company. She could handle the finances and I could be in charge of everything else. I thought that was a brilliant idea because I simply hated to be worrying about money. All I wanted to know was did I have enough money to cover a current project. Beyond that, I was just not interested.

Mary next pointed out that we would need a lawyer to make sure that we did not screw things up. That kind of shook me up some more because I had the usual layman's distrust of lawyers. Mary pointed out that I would just have to bite the bullet and find a lawyer whom I could trust. I asked her how I was going to do that, and she said that I could start out by asking Mr. Benson and Mrs. Adams if they could recommend somebody. That I agreed to do the next time I was in Winslow. I figured that I could also ask Jeb Hanson and Ed Jenson if they knew of a trustworthy lawyer.

Well, Thursday finally came and it turned out to be a busy morning. Both Harlow and Ed showed up, and it took us all to get almost 4,000 pounds of hog carcasses loaded into the freight wagon. Harlow left for Baker as soon as the load was ready, and, with that much weight to contend with, I didn't expect him home before late afternoon. It was a good thing that the road was in good condition because a 4,000 pound load was really too heavy for only two mules. Dammit, I had to do something about that right away.

Ed, the dogs, and I headed out to get more hogs for the Friday delivery using Dun and the farm wagon. We were a little late getting started because we had to whip up another windlass for the farm wagon. It was late morning before we got away, even though we had been able to find some parts that we could salvage for the second windlass. We headed back for the Hanson farm because there were still some hogs in that last field and another field that we had not even touched yet.

With four dogs, though, things went fast enough, and it was just past noon when we pulled into the yard to hang the hogs and pigs. Mary fed us after we washed up a bit, and I had Ed help me work out how I was going to add two more stalls to the barn to accommodate any new mules that I bought to go with the new wagon. It turned out that we found a place for the two stalls, and we were able to rough them out by the time Harlow returned from Baker.

Okay, I had to bite the bullet and buy another freight wagon and two more mules to make my commitments to Baker. Fortunately, the nearly $400 that Harlow returned with would pay for what we immediately needed.

On Friday morning, Harlow drove the farm wagon into Winslow with the meat delivery and I went with him. I planned on taking care of a lot of business that day, including trying to find a lawyer. The first thing I did when I got Mr. Benson's attention was to ask him about a lawyer. Of course, he wanted to know why I needed one; I was sure that he was worried that I might sue him or some such thing, and he relaxed noticeably when I explained my reason. He gave me a recommendation and I next went to see Mrs. Adams while Harlow was finishing up with Mr. Benson.

Mrs. Adams reacted the same way that Benson had, but she, too, relaxed when I explained why I wanted a lawyer. She recommended the same lawyer that Benson did, so I knew that I was going to see him before I left for home. The next thing I did was to drop in on one of the two livery stables in Winslow. They had some mules, but no freight wagon. About that time, Harlow showed up with the farm wagon, so I got him to drive me to the other livery stable. Here I was in luck as far as a wagon was concerned, but he had no mules. Okay, that could be managed. I bought the freight wagon and some traces, etc. before returning to the first livery stable for two draft mules.

These two mules were both hulking brutes much larger than the first pair that I had bought in Baker, but I was assured that they were even tempered. The mules looked like just what I needed, and Harlow assured me that he could handle them, so I bought them. We led them back to the second livery stable and hitched them to the new wagon. Harlow drove that home while I stopped by to talk to the lawyer. We talked for a few minutes, and I gave him $1 to bind him to me as a client. I made an appointment with him for Tuesday morning to go over what I wanted in detail. I was going to bring Mary with me for that meeting.

Okay, it looked like I had covered Allgood Meats' business, so I could go home. However, I stopped by the train station to check on the sewing machine. It had been delivered yesterday! Whoopie! I had a great surprise for Mary. The station master helped me load it into the wagon and I drove directly home. Mary was ecstatic when she saw me delivering the package for her. Harlow was still there, and he helped me get it moved into the house. For the moment, we left it in the living room because that was the biggest room in the house.

We ate dinner before we unpacked the sewing machine. Mary could hardly wait, but she did manage to whip up a good dinner before she let her enthusiasm take over. Harlow and I unpacked the sewing machine and set it up for her. She couldn't wait to try it out, so the living room became the temporary sewing room.

We left her playing with her new toy while Harlow and I went to the barn to complete work on the two new stalls. We definitely needed them because of the two new mules, and we also discovered that we would have to rip out the two newly planned stalls because they were not large enough for the new mules. Well, by feeding time, we had enough of the work done on the two new stalls to accommodate the new mules, but the stalls still needed some work to complete them. I was also going to need some more feed because of the added livestock. That would have to be picked up on Monday by Ed.

We had a couple of hours of daylight left when we finished the minimum necessary for the new stalls, so I asked Harlow to give me a driving lesson with the new mules and the new wagon. By the time we quit for supper, I could handle the new team well enough to get by in a pinch, but I was no expert mule skinner by any means.

That evening, I was able to break Mary away from her new sewing machine long enough to eat warmed leftovers and to tell her what I had arranged with the lawyer. She was thrilled that I had scheduled her to attend the meeting at the lawyer's with me. Women were normally not included in business affairs, but I knew that Mary's years of experience just in living would help keep me from screwing up.

Saturday, both Harlow and Ed came over to work with me. I sent Harlow with a freight wagon and the new mules to the saw mill to buy some of the lumber that we would need to finish the stalls and to start on the wagon sheds. Meanwhile, Ed did some more of the work on the new stalls with what little wood planks I had left. I worked on that and also helped Mary clear one of the spare bedrooms to become the sewing room. The easiest part of that work was getting the sewing machine moved to its new place of honor near a window for the light. At the rate she was going, Mary was going to have legs stronger than mine from pumping the treadle on the sewing machine!

When Harlow got back from the sawmill, we unloaded the wagon and had time for Harlow to give Ed his first lesson in driving the team. My plan was for both wagons to go to Baker on Thursday with the load split between the two of them. That would make it a lot easier on the mules and the drivers. Actually, driving a two-mule team was not that much more difficult that driving a single draft animal; most of the problem was in gaining the confidence to do it firmly enough so that the animals knew what you had in mind. Properly trained mules were smart enough to drive themselves if they just knew what you wanted them to do.

Monday came bright and early with all of us raring to go. Harlow went to the sawmill with a freight wagon to pick up another load of the wood needed for the wagon sheds. Meanwhile, Ed, the dogs, and I went for the hogs needed for the delivery on Tuesday. By this time, Eve was back to being a normal dog, and she worked with the others just the way she originally had. This time, we picked up our quota of hogs and pigs in less than three hours and were ready to leave.

That was when Ed asked me when we were going back to the Jenson farm. His dad was beginning to have as much trouble with hogs as before I had worked there. Okay, that settled things on priorities. It looked like we would go there when Mary and I got back from Winslow on Tuesday. The 22 hogs I needed to take on Tuesday and Wednesday should help to thin out the crowd.

Same as Hunter
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It’s kind of funny, with everything I’d been through in the past few weeks, you think I’d be really messed up. Despite losing my virginity, my friends, my job, and even more than that, I didn’t feel any different. I’m just a normal teenager. I still check in on insta and fb, I still get up and go to class, well I mean I guess there are a couple differences. I had to wear scarves for a couple days. After I got home I was lucky to see the bruises before mom did. I tried to use makeup to hide...

3 years ago
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Georginas Delight

Georgina was in the changing room of her old college; a sixth form college for sixteen and seventeen-year-olds. She was now twenty-one and recently returned from Uni. As an ex-pupil she could still use the college gym. She enjoyed going to the gym and felt comfortable in her old college surrounds. She had finished her swim, showered and was by her locker wrapped in her towel and about to get dressed when a familiar voice came from behind her. “Yes, I have the punishment detention tomorrow after...

1 year ago
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The End of the Fcking World

Its the end of the world. The US population was given only 24 hours notice of their impending doom. On the small college campus of State University, most of the student body fled to be with their families in this time of need, chartering flights or driving across the country. For some, however, this was never an option. Eight friends find themselves stranded on campus, and sitting in their dorm. They sit in a circle, in the basement of the Washington Dorm, awaiting the end. Marty Moss had...

2 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 24

The summer after our sophomore year at KU, both Emily and Brenda got pregnant again. We had been expecting that it might happen after they both stopped nursing their babies. Their pediatrician had advised them that baby formula was just as healthy for the children, and that their chance of getting pregnant increased, if they weren't nursing at the time. I had serious doubts about some of that, but I knew they both wanted another baby right away. Shirley had gone back on the pill after she...

1 year ago
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Egg Nogged Family

Dec 24th 2008: the McLeod House, a small town in the American Midwest I stopped in the doorway when I saw her. She was sitting at the kitchen table with our baby in her arms, gently holding her daughters head as the baby's lips hungrily sucked at her fat teat. Involuntarily my tongue slipped between my teeth and started to lick my lips in anticipation. Of course she sensed my presence. "Hi you," she welcomed as she looked back over her shoulder with a broad smile on her face. I slowly...

2 years ago
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Janets Journey

Chapter 1 "How much for head?" The man's question had almost made her drop the glass of vodka. It took a moment to even reply. "Excuse me?" As she made eye contact she noticed how blue his eyes were. "How much for head?" She had not heard wrong. What was wrong with this guy? He looked normal. Hell he looked high class to her. "How much for head, is that what you asked me?" "Listen lady, I only have half an hour. Fifty bucks is the going rate. Do we have a deal?" Janet was...

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A Tale of Ants and Termites

God alone knows how long it might have gone on if it hadn't been for the ants. I didn't know it was ants -- I thought it was termites. There was a row of bushes across the front of the house and right up against it and for ten years I had done nothing to them but trim them. One day I noticed that the head patterns of the sprinkler heads in the front yard seemed to be weak and figuring that I had a leak in the system I went looking for it. There was one head under the bushes and I got down...

3 years ago
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The Road Back

A very heartfelt Thank You to ErikThread for his fabulous editing. His skills make your reading pleasure better. His cold eyes looked out the window of the dingy room at the busy street below the hotel. When he turned from the window the coldness did not leave, nor did the hardness of his mouth relax. Tomorrow he would face, across a courtroom, the man who killed his fiancée. He would not be happy to answer the questions asked of him. He should be, but he was not. The man did him a favor,...

1 year ago
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Blushing Bride Part One

Blushing Bride - Part One by Richard-to-Rachel I was getting married, a cause for celebration undoubtedly, but also a cause for regret. Regret for all the potential I was leaving behind with my single life. All the things that I could have done and all the people I could have done it with. I loved my fianc?e, Gina, very much; she was gorgeous, kind-hearted and generous, but also very traditional in her ways and morally straight-laced. It had taken all my powers of persuasion and a...

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JulesJordan Jill Kassidy First Interracial

The wait is finally over, Jill Kassidy’s FIRST IR scene is here! Jill’s looking sexy as ever in her black lingerie with black stockings and high heels, ready and waiting for her first black cock. She shows off her perfect tits and firm, round ass before Prince comes in to worship her. He licks and rubs that tight white pussy until Jill can’t take it anymore. She drops to her knees, pulls out that BBC and wraps her pretty little lips around it as she slurps and gags on her...

3 years ago
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The everyday life of a telekinetic girl

I woke up at 7:am, the first thing I do usually is check my iphone, so I did it. It was over my desk at 4 meters from me, so I used my telekinesis to draw him to me and use him, nothing unusual on my social networks The next thing I did was opened the curtains of my room with my mind so that I could choose the clothes, make my bed and all the other morning things. First I got up and levitated to my bathroom, with my telekinesis I opened the knob and then I attracted a towel to my hand so I...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 29 As the Hourglass Empties Part II

May 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden On Saturday, I chatted with Lotta again while Katt and Mikael skated. Her mood had not improved, but I didn’t expect it to. Mikael would be leaving her in four weeks, and there really wasn’t anything I could say that would help her. I picked up my book to read but kept one eye on her. She kept her gaze on Mikael and Katt. When I saw tears run down her cheeks, I put my book down. “Lotta, slide over closer to me.” She did, and I put my arm around her, like a...

1 year ago
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The flying yearn

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello dear reader I think I wrote more than hundred stories in this site I have one more site in my name that is a blog site of mine. So read my other special stories on there and write your thoughts on that site also If you want the site ID write to my email ID to direct me just click my name there you can see my profile and email ID. Write and enjoy yourself with most lovable Incest dreams. I fumbled with the keys to open the door, my right hand on...

2 years ago
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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 5

That summer became the beginning of both Eddie’s and Joe’s careers. It could have said to have been their senior year, when their talent lured Joanne to them. But the summer was like the start of consciousness of a child, where memory begins, while before that they had been infants and babies. Forming, but not quite whole yet. Joe actually moved in with Joanne. Became surrogate father to her precocious, angelic kids. He would watch them while he typed. On a fancy IBM Selectric she bought for...

3 years ago
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The Limo

I've been lazing around the house all morning doing nothing and getting a little bored. Chris was working from home busy at his desk as usual. Though each time I waked past his door there was a nervous very fast click as he hid a window ... or at least that's what I think he was doing. Then out of the blue he appears in the living room. "Emily go get ready to go out, my mother has Clare it's all sorted, dress sexily we're going to have some fun. In one hour a car is coming to pick us up." and...

3 years ago
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A fun night at a friends house

It was weekend like any other, we were sitting at home bored, when Jill gave you a call and invited us over for some shisha. The night was still young so we jumped in the shower and washed ourselves off a bit, did our usual shaving ritual and some hot teasing on both parts, but without having any sex. We were both going to go over to her place hot and horny and eager to get back home to complete what we’d started. We showed up to her place and she had a few other friends over. Mainly guys, but...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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First Sex With Blood My Girlfriend

Hi everybuddy maine apni life me bahut sari ladkiyo ke sath sex kiya aur sabme ek bat khas thi ki un sub lakiyo ka pahala sex tha pahli bar sex karne ka maza hi kuch aur to chaliye mai aap ko apni story sunata hu .mai apne gaw me rahta tha kisi wajah mujhe apne abbu ke paas jana pada usi waqt meri mulakat jeba se hui aur mujhe wo achchi lagne lagi mujhe nahi maloom tha ki wo mujhse pyar karti hai ya nahi usne ek din mujhse pucha ki aap kisi se pyar karte ya nahi maine kaha ha ek ladki se mai...

3 years ago
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From Africa Ch 11

Paris, 1955 ‘But I don’t understand… why would he do it?’ I asked Henriette. ‘I can’t tell you, Mon Amie… but we will find out.’ We sat in her living room, staring at a letter that I’d received from my solicitor. I was faced with yet another mystery, Olu seemed to plague my life like nothing else, and I thought that I would lose my mind if I didn’t get to the bottom of things pretty soon. ‘He was supposed to meet me here, months ago… and he never came,’ I lamented. ‘And now, he does this…...

1 year ago
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The Willing Voyeur

I know it sounds like an odd title. What voyeur wouldn’t be willing? The trick is to be able to only be a voyeur, when the object of your desire is sitting across the desk from you. Now, on to the story. It all started about a year ago when I got a call from a prospective client that had recently moved into town. I own a small independent insurance agency and work with about twenty different insurance companies. I often get referrals from a company when one of their insured’s changes states...

2 years ago
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Hot Naked CousinChapter 10

Unable to bear anymore, Mike suddenly pulled Lani from Jessie's pussy. Her mouth dripped pussy-honey and her face wore a surprised look as her father quickly guided his thick cock toward her yawning, wet cunt, furred with moist, curling hairs. Half rising, her eyes opening, Lani smiled. "Oh, goody, it's you, Daddy. Fuck me hard, Daddy! Fuck meee!" she cried. Her wet cunt closed lewdly around the head of his cock with a hot, sexy snap. Mike stroked it in deep, feeling her entire body...

3 years ago
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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 11 Demonstration Football

The Coach was even happier with Thursday's practice. He worked with the offense and Sean worked with the defense. The scrimmage at the end of practice was better than Coach Strom had any right to expect. Both the defense and the offense were working well. AJ was working well as the quarterback and he was already developing an affinity with the rest of the backfield. The coach didn't have a lot of hope for the first game, but the season was beginning to look like it wouldn't be a total...

2 years ago
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On the Other HandChapter 8 Starting and Stopping

I leaned on the corner of the hangar as the sleek jet rolled to a stop only fifty feet away. I was as tight as the E string on a guitar, but I wouldn't have long to wait. No baggage claim, no crowding to get off the aircraft, no long walks up the jetway and through the terminal. No, I wouldn't have long to wait at all. She wasn't first off the plane, but close. She saw me immediately and came on the run toward me. I held my arms open and she leaped into them. We held each other tightly,...

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Becoming Mamas Good Boy Chapter 1 MindControlled into Loving His Mama

Chapter One: Mind-Controlled into Loving His Mama A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure held up its next masterpiece. It stares at the slender, black belt adorned with a silver buckle. In the most graceful cursive possible, it had written, “Mama's Boy” on it. The words were beautiful, one letter flowing to the next. Elegant. Fitting. The Figure smiled as it headed to the mist. The portal that...

1 year ago
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The Quarantine Period

When the corona pandemic was just starting to get serious, I had thought it would be something like bird flu and the quarantine period would be over in a couple of weeks. I decided to stay in the current place instead of going home to my family. In a few days, the situation worsened. Now, even though I wanted to head back home, I was locked in the room. I lived in a 2bhk apartment on the 16th floor in a building with two of my roommates. The roommates had already left. I was gonna leave for a...

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JAV fans know the name Caribbeancom, or at least the real ones do. The company has been putting out Japanese dirty movies for decades now, building a name for themselves around the world with their sexy Asian sluts and filthy encounters. I first heard about the brand mentioned by weeaboos years ago, and of course, now I’ve had a lot more experience with their flicks ever since I started reviewing Japanese Adult Video. They’re one of the biggest names in Japanese porn, and don’t you want to know...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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My Daughters Horsy Ride

She turned sideways to look at the effect. The soft silky lace cupped her white breasts and the pattern made it look like there were fingers grasping her breasts from behind. The low cut of the bra barely covered her aureoles and she could see her nipples protruding through the thin silk... a lasting effect from when she had first pulled the cold silk over her sensitive nipples. She reached up and flicked one of them and gasped at the shivers that shot through her body. She giggled at her...

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Slut Its what I am Part 2

I stood up from the bidet with a small hand towel patting my asshole and pussy. Alex was back in the bed room gathering up his clothes and re-dressing. I paraded through the bedroom wearing my stockings, high heels and sexy tight black basque, feeling every inch the sexy slut. I picked up my skirt, bending over deliberately, ensuring Alex got a good view of my tight buns and smooth shaved slit. Smiling I pulled the tight tiny mini skirt over my thighs and snugly into place, covering my pussy...

2 years ago
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Molly and Me

There I was, wandering around the hotel's public rooms, somewhat furtively asking people I vaguely remembered meeting in the previous few days if they'd seen my wife Molly, and at the same time trying not to make it too obvious that I'd completely lost track of her. I'll be honest with you, I was getting more than a little worried; I'd last seen Molly about three hours previously and she'd been in conversation with the very disreputable Gordon Hamster. Hamster wasn't exactly a...

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