KellyChapter 33A free porn video

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Vanetta settled back in her seat, a nice wide one, first class all the way! "Ah, the perks that come with the job," she thought to herself. This was something she could get used to. Bringing an account to Fit Pregnancy magazine worth over five million dollars and the potential for continued business had assured her first-class treatment all the way. Lisa Greenwood, publisher of Fit, had insisted on footing the bill for the trip to sign the contract, and the two women had plans for some socializing as well.

Bobby had driven her to the Charlotte Douglas airport where she regretfully kissed him goodbye at the entrance. The new security measures in effect since September 11th 2001had brought about a lot of changes, and being the second busiest airport in the Southeast (Atlanta the busiest), just getting to the departure lounge took much longer than expected. There were "rent-a-cops" everywhere.

Vanetta resented the fact she could not spend her last moments with Bobby but understood the need. Because they would be apart for a few days, Bobby had driven the long way to the airport, going down I-77, past downtown Charlotte, then onto Wilkinson Drive, to Billy Graham Parkway (named for the evangelist), then on Birmingham Parkway directly into the airport.

Vanetta was telling Bobby how happy she was that TKO was located on the outskirts of Charlotte as the city had become so cosmopolitan.

Bobby had his own opinions on the city, especially Wilkinson Drive, which he considered the extreme opposite with its seedy mix of light industrial, low-class strip malls, auto sales lots, more than a few bars, and a couple of strip clubs.

He had dropped her off at mid-terminal, close to the US Air check-in location, had summoned a porter after a passionate goodbye kiss, and her bags were taken directly to first-class check-in on US Air. She had blown him kisses and waved till he left the barricaded passenger drop off zone, and then she headed to US Air to check in.

Vanetta strolled up to the short first-class check-in line, checked her luggage, and received her boarding pass and a one-day pass to the US Airways Club provided by Lisa. She had to go through security, again in the shorter first-class/frequent-flyer line ahead of the masses.

Security was embarrassing for Vanetta, and she still blushed at the thought of it. Her driver's license photo was compared to the name on the ticket as she removed her shoes, (thanks to the guy who had a shoe bomb on one of the European flights), and then she got in line for the metal detector. She had dutifully placed her watch, rings, and necklace into the tray provided and her carry on bag on the belt, which was then X-rayed, and she stepped into the metal detector, which immediately went off.

Security guards were on her in a flash, and she was taken aside while a female attendant ran a hand-held scanner over her body. It was then she remembered the ionic anklet Bobby had bought for her at Christmas. It had been difficult getting it on, but once on, it felt comfortable and she never gave it another thought - till now. She blushed and apologized profusely as the guards visibly relaxed. She removed the anklet and stowed it in her carry-on bag.

Clearing security, she headed straight to the Club room. Her flight was going to depart from gate B5, a short walk after a right turn after the security check-in. She found the US Airways Club between gates B3 and B5 on the B concourse. She showed her guest pass to the concierge and asked for a Pina Colada, extra large! While she had no fear of flying, the incident with the security screening had shaken her up a bit.

Vanetta looked at the clock and saw she still had 45 minutes to wait before boarding and took a seat in a comfortable leather armchair overlooking flight operations.

The waitress who brought over her drink asked if Vanetta had had a rough time with security. When Vanetta nodded, taking a gulp of the crushed ice concoction, the waitress nodded sympathetically, and related a story about a well-dressed couple who had been in the week before. From outward appearances, they had both appeared to be very conservative, middle aged executives, but when the woman had entered the metal detector, it had gone nuts. It turned out that looks could be deceiving, and the lady had nearly a dozen body piercings. She had been taken to a security room where she had been strip searched.

Vanetta laughed, the tension leaving her, and told the waitress all she had was an ionic anklet, and it was just braided metals.

"The machines are set to such a sensitive level now that any metal will set them off," the waitress had said. Then as Vanetta paid her and tipped generously, the girl had offered her snacks and magazines, both of which Vanetta had graciously turned down. She was going to nurse the rest of her drink till it was time to board the US Air Airbus.

She was surprised to see she was the only female in the Club at the moment other than the waitress. Most of the other people were overweight, male, and dressed in suits. Vanetta had chosen a nice beige flight suit for comfort. It was lightweight, well suited to the humid and hot day. She also noticed that she was drawing a lot of attention. The air conditioned room had made little missiles out of her nipples, and they were a predominant feature crying out for attention, wanted or not.

When her flight was called, she grabbed her carry-on and headed for her gate. First class passengers were boarded first, and she quickly found her seat - 3F. It had been a toss up for her as to the convenience of the aisle or the interest provided by a window, and Vanetta had opted for the window seat. Considering the narrow-body 321 jet, she was surprised at how much room there was for the 26 first-class seats. She stowed her carry-on after removing a paperback she had bought last month but had not yet had a chance to read. She was prepared for the delay before take-off.

After thirty minutes of reading, she heard the turbines come to life. She watched out the window as the plane backed away from the terminal and then listened to the mandatory safety briefing about seatbelts and oxygen masks, then sat back in her seat and watched Charlotte unfold as they prepared for take-off. Looking out the window, she thought of the change of perspective one had when seeing Charlotte through a moving window. It was like watching a documentary on TV. Sitting up higher than a car, she had a broader view of Charlotte, and she watched in fascination with her ability to pick out familiar landmarks.

"First time flying, little lady?" the man seated next to her asked.

Without turning to look at the man, she replied that it was definitely not her first time flying.

Seeing a beautiful young woman sitting beside him, the salesman from Coast Music thanked his lucky stars that today he had decided to cash in some of his frequent flyer miles for an upgrade to first class - if she would just stop looking out the window and sit back.

As the plane taxied down the runway, the ground fell away, and within minutes, the plane was into the low-hanging clouds. Soon the view of Charlotte was gone. She sat back, listened to the captain greeting the passengers, stifled a yawn, and re-opened her book. Vanetta could see the salesman beside her sneaking peeks at her bust, barely hidden beneath her light flight-suit.

As they burst through the clouds and the sky cleared, Vanetta took a last look, hoping for sight of land below her. She loved being miles above the ground, and with a sigh settled back in. Her seatmate introduced himself and for what ever reason, his company. Wholesale musical instruments and accessories were what he sold for a living, and he was proud of the fact that the company he worked for considered him a top salesman.

Vanetta looked the man up and down and then said to him, "If you're such a great salesman, why are you wearing a Chinese knock off of a Brooks Brothers suit?"

This shook the man up. He had paid good money for the suit, knowing it was a copy, but he'd also been assured that no one would ever be able to tell. Curiosity overcame him though, and he hesitantly asked Vanetta how she could tell it was a copy.

Trying to remain polite, Vanetta explained she was in the fashion industry and that was how she knew.

"Oh," he said, "a model! I should have guessed looking at you."

Vanetta laughed in spite of herself and explained she represented models but was not one herself.

Watching her breasts jiggle as she laughed made the salesman very happy. He wondered if she was going to be in the city long and asked her.

Vanetta said she was only going to be there two nights and then back to her office. As the salesman was thinking up the next clever line he could use on her, Vanetta took the headphones out of the pocket of the seat in front of her and plugged them in, turning to an easy listening channel so as to prevent further conversation.

Frustrated, the man sat back and sighed. "Well," he thought, "at least this will be a great story when I get back to the office." His mind was already creating the fantasy he would spin for his co-workers.

Vanetta turned down the volume so it wouldn't distract her from her reading and mentally calculated how many time zones she would cross versus actual flight time. She loved flying, but with clouds below and a blue sky overhead, there wasn't much to do or see. She did however make a mental note to herself to set her watch back three hours when she unpacked her luggage.

The stewardess came around for drink orders and remembering that she'd had the Pina Colada in the Club, Vanetta opted for soda water with a twist of lime. She would have enjoyed the complimentary champagne, but knew that the potency of alcohol in a pressurized cabin doubled the buzz, and she didn't want to land in San Francisco and still be flying!

About an hour into the flight, the clouds started to break up and Vanetta could see land. Miles and miles and miles of flat land. She could see various colored squares indicating different crops, some extending for miles on a side. This was the Midwest, not a place she particularly wanted to live. No oceans nearby, and not a hill to be seen. She checked to see what the in-flight movie was and was disappointed to see it was Gangs of New York. While hailed as technically and historically accurate, Vanetta had no desire to watch a male coming-of-age movie filled with violence. With a sigh, she returned to her book. The author, Kathy Reichs was much more interesting.

When the movie ended, the stewardess brought out a tray with wines and menus. Vanetta took the stewardess' suggestion and selected the beef tenderloin with a burgundy wine sauce. The stewardess asked everyone to lower their food trays and place their seats in an upright position and then passed out cut crystal wine goblets. From the wine options, Vanetta chose an excellent 1990 California Chardonnay, which the stewardess poured, and as she sipped quietly, the stewardess laid placemats on all the trays and served the appetizer - a mixed green salad with vinaigrette dressing and fresh shrimp cocktail with the cocktail sauce served in a hollowed out cucumber. Vanetta mentally gave the airline an A+ score for presentation. As she took her first bite, she was sure of the score. She only hoped the main course would be as good!

Her beef tenderloin was served on bone china and came with parsley mashed potatoes and steamed - not boiled - green beans. Vanetta was stuffed and was about to turn down dessert when she saw the stewardess shake her head and presented her with chocolate swirled cheesecake. It was heavenly! Vanetta thanked the stewardess and noted the impeccable service she had received.

The flight itself had been very smooth so far, and soon the land started to develop some features after what seemed like hours of flatlands. Vanetta asked what the current time was and how long before they would land and was told there was another hour of flying time but that soon the scenery would improve as they approached the Sierra Nevada Range.

Vanetta thanked the stewardess and went back to her book. Reichs was an excellent author, but Vanetta had a full belly, a comfortable seat, and the promise of a great time in San Francisco. She had reviewed Steve's contract enough times to have it memorized and knew that a copy had been previously forwarded to Lisa's staff. "Let the lawyers do their legal work," she thought as she reclined her chair, and with thoughts of Robert on her brain she quickly dropped off to sleep.

Vanetta felt a gentle shake on her shoulder and opened her eyes to see the stewardess looking at her.

"I'm sorry to wake you, Ms. Clarke, but I thought you would enjoy the sights as we prepare for landing."

Vanetta smiled at the young girl and thanked her for her thoughtfulness. She straightened her seat back up and looked out the window at the snow-covered peaks of the Sierra Nevada Range. She could tell the plane was descending as she felt her ears pop, and the sights on the ground were now much easier to see. She heard the captain say that the monolith of the half dome in Yosemite Park could be seen to the left. Pity she was on the right, but possibly she would see it on her way home. From her view of the sun and the sky, she could tell they were traveling up to San Francisco instead of directly west. She watched as they crossed the mountain range and noticed how they flattened out into the central valley of California, with all the farms and canal-irrigated fields. The irrigated fields soon gave way to the dry bay hills as the plane descended further going over San Jose. To the right, her side, the captain pointed out Candlestick Park where the San Francisco 49ers play football, and the skyline of San Francisco came into clear view.

She was surprised to see the Bay Bridge but shocked at the haze that covered a large part of the Bay Area. She had heard of this and the constant smog but had never seen it in person. The plane continued to descend over the Dumbarton and San Mateo bridges, making the final approach over the water to land on runway 28L at SFO.

"It looks like we're going to land in the water, doesn't it?" asked the stewardess as she handed Vanetta two damp rolled cloths. One was hot and the other cold. It took Vanetta but a minute to wipe her face with both, thank the stewardess, and then agree that it certainly appeared that the plane was going to land in the Bay. The stewardess smiled and explained that the runway extends into the Bay on the arrival end. Then she asked Vanetta to buckle up for the landing.

The plane landed smoothly and taxied off the runway, rolling around almost all of the airport terminals to arrive at gate B30, 12 minutes early at 2:31 Pacific Time.

As the engines wound down and the doorway was opened, Vanetta stood up and took down her carry-on bag. Vanetta smiled and thanked the stewardess for her help and a pleasant flight, then got off the plane and walked down the ramp into the terminal and exited from the security area. She was halfway down the stairs when she spotted a tall, handsome man in sharp suit holding a sign with her name on it. She approached him and said she just had to get her luggage and they could leave, but the man, who introduced himself as Ted, said he would take care of the luggage, taking her baggage claim tickets and hailing a porter.

The porter asked for a brief description of the bags and left in a hurry. Ted smiled at her and asked how her flight had been.

As she was describing how her first flight to San Francisco felt, Vanetta realized she had a slight buzz on and stopped talking instantly.

Ted smiled at her and explained he was used to passengers arriving feeling no pain, then stopped smiling and said it was the greedy drunks he had to deal with from time to time that upset him. Then his smile returned and he said, "Not to worry Ms. Clarke, I've got just what you need in the limo."

Just then, the porter returned with Vanetta's bags, verified the ones he had were hers, and headed towards the exit. He seemed to know exactly where he was headed. Ted held his arm out for Vanetta to take, and they walked out behind the porter.

There was a polished black Mercedes limo parked in the pick-up zone with a security guard standing beside it. Ted slipped him a twenty and thanked him for allowing him to remain in wait mode for a few extra minutes, then he tipped the porter and placed Vanetta's bags into the trunk of the Mercedes. He held open the door for Vanetta, closed it gently, and got in behind the wheel and drove off.

Ted headed north on US 101 and told Vanetta there was a small fridge in the back with Gatorade, mineral water and Evian.

"Sorry there's no alcohol in there," said Ted, "but I find it saves me a lot of headaches if I don't include any. And speaking of headaches, if you have one, let me know. I have Tylenol, Advil, and aspirin up here."

Vanetta laughed and said her head was fine, and not to worry about the lack of alcohol as she was only a social drinker to begin with.

As they drove along, Ted gave Vanetta the dime tour, pointing out the places they passed, the most notable of which was the Bay, Candlestick Park out on Hunter's Point and the Cow Palace convention center. As they drove by Potrero Hill, Ted said, "On Potrero Hill, you can relax in brilliant sunshine while watching fog engulf the rest of the city. Separated from the rest of the City by 16th, Third and Cesar Chavez streets, and Potrero Avenue, the neighborhood is relatively isolated by freeways and large tracts of industrial landscape, giving Potrero Hill its own pace and a feeling of distance from San Francisco."

"That's kind of like where our offices are," said Vanetta. "We're in Charlotte but not really part of it. It's like a unique suburb."

As she spoke she looked forward and watched San Francisco start to unfold in front of her. The limo slipped onto I-80 and continued towards the Bay Bridge. Ted turned off on 4th, just a little south of downtown and headed north across Market. Vanetta was surprised to see streetcar rails on the road and commented on it.

"Yes," said Ted, "part of our history we're trying to preserve. We still run some vintage streetcars on special weekends; even have one that was imported from England. People often confuse the streetcars with the cable cars, which you'll see shortly."

Ted turned left on Geary to Union Square. "Welcome to the heart of the San Francisco shopping district," he said as he pulled up in the limousine drive-through in the middle of the Fairmont Hotel.

A bellman came to the limo instantly and Ted pressed the trunk release before getting out and opening Vanetta's door.

"Thank you for the tour, Ted," she said reaching into her purse, but Ted gently pushed her hand back saying, "It was my pleasure, Miss Clarke, and everything else has been taken care of. I hope you enjoy your stay in our city."

Vanetta settled for a handshake and followed the bellman into the grand entrance of the Fairmont. She looked about her in amazement and thought of the line in the movie, Pretty Woman.

"I feel like Cinder-fucking-rella!"

Vanetta felt a bit chilly as she entered the lobby of the Fairmont and then remembered a comment Ted had made about Mark Twain's famous quote. "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." She hoped that she had been smart enough to pack something a bit warmer to wear, but when she had left Charlotte, the temperatures ranged from high hot to humid hot.

Approaching the hotel, Vanetta had seen a grand old building which Ted had told her had survived the 1906 earthquake and subsequent fire. It had looked majestic. She had guessed it to be about 10 stories high - 11 actually - and an entire city block wide. She thought it was a pity that on the back of the hotel someone had erected a tall tower. "Some people will have to do without a view," she thought to herself.

Once inside the grand plaza entrance, she was overwhelmed by the high ceilings and support columns. The lobby itself was larger than some ball rooms, and rich marble adorned the place. The reception desk was busy, and Vanetta started to head towards one of the lines when the bellman coughed discreetly and led her to the rear of the lobby, explaining on the way that she had been pre-registered when her arrival as SFO had been confirmed. Vanetta raised her eyebrows but followed the bellman. To her right, she noticed the lobby bar, but she felt she was here on business, not to drink herself into a stupor! Her heels clicked on the white marble floor, and as they passed close to the registration desk, starbursts adorned the old marble flooring. The bellman paused for a moment to retrieve a keycard for Vanetta and apologizing, asked her to sign the registration form - a formality required of all guests.

Vanetta smiled and signed with her unique swirled signature, and the bellman guided her to an elevator at the rear of the lobby. Vanetta was surprised to find an elevator back there, since they had passed several others on their trip across the broad expanse of the main lobby, but trusted that she was in capable hands. So far, everything had been taken care of for her, and it had all been first class.

Inside the elevator, Vanetta noted that the fancy teak wood in the elevator was covered by sheets of heavy glass. This was perplexing only for a moment as the elevator suddenly started to rise and the woodwork disappeared, replaced by a view of the city. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized she was in a glass elevator on the outside of the tower building she had thought obstructed the view of some of the Fairmont's rooms. Turning slowly, she let out a light gasp as the San Francisco Bay came into view, along with many other landmarks she had previously only seen on television and in movies.

The bellman chuckled softly and said, "It does tend to take one's breath away, doesn't it Ms. Clarke? The Fairmont is located on Union Square, and the suite reserved for you has one of the best views in the entire city."

The elevator stopped before Vanetta had a chance to respond, and the bellman pulled his cart with her luggage towards one of the doors to the left. Spacing between the doors seemed extravagant, and Vanetta noticed the wide hall had very few doors along its length.

Stopping in front of one of the first doors, the bellman opened it with the magnetic key card and swung the door in with a flourish. A small gasp come from Vanetta's throat. There were flowers everywhere, and a large basket of fresh fruit was in the center of a table by the huge window. The bellman smiled as he quietly explained and showed the layout of the suite, a suite that was nearly as big as her mother's house!

The bathtub and shower was large enough for two people, and there was a large vanity set apart from the sink with a lighted mirror. Vanetta was impressed. It wasn't the quality of the studio's make-up mirror, nor the one that Kelly had at her house, but this one was much better than those in most hair salons.

Coughing discreetly, the bellman caught her attention and showed her how to operate the various controls and then showed her to the bedroom. Like the main room, this one had a huge window overlooking the Bay. Vanetta paused to look at the Bay Bridge, asked if the pier was Fisherman's Wharf, and with the delight of a child in a candy store listened as the bellman pointed out Alcatraz and the other well known sites of San Francisco.

Same as Kelly
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ഞാന്‍ ഹരി. തെക്കന്‍ കേരളത്തിലെ ഒരുഗ്രാമത്തിലാണ് ഞാന്‍ ജനിച്ചത്. ജന്മ.നാ ഗ്രാമീണനാണങ്കിലും ഞാനൊരു എഞ്ചിനിയറാണ്. ഏറ്റെടുത്ത പ്രോജക്റ്റ് കഴിഞ്ഞതിനാല്‍ കുറച്ചു ദിവസത്തെ ലീവില്‍ ഞാന്‍ നാട്ടിലെത്തി. ഇവിടെ ഇപ്പോള്‍ ഉത്സവക്കാലം ആണ്. അമ്പലത്തിലെ കുതിരകെട്ട് വീഡിയോ എടുത്ത് എറണാകുളത്തുള്ള സുഹുര്‍ത്തുക്കളെ കാണിക്കാനായി ഞാന്‍ ഹാന്‍റി കാമറ കൊണ്ടു വന്നിരുന്നു. വൈകിട്ട് കെട്ടുകാഴ്ച്ച തുടങ്ങുന്ന സമയം ആയപ്പോള്‍ ഞാന്‍ കാമറയും തൂക്കി അമ്പലത്തിലേക്ക് വച്ചു പിടിച്ചു. ഒരു കരക്കാര്‍ കുതിര വള്ളത്തില്‍ കൊണ്ടു വരുന്ന...

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Carrom Board Par Gand Mari

Hello friends i m rohan from koklkata 21 yrs of age……….Aur aj me ap log ko khush krne ja rha hu apni ek sachhi ghatna ke sath jo mere sath hua h……..Ye meri sachi ghatna h…………..Meri kahani sunkar sb auntiyan aur ladki apni ungli krne lagenge………………..Aur mujhse karwana chahenge….Ye ghatna mere aur mere pados wali aunty ke bich hua tha……………On 20/06/2012…To ab main story par ataa hu……. Meri aunty ka nam kalpana tha umar-36 size-42-40-44 height-5ft 7 inch rang gora tha unhe dkh kr aisa lagta tha ki...

2 years ago
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Chocolate Kiss To Indian Bhabhi From Spain

Hi mera naam Luvesh hai main Gujarat k eek naami shehar main rehta hu (main city nahi batanna chahta ) meri umar 23 saal hai naya naya graduate hua hu. Filhaal jobless hu mere father aur mere chacha sath main ek business main hai meri bua ke ladke ki dusri marriage ki liye jo spain main rehta hai,mere cousin bhaiya Ramesh jinki age 36 years hai unki first biwi ko koi bimari nai thi leking achanak ek din unki death ho gayi. Aur uske liye meri bua ne papa aur chacha ko rishte ke liye kaha tha...

3 years ago
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A young teacher returns to the town

“Hey Jenny, you made it!” Cara exclaimed as I walked through the patio gate towards the gathering of other women near the pool. Even though I had known Cara for years, I was still pretty nervous showing up as the only straight girl attending a hot summer day pool party with a group of her lesbian friends. Cara started introductions and everyone was very nice and their greetings took some of the edge off my being uncomfortable. I had gone to school with Cara and knew she was gay,...

2 years ago
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Exgirlfriend kinky confessions 1

I love hearing my girlfriends kinky past experiences. I have a journal that i use to write them down for different purposes. One being for story ideas. I've decided on sharing some of them as is.Krista:I’m a scientist by heart, so I love conducting experiments, making observations, and drawing conclusions. I was looking for something to make the ordinary day a little more extraordinary. That’s when I glanced at my nice pink dildo and got a devilish idea.Question: What would happen if I had this...

1 year ago
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Imagination 17

Imagination 17 I woke next morning with an even heavier weight on my chest, a headache and little Henry being abused as usual! I was finally beginning to realise that these headaches only occurred when something changed and so I concluded that something was being added to my drink in the evening which ensured that whatever change it was, it occurred without any fuss and bother. As if I had the chance! "Good morning, Frilly!" Sister Sarah at her most jolly. That meant she was...

1 year ago
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The Tower of Darkness

Arwen picked glanced frantically behind her as she ran as fast as her tired legs could carry her. Gondor had fallen, all was lost as darkness overwhelmed middle earth and the world of men came to an abrupt end. The Orcks had overunned her village and she watched in horror as they raped, plundered and tortured the survivors. Sauron's power was spreading like a cloak of darkness over middle earth. On and on she ran through the night, but it was useless. The Orcks had picked up her scent and were...

3 years ago
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Swedish amateur

I was home in Karlstad at school. I had an "appointment" with a client. In other words, I would tie and sometimes´fuck someone in return that they shut up about ME doing it and not being bullied. Plus sometimes bying me "equipment"...Anyway...My client was a girl named Ellen. She had blond hair tied in two tight pigtails a Very nice formed ass, about medium sized breasts, a cute face and white smooth skin. She had asked me to tie her up to her bed and fuck her virgin ass. I happily agreed! So I...

1 year ago
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So I Asked Him

All my friends are hot for my brother. Every time they come over, they ask where he is, is he going to be home, they just talk on and on about my brother. Now, Andy is a nice looking guy, actually he's very nice looking and I'd even seen him naked from behind a few weeks ago when he went running down the hall from the bathroom to his room, stark naked. Kind of wish I'd seen him coming rather than going but he does have a very cute butt. I even thought I got a little glimpse of his...

2 years ago
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Robert The Randy Married Bobby Part 13

My skin tingled all over and it felt hot. Our bodies moved in unison; Martin lunged forward as I braced myself for every thrust. His cock went in deep, and he held it there, before sliding out, but left the cockhead inside. My ass muscles automatically spasmed in delight and I relaxed so he could pump again.In and out, he stroked, slowly, and my eyes opened for a few seconds, long enough to see the pleasure mirrored on his own. It felt so good, knowing he loved fucking my ass. I loved giving...

Gay Male
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Small Town Big Action

Things were going well in the small town thought Austen Penn as he pulled up to the carport in his burgundy 2017 Nissan Altima. The music teacher and band director for the local high school moved here a three years ago after searching for jobs in a limited market. He by no means initially sought out to live in place with a population of just over 9,000 residents. He grew up in a decent sized city and loathed the idea of being limited culturally or sexually. See, the educator was a gay Black...

1 year ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

We had fooled around with some threesomes in years past. She has brought home a couple of her girlfriends for us to play with, and I have let her fuck around with two of my best friends while I watched. There is nothing that gets me hotter than picturing Anne Marie pleasing and being pleasured by another guy, but up until this point, I had always been present when she would take any cock other than mine. Needless to say, I was very surprised by the incidents that took place recently. My...

4 years ago
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Mom Im HomeChapter 2

I made a call to John Bordon on Wednesday. When he came on the line I talked fast. "Mr. Bordon, this is Tony O'Rourk. You and I have a common interest in Pam O'Rourk. Recently she has had some problems and I would like to meet with you to see if we can come up with a way to get back at those that have caused her such trouble." "This is a joke, right? You're telling me I know a Pam O'Rourk?" "No this is no joke. Let me ask you? Are you happy with what happened to her on the cruise...

3 years ago
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Cliff House

Every morning I walked the dog down the lane and along the cliff-top path. The last house in the lane, Cliff House, stood on a bank about a hundred yards from the cliffs. It was an imposing art deco house with views over the sea. When it was built in the 1930's it must have been impressive, so different from the flint and brick cottages which formed the bulk of the older properties in the village. It was now very distressed as the old man living there hadn't been able to look after it. The...

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Lisas Story

“Lisa, can you come here please sweetie,” her Mum Sandracalled. 22 -year-old Lisa is slim, pretty and with a lovely figure, and a bubbly personality. Her Mum knew though that she also had a sharp tongue when she wanted to and was often belligerent as well. “What is it Mum?” Lisa asked as she entered her bedroom. Sandra is 45 years old, wearing a blue skirt just below her knee and a vest top. She is also slim, with firm breasts that are shown off well by the tight fitting top. She is divorced...

3 years ago
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Dr Whatsin and the Evil Dr Phallus Episode 2

WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is purely coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment only and should not be emulated in the real...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Alyssa Cole Not Leaving Empty Handed

Alyssa always gives 110% when working for Sean, but he barely pays attention to her and doesnt even pay her. He is too focused on fucking his slutty little mistress. Its been close to two weeks without some cash and Alyssa has bills to pay. She lays down the law and lets Sean know there is no way she is leaving his house empty handed. She even threatens to tell Seans wife about the mistress. Sean is screwed, but would rather give dick than currency any day, especially to a plump 18 year old...

4 years ago
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Moth Ch 011

Written by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. * Lei was fast asleep long before Kokata was satisfied that her wings would be safe. No longer having an excuse to be near her, he withdrew to his nearest hiding-place. He had never before told anyone about the beetles. It was a strange feeling: having talked about himself. He couldn’t remember ever before having talked as much in one night. He was glad he hadn’t gone into more detail, though. She didn’t need to know exactly what...

2 years ago
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The Doctor with the Cold Hands

A friend at work advised me that there were several new virus strains going around and everybody in his department had gotten sick at one time or another in the last month. I thought it a good idea to take my annual physical and get a shot for protection at the same time, so I made an appointment to see my general practitioner. Oddly enough, when I arrived at the doctor’s office, I was told that he had himself contracted a flu virus and was recuperating at home. The nurse informed me that his...

4 years ago
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Escape From LexingtonChapter 19

Sunday August 26, 1849 I doubt that I’d more than fallen asleep again when Wizzer woke me a second time. This time, there were only four men trying to sneak up on our camp. These men approached the camp the same way the first group had, through a shallow draw behind a low ridge that hid them from camp. This time, the two barrels of the first shotgun seemed to do the trick. Once again, I backtracked and found their horses--and the man watching the horses. “Don’t move,” I shouted at him,...

3 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 14

The girl dangled at the end of a chain suspended from the ceiling. It was slack, now, but not because she was standing. All of her weight was supported by the thick rod mounted to the floor, penetrating her deeply. Her ankles we cuffed together as well, a simple rope, around them and her waist, kept her feet tight against her ass. She'd been here for two days. In the beginning, the girl had clutched the chains binding her wrists, in a vain attempt to avoid the fate underneath herself. But...

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Alyssa Alvarez Farm Girl

Preface     The good folk of the isolated farm village of Emmittsborough, in a remote mountain valley in the temperate central belt on E21, a backwater planet of in the farthest wing of the Aeschylian Great Corridor, cleave to their strict, fundamentalist faith, called Agropadronism, which decrees that the farm head is Master of all he owns, from acreage, real property, and animals to wife and offspring. The farm-Master is champion and caretaker of life on the farm. Procreation and sexual...

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sister part 1

With the sound of the shower running behind her Lisa took a moment to look at herself in the mirror smiling as she admired her hot teen body. Obviously she wished she was a little more developed but she liked the looks she got when she went out to parties and clubs especially when seen with her sister. Rubbing her hands over her smooth bare skin she tweaked her stiff nipples a little giggling at how it made her feel before stepping over to the shower.Reaching over the test the temperature of...

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My wife and I had invited a mutal male friend of ours to our home in fla. We knew him to a "ladies man" of a long time and we also knew that it made no difference to him if they were married or not.John, was a likeable guy anyway. We had a lot of fun on the tennis court with him and various partners that he brought from time to time so that was really how we got to know him well.So, he came alone to visit us and we wanted to play a prank surprise on him so I suggested to my wife that when he...

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wife catches me with neighbour final chapter

As i walked into my bedroom my sexy neighbour is waiting to dress me and do my make up to get me ready for my mistress. To say its the horniest ive been is an understatement ,i almost came in my pants getting made up and dressed by my slut neighbour. Your wife told me you are to be called foxxiroxxi when you are dressed as a sissy slut . Now i have strict instructions to make you look like a slutty school girl ,it wont be hard when you put...

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Part 34 My Wild Love

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 34: My Wild Love Holly: Samantha gently rolled her body off of me. We were sweaty from the “workout” we just had. We both lied on our backs, breathing heavily, coming down from orgasms. Samantha lay to my left, we both stared at the dark ceiling. I gently took her right hand into my left hand as she lay beside me. I rolled my head over to look at her. Her eyes met mine, beckoned from my touch on her hand. My heart was pounding for reasons other...

3 years ago
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Robert Alexis Part One

"What is it, babe?" Alexis said, understandably looking worried. My 23-year old Mexican-American wife looked incredible. With her slightly tanned and toned body, D-cup breasts, seemingly long legs even though she's five feet four inches tall, and long raven hair, she was a knock out. Alexis loves to workout too which did wonders for her body, especially her ass, thanks to the Brazilian butt exercise phenomenon. The perfect woman. And now I risk losing her, over something I never could have...

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Grandmas Secret

It takes time ti write a good story.Follow me on instagram @raqm0900 and tumblr quemmysissy.tumblr.comIntroduction:A grandmother’s untimely demise brings to light an unexpected story about an apparently normal family.Grandma's SecretEarlier this month, my grandmother passed away in her sleep. Nan had been only 66 years old when she died, but it hadn't happened unexpectedly. The doctors had given her two months when they discovered the cancer that was slowly destroying her body, and that was...

1 year ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 40

Meanwhile, Andy and Joanie were in bed, relaxing after a vigorous love making session. Andy tipped her chin up and gave her a tender kiss. "So baby, tell me more about what happened at the bachelorette party the other night." he said gently. Joanie looked at him and smiled, then said, "Well, as you know, there were a lot of my and Ariel's friends there, and for fun, I hired a couple of my male friends who are strippers. You know them, it was Johnny and Billy, the Davis twins. Johnny...

4 years ago
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My Horny Reader Haseena

One of my readers, in Chennai, sent me an email liking my story about my hot sex with my mature neighbor, this reader whose name is haseena, a married woman, but is most of the time alone as her husband travels a lot and as usual, she is neglected. We would be chatting through email, then switched to WhatsApp and things took a turn when we began sexting. Our chats were getting steamer and hot, haseena would often say that she would be fingering herself while chatting with me often describing...

1 year ago
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What’s better than full-length HD videos of Japanese sluts getting fucked? That’s right, free full-length HD videos of Japanese sluts getting fucked. JAV porn is great. I’m sure you cucks don’t need any convincing or anyone to twist your arm to get you to sit down and jerk your dick to these moaning hotties. But there are so many goddamn sites out there with different movies that it can be a pain in the ass to find a half-decent one with high-quality content. That’s why I went out to do the...

Asian Porn Sites
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Cat FightChapter 21 Contact

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill’s dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 64

Time seemed to telescope for Kiera. The girl's hand was warm and soft, and she could detect a subtle perfume that was extremely sexy. Her skin was model quality clear and she was just beautiful! Those eyes were incredible and the collar looked adorable. She wondered if the girl knew how sexy she looked in a collar and what a collar might signify. Kiera was well versed in dominance and submission games, as she and Marla had played many. Lived them, actually, with Marla as the sweet, extremely...

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Full Service Realtor

Sarah was a friend of mine and we had talked on IM a lot over the past year. Ever since that blissful day that we threw caution to the wind and finally gave into our primal desires to be with each other. We had met a few times before and little did we both know, but we were extremely attracted to each other. Then one day I went to her house to talk about some photography stuff and we talked for hours like we had been best friends forever, but when she read me some of her erotic stories I...

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Light of Hellfire Chapter 13 FINAL

Chapter 13 Baltoh flew through the fiery galaxy of Tenebrous’ personal domain with enough power streaming from his sword to shatter a planet. Spinning like a top, he delivered a flurry of slashes to Tenebrous, but the Demon King blocked them all with his claymore of Hellfire. As Baltoh was about to deliver his hundredth attack in the second, he suddenly disappeared, teleporting and reappearing behind Tenebrous. Before his foe could react, Baltoh kicked him the ribs with...

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Cost of Loyalty

Authors note: This was a story I wrote ages ago and recently found again. I thought, what the heck. Feedback welcome. Damian relaxed slightly but couldn't shake the feeling of trepidation as he and his angel flew down the empty highway. Thoughts of his angel elicited a genuine smile. She wasn't an angel, of course, any more than he was. She could have been, he thought guiltily. She should have been. She had given it up to come with him, and he'd never quite been able to make sense of...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 493

With the folders on the rear seat I made the drive to Washington. Traffic was always heavy and was getting heavier as the date moved closer to Christmas. I guess the word was out to the transit authority who I was or what kind of vehicle I drove, or else someone in the office had flagged my easy pass. Almost every morning and evening one of their officers pulled up beside me, hit the light package then waved or gave me thumbs up and then drove on. I started coffee and then sat at the big...

1 year ago
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She Needed More Than One Man

We’d gone down to a local restaurant and we’re just sitting in the bar, having a drink and relaxing. Chatting with each other about what happened that day, who’d done something crazy and how things were in general, I kept looking at her. I’d always had a hard time not just looking at her. It seemed like I could look at her forever, just taking in the sights, so to speak. Her body was, to my mind perfect. Lush, yet petite. Long legs, perfect and encased in nylon hose. I could see the tops of...

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