A Welfare Fuck
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Sunday morning, the three of them were relaxing in the family room with coffee, naked and snuggled together. The TV was off, no one was reading anything, and no one spoke. When the phone rang, Dex groaned as he extricated himself from his comfortable sandwich position. The women heard him tell someone to call back in ten minutes for an answer. When he came back from the phone, instead of sitting back down between them, he knelt on the floor in front of them.
"I have something hard to ask you. That was Elise Padilla, and the Christmas craziness has started. She has two women who have just escaped their husbands, and need somewhere to stay. I have never been a first stop safe house before, but she knows you two are here, and thought that would make it acceptable. One woman has a fifteen year old son, and the other has a boy eight and a girl six. On top of that, she has a very angry fourteen year old girl who needs out of her house, and Elise does not want CPS involved. For some reason, the mother wants to stick it out at home. I want to concentrate on helping you, Megan, but these people are in need, too. What should I do."
"Dex, you don't even have to ask! Of course you should take them. After the way you helped me, how could I do otherwise. It will be good to help someone else, and it will give Morgan a chance to practice some real psychology. Oh, Honey, I shouldn't speak for you, should I?"
"Oh, I totally agree. Damn! We'll have to get dressed, won't we?" At that they all broke into laughter - Megan's ribs were bothering her less today. They set about planning where everyone would stay and determining what food should be laid in.
Elise had barely called back and arranged to bring out their guests when Jeanette called to talk to Megan. When she hung up the phone after several minutes, she looked rather sad, but it took several tries for him to find out the problem. Her parents had wanted to come visit for Christmas, but with the house now full, she had to tell them it wouldn't work.
Dex thought for a minute, then told her, "Why don't you ask them if they can come for several days and help us with the crowd?"
"But where will they sleep?"
"You will have to tell them up front that you and Morgan are sleeping with me. Can they handle that?"
"Ooooh! You know what? They'll just have to. There's no use trying to hide anything from them. It's the best thing to happen to both of us in a long time, and they should just be happy about it. I think they want to be here badly enough to agree to almost anything. We probably should have had them stay through when they were here before."
"My fault. I had no idea how things would work out between us, and I selfishly wanted us alone to work it out. I can fly them out again if they agree to come."
"If Dad can get the time off, they will be happy to drive. And don't blame yourself. I was happy to see them leave, too. I just feel so much more ready now."
The Shaughnessys agreed to the sleeping arrangements after surprisingly little reaction. They seemed eager to help with the troubled families. Their happy little naked threesome would boom to eleven souls by Christmas day. Dex suddenly remembered that his house was without a single decoration, and in fact, he did not have any in storage. They talked about this problem and decided decorating would be a good activity for the whole group.
Sandra and her son Eric were the first to arrive. They had her car and it was packed with all the belongings they had packed the night before. Sandra was fortyish and fairly attractive. She was trim, almost thin, with a face that could be quite pretty without the bruises and red-rimmed eyes she sported. Eric was of average height and slender build with very active, penetrating eyes. His posture spoke of discouragement and defeat, and he avoided looking directly at any of them as they settled in.
They barely had Sandra and Eric in their rooms when Elise pulled up with the rest of their guests. Kirstin was in her late twenties and looked as totally miserable as anyone Dex had seen for a while. She and her children, Sean and Courtney, had fled with almost nothing of their possessions. Sean looked belligerent, while Courtney appeared constantly on the verge of tears, shrinking back whenever Dex came close to her.
Jessica was in the minivan with Elise and Kirstin's family. She was obviously angry with the world, and ready to kill anyone who crossed her. She had with her two suitcases of clothes and personal things.
Everyone worked to get people placed in their rooms, then Elise huddled with Dex, Megan, and Morgan. She was effusive in her thanks for taking these people in. It was Megan who took the lead, saying she was happy for a chance to return something for the help she had received. Dex then told Elise there were a couple of important items they needed to cover.
"First, Morgan, will you be willing to act as if you were the owner here?"
"I don't understand what you mean."
"We are going to have to give these folks quite a bit of direction, maybe even lay down the law. I think they will take it better from a woman. They need to know that Megan is one of them, so she is not the one to do it. In others words, I want you to be the heavy. Can you do it?"
"Wow! That's a tall order!"
Elise interjected "Dex is right, Morgan. If you can do it, it will be a big help."
"Sure, I'll do it. It will seem strange ordering these older women around, though."
"I don't think Sandra and Kirstin will be any problem. It's the kids who may react poorly to a man, particularly Jessica and Sean," Dex responded.
Elise again spoke up, "Dex has them figured out. Morgan, if you can, you should focus on Jessica. You have the most similarity of experience. You may be the only one who can get through to her. You said there were two things, Dex."
He told Elise about the sleeping arrangements. Something passed over her eyes when she heard it, but she did not react strongly. They discussed the best way to tell the guests.
"Well, I've got to run," Elise told them. "This probably isn't the end of our Christmas rush." She hugged each of them, Megan gently, and Dex fiercely.
When Elise had left, Morgan teased Dex with "Hey, Stud, you've got one more woman madly in love with you, haven't you?"
"Who, Elise?"
"Oh, pulling the innocent act, huh? Of course, Elise! You mean you really didn't know?"
"Hey, I just help her out. I've been doing it for years. We've never dated or anything. You must be imagining it."
"Sure! That's it - I imagined it."
Now that everyone had arrived, the real problems loomed. Feeding everyone was just a matter of logistics. Making sure they had something to keep them entertained was another matter entirely, particularly the two young children who had nothing with them. There were TVs all over the house, and a number of movies on DVDs, even a few for children. There were both of the leading video game players and a good assortment of games. There were four locations with Internet access, as well. He had Morgan assemble everyone in the family room and lead everyone on a tour. Sandra and Kirstin each had a room downstairs, and Courtney had a small bed in her mother's room. Eric and Sean were in the third downstairs bedroom, which had two sets of bunks set up. Eric was not thrilled, but took it well. Jessica had the room that had been Morgan's, and the other upstairs room was held open for Megan's parents.
While standing by the hot tub room, Morgan devised a little signal system on the fly. She mentioned that often, people preferred to use the tub naked. When there was a towel on the doorknob, it meant no clothes. Anyone was welcome to come in, but they had to be naked. There was some nervous laughter at that arrangement.
Without even consulting Dex, Morgan asked Jessica to accompany her to the grocery store. Dex gave her a thumbs up and slipped her a cell phone and an ATM card before they left. Dex took Megan aside, and asked her to sit down with Kirstin and find out what they needed most for a potential two to three week stay. He wanted Kirstin to go out and buy the things for her kids, feeling she needed the boost in their eyes. She, however, was terrified of leaving the house for fear her husband would find her.
Dex put in a call to Susan Plonsky and told her the situation, offering to pay extra duty charges for an officer to escort Kirstin. He was rather surprised when Stan O'Connor called back five minutes later. Stan laughed at the idea of payment, and said he would be there in thirty minutes with his wife and two kids in their van, and they would take Kirstin and her children shopping. Kirstin could hardly believe it, but agreed that they should be safe. Her eyes grew very large when he told her she could not come back to the house until she had spent at least $200, and he expected her to spend $400. She protested she could not afford that, and he told her it was from a fund set up for just her situation, handing her four $100 bills.
That left Eric as the only unoccupied child. Dex felt an obvious sympathy for him from the similarity of their situations. Making sure Sandra approved of his slightly illegal plan, he asked Eric if he had ever driven an ATV, whereupon the boy practically dragged him to the barn. They rode sedately around the property, letting Eric get a feel for the machine, and returned to the barn after about an hour. While still sitting on the parked vehicles, Dex addressed Eric.
"Eric, how do you feel about your mother?"
"I feel bad for her. She has had it rough."
"Do you love her?"
"Well, sure! She's my Mom."
"Do you let her know that you love her?"
"I guess. I mean, I'm not much good at the mushy stuff, but I try to be nice to her."
"Well, I have a huge challenge for you. Your Mom is at a low point in her life. She thinks no one cares about her, and you are the only one who can do much to change her mind. I want to challenge you to treat her like she was your best girl."
"What? You mean holding hands, hugs, kisses, and all that stuff?"
"Exactly. Be with her every second you can. Make her chase you away so she can go to the bathroom. Watch whatever she wants on TV with her. Pull out her chair at the table. Open doors for her. Never, ever walk in front of her. Compliment her."
"Geez! That is a challenge. I've never done a lot of that stuff. Do you think it will help?"
"I guarantee it!" He gave the young man a brief sketch of his own experience, to Eric's wide-eyed amazement. "One other thing. I'll bet you wouldn't mind spending some time with Jessica, would you."
"Fat chance! I think she'd scratch my eyes out if I got too close. What a bitch!"
"Hey, she is a very hurt young lady. Just as hurt as you are, but she shows it a different way. I will guarantee you that if you treat your mother well, especially when Jessica can see it, she will make a move toward you before long."
"How can you know that?"
"Because women are attracted to a man who treats women well. You just watch. Think you can pull it off?"
"Yeah, I want to try. I really do love, Mom. I just don't show it much, I guess."
"Good man. Now, tonight is going to be a big test. She is at her lowest right now. I want you to act like her parent tonight."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean like tucking her into bed. When you think she is in bed, go into her room, after knocking, of course, and sit on the edge of the bed. Give her a little kiss on the forehead or the cheek and tell her you love her - be sure you say it, okay? Touch her - stroke her head or her back or shoulders. If she starts to cry, hug her. If it gets bad, get in bed with her, snuggle up close and hold her tight. Stay all night if you have to. Be her man for tonight."
"Wow. Isn't that wrong or illegal or something."
"Tonight, you don't worry about anything but helping your mother, okay? Do whatever it takes to get her through to morning. Listen to me - if she wants it, tonight it is not wrong."
"If... if I'm holding her close, I might get, you know..."
"Yes, you will probably get hard. So what?"
"It would be embarrassing. And wouldn't Mom get pissed?"
"So put up with a little embarrassment for her sake. And she's far more likely to be thrilled than pissed."
"You're kidding!"
"Nope! Think about it. Right now, she's sure she is totally unappealing to men. If she knows she has given her handsome son a hardon, what do you think that says to her?"
"That somebody is interested?"
"Right! Now, you've had some fun. Spend the rest of the night glued to your Mom. You won't be sorry, I promise."
"Thanks, Dex. For the ride and for the advice. I... I never got anything like this from Dad."
"Neither did I, my man, neither did I."
Morgan had not as much asked as ordered Jessica to come with her. The silence in the car was not the friendly type, but she decided to wait the younger girl out. She tuned the radio to a station she knew was popular with younger teens. At the grocery, she made a point to send Jessica for specific items, even letting her choose some of her own favorite snacks and soft drinks. At the checkout, she asked if there were any magazines she liked, and they added two to the pile. Jessica said nothing, but Morgan heard her gasp when the cashier mentioned the total. Morgan had pulled cash from the ATM before shopping, and paid that way.
After they loaded the car, Morgan said she was thirsty and the food would be okay for a while so they stopped at the Wendy's next to the market. She told Jessica to order what she wanted because it was a while until supper. When they sat at a table, Jessica asked why Morgan wasn't getting anything to eat. Morgan used this as a lead in to tell about her weight, her lesbian facade, her hatred of Craig, and the rift between her and Megan. Jessica finally began to converse, asking several questions. After telling her story and recounting Megan's rescue, she told Jessica about the sleeping arrangements.
"So you both have to sleep with him so you can stay there?"
Morgan could not resist laughing. "Are you kidding? I practically had to rape him to get him to make love to me! And it's mostly about being tender and loving with each other. Sleeping cuddled up to someone makes you feel safe and loved."
"You mean you wanted him to have sex with you?" Jessica asked incredulously. Morgan told her of her change of heart and mind about men.
"Tell you what, you be down by the gym at 5:30 tomorrow morning, and see if your panties don't get damp from watching him work out!" Jessica just looked at her wide-eyed. "I know you're kind of young for some of this talk, but you don't mind, do you?" When Jessica shook her head, Morgan leaned toward her in a conspiratorial way and told her, "We had to get dressed before you came. We hadn't had any clothes on since Friday night."
"He wouldn't let you get dressed?"
"No, silly! We wouldn't let HIM get dressed." She giggled. "It was my Mom's idea to go naked first."
"But why would she want to be naked around him?" Morgan then told her more about Craig's enforced nudity and Megan's desire to have someone who appreciated her see her body.
"Ohhh, I just couldn't do that. And you wanted to see him naked? Gross!"
"Jessica, have you ever seen a naked man?" The girl started to tremble at that question. "Hey, hey! I think there's something you need to tell me, isn't there?" It took more persuasion, but the story finally came out.
"Didn't your Mom do anything about it?"
"Yeah, she'd get real mad at him, but then he'd beat her up. I couldn't let that go on."
"So you bailed out to save her?"
"Yeah, but she should be out, too."
They chatted a few minutes longer, then headed home without the stony silence of the outbound trip.
Eric was lost in thought as he walked back to the house and down the stairs. He used the bathroom and went to the door of his mother's room, where he heard soft sounds of crying. When there was no response to his soft knocking, he slowly opened the door and walked in. Sandra was on her stomach with a pillow held over her head, alternately crying and moaning. Eric had felt sympathy for his mother before, but he was suddenly aware of the intensity of her anguish. He could not understand why she would be sad to be rid of the jerk that was his father, but there was no question how she felt about it.
He remembered Dex's advice to treat his mother like his best girl. He'd never had a best girl, but he knew how he would like to treat one. Being careful not to startle her, he called to her rather loudly and waited until she lifted the pillow and looked up at him before sitting on the edge of the bed. She didn't say anything, but put the pillow down and lay her head on it, looking up at him through reddened eyes.
That day had been filled with pain and anxiety for Sandra, but her adrenalin had been kept up by the beating, the hurried packing, and the flight. Once they were situated in this strange new place, Eric had gone off with their host, for which she was glad, but then everyone had disappeared and she was alone.
The isolation and hopelessness of her situation suddenly came crashing down on Sandra. She was not a depressive person, but she felt depressed now. The anger was all used up and there was nothing left. She tried to nap, but the images just kept flooding her mind, so she buried her head, trying to shut out the light and the sound. The images would not leave.
After what seemed like a sleepless forever, she heard Eric's voice. Not feeling up to helping him with anything, she pulled her head out into the open and looked up at him.
Almost shaking from nerves, Eric rather clumsily reached out and stroked the hair back from her forehead a few times. Her eyes at first registered surprise then closed tightly as the flow of tears increased. He leaned over and planted an awkward kiss on her cheek and told her softly, "I love you, Mom." Now, her eyes opened wide and stared at him. He had run out of Dex's specific advice, so he was on his own. He stammered out "I... I'm sorry I haven't told you more often, but I really do."
Now he was definitely beyond Dex's advice, for Sandra lunged upward at him and got a stranglehold around his neck, hugging him with all her strength.
Eric had touched her head - he hardly ever touched her! Did this mean he was concerned about her? He said he loved her! Then he said something else she did not quite hear through her amazement. He had always been a good boy and respectful to her, but displays of affection were rare. In fact, he hardly showed any emotion at all, especially around her husband.
Eric took his share of beatings, but he took them stoically with no reaction at all, further enraging her husband. Sandra knew he tried hard to conceal his pain so she would not notice. Suddenly the only thing she could think was that someone cared - her son cared. She was so desperate for contact that she lunged at him and hugged him with everything she had.
Eric was bent over and twisted around in a most uncomfortable position, but he did not want to break her hug. Hoping she would not be offended, he put one arm around her waist while holding himself up with the other. Trying not to jerk too hard, he lifted her enough to scoot her back farther from the edge, then stretched himself out so he was lying right beside her.
Eric had moved her and lay beside her! He was strong - his body felt reassuring beside her. He was hugging her, just hugging. Not trying to paw her sexually or take her clothes off, just holding her like she was important, stroking her back gently. She was SAFE! She could let go! The images stopped swimming in her head, replaced by beautiful nothingness.
When he got stretched out beside his mother, their bodies were still awkwardly positioned, so Eric gently made small movements to get their heads and limbs arranged as comfortably as he could. He had just gotten positioned so he felt no pain or excess pressure when he noticed she was sound asleep, breathing heavily but smoothly. He was thrilled that he could make her feel better. She had not said a word, but the weight of her chest rising and falling against him said he had made her feel safe, and that was what counted.
After a while, Eric drifted off himself and he had no idea how long they lay together, although the numbness in one arm meant it had been a while. Someone was knocking on the door, telling them supper was ready, and that sounded like a splendid idea to him as he tried to remember when he ate last.
His mother had obviously not heard anything as her breathing was still deep and regular. He decided to let her sleep and began gently disentangling himself. She sensed him leaving her and tightened her grip on him. He began talking to her, telling her about supper, and assuring her he would not leave her. She roused herself and sat beside him on the edge of the bed, never letting go of his hand, and spoke the first words since he came to her, "I have to pee."
He managed not to chuckle, realizing she was still not completely with it, and helped her to her feet and toward the bathroom. At first, she seemed like she was going to drag him in with her, but with an almost desperate look, she let go of his hand and went in, to his total amazement, leaving the door slightly open. He was embarrassed to hear her peeing, but held his place, afraid of her reaction if she did not find him in the same spot. He was certain by now that she was not herself, but in some kind of trance, especially when she came out of the bathroom without having touched her hair or her face, both of which looked quite awful. Not waiting for her to grab his hand, he put his arm around her and led her to the stairs. Unable to fit beside her, he dropped behind her, making sure he kept contact. His hand dropped from her back to her bottom, but she did not react. He left it there, enjoying the feel of her muscles flexing as she climbed.
Only their three hosts and the girl were in the dining area when they arrived. The two women threw them concerned looks when they saw his mother's condition. Dex caught his eye and nodded slightly. The girl just stared at him with a look he could not read. He got his mother seated, and pulled his own chair close to hers. He asked about the other woman and the children, and was told they were all at Chuck E. Cheeses with the family that had taken them shopping.
All through the meal, the girl seemed to be staring at him as he tended to his mother, sometimes having to feed her. When he would glance at the girl, she would look away. She seemed to have attached herself to Morgan, either right beside her or watching her closely.
When the meal was finished, Morgan asked Megan to go and talk with Sandra, while she talked with Eric. Sandra looked panicky when Morgan pulled Eric away, but Megan talked calmly to her. Jessica was right behind Morgan as she walked Eric out of earshot but still in sight of his mother.
"How long has your Mom been like this? When did it start?"
Eric looked warily at Jessica, then turned his back to her and whispered so only Morgan could hear "This is kinda embarrassing to talk about in front of her. She doesn't like me and she gives me the creeps."
Morgan whispered back "Eric, I need to ask you just to forget she is there and talk to me. She is even more upset than you are and I think hearing this will help her. Will you do it, please?"
Taking a deep breath, he turned back and told Morgan how he had found his mother and what had happened afterward. He blushed heavily throughout, especially when Morgan asked him what he had said and how they had laid together.
"Morgan, I need you to help me. She needs to take a bath and get cleaned up. She never lets herself get like this."
"Why don't you help her?"
"But she'd have to undress and everything. I'd feel like a perv."
"Wouldn't you like to see her naked?"
"Come on, don't ask me that!"
"What if she wanted you to help her? What if she wanted you to see her?"
"But she's so out of it now. When she feels better she might be angry or at least embarrassed. I'm afraid she might even be upset about me holding her on the bed. Won't you help her?"
"Sure I will." She gave him a big hug, causing him to blush even harder. "You're a loving son to be so concerned about her feelings. You come and get me when you think it is time for her bath." In his ear, she whispered "Thank you, Eric. You didn't disappoint me."
Eric went back to his mother, and led her into the family room where they sat in front of the TV. Morgan thanked her mother, then turned to Jessica. "You looked puzzled, Jessica."
"He... he didn't do what I expected at all."
"I had to learn this the hard way, but there are a lot of good men around - men who respect women. Dex is one. My grandfather is another, and you will meet him tomorrow. Eric is another."
"But he's just a kid!"
"Nope. He's more of a man than your father, don't you think?" The girl did not respond, just wore a very puzzled look for quite a while.
Kirstin's kids hit the house like a tornado, bouncing around and babbling about the fun they had with the O'Connors. They ignored Dex and chattered at Megan and Morgan. Dex hurried outside and caught Stan before they drove off, insisting they come in and meet everyone. Tracy O'Connor was a vivacious woman who probably always wore a smile. She was overweight, somwhere between Morgan and Kirstin, but showed absolutely no self-image problem. Their kids were about the same age as Kirstin's, but with the girl older than the boy. Morgan and Megan were effusive in their thanks, as was Kirstin. Tracy was outspoken and told them how much they enjoyed being on the helping side after all the negative stuff Stan had to deal with. He gave her a hug and told everyone he agreed. Eric came and said hello briefly, apologized for his mother, and hurried back to her. Tracy followed him to the family room and introduced herself, completely ignoring Sandra's non-responsive state.
The mayhem continued for a while after Stan's family left. Megan suggested Kirstin put the kids in the hot tub to take the edge off of having to go to bed, and she readily agreed. They had bought swim suits, but dispensed with them for the occasion. When she had the kids down, Kirstin wilted in a chair and began to weep quietly. Megan was with her in seconds, putting her good arm over Kirstin's shoulder. Morgan sat on the other side. When asked what the problem was, she blurted out "Tracy's overweight and Stan loves her and treats her so nice! She's not as bad as me, but Gary just hates my fat body. How could I let myself get like this?"
Drawing the tearful woman out carefully, they found out that Kirstin, while always being voluptuous, had kept her weight around 135, which she thought looked good on her. Gary must have thought so, too, because that was her wedding weight. After Courtney, she could not shed the last 12-15 pounds, and he began to ride her mercilessly about it. The more he criticized, the more depressed she became, and the more she ate. The heavier she got, the more physical he became. He never actually hit her, but the grabbing and shaking were frightening. His domineering attitude got worse and worse until she could take it no more.
Morgan grabbed Kirstin by the hand and almost dragged her off to the hot tub room, locking the door behind them. "Now strip," she ordered as she quickly removed her own clothes.
"Noooo, I can't. I look so awful."
"Says who? Look, I'm no runway model, you know. Gary's got you hating your body and that's bullshit. Now get those clothes off and enjoy being naked. That's an order!"
Kirstin just stared at Morgan for several seconds, but finally undressed and the two of them settled into the water and had a very nice chat. When thirty minutes were up, Kirstin was reluctant to get out when Morgan told her it was time. As she stepped up and out, she got a stricken look. "Morgan! I don't have anything to wear downstairs. I don't want to put my dirty clothes back on."
"Sure you do! Here!" and she tossed a giant towel, taking one for herself.
"Oh my, it doesn't cover much. And Dex and the boy are out there!"
"So let's give them a thrill."
"You're so naughty! You know, I used to like to show off, back when I was proud of my body."
"So be proud now. Forget the weight and act like you don't give a damn what you weigh."
Kirstin nervously followed Morgan out the door and turned toward the downstairs, only to be caught and almost knocked down by Morgan. Her towel nearly fell off, and she frantically re-tucked it between her breasts. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, girl! We need to get something to drink and be a little sociable."
"But... but... like this?"
"Sure, why not? You're home! Relax and dress how you like, or not!" She leaned over conspiratorially and said "Let's give young Eric a hardon!" eliciting a gasp from Kirstin.
"You might, maybe, but not the way I look."
"Hey, he's fifteen. Any square foot of naked female flesh can cause a hardon." Kirstin even giggled a little at that.
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This is not my story this is a true first time storyWell, I was on my freshmen camp out in High school. The entire freshmen class was hanging out by a big fire. The teachers weren't really paying attention to what we were doing. Quickly the talk of sex came up, and some guy started talking about lesbians.The guys went on for a long time about how hot lesbians are. At this point, my friend Erica and I decided, for the boys' pleasure of coarse, to start making out. We did and the boys whooped and...
I woke up in the morning to three pleasant things. First, I had been having a vivid dream where I was a gorgeous redhead being fucked mercilessly by a hugely-hung guy that looked a lot like Jim. When I opened my eyes, I found that it wasn't a dream. The redhead was Neeka and she and Jim were just picking up where they left off the night before. I was just feeling her climax being broadcast from the room next door. The second thing was Bud's morning wood. It was a magnificent, rock-hard...
It had been a while for me, especially after following a period weekend with no party, and I was fixated on having some fun. Sometimes, you know, a girl needs action and she can’t wait for the next party. And husband sex certainly won’t cut it. I‘ve had good luck with a particular website and I always keep a watch on there for something or someone that might come in useful. For more than a year, I’ve watched a guy on cam from the city next to mine. In fact, it’s the city where I work. Although...
CheatingMare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 6. When the rest of the pupils met us again after returning from classes they wanted to know everything about my operation and what fate awaited Veronica. Rumours had been flying thick and fast around the whole school and Veronica had to use all her wiles to stop the others pestering me. They all particularly wanted to know why I was wearing a striped pink and blue ribbon in my hair. Eventually, to settle the hubbub, Veronica explained...
I didn't tell Wilson why I wanted to go to the B&B that night. It was to meet Brian. I wasn't sure that I would do anything else, but I was willing to at least meet him. It didn't hurt that I was heading into two weeks of very busy days and probably lonely nights. I could use a little relaxation, so maybe Brian would be it. Wilson and I went out to eat in a real restaurant on Jefferson island before we went to the piano bar. Wilson had spent the better part of the week trying to mend...
I am a regular reader of ISS stories.I enjoyed them lot. But the story i am going to share with you is different. I am 58 years old widower. I was knowing a couple staying in our coloney for last one year. Suddenly one day the husband died due to heart attack.one day after two months of the death i met that lady name Lolita in the market. I asked her how are the things going on?How is her married batchlers life? she replied fine enjoing as I am enjoing my batchler life and ferther asked me...
Just when life can seem regular and uninteresting, a sharp turn can take place. That recent sharp turn in my life was brought about by my wife of two and a half years, Elaine. Now, wives often cause life to be rather exciting and mine is no exception. Elaine is a pretty twenty-three year old blond, medium length with blue eyes, exactly five feet tall, right on the money. Yes, she's fairly short, just don't kid her about it, it does piss her off, I might add. She's rather feisty, one...
TabooRevenge - By Lady in Waiting The headlights of Laura?s jeep peered out through the blackness of Night and the sleekness of rain. The only other light on the road was from the flashes of thunder. Laura was returning from a business trip, traveling along some unknown back road that was supposed to be a shortcut. At least that?s what the woman at the gas station had said. She tapped her Fingers on the wheel as the radio droned out another mindless tune, you know the ones that...
Becoming Julie, Part 1My name is Anthony, or just Tony, for short. I was born in the American South, in the 1960s. Fortunately I was born in a college town, which meant there were educated people around, and the town was progressive, both politically and sexually, which is good for the rest of this story.I was an only c***d. My parents raised me to love everything about life. From early on I went to movies and plays with them. Our town was small enough that sometimes, weeks after a play, my...
To describe myself a bit, I'm 24 years old, 5'7", 115 lbs. I have long dirty blonde hair, C-cup boobs, and green eyes. I like running and working out and going to the gym on base. I've been told I have an athletic body and the guys at the gym are always hitting on me. I don't have any children. I have been married since I've been 18 years old - right out of High School. I got ready to go to the interview at the office I would be working out of. I wore a nice blouse, knee...
Hello friends main kapil aapke samane ek aur story ke sath hazir hu. Aapne meri pehli story ‘Meri Sexy Padosan’ ko achha response diya. Thanks uske liya. Waise to intro ki zarurat nahi lekin fir ek short intro. Mera nam kapil hai, meri age 27 hai, mai mumbai se hu aur mera email hai – May mahine ki chuttiya thi isliye colony ke bahotse log apne native place gaye huye the. Is saal mere pappa aur mammi gaon gaye huye the to gharpe main aur meri badi behan the. Meri didi to job kar rahi thi...
With so many hotties to choose from on a cruise ship, a constant supply of food isn't the only thing on the buffet. Almost any hour of day or night you can be man-watching and see everything from older daddies and bears to athletic men and downright smokin' hot younger guys. Whether in the gym, around the pool deck, or at the beach, there's plenty of eye candy, and the sauna in the men's locker room? Well, that's where the action is. Of course, it's mostly older guys hanging around in there,...
I had been working with Cory for only a month. He was sweet and so hot. I never thought I would have a chance with him though. I just wasn't his type I don't think. He was taller then me. He had the prettiest blue eyes. When he smiles your heart just flips! He is a very sweet guy. He was always so helpful to the other workers, but when you did something wrong oh did you know it! I have short curly hair. My eyes change color with my moods, but I always have some form of blue in them. I have a...
Quickie SexChurch Ladies My story begins in a comfortable neighborhood, in a comfortable little city, in a midwestern area, an area where there is little crime to worry about and neighbors tend to watch out for each other. A bit about myself to begin with, and then on to the focus of this story. My name, Daniel Peterson, or Dan as I was called by most, and my wife Patricia or Pat as she was called by most. We were both retired, and living comfortably with little to worry us. Our kids were...
1458 words - .75Chapter 5The Masters ToyThe night went by very slowly with all the slaves staked on the grass with the ants, spiders and other insect walking on them. So there was very little sleep. The girls were very cold when the sun finally came up and started to warm their naked bodies, which they were all very grateful for. It was about nine o’clock when George finally appeared and started to release the harem of slaves. They were told to stand and stay where they were. They would be...
Disclaimer: This story is not intended for inappropriate audiences. If you are too young to be reading this or this story is illegal where you live, then please do not go any farther. This story consists of sex between consenting men and is entirely based on real life occurrences; the names have been changed to protect the guilty. This story is copyrighted and should not be copied or distributed, all rights reserved. Any feedback would be welcome; I do ask that all criticism be...
I've never been in the back seat of my car until now and I would never have gone there with these two guys anyway. Up to then it was a normal Friday afternoon and I just unlocking my car to go home when I was grabbed and pushed into the back of my own car and driven off. I felt my panic rising fast for my immediate future looked short and probably painful. "W-what do you want with me?" I stuttered. But I could see the answer in their lustful stares, so I was going to be raped and killed...
“Right, I've thought about what you have to do for me.” she says. “So what is it?”. “You have to be my submissive for the weekend”. “Ha ha...you sound like Madam Whiplash”. “Well I don’t have a whip, but you have to obey me. Anything I tell you to do, you have to do it”. “Sounds like a doddle, I'm your mothers dogsbody most weekends anyway”. “Aye, but don't think you’re getting away that easily mister”. I thought it was too good to be true. “There's a good shop just opened in town”...
After both Sam and Lucy had come down from their orgasms, they lay there in a warm friendly lovers embrace, Lucy ended up with her head resting on Sam's chest and Sam seemed to have his hand trapped between her large breasts. In the silence of this lovers rest, you could only hear the gentle beating of their hearts and even then they seemed to be in rhythm with each other. It seemed quite a while ago that they had made that first physical touch and yet it was less than three hours ago,...
“Wow you look like you are about to throw up.” Tai opened his eyes. A beautiful woman in her 20’s sat in front of him. He gazed at her lovely face with absolutely perfect rack. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all. He smiled at her slyly. “Yeah maybe out of boredom. This is taking forever.” “Well if we do this wrong it would be a bit of a disaster. Is this your first time?” “Well sort of but I’ve done a bunch of stuff like this before.” “Really what kind of stuff?” The...
Welcome to Dura Silex Real Estate. The premiere real estate firm with assets and holdings in 12 nations. Here at headquarters you will find the Chief Officers, national managers, Human Resources Director, the regional manager, administrative staff, and several other offices and companies leasing space within the building. Straight ahead is the receptionist, she's a stunning bottle blonde with thin frame glasses and a dark gray jacket and pencil skirt. Her smile is infectious and she can't wait...
Teeny Abby Adams is trying to impress her new boss, but she cannot seem to do anything right around his house. She wants to help make breakfast, but she cannot reach the top shelf of the food pantry. Then, she ends up knocking a stack of papers all over the floor! Finally, she tries to get her a ring out of the kitchen drain but ends up getting stuck instead. He lets her know that she is not right for the job, but she is willing to do whatever she can to stay. She bends down and opens her mouth...
xmoviesforyouPeter saw her as she brushed past him. The pleasant smell of her perfume tickled his nose. All his senses stirred, his groin started to tingle. She was gorgeous. The most beautiful woman he had seen for a long time. The physical attraction he felt, pushed him forward, urged him to follow her. He was so preoccupied with the curves of her graceful body that he wasn’t seeing anything else. His heart was galloping, and he felt weak in the knees. The features of her face were exquisite, making it...
'In my own words?' 'Yes Mr Hudson. You protest your innocence. We have CCTV footage from your house, we have DNA evidence from Summer - your sperm in her vagina, her rectum, and traces in her mouth. Yet you protest your innocence, say it was all consensual, in fact you're saying that this petite, blonde 18 year old was the one at fault. The one manipulating you - a six-foot-two, strong, black man. Kindly explain. In fact go back to the very beginning.' 'You have to believe me, I didn't want...
Interracial“Tu pagal hai jo Thakur Saheb se kyon puchta hai? Bhanu ne phir kaha. Tabhi Ranbeer aur Bhanu ko Malti chachi deekhai padi jo ek kamre me jaa rahi thi. Ranbeer ne pucha, “Ye Malti chachi yahan kya kar rahi hai?” “Wo is haveli me Thakurain ki seva karti hai.” Bhanu ne jawab diya. “To Thakur ne Thakurain bhi paal rakhi hai?” “Haan… hamare Thakur saheb bhi bade rangeen mijaj ke hain. Ek baar Shikar par gaye the aur aaye to apni beti ki umar ki ek ladki sath le aaye. Kehne lage ki unhe is haveli...
Yes, it was a sunny Saturday and the Roberts sisters were my dates for the day. We went to Taco Bell for a little breakfast and then rolled down to Venice Beach. The girls had brought their bathing suits and it was Jennie in a stunning black bikini that really showed off her curves, and Mary, wearing an old one piece suit that did nothing to accentuate her youthful sexuality."Maybe it's just as well." I thought to myself. Still, when Jennie went in the ocean, her sister climbed up next to me on...
Unexpected Sex Hello Readers, I am Ray. A well presentable male following with a fitness lifestyle and little busy office schedule from Mumbai. Blessed with a Manhood that will make a female moan in ecstasy. I am writing this story specially for women readers here and not to brag about my heroic adventure. You can connect with me if you like or love.. the story on loving_ray22 @ yahoo.in It was the 31st December 2014, My friends made plan to spend the eve on one the friends farm house....
Ethel bid farewell to the Flying H ranch and her friends there as she left to catch the train to Philadelphia. Jim drove her to the train station in the town five hours away. For someone familiar with the cities of the East, towns certainly were far apart in this part of Texas. Jim did not wait around for the train to leave, since he had so far to travel to get home that night. This particular railroad only ran as far east as Austin, so she bought her ticket for that city and sat in the...
Ed happened to be free, and volunteered to take Kay to Moore Genetics. On the way to the SUV, Monica stopped Kay. "Kay, we need to talk," said the high priestess. There was something in her voice that told Kay that that was not normal chitchat. "Of course. Ed, excuse us for a moment." Ed nodded, and headed back inside. "What is it Monica?" she asked. "My period just came. Two days late." "That's not unusual." "It is for me. I can set my watch by my periods." Kay looked...
Now this may be a bit funny but then again it is quite sad. A lady I know we used to go out together about 15 years ago check the date of this post because this this could be hanging around for a long while.. Us two used to what you may call knock about together just as buddies get pissed as what ever just for fun. We didn't do anything else well then anyway we used to see who could pull first just for a laugh she always won of course but what the heck. I f neither of us did we would go home...
It was the day after mom revealed to me that they knew i had been watching her and gsgangrel (gs). For now it was just me and mom in the house. Silence hung over us like a storm cloud. I couldn't help but smirk any time i saw her now. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. My mom, possibly one of the biggest sluts i know. How many people get to say that? She was in the living room relaxing on her day off. I figured now was as good a time as any to ask mom whats been going on. "So....." ,I...
Dear ISS Readers, Hi!!!! My Self Raj (name changed) Age 36, Married & Having Kids too, from a Nice & tourist city of north India, presenting my story on ISS for the first time but am a regular reader of ISS past 5 yrs. I would not like to discuss either of our size & looks while narrating the story as I think it doesn’t matters in terms of love making when two of human bodies are engaged on bed in eternal love. But may get described sometimes -somewhere, but in a pleasant way; where needed. Now...
Julia and Chloe lay on the bed, talking and getting to know each other for several minutes. "Ya KNOW!!! Carl is gettin' lonely sittin' there, listenin' ta a couple o' hens cackling." Chloe observed. "We better take care of HIM, so HE will take care of US!!!" Julia nodded. "I know JUST HOW to do THAT!!!" she answered. "He loves to shower with a "little" help from his friend of the moment. I've seen him with ONE shower mate, but never TWO shower mates. Wonder how he'll handle THAT?" Carl had been...
One beautiful sunny day I just felt like being pretty and being seen. I'd just done a fresh shave all over and washed and combed my shoulder length hair. I put on my favorite short shorts and my Betty Boop T shirt and went for a ride. I pulled into a rest area on the highway, went to the picnic area table and just walked around licking a tootsie pop and hoping some nice older gent would notice what a sissy I am and make a pass at me. Well I made sure that a few got a good look at me, but all I...
Amanda returned to the ward where Zoe was being treated, worried now about Robbie too. A nurse informed her that Zoe was comfortable but still unconscious and she would need to remain at least overnight. They had taken some blood for tests but she reassured Amanda that Zoe should be just fine. She checked on Alison and was told that she too was being kept overnight, for observation mainly the nurse said. With little else to do she decided to go home and try to get some rest. Robbie awoke...
A bunch of us are at a party, having a good time and having a few drinks. At first you are a little uncomfortable looking me in the eye after the chats we have had, but after a few minutes, it actually becomes more enjoyable – knowing things about each other that others don’t know. Easy to make comments to each other to try to get a reaction, like the ultimate inside joke. A little later in the evening, you and I are talking and Susan shows up holding her wine glass, giving you a hug and...
‘Earl!’ Van sighed as his two year old yellow lab took off into the woods behind his house. His constant companion was usually obedient, but with all the wonderful sights and smells surrounding their new home in the country, Earl had become a challenge the last couple weeks. He wanted to believe the dog would eventually find his own way back home, but that nagging doubt led him to tromp off into the woods after him. In the thick brush, he soon lost sight of the dog, but by pausing every...
This story needs a little introduction first. I am Chris, or shall I say Chrissy? I have a friend in Belgian. Her name is Sarah, she is a 30 years old woman. I have never met her before but we for about 6 years we are sharing our fetish (bondage, hosiery, cross-dressing in my case) by writing mails to each other. One of my hobbies is to make fakes with me as feminised cross-dresser and her, Sarah as pretty damsel in distress or as dominant woman having fun by humiliating sissified...
Ron wandered past where she was sitting. Perched on a stool, her thighs were on full display. He felt his cock harden. He had to meet her. “Hello” he said “come here often?” She looked at him, instantly dismissive of his lame attempt to chat her up. “Is that the best you can do?” she said, laughing. Ron’s face coloured slightly. “Yes, that was pretty lame” he admitted and she smiled. “Well try again honey” she said “maybe next time will be better”. He now saw her words as a challenge. “Well...
Hey GuysMy name is Pinky from Chandigarh. I am 24 years old who loves to enjoy a lot. Let me tell me something about my self. I am very fair, long hair below waist, dark eyes. Must not to forget tell you my figure. Its sexy 34-28-32. I’m no stranger to the lustful looks of uncles and young boys of my town. To sum up, people would give anything to have me in bed.Coming to the story. I went to goa to attend my friends marriage, where i had this amazing sexpriance. Maine kabhi nahi socha tha that...
She didn’t know how it started, or how it would end, but one thing she did know was that she was fucking loving it. She couldn’t count how many men were simply around her, how many hands gripped her soft, pink skin. Though, if she really focused, maybe she could count how many men were inside of her. She was glad her friends managed to convince her to come to this party, it was certainly the most fun she’s had in awhile. She closed her eyes, focusing on the job at hand, and in her hands. Her...
This is a building romance story over a plot development line, there may not be sex in every chapter but it does get steamy once the story picks up. Please comment and feel free to give ideas. Try to keep negative critiques to a minimum, this is my first time writing a story. * Riley walked into the already packed and noisy gymnasium and looked around. He wasn’t used to the hustle and the bustle of the first day at a four year college. He had just transferred in from his community college,...
Noah Masters groaned as the light of the morning sun tore through his bedroom window and landed against his face. He would have normally already been up by this time but yesterday was his twenty-first birthday and his friends had made sure that he didn’t get in until late. He hadn’t really minded then but now he was hating himself as he slowly sat up and fought the urge to just lie back down and go back to sleep. If he slept in then he wouldn’t get to bed at a decent hour tonight and he would...
IncestDay 29: John jerked awake, snorting sometime after nightfall. Inside the room it was pitch black, but his Sight allowed him to see the worgh females and pups clustered around him. Their own sleeping noises ceased when his did. Heads came up, both adults watching him warily. Keeping his movements slow and obvious, he held a hand out for each to sniff. To his surprise, a pair of tongues, like large-grain sandpaper scraped across his palms after a few minutes. He tentatively gave neck scratches...
A momentary frisson of fear ran along my spine as I sprawled in the small tent, my arms lashed above my head with leather bindings and my eyes covered with a thick binding of cloth. I wriggled upon a fur mattress and strained my ears, but all I could hear was the heavy footfalls of Sally Mead Mug as she walked about me in the small tent. I swore I could hear the sound of her palms rasping together as she regarded me. I tried to remain calm and collected – but my mind was inevitably drawn to...
Danny and older brother Max had never got on as kids, but by the time they reached their late teens they'd become firm friends. They partied together, and usually got on with each other's girlfriends - when they had them. This summer, though, nineteen-year-old Danny was feeling a bit lost. Max had been dating eighteen-year-old Emma for several weeks, and he'd found himself at a loose end for a lot of the time while Max and Emma had been out enjoying themselves. Max was dating a much younger...
It all started when my ship was in San Francisco for repairs. My buddy who was a Marine decided to go into town and see what was happening. At that time there was a place for servicemen the Marine Hotel, it was a lay over place for service men who were being deployed. We entered the bar and were having a drink when we started talking with this guy who we thought was a serviceman lets call him BIll. First let me describe this guy he was about 6'2 260 lbs looked like a football player. Never...
GayYes, I’m THAT teacher. The one you fantasized about. The one in the old Van Halen “Hot for Teacher” video. The one that inspires the comment: “I wish my teachers looked like that when I was in high school.” That teacher. I know all the schoolboy fantasies you harbored when you were sixteen: Private after-school detentions where I draw the blinds and ride your cock on top of the lab table. Stolen moments in my closet while the rest of the class has gone to lunch. Maybe I’ll wank you until...
TabooIt was shortly after my sixteenth birthday that Mother walked out on Dad and me. She had been having an affair with another man for over a year. Dad and I lived alone after that. Dad tried his best to make ends meet, working all the hours under the sun. I would prepare dinner when I returned home from school. Dad would get home, eat dinner, shower and then fall asleep watching the TV.One night, I was woken up by strange noises. I walked silently down the hall, towards the noise that had stirred...