HunterChapter 8 free porn video

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The call from Jeb relayed by Harlow that the wagon path was ready was even later than I expected. However, it came at a convenient time for me to act. Harlow, the dogs, and I took a Saturday to look at the field and the near jungle that was the near wall of the valley. We had no trouble getting in, but there was only one place where the dogs could get to the valley in such a way that I could see them and back them up with the shotgun.

A small section of the vegetation mass had been cleared, and I sent all four dogs there so that they would intimidate any hogs, especially boars, that they happened to find. There was not much delay before a sow showed up in the partially cleared area chased by all four dogs. That was a relief, now I knew that Sam was keeping the pack together while they hunted.

I fired at and killed the sow, but only a few seconds later there was a rifle shot. A bullet that I guessed to be a .44-40 from the sound of the shot plowed into the side of the wagon just below my legs. Son ... Of ... A ... Bitch!? Why would somebody be shooting at me? For that matter, why was somebody in or near that patch of nearly impenetrable brush?


There was no answer, but I figured that I had better investigate. I sure as hell didn't want to be shooting somewhere I might wound or kill somebody by accident. Harlow agreed with me that nobody else had permission to be on Hanson property. I told him that I wanted to take a look at the jungle from the other side, so we went by another road to cross the stream and approach the jungle from the other bank of the stream. All we knew for sure was that there was less of a tangle of brush on that side.

It took us nearly an hour to make our way to the far lip of the valley, and we could see down toward the stream. Harlow parked the wagon near a game-trail leading down the bank, and I left the dogs to guard the wagon and horses. On second thought, I took Sarah with us as we walked down the trail. I gave Harlow the shotgun with the short barrel to use, the one with the buckshot, and I kept the one with the long barrel, the one with the modified bird shot shells. That way, we had long range and short range defense against hogs, and the further advantage of Sarah along to warn us of hogs getting too close.

This bank was no where nearly as steep as the opposite valley wall, so it was much easier to follow the trail to the stream. That's where we got another surprise: there was a fairly elaborate camp set up down there with two tents for sleeping and a third tent stocked with supplies. Obviously, two people, presumably men, were spending a lot of time at the camp.

Neither person was there at the moment, and Harlow called out for them to show themselves since it was his property and not mine. By the way, we did see a pig hanging from a tree limb to bleed out. It must have been taken early this morning judging from what we could see.

This whole thing was damned suspicious because there were two road agents operating in the neighborhood, and this camp was conveniently located for them to use as a base. Harlow and I looked around, but we didn't touch anything just in case it was a couple of innocent campers who had wandered where they didn't belong.

Nevertheless, the situation did need following up just in case it was the camp of the road agents. There was nothing else for us to do but to follow up with a visit to the sheriff in Baker. John Black, the marshal of Winslow, could not be of much help because this camp was out of his jurisdiction, so we had to look to county authorities.

It was early enough in the day so that we could probably find the sheriff still in his office if we hurried to Baker to get there before dinner time. Fortunately, there was a road that would directly connect to the main road to Baker and save us about three miles of winding back roads. It was about 11:45 when we pulled up in front of the courthouse and rushed in to try to catch the sheriff before he left.

The sheriff, Henry Williams, was just leaving his office when we met him in the hall. Neither of us knew him, but the man we met fit the description of Williams as being a tall, skinny man of about 65 years of age. I took a chance and asked, "Sir, are you Sheriff Williams? If so, we have some urgent business to discuss with you. When can we talk to you?"

"Well, Son, you caught me. I was just headed to the nearby restaurant for dinner. If you join me, we can talk about your problem while we eat."

"That will be fine, Sheriff. I'm Jack Allgood, and this is Harlow Hanson."

"You are Jack Allgood? John Black of Winslow speaks well of you, so I figure that I can take stock in whatever you have to tell me. Howdy to both of you, but I want to hurry before Louise runs out of that wild hog that tastes so damned good that it must be sinful." We all laughed at that, and I said that it must be some of the wild hog that we regularly supply to the butcher shops of Baker.

After we sat down and ordered our meals, I explained to Sheriff Williams what we had found this morning. I asked him what we should do. "Well, I guess that I had better investigate right away. Are you free to show me the camp?"

We ate like three hungry men, and I had to admit that Louise had done a very good job with the wild hog. However, we did not dawdle, and Sheriff Williams followed us back to the valley edge in his buckboard. Just before we left Baker, Sheriff Williams had said, "These may be the two road agents what have committed at least two murders. With that in mind, I had better deputize you both as Deputy Sheriffs just in case we get into a gun battle. I'll take my riot gun along to be sure."

I said, "Harlow and I also have shotguns that we know how to use, so we can take care of ourselves. Also my hunting dogs in the back of my wagon can put up a good fight if we need them."

At the valley edge, I set three of the dogs to guard the wagon and buckboard while the sheriff, Harlow, Sarah, and I went down the trail. When we got close to the camp, Sarah began to growl deep in her throat. That was a sure indication to me that there was danger ahead. I whispered a warning to Harlow and the sheriff.

We inched our way out of the brush and saw two men lazing back on some branches and leaves near the campfire. Plates and cooking utensils were nearby, so it was apparent that they had just finished eating. That was immediately suspicious because the time was pushing 3:00 o'clock. Where had they been during regular dinner time? We Arkansas country folk were almost religious about getting our dinner as near noon as possible, so these men looked like they had been up to something around that time.

We three held our guns where they were immediately available, and the sheriff said, "You men are trespassing on private property, and I'm the sheriff of Bollard County. These two men are my deputies. I'm arresting you for trespassing." The sheriff had come prepared with handcuffs and leg irons. He sent Harlow back up the trail to fetch those implements.

I whispered to the sheriff, "These look like the two men I met on the road to Winslow nearly seven months ago. If they aren't the road agents you want, I'll eat my hat. I'll bet they were the ones to take a shot at me early this morning."

The two men were still reclining on the ground when Harlow got back with the handcuffs. He had not brought the leg irons because the men could never have climbed the hill while wearing them.

The sheriff ordered the man on the left to stand up. As he did, the man on the right rolled over to a pile of stuff near him and pulled out a pistol. He was swinging it toward us when I reacted kind of automatically and put a "slug" into his belly. The hole going in was not impressive, but the hole coming out sure was! Most of the man's back disappeared in a mass of flesh and blood. As one would expect, Harlow was stunned by this and didn't move, but the other arrestee started running away. As soon as he turned to run, the sheriff swung his shotgun around and blasted away at the running man's back. Later count showed seven #00 buckshot balls in the man's back, and he died before he could take two more steps.

During this whole thing, Sarah was on her four legs and ready to jump either man if the need arose. I was proud of her, and I told her so. She was pleased to receive the praise, and the sheriff complimented her on her steadiness.

Now we had the problem of getting the two dead men up the bank to the sheriff's buckboard. We looked in their pockets for identification and valuables before wrapping each body in a tent and using the windlass in the wagon to pull them up the trail. It was a good thing that the trail was mostly straight, so this was not as big a problem as it might have been.

Following that, we looked through the supply tent for anything worth salvaging. I found a glass jar with close to $100 in coins and bills. The sheriff turned his back and said, "I didn't see that!" It was obvious what he meant, so I gave the jar to Harlow who dumped it into his pants pockets. When we finished going through the camp, we didn't find anything else worth saving, so we wrapped up the storage tent and pulled it up the trail.

At the top of the trail, the sheriff paid Harlow $1 as his pay for one day as a deputy sheriff. He said to me, "Son, would you be interested in a regular post as a deputy sheriff. I'm getting too old to run around any more than I have to. Marshal John Black gave you a solid endorsement. I'm not asking your age and you're not volunteering the information, so I am ready to make the appointment permanent if I can talk you into taking the job."

"Yes, Sir, I'll take the job if it won't interfere with my regular job of killing wild hogs."

"No, I don't think that it would. Mostly, it will be an occasional delivery of court papers and rarely a job like this one. From what Marshal Black said of you, you can handle both jobs very well. The pay is $30 per month. Are you willing to take on the job?"

"Yes, Sir, you can count on me."

After a few pleasantries, the sheriff left for Baker. It was nice to get that check in the mail for $30 per month from the county. Even when you are rich, every little bit helps. Hell, if nothing else, I could put it toward our daughter's dowry.

Speaking of her dowry, the baby was due in a few weeks. Mary had convinced me that the baby would be a girl, and I would be very surprised if it turned out to be a boy. When it came down to the nuts and bolts of the thing, I couldn't care less whether the baby was a girl or a boy, but I have to admit that I was kind of looking forward to a girl.

Speaking of babies, Eve had delivered her pups, six of them, and they were weaned. Eve seemed to appreciate the time she spent hunting away from the pups, but she always took good care of them when she was home. Sarah had come into heat and had been serviced by Sam, so we were expecting pups about the same time that Mary dropped hers. Judy was due up in a month or so, so we should soon be overrun with dogs. Four of Eve's pups had been dogs and two had been bitches. At the moment, I planned to get rid of all of them before they got old enough to breed.

My God, I was close to panic when late in the evening Mary sent me to pick up Mrs. Burton, the midwife. Mary told me that there was plenty of time based on how long it took for her to deliver me, but I couldn't help rushing as fast as I could. Mrs. Burton nearly drove me crazy the way she was so slow to gather up her stuff and come out to the buckboard. I think that Dun had picked up my excitement because I had to hold him back to keep him from running. Of course, we made it in plenty of time, and I had to wait around for 10 hours before Elizabeth made her appearance.

Then, after the baby arrived, Mrs. Burton wouldn't let me in for an hour while she did whatever it was she did. One of the things she did was to clean up Mary and Elizabeth before she finally opened the door and called me. I practically ran into the room to see Mary and the baby. Elizabeth was already nursing when I got there, and she and Mary looked so good that I almost fainted. That had to be the best day of my life!

After some persuasion and some downright nagging, Mrs. Burton got me to take Elizabeth up into my arms. That was the nearest thing to being in heaven. Naturally, I had not seen many, but I was certain that Elizabeth was the prettiest baby ever born. I held her for a long time, and I was totally confused when Elizabeth started to cry. Then I understood why when my arm felt wet. Mrs. Burton took Elizabeth from me to take care of that problem. She showed me how to do that because that was going to be my job for a day or so until Mary got her strength back.

Thank God that Elizabeth didn't have to depend on me! Mrs. Hanson showed up that afternoon with a change of clothes and announced that she was going to look after us until Mary could resume the job. I was so relieved that I embarrassed her by kissing her on the cheek. I didn't know that Mary had arranged for that care weeks ago; I wished that she had told me about it. The Hanson's oldest daughter was going to do the mothering at the Hanson household until Mary was up and about. That was the value of friends!

The first few days after Elizabeth was born were hell for me. I had to go hunting to keep the commitments that I had made to a lot of people, but I hated to leave Mary and Elizabeth for more than five minutes. Nevertheless, I could not shirk my duties, and I went hunting on my normal schedule. I think that it was the third day before I could give the hunting my old standard of attention. Harlow and Ed assured me that there was no drop in the quality of our product nor delays in deliveries because I was not myself. I was glad to hear that, but I was embarrassed at the way I had fallen apart.

I finally stabilized and returned to my normal form. At least, I had reached that point before Mary teased me about it. She said, "I am sure that you were more affected by me having the baby than I was." That was the limit of her teasing, but her remark did make a point with me. I swore that it would never happen again, well, until the next time.

We were soon back to running Allgood Meat & Co. like a well-oiled machine. The only bad times we had was when there was a couple of weeks of steady rain. I had to shoot from under the canvas cover over the wagon bed, and the roads were in such bad shape that deliveries were a real problem. Nevertheless, we never missed a delivery, and I was proud of Harlow and Ed and their work ethic.

Not long after that, the cold weather started. Winter was on the way. We were so far south that I was not afraid of snow, but I was afraid of the winter rains and the occasional freezing weather. Most all of our work was done outside, and we would have to keep it up even in the worst weather. That was going to be difficult, but we had no choice.

At least, Harlow and I had been able to clear out most of the adult hogs that were interfering with Jeb's wish to expand his activities to include raising beef. It was certain that we had not gotten rid of all of the adult hogs, but there were so few left that they were not a problem for the men clearing that path to the stream. All we had to worry about now was keeping the hogs under control next spring when Jeb introduced his first beef cattle.

During the fall, my birthday came and went without much ado. Birthdays were not a big deal in our area at that time, so becoming 15 didn't make much difference one way or another. Mary and I did celebrate the occasion with an extra big evening in bed—we woke up Elizabeth a couple of times, but she went right back to sleep. Mary was now 33, and not too happy about it.

By the way, in case you are wondering about it, it was not so unusual for babies to be born under these circumstances in our area of the state. I can't speak to what went on in other places. Everybody knew that Mary was my mother, but the fact that she was also serving as my wife was just ignored. Our friends didn't care as long as we were happy, and nobody else counted, so what the hell?

Same as Hunter
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Main Ashiq phir ek sachi kaha lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye . Yeh unn logon ke liye hai jo munn hi munn sab sochte hain par samaj ke darr se kuch kar nahi paate aur unki cousins aur aunts padosiyon ya ajnaabiyon se chud jaati hain . Yeh kahani bikul sachi hai , yeh kahani bahut se doston ki hi kshani hogi aur iss kahani ko padne ke baad woh pachtainge ki unhone kya kho diya apni life main . Aurat ka shareer jab jawaan hoge lagta hai toh ussko apne badan ke badlaav samajh nahi aate aur masti...

3 years ago
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A Widow8217s Story

I have been searching for an experience as hot as mine but have not come across it. So I’m sharing mine. I’ll appreciate if you write to me with your feelings and fantasies. My name is Swati. I’m 26year old widow with one girl child of 4years. I got married to Murty about 5years back and lost him one year ago. Murty worked as carpenter in our city -Salem (Tamil Nadu). We were a happily married couple. We had satisfactory sex. He used to fuck me in different positions and arouse all my sense...

3 years ago
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MoneyChapter 2

On Monday, Janey had trouble concentrating at school. She had let her stepdad go down on her ... and she had loved it! She wasn’t attracted to him, though... Was she? He had made her cum hard, but was that because of him, how forbidden it was, or his tongueing skills? What was that called? Cunning linguist? She asked her best friend Trissa at lunch. “Cunnilingus,” the curvy brunette replied, making a V with her fingers and flapping her tongue between them. “Why you askin’?” Janey...

3 years ago
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Our Path to Husband Swapping Part 3

The day after our make out secession where the guy’s cocks were pulled out to play, I got a call from Stacy. Before I could say anything she asked me if I was upset with her. I told her of course not, then she asked, “What happened to just kissing?” She recanted, what Sam had already had: that they were making out hot and heavy. Sam started rubbing her pussy. She couldn’t believe how great it felt. Sam had two fingers in her pussy when her hand fell on to his hard cock. She wanted to feel his...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Sofi Ryan Vote For The Vag

Busty caramel cutie Sofi Ryan is running for class president, and she is willing to do anything to make sure she secures the election. She asks her annoying stepbrother to convince all his friends to vote for her with a little naked surprise in the kitchen. The incredibly curvy babe shows off her big tits and then sucks her stepbrothers cock to make sure she gets the votes she needs! Later, Sofi tells her stepbrother that she got caught fucking her boyfriend at school. The worst part is that...

2 years ago
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My First Horny Encounter

Hi, this is my first story. I am from Chennai and this story is when I finished school and was attending college. It is about how I lost my virginity to my schoolmate. You can share your comments on I was a shy boy at school and rarely talked with the girls in my class during college. But I used to have huge boners by seeing a few of them and even jerked off in the bathroom. But I never got the chance nor the guts to lose my virginity at school. Unfortunately, I joined a men’s college and I...

1 year ago
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Hi back again… This is my friend new story. I met him in London last week .his name was mike. So let start… It all started a few weekends ago when I (mike) had been incredibly horny and my girlfriend was out of town. She wasn’t expected to be back for another two days and I needed some relief. She always wore really sexy panties and I loved the way they felt when she would grind up against my bare cock during foreplay. Being as horny as I was I went to the dirty clothes hamper and found the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My Two Bestfriends

I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...

First Time
1 year ago
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Breif encounter

It had been a long boring day I had did shopping in town and was thinking of going home then I saw her. Walking in my direction very sexy curvy figure long brown hair wearing a skirt low cut silvery top and leather coat. Some how she seemed early familiar to be despite me never having met her before then she made a b-line for me. “Kevin is that you its me sexy minx from date mate.” it it me it was her she stays nowhere near here. “wow how long you been up here?” “all week I'm leaving today if I...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Bradly The Note

"Hey, Bradly?" I asked out, cracking open the bathroom door. "Yes, sis?" I heard him reply. "I just got out of the shower, and I forgot a towel. I'm drenched wet and naked here." "Okay, Jenna, I'll get you a towel," I heard him tell me, before I heard some footsteps. A few seconds later, I saw him carrying a towel, but with his other hand up to block me. "Thank you, Bradly," I said, taking it and before I wrapped it around myself. "I love you, and I know I'm your sister, but you...

3 years ago
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Dads little gal

She came sneaking in the house around midnight. She was tiptoeing to the stairs. She knew she was supposed to be home two hours ago. Surely daddy would be sleeping now and she could get in bed before he knew she did not make it home by curfew.She put her foot on the bottom stair and then she heard him.Little girl, where in the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is. The breath she had been holding trying to make it upstairs, slowly came out with a long sigh. She knew she was in trouble...

3 years ago
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The Making of a CocksmanChapter 4

The next morning was a day to sleep in, it being Saturday, but of course that didn't happen with Claire and the posse in the house. They were particularly charged up that morning because two of their number were no longer virgins and one of those had forfeited that virginity within range of the hearing of the rest, only the night before. I didn't know they had actually been in the hallway, listening to Large Marge moan her way through a couple of orgasms while her virgin pussy got all...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 64

Time: 6:00 PM day 267 of 1536 N.H.E. (New Hopewell Era) Mayoni and Kalea were the first to enter the executive conference room on the ninth Level of Spirit House, a half hour early for the upcoming meeting. The western views out the panoramic windows looked very familiar. They should have. Mayoni's and Kalea's apartment was directly above the conference room on Level-10. Through all the years of their absence, the Hopewell had kept the apartment reserved for them. The two sisters sat down...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Part 1

My name is Tina, I just turned eighteen. I live with my mother Allie in our log cabin home which sits on three acres overlooking the lake.My mother came home one day a year ago and caught my father in their bed with his cock up his buddy’s ass. Mother then found out about his other indiscretions and filed for divorce. After months of proceedings it was final. My father left and we have not seen or heard from him since.We have grown much closer since the divorce became final five months ago. I...

4 years ago
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My Deep Dark Fantasy

My Deep, Dark Fantasy We were traveling back from a visit in the Couer 'd Alene area and stopped at a XXX store in Spokane where I got a new DVD I have been wanting. You and I have become very close friends, have a bond stronger than most friendships and have been able to share our most deepest thoughts and feelings with each other on things never disclosed to another human ever before. A brief history on us, we met when I started going out with your mom and you were only 14 years old....

1 year ago
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BangBus Sophie Leon La Ta gets on the bus

You shouldn’t mix family and business. This is even more true if your job involves getting random girls fucked on a bus. Jorge, our driver extraordinaire, got a phone call asking him to pick up his auntie. Jorge is a good man, and takes the request, royally pissing off the rest of us in the van. What are we going to do driving your auntie around? Well when life hands you lemons, or hot ass aunts with big titties and fat asses, you should go and fuck them. Jorge soon realizes his mistake in...

3 years ago
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Brother8217s Best Friend Took Virginity 8211 Part 1

Hi readers! This is Rahul back again with another lusty story. Well, for my new readers, I am basically a 20 years old guy from Odisha. I am around 5ft 10in with a 6.5-inch dick of decent thickness. I have brown-tanned skin. This story is from one of my readers about how she lost her virginity. Let’s call her Pooja. So boys, grab your dicks and girls, dip your fingers in your pussy and enjoy the story. I will tell the story from Pooja’s perspective. Hello guys, I am Pooja. Let me describe...

3 years ago
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Team Photos 10 Lauren

This chapter worked out differently than intended, it was going to be the whole weekend, instead this is just Friday night. I'll continue working on it this week and will hopefully have some more out soon. Part 10: Laurens Present The rest of the week passed in a blur, things felt pretty weird and I felt like I was being pulled in every direction at once. Caitlyn and I developed a little routine, each morning I would watch her get dressed and it would get me so hot I would just...

3 years ago
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The Cottage0

True Story, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Incest, Reluctance Cam shivered as the hot water stop flowing. Quickly, he shot his arm out past the shower curtain and reached for the first grubby-looking, brown towel he could find, pulling it towards him. The towel felt crusty and hard as he rubbed it against his skin, almost as if it had never been washed. He smiled regardless - he had the cottage to himself this afternoon. Exhausted after helping his father build a deck for the past three days,...

2 years ago
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dont tell mom the baby sitter gives head intro

"She's not for you, she's for Kate, now go get your dad, we're going to be late." "But I'm old enough to watch her myself." Devon hated being treated like a child. He was almost thirteen, he could watch her. She was already asleep anyway. Plus all Mrs. Davis did was crochet and watch TV on the couch. "Enough Devon." his mom snapped. "Go get dad, Jenny will be here any minute." Jenny. Jenny was coming over. Devon walked up to his room, completely forgetting to talk to his...

4 years ago
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Bad Samaritan

Jerome sweated in the black Ford SUV. His tongue darted between his cracked lips and he flicked his gaze restlessly up and down the dim alley. Soon, he thought, soon. A rattling noise from the cupholder made him jump. He picked up the vibrating cell phone and opened it, checking the caller ID. “Yeah,” he grunted. He rocked back and forth in the driver’s seat, occasionally responding in short, clipped tones. “Uh-huh ... Already done ... No problem.” He clicked the phone shut and set it back in...

3 years ago
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My Fairy TaleChapter 9

I told everyone to go home and heal up. I was very concerned that there might be more trouble from a bigger group of soldiers. As magistrate I appointed three of the best riders in the community to be scouts. They were to work together and let us know if there were any more incursions by the army. I was not sure that the last attack was actually a true government backed army, or just a warlord that saw a vacuum he might be able to fill. Over the next three months we began to see an influx...

3 years ago
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Nanbanin Valaintha Sunni

Hi friends, en peyar Subash, enaku oru nanban irukiraan avan peyar Seenu. Enaku siru vayathil irunthen avan nanbanaaga irukiraan, enaku avanai migavum pidikum. Seenu parka azhagaga velaiyaaga irupaan. Naan kama padam athigamaaga paarpen, en vayathu 20 thaan aagugirathu. En nanbanukum athe vayathu thaan aagugirathu, seenu eppozhuthum naan ethaiyavathu ketal athai koduthu vitduvaan avalavu nerukamaaga pazhaguvom. Oru murai kama padam paarthu konde irukum pozhuthu iru aangal ondraaga sex seivathai...

1 year ago
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The Idea 6

The Idea 6. : How it all began. It all started with a crazy idea. Sat in a public bar, Mick and I were simply bouncing ideas off each other for possible ideal jobs. He turned to me and said “the best job in the world has to be filming those porno stars” to which I replied “No… The best job in the world would be filming everyday housewives and their dirty little fantasies” He almost instantly agreed. We both looked at each other and simultaneously said “could we!” So one week later we had...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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We Met On A Plane Part 2

Joan and I met during my weekly commuter flight from Newark to Milwaukee. During that flight, she favored me with the distinct privilege of fingering her pussy to orgasm. Afterward, we had dinner and then retired to my hotel room for a night of exhibitionist sex. Our viewers were a couple of coeds whose room had a window not twenty feet from my hotel window. At the end of the night, Joan and I agreed to keep in touch via text messages on our phones. She knew that I was in town every Sunday...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Lorettas Daughters

Not again, I thought, looking out the kitchen window. I had returned a few minutes before from a busted golf game, arriving home while the thunder still rumbled in the distance and the rain continued to pour down. I was disappointed because it was my first chance to play on my home course since arriving home from my first year of college. I gazed out the window at the two wet kittens on my neighbor's rear porch, at her two young daughters, apparently caught outside under the narrow roof, which...

First Time
1 year ago
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A Helping Hand

When I was nineteen I was your pretty average guy. I was five eleven, medium build, blonde hair, blue eyes. Lived in a small as town in the middle of upstate New York. There wasn’t much to do and when I wasn’t forcing myself into the affliction known as homework I was either entertaining myself with whatever I’d most recently managed to scrounge some cash together to buy, or I was usually hanging out with Kelly, my sister. She was a year younger than me and the family resemblance was pretty...

3 years ago
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Loving AmyChapter 21

Carl Samples knocked on the door a little before seven o'clock. When he saw Amy he threw his arms around her and kissed her. He held her for a while talking to her. Brad tapped him on the shoulder, "Excuse me, I thought you were here on business, not to man-handle my wife." Carl turned and smiled at him, "I don't hear her complaining." He kissed Amy one more time, "Really Amy, as much as I enjoy this, I have to get these papers signed and get home. Betty is going to serve me my...

2 years ago
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Meeting an old sexy friend

I am creeping up the age ladder now but this last weekend I was back in my home town in Bishops Stortford when I met the unmistakable beauty I had loved as a 21 year old, we hugged and kissed and with huge smiles decided to go for a coffee and catch up with the old days.We were both working at a research farm near the town, I had given up a carreer in the city and had recently joined the company and she (Toni) and I were always chatting at lunchtime. I had my 21st birthday party and the next...

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