A Firm Hand
- 2 years ago
- 26
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Dinner with the Hardesty family was great, as can be expected. Ann's a good cook, one of those who can take a recipe and make it her own. We ate well, although Bill and Theresa were itching to get back outside with the fireworks. And Cindy.
Cindy and Theresa helped Ann clear the tables and secure the kitchen after dinner. Jim and I moved outside and started setting up the bigger fireworks I'd purchased.
"I need a place to site these, Jim," I said.
"Dan, you spent some bucks here," he said, eyeing the collection of pyrotechnics.
"I thought we might want to set the neighborhood back on its heels. Sometimes fun costs money." I unloaded another box full of wires and a box with lights and switches.
"Man, you don't want to drag THAT through the airport, Dan. What is it?" Jim asked.
"My homage to my electrical engineering. It's an electric firing system. Help me string these cables." We strung a pair of wires to each of the fireworks and I taped electric igniters to the fuses. Then I connected the cables to the control box, turned a big key switch to 'test' and tested the circuits. Satisfied, I turned the switch to 'off' and stuck the key in my pocket.
"You've done this before," Jim laughed.
"Uh, yeah ... buncha times. This is my civilian version"
"Ooo-oohhh!," Jim said. "Combat engineer stuff."
"Or whacked out pyrotechnic fool stuff. Or maybe a little of both. You'd've thought we got enough of this way back when..." I said.
"Yeah, but just like flyin', sometimes you get the itch..." Jim answered.
"Yeah, and this is a whole lot more fun when you're not worried about keepin' people on the other side of the ditch. These are a lot prettier than claymores, too."
About that time, Ann walked out with Cindy. "Guys..." and then she saw my toys, "Omigod! Dan! You're nuts!" She laughed.
Cindy laughed too. "I told ya, Mizz Ann. We flew back with that in the cargo compartment."
"Yeah," I said, "Like Jim says, I would have had soooo much fun getting that on a commercial flight ... even without the little explodey things."
"Explodey things?" Ann asked.
"Yeah. Each of these wires goes to an electric igniter, just a little tiny one, but big enough to give TSA apoplexy. When I put the key in and arm it, pushing a button lights off the igniter and that sets off the firework. And I get to sit waaaay back here in a lawn chair and watch the stuff instead of lighting them by hand and running."
Cindy looked at Ann. "See ... don'cha just love it..."
Jim said, "We can go inside or we can stay out here." 'Out here' was noisy as the neighbors were all having their own celebrations. The various bangs and flashes weren't much of an impediment to conversation, though. "I vote for out here."
Ann said, "Cindy, wanna give me a hand bringing our loving husbands some snacks?"
Cindy knew how to handle this one. "Or we could just stand her and let them be satisfied with our presence..."
Ann laughed with Cindy. ""Oh, baby, I've tried. He STILL wants beer and chips!"
"Oooo-kay, then ... let's feed 'em..." Cindy said.
Jim and I waited for our wives to return, then the four of us sat ... Make that three of us. Cindy joined Bill and Teresa in adding to the sights and sounds, shooting rockets into the air.
"I didn't ask," I leaned over to Jim and Ann. "Were you guys planning on hanging around until midnight?"
"Can you stand it? "Ann asked. "That's what we were planning..."
"Okay, then. We're in it until midnight."
We watched and talked, occasionally joined by Cindy, but she was playing, doing things that I honestly think she'd not been able to do in her previous life, watching, talking, excited as other groups of kids from up and down the street made their way around.
Finally she came and sat in the chair next to me. "Okay! I've done that."
"Done what, baby?" I looked at her.
"Lit off just about every firework they had. All we have left to do is our big ones."
Jim said something to her.
"Yessir. You know, Mister Jim, I halfway expected my husband to tow one of those artillery pieces out from somewhere. I mean, he keeps surprising me..." she smiled at me. "Baby?"
"Jim, she doesn't know. And it wouldn't fit in the plane to bring back..."
"Oh, shit, Dan. You have artillery?" Jim was incredulous.
Cindy was staring. "You DO?"
I smiled. "Well, sorta ... One of my jobs, we were messing around in the machine shop of this powerplant, and there was the huge lathe and a big chunk of steel..."
Jim's attention was mine. "And..."
"And we build a bowling ball mortar. Dump in a few ounces of black powder. Drop a bowling ball on top of it, light the fuse, and WHOOM!!!! A bowling ball goes a few hundred yards."
"I cannot believe, Dan. I mean, I've HEARD about those..."
Cindy was resting her chin in her hand, elbow propped on the arm of the chair. "Mister Jim, I told ya. We should've known..."
"Awww," I said, "It's really not that big a deal. I mean, just a toy. After you shoot a dozen bowling balls, it kinda loses its appeal..."
Jim was shaking his head. Ann understood. "Jim, he was SINGLE. He had toys ... You're married. You got me. And Teresa. And Bill."
"And I'd trade all of my toys for Cindy," I said.
"Awwwww," Ann said.
"Nuh-uhhhhh!" Cindy said. "I LIKE your toys. I get to play with 'em. Unless you're gonna buy me a red Extra..."
Jim's ears perked up. "Extra? Like aerobatic..."
Cindy grinned. "Oh, Dan didn't tell you?!?"
"I didn't get around to that part, cutie..."
"So YOU tell me, Miss Cindy. I'm all ears."
And Cindy related that story.
"Now I'm jealous," Jim said. "I always wanted to play with one of those."
Cindy fueled the fire, talking about controls and visualizing maneuvers and then cooled things down. "But Mister Jim, YOU got to play with a fighter jet!"
Jim smiled. "Yes, Miss Cindy. But that was then. This is now..."
Ann reached over and touched Jim's arm and smiled sweetly. He patted her back and feigned a pout. "Cindy got to have fun in a little red airplane an' I didn't!"
"We'll do something fun later, Jimmy," she said, and then turned bright red. Stammering, she said, "I, uh, meant the fireworks."
Cindy giggled. "Oops! Sorry!"
Ann looked flustered. "Mercy! That came out wrong. She playfully slapped at Jim. "See! See what you caused!"
He kissed her hand. "I'm sorry, my love!"
Playful banter, chips and dip, another beer, and it was pushing midnight. By this time of the evening, word had gotten around, too, as in "Hey, they got some BIG fireworks at the Hardesty's" and we had over a dozen more visitors, adults and kids.
"It's show time," I said. I reached in my pocket and retrieved the arming key for the firing box, then bent over and inserted into the keyhole.
Jim asked, "Wanna countdown?"
"Yeah," I said. "I have ten shots. Nine little, and a big one. Let's start at thirty seconds to midnight."
"Okay, you have fifteen seconds to go."
"Everybody stand clear, folks!" I hollered. The crowd was waiting. I held my hand out. "Cindy, love..."
She smiled, face glowing. "Whatever you're doing at midnight on New Year's Eve..."
"Thirty-five ... four ... three ... two... " Dan counted.
I hit the first switch. BOOM! A star shell. When it exploded in the sky, I shot the second ... Heard oooohs and ahhhhs. Third ... Fourth ... sequencing. Cindy was holding my arm with both hands.
Somebody in the crowd started "TEN ... NINE"
Hit my fourth to last... "EIGHT ... SEVEN ... SIX..." third to last. BOOM! "FIVE ... FOUR ... THREE..." second to last. BOOM! "TWO ... ONE..." Simultaneously with shouts of "Happy New Year!!!" I fired the biggest shell and scooped Cindy against me, kissing her in the varicolored glow of the chrysanthemum shell high in the sky.
Our lips parted and I noted that Ann and Jim kissed just a little longer. I shook Jim's hand and hugged Ann and Cindy got hugs from both of them, then the kids.
"Jim, Ann, I hope this New Year brings us as much good as the old one did. I put my arm round my little red-headed cutie. "I started it out right."
"Yeah, buddy," Jim said. "If we can just live up to what our wives deserve..."
We picked up the debris from our little display, accept a few thank yous from the neighbors who'd come over for our finale, and rolled up the cords for my magic box. Finally we said bye to Jim and Ann and headed home.
"Did you have fun, little one," I asked.
"I sure did, baby," she said. "I know I sort of ignored you for a while there, but I never got to do that..."
"Do what?" I asked.
"You know, just run up and down the road with kids, and doing fireworks and stuff."
I glanced at her. Every now and then my amazing wife was replaced by a fourteen year old girl.
"No, it's not like that, my love. You give me, us ... we have a whole different level of excitement. But it was fun for a little while ... and then I realized, whatever those kids were playin' at doin', we, you and me, we're doing it for real. Like playin' Flight Simulator on the computer or preflighting Sissy." 'Sissy' was Cindy's name for our airplane. Like in "Dan, Cessna? That's close to Sissy. And I think she needs a name."
"Thank you for telling me that, sweetheart. Sometimes I wonder if I'm robbing you of your childhood."
"Dan, I'm fourteen! My childhood was over, what little of it I got to enjoy with Mom. I was gonna be a young lady, and Mom wasn't much help for that at all. You know we've talked about this."
We had. "I know, cutie, but still..."
"And exactly what was happening to YOU at midnight? I MADE my choice." She had that 'and you KNOW I'm right' expression.
I gave up. "Oh, I was kissing the most amazing woman on the planet..."
"There!" she huffed. "I will NEVER leave you, Dan."
"'Kay, princess," I said.
She folded her arms across her chest, feigning upset. "Like I'm gonna dump everything WE are to go pop firecrackers twice a year..."
"You made Jim jealous with that Extra business," I said.
"I didn't mean to make him jealous. I just wanted him to know how excited I was that I got to do that." She smiled at me again, finally. "Like you said, he flew Harriers."
"I know, sweetie, but sometimes us older guys would like to have some of the adventures from their younger days. Kinda like me with those fireworks."
"How's that?" she asked.
"When I was in the army, we used to mess around with hundreds of pounds of high explosive. A twenty dollar firework shell is NOTHING. But it's what I have now..."
She was thinking. "And you didn't tell me about that bowling ball thing?"
"Oh. The mortar. Honestly, babe, I haven't played with it in years. It's just stuck in the corner of the garage."
"Do you have any OTHER surprises, my guy?" In the dim cab lighting, I could see the angelic face, bright eyes, and smile."
"I'll have to think, but I'm pretty sure there's nothing significant..."
"You know what?"
"What?" I asked.
"We need to take Mister Jim and Mizz Ann on one of our weekend trips. We could fly somewhere, and rent a car. I'd sit in the back seat with Mizz Ann. I mean, since everybody knows we're married, we could be two couples..."
"That's a thought, you know, princess." I smiled, lightly kicking myself for not seeing the idea myself.
"And we need to find US a concert, too. I love going with you to those things. It feels good getting dressed up and going out among nice people and hearing beautiful music. What'd you say, four or five hundred miles for a weekend trip?
"Five or six hundred, if we're ambitious. Maybe a bit more," I said.
"So that's uh ... Houston. Atlanta. Kansas City. Charlotte. We're bound to find something..."
"Somebody's been thinking about this," I said.
"Yep! According to the manual, we have a thousand mile range, and you usually cruise at a hundred thirty-five knots. That's like a hundred and fifty miles an hour." She smiled.
I should've known better than to imagine otherwise. "Okay. Cindy's done her homework."
"Just thinking. You. Me. Concerts. Something I like." Smile.
"You know, Cindy, I've loved this music all my life. I've had a wife and a couple of girlfriends, and they just tolerated my choice in music. And then there's YOU."
"No, Dan, there's not ME, there's US. And YOU got me started with this music. I remember the first one..."
"First one? Moonlight Sonata."
Squeal! "You remember too..."
"Of course I do, sweetness. You are memorable." I remembered the perfection of her innocently sweet, soft frame pressed against me that night.
We pulled into the RV park at near one in the morning and Cindy hit the shower first, followed by me, followed by bed.
"Leave the little light on," she said.
That meant only one thing at one-thirty in the morning. Cindy wished to play. I wished to play whatever Cindy wished. Sassy red hair bounced above green eyes and spectacular smile. "What you're doing on New Year's Night, you're going to do all year..."
"Who you're doin'..." I said.
Giggle. She rolled atop me and kissed me, filled with glee. "You. Me. US. We're doin' US.!"
"Us is better'n I ever hoped, Cindy." I passed my hands over that outrageous copper hair, kissing her again, then I rolled her onto her back and went from her face downward, kissing, nibbling, savoring every squeal, shudder and giggle as her hands controlled my head and my hands wandered, exploring a body that was absolute delight.
I ended up brushing my lips through the light fuzzing of reddish brown hair on her pubic mound, kissing, studiously avoiding going near a cleft glistening with expectation. She spread her legs and pushed on my head, guiding me, and I teasingly kissed on both sides of her pussy, its lips pink and turgid, parting slightly.
"Ohgod, Dan! Stop teasing me!" Her hands clamped on the back of my head and she curled her torso, planting my face where she wanted it.
Okay. Time to stop teasing my doll. "Mmmmmm," I hummed, savoring the scent, and as my tongue flicked between those lips, the taste and texture.
It was her turn to go "Mmmmmmm." And "Oh, Dan ... that feels so good..." her hips became mobile as my lips and tongue roamed. "Dan! My button!"
I can follow directions. The 'button' in question was pushing its little pink dome among moist folds of delight and I knew that my baby liked to have my lips work on it. I did. I was rewarded by gurgling, breathless hisses and then "Nnnngghhhh! Yesssss!" She was rewarded too, apparently.
Her fingers curled and dragged on my head. That was a sign that my face's presence was required elsewhere. I moved up near her. Her face was relaxed, smiling, post-orgasmic, but not ready to quit yet. Giggle. She slid down me, her lips parted by her pink tongue. Two hands wrapped around my excited shaft. Another giggle. "I like it when you're excited."
"I stay excited around you, red-head," I said.
"But it's REAL excited!" An electric pulse coursed through me when her tongue flicked the head of my dick.
"Ohhhhhh, Cindy..." I moaned. "Mmmmm..."
"I like this," she said. "I like feeling you..." Her head bobbed, pushing soft, moist mouth over my shaft. I felt teeth grip the skin, and I felt the giggle as she played with me like a toy, teasing with teeth, sucking, her tongue mobile in her mouth, working me. "Mmmmm!" giggle. "I tasted that!" Her hand milked me. "Gimme another one." Her right hand kept my dick from going too deep into her mouth and her left curled under my sack, toying, tugging, working my balls, and I was on the way to the precipice.
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InterracialWet dreams about Bob kept me restless the whole night and I had just awakened from a scene with him licking butterscotch topping off my body when I heard him call out my name. He sounded overwrought and I jumped out of bed and ran down the hall. "Bob?" I opened the door of his room and entered without knocking. "Are you okay?" He seemed to be scrambling around on the bed, but it was hard to see in the dark; even with the moonlight streaming in his window. His bed was in the...
I woke up one morning with a huge boner, very usual. What was unusual though, was that I wasn't on my bed, it was someone elses bed.I partied with one of my female acquiantances the night before and I got pretty drunk. I know for a fact we did nothing sexual though. Her name's Ami, at the time she was only 14 with shoulder length blonde hair. She was very petite with some extra meat but not fat at all. I was 17 at the time.I was still fully clothed as I got up from the bed and I noticed the...
Introduction: Dad and mother and daughter think about cousin The next morning, Julia was walking past her parents bedroom. Phip had gone out with his friends to play basketball, and she wanted to do some shopping for her Dad and cousin Cindy. The big party was only a week away, and her mother had promised today they would find something. She heard music playing softly, and pecked at the closed door, then knocked a bit louder. Finally she pushed it open and peeked in. She saw her mother...
This story takes place in season four. Also, it is only a oneshot, I am not going to continue this. Priya hated Penny. Priya hated Penny more than Penny hated Priya. She couldn't believe that Leonard was dating that dumb blonde from across the hall from his apartment for years.She wasn't sure when that hate turned into something sexual. She was definitely heterosexual, she was sure, but that didn't stop her from noticing... attractiveness of attractive women. And, she couldn't help but to...
Joseph marched across the town square with purpose, his mind and nerves in turmoil. He pulled his cloak around him tightly as his boots squished against mud and stone. The last few days had been trying, though he'd done his best to hide his troubled state from his dutiful wife. How could he tell such a pure woman of the awful things he'd seen? Of the scandalous things he'd done in his own mind's eye! Theirs was a simple town and a simple people. They'd turned away from all modern things...
Copyright© 2003 Animals emit scents in mating season to attract the opposite sex. According to certain entrepreneurs, the bottled essence they sell has a similar effect on humans. MONES Most Powerful Scientific Sex Attractant!!! This is the ULTIMATE pheromone product available anywhere. It contains 50 times the androstestone of other brands. Our laboratory has developed other secret ingredients contained in this formula. This is the ULTIMATE SCIENTIFIC SEX ATTRACTANT! Max picked...
Hello dosto mera naam tushar hai me ISS ka regular reader hu,kafi stories padne k baad mujhe laga ki mujhe b apni stories share krni chahiye,chaliye me thoda aapko apne bare me bata deta hu meri height 5’11 hai, I have athlete bodies or me dekhne me thik lagta hu ye story tab ki hai jab me punjab se btech kr rha tha,mera 3rd year chal rha tha me class ka class representative( R tha to mostly meri har teachers se achi baat thi 3rd year ka Naya session start hua tha sab bache dhire dhire aarhe...
One step at a time Step 9 David was awake early the following morning having had another restless night. On returning home he had spent most of the evening tottering around his house on the new 3 inch heels given to him by Deborah. His feet and the backs of his legs ached from wearing the shoes. He slithered out of bed and made his way towards the bathroom. In the bathroom mirror he inspected his bottom following the beating he had received from his line manager Jane. Thankfully the...
Blonde Stepsister Madison finally catches her older stepbrother Chad stealing from their parents room and confronts him saying she is going to tell the parents what is really going on, since the last time he tried passing the blame onto her. Chad pleads for her not to tell but only on one condition and that would require letting her find the truth on his big cock rumors. But now Chad will give her what she wants as long as she promises to not tell on him and Madison agrees to the deal as long...
xmoviesforyou"Janice I have to go collect Ramsey now but we can talk after choir or you can txt me and I will ring you when the coast is clear. One of these weekends Ramsey is going to go golfing for the weekend again. ``we can have fun then if you are up for that." "Oh that sounds good to me. Will I be able to have Jac too at that time?" "Janice of course you can. The two of you can spend the night here. You can tell your parents that we are going to do some nighttime riding. That will be true lol."Janice...
Jade and I followed the hallway. There were a few turns and we passed two doors, but there were no other branching hallways, nor any sign of Walker, my mom, or Ruby. After one last turn, the hallway came to an end at a door that was left ajar. I stopped short of touching the door. I knew the doors locked automatically, but Rho never told me whether they closed themselves or not. I recalled during her demonstration that she closed the doors. So, maybe like real doors, these had to be manually...
I waited outside of the examining room while Marika was checked and samples were taken. After a few minutes, I was approached by an older police officer in plain clothes. “Are you Mr. Robert Thomas?” he asked.“Yes.”“I’m detective Folly and I have a few questions to ask concerning Mrs. Thomas. Could you follow me?”We went into a small room with a small round table and a...
NovelsBambi Black, Vina Sky, and Rina Ellis are some art hoes. They go around having so called artists paint them nude and get paid to do it. All they really have to do is stand around and look hot, so it is a pretty good gig. But our stud is ready to come up on the situation. He poses as an artist to have these chicks strip down and pose for him. And even though the girls do not think his set up looks completely legit, they want to get paid. They line up naked and strike some poses, but instead of...
xmoviesforyouGeorgia – Part Two By the time I got to the third floor, I was huffing and puffing. Lugging that tray pack sax/clarinet/flute case up six flights of stairs was no picnic. And, of course, I had packed an instrument stand and a bunch of tools in it, so it weighed about seventy five pounds. I’m getting too old for this shit, I thought to myself. I leaned against the wall in the landing, trying to get my breath, before opening the door, and venturing out to the hallway. I stood the case on it’s...
BDSMSteve Shows His New PonyBoyBy Richard Taillon Chapters 1- 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1Finally I was there after a two hour drive. I could see the house at the bottom of the mountains, in a very secluded place. At least he gave good directions because it's almost impossible to find it at the end of a dead end road.As I approached, the house was a one floor building with wings. It seemed well kept. I parked...
THE DINNER DATE 1/ Stephanie found the next few days quite difficult. Even though she was making a great effort to appear as much like a woman as possible, it was still quite apparent that she was......well......a man. If she could still think of herself that way. Eve, her old neighbor, visited most evenings and despite Stephanie's growing artistry with a make-up brush she was still convinced she didn't quite pass. A lot of it was in her head. Some found great enjoyment in...
The next morning, I added up all of the money that I had or was coming to me, and it came out to over $2,000 when I included the remnants of the $500 that my father had given me when I left Philadelphia. Shit! There was no two ways about it—I was rich! Unfortunately, the money had come to me so quickly and relatively so easily that I was overcome with greed. Instead of quitting while I was ahead, I wanted more. Therefore, I was returning to those oh so lucrative woods tomorrow. I restocked...
As Salam Alaikum, my people. The name is Steve ‘Suleiman’ Fleur, and I’m a big and tall young black man of Haitian descent living in the City of Hull, Quebec. I’m an accounting student at the Hull campus of the University of Quebec, and lately, life has been throwing a lot of hurdles my way. No bed of roses, that’s for damn sure. Might as well tell you about it. I hear that confession is good for the soul. I was born in the City of Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, and raised in Quebec. My parents...
Marjorie, who usually went by Marge but mostly by Grannie, burst in the door of their apartment and called out loudly, “Honey, where are you? I’ve got some exciting news!” Her older husband didn’t respond so she yelled louder because he was hard of hearing. He finally put his head around the corner and said, “What’s going on?” sounding a bit annoyed. “I found my perfect 60th birthday present today.” “So where do I have to go to buy this?” her husband asked promptly. She happily said, “Oh you...
Cabin did not describe the luxurious split-level home that Phil's friends had provided for their weekend holiday. Four bedrooms, an immense kitchen, three baths and a large den complete with fireplace provided enough space to get lost in. It was more than either Susan or Phil expected. However, the chill filling the cabin was something they hadn't expected. It was the type of chill that a roaring fire couldn't dispel. "I think we blew it, brother," Susan whispered to Phil while they...
This is a sequel to ”I was so careful” where my wife discovered my reading erotica and watching ”dirty” pictures on the Internet. I had been so afraid. I thought that this discovery would make her mad at me, or even worse – despise me. But instead it opened up a communication around our sex life that we had never had before. We had sex more often, and she took initiative, which had not happened in years. She suggested bathing nude in the hot tub – only with her and me of course. We caressed...
Note: This story contains explicit sexual content and is for adults only. It should not be read by people who are offended by such material or are not legally allowed to access such material. All characters in this story are over the age of 18 years old. By the second day of their vacation the sisters were fed up with the brothers of Delta Kappa Magnum. They were each professionals in their mid twenties, and they had come to the beach to soak up some sun and forget about their worries. They had...
People say that the shy and scared hide in shadows and secluded corners, that agoraphobians dwell in their own cocoons, safely locked away from our everyday humdrum. They might be right. Most of the time. But the shy and the scared are lured forward sometimes, to the clattering beat of a new twelve incher, to the clattering beat of high heels, and to the clattering, shattering strobe of the slitter on a punch drunk crowd’s glitter, sputter, sweat, spit, smiles, strips, body shots and acid...
This is the latest story about Cindy Lou, the sexy blonde swinger from Alabama and her carnal adventures in New York. For more background on her and her beautiful roommate, see previous episodes. * One Friday evening in July, when Cindy Lou Dobson came home from work to the apartment she shared with Amanda, her cousin and frequent sex partner, she was already looking forward to the party she expected them to attend the next day. She and the pretty brunette kissed each other’s cheeks, rather...
“Escaped convict, the black widow, strikes again, so far five dead.”David looked up at the screen of his television. The picture of a dark, attractive woman was on the screen.“If you see her, do not approach her. Call the police and report her whereabouts. This woman kills for pleasure, do not be her next victim.”David laughed, he loved a good horror story and all this scaremongering over the last month had tickled him.He was an egomaniac and could not help but think to himself, I could change...
HorrorMARRIED WOMAN AND THE PHOTO SHOOTMy name is Jane and I have been married to my husband John for over 20 years,We have two young boys and life is so good,My husband and I have a great relationship and the sex is always so good we have over many years found different ways to spice up our sex life,I currently work park time in a hotel as a receptionist but many years ago I was a model for a major catalog company and have always maintained my figure and looks,My husband always says that I still...