RepercussionsChapter 2 free porn video

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Reggie finally pushed her heavy body up off of me. I can breathe a little easier now. But I'm still in a hell of a lot of pain.

She laughed quietly and said, "I knew I was going to enjoy that. But I had no idea I'd cum from fucking you! That was pretty fucking hot! And the best part is that there's no mess! Well, not for me anyway. You have some housecleaning to do."

She chuckled and added, "And from now on I'll be able to do that any time I want."

I thought to myself, "The hell you will!"

I still had no idea to what depths I would be dragged this afternoon and evening. I still thought I would leave here and have this crazy girl arrested.

She finally pulled her rubber cock out of me and walked around to my face on her knees. Once more that massive black rubber cock was dangling in my face. I stared at it in revulsion. I can see my bodily fluids on it. I can smell myself on it.

Reggie snarled, "Open wide, cunt! You're going to appreciate me for giving you a little cocksucking practice later when you're doing it for the guys. After sucking on King Dong here, sucking on their cocks should be no problem for you."

I think that my mind didn't really grasp what she was saying beyond the fact that she wants to put that disgusting thing back in my mouth. I honestly don't think I understood what she was saying about sucking guy's cocks. Or perhaps I just couldn't deal with thinking that far ahead into my dismal future.

She took a few more pictures, close-ups of my face with that slimy thing resting against my lips. Then more pictures as I lapped at it and then sucked as much of it as I could get into my mouth. It wasn't very much. The thing is huge. I did my best, though. I can still feel my ass tingling from the beating I received with that fucking ruler. I fully intend to do whatever I have to do in order to get out of here in one piece. And I fully intend to call the cops as soon as I get past her front door ... I think.

She left about three inches of it in my mouth while she unfastened the buckles that held it in place around her body. Then she pulled it out of my mouth and moved it around in front of my face until I had cleaned every inch of it with my tongue.

When she finally put it down on the table I begged her to take off the handcuffs. They're killing me!

She patted my head and said, "I need to get a few more pictures first, cunt. When I take those cuffs off I want to be sure you'll do everything I tell you to do from now on."

I sobbed loudly and pleaded with her. I promised, "I swear it, Reggie! Oh god! It hurts so bad. I'll do whatever you want me to do. Just take them off!"

She grinned and said, "Not quite yet. First I want you to meet Barney."

I wasn't really thinking clearly by then. I felt my panic level rise rapidly. I don't know anyone named Barney. The only Barney I know of is a fuzzy purple dinosaur. I thought it unlikely that was the Barney she was referring to. By that time I only knew that it was bad enough being tied down and half naked in front of Reggie. I couldn't deal with the idea of a boy seeing me like this! I mistakenly assumed that's the worst possible thing that could happen to me.

Reggie got up and pulled her slacks back on. She picked something up from the coffee table and started walking around me again. It's another camera, a movie camera!

Oh god! Will this humiliation never end?!

Reggie moved all around me, filming me from every angle. Then she stood in front of me and said, "I think that once I get the pictures I want of you and Barney I'll be able to take the handcuffs off. Now I don't want you to worry. That won't be the end of the fun. I have a lot more planned for you today. I was going to save Barney for last. But I want the pictures of you and him to sort of cement our relationship. Once I get those I think you'll have a better idea of where you stand. I'm pretty sure that after Barney you'll be a lot easier to handle and I'll take those cuffs off."

"Before I bring Barney in, do you want me to beat your ass with the ruler for a little while to remind you of your options?"

I whimpered, "No. Please don't hit me again."

I knew I couldn't stand any more of that pain. I'm apparently going to get fucked again no matter what I say or do. There's no sense making the next rape any more traumatic than it will already be by resisting and forcing her to beat me first. And whoever this Barney is, his cock can't be as awful as the rubber one with which she just raped me. Besides, I've nothing left to defend. My virginity is gone now. But still ... a boy is going to see me half naked! A boy is going to fuck me!

With real regret in her voice she said, "God. I wish the others could be here to see this. But I guess we can re-enact it later. At least I'll have the pictures. That first time though, it's so exciting!"

She left the room and I heard her open the patio door. Seconds later there was a flurry of sound and motion and the largest fucking dog I've ever seen in my life was circling around me frantically, prancing nervously and whimpering in excitement.

Even though I don't think I realized yet what Reggie had in mind I screamed as that pony sized dog began sniffing at me and licking me. But the realization of the true horror of my situation was about to be made clear to me.

Reggie came back into the room and said, "Brenda, meet Barney. Barney is a full blooded Great Dane. We've had him since he was puppy. He's almost three now and he's never had a bitch to fuck. You're going to get his cherry. Gee! If I'd thought about it I could have let him take your cherry, too! Oh well. At least he gets sloppy seconds. I don't think he'll mind."

She was filming the shock on my face and her huge dog moving around me, licking all the bare skin he could find. He licked my face first. But he was quickly drawn to the other end of the hassock where he must have detected the smell of the juices from my pussy.

I screamed when I felt his tongue on my pussy. I brought my knees together to try to protect myself from him. He didn't even seem to notice. His tongue continued to find its target, sliding over my vulnerable pussy and between the cheeks of my ass.

Reggie laughed when she saw me pressing my thighs together tightly and said, "That might not be in your best interests, Brenda. You don't really want him fucking your asshole do you? Or do you? I hear some girls are into that sort of thing."

No. I certainly don't want him fucking my ass. I don't want him fucking me at all! I want out of this house of horrors!

I tried once more to reason with Reggie. But as soon as I opened my mouth she said, "Listen stupid. You're going to get fucked by a dog. There's no way you can avoid it. If you want me to beat you with the ruler first until you finally give in I'll be more than happy to accommodate you. But I have to warn you. When Barney sees me beating you with that ruler there's no telling how he might react. He might bite your skinny ass before he fucks it. There's no telling what he might do when he gets excited. He's very protective and sometimes he doesn't know his own strength."

She has the most awful look on her face. She's so excited by what she's doing to me that her eyes are almost shining. She looks sweaty and as incredible as it seems humiliating me like this must really excite her because her face looks like it's actually bloated with lust!

She filmed Barney's assault on my exposed rear end with his tongue for a few minutes and then said, "I know what your problem is, Brenda. You don't want Barney to think you're too easy. You probably think there should be a little foreplay first. We're limited when it comes to foreplay with Barney, though. He isn't very good at caressing. I suppose you can try to kiss him some other time. But he looks like he's already beyond that stage in your relationship now. I have an idea! Barney can't be your first fuck. But I'll bet you've never sucked a cock, either. Have you?"

My stomach turned when I realized what she was saying. I very nearly vomited. I probably would have if my stomach wasn't empty. I gasped and whispered, "Oh no! Reggie no! Please! I can't. I'll get sick!"

She laughed and said, "I don't care, cunt. Don't worry. I won't let him cum in your mouth. Not this time. I want him to fuck your nasty cunt. I just want a few good pictures of you with his cock in your mouth."

It's hard to concentrate. Her huge dog is worming his snout in between my legs and licking frantically at my pussy. I'm certain now that before I leave her house today I will have lost my mind. But then, I suppose that's a better alternative than remembering the things she's making me do.

I watched her grab the huge dog's collar and pull him away from my crotch. He didn't go easily. He whimpered and struggled to get his face back between my legs. But Reggie is a very strong girl. She pulled him away and led him around the hassock, whimpering and whining and straining against her until he was standing in front of me. His left side is in front of my face. He's so tall that when she pulled him over my face his cock was higher than me, sticking out horizontally and throbbing. She adjusted his position, moving him closer until the tip of his cock rested on my right cheek. When she was finally satisfied only a fraction of an inch separated the end of his cock from my tightly closed lips.

And all I could do was close my eyes.

The dog stopped struggling when he felt his cock rubbing on my cheek. I doubt if he knows what's going on. Dogs don't know about oral sex, do they? But he must have been able to feel the warmth of my skin on his cock and I guess he was willing to find out what this is all about.

I held my eyes closed as tightly as I possibly could. I can't stand to see what's happening. His ugly, mottled pink cock extends out about four or five inches past the hairy sheath that normally covers it. Every time it throbs now a fine mist of clear fluid has begun to spray out onto my cheek and into my hair.

The first time I felt that spray on my cheek I opened my eyes in shock and I saw Reggie. She was getting some close-ups with her digital still camera. Our eyes met and she ordered me to kiss the dog's cock.

I hesitated. I wasn't sure I could even make myself do what it was she had just demanded of me.

But she grinned and said, "I'm only going to say it once more, bitch. The next time you don't obey me I'm gonna pick up the ruler."

I'm obviously not too bright or I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now. But I'm smart enough to know I'm going to do what she demands of me one way or another. I know I can't stand the pain she can inflict with that ruler.

I kissed the tip of the dog's cock while she took a couple more pictures. It was awful, of course. And the smell is turning my stomach. But at least his cock isn't slimy the way I imagined it would be. It just feels like regular skin.

She ordered me to lick it ... and I did. I struggled to keep from vomiting. I can't cope with the idea that I'm having sex with a fucking dog. I want to shut my mind off. I tried to will myself into unconsciousness. But I just can't do it. I know the horror of what I'm doing now will stay with me until the day I die.

She took at least a dozen pictures of my tongue moving over the dog's throbbing sex organ. Then she ordered me to take his cock into my mouth and suck on it. I shuddered, totally repulsed by her perverted demands. But I opened my mouth. As soon as my lips separated, his hips thrust forward and his cock filled my mouth. Half of his still growing organ was thrust all the way to the back of my throat. I felt the stiff, nasty hairs from the sheath that normally covers his cock tickling my lips. I gagged again at the smell of dried urine.

As soon as I took his cock into my mouth she put the still camera down and picked up the movie camera again. She began filming me sucking on her dog's cock.

Barney's haunches began to punch back and forth rapidly in response to what I'm doing with my mouth and an amazing and horrifying thing happened. His cock, which had been slowly growing longer and fatter, suddenly filled my mouth. It stretched my jaws apart as it reached dimensions rivaling those of the fake cock Reggie fucked me with!

The clear fluid continued to spray into my mouth and coat the back of my throat, the inside of my cheeks and my tongue. I started gagging again and I couldn't stop. I know I'm going to lose it any second now.

But she saved me from that fate and frustrated Barney once more. She grabbed his collar and with an enormous effort she pulled him away.

Barney had a fit when his cock was pulled from my mouth. But she quickly led him around behind me again. He stopped struggling when he realized she's leading him back to my pussy.

He paused briefly to lap at my pussy again. But he wasn't content to lick me for long. Reggie stepped back and began recording just as the dog lunged forward and began stabbing at my exposed crotch with his huge cock.

I cried out in pain as the dog's erection pounded into my tender flesh. Several times he very nearly gained entrance to my ass and I screamed at her to stop him.

But she doesn't care where he fucks me. She just wants to record him fucking me.

It occurred to me in the brief moment before the dog's cock entered me that Reggie was right. She owns me now. Between the pictures she has already taken and the dirty movie she's making, I'm hers. I can never let anyone see these images. I could never show my face anywhere in this town if she showed these pictures to the kids at school.

No boy would ever want me after that. No girl would have anything to do with me. Even if I told them what happened. Even if I had the balls to go to the cops and have Reggie arrested for what she has done to me here this afternoon I'd still be haunted by these pictures of me sucking a dog's cock and then letting him fuck me. Well, maybe not letting him. But the end result is the same. A dog has had his cock in my mouth and I sucked it. And now he's putting it in my pussy. No boy will want to go out with me once everyone in town knows I fucked a dog.

My life is over. Not the life of shame and humiliation she has planned for me. That stretches out into the future interminably. But life as I knew it is over. My life as a normal teenager with hopes and aspirations is over. From this moment on I have to do whatever this horrific female wants me to do, at least until I go away to college.

Summer vacation is going to start in a couple weeks. After that I have two more years of high school. Instead of what should have been two of the best years of my life, I now have two more years of submitting to this brain damaged monster who I so lightly taunted at school. The idea of what surely lies ahead of me for the next two years is soul shattering. I'm not sure I wouldn't be better off dead.

Barney's cock finally found the entrance to my vagina and he plunged it in with all of his considerable might. I screamed in pain as my still tender opening stretched to accommodate him. His cock is nearly as large as the fake one with Reggie took my virginity just minutes ago, and that's bad enough. But his incredibly violent thrusts are terrifying and each one hurts more than the one before it.

He didn't thrust into me for very long. After only half a dozen strokes he stopped driving his cock into my helpless body and began to tremble violently. He isn't moving now, but I feel movement between us. I can feel the knot at the base of his cock expanding against the lips of my pussy! It didn't enter me. He didn't "tie" with me. It just feels like a baseball is pressing against my tender opening.

And then I became aware of something else. He's cumming! I can actually feel his hot cum inside of me! I've had enough conversations about sex with girlfriends who have experienced it to know that when a guy cums inside of her a girl can't actually feel his semen inside of her.

But I can feel this. There's so much of it and it's so hot. It feels like he's peeing inside of me!

And all I can do was lie there and cry pathetically.

Reggie continued to taunt me relentlessly as I lay there under her dog. She invited me to smile for the camera as she continued filming. She told me we make a charming couple. She told me that since I'm such a good bitch she's going to give me a doggy treat when it's all over. She was even kind enough to offer me pick of the litter if I get pregnant!

I just stared at her blankly. I have to believe she doesn't really expect me to smile. She just wants to add to my anguish.

And just when I thought my situation couldn't get any worse I saw Reggie's head turn away and her smile grew even more evil, if that's possible. She turned back to me and said, "Don't go away. I'll be right back."

She moved out of my line of sight. I didn't know where she was going. I was just glad she and that fucking movie camera were gone. Seeing her hovering over me, smiling, enjoying my suffering, that only made it worse.

I had no concept of time passing. I was trapped in my moment of horror. My life is focused on the huge cock, the huge dog cock that's still raping me.

But I'm about to have it driven home that things can always get worse. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked up to see that Reggie has returned and resumed filming my dog rape. But she isn't alone now. Two of her sycophants have joined us.

Tara and Steph, Reggie's constant companions at school, have just arrived to enjoy my downfall. They're standing nearby staring. On their faces is a mixture of disgust and awe. But before I turned my face away again I realized I can also see amusement. They think the horrible things Reggie is doing to me this afternoon are entertaining!

I closed my eyes. But that doesn't block out the horror of my situation. I can hear them muttering, "Oh my god!" and "What a fucking cunt!" and equally erudite comments as they watch a Great Dane continue to fill my belly with hot, slimy, dog cum.

You might not think that I could sink any lower. It certainly came as a surprise to me. But having two more of the people I know from school witness me getting raped by a dog is more unbearable than I can describe. And I'm not even thinking about what my life is going to be like in the coming weeks when they start telling people what they're seeing me do here today. I'm still focused primarily on the here and now; on the idea that a huge dog is fucking me and they're watching. And from the sound of it they're really enjoying the show.

While Barney continued to fill me with his hot cum, Reggie pompously regaled her two brownnosing buddies with a description of everything they've missed. I was surprised she would admit to anyone that she forced me to eat her pussy and then she fucked me with a strap-on rubber cock. I certainly wouldn't have confessed to committing such perverse acts to anyone I knew! But she sounds pretty damned proud of herself.

Without ever taking her eyes away from Barney and me Tara asked her breathlessly, "What was it like? When she ate you out? What was that like?"

Reggie chuckled and boasted, "I came. The bitch got me off! Wait until Barney is finished fucking her. I'll make her get cleaned up and if you want I'll make her eat you out. I have a feeling the bitch will do anything I tell her to do from now on.

"Damn! You guys should have seen her sucking Barney's cock! I'll show you the pictures later. Yeah, from now on this bitch is mine. She won't want those pictures getting around school."

There was a spate of cruel laughter and a few more vulgar remarks made at my expense. Then Reggie asked, "Did you bring the thing?"

Tara answered, "Yeah. It's in that bag."

Reggie sounded pretty excited and not particularly concerned when she asked, "Are you sure it won't kill her?"

Tara didn't sound all that certain when she responded, "As long as she doesn't have a heart condition she should be okay."

I don't know what "it" is. But I don't like the sound of it.

Barney finally must have emptied his balls. He pulled back, pulling his still hard cock from my abused pussy. It hurt nearly as much when he pulled it out as it did when he slammed it into me. I cried out, and then I moaned in pain.

Reggie laughed and said, "Look at that. The stupid cunt is upset because her lover is finished. I guess she didn't cum when he was fucking her."

Tara laughed and said, "Maybe that's because she doesn't know about all the fun things you have planned for her this afternoon."

The three of them laughed like the idiots they are. They sound pretty pleased with themselves. I doubt if their combined IQ is much higher than my age. So I guess they're easily amused. But I have more to worry about than how much amusement Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest are getting from torturing me. I still have to survive this experience. I don't see how it can get any worse than what I have already suffered through. I have just been raped by a fucking dog!

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Discovering My Nasty Wife Part 5 episode 2

I nodded, lightly pecking kisses over her bush."Good boy, you did always say you wanted another man to make love to me. Didn't you?" I'm sure my blank gaze told her my state of mind. I loved her talking to me like this, making me face the fact that I loved her being turned on by another man. And making me admit to her that I loved the taste of his cock on her lips."I love this!" She said. "I can't believe I never took you up on it years ago. I get to let a sexy guy take me out and try to win my...

2 years ago
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Marriages are made in heaven 4

One day when i returned to my home i said to mom i am moving to Hyderabad for business tour and will come after ten to twelve days i was literally confused that how can i be far away from my mom because I’ve never stayed like that before. Mom said please don’t go infect she started crying like a small child, but i consoled her saying that it’s hardly ten day’s mom, then i definitely joining you back. So please don’t cry, then even i will start crying if u continue crying. Then finally the day...

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A Mothers Perspective

Hicktown Texas early fall 2019 A hot day a very hot day. A 24 hour restaurant middle of the morning. Carol Simpson a 61 year old a divorcee and a former teacher is sitting in the hallway of a restaurant waiting to be interviewed for a waitress job. While she waits for her turn, Carol thinks about her two kids Adam age 17 a recent high school graduate and his Sister Sharon age 18 who runs a small business out of the kitchen. After waiting for awhile the manager invites her into his office. “Do...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Lexxxi Nicole 22759

Lexxxi Nicole is hot and bothered because her boyfriend passed out on her again and their roommate Van won’t fuck her despite her advances. But that doesn’t stop her…Lexxxi doesn’t take no for an answer! She waits in Van’s room while he showers, then tells him to shut up and shut the door upon his arrival. Thirsty for dick, Lexxxi finds out that Van has a big cock — much bigger than that pathetic thing her man never uses. She fills her mouth with it until she gags on it, and then Van fills her...

3 years ago
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My Uncle Wallys Sissy Boy Wife

Penned by: Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh JohnsonOneI did not know what I could expect, as the Greyhound pulled into thebus station. I did not know a whole lot in fact, as I was a rebelliousknow it all, fifteen year old brat.My parents were pretty good as far as parents went. I had not locked aroof over my head, or enough food on the table, but I had alwaysresented the fact that my parents were not rich enough to give meeverything that I wanted. I knew in the back of my mind that this wasa pretty...

4 years ago
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Road Trip Ch 05

‘Yo, Dr. Hammond!’ They both looked up at the shout of greeting that sounded through the open door of the RV. Eve smiled at him from where she was seated, slipping on her shoes. ‘Go on, I’ll catch up,’ she told him. Will paused to study her delicate fingers buckling her sandals before giving her a smile and walking out to greet Hank. They had been friends since college, one of those comfortable friendships where no matter how much time passed they were able to pick up exactly where they left...

3 years ago
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Hawley BattleChapter 22

As Hawley, Giselle, and Capri walked into the front room of the mansion naked - the cheers erupted from all the naked women and girls. Each of them, from the oldest to the youngest, were identical in looks, size, and body shape. Gwynn Baker - Lynn’s Mom - is the oldest at forty-six, and even she is identical to her daughter. Her young partner, Kelsie, is identical to Gwynn. Already, Kelsie has her eyes on Hawley’s long fat cock. Hellene Battle had been sitting between Gina Marie and Mary...

2 years ago
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Sinful CyndiChapter 8

After my swim, I got a towel out of the closet by the pool and wrapped my nude body in it. I went up to Cyndi's room to wait for her. They were still at it, I saw through the viewfinder... I suspected they would be at it for some time. I lay down on the bed, feeling my cock get hard again. God damn! That little bitch was the hottest vixen I'd ever had wrapped around my cock. I never would have suspected that my own sister could be such a whore. But she was, and she did it quite admirably....

4 years ago
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The whole colonels family 1

The whole colonel's family Introducing myself This story is about me, Arnold Grabowski. Since this story is posted here one may suspect I'm really a girl inside and a man outside. This is true. This feeling didn't come suddenly. I felt it from when I was four or five. Just when I was fifteen I couldn't keep it inside me anymore. The main problem (I was sure it was the main one) I was already a six-footer when I was fifteen and my voice was gone already slightly down but I had no...

3 years ago
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Rich and Poor

The world had changed diversity had broken down, there was only the rich people and the poor people, the rich ruled and the poor suffered at the hands of the rich. There was a gang of chavs who fought against the rich and they were feared. A chav was a teenager who wore a hooded top track suite trousers called trackies training shoes called trainers and no under ware, they were lawless roamed in gangs and people avoided them if they could even the police stayed clear of them, it was only poor...

1 year ago
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Making Mother A Slut

Making Mother a Slut John raced up to his room and tosses his bookbag carelessly ontohis bed. Looking at the clock he noticed he still had a good two hoursbefore his mom got home from work. More than enough time he thoughtas he booted up his computer and logged on to check his e-mail. Hestiffened slightly at the "New Mail" message. It had started as a joke about a month earlier. He had found thesingles ad his mother had placed while searching in her room for thestack of playboys she had...

4 years ago
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First love first time Part 2

This is a continuation of a great friend's story but from my own point of view. You can find hers (part 1) by searching for "First love, first time" by Rubz As we lay there, I see that you have noticed movement, and you're eager for more. You slide down waiting impatiently for my cock to stiffen. After all of the years you have been waiting for it, a few more seconds shouldn't be that bad, but you can't wait any longer, you want it now. Grabbing hold of my dick you put the whole thing into your...

Straight Sex
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Couple I met on X Hamster

I found a delightful Black Couple on Hamster and after several messages and phone conversations we decided to meet up for a little adult fun. I dressed in a Black leather corset and matching stockings, no panties, and a pair of 6" spiked heels. I wore this under my coat and drove to their home. I was a bit nervous but rang the bell and Mandy answered the door. She was a lovely looking lady and was dressed in a pink garter belt, black stockings and heels. Over this she had a sheer black...

2 years ago
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Ein Video mit Folgen Sie wird beim Fremdgehen

Ein Video mit Folgen Auf dem Video war zu sehen wie vor zwei Wochen plötzlich die Tür aufging. Das Licht ging an und der Gastgeber der Feier, Doe, betrat das Zimmer. Er grinste noch schnell in die Kamera und sagte: " Und heute Folge 24 aus der Reihe "Party Schlampen hart gefickt". Heute seht ihr eine besonders geile Schnalle. Ihr Name ist John. Sie ist 18 Jahre alt, etwa 1,60 groß und hat einen traumhaften Körper. Ihre schönen festen Titten, sind ungefähr 75B oder C. Aber der absolute Hammer...

3 years ago
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A goodnight to dream about Gloria

Tonight is a goodnight to dream about a woman I met at the library named Gloria,She is a women with great curves,pretty eyes and wears glasses. She has a bit of blemishes on her face but I find that flaw to make her even better looking anyway in this dream are lips meet ever so gently and passionate I kiss her nice soft breast flicking my tongue on her hard nipples I slowly start kissing from the top of her breast to the bottom of her mounds of fleshy pussy lips I thrust my tongue inside her...

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SpaceChapter 25

Our guys could see me through the probes but I could not see the probes except the lines of force that were hanging in the air. I could comment now but they could see well enough. I did say, "Two more upstairs." The two were now naked and laying on the bed beside Miss Lime. They were playing with her breasts and pussy and just working themselves up. I checked the lock on the door and saw that it was not secured. I pushed the door open quickly and fired twice. The two had started to react...

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Seeing SisChapter 4

“Okay Luke. You are about to get fucked.” With that my head exploded from the plasma grenade fired by my so-called friend, Ted. “God damn mother fucking piece of shit!” I cursed until I was blue in the face. We were sitting in Ted’s parents’ finished basement playing the latest Halo and Ted was kicking my ass. “That’s twice - POWNAGE!” He crowed from the couch. “What is up. Your head just isn’t in the game - well except for those little bits splattered everywhere.” I tossed my controller...

2 years ago
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Mistaken blowjob when drunk

Janelle had been over a few times since then also. Each time she tried her best to avoid me or at least not make eye contact. The biggest difference was she putting me down. Actually, she didn’t say much when I was around. My sister Diana also took a notice that Janelle was acting different also. I overheard them talking about how Janelle had broken up with Chris shortly after that night, and that was why she was acting the way she was. I think I knew the real story. A couple weeks later...

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mother in laws awakening

I was married at 19 years of age and little did we know that at the wedding my father in law had already developed skin cancer and was dying.Within the year we had buried him, leaving my mother in law, Joan, alone in her large house.My wife had just given birth to our first c***d and this gave us the opprtunityto invite Joan over to help out giving her something to occupy her mind and I found myself doing all the household chores for her to keep the her house ship shape. This included taking...

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Timmys New Job

Timmy reread the ad, as the bus roared up the hill and diesel fumes wafted through the open window to upset his already nervous stomach. Wanted, a personal servant to attend to my every need. Must be a male with boyish looks, at least 18, but no older. Must be no more than five-foot five inches tall or shorter. Must be thin and small. Generally, the smaller the better. Applicants must respond by email for further instructions on how to apply. No experience needed.Timmy desperately needed this...

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Mothers Milk Part 2

“Don’t worry Mom, I’ll help you” Jason said, drinking in the scene before him. Where last night she had been wearing her maternity pyjamas, this time she was wearing matching black bra and panties. Her breasts strained against the fine silky material. This was no maternity bra, it was sheer and sensual. It looked too small for her milk filled breasts, which were spilling out over the top, yearning to be free. Her nipples were erect beneath the bra, he could see them poking up beneath the...

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Death of a HeroChapter 6

Darkness shielded Lincoln Steele as he sat in his pickup truck surveilling Jake’s house. There were no streetlights outside of town, and the thick clouds that seemed to always blanket Mississippi hid the moon. For the third straight night, Jake went into town, most likely to the bar at the Old South Inn. He always left the house lights on with the curtains drawn, but there wasn’t any movement. No one else came or left. Steele would search the house and, if it didn’t produce a lead, he’d take...

2 years ago
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I Married Daddy

I Married DaddyNote: ——I am NOT the author!MY name is Mary and to me the farm is the entire world. For as far as the eye can see there are beautiful pastures and crop rows. I would most often go a week or more without seeing a living soul except for daddy and daddy was a farmer, a simple hard working farmer, a man of the earth and strong as a tree. My daddy is a very handsome man and I love him.My mother died five years ago just after my 14th birthday. So it was just me, my big sister and my...

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Child Prostitute

Child Prostitute She was hanging outside my place of business all day long looking like a hooker but afraid to solicit money for sex from a stranger. Obviously she was new at it. I had seen a few prostitutes on my corner over the years but she was just a kid. Finally I walked outside and asked her if she wanted something to eat and drink. She said yes and I invited her inside. I asked her what she liked to eat and then I ordered a pizza for us to share and a couple of sodas. We...

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Jills Day OutChapter 7

Ohhh! The audience didn't seem offended by her remarks. They were more interested in the donkey, which had now been led around and was now behind her. It no longer needed to be led; in fact it was now pulling its handlers by the rope attached to its halter, eager to close in on the waiting woman. Jill looked through her thighs again and saw it suddenly rear up like a circus pony and take a couple of steps on its hind legs. Then it crashed down onto her back, crushing the wind out of her...

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sis and I 2

Breakfast conversation was very tense the following morning... at least for me. I hadn't slept very well. Cindy, on the other hand, seemed her normal self. She tried in vain to engage me in conversation, but only received grunts in reply. I was sulking and didn't even know why. I hadn't really done anything wrong and I certainly wasn't mad at her. It wasn't anger. I felt guilty... like I had taken advantage of my sister. It was irrational I know, but I was confused."Well little brother, I have...

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A Conservative Woman On Train

I was going to Ahmedabad . I got a closed compartment. I thought I was going alone.But before five minutes a man came and dropped his wife in my compartment.I was stunned to see her. She is Vasuki my neighborhood girl when i was 25.I had a crush on her even at that age.but i did not propose my love to her.I also had a great lust for her.she came and sat opposite to once she saw me she recognized me and we shared some some conversation as the train goes.She has a great structure. she wore...

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SisterInLaw And Niece Fuck My Brains out Part 8211 2

This is 2nd part to a multi part story: Please search using user name and read the first part to enjoy the entire story: Anupama goes to vaishali’s room, vaishali is still naked, lying on her belly with her thighs separated enough to display her pussy entirely. Anupama knew that I wanted her to make vaishali happy. She got an inspiration and instead of calling her out and waking her up, anu crept up to her and inserted her face between vaishali’s thighs and started licking her pussy. In a...

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The Cuckold Journal of Jane and Mark Part VIII

Mark: Jane looked good in her new blouse and skirt, no, not just good, absolutely stunning and sexy. I stood back for a few moments and looked at her while she leant over her dressing table looking into the mirror as she applied her lippy. She had changed over these few two weeks, there was no doubt about it. I couldn’t put my finger exactly on one specific thing but she was more confident, more self assured and more self aware. I wouldn’t exactly say that before embarking on my cuckolding...

1 year ago
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The room had begun to feel warmish, even with the air conditioning blasting away. A slight sheen of sweat clings to your breasts and your belly. A few full drops pool in your cleavage. Perhaps you may have been tempted to wipe them away, were your wrists not bound together, stretched above your head, and then secured to the headboard. The effect gave your body a long, graceful and sinuous look, a woman caught in her first morning stretch as she wakes, rather than a woman bound. Ravishing in her...

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Straight Man To Old Mans Plaything

Straight Man To Old Man's New Play Thing So let me start by giving you little background on myself m name is Sean I was a 23 year old guy from Ireland I had moved to England to work as a live in carer it was a job I enjoyed and it aloud me to travel all around the U.K. whilst also giving me plenty of free time I would usually work a month then get a week off to travel and relax. I was a quite person I mainly stuck to but usually got very sociable after a few drinks, I was just a normal...

2 years ago
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During the Isolation of 2019Chapter 2

- Two Quick Previews - 1. As I had two fingers up Candy’s ass she asked, “Daddy, how did you and Val do Mom? I mean, together ... two-on-yum.” “Is that what you want sweetheart? Getting it like the first time we double-dicked your Mom?” “Yes please! I am sure. Please?” 2. When Candy came out of the bathroom she was holding David’s hand in one hand and her robe in the other. “Gentlemen, tonight I want to feel like a certain type of woman ... the type of woman that is desired and...

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Travelling is fun

Hello to all those crazy iss fans reading this story. I have been reading a lot of stories here and fantasizing for a very long time. Let me introduce myself, I am Arman, 24 years old with an height of 5.11”. I had a lot of sexual encounters in the past few years, the one I am narrating today is one of them which happened 2 years back. Those days I was working in a call centre in Bangalore . One of my aunts family was settled in Tumkur, which is a small city around 2 hrs journey from Bangalore....

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 6 Daversquos Run

Dave found the strawberry blonde standing in front of the maternity store of all places absentmindedly admiring a row of female shaped mannequins with their plastic children. As he drew near to the woman Dave called out, “Miss!” When Cindy didn’t immediately responded Dave shouted, “Hey! Lady!” “Um. Yes?” Cindy sounded as if she was a thousand miles away. “Can I have your Breeding Pass?” Dave asked. “My what?” “Your Breeding Pass.” he replied. “The old man said he gave it to you.” “Oh....

2 years ago
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A Good Morning part one

“What the fuck was I dreaming about?” Alexa thinks to herself noticing rock hard nipples, piercing through her cotton t-shirt and feeling a familiar urge. “Must have been something really good.” Her right hand slides down under the soft light blue sheets, past her tan smooth stomach to her pink panties. She notices that they are also moist and rubs the damp fabric, caressing her clit and lips softly. Enjoy the sensation she stops suddenly, curious to know if Jordan, her husband, is awake....

1 year ago
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Spa assessment

Me and my wife just completed two years of marriage and we celebrated with a few friends. One of my wife's friend seema was a spa owner and she gifted her a few massage vouchers. She told us we should both go as it's a couple thing. She told my wife she will ask her best people to work on her and later the manager will meet up. Seema was planing to give an increment to all and needed an outsider to judge the place. Me and my wife agreed and her friend seema handed over a form saying she can...

Cheating Wifes
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Drum Song

It was the summer of 1683 when Jean Riel arrived in Lachine. His long journey from Limrik, Ireland to New France had finally concluded.The son of a French soldier and an innocent Irish maid he had stayed in Ireland after his father returned to France. He lived with his mother in Limrik until the age of sixteen when he travelled to find his father, with no success, and enlisted in the French Army. He was home visiting his mother on annual leave when word came that he was being re-assigned to the...

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I Killed Myself To Go To Another World But Im Not Having A Particularly Good Time There

Chapter 1: The Introduction To Every Good Light Novel Is An Entire Chapter Explaining The Main Character’s Background “Again? That’s got to be the fifth time in a row,” he said, wiping his eyes with a roll of tissue paper. He grabbed it, ripped off a portion of it, and dabbed at the corner of his eyes as the accumulation of all the sweat he had garnered was wiped off. “Man, this game must suck or I’m just that unlucky.” ‘Probably the latter’, he thought. Sighing, he closed his PC, attempting,...


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