Educating Mary, Part 1 free porn video

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Rolling over in bed, Jeff Urqhart put his hand on his wife’s nightgown-clad hip and slid it slowly up along her side and around to her belly. He could feel the warmth of her soft skin radiating through the thick flannel as his hand travelled up towards her breasts, and his cock swelled even more in his shorts. It had been well over a week since the last time they’d had sex, and Jeff was starting to believe he would explode soon. He wormed his way closer to Mary under the duvet, until his hard cock pressed against the crack of her firm arse.

Jeff’s hopes for the night were brutally shattered (again) as his wife gave an irritated shrug of her shoulders and pressed her right arm hard against her side, trapping Jeff’s exploring hand before it could touch the swell of her breasts. “Oh, stop it, Jeff,” Mary said, more than a hint of exasperation in her voice.

Frustration welled up in Jeff’s throat. Frustration had long been a staple part of his emotional diet, but in the past few months it had become tinged with increasing amounts of anger. “For Christ’s sake, Mary!” he choked out.

Mary must have noticed something in his voice, for she released his hand and rolled over to face him. Jeff found himself staring into his wife’s face from a few centimetres away, and as always he felt most of his rage evaporate at the sight of the woman he loved.

Mary Urqhart was 167 cm tall when standing up, with firm B-cup breasts, round, feminine hips and a firm, shapely butt that made men’s heads turn when she walked by. She was one-quarter Vietnamese, which showed in her long, straight black hair and slightly slanted almond-shaped eyes, giving her a faintly exotic look. She was second-generation Londoner, though, born and raised.

“I’m sorry, Jeff, but I just don’t feel like it tonight,” she said in a placating voice.

“You never feel like it; that’s the problem,” Jeff said in disgust.

It was true, he reflected. In the first few months after their wedding four years ago, he was sure Mary had enjoyed sex as much as he had. While she’d always been shy and disinclined to experiment, Jeff hadn’t worried, thinking he could get her to come out of her shell over time. Instead the opposite had been the case. Sex had become a less and less frequent occurrence, with Mary eventually starting to wear thick flannel nightgowns to bed more suited to a 70-year old maiden aunt. Jeff had to tease and cajole his lovely wife into having sex with him, and on the few nights where she acquiesced, she would usually just roll onto her back and pull her nightgown up over her hips. They would be under the covers, with the lights off, and while Mary would be making encouraging little noises in her throat, Jeff doubted that she took much pleasure in their lovemaking.

In his defence it should be said that Jeff had tried everything he could think of. He’d arranged romantic dinners and tender seductions, and tried many different ways to please his wife in bed. He’d tried going down on her many times, but the mere idea of having him use his mouth on her pussy seemed to shock and repulse Mary. Likewise, she’d never allowed him inside her mouth. A while back Jeff had wondered if she was cheating on him. He’d asked her flat out, and she’d been sincerely stunned to hear that he thought so. He’d even hired a private investigator to follow her around for a month, but there was nothing even remotely resembling an affair with a man or a woman. Jeff had, over time, simply come to believe his wife was becoming frigid.

Jeff had thought about leaving, but quickly dismissed the idea. Apart from the sex life, or rather the lack of one, their marriage was perfect. Mary was warm and caring, intelligent and funny, and they got along fantastically. He’d also thought about having an affair, and in the most secret corners of his mind, decided that if the chance presented itself, he would probably take it. He would not, however, actively seek out a mistress; that would seem too much like betrayal.

“Maybe tomorrow,” Mary whispered and touched his cheek tenderly.

“Yeah, maybe,” he sighed. Jeff knew that meant that tomorrow night Mary would let him climb on top of her and satisfy himself with her compliant but passive body, and then kiss him softly and go to sleep. The thought made him vaguely nauseous, and he felt his cock deflate in his shorts. It shouldn’t have to be this way, he thought morosely. There must be something that can be done. Despondently, he rolled over on his back. sleep was a long time coming.

# # #

Looking up from the slip of paper in his hand, Jeff regarded the stately old Victorian house in front of him. Located on the western fringe of London proper, it towered in exalted majesty in the middle of a large garden filled with neatly trimmed bushes, decorative flowerbeds and gravel paths, all surrounded by a tall hedge. This must be it, Jeff thought and opened the black iron gate.

His footsteps crunching on the gravel, he walked from the gat up to the impressive front door. A gargoyle head with a heavy doorknocker in its mouth leered at him from the door, but Jeff also noticed a discrete modern doorbell button. Pressing it, he heard a faint chime from somewhere deep inside.

He waited nervously, shifting his weight from foot to foot, and took a deep, calming breath when he heard the door being unlocked from inside. When it swung open, Jeff stared in awe at the woman across the threshold. And she was indeed something to stare at.

The woman standing in the doorway was tall, probably around 180 cm. She had thick, blonde hair that hung straight down her back, and icy blue eyes that looked both challenging and appraising at the same time. She had a small, straight nose, high cheekbones and sensuous lips. She was slender in an athletic sort of way, with large breasts and long legs. The woman radiated authority and strength, along with a cool and aloof sophistication that combined to give her the appearance of a pagan ice queen of ancient times, cold and perfect, far above the touch of mere mortals. Her clothes should have spoiled this image, but somehow served to reinforce it instead. She was dressed in an ankle-length dress of cool blue leather, accentuating her hips and big, firm breasts, while leaving exposed both arms and shoulders and one long leg.

Realising that he was standing there gaping like a fool, Jeff tried to get his mouth to work again. The blonde woman, however, salvaged the potentially awkward situation by speaking first. “You must be Mr. Urqhart,” she said, her accent one of excellent breeding and expensive boarding schools.

“Uh, well, yes, yes I am,” Jeff stuttered.

The woman smiled, a smile that somehow conveyed glacial coolness and warm invite at the same time. “Why don’t you come inside,” she offered, stepping aside. Jeff stepped through the open door, resisting the urge to shake his head violently to clear it.

With the door shut and locked behind him, the woman gestured for Jeff to follow her, then turned around and led the way deeper into the house. The hall just inside the front door was large and spacious, with black-and-white tiles on the floor and a magnificent staircase leading up to the first floor. As they walked, Jeff got a vague impression of passing through rooms with oak-panelled walls with paintings and wall lamps with dark fabric screens, and carpeted floors, but his attention was firmly fixed on the woman walking in front of him. The blue leather dress fit snugly over her swaying hips, leaving Jeff a fantastic view of her leather-clad arse that gave him a raging hard-on. Her arms and shoulders were subtly muscled, as was the leg occasionally showing through the slit in her dress. Her skin was smooth, pale alabaster, and her naturally pale blonde hair hung nearly to the small of her back. She was wearing some sort of leather ankle boots with high heels, also blue, and the heels made hard, thumping noises with unwavering rhythm as they waked across the carpets.

They emerged in a sitting room somewhere in the back of the house, Jeff estimated, the whole room decorated and furnished in a Victorian style that matched the façade of the house. His hostess indicated that he should sit on a sofa, and Jeff obeyed, while she took a seat in a straight-backed chair across from him.

Jeff searched desperately for something to say, but again his hostess saved him. “I understand you were referred to me by Arthur Wexfield,” she said, not making it a question.

“Uh, yes, that’s right, Ms., eh…” Jeff trailed off awkwardly.

A cool smile. “You may call me Erica,” the ice woman said. “Now, why don’t you explain to me the nature of your problem?”

Jeff did. At first it felt horribly awkward, to tell a perfect stranger, and a beautiful woman to boot, about his marital problems, but as his story progressed, frustration replaced awkwardness, and when he was done Jeff felt curiously relieved. He looked at Erica, having avoided her glance for the duration of his tale, but somewhat to his surprise he saw neither ridicule nor pity, just cool, professional interest.

Erica looked pensive for a moment. “Yes, I believe I can be of assistance,” she said at last. Then she nodded to herself. “Actually, I know I can.”

Jeff let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. “That’s great,” he said. “When can you… eh, begin?”

“Anytime next week,” Erica replied. Then she focused her attention fully on Jeff. “You do realise that what I do is in no way conventional sexual therapy, don’t you?”

Jeff nodded. “Yes, Arthur implied as much.” He thought back to the conversation with his colleague, the hungry look on Arthur’s face when he talked about how Chrissie, his fiancée, had been when she came back from her time spent in this mansion.

“Good,” said Erica. “Now, the entire… treatment will take about two weeks’ time. During that time you may not visit, nor have any contact with your wife.” Jeff nodded his understanding. “Furthermore, you should make sure your wife’s employer, friends and relatives are under the impression that she, or the both of you, are on holiday or some such. You don’t want anyone to believe she’s gone missing.”

“Sure,” Jeff assured her. “I’ve sort of hinted about a vacation to France, so no one will wonder.”

“Excellent,” said Erica. “You should also be advised that your wife will be under a certain amount of, shall we say, restraint while she’s here. It is in neither one of us’ best interest to have her walk out of here before the program is complete.”

“I understand,” Jeff said. “She won’t be harmed, will she?” he asked, anxiety clear in his voice.

“Absolutely not,” Erica replied firmly. “Some discipline is involved, of course, particularly in the early stages, but there will be no permanent injuries of any kind. I guarantee it.”

“All right then,” said Jeff. “About your fee…”

Erica held up a commanding hand, stopping him in his tracks. “We can discuss my fee after I’m done,” she said firmly. “I operate on a, shall we say, sliding scale. You pay for results, not promises.” A darkly satisfied smile flashed across those perfect red lips, then vanished. “I dare say, though, that I’ve never had an unsatisfied client, nor one that felt I’d overcharged.” Her face became all business again. “So, when can you drop off your wife?”

Jeff thought for a moment. “How about this Tuesday?”

“Tuesday will be just fine,” Erica nodded. “Are we in agreement, then?”

“Yes,” Jeff said as firmly as he could manage.

“Good,” Erica said. “There is, however, a little formality first.”

“Oh? What’s that?” wondered Jeff.

Erica smiled her cool smile. “I want you to take out your cock,” she said in a perfectly matter-of-fact tone.

“Excuse me?” Jeff was stunned.

“Open your pants and take out your cock,” Erica said, authority in her voice. “I can see you have an erection. Just take it out and show it to me.”

Flabbergasted, Jeff did as he was told. His cock was rock hard in his pants, and his hands shook slightly as he struggled with his belt and button. Erica just sat there, long legs crossed, hands primly folded on her knee, watching with a look of cool professionalism.

After some fumbling, Jeff got his pants open, and, pulling his shorts below his balls, he brought out his erect cock. The veined shaft was about 6 inches long and thick, with a bulbous head. A drop of pre-come was oozing from the slit.

“Stroke it,” Erica ordered. Feeling as though he was having a particularly weird dream, Jeff did as he was told. His hand closed around the shaft, and he began pumping his fist slowly up and down. Erica just sat there, making no effort to egg him on, but just regarded him with a clinical look. Jeff, on the other hand, couldn’t take his eyes from her. He imagined what her tits would feel like under that smooth, tight leather, or how it would be to see her lips part as that perfectly sculpted face descended on his cock. Meeting her eyes Jeff saw an icy fire that sent a powerful jolt through him that went all the way from his eyes, though his brain and down his spine to reach his groin and travel like lightning all the way out to the tip of his cock, which twitched in his hand.

“Stand up,” Erica ordered in the same frosty, authoritative voice. Jeff stumbled clumsily to his feet, cock still in hand.

Erica regarded him for another minute, then she stood. Jeff nearly came when he saw the firm flesh move underneath her dress. With long, elegant fingers she picked up a glass tube standing on the coffee table next to her chair, and walked languidly over to him.

“Keep stroking,” she instructed in a throaty voice. She placed a hand on his shoulder as she strutted around to stand behind him.

Jeff could feel the come starting to rise in his balls. His pants had slipped down around his ankles, but he didn’t notice, wanking his cock furiously. Then he felt Erica’s body being pressed against him from behind, her breasts flattened against his back, and her right hand came snaking around his waist. “Let go of it,” she breathed into his ear. Jeff dropped his cock as if it burned his hands, and stared in rapt attention as her hand slowly closed, finger after finger, around his throbbing shaft. Her hand was cool against the burning hot cock. Then she started to stroke his cock, slowly at first, then faster. Jeff leaned his head back against her shoulder, and felt a sting of pain as she bit into his earlobe.

“Oh God, I’m coming,” he panted. Swiftly Erica reached around him with her left hand, which was holding the glass she’d taken from the table. Positioning the opening right in front of Jeff’s cock, she stopped wanking him and held his shaft horizontally, her thumb rubbing the head as her fingers squeezed rhythmically around the shaft. With a loud groan Jeff came, his sperm shooting from his cock and directly into the glass tube in Erica’s hand. He felt his knees buckle with the intensity of his orgasm, but Erica tightened her arms around his waist and held him on his feet, taking his weight without apparent effort.

Feeling drained and spent, Jeff straightened up as Erica let go of his cock. He turned to look at her, and saw that she was looking at her hand, where some of his come had dripped. Without any self-consciousness she brought her hand to her mouth and sucked the little drop of come off her finger. Jeff could only stare in amazement at this blatant display of eroticism.

Erica walked over to the table and picked up a small lid, which she screwed on the glass containing Jeff’s come. Getting his breathing back under control, Jeff felt curiosity stir. “What is that about, then?” he asked.

“Oh, this is merely a little insurance, if you like,” Erica explained. “In case you should have a change of heart without letting me know first.” There was no threat in her voice at all, merely patient explanation. “Don’t worry; as soon as I’m through with your wife, I will of course destroy this,” she indicated the glass.

Jeff pulled up his pants and got his clothes back in order. “Now,” Erica said, “why don’t we go over some of the details?”

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Educating Danielle Part 8

Educating Danielle Part Eight By Karen E. Lea Chapter Thirty Nine We entered into a large motel suite. It was chaos. A guy sat at the table reading the paper, obviously the father, and a young guy watching music videos on the television. Two girls sat on the lounge. It wasn't a happy room. There was crying coming from the bedroom; I know knew who had the room I had originally booked. Tanya introduced her father Mark who was pleased to meet Laura, and her...

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Educating Danielle Part 9

Educating Danielle Part Nine By Karen E. Lea Chapter Forty Four Next morning I awoke entwined with Laura, I don't think we had moved all night. It had gone six and I rose to have a shower. After I finished, Laura took my place after a quick kiss. While I was dressing I could hear Daniel moving around in the kitchen. This was a new experience for me, having other people in the house. We ate breakfast together, Daniel promised to have the washing done...

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Educating Danielle Part 10

Educating Danielle Part Ten By Karen E. Lea Chapter Forty Seven We drove down the motorway heading towards the studio; we decided Danielle to dress as femininely as possible. She had on a mid thigh black skirt, three inch court shoes and a sleeveless figure hugging white top. Her makeup was flawless. We were first in this morning; we opened up, turned the lights on, started the computers and threw the junk mail faxes into the recycling bin, where in the hell do...

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Educating Danielle Part 11

Educating Danielle Part Eleven By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty The Entrance is a large holiday town, sitting on the entrance to Tuggerah Lake, one hundred kilometres north of Sydney, with the ocean to the east and Tuggerah Lake to the west. Two hours after leaving home, I drove in to the underground security car park, having done some grocery shopping on the way. Pulling in to one of my allotted spaces, I turned the Rover off and slid to the ground. My name...

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Educating Danielle Part 12

Educating Danielle Part Twelve By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty Four Next morning we had breakfast, during which I made arrangements for them to visit the accountant, once that had been done, to open a bank account, using his advice. Sam was waiting for me when I arrived, he followed me upstairs and I sat at my desk and read the contract, "Sam, Sam, Sam, where's the domestic/worldwide clause and payment terms?" "Well...we thought, you know, she's...

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Educating Danielle Part 13

Educating Danielle Part Thirteen By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty Six The next morning we rose early and readied ourselves to go and meet Danielle at the driving school. After a light breakfast, we showered and dressed. I put on a black skirt, three quarter sleeve blouse and three inch black sandals. Laura had a black skirt and a white sleeveless knitted top with a cowl neck. She finished it off with shoes with a three-inch heel. Our plan was to go shopping at...

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Educating Danielle Part 14

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fourteen Authors note: I commenced writing this story in 2002, so any time line reference or dates in the story are based on 2002. Karen. Chapter Fifty Nine We arrived at Kim's place at two. The butler took our bags from the car and showed us to our room. We freshened up and went downstairs to the party. We scanned the guests for Danielle. Laura had a death grip on my arm, "Don't you dare leave me by...

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Educating Danielle Part 15

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fifteen Chapter Sixty Four By six that night we had settled in a caravan park at Bathurst, two hundred kilometres west of Sydney. We rose early the next morning and headed west, through Bathurst, Orange, Molong, Wellington arriving at Dubbo. After lunch we visited the Western Plains Zoo, and found half a day not enough time to see all the animals. Five o clock we headed off to find...

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Educating a Coed

Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...

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Educating a Coed

Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...

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Educating Sam chapter 1

I was fresh out of my second marriage and was tired of the same old places and faces. At the ripe old age of twenty four, I was bored to tears. My best friend Judy was home from Florida where she had moved with her husband when he joined the Navy a couple years before. We were visiting one night and I was venting to her about how I needed a change of scenery. Everywhere I looked all In saw was reminders of my failed relationships. She suggested that since her husband would be out to sea for...

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Anne and MaryChapter 31 Marys Thanksgiving

After Wednesday classes, Will, Alex and I hit the supermarket. We got all the stuff I needed for Thanksgiving dinner, plenty of beer. The guy at the liquor store even let us buy a nice bottle of wine. He knows us pretty well by now. We stopped for supper at the Union. No point in paying extra or trying to make supper in an unfamiliar kitchen. And the weather was cold enough so nothing would spoil in the car. At Henry's house, we put stuff away, looked around. Two big bedrooms with big...

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Marys Christmas

Introduction: The magic of Christmas is in the giving For reasons of my own, I no longer allow comments, nor do I make them. If you would like to offer a critique, please send me a pm. I can only improve with your very valuable input. This is my entry to Calling All Writers, Chapter 9. Please join our website and go to the Sex Stories Forum to enjoy more stories, and to vote. Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nicks Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for...

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Mary gets to meet Sandy

I?Oh, hi. You must be here for the room? I?m Mary.??Uh-huh.? First impression: very rude. Sandy pushed through the door and straight past Mary. Dragging her mud-caked sneakers over the carpet, tossing her jacket into the corner, she entered Mary?s apartment and her life. ?You must be Sandy?? Mary continued, determined to hold on to civility. She liked keeping her place tidy. She picked up the jacket, got a hanger, and looked at the other girl?s ample frame, the sweaty t-shirt, torn jeans,...

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Marys Unexpected Journey

Introduction: This story was originally written for a competition on the XNXX Stories forum and is a relatively short story at 12,000 words. I hope you enjoy it. Authors note: This is a story, and the author is aware that it is not 100% historically accurate, although efforts have been made to ensure some degree of realism. It is a work of fiction, however, and intended to be no more than that. Marys Unexpected Journey MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE! the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on...

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Mary A Desired Older Woman

(Could the mature, attractive wife be tempted)But I do love him, Bert. We have a comfortable life, lovely c***dren, a nice home and I know he works hard, but........!' and Mary tailed off from what she was really wanting to say.Mary was 49 and had spent her whole life living in the little village in Hampshire, down a tiny, leafy lane that led to a small bay by the sea. She had been married for nearly 30 years, and had inherited the little bungalow from her parents when they had died, so she had...

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Mary mary quite contrary

I walked into The Flamingo Lounge on the Block. I was bored at work, so I took the afternoon off last Friday to see the dancers. Hell, to touch and fondle the dancers. It was early June, and warm, over 90 degrees, so the street was quiet. I hurried to get from my car in the parking garage to the coolness of the basement bar. The Flamingo Lounge, like most of the clubs on the Block, was a nude club. You could go in and just watch the ladies dance, if you wanted. The ladies come by and talk to...

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Gaining Mary

Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy. Gaining Mary The halls were empty now, all the students havingleft for the day. Mary was in no hurry to go, however.Her stepmother had gone on another week long businesstrip and she had no real friends to hang out with so she decided to snoop aroundthe deserted school.There was not much of interest, a few open lockerswith the...

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Mary Jane sets a trap

Mary Jane sets a trap (humiliation version)By lilguy [email protected] Jane finds out Black cat sleeping with Peter and sets a trap for a catfight Author note- This was a commission I did for someone else (aka Black Cat) sleeked through the roof tops in a skin tight catsuit. It was tight and leather hugging natrualy and tightly to her body. It had little mini pockets to hide all her gear. The pants hugged to her butt showing the...

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New Neighbor Rhonda and MaryAnn

John was broad shouldered but slim, not much fat evident. His hair was an indeterminate color between red and blonde and brown, cut short enough to keep out of his eyes, which were a different color depending on the season (currently it was springtime, so they were a grey-green). Today, he arrived at his new home, his truck loaded with boxes. Across the road, an SUV pulled into the last house on that side's driveway, and a pair of women a little bit older than him got out, one with short...

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Mary Deannas Anniversary Fuck part 1

PrologueLike many husbands I have had a long time fantasy of watching my lovely wife, Mary Deanna, being fucked by a Black man. For about as long as I can remember I had dreamed of her sucking and fucking a big Black Cock while I watched her and maybe even photographed or videotaped her with her Black lover. I never expected her to actually ever let any man fuck her other than myself, but one has his dreams. In fact, I had only rarely broached the subject of sex with another man with her, as...

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My sisterinLaw Mary couples wifeswapping

Husband's fantasies about sleeping with his sister-in-law and his fantasies about his wife sleeping with another man are filled when his in-laws come to visit.***My wife Diane and I were having her sister and her husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get to riled up about anything. Diane and I were...

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Dave and Mary Part 2

Dave and Mary (part2) Mary leaned forward and placed the tip of the strap on to Joanna's ring piece, Joanna twitched , Mary said, "Try to relax sweetie it will not hurt as much." Easier said than done thought Joanna. As Mary slowly put her weight against Joanna she felt her resisting, with a little more pressure Mary slowly got the strap on to go in a little way, as Joanna struggled against her bonds as the strap on entered her, she could not do anything to stop it happening...

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The Munsters 56 The Mary Brouhaha

The Munsters 5-6: The Mary Brouhaha By Ron Dow75 5) Tower In "secret" room in the second floor of the tower room of Sigma Iota Sigma Sorority: Herman Munster was now "Mary Munday", the perfect organic duplicate of Gloria Munster, his "niece". Instead of the sunlight-sensitive brown-into-puce pants and coat he got at a discount from work (or the snazzy navy turtleneck he preferred over the stuffed white shirt), he-she was in a short pink wrap- around skirt without a coat,...

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Oh Mary 3

Oh Mary 3Following on from the time on the train, which I guess is a couple of years ago now, Mary's appetite for extra cock had developed as had my own enjoyment of being cuckolded. Roger had faded away and been replaced by a string of other well hung men who openly fucked her in front of me. Mary grew quite fond of one, Paul who was only in his early 20s. He has a very slim build which only accentuates his very large thick cock. It almost looks incongruous as it cantilevers out 10 inches from...

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The Abduction and Sale of Mary Beth

THE ABDUCTION AND SALE OF MARY BETH by Lady Tressa It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Mary Beth, a twenty nine year old petite brunette with a divorce pending, had planned on spending the weekend alone at her rural home, performing some long overdue house cleaning.Those plans were disrupted when Mary Beth arrived home at 8:00 PM on a Friday in December. It was currently 9:00PM, and Mary Beth was lying naked, faced down and spread eagled on the king size bed in her bedroom. Each arm and leg was...

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Marys Secret

Introduction: The second chapter in this story is already halfway done, so tell me if you like it and I might post Authors note: This is actually the first erotic story I have ever written, and I have no idea how to do it. This is only the first chapter in a story that I am in the middle of writing. The plot gets better in other chapters. I was walking home one night, when I started to think about my life. I work as a secretary at Briggs and Jefferson Law Corporation. It sounds great on paper,...

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Mary Christmas Everybody

Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...

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