RedemptionChapter 26 free porn video

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Unable to get back to sleep after trying for some time following his mother's nightmare, Eric went to the bathroom and walked out into the lower family room area. As he did, he heard sounds from the gym and walked that way, pausing at the first point where he could see the exercise area. Dex and Morgan were working on weight machines, and Jessica was sitting on a nearby bench, watching. Dex wore only some running shorts, Morgan was in a T-shirt and panties, which he could see clearly the way she was laying on a bench, and Jessica wore a robe. He was tempted to join them, but was intimidated by Jessica's presence with himself in only the boxers he slept in. He was debating what to do when a hand on his shoulder nearly sent him through the roof.

Kirstin spoke softy, "Good morning, Eric. I'm so sorry I startled you."

"Oh, good morning, Mrs..."

"Mrs. Nothing! I don't want to think about my marriage anymore. Besides, we're practically naked, so why be formal. It's Kirstin." Like Morgan, Kirstin wore a T-shirt.

"Then, good morning, Kirstin. You did startle me, but that's okay. Why are you up so early?"

"Oh, I hardly slept last night, and I heard a noise out here. How about you?"

"Umm, well, uh, Mom had a nightmare, and I couldn't get back to sleep afterward."

"So she screamed so loud she woke you up? Funny I didn't hear her."

"Well, I, uh, she, uh..."

"Ohhhh! You were sleeping with her, weren't you?"

"Hey, it's not like that! She needed someone with her is all."

Eric was suddenly engulfed in a big hug. Realizing what she had done, Kirstin stepped back and apologized. "I think that is so sweet! I wish my son was old enough to comfort me like that. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I'm just a hugger."

"That's okay. You just surprised me is all."

In the few seconds of that hug, something changed in Kirstin. Since she got here, everything had been relaxed, friendly, flirtatious. At home, she had not been naked for years except a few minutes in the shower. She could soak in the tub while Gary was at work, but she had even lost the desire to do that.

Nervous and ashamed as she was at the start, the time with the women in the hot tub was so thrilling it had her pussy dripping. And then, walking around in towels in front of the men! And the kick line! And the talk with Dex! And Megan and Morgan! Eric blushing at the sight of her!

When she first went to bed, she was so high there was no way she could sleep. She brought herself off twice, but it helped only a little. When she did drift off, the dream came, the one where she found herself naked in church, or at school, or at a family gathering. Always before in the dream, she was panicky to find something to cover up with, or somewhere to hide. Often, Gary would be there to yell at her, or her father. Of course, her father would never yell in real life, but that was her oft-repeated dream.

Only this time, it was not the almost-nightmare that had rerun so many times before. This time, she was strutting naked in her high school body, adored and proud. Gary was sad because he could not get through the crowd to see her, while her father escorted her. They were at the big Memorial Day picnic Gary's company threw, and she was the star. It must have been five times she fell asleep, only to awake frustrated because she had been torn from that wonderful picnic. Every time, she found her sticky hand in her crotch.

The brief hug with Eric was her first feeling of a bare male back in many months, and it was like an electric charge. Lately, when he bothered with sex at all, Gary either demanded a blowjob, or just stuck it in from behind with no other body contact. He said he couldn't stand to be so close to the fat. She wondered if Eric noticed, almost hoped he did, but her nipples had popped instantly at the feeling of the first male body in a long time pressed against her boobs.

Eric was a sweet young man. He obviously cared for women, the way he treated his mother. He was young, probably a virgin. He would love to see a naked female, even a fat one. She'd bet he would never say anything negative, no matter what she looked like.

Dex had said 'wear what you want, or nothing' and Morgan had set up the towel signal for the hot tub. Morgan had also told her to be proud of her body and forget what she weighed. Maybe she could finish that picnic dream here. Why not? Her life had fallen apart anyway. Nothing she believed had worked. Why not do just what she felt like for once?

Certain he must now see her nipples through the T-shirt, and just as certain that he must be able to smell her, Kirstin somehow kept her voice from shaking as she said "Say, Eric, instead of standing here, let's go up to the hot tub."

"Oh, okay. Let me get my suit on and I'll meet you up there."

"No! Uh, can we just put a towel on the doorknob?"

"What? Oh, you mean? Geez, I don't think I could..."

"I'm sorry, I guess you wouldn't want to skinny dip with a fat lady, would you?"

"No, that's not it! It's just that I'd be..."

"If you're worried about a hardon, I've got news for you - it's too late."

Eric looked down in alarm and saw that, indeed, his boxers were hugely tented. It was only a minor relief that it hadn't popped through the fly as it had last night with his mother.

"Come on! I'll show you all my fat and you show me your hardon and we'll be even, okay? Please?" Through the crushing embarrassment, Eric remembered his mother's need to be looked at and accepted. He took Kirstin's hand and they went up the stairs, she almost skipping, he barely able to walk. Her skin began to tingle all over in anticipation of him seeing her, and it seemed like there were a hundred steps up.

Once in the tub room, she shed her meager garments in a flash, then watched him. He turned his back to pull down his boxers, then held his hands over his cock. "Eric, please! I want to see it. Don't be shy! I really want to!" Somehow finding the will power, he dropped his hands, only to be greeted by a gasp from Kirstin.

"What's wrong?"

"It... it's so big!"

"But you're married. You've seen, uh, cocks before!"

"A cock is all - one. And yours is just as big. Are you, um, unusually large?"

"I haven't seen other guys, you know, hard, but compared to guys in the locker room I'm pretty average."

"That son-of-a-bitch! He was always bragging to me about how big he was."

They got in the pool, sitting across from each other. "I know you're embarrassed, but it makes me feel good when you get hard for me."

"I know."

"You do? How did you know?"

"Well, I, uh just sort of figured that, uh..."

"Oh no you don't! Something happened with your mother, didn't it?"

"Hey, that's private stuff. I can't talk about that!" After much persuasion and promises of secrecy, he told her of the previous night's encounter. Her eyes were moist when he finished.

"I feel exactly the same way. You realized that when you agreed to come up here naked, didn't you." He nodded, and she went on. "Thank you. Tell me, does my fat bother you?"

Wondering later why he had done it, he wisecracked. "Yeah it bothers me! It bothers me so much I'm about to come right here in the tub!"

Kirstin jumped to her feet, ran over to lock the door, got back in the tub right beside him, and started stroking his cock. "Kirstin, I don't think... unnnngghh!" He blew after about three strokes. As he was coming down, she pulled his head to her ample bosom and hugged him, rocking back and forth and humming in contentment. She took one of his limp hands and placed in right on her breast, helping him knead it.

Eric eventually got his breath back. Without moving his head, he gasped out, "Thank you, Kirstin. There's been so much stuff going on, I was about to burst. Um, can I, um, do anything for you?"

"You sweet, sweet man, you! Do you know how?"

"Uh, no, uh, I've never done..."

"Well, I'm the lucky gal who gets to give you your first lesson, then!" She sat up on the edge of the tub and had him kneel in front of her. Seeing him there brought her up short for a moment: she was a faithful married woman! Was this adultery she was committing?

Everything up to now had happened so fast! Eric's was the first cock other than Gary's that she had seen or touched since high school. Was she supposed to feel guilty? Now this boy, man really, she corrected herself, was staring at what was supposed to be her husband's exclusive property. Could she go through with this? Should she?

Husband? Probably not for long, she thought with a real pang of anguish. Well, dammit, her pussy was her property anyway, not his. Gary ignored it, but Eric was flat out worshipping it. Eric deserved to do whatever he wanted with it. To Hell with Gary!

Kirstin spread her legs and began showing him the parts of her genitals. He tentatively touched each part as she exposed it, obviously fascinated with what he was learning.

"Uh, Kirstin, um, ah, the guys are always talking, you know, about, um, eating out a girl. Could I, uh, try that on you?"

"Oh My God! You want to do that? I've never had it - he thought it was gross. Oh, God! Try whatever you want."

"You'll have to tell me if I'm doing it right or wrong." With that, he started just kissing around her pubic area. On her thighs, he could only taste the slight chemical tang of the tub water, but he could definitely detect an earthy, slightly pungent odor. He had, of course, heard all the locker room jokes about stinky finger and the fishy smell, etc. In fact, he was wondering why he was so impetus in asking to lick her. Would he be able to stand it? Did men really do this a lot?

Being the considerate sort that he was, Eric thought about Kirstin's elated reaction when he mentioned eating her out. In just a day, he had learned a lot about the rewards of putting up with some discomfort or inconvenience for the sake of a woman. So far, there was no smell or taste that bothered him, and he was sure it would make her happy.

Eric worked into it gradually, with kisses first, then tentative licks. The hair around Kirstin's pussy was thick, but the the texture was silky, and it was almost the same light blonde as her head. Genital grooming had obviously not been a priority for her, as the hair was rampart all over her crotch.

It took a little experimentation with his tongue and fingers before Eric found the best way to penetrate the blond forest, but before long he was probing between Kirstin's labia to increasing agitation and vocalization from her. If the taste wasn't any worse than this, he would have no trouble doing this. In fact, the whole process was so stimulating that he himself felt right on the brink again.

"Uh, uh, l... l... lick my clit! Aaaaahhh!" He barely touched it and she came, jamming her fist into her mouth to keep from screaming too loudly. He was so startled by the event that he pulled back, causing her orgasm to end too soon. She looked at his beaming face, and could not even think of criticizing. She just hugged him tight and rocked some more.

He must have sensed something, because he asked "Shouldn't it last a little longer than that?" She then explained about keeping contact, about sensitivity, etc. He insisted he wanted to try again and she was in no mood to argue. This time, he had her stretch out on one of the benches surrounding the room, and he knelt with his head right between her legs.

Kirstin encouraged Eric to push one, then two fingers into her, and he just naturally knew to thrust in and out as he licked. She took longer this time, but when he sucked on her clit, she exploded again, much harder than before. Remembering her advice, he kept mouth contact as long as he could. When the convulsions grew too violent, he used his hand to rub the area, stimulating her as long as she could stand it. He put his arms around her and cuddled her when she became too tender to touch.

She instinctively reached for his cock and found it fully hardened again. Still rather weak and shaky, she sat up, pulled him to his feet, and took him into her mouth. He gasped loudly as she went to work on him, using both her mouth and hands. When she tickled the area right behind his balls, he came apart, blasting so hard into her mouth that he sank to his knees after the first few spurts, the rest dribbling onto the floor. Together they somehow got back into the tub, cuddling and talking softly.

"God, are you good at that!" he finally exclaimed.

"What, the blowjob? I've been forced to do them for years. I got good at it so I could get it over with. This is the first time in a while that I wanted to give one, and I wish it could have lasted longer."

"Sorry! It was just too much. Wow!"

"If only I was fifteen again, I would have made you my boyfriend for sure. And I could have had you, too. You wouldn't believe how good I looked then."

"Oh yes I would. You're a beautiful woman. You can't hide that."

"You sound just like Dex."

"I take that as a compliment!"

"You should. I bet you think I can lose this fat, don't you?"

"Sure! If you decide you want to."

"Just like Dex again. Well, I am going to. I'm starting a new life, and I'm not going to do it in this flabby old body."

"That's great, Kirstin. Can I ask a favor?"

"After what you did to me, you can ask anything you want!"

"After you lose the weight, will you skinny dip with me one more time."

"May first, right here. Mark it down, okay? I'll set it up with Dex."

"Um, can we do this some more while we are both staying here?"

"I'll be dragging you out of bed at five every morning, stud!"

They soaked in the tub and made like lovers for a while. She encouraged him to caress her tits and play with the nipples. At one point, she brought his face over and showed him how to suck and nibble gently on a nipple. She shivered through a small orgasm while he was doing that.

While Kirstin was gently fondling his testicles with one hand, Eric lifted her other hand and held it out, turning it over and around. "Did you know you have really beautiful hands?" he asked her. Any other time, she might have burst into tears at his comment, but she was so awash in feelings and emotions, she just hummed and gave him a hug.

When they could take no more of the heat they toweled off and prepared to leave. As he wrapped the towel around his waist, she slapped his hand. "Nope! We're streaking!" He knew protests were useless, so he dropped the towel and picked up his boxers from the floor. They were laughing softly as they reached the bottom of the stairs, only to turn the corner and run smack into Morgan and Jessica, literally. Morgan was the first to recover, and blurted out, "Well, I'll be damned!" Jessica gave a huge gasp and froze in place.

Eric jammed his hands in front of his crotch and turned to start for his room. Since he was practically in Morgan's arms, she grabbed him and whispered in his ear. "Please, stand here and talk to us. Act natural. Let Jessica see you all she wants. She needs this. Please!" He sputtered but stayed in place, somehow finding the courage to face the others and drop his hands. Kirstin helped by holding one of his hands. Morgan had taken a firm grip on one of Jessica's hands to prevent her from running away, although movement of any kind was beyond the girl for the moment.

Morgan drove the conversation, but Kirstin soon caught on to what was happening. Before long, even Eric was into the act, creating a completely casual, gossipy gathering of friends. Kirstin first addressed Jessica directly, asking her about Dex's workout, and whether she had done any of those exercises. Jessica managed a short answer, arms crossed tightly over her chest, pulling the robe close around her.

Dex had apparently been watching it all for a while, for he finally came by and went up the stairs, greeting everyone as if there was nothing unusual going on. This put Jessica back in gape mode.

Kirstin raised the ante by saying "Morgan, that bastard husband of mine has been bragging all these years about how big his cock was. I didn't know any better until I saw Eric's. He's only fifteen, and his is as big as Gary's. Can you believe that?"

"I guess guys are as sensitive about the size of their cocks as girls are about their boobs. Jessica, was your Dad's penis as big as Eric's?" Jessica moaned and tried to pull away. Morgan pulled her close and reassured her they were all friends and cared for her. She then told the others of Jessica's ordeal with her father.

Eric spoke up immediately, "Jessica, I'm sorry. I'd better go. I don't want to be like your father."

Jessica actually muttered something meaningful. "No, no, don't go. I mean, unless you want to. At least you aren't trying to get me to undress."

"I wouldn't do that."

"Well, Jessica, you still haven't answered the question. How does Eric's penis compare with your Dad's?"

"It... it's just different. His was always standing up and hard, not soft like that." Having had two ejaculations, and being very nervous, Eric had managed to stay soft through the conversation.

"You mean like this?" Morgan began stroking his shaft, leaning over to whisper in his ear "Don't move, please. Let this happen. I promise to make it worth your while. This is helping her so much. Please!" She took his arm and put it over her shoulder as she stroked him to full hardness. "Now, how does that compare?"

"Oh, God!" She was shaking a little, probably from the bad memories.

Morgan gentled her, and told her, "It's okay, Honey. Eric won't try to make you do anything you don't want to. No one here will. A man's erection should be a wonderful thing to a woman. I'm so sorry it has been terrifying for you, but believe me, you will learn to like it. I'll bet your panties are a little damp, aren't they? I know mine are. Now, how does Eric compare?"

"He's... he's quite a bit longer, and a lot thicker. And his, uh, things, uh, hanging there are way bigger."

"There's something important to learn here. Many abusers are trying to compensate for a real or imagined shortcoming, like a small penis. Jessica, Honey, would you like to touch it?"

"Oh, oh, no! I couldn't. I don't want to!"

"That's okay. Eric, I need to ask you another favor. Stay naked through breakfast, will you? I'm going to get Dex naked, too. Jessica, I want you to get used to dicks swinging around so you won't be afraid of them any more. Pretty soon, when you see one, you will get excited rather than afraid. Can you do that, Eric."

Morgan's request didn't register on Eric at first, probably because it was too outrageous to get his mind around it. Then, it sank in that she was serious, and the horror set in. There were all those women. Of course, three of them had already seen everything. The one that counted, though, almost stopped his heart. "But what about Mom?"

"Let's go explain it to her. Kirstin, get dressed and go down to Dex's room and tell him what I want. I want only the men naked. Come on, Eric." Morgan had to practically order Jessica to go up to her room, and it was comical how the girl kept looking back at Eric as she climbed, almost stumbling at her last view of him.

Kirstin made her own interpretation of Morgan's orders, and scampered up ahead of Jessica without bothering to dress. She had only been drunk a few times, but that was the closest she could think of to what she felt right now. It was euphoria, it was arousal, it was embarrassment, it was fear of rejection, it was pride, it was... she didn't know what all it was. She was just afraid it would stop if she covered up. She had a brief thought of the skinny girl behind her on the stairs having to look at her flabby ass, then thought 'screw it.' She felt too high for anything to bring it down. Dex would see her. She desperately wanted him to. He would not be disgusted, she just knew it, and she needed that approval from him so badly it almost hurt.

Morgan didn't play fair. She had ahold of Eric's still-hard cock and led him to the bathroom nearest his mother's room. After shutting the door, she began stroking him in a leisurely rhythm and began talking. "Eric, I know you're horrified at my request, but I think it could be the biggest help for these women, not just Jessica. Besides, most of the women have seen you already. The only ones that haven't are my Mom and Carol and your... Ohhhhh!"

It caught Eric as much by surprise as it did Morgan, but she felt the quick, final swelling in his shaft, and was able to keep the spurts from going all over. He was completely overwhelmed by the feelings and totally lost control of his body.

"That's it, Baby. Just thinking about your Mom seeing this beauty got to you, didn't it. That's so sweet! God, you're a stud! Just look at this pile! No wonder - how do you close your legs with the size of those balls? I'll bet Kirstin got you off at least twice from the way it looked, huh?"

"I know you're scared to death of getting hard in front of everyone. Have you come enough times so that won't happen? Tell you what, I'll keep stroking you while we talk here, and if it gets hard again, we'll take care of it again before we go talk to your mom." At the mention of his mother, the orgasm that she had thought was over revived enough to produce two more small dribbles and to cause his knees to buckle.

Morgan continued her constant stream of talk while she made an honest effort to get him hard again, but to no avail. It was definitely playing dirty, but when she asked again if he would go to breakfast naked, he couldn't even object.

Eric had thought it was tough standing exposed in front of Jessica, but now he was so nervous he almost passed out. When they entered her room, Sandra was still asleep. Morgan woke her gently, making sure Eric was not in her line of sight. After making sure Sandra was awake enough to understand, she told her what she wanted from Eric. Sandra blushed, and asked, "Oh, how could he ever stand that?"

"How would it make you feel, Sandra, to see him naked in front of all those women?"

Sandra just stared at Morgan for quite a while until she saw Morgan break into a grin. "I see you approve. Thanks."


"Your nipples answered for you."

"Ohhhh! Uh, where is he now?"

"Right here, Mom," and he walked around in front of her. "Kind of like last night in reverse, huh?" When Morgan asked, Sandra explained what she had done. Morgan gave her a hug and told her how touching it was.

"Mom, I won't do this unless you tell me you want me to. I can't do it without your help. Should I do it?" Sandra nodded her head vigorously.

"We'll give you fifteen minutes warning before breakfast. Come just like you are."

"But this is pretty thin, and I don't have panties on, and my nipples..."

"So? You'll have a lot more on than the men. Look, we've got one screwed up little girl here. I know you have your problems, too, but if we can keep her from growing up terrified of men and nakedness, it's worth a little embarrassment. Besides, you have nothing to be embarrassed about! You look sexy in that nightie."

"See, I told you, Mom."

When Kirstin knocked on the Master Bedroom door, it was Megan who told her to come in. She got raised eyebrows and nothing else from Megan at her nudity. "Megan, Morgan says Dex is supposed to come to breakfast naked."

Megan responded, "Oh, we shouldn't do that with a houseful of people! That was for when we were alone."

"Not you, Megan. She wants just the men naked," and she went on to explain about Jessica.

While Kirstin was talking to Megan, Dex came out of the bathroom, toweling off. He was taken aback by Kirstin's presence, but he had seen her naked in the basement, and wasn't too concerned about his own nudity. For her part, Kirstin could look only one place until Dex cleared his throat.

When Kirstin explained what Morgan wanted, though, Dex couldn't stifle a reaction. "She wants what? I want to hear this from her, and it had better be good. Megan, I think your daughter has gone round the bend."

Kirstin scurried off, and returned, still naked, with Morgan in tow. Morgan proceeded to explain what had happened with Jessica, and it triggered memories in Dex's mind of similar reactions from his mother early on in their sexual relationship. His skepticism diminished, but he was still reluctant, and, frankly, a little terrified.

"Morgan, I know I've been naked with women a lot in my life, but that was always with family or close friends. I just met these women yesterday!"

Morgan looked for an instant like she might get angry, then turned to Kirstin. "How come you're still naked, Honey? And why haven't you covered up anything?"

"It... it feels good to be naked. I haven't been able to for so long!"

"But you just met us. You hardly know us!"

"I... I'm comfortable here. I feel safe and accepted. Um, do you want me to get dressed?"

"That's OK, Honey, you can run around naked here all you want. I'm just trying to make a point with Dex."

"I get it. I get it," Dex exclamined. "You want the women to be comfortable with naked men, and not afraid. So, Eric is really going to do this? In front of his mother, and Jessica?"


"Damn! I guess there's no way I can chicken out, then. Morgan, if this turns out to be a flop, you're cut off, got it."


Morgan orchestrated breakfast carefully, making sure Jessica was seated before either of the men entered the room. She was pleased to see Jessica wearing just her pajamas, having shed the robe.

Eric and Sandra came in hand in hand, and this time, she was in the supportive role, although Eric was able to hold her chair as she sat. Morgan wondered if it was safe to let Eric handle anything, the way he was shaking. She had set this up, but still found herself amazed that the boy would have the courage to do this. When she saw him constantly glancing back at his mother, and saw her adoring gaze fastened on him, she thought she knew the reason. Eric was doing this for Sandra, and all the other people mattered very little to him. Morgan had asked him to do it for Jessica, but that was just the idea starter. She found herself thinking that with love that strong between them, these two, at least, would be just fine.

Dex breezed in last, greeting a blushing Sandra as if nothing was unusual. Kirstin was eating up every moment of this, and laughed and joked with Dex. She tried the same with Eric, but he was not able to enter in.

Morgan directed the men to do all the serving, making sure to expose Jessica to as much swinging meat as possible. The girl was unable to eat for the first ten minutes, she was so fixated on Dex's member. It was only when he sat down to eat that she even noticed her own food. Her expression was mostly fear, but Morgan was sure there was some fascination there, too. Jessica didn't say ten words through the course of the meal, and by the end, her attention had switched almost exclusively to Eric.

Dex found himself thinking back to all the Ferguson naked brunches. This wasn't the same, at all. He knew Morgan wanted to promote the feeling of family and belonging, but it could never be the same. He wished he could believe this was really going to help. He admired and trusted Morgan, but somehow, it just didn't feel right.

After he finished eating, Dex asked Morgan if he could sit in her chair, which was right next to Jessica. The girl looked frightened when he sat down.

"Jessica, I know you are still nervous around me, but I have a proposition for you. I have to visit two clients today. It should only take a half hour at each one. If you would come with me, we could stop by afterward and see how your mother is doing. Would you like to do that? I promise to keep my clothes on!" The uncertainty of conflicting urges was evident on the girl's face, and she said nothing for several seconds.

Kirstin spoke up before Jessica could answer, "Dex, I would like to go along, too. Would that be okay with you, Jessica?" Jessica just nodded. Morgan walked behind Kirstin and squeezed her shoulder in thanks. Kirstin reached up and patted her hand.

Back in the bedroom, Dex had collapsed in a chair, looking totally drained. Morgan, concerned about his reaction, found him that way when she came in and stripped a few minutes later.

"Was it really tough?"

"This is absolutely nuts! I think I was less wrung out after a championship game."

"I can't believe that after all those naked family brunches this would affect you so much."

"It's not the same at all, Morgan. Those family brunches were, and still are, some of the best times in my life. Maybe it's because of the way I started with my mother, I don't know. Being naked with people you care deeply for leaves you even closer when you walk away. This? It's kind of a mockery of something meaningful to me."

"God, I didn't mean to do that to you, Dex."

"Back home, we were all naked, we all loved each other, and it was a way to share openly. It was relaxed and happy. Here, I am more like a display piece." Mimicking a carnival barker, Dex did a little parody.

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Crime Night at the Museum Ch 04

Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Alyx Star Queenie Sateen Time To Reconnect

Queenie Sateen and her stepdaughter Alyx Star are nearly always glued to their phones, because Queenie is constantly replying to work messages, and Alyx likes looking at social media and messaging her friends. But when the internet connection goes out, they become frantic and try to fix it. However, it looks like it must be a problem with the network provider… in which case, who knows when the internet will be back? It could be HOURS! They also don’t have data plans on their phones...

3 years ago
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Katie the school slut

Katie the school slut.Hi, I’m Katie, I’m 16 and known in school as the slut! It takes quite a bit of living up to the name but I enjoy every minute of it, all my mates know what I am like, some try and match me but I am the queen of filth and proud of it.So let’s just get the picture, I’m 5’ 6” size 8 clothes, 34c tits with shoulder length blonde hair, oh and that’s natural not dyed!! For school I always wear thin white blouses tucked tightly into my short grey pleated skirt to show off my...

2 years ago
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Transformation From A Boy To A Complete Man

Hi once again!!! Thanks for liking my previous story. Today I was alone at home and was thinking about my first time, thought of penning it down for all of you. It all started 10 years back when I was 16 years old and had just finished my 12th Class Boards in March. Since we had a long break and had to join school in July, so my parents asked me to go to my chacha’s place in Bangalore. At that time my Chacha was 35 years and a professor in a reputed college in Bangalore. My Chachi had expired...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 6

As you can imagine, our relationship had completely changed. And in a period of only twenty-four hours. Prior to this, we had each kind of done our own thing for most of the day, spending maybe two or three hours actually interacting with each other. More than once, in the past, I'd wondered why she wanted to come to my house for what she called her "vacation", because a lot of the time she just lay on her bed reading, or watched TV or went for runs or whatever. Now, of course, I knew...

1 year ago
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Private Kinuski Horny Runner Addicted To Anal

We wanted to see more of Kinuski, and that’s why we invited her back in Private Specials, Horny Runners, for a personal training session with stud Nick Moreno… and the results did not disappoint! Come and watch this sexy girl work out in her tight sports gear before offering up her beautiful booty for some ass play and warm up as she gets all wet and ready for the fuck she’s been craving. Then enjoy the spectacle of Kinuski in all her glory as she takes a hard intense anal pounding, moaning and...

2 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 22 The Candidates

Back in London there were four dossiers for him to study, listing possible candidates. Two he discarded without reading much, because the pictures of the women did not appeal to him. The third was a distinct possibility, though the daughter was twenty-one and engaged to be married. Closer inspection showed that the mother had been divorced three times in her forty-eight years and he did not think that augured well for his ideas. Not only did he expect that she would be a real gold-digger, but...

3 years ago
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Demarcuss Birhtday Present Chapter 3 dinner with the neighbors

Recap: I was both surprised and flattered when my best friend and next door neighbor, Jen, confided to me that her husband, Demarcus, had a crush on me. However, I was taken aback when Jen suggested that I should be Demarcus's present for his fortieth birthday. I had never even considered such a thing. I told my husband, Tom, about this bizarre request. I expected Tom to be shocked, if not offended. However, he surprised me by making it clear that he found the idea titillating and intriguing....

1 year ago
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The Company Ashley 01

Ashley 01: Happiness Ashley wasn’t sure what to think of Heather. They’d grown up in the same house, been raised by the same loving parents, and even been baptized by the same Catholic priest. That was why the latest news in her younger twin sister’s life made Ashley’s heart sink in her chest. ‘You’re cheating on Jerry?’ The phone was silent for a while and Ashley truly felt like she would cry. It had been a double wedding, Ashley marrying her husband Peter while Heather and Jerry tied the...

3 years ago
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Having a black baby

Life is strange to say the least. Take the situation that now exists between my wife and me. Linda and I have been married almost seven years now, but out relationship has changed more in the last six months than it did in the first six years. Let me explain how my present predicament began. I guess in a sense everything that has happened to me has been my fault. I should have left well enough alone. you see I'm married to a 25 year old fox of a wife. Her name is Linda and I've been with her...

1 year ago
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Cherry picking

“Here,“ mum said placing the two weathered wicker baskets – probably hand woven by my nan around the Second World War - into my hand. There had to be some sort of sentiment behind them, as she still insisted on using them even though they were coming apart around the rim. “You need to fill at least these two if you want both cherry jam and a cake tomorrow,” she said. “And take that –“ she lowered her voice to a whisper, “useless boyfriend of yours with you.”My boyfriend, Will was in my room,...

2 years ago
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Hot Saturday Morning

I live with my boyfriend and my girlfriend. Don and I got first got together in college and it was a few years later that we found Jen. She does not like women, but she does like men who like men and women. Friday night is almost always for Monkey Love, so Saturday morning is kind of slow starting. I was cuddled up to Dons back with one leg thrown over his hip. I was in that half waking state to when I felt a pair of hands spreading my ass cheeks. Then there was the delicious feeling of a...

1 year ago
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TeenCurves Amilia Onyx Spank You For Coming

Amilia Onyx is a curvy teen with jet black hair, a thick ass and bouncy tits. She answers the door wearing sheer leggings and a thong. She takes him outside to show him the pool. He thinks its amazing but not as amazing as that outfit. She gives him a little show, bouncing that big jiggly ass all over the patio furniture. On her hands and knees, she crawls into the house and onto the sofa, hypnotizing him with the rhythmic sway of her hips. When she loses the thong, he loses his mind, no longer...

2 years ago
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Grandpa Jackie 1

Introduction: Grandpa helps Jackie seduce her dad This is a VERY bad story, you should not read it. If perhaps you like incest, slutty girls, horny wives, revenge and the occasional big cock. Well go ahead, but for the rest of you, especially if you are under age then GO AWAY My story starts a few years back my wifes cousin and her husband had stopped by for the holidays with their daughter Jackie. To say she was an oops is an understatement. While her mom and dad are almost our age I was...

3 years ago
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Ultra Boy and Ultra Girl

The Ultra Twins were a super hero team. They were brave and pure, but not always the best fighters. They had a tendency of getting captured by people. The fact that they dripped pheromones made the villains wants to capture them even more. Both Ultra Boy and Ultra Girl are 18 years old. They were perky and had a healing factor. This mean they felt pain, but would heal most wounds eventually. This also meant both of them could cum again and again. Ultra boy was 5' 5" and Ultra girl was 5' 7"...

3 years ago
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Stripper Joins Couple

I dropped by a strip club and met a cute latina named Tasha. She asked me what I was looking for, and I told her that I was only wanted to get revved up so that I could go home and fuck my wife. She loved that and gave me some great dances. One thing lead to another, and she had my cock out, sliding her slippery pussy up and down my hard pole. She even slipped the tip between her lips a couple of times, and I feel sure that if I had just lifted my hips a little we would have been fucking right...

3 years ago
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My first taste of cock

My wife Lisa and I have been happily married for 14 years, and I still think she's the hottest woman in the world. She's a petite, fiery red-head with a beautiful round face and a little button nose. Making love with Lisa is one of my greatest pleasures in life. She is absolutely fantastic in bed. I love the feel of her ample breasts, and the firm roundness of her perfect ass. My biggest turn-on is giving her orgasms, and she has an astounding ability to cum 20 times or more when we make...

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Lindas 50th Birthday

Her 50th birthday marked a violent change in her life. A change she had never expected, and never had wanted. Or lusted for. 12 years had passed since her husband got himself killed in a bar-fight, leaving her with their two sons care for. Fortunately he had been fairly well insured, so they always had what they needed. Her salary as a bookkeeper in a large supermarket was supplied with a monthly 2000$ insurance money. Weeks, months and years trundled along while the boys went through high...

2 years ago
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Mystery Motel 24

Jason is now about a freshman now and Alan is here to pick up the 1975 Landcruiser and the motor is running like new and the transfer case is totally rebuilt and the rear end has an air locker gears. Alan asked, "What color do you want on it?" Jason said, "You know that stock light blue." Alan said, "That will look good. I believe I can paint it that and a couple of coats of clear coat for about $1,000 and I would recommend that especially if you plan to hunt in it." Jason...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 11 Thursday at School

"Good morning, students and staff," Holloway began. "First, I want to remind everyone again that tomorrow is spirit day at Bald Mountain High. That means game uniform code for all of you in sports teams, cheerleading, pompom, band, and other organizations who've chosen to comply. In addition, everyone should wear the puce and chartreuse to the maximum extent possible. "Second, I encourage everyone, when urinating, to use the toilets and other fixtures that the school board has provided....

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©1997, All Rights Reserved When Joe came over that evening, I told him I had a surprise for him. "Umm," he said, "I usually don't like surprises, Holly." "Oh, I think you'll like this one," I said, smiling at him. "In that case," Joe said, "I look forward to it." He was cool, though. He didn't ask me what it was, not then or later as we chatted over wine and fixed dinner together. He smiled at me when I lighted candles and placed them on the table for dinner. Later, over...

1 year ago
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Not Scrambled Eggs

I don't know what it is about cooking eggs. If I try to cook sunny-side up, the yolks break. If I try to cook a simple fried egg, it disintegrates when I try to flip it. I can't even seem to fold and flip an omelet without making a mess. I'm pretty good at a lot of skills in life, but when it comes to eggs, all I can do is scramble them. If someone wants anything better than that, they better take over the cooking.Of course, I only mention the eggs because the warm body in the bed with me...

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Black Ball Contributors Welcome

It was spherical, obsidian-black, the size of a small plum. Hillman polished it within the folds of his shirt. Despite having found it amongst a scattering of rocks and brambles, the ball's surface bore no scratches or scuffs. Instead it shone like a drop of dark translucent liquid. "Cooool." Hillman palmed the ball. He pushed himself upright and winced. He'd almost forgotten he'd just been thrown down a steep hill. "Hillman! Hill!" Hillman crossed his arms and watched Becca pick her way down...

Mind Control
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The Sitter

My name is Lori Thomas; I’m twenty-eight and have been married for six years to my college sweetheart, Drew. Two years ago I gave birth to a boy, Tommy, and became a stay at home mom. I’m a short woman, barely five-foot tall and have to admit that I have some of the baby weight still on me. My tits, though, have retained their size, a full double “D”. I guess it might have something to do with the little bit of weight I have retained. Drew is five-foot-ten and weighs in about 180. Drew looks...

Wife Lovers
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The Cum Shot Party

Introduction: The husband finally gets some balls This is an alternate ending for Cum Shot Party written by Jaydice2003, back in 2004. I hope he doesnt mind me making Jason a little less of a wimp and seeing that Beth gets whats coming to her. I read the story and thought that Jason needed a stage to get his manhood back. The moderators at Literotica rejected the story many times no matter if I fixed it up. The bottom line was that they censor…thats right The ugly head of CENSORSHIP is alive...

3 years ago
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Stop the PressesChapter 5

"Looks like someone started celebrating graduation just a bit early." Paris Gellar flushed, a deep red blush that did nothing to compliment her blonde hair. She started to pull the collar of her dress over the marks on her neck. Then she thought "To HELL with it" and defiantly threw back her head. Instead of being ashamed she laughed. "Jealous Madeline?" "Could be," replied the other girl. She fell into step on Paris' right. Louise, never far away from Madeline came up on her left...

2 years ago
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You can learn a lot in college Part II

For much of that day Gail pondered over Wendi’s question. Were the roommates now lesbians? After all they had spent the night wrapped in each other arms. The first time lesbian sex had been a remarkable experience for both girls. Gail was sure that what happened last night would not be a onetime thing. Yes, Gail wanted to do it again. She wanted to again feel the gentle caress of another woman’s hands on her breasts, the soft lips and tongue working on her nipples, the smell and taste of...

Group Sex
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The Cheater

He walked out of the bar, following him, still not quite believing he had agreed to the suggestion. Still not sure he would actually follow through. He hadn’t done this since he was in college, and then only once. And he had been at that frat party and well over served. That was a dozen years ago, and buried deep in his mind.  Earlier that evening, Jason had fought yet again with Cheryl, his wife of nearly eleven years. They had been having problems ever since his company had laid off about 40...

Gay Male
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My First TIme with Eddie

I'll begin this story by describing myself at the time of this memorable event. I was 17, 5'8", Latino, with a tight body, a young sizable cock, PLENTY of stamina, good looking, and at that stage of life where I wanted to sexually explore my options.My friend, "Eddie", was 5 years older than me, also Latino, slim, very good looking, and stood at about 6'1", and had, what turned out to be, one hell of a fine fucking prick!This was the very first time that I tasted another guys cock.....Eddie...

4 years ago
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DISCLAIMER I don't own Angel or any of the characters of the show, i own nothing. This is non-profit. Tonight like every night for months now she had gone to a fancy party and spent the whole night desperately trying to catch some film maker or super stars attention. As every other night it had failed and she was reduced to swiping food from the tables as she couldn?t afford food at her dingy, filthy, squalid apartment. When she got home and after she ate the sandwiches she stole from the...

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Flight From BabylonChapter 6

On the evening of the twenty-first day out from Earth, I sat on the sofa in the pod’s main room, trying to watch a sappy romantic movie on the video display area. It was a black-and-white, 1950’s post-WW2 weeper about a returning GI (played by Van Heflin) who, haunted by memories of combat in the Pacific, had returned to an unfaithful wife (Barbra Stanwyck) and was followed by a Red Cross nurse (Lana Turner) who had fallen in love with him after he was wounded saving an orphanage. Ruth...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 18

"Do you want to talk about your feelings?" Helen asked her Queen. "No, Dear," Diana replied, "I think I should broach the subject with our husband, though." Helen nodded as Diana headed out the kitchen door. Her radar would take her directly to her Prime. Diana found Jeff in the basement office a short walk later. He was looking over some of the plans for the new development at the ski resort he purchased. Jeff looked up as Diana entered. "I think the ski development will be quite a...

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TimeChapter 32

It must have been fifteen minutes later when a woman about my mother's age came over and put her hand on my shoulder. When I looked up with tear-filled eyes she just smiled a bit and said, "Is there anything I can do, young man?" I used my handkerchief on my eyes and then blew my nose. "Thanks. I don't really think so. A family member is very sick and I just want to get home." In later years, people were not usually kind like this in large urban centres but this woman sat beside me...

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My first gay experience

This is my first story here and this is all 100% true. Please comment and enjoy!Just to set the stage on what led up to this moment. I have been straight my whole life and had been engaged at the time of This incident. I had worked with this guy who was a few years older than me who was very much out of the closet and always was upfront with what he wanted. And boy did he like to mess around with straight guys. We became good friends over the years working together. He would constantly hit on...

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Surviving the IslandChapter 10

Five months later, they remembered they weren't the only ones on this island. When James had decided last week that it was finally time they attempted to explore the island, it became obvious that Julie and Stacy would be the ones staying behind while Natalie accompanied James. Stacy's belly had been showing for months already, and though Julie's figure remained the same, she had missed her period twice. So while James and Natalie had been gone for a week, headed up into the hills to try...

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from the last story father like son

it was late at night and i sat there in my blue panties and black leggings and black tight shirt. there is this older black guy sitting next me naked, high and asleep. as i sat there i found my self wanting to suck his cock again. i heard him mumble in sleep saying "come on white boy suck my black dick" i leaned back over to him and kissed his soft cock and started making out with it. i treated like a tongue and french kissed it. i took his cock in my mouth and sucked on it until i felt it get...

2 years ago
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Tent 15 Ch04

Derek's eyes shot open. He'd been so wrapped up in his incestuous thoughts he'd forgotten his swimsuit had fallen off during their mishap. "Oh god…" Miranda muttered as she began whipping her head back and forth for any sign of their clothing, "I don't see them anywhere. Check underwater!" Derek was getting worried. He ducked his head underwater and began looking around for anything. It was clear enough that he could see a good distance but there was nothing around. His stomach sank....

1 year ago
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Sex With My Pinni 8211 Part II

Hi this is Chandu again. You know me by first story of Sex with My Pinni and today I am going to narrate my part-II of this story as in the previous story I have said that I didn’t had sex with her but only she used to masturbate for me. But in this narration and in the second part I had sex with her, though it was somewhat difficult for me as it was for the first time for me. You know that her name is Renuka(now name changed) and her age is now 36 years and figure is 36-36-38 and height5.4feet...

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Chote ka baad bari didi ko choda

Chote ka baad bari didi ko choda story nomber 007 ap logo na mare pehli story prhi ho ge jis main maina apni ayesha didi ko choda tha. Ab ya story maree doosree didi jin ka name sadia hai, dakhna main bohat sexy magar halka sanwla rang tha. Age 28, figure 34c 26 34 , is waqt mare age 23 saal thee. Or is baar chutyaan guzarna ka leya ashee didi ki jagha un ki bahan saida a gae. Jin ko maina air port par sa recieve kar ka parents ka ghar sa ho kar apna flat par la aya, to dosto is bar ki story ap...

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My innocent mom8217s unbelievable sexual encounter

Hi guys, I am back with a new story. It is not the continuation of what I wrote earlier. I and my mom left my friend’s house and went to the village and came back. But while returning, the same friend whose family banged my mom came to drop us. Mom had hardcore sex with him on the terrace at night. So, after that banging mom for the whole night, he left us early in the morning. After that in the afternoon, I and mom slept in the bed for some rest. A few minutes later, mummy left the bed and...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 25

Mark's Narrative Continues: We didn't see Seamus or most of his people for ten days following dinner that night. Meagan and Maureen did appear for dinner a couple of times during that period, and they borrowed Dymphna for a time as Seamus and Carl had taken Dealla and Cessair with them. Having three Mages in the Ohio country put a strain on our one remaining Mage, Coleen, who was rather busy with two locations to take care of. Things on this side of the Ohio River had not slowed down or...

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I wiped the sweat from my brow. It was warm for an October day. I turned the mower around and headed in the opposite direction. Mowing the front yard was a responsibility my parents gave me. I didn't mind. I took enjoyment in seeing the lawn looking so nice after it was cut and edged. Mrs. Patterson pulled up next door in her minivan. She politely waved before she headed into her house. Her daughter, Paige, stumbled out of the van struggling to carry a large paper pad and a plastic shopping...

1 year ago
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Girls With Muscle!? I’m getting mixed feeling here guys. On one hand, I love fit women, I like it when women take care of themselves and their bodies. But on the other hand, when some of them have bigger muscles than me, I don’t really know what to think of that. Welcome to, where you’ll find tons of real images of real women who are packing heat. And by heat, I mean guns. And by guns, I mean their biceps. Holy cow, look at those biceps! I can feel a bit of insecurity coming...

Fetish Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Every Night For Eternity

He’s out there, outside her window, feeling the warm air as it flowed through his coat and silk shirt and softly caressed his skin. The moon highlighted pale skin and the white hair of his forearm; it revealed soft, striking blue eyes sheltered under long eyelashes and dark brows; it shone on his hair, a shade no less than black, tied back in ponytail that fell smooth and straight down the middle of his back. He’s waiting, waiting outside her window for a perfect breeze. It came, whipping up...

Erotic Fiction
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Liz Discovers Her Sexuality

Elisabeth never had any problems attracting the boys. She looked like the ultimate girl-next-door, with her slender 5'3 frame, long blond wavy hair, perky B-cup boobs and an ass like a peach. But, she had no interest for them. The idea of sex interested her somewhat, but all the boys in her neighbourhood were too immature for her tastes, and she went to an all-girls catholic school.However, she did feel herself becoming more and more attracted to Mr. Hatherfield, her 35-year old IT teacher. A...

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Lizzie CameChapter 18

"You know, Honey," Janice said to Nate, "I did want to see you put that thing into our sweet darling Lizzie here. And maybe you still can, considering how horny you are for her. But in the meantime, I know a way you can make it up to me." "What's that Jan?" "Lizzie seems to need some help with uh ... you know ... her face and her neck?" "Yeah, so?" "Well, how about if you share the clean-up with me?" Nate paused and looked somewhat skeptically at his wife. "Are you...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 37 Surprising Realizations

January 1, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “Good afternoon, Father Deacon,” I said. “Good afternoon, Mikhail Petrovich. Sit down, please.” Tasha and I exchanged a look and we sat down on the settee, but with about a foot of empty cushion between us. “I would like the truth, Mikhail Petrovich. Have you and Tasha been behaving inappropriately?” That was a good question to which ONE answer was ‘yes’, but another answer was ‘no’. I was reasonably certain he was asking the second question, not the...

3 years ago
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As an IT guy who has been through enough re-orgs and RIFs and burned enough times to accept the role of contractor, especially given that there are no "permanent" jobs these days. I had finally found a nice small town outfit as my "rental agency" that serviced enough local small businesses none of whom needed a full-time IT geek, so, instead of getting one full time, they were engaging an IT geek-- me, that is-- to use a song from Fiddler on the Roof, getting "A little bit of this, a...

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The Titmasters of the Gynko DynastyPart 1 t

The Dynasty of Valland Gynko was notorious for its desires for beautiful women who were provided for the use of the inner sanctum and its Princes and wealthy friends,the running of the harem was an honour given to men who became the Titmaster's of the dynasty and who held authority over those held for sexual pleasures,many of the women would be slaves captured and offered freedom on the proviso of giving service to their new master's but first they must undergo strict training and acceptance...

1 year ago
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Simply SaraChapter 2

When she got home, Sara flung off her clothes, only stopping a moment to hang up her suit. Hose, panties, blouse, camisole went in a ball into the hamper. Naked, she threw herself on the bed, her legs spread wide, as if the cool air could cool her desire. She lay on her big, king-size bed with her head at the foot, a frequent choice when she wanted to masturbate. At the head of the bed, a wide mirror tilted out from the wall to give her a good view of what she and her lovers were up to. She...

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My Filipina niece

First, a disclaimer: all those websites with Filipina "schoolgirls" in short dresses are pure bullshit. The girls always wear dresses/skirts below the knee andthey graduate at 16, which is too young to be photographed nude. My niece, Kim, is s*****n, absolutely beautiful, tall for a Filipina at 5'6", and very trim -- 32B and XS panties. She is out of high school but with no job as most of the shops won't hire anyone until they are 18. When she was 14, she wanted a mobile phone and came to...

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Daddys Little Whore pt1

I was only 18 when I first noticed my father looking at me differently. Suddenly a developing new young woman, I was growing breasts and my hips were growing wider. As my father noticed my body taking on a more womanly shape, his looks turned from affectionate glances to leering stares of desire.Part of me liked the attention, but mostly I found it sickening that his eyes seemed to undress me every time he caught sight of me. My mother was much too concerned with her own problems to notice, and...

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