- 2 years ago
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As mentioned earlier, being an android does have its advantages. One of the prime advantages is being able to be made better if the opportunity should afford itself.
Dr. Carson wanted to do just that for his eldest child, and Michael would soon discover that he's been given even more unique and special abilities as a result of it.
However, would these new-found abilities end up being a blessing or a curse? Only time will tell.
Michael awoke to find himself standing upright and naked, next to the work table. He saw Julie, sitting at her keyboard. It was daylight outside, and Dr. Carson was standing behind him; his hands in Michael's back.
"What happened?" Michael asked, but his voice was scrambled, high pitched, and extremely oscillated.
"Good afternoon!" he said, poking his head around from behind his back. "Let me make some adjustments before you try to speak again, okay?"
Michael nodded, and simply looked forward. A minute later, Dr. Carson finished with the adjustments. "There we go," he said. "Much better!"
"What time is it?" he asked.
"It's 4:14PM."
"Fuck! What about work?"
"Shhhh," Julie said. "I called you in sick with the flu."
"How long have I been out?"
"For about 14 hours," Dr. Carson told him.
"What did you do to me?" he asked.
"We gave you some upgrades," Julie said pushing herself towards him.
"I thought you went to sleep," he asked her.
She walked up to Michael and ran her hands down his arms. "I tried to," she said. "But I couldn't sleep. I walked downstairs looking for you and noticed Dr. Carson here working on you so I offered to help."
"You've got a wonderful woman here, Michael." Dr. Carson said, closing the access panel in his back.
"Wanna see all that we've given you?" Julie asked gleefully.
She sat back down at her computer, and plugged in a small box with a flexible antenna to the hub for their home network.
She pressed some keys then all of a sudden he was able to move.
"Wow!" he said, surprised. "How did you do that?"
"I've fitted you with a wireless Ethernet transceiver," Dr. Carson said. "Pull up your diagnostics window and look at the dmesg boot history."
Michael did as he suggested and found the logfile. He hadn't noticed it before, but it revealed many wondrous things!
"I'm looking at it now," he said. "It looks complicated."
"You're a complicated being," Dr. Carson told him.
"Some things failed." he said, noticing the several FAILED lines in the file.
"I know. I removed the combat personality," Dr. Carson said.
"You've also upgraded my CPUs," he said.
"Yes, tripling your processing power. That's why your speech was messed up, I needed to compensate for the increased clock speed; your audio subsystems were getting data too fast. But, the CPUs upgraded were just in your core. Your subsystems still have their originals."
"What's the cel0 device for?"
"Ah!" Julie said. "That's my favorite! Watch."
She picked up their phone and dialed a number.
... Flashed in green in front of him.
"Woah," he said out loud. "How do I answer it?"
"Just think about answering the phone and it should stop ringing."
Michael did as Dr. Carson suggested.
"Hello," he said out loud.
"You don't need to speak out loud to answer your phone," she told him. "Your audio input, output, and speech control subsystems are tied into the phone."
Julie hung up the phone, and hooked up an old Sportster modem.
"Now, check this out," she said with a grin, as he heard the modem dial.
... Flashed in green, in his field of view.
A small terminal window appeared in front of him:
Julie entered some keystrokes and logged in.
He could see everything she was typing. It was fantastic! Then, before he knew it, Julie had accessed his maintenance and diagnostic systems and without warning, he was standing on one leg.
"Hey!" Michael said, disgruntled. "I don't think I like this."
"You can set it not to auto-answer if you wish," Dr. Carson said. "In fact, I recommend that. Also, be careful what you use it for; it is a cellphone, and you will receive the bill. It's more designed for emergency communications."
"Wanna surf the Internet," Dr. Carson asked Michael.
"Well, your cell-modem will give you a 33.6kbps PPP connection to your ISP; but your built-in Ethernet transceiver is connecting you to your home LAN here, too. Think about surfing the Internet and watch what happens."
Michael did as instructed and mentally thought about surfing the Internet. A window appeared, somewhat blocking his vision.
"Netscape Navigator!" he said cheerfully. "But how?"
"It's open-source now," he said. "I compiled it for your architecture and added the necessary interface hooks to its API. Go to an address'
Michael thought about going to Yahoo!. Almost immediately the webpage loaded.
"That was fast," he said.
"Yeah, you're tied into your cable modem here at the house."
"Awesome! Any other surprises' Michael asked; closing the window.
"In due time," Dr. Carson replied.
Michael reached for his pants which were set on the table, put them on, and walked upstairs. Julie and Dr. Carson weren't far behind as they followed him up the stairs.
"Can I fix you something Doctor," Michael asked as he and Julie entered the kitchen.
"A ham and cheese sandwich would be fine, thank you."
"Julie?" he inquired, turning to face her.
"Nothing for me, hon." she replied.
He prepared Dr. Carson's meal, and brought it into the living room where he and Julie were talking. As he handed him his plate, he sat down on his chair and listened.
Dr. Carson was explaining to Julie the principals of his design.
While still listening to them, he got up to look out the backdoor into the yard. There were squirrels chasing each other over a fresh layer of lightly packed snow.
Sunday, May 25 to Wednesday, June 18, 2008 On my next déjà vu, I gave my link partner an overview of my situation and discoveries, waited for him to calm down, told him I thought I could painlessly upgrade him to 352 minds, waited for him to calm down again, then I explained my "Second-Tier Helpers" idea in detail, including that he'd be letting himself in for some possibly risky work on my Voyage. I couched my description as being an invitation to him that he could refuse, but I knew he...
Michael Collins Revelations Imagine if you would that up until this point everything you knew about reality was tossed out the window. Grass, the sky, the warmth of the sun's rays hitting your face. You've thought, until this point, that your life was in order. Everything was the way it was supposed to be. 2+2=4, grass is green, the sky is predominantly blue. Red means stop, and green means go. If you're living in Atlanta, or Los Angeles, then yellow probably means go very fast. Think...
Guest chapter written by DB_Story Author's Note: This chapter was inspired, and written by, David B. While Becky may appear, and act, like any normal 17 year-old girl, and even successfully engage in sex; Becky had a problem, which she didn't even realize. It appeared, in Dr. Carson's haste to finish assembling his two android children, that he forgot to attach several wires inside Becky. Crucial to her sexuality, these wires controlled certain aspects of her physiology, and relayed...
Welcome to the spérmatos chazí or as the people call it Sperzi. A world entirely filled with shemales. A society build around sex and pleasure though you are not of this world. It was long ago that you died and thought that you finally was able to get some peace though your fate was not peace yet. A great scientist in Sperzi has managed to capture your soul and trap it in his newest android. The collection of your soul had been long and tedious but now it was done. Let's take a look at the...
TranssexualSamus brought her ship into dock with the station, the docking bay walls closing behind her. In her travels around the galaxy, she had received a signal from an old research station. The signal informed her that the station was inhabited by a scientist AI, programmed to keep inventing for eternity. If she came to investigate, she'd be offered many new ways to "expand" her arsenal. She was here to see if that way true, and she stepped off of her ship, Zero Suit clinging to her curves all the...
Twenty minutes had passed while Sutton tried to prepare Michael as quickly as possible for his upcoming testimony. Unfortunately, the time went by too quickly for them before the court officer knocked on the door letting them know court was about to resume. One by one, everyone flowed back into the courtroom and remain seated until the Judge returned. Julie was instructed to re-take the stand as court was again called to order. "Your honor, at this time I have no further questions for...
Michael discovers for the first time that he's not alone in this Universe. Unbeknownst to him, Dr. Carson had been working on two additional androids, designed to look, act, and be teenagers. "Hey," he said, greeting them. "So what's the emergency?" Michael sat down next to Julie at the dining room table. "The man you know as Dr. Carson ceased to function at 5:44am this morning," the boy said. "We were instructed before-hand to come to this address," the girl said. He...
Becky and Chip have both been exploring their sexuality over the past several days. While none of the androids have been programmed specifically for sex, they did find pleasure and comfort with being in the presence of other individuals, along with certain stimulus that companionship provided. Michael continued to drive around Atlanta thinking about the world around him. Several hours into his drive, he glanced down at his dashboard and noticed the fuel gauge in his car was almost empty,...
Two weeks had past since Athena joined him and Chloe. The two weeks Tom had with Chloe was nothing compared to the two weeks with both girls. Athena had a dominate personality in bed towards Chloe, and Chloe was submissive to Athena. Both were, of course, submissive when Tom fucked them, but Chloe’s was to a greater extent. He also set them to fuck even when he wasn’t there. It was insanely hot to watch Athena come up behind Chloe to grope her out of the blue, to walk into the living room and...
Our story begins to take off with one man, Michael Collins, who because of no fault of his own, wakes up one morning only to discover that his reality has been turned upside down. He, in fact, is an android. Up until this point, Michael had assumed that his entire life was real. He had a good job, a loving girlfriend, and good friends. But who was to tell him how much of it was real? Waking up that fateful day, Michael discovered something which was absolutely real to him. He was...
Put yourself in Michael's shoes. How would you feel? Standing before you, not more than 10 feet, is your God. Your maker. The man who conceived of you and brought your existence into this world. Michael was understandably nervous and full of emotions, no matter how synthetic those emotions might be. "Michael," he said proudly. "Let him in Jules," he said. Julie opened the door and invited him in. Dr. Carson walked towards his prodigy, but instinctively Michael took a step back, a...
Some of Michael's new abilities were beginning to take hold as he was slowly trying to regain some normality back into his life. Having remote access to one's psyche may prove to be more of a curse than a blessing, however. Fortunately for us humans, that aspect is not likely to become probably for a significant future. Although, being able to call one's significant other from one's built-in cellphone to see when he or she is coming home from dinner would be extremely cool. "Get...
Several months had passed since Chip and Becky joined Michael, and Julie in their home in Alpharetta. Michael and Julie finished out their basement so Chip had a room to himself, and Becky took the guest bedroom upstairs. On the home front, Michael was now Manager of Development Operations at Datatronics, after getting Scott fired; albeit accidentally, by patching his monitor and keyboard into the executive conference room. When the board members were having a meeting discussing...
What is an android to do that's got a kilogram of food just sitting around in their body? Get rid of it, somewhow. That aside, Michael's reservation about Chip and Becky attending school may have been warranted. Sex-crazed physical education teachers (which is no wonder considering how sexually repressed Georgia is – it is against the law in that state to give or receive a blowjob, by the way.) But all in all it was a pretty good day. Becky and Chip made two very nice friends. Will they...
Julie met up with Michael back at their hotel room since his house and bank accounts, in fact all of his assets, were frozen by the Governmnet pending the outcome of this case, the two didn't have much of a place to stay anymore. Besides, the hordes of reporters and photographers were making both of their lives miserable. She and Michael were being interviewed that evening in their hotel suite by ABC's 20/20, so it was no wonder the two of them quickly got undressed as they entered their...
The next morning, Tom took out his frustration by having Sansa deep throat him on the living room couch. He did not expect Zoe to come into view as Sansa sucked him off. He also did not expect her to only have on underwear and a bra. She stood beside the couch staring at the scene not saying a word. She seemed to be a million miles away. Tom cleared his throat and Zoe snapped away from her thoughts. “Hey, Tom,” she said. I guess I was only Daddy for that one moment. He didn’t say that aloud...
Michael awoke to find his arms and legs removed, and suspended by two rubber straps in a large and emtpy room with high ceilings. His entire chest had been removed, and looking down he could see a myriad of wires connected to various components which all fed into a terminal on a mobile cart which was in front of him. Across the room, he could see Chip and Becky lying on two tables. "Help!" he cried out. He wasn't sure how, but he was relieved that his old voice was now back. "Help!" he...
As an employee of Venus Robotics, you're used to being around androids. You help design them, you work alongside them, and even find some of the female models to be quite attractive. The irony of it is that you don't make nearly enough money to purchase one for yourself. Then, one day, you receive a letter from your employers. It reads: Dear Sir, After carefully evaluating your qualifications and your impeccable record of service, the R&D Department would like to invite you to assist us in the...
An einem Frühsommer Abend irgendwo in einer grossen Stadt. Der Tag war sonnig und warm gewesen und es ist gerade dunkel geworden. Es ist ein heruntergekommenes Viertel in dem sich niemand zu sehr dafür interessiert ob gerade irgendwo etwas ungewöhnliches passiert. Alte Häuser, dreckig und verfallen bilden eine heruntergekommene Strasse deren Laternen schon seit Jahren kein Licht mehr spenden. Aus einer kleinen dunklen Gasse tritt eine junge Frau. Sie sieh wie etwa 20 aus, ist 1,72 m gross und...
"I can now understand what you mean by training, Yamcha." 18 said as they walked into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with their equipment. After the Tournament of Power, Yamcha had suggested to 18 that the two could start training if they were to face a threat that had the power of Jiren that was in this universe and 18 agreed. They decided to train in the Chamber in real time for 30 minutes which gave them a week to properly train inside the chamber. After waiting until the clock had reached...
Mind ControlWe find Michael in another predicament. Human males enjoy the luxury that their bodies are designed for reproduction. Day and night, the human male's body is constantly creating sperm, and prostatic fluid to help propel the sperm to an awaiting egg. It's the most basic of human instincts, the will to reproduce. Androids, on the other hand, don't have such luxuries. Mechanical in nature, their bodies are designed not for reproduction, but for other tasks. Not having a prostate, or...
Thomas Evergreen sat alone in his little corner of the world. He lived on a hundred acres of land, uninhabited except for him. He was an only child, never married, and never had any children. His parents had passed away years ago and he had no other relatives, except for a few distant ones that he shunned. They were only after his parent’s wealth after all. The mansion and property were worth millions upon millions to the right buyer or inheritor. At 42 years old, Tom wasn’t likely to have...
Having Athena next to him was a great release. As soon as the two girls were out of sight, Tom sat on the couch. It was still warm from Chloe and Zoe’s asses. He brought his nude android down on his lap, but not sitting. He had Athena lay her stomach on his lap. Her head was facing down and her ass was up. Since his newest android would be coming sometime today, Tom didn’t want to blow his load inside her. But he needed to get rid of some of his pent-up frustration from not being able to take...
Michael was definitely in a predicament, now. For a machine that has no digestive system, no urinary tract, how could he be expected to give urine for a urinalysis which would prove that he wasn't consuming drugs? Michael couldn't help it, aware now of some of his abilities, that he was more productive than his human colleagues. He did have a plan, though, but the more he thought about it, the more disgusted he became. He and Arnie both entered his house, and Michael set his keys down...
Frought over his plan to pass the company-ordered urinalysis, Michael finished his preparations to head into work. Of course, while his idea even grossed him out, he could find no other way to satisfy what was going to be asked of him, and keep his secret alive. Michael got into work about 8 o'clock that morning and walked over to his desk. While he was booting up his computer, a man and a woman approached him from behind. "Mr. Collins?" the woman said. "Yes?" "I'm Janet...
When we're born, we're not given an instruction manual by our creator. We're required, if we want to stay alive, to figure a lot of things our for ourselves. Fortunately, through the trial and error of many men beofre us, history has taught some the way to mend our bodies should we suffer injury, or how to deal with an unueasy psychological situation. Michael, on the other hand, was unique. A single entity. There are no more like him which he can draw on past and present experiences. He...
An Intrinsic Knowledge Database are special sets of files within Michael which provide basic information. How to open a door, how to tie his shoes, that 2+2=4, grass is normally green, the sky is normally blue, and red means stop why green means go. Yellow, in this case does not necessarily mean go very fast. Julie, Chip, and Becky followed Michael downstairs to the basement. He positioned them both next to his worktable as he carefully removed their skull caps. Next, he picked up two...
"All rise!" the court-officer called out. "This is civil-case number USC-11-4427 for the U.S. District Court, Northern Georgia Division; in the matter of The People vs. Michael Collins, Becky Carson, and Chip Carson; automatons, for the purpose of determining citizenship and legal-status within the United States of America. The Honorable, Judge Judy Swaggert presiding." A graying, petite woman walked into the courtroom from a side door and made her way up the stairs to her bench....
The courtroom was abuzz with reporters and television crews, all hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous robotic family. Today was the day Sutton was going to put on his defense. Michael and Julie both would be key witnesses. They arrived at the courthouse about a half-hour before the trial was to start and everyone ferried into a conference room to prepare. "Julie, I'm going to put you on the stand first." Sutton told her. "We're going to go through a timeline at how you two met, and...
"Collette, you know where the coffee is," Bran instructed. "It's going to be a long night, so why don't you make a pot? Caleb, your batch of nanites is ready. I propose that you go first because Al has a better idea about what to expect. If there is an unforeseen problem, he has a better chance of correcting it on the fly. He can also be prepared to coach the rest of the Companions in how to handle the treatment." "Okay, but," Caleb replied dubiously, as he was settling into his...
Although Tom liked the quiet moments with her, today it was hard to resist his want to take Chloe there on the couch. He hadn’t fucked her in over 24 hours now. He was holding off and building up his cum for when his new daughter arrived. It was supposed to be any time now, but it was still frustrating having such a great piece right in front of him and having to hold off fucking her. He kept reminding himself that he would be blowing his load inside his new daughter very soon. Then, he would...
Tom couldn’t refuse her. He took hold of her shoulder with the hand he had been using to grope her. He put her on her stomach and climbed on top of her. The day before, Tom had fucked her missionary the entire time. Now, he wanted to see how good she was when being mounted like a bitch. The feeling of power he got from taking her from behind made his cock hard as a rock. When he made the first thrust into her already wetting pussy, he put his left hand on her hip, but he put his right hand on...
Are you an Android Adult or just a human pervert looking for some new ways to jerk off using your phone? Either way, I’ve got something for you today I think you’re going to enjoy. Hell, maybe you’ve even heard of it already because the site gets millions of visitors every month. That kind of traffic tells you they’ve got something worth busting out the lube and the crusty old gym sock for, and you know how much I love to check out anything with naked chicks humping, anime footjobs, and video...
Free Sex GamesCamila thrust her hips furiously grinding down onto John’s jutting hard cock. Her tight young pussy began to throb and burn with raging unbridled desires. She was so close to release. John sensed his wife’s impending orgasm and did what she liked best; he pressed her nipples. The pressure on Camila’s rubbery erect nipple acted like a “start button”. The young woman felt a flush of intense heat sweep across her athletic body consuming her in a firestorm of lust. She whimpered and yelped before a...
Wife Lovers"So..." Dr. Stench said, rubbing his chin as he looked over the mangled mess of metal laid out on the table before him. Shredded scraps of steel that were once called armour were scattered on the worktop, mechanical limbs had been smashed beyond recognition, and exposed wiring and circuitry buzzed threateningly. The doctor's eyes surveyed the damage, running up and down the heap once, then twice, before finally turning his attention to the head and shoulders attached to the wreck that...
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Hi, friends its love Gupta again with a very new incidence which had happened to me a few years back when I completed my 2nd dan black belt in taekwondo. I already had submitted some true incidents earlier. Now come to my this incident which happened to me when I completed my 3rd dan black belt. So the celebration was kept a more classy one then an expensive fervor. We had planned an in-house frenzied time. There were two girls and four boys. The other girl (name withheld) had a boyfriend....
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Jan 28 2016: Slowing the car I inched it forward until we were just past the tree line and the building was in full view. Turning in my seat to face Kate I smiled. "What do you think?" I asked. "It's nice?" She said as if unsure exactly what to say. "A little big." "Well I got the money so why not? Only cost about 750K. It's got fast internet and I can fit a few servers in the basement, and with the solar panels on the roof we won't light up like a...
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Part 1I originally posted this a couple of days ago but since then I have made some tweaks, converted it to 1st person etc. Hope you enjoy! Feel free to message me if you have to chat further :)It started when I turned eighteen.I was a student at a local upper school, in his final year of his education, otherwise known as sixth form, when his life changed dramatically. I knew it would happen of course; my father had taught me long ago during one of his brief stints at home before he left to go...
The New Order By Julia Prudence It was the year 2050, and I was 26 years old. A new law was being phased in and very few of us were really knowledgeable as to what or how it would effect our lives. Emily and I had been married for approximately three years and I was the father of one son. The reason for the new regulations was that population growth was increasing at an alarming rate; and many solutions were being...
So now, both girls were on their hands and knees on Sophie’s bed. Each girl had one guy fucking her ass, one guy underneath fucking her pussy, and two more guys in front having their dicks sucked. The remained 3 guys were having their cocks jerked off by the girls. All 13 of them were orgasming intensely, the girls’ pussies contracting and the boys’ dicks expelling large quantities of semen. All of them were in sexual nirvana. At around 2am, the humans collapsed into a big, sweaty, cummy...
NOTE TO READER: The following story is a first attempt at anything like this. I hope that it at least is interesting. It is basically a true story, with the names/places changed to protect the guilty. Please let me know what you think and give me any suggestions that you may have. I tend to be long-winded and re-reading this, I am afraid that it may not “get to the point” quickly enough. Any and all feedback will be appreciated as I have a lot of stories to tell, but I want people to read them...
Gayit was all when i was in the 7th grade i used to come home and masturbate while i was in the shower when nobody was home (i used the hand held shower hose and ran it over my clit). so one day my ex botfriend who was my boyfriend at the time came over and asked me who was home and i said nobody and he said have you fucked before and i lied and said nope baby do you want to be my first he said hell yeah i want my big cock in your pussy right now so he shut the door removed my bra and started...
Mom's College Visitbysethp©2010 all rights reserved.Jenny Crawford was excited. She had just gotten off the phone with her son and made plans to go up to visit him this weekend. He'd picked a college just out of state and it wasn't easy for him to come home to visit. In fact she hadn't seen him since Christmas and then he'd only stayed for a couple of days before returning.She tried to get her husband, Bill, to go with her, but as usual he was a stick in the mud and would rather sit around...
Chapter 1: A Clothes Call Stan wrote a little piece for the Discussion Board. As this reply is written, he doesn't know the half of it. What he wrote is marked by a right pointing quote symbol, >. In between his comments, I will tell you The Rest of the Story. Readers who have their own personal penis attached will probably think this is a better event than those of us who don't have them, but who can get one on short notice any time we want the use of it. >Roxanne has had an...
Wreck by Waldo ([email protected]) All rights reserved by the author. Permission is given to Nifty, Fictionmania, and Sapphire to archive/distribute this story. Permission is usually given to other free sites by sending me an e-mail defining where the story will be posted. It's an adult story. Chapter 1 - How it started The harsh sound of the telephone ringing wakes me with a start. My body is instantly awake but my mind is still sluggish from the deep sleep of the last...
When I saw the help wanted sign in the pizza shop window, I decided to stop in and apply for the job. I knew I could use the extra money and I thought it might be fun. There was always a big bunch of black guys hanging out around the shop and my big white 42DD tits always attracted their attention which I didn't mind at all. I ran a gauntlet of staring eyes and smiling black faces as I entered the shop. A little old man was behind the counter. "Hi, my names Lois Kubik. I stopped in to see...
That night Megan showed her mother how to hide the great majority of her aura or she would never get any peace. This was done quickly and Margaret smiled at the simplicity of it all. For the next few days I prepared all I could for the short trip. The girls were busy for only a few hours doing projects. Most were done in a very short time at school so their teachers could see that nobody else helped. The quality was going to be high and they didn't want problems with the teachers not...
He started dating Josh in high school and never stopped. They were the perfect couple. They even sometimes finished each other’s sentences. They were together for eight years before they moved into a house together while going to college nearby. Bills quickly overwhelmed them so they interviewed quite a few roommates as potential candidates to move in with them to help them out with paying off some of their debt that had accumulated. They just needed a few hundred more dollars a month to get...
Personals…My name is Ian. I am a six foot two, twenty- nine year old white male. I go to the gym every Tuesday and Thursday. I take good care of my body I eat well and have good hygiene. I have dated lots of women. But they all lack something. The sex is fair, we connect but I feel something missing from them. In my latest escapade for that special someone. The woman was everything I’d want. Legs that didn’t quit, ample breasts, shapely figure, athletic, smart, funny and had a seductive look...
Back on the home front, I must confess that I had let things go. My normal duties as wife and mother seemed trivial and boring indeed compared with the excitement of working for S.E.X. Needless to say, it was only a matter of time before I had a confrontation with Fred. "You bitch!" he cornered me one night after I'd served TV dinners for the fourth time in a row. "How long do you think I can stand living like this?" I tried to weasel out of it, but it was no use. The irritation had...
Ahhhh! It was the hot first day of May and it had been over 4 months; I had not even had a close chance to see a naked live pussy, leave alone fucking one. I was almost becoming an ass aficionado and that too a male ass for crying out loud. Whenever my cock rebelled for sex, the boys were available so easily; I mean I had a list of my boy toys and if not all, most were only a call away to have them in private naked and all secret; fucking them as much as my body would endure. I had taken stock...
Something out of the ordinary had been bothering Karen, the dark- eyed Barbara thoughtfully mused as she crossed the pleasant street back to her own new home. Subconsciously, she added a little extra bounce to her gait plus a provocative waggle of fully rounded hips and buttocks, just in case there might be a man admiring her from some concealed vantage point. Of course, they'd only known the dazzling blonde charmer and her adorable husband less than two weeks, but that was long enough to...
Javon's parents sold a company that they had started and built for years. They are now wealthy, but still want to live a normal life. He is their only child who was born later in their lives. He is a spoiled child but his parents have raised him right. He and his family moved to Miami to escape the cold Chicago winter weather. Javon's first week was spent at a hotel right across the street from South Beach. Javon met a woman named Josie and her stepdaughter at the beach. Needless to say, he had...
ReluctanceHola folks, I am Rahul from Karnataka with a story of a nympho girl. I am 22 years old, currently working in a reputed MNC. I have constantly been reading the stories on ISS and some other sites. But I feel stories in the ISS are much more erotic than others. I started reading stories from pre-lockdown time and wished to get laid like those people. Well, I guess I am a bit unlucky in that until now. But I am pretty sure that I will get a chance to get laid with a pretty angel soon. (You will...