Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 415 The Upgrades
- 3 years ago
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"Collette, you know where the coffee is," Bran instructed. "It's going to be a long night, so why don't you make a pot? Caleb, your batch of nanites is ready. I propose that you go first because Al has a better idea about what to expect. If there is an unforeseen problem, he has a better chance of correcting it on the fly. He can also be prepared to coach the rest of the Companions in how to handle the treatment."
"Okay, but," Caleb replied dubiously, as he was settling into his chair, "If my head explodes, you can blame it on Al."
"Humph," they all heard from the irascible alien.
Bran disappeared though the door to his basement.
"Not so fast," JJ said, grabbing Caleb by the arm. "We have an unfinished conversation from this morning, mister."
"JJ, we can't..." Caleb began in a panic, trying to read her to see what she was thinking.
"Not that, honey," JJ said drily, as she dragged him through the door.
Once they were in the living room, and alone, JJ grasped both of Caleb's arms and said, "This is not how I planned on spending our anniversary."
"It isn't how I planned on spending it, either," Caleb admitted apologetically. "I'm sorry, babe," he murmured before pulling her into a hug.
"So am I," JJ murmured, returning the hug. "There was something that I wanted to talk about, but I wanted it to be in a much more romantic setting."
"We can wait," Caleb suggested. "This business with Branch should be resolved in a few days, and things should be back to normal."
"That's the thing, Caleb," JJ said softly. "We have no guarantee we'll both survive Branch, this time. That's why I think we need to talk now."
"Okay," Caleb said dubiously, leaning back, and looking at JJ with a puzzled frown.
He tried to figure out what she was thinking, but all he could get was a nonsense song from Amy, her Companion.
JJ took a deep breath, as if steeling herself, and then in a rush said, "Caleb, I want to have a baby with you. Under normal circumstances, I would say that's crazy, because of our ages. But we'll live a lot longer, now, and Amy says there is no reason I can't have more children. I've thought about this ever since we got married. I thought I must be crazy, too. After a year, though, I really think it would be okay. I don't want..."
Caleb shut her up with a kiss. A very thorough kiss.
When he ended the kiss, finally, Caleb hugged JJ tightly before saying, "Babe, if you want us to make a baby, then that's what we'll do. There's only one thing that worries me."
"What's that," JJ asked, sniffling into his chest.
"Do you think we've practiced enough in the last year to get it right?" Caleb asked in his most innocent sounding voice.
JJ snorted, and punched him in the short ribs, drawing a gasp from Caleb. Then she hugged him as tightly as she could.
"I love you," JJ whispered fiercely.
"I love you, too," Caleb whispered back, his face buried in her hair, and hugging her just as intensely. "We can start working on that little chore whenever you want."
"I kind of already have," JJ admitted. "I didn't start my birth control pills after my last cycle."
Caleb chuckled and said, "So that's why I was having so much trouble reading you the last few days. I thought you were mad at me about something."
"I was afraid that you would get mad at me," JJ conceded. "That's why I decided that I had to tell you, today, on our anniversary. Then you were called away this morning, and I have no idea about what's going to happen tonight. Are you mad at me?" she asked, looking up at Caleb.
He met her gaze, and smiled before kissing her again, gently, and softly murmuring, "Not at all. I love you. I love Kim and Blake as if they were my own. I'll love any children we have in the future, too. Plus, I'll love you more and more every day."
"Thank you," JJ sighed, hugging him again. "We had better get back to the kitchen. Dad has some questions about what's going on."
Collette saw JJ's moist eyes when they reentered the kitchen, and asked, "Is everything alright?"
"Everything's perfect, Mom, except some psycho wants to hurt us," JJ replied with a misty-eyed smile.
Bill frowned at his daughter, and began to say something before thinking better of it, and asked Caleb, "How did you find out about General Branch running with the Islamic radicals?"
"I was following up on some weapons charges that Greg, the Attorney General, was afraid were tied to terrorism," Caleb explained. "My team cornered one of the guys involved this afternoon. Al found traces of Branch's mental signature in the guy's memory. He had a girl tied up who we rescued when the guy gave up. Branch's mental signature was a lot clearer with her. An indelible signature, you might say."
"Was she okay?" JJ asked, concerned.
"Physically, she should recover in a reasonable amount of time. Mentally will take longer. I'm thinking about inviting her to stay with us for a while, to see if we can help her."
"How old is she," Blake asked.
"About a year younger than you are," Caleb replied, smiling at the teenager's priorities. "She is very fragile, though. That means that, if she does stay with us, we need to be careful with her. The girl has had it rough. She had a bad home life, and ran away. Based on the memories I looked at, Branch and his group gave her food and shelter in exchange for whatever they wanted from her. Her memories made it look like the radicals are scooping up American runaways. The girls are being used as rewards for the guys, and the guys are being trained as soldiers of Islam."
"Where's Gabi?" Caleb asked, turning to Bill.
"She wouldn't come," Bill replied sourly.
"Gabi said that she'll come after work," Collette explained, not any happier about the young woman's decision than Bill was. "She is completely wrapped up in making that restaurant work. They close at ten tonight. She said that she would be here between eleven and twelve."
"I'm worried about her," Bill said. "She's not getting enough sleep, and isn't eating right."
"Well, hopefully she'll be able to cope better after tonight."
Kim let herself in the back door, and JJ ran to her. The mother and daughter clung to each other.
"I'm so glad you're safe, baby," JJ whispered as she hugged her daughter.
"Me too, Mom," Kim whispered back. "Thanks for the help. It made it easier to take care of those guys."
JJ stepped back, and Caleb took her place.
"You know, kid, I'm the one that's supposed to take out the bad guys," Caleb said with a relieved smile. "Why don't you leave them to me, from now on."
"I will, as soon as they figure out that it isn't healthy to come after me," Kim retorted, sniffling back tears of relief at arriving safely. "Thanks for helping me, and staying with me for the rest of the drive."
"Any time," Caleb replied softly, after another hug.
"You're here! Good," Bran said from the door to his basement. "I need some blood."
"What? Is Igor graduating to blood?" Kim asked teasingly.
Kim knew what the blood was for. Caleb had explained it to her while she was driving. A part of Caleb's mind had been with Kim for the rest of her drive after the incident.
Kim had been teasing her great-uncle about his basement lab since she was ten years old. She called it Frankenstein's Lab, and insisted that he had an Igor hidden there that he used for his various experiments. When she was younger, Bran teased her about using her body parts and making a taller person.
"Nope. I'm going to clone you, but my Kim 2.0 will be logical and sweet. Nothing like the old Kim 1.0 that is illogical and mean to me all the time," Bran said pompously.
Both of them laughed and hugged.
"I'm glad that you're alright," Bran said gruffly.
"Thanks. So am I," Kim replied. "I hear that you're going to make me Super Girl."
"Not quite," Bran replied with a grin. "You don't get the red cape. Sit down, so I can get a drop of blood."
Bran turned to Caleb, and handed him a sealed vial, saying, "Rub this on your bare skin; an arm will do. The nanites will penetrate your skin and go to work as soon as they get to your blood stream. That should take less than a minute for them to penetrate the skin barrier. Don't touch anyone else for five minutes, though, as a margin of safety. I don't know what will happen if you get your nanites on someone else, and I don't want to find out. I suspect the nanites would attack the foreign body, causing a very painful death. Imagine being eaten from the inside out, beginning with your bones. There would not be an antidote."
"I won't touch anyone," Caleb assured him, feeling a cold chill at the image.
"While you apply your nanobots, I'll get Kim's batch started. Let's see what happens," Bran said, excited to see the results of his work.
"That doesn't look like enough to do anything," Caleb said doubtfully, looking at several grams of gray paste.
"According to Noah and Al, that is plenty for both your bones and your organs. They are designed to replicate as the need arises," Bran explained.
"JJ and Blake, your batches will be ready in about twenty minutes. Collette's and Bill's will be ready about an hour after that. Let me get Kim's batch started, and then we can work on the fun stuff." Bran looked back at Caleb saying, "Go ahead and smear that on now, so we can figure out if Al screwed up. I trust Al, and I believe this will work. Everything that I know matches what I've learned from Al, but I don't know about the human body. I'm completely depending on the Companions for that. I would suggest waiting a few hours before anyone else tries the treatment."
"This is perfectly safe," Al protested to everyone.
"I'm sure it is," Bran agreed. "Still, there is nothing wrong with an extra measure of caution. In fact, let me have the tube after you're finished. I'll incinerate the tube so there's no danger of any of those nanites getting on someone else. All it would take is a few to be lethal."
Caleb opened the vial and sniffed the concoction. He took a deep breath and then rubbed the mixture onto his bare forearms before he could talk himself out of it.
He trusted his Companion, and really did believe the treatment would help protect him. Caleb couldn't prevent the nagging doubts about something that came from a lab, and was designed by an alien. Fortunately, the concoction was smooth, and didn't have an odor.
"There you go," Bran said with a smile, as he carefully accepted the vial back. "Sit down, and tell me if you feel anything strange. Noah said that you shouldn't feel anything, but I want to make sure. I'll be right back."
Before Caleb could say anything, Bran disappeared down the stairs again.
Caleb sat, and tried to feel what the nanobots were doing in his body.
"Before you came along, I wouldn't have done something like this on a bet," Caleb told his Companion.
"Aren't you glad that you get to experience new and exciting things?" Al asked, almost mockingly.
"If you really want," Al continued in a more serious tone, and including everyone in the connection, "I can show you what the nanites are doing. It is kind of boring though. The nanites that are programmed for bones are getting into your arteries where they will flow to your bones. As they reach critical numbers, they will work their way into your bones where they will integrate with the calcium. When merged into the bone substrate, your bones will become much stronger and have greater flexibility. Other nanites are migrating via the same arteries to your organs. They will begin scouring your veins and arteries, and making sure that each organ is functioning at an optimal level. They'll also work with the nanites in your bones by permeating and strengthening your ligaments, particularly where they attach to your bones. The remainder will go to work within the vascular part of the bones where they will enhance the speed of blood cell production."
"Um ... No thanks," Caleb replied. "Ruggedized," Caleb said aloud. "That is what Al called this treatment earlier today. No one has to do this, but with Branch out there, we don't know what is going to happen, or when it will happen. I've got a feeling that their run at Kim was only the opening round. I can't stay in Houston to protect everyone. To stop him, I'm going to have to go out and find him. Plus, I'm supposed to be in Austin with Scotty tomorrow afternoon."
"What should we do?" Bill rumbled.
"Remember that Branch has a lot of years of experience working in covert operations. Expect anything, and be ready to respond. He has also gained control of a portion of the Muslim community. I don't know how large a portion, but judging from what I learned today, some of them have no problem being violent. The best that I can advise is to be aware of everything around you. Companions need to be on high alert and scan every surface thought that gets within range."
Caleb sighed before saying, "My biggest concern is our lack of intelligence. We knew what we were facing when we encountered General Branch in Arizona. He's calling himself Abdul Ali Hassan now. I don't know how he managed to get into a position of authority in the Muslim community so quickly. My bet is this identity has been a work in progress for him for a long time. That will make him even harder to find and track. It may not be the only identity that he's using, either. If it were me, I would have two or three solid identities in reserve, and several throw-away identities. The bad thing is I don't know how much he knows about us. Even having everyone in one place, like this, is a risk," Caleb admitted with a grimace. "I think it was necessary to get everyone protected as much as possible."
Bran had returned through the basement door for the last of Caleb's explanation. He was carrying a tray of metal boxes.
"Maybe this will give us an edge," Bran said grimly. "This is the fun stuff. Each of you take a box, but don't open it," he instructed. "I'll need to give you a little demonstration first, and then explain how to imprint your personal nanites. Imprinting has to be done before opening the box."
Each person took a box, leaving what looked like an odd headset, which Bran set on the coffee table.
"That is for imprinting the nanites," Bran explained.
Bran grasped the shiny silver tray with both hands, and it slowly melted, forming wide gauntlets on his forearms.
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husband interested – husband sucking – expressed interest - watching husbandWe are a married couple of six years. I am 5'4", 34C pert breasts and wear a bikini well. My husband is 5'10" with a well toned build. We have always been pretty open and honest with each other when it came to sex.One night, while making love, my husband expressed his desire to watch me fuck another man, one with a large cock. I told him that I indeed was intrigued with the idea and that it turned me on. As I wondered...
It had been three weeks since Miss Denton had confronted Samantha about her propensity to omit taking her post gym class shower, so as a result, Miss Denton allowed Samantha to take her shower in the coaches lounge away from the other students! Of course there was a price to be paid for such privacy, but Samantha quickly became accustomed to having her 's hands roaming all over her very lush teenage body!!! On several occasions, Alicia Denton actually disrobed and showered along with her now...
EroticI woke up this morning all in heart was beating ten to the massive bosoms were skin was all clammy!! I knew it was not true...You see...I had this amazing dream that sent me into another world..I was walking along the forest..near our farm..just silly lonely aul me..and I felt I was being watched...the hairs on my arm and the nape of my neck stood on edge...I quickened my pace but ears all a-listening...As I got to the clearing..he was standing...
By: kamal Hi this kamal again, i am going to illustrate an incident which happened in my life just few months before that too was accidental. On april 19th i called my friends to go around the delhi for sight seeing. Therefore, the next day we went to vishal mall, and then to south ex, in delhi. so we are tired of that day’s sight seeing. next morning i called my friends for a movie ‘cash’ in M2K theatre in the city, but my friends refused to come because of the tiredness they got from the...
Then, on Friday, I had just changed into shorts and a teeshirt and stepped out onto my deck to see the sun dropping over the trees when she drove up and got out. She walked toward her door and looked up to say hello. "Would you like to come up, I was just about to open a bottle of wine and I've got a steak that would easily feed two?" "Oh, that's nice, Lew, but, well, I'll pass, thanks." "Well, in that case, maybe I'll just go and watch some TV," I said with a big grin, "If we...
Lying next to me after a night of passionate lovemaking, my wife Ayanna Abdikarim-Chandelier sighs in her sleep. The sight of her never ceases to thrill me. We first met while working as security guards at this museum in downtown Ottawa, Ontario. The tall, curvy Somali gal with the shy smile and lively eyes has haunted me from the get-go. You see, where I come from, we don’t have people who look like her. I was born in the City of Amarillo, Texas, to a Haitian immigrant father and...
At lunch that day Anna was sitting behind some girls from her class when she heard one of them tell the other that someone she knew had seen Susan with an older boy from the school and they had been having sex in the local park, shocked at this Anna decided she had to speak to Susan and find out if it was true, so after school that day Anna waited for her on her usual route home. When Susan came into view Anna could see she had been crying, forgetting about why she was angry with Susan,...
Like much of my writing this is a fantasy, well about 85% is fantasy based on a real life situation, names changed, yada, yada, yada. Ella paraded through the living room wearing what appeared to be nothing but an ivory colored satin robe right out of a 1930’s movie and her cigarette in its long holder bounced as she moved across our painters tarps. She smiled at Sam and me, “break time boys,” she announced, “in the sun room, hurry along now,” she finished as I watched her skinny ass sway under...
An ongoing series of fan fiction centered around a new show on the WWE Network created and directed by the exuberant Stephanie McMahon. But ... it's far from heard. With a purely hostile list of current, definite and non-female wrestlers facility Stephanie, they all managed before taxes like never before. In contrast to WWE's more family-friendly shows like Raw or NXT, WWE After Dark is only intended for a more emotional audience. Clothing is far more than optional and games are NOT won by...
Cindy and I were hot, sweaty messes by the time we finished washing Jarek’s car. Delon decided we had spent enough time flashing everyone on their way up or down the street. We moved the party inside. All of us! I expected to end up entertaining Delon and his friends. I was surprised and dismayed that our neighbors were invited in to cool off and have another cold beer. As soon as it became clear what kind of party this was turning into I wasn’t shocked when the three young boys were invited...
We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much older guy, Allison quizzing me about what teenagers got up to nowadays. She seemed to think there was a lot more sex happening, than really was the case. I certainly knew plenty of guys that had not yet slept with a female. Anyway, after about 15 minutes, Allison wriggled down and took me into her mouth. I tried to stop her, as my dick was still wet and slimy from her own juices. But she just pushed my hands away and sucked and...
The first thing Elena sees when she regains consciousness is Gavin. He's leaning over her, looking very concerned. "Elena, thank God. Are you okay?" She reaches up with her unbandaged hand, touches his face, and smiles. "yeah, I think so." "I just about went crazy when I was thrown out of the link and you didn't wake up. Do you know what happened? Did they escape somehow?" "No," she says hesitantly, "they didn't escape." She struggles to sit up, and is grateful when Gavin...
b]All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.©CrimeDogg 2014All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents...
“Well if it isn’t my naughty little office slut who likes to fuck teenage boys, how is my favorite bitch.” He was unusually icy and cruel this morning, but I was still aroused and I let his words wash over my body. My body had become trained for sex. He held the phone away from him saying to me, “I hope you didn’t think I forgot to punish you for fucking Steven. ” I shuddered remembering how big he was, filling up my pussy with his large cock the other night before. He continued, “and for...
I got back into my usual routine and often thought about him and had conflicting thoughts by this time. I went to the gym at different times hoping not to run into him again. I like the softness of girls and love playing with pussy. Sometimes fucking my girlfriend (she was 16, I was 14), I thought about him and getting on the receiving end of his big uncut cock. That made me fuck her harder which she liked. I always hung out with older teens and was drinking with some friends one Friday...
John sent the email and then turned off his PC. He sat and rubbed his chin while he thought of what would come in the days ahead. He got into bed and fell asleep. He woke up around 10 AM and that is when he heard his phone ringing. It was Sarah. “Hello?” John said. “Hello sir, intelligence has found a location. They used all the resources they had and found a few locations actually. They scouted it on site too, first with drones than with intel officers.” Sarah replied. “Tell them i am happy...
The Cottage - Part II By Michele Nylons "Allo! Allo! Allo! What's a nice girl like you doing in place like this?" uncle Steve said in his best cockney accent to the young girl. Steve had silently unlocked the front door of the cottage and carefully removed his shoes before padding over to the bedroom door where Michele was still preoccupied looking at herself in the mirror. She was currently holding up her skirt admiring how good her red satin bikini panties looked over the...
Taryn woke up and felt he could not sleep any more, so he got up and put on his clothes. Instead of his regular, princely clothes, with the recognizable royal colors and emblazoned with the royal seal, he donned a plain, earth-colored tunic. He wanted to fit in and not be recognized as prince where ever he went. He slid his dagger in his belt, got his satchel, and opened the door quietly. He looked around and noticed that the small village near the edge of the woods where they were staying...
hii there... this is my first story but i am sure you are gonna like it. this story is a complete fiction so do not consider it as real... lets start!!!!!! 2nd september, 2012 me and my girlfriend samantha sat on the rooftop watching the sun set. as far as i can remember we came here since we were dating. she loved to sit here with me and spend her time. it was going good. but the thing that bothered me was she was still a virgin. i wanted to be the one to get her out of it.but how. i mean she...
Group SexHolly’s StoryI Corrugated iron and plywood ?It’ll be alright.? Those were the words of my roommate Kit as she embraced me. I had just lost my job serving at The Black Cauldron Tavern. ?And it’s rent day today,? I sobbed. ?Yes I know,? Kit soothed, ?you did remember that it’s gone up this week?? I looked at her aghast. My name is Holly and I’m poor. Desperately poor. Kit and I live in a shack on Grand City’s slum, commonly just known as the...
Sheila fumed for the second time today. First, a spy managed to get away because another one was monitoring the front gate. Then the problem with the supplies. The newest type of Abicore was unstable. This could be remedied by the addition of some stabilisers. To top it off the two supply houses Sheila dealt with had run out of diethyl ether. Another supplier had what was needed but the stupid laws didn't allow quantities of ether to be sold without papers. Sheila had been working in the...
Several summers ago I was a waitress at a restaurant down in the outer banks. The restaurant was very popular but had a horrible staff. I worked with mostly women who had been there for years and bsically had the run of the place. The owner hired me at the last second when one of the girls quit without notice. I had never waitressed before, and my new co workers weren't shy about openly displaying their resentment towards me. I was "accidently" tripped while carrying trays and routinely talked...