Anxious MaryChapter 3 free porn video

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Faster and faster, harder and harder, her breath was coming in ragged gasps and sweat was running down her face and chest to fling off of her flying nipples. Suddenly, she let out a scream that had to hurt her underused vocal cords. She slammed down onto me and I could feel her cunt walls gripping and grabbing me. That was enough to push me over the edge and I fired shot after shot of hot jism up into her welcoming cavern. It felt like it was ripping out my toenails from the inside.

I fell back in a red haze and felt her land on top of me. I held her tightly to me as our breathing slowed, and the world just sort of faded away. From what seemed a great distance, I felt her roll off me and leave the bed. I was brought back to my senses by a cool cloth bathing my tortured cock and balls. Mary was kneeling naked beside me, gently washing our combined juices from me as she gave my dick an occasional kiss. Finishing with her ministrations, she rose and went around the room blowing out the candles, leaving the one on the nightstand for last.

She returned to the bed, crawled in, and snuggled up against me as she pulled the light cover over us. She stared deep into my eyes for a long minute, then kissed the end of my nose. She licked her thumb and forefinger, then reached up and pinched out the last candle, plunging the room into darkness.

"G-good night... a-and thank you," I heard as I slipped into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

The aroma of breakfast once again intruded on my sleep. With my eyes still closed, I gradually allowed my senses to roam, taking in the muted sounds of birds singing, the spicy, flowery smell of the room that was deeply infused with the acrid smell of coffee perking, and the dim glow of dawn that washed across my eyelids. I sensed a presence and opened my eyes to see Mary perched on the side of the bed, still gloriously naked, staring into my eyes. When she saw that I was awake, she smiled, then bent to kiss my nose with the hard pebbles that were her nipples dragging through my chest hair.

Pointing toward the stairs, she started to rise, but I stopped her with a light touch on her arm. "Please, try to say it," I urged.

"B-breakfast is r-ready," came the halting reply. She was staring into her lap. Her voice was starting to lose a little of the gravelly quality that had marked her first words yesterday.

"Thank you. Your voice is sounding much better. I love to hear you talk." Her eyes met mine and the sparkle was back. With a big grin she stood and whipped the covers back. I started to make a grab for them, but then relaxed. I might as well get used to being bare-assed. Mary had made the adjustment without a second glance at the robe we trashed yesterday.

After a quick trip to the bathroom, we went down to another great breakfast of eggs and bacon. I was going to have to find something to do to work off all this food, or I was going to end up as round as I was tall. After breakfast, I tried to dig in a non-existent shirt pocket for a pack of non-existent smokes. I had finished the last one yesterday. Mary stared in curiosity as I absent-mindedly fingered my nipple, trying to find a pocket in a shirt I wasn't wearing.

"Mary," I said as I stood, "we gotta go down to your store so I can get some smokes. She nodded, then went to the pantry and refrigerator and took a quick survey. After composing her mental shopping list, we went upstairs to get dressed.

I pulled a clean work shirt from my duffel, then took a quick sniff at the crotch of my jeans. They were good for another day. I was pulling another pair of boxers out as I watched Mary slip another light dress--this one light blue--over her naked body and slide into her sandals.

Mary, I think you look fabulous in anything you wear," I commented as I walked over to help her button up her outfit, "but don't you have any underwear?"

She turned quickly and looked up at me, her eyes almost devoid of life. The smile was gone and, after a long moment, a single tear started down her left cheek. I gently thumbed it away and started to stammer out an apology when she stopped me once again with her fingers to my mouth. She gently took my arm and led me to the dresser that held the scrapbook and the two pictures. Once again, she looked deep into my eyes, then slowly opened the top drawer and stepped back to allow me to see inside.

The drawer was full of underwear--bras and panties--and pairs of white ankle socks. Everything looked clean and organized, but it didn't look quite right. Then it hit me. This was the clothing of a young girl. Some of the panties had cartoon characters on them. The bras didn't have cups, just a couple of flat patches of white with a single hook on the back strap. The ankle socks had ruffles around the tops.

"Are... Were these yours?"

A single nod.

"This is all you have?"

Another nod.

A chill ran up my back. Mary hadn't worn underwear since these things fit her. We really needed to have a long talk about what happened before her parents died. In the meantime, I needed to snap this deep mood I had pushed her into. I reached in and pulled out a couple of the little bras. "Well, until we can find something a little bigger, maybe we can strap one of these around each of your boobs." I looped one under one of her big tits and surveyed it from a couple of different angles.

Mary laughed out loud, then started to choke it off when she heard the noise she made, but I pulled her hands away from her face and grinned. She laughed again, then grabbed one of the kiddy bras and draped it over my head. "You wear it!" she chuckled.

We spent a little time running around the room, tossing her old underwear at each other. I finally got dressed and we went downstairs and out the front door. Mary pulled a small pushcart from a storage area under the end of the porch and together we walked down to a small break in the foliage at the end of the front yard.

After about a quarter mile walk down a well-defined path through the woods, we emerged into a gravel parking lot beside an old white shingled store. The weather-beaten sign in front proclaimed that the establishment was known as "Belinda's Notions and Groceries." A smaller sign added the codicil, "We have what you need. If we don't have it, you don't need it." Mary left her pushcart by the front door, then we went inside. A small bell attached to the door announced our presence.

It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust, and when they did, I felt the overwhelming urge to escape. The walls were covered with shelves, floor to ceiling, and every shelf was absolutely full of boxes, bags, tubs, and bins. It was impossible to tell what was in each of the containers, but judging from the assortment of bric-a-brac that cascaded out of the tops, the sign out front was correct. If Belinda didn't have it, I probably didn't need it.

The island shelves in the middle of the store held the usual assortment of grocery, cleaning, and paper items. there were refrigerator units built into the back wall for perishables. A smaller cooler by the door held beer and soda pop. On the other side of the door was a magazine rack. A candy-rack covered the entire front of the counter to the right. There was an old manual cash register perched at the end and the bins behind the counter held all the tobacco products.

The curtain behind the counter parted and an older woman stepped through. She saw Mary and broke into a gap toothed grin. "Heya, Mary! It's good ta see ya," She started around the counter with her arms outstretched. Her hair seemed to be a washed out red, but as she got closer, I could see that it was shot though with streaks of gray. Her cheeks and nose had that red patina of fine veins that spoke of too many visits to the bottle. She was wearing an oversized flower-print dress that came to just below her knees. Her body was of a medium build, but judging by the commotion in the upper half of her dress, she also had a good size set of knockers. However, unlike Mary, hers had long ago lost the fight with gravity. It looked like her nipples were flirting with her belly button.

She gave Mary a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, then turned to me, her arms outstretched again. "Heya! Name's Belinda, but most everybody calls me Hugs," she said as she demonstrated why. She leaned back and looked down at the monsters squished between us, "but my good friends call me Jugs." She gave me another squeeze, also do demonstrate why. "You must be Lonesome Dave." Biker Joe had evidently made a slight detour on his way out of town.

"You stick around for awhile an' me 'n' Mary'll make sure you ain't lonesome no more!" Her hands dropped to my ass and her crotch did a little grind against my dick. I looked over her shoulder at Mary, who was trying not to laugh out loud. She gave me a wink, so I dropped my hands down and gave her ass a little squeeze in return. Shit! Didn't anyone in this burg wear underwear?

While I was untangling myself from Jugs' hugs, Mary was piling groceries into a little shopping cart. Belinda was jabbering on about some local gossip, which went right over my head since I didn't know any of the parties involved. I headed down toward a display of no-name smokes at the end of the counter, thinking of the thinness of my wallet. Mary pushed by me and stepped behind the counter. She pulled out two cartons of my brand and slipped them into her cart. Her smile told me to forget that no-name shit. I grabbed a few packs of matches and tossed them in the cart after the smokes.

She went over to the beer cooler and gave me a questioning glance. I walked over beside her and pulled out a six-pack of tallboys and slipped it in the buggy. She pointed to a case, but I shook my head. I refused to follow Biker Joe's trail of deterioration. I just reached down and gave her ass a little squeeze, like I had done to Belinda. Mary ground herself against me and gave me a kiss that had me seeing double. Behind the counter, Belinda just cackled.

"That's it, Dave, " she grinned. "I think you're jes' what Mary needs," she pointed down at the boner stretching out my pants leg and continued, "but if she can't take care of your needs, you jes' bring that big toy back here to me." She gave her jugs a shake to emphasize her point. It looks like 'I' had what 'she' needed.

Mary was grinning as she rolled her cart over to the counter. Belinda pulled out some papers and a check from under the counter and shoved them across to Mary. Mary flipped the check over and endorsed it in a clear flowing hand. Belinda glanced over the contents of the buggy and said, "Looks like about fifty bucks worth. Izzat OK?" Mary nodded and Belinda scribbled something on one of the papers, then shoved the whole wad back under the counter.

After another round of hugs from Jugs, including another ass squeeze and crotch grind for my benefit, we loaded our stuff in the pushcart and headed back across the gravel lot. When we entered the woods, Mary stopped and pulled her dress up over her head and tossed it in the pushcart. I looked at her for a second, then thought, "What the hell," and tossed my clothes in after hers. At this rate, it was going to be a month before I needed to do any laundry.

We continued up the path back to the house, playing grab-ass along the way. We got the art up the steps to the front porch and wheeled it on back into the kitchen. While Mary put the groceries away, I decided this was a good time to wash off Biker Joe's piss-porch. I still had my shoes on.

I found a bucket in the garage and dumped in some amber colored pine-smelling stuff. I filled the bucket at the side of the house and then poured the bucket of suds over the back porch. I used an old broom scrub with. The grass was dead in a circle around the porch. Evidently, this had been Joe's watering hole for a long time.

I put the stuff away and went back in the house, kicking my shoes off at the door. I walked over to my chair (my chair--that had a nice ring to it), sat back in it and closed my eyes. I felt a movement and opened my eyes to see Mary climbing over the arm to sit straddling my lap with her moist pussy mashed against my dick. Ad I reached up to caress those marvelous tits, she reached to the side table and picked up a pack of my smokes that she had placed there. As she slid back and forth on my dick, she tapped a butt into her mouth and lit it. When she had it going, she held it to my mouth so I could take a drag.

It was wonderful! I smoked that whole cigarette without taking my hands off of Mary's big boobs. Mary kept sliding back and forth until I finished my smoke and she snubbed it out. Then she raised up on her knees and grabbed my dick. She held it up and slammed her pussy down on it with a long groan. Slowly, she started riding up and down on my dick, stopping just short of letting the head pop out, then dropping down until our pubes were mashed together. She kept going faster and faster, letting out little cries of joy as she bottomed out on each stroke.

She did all the work. All I had to do was hang on and keep her boobs from smacking me in the face. She kept going faster and faster until I thought the chair was going to go over backwards. Suddenly she slammed down and arched her back, yanking her big tits out of my hands. Her pussy muscles were clamping down on my dick and I followed her into her climax, spewing a flood of cum up into her grasping cunt. As we came down from our shared release, she threw herself forward against me in a tight embrace. This time the chair did go over backwards!

After we untangled, we quickly determined that no damage had been incurred by either players or equipment, save for some slippery stains on the seat cushion. We set the chair upright and I settled back in its embrace, with a very contented Mary sitting across my lap, purring into my neck.

I fired up another smoke as we sat and cuddled. One of my fingers was drawing slow circles around one of her big nipples. She would let out an occasional sigh and reach up with her tongue and lick my ear lobe. As we sat there, I had a long silent discussion with myself about my plans for the future and how I felt about Mary. I couldn't say I had fallen in love with her overnight. It wasn't even a case of falling in lust with her either. I think it had more to do with comfort level. In the couple of days that I've been here, I've become comfortable with Mary.

What was that line from the musical play? "I've grown accustomed to her face..." That's what I've done. I've become accustomed to her face. And accustomed to her big boobs. And her soft hairy pussy, and her wide comfortable ass. But her smile, her wide, welcoming, trusting smile has made me a part of her life, and her, a great big part of mine.

We cuddled in that chair for the rest of the morning, sometimes dozing, sometimes partially awake, always touching and caressing each other. I never went completely soft, nor did I grow to full erection. Mary's nipples stayed firm, and her pussy continually leaked across my lap. Her little happy noises continued to grow clearer and less scratchy.

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Friends: Deleted Scenes - The Sex Party"There's nothing on TV," Joey said as he tossed the remote control onto the table. "I'm so bored." The six friends sat in Rachel and Monica's apartment that evening."Yeah, I know," Ross complained, "Even the Discovery Channel sucks tonight."Rachel was snuggling with him on the couch. She smiled at her geeky boyfriend as she rubbed his chest."Ohh, not just tonight, sweetie," she teased. This got smirks from the others. "But Joey has a point," she added, "I...

1 year ago
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Blackbeards Foley

As an island came into view of the ship, the crew peered over the railing. The treasure hunter crew of the Marathon had been seeking the treasure of the pirate Blackbeard for over a year, and they had finally found where the Queen Anne's Revenge had come to rest. The massive ship lay beached on the shore of an island that wasn't on any map they had. Their cheers died off into eerie silence as they came into the inlet. As they puttered into the inlet the engines sputtered and died, and upon...

2 years ago
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BBC at the gym

When I was still in my black cock discovery phase, after my first big black cock, I was on a crave. I wanted to try every black men possible. I wanted to dress up like a little girl for them. I knew I was meat to be a girl for black men. But, I was fucked by a gym employee as a boy, meaning I wasn’t dressed up at all like a girl. It was not long after my first black cock. By then, I had a few black cocks in my ass. I tasted many black men also. I knew that I was getting more pleasure getting...

2 years ago
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Tara 4 AntsChapter 27

Stix was not impressed by the current High Queen Lillian when she did finally meet her. After the long trek to get to Mt Ant, Stix, Jagger and Stone had to wait for four weeks to get an audience with the Queen. Every time they asked, there was some bureaucratic reason why it couldn’t happen sooner. Stix was not happy to see the increased presence of soldier ants as the weeks went by and suspected the Queen was more preoccupied with the thought of war. As much as Stix enjoyed Stone and...

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Exam time

Exam TimeIf you have read some of my stories before you will know I like to tell you a little about myself first, so people might understand where I am coming from with regards to this story and others, and as in some stories I like to share a password to an album so you can also see what I look like and get a better picture of the story and myself.2nd Album…..just having a drink or two is….tina2A little about myself, I am Tina Jones , I am nearly 50, married with two sons age 19 and 22.I met...

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Forgotten anniversary

After she was satisfied that dinner was as ready as it could be before Eli got home, she pulled off her apron and ran upstairs to shower and get ready. It had been a couple months since they had been intimate. Which was probably nothing to most married couples, but was a long time for her and Eli. They had tried to resist their attraction for each other in the beginning, but once they gave in they could not keep their hands off each other. Rebecca took another lap around the kitchen. After she...

1 year ago
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Pinay Porn Site

PinayPornSite! Do you crave Filipino porn? I mean, do you really want to watch nothing but raw, unfiltered porn featuring some of the sexiest ladies in the world? Then you luckily have a lot of choices. But what if you don’t want anything that’s scripted or feels fake? What if you want to feel like you are actually there in the porn, watching real Filipinos get their fuck on?Then you need to visit PinayPornSite. The most obviously named porn site in the fucking world, PinayPornSite is your...

Asian Porn Sites
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The Stalker Inbetween times or The Dance

Monday The alarm rang and Sally woke up, turned it off as fear seemed to wash over her and for a second she was not sure why; then it all came back to her, the violation, and the stranger every detail of the weekend. She looked at her clock realizing she had not set the alarm, but it had been set for her and correctly, how did he know what time to set it for? Her thoughts were all jumbled as she...

2 years ago
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The First Time With My Little Sister

The First Time With My Little SisterThe winter weather had sunk in early this year leaving the farm idle. Many of the boarders had done their annual migration to the warmer southern climates, taking their horses as well. I invited several friends over for the weekend, hoping to enjoy a few days girl talk, sharing our love stories or lack thereof. The farm is quite boring with most time spent working, even if everyone else thought my adventures were much better than theirs were. I readily admit...

2 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Chapter VI

I went to sleep with his fingers inside me and I slept soundly and only awakened after it had grown light outside. I could tell that it had cleared and the sun was shining. We were in the same position but his peter had shrunk and his fingers had slipped out. He was sleeping soundly, breathing deeply. I reached back and found his soft peter nearly touching me. I pulled on it and it began to grow. Visions of him licking my pussy flashed in my mind and I felt a tingle down there. I...

4 years ago
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Always hard the beginning Chapter 3

Summer of 1953 • The “Teasers”Mothers Frankie’s Mom could have easily have passed for one of those young girls at the pool because she had the real nice body of a younger girl. Unlike the other moms, this lady wore a two-piece suit. She wasn’t hiding the fact that she had the slim waist, nice ass and tits, and super nice legs those other mothers didn’t have. Yeah! Frankie’s Mom fit right in with all the young girls all right! That’s probably why Vic didn’t hesitate in going into his room...

1 year ago
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Eating an actress8217s pussy

Hello all ISS readers. I am Krishna from southern part of India. I have been a regular visitor to this site since my college days. I am a male gigolo. I have been serving the elite class audience and a few actresses since a couple of years. I am going to narrate one such incident that happened with a south Indian actress 5 months ago. I don know how many of you know that there are people like me who serve actresses sexually. But anyway here it goes. As I have been in touch with some of the...

3 years ago
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Noahs Chronicles

As the sun peered through the large windows and into the pokemon center's hotel room number three, Noah began to stir through the slog of waking up after a night of sex. Her eyes twirled, head spun in a small circumference, and stiff muscles began to feel reinvigorated life as they were stretched. She looked down upon her nude body to see her Chespin curled up into a ball right next to her. She smiled. “That was a great night we had, little Chessie,” she said as her hand brushed atop her dozing...

4 years ago
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Arizona heat Jennys Story Part 2

My mind raced. “Oh my God!” I thought, “Is she thinking what I think she’s thinking?” The mental image of Kate sucking on my breasts sent a detonation of arousal throughout my body. “Easy girl,” I said to myself, trying to contain the flood of libidinal energy, “this is a medical emergency, not a scene from one of Tom’s porno magazines!” I silently shook my head “no” and realized that I was holding my breath and trembling. A few awkward seconds passed, as Kate seemed to gather her courage. She...

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The Laundry

It was a soft morning. The sky was grey and the mist of drizzle hung around like a swarm of midges. The scrape of the windscreen wipers was the only sound as the car made its way across the county Galway countryside. Finally, the car turned into the drive of the crumbling convent, past the weather-beaten sign declaring it “Sister Mary Magdalene’s Home for Fallen Women” and as Eilish Galbraith glanced out the window from the back seat, the car crunched across the gravel and came to a halt.She...

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A Conversation About Steve

"Here, honey, have another glass of wine, and undo another button." "Thank you, dear. Will you hold my titties for a second? Here, I'll hold your glass. Oh, that feels good. You don't have to get me drunk to take advantage of me, you know." "It's still fun, though. Are you having a good time?" "Of course! Although, this party is a good deal, um, quieter than most places you take me." "You're right. Let me know if you want to liven it up, some. Should I have you show our host...

2 years ago
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Soul to the Highest Bidder Ch 02

I watched, amused, while a huffy, red faced Ms. Whitecliff marched out of Mr. Morrison’s office. She walked with her nose up in the air and with perfect posture, like she had had a poker permanently planted up her ass. Looking completely livid, she turned to me and scathingly declared, ‘I cannot and will not work with that man. I don’t care how much he pays. I will not do it. You will just have to find someone else. Goodbye’ I watched her attempt to slam the door after her, on her way out,...

3 years ago
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A Relation In Mutual Interest

Hello Everyone, This is Rajeev from Bhopal. Age 29, married. If any girl/lady wants to have a secret relationship, reply to my E-mail. Let’s not waste time. I’ll directly come to the story. One night I got a poke from a girl on Facebook. I saw the profile and poked her back. We started chatting. She told me that she’s interested in seeing my profile. I asked her what she does. She said she works in a BPO in Bhopal. Didn’t chat much that night. She asked for my number and I gave it to her. The...

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No library

Mr.T and I have recently attended a black time event out of town at a casino resort.The two of us looked good Damn good him in his tux me in a gown . The event was a two night three day event one night he took me the second night he took his sister. Him and I spent the day to gather did some shopping ,some gambling we won some took it back to the room ,so I would have more to play while he was gone. As we are sitting there talking he smiles sorry we could not find a library last night.Looking...

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Birthday kinda

Jack (my last long-term boyfriend) and I only had a few problems; the biggest one was that I was just a slut. An ordinary plain slut. I did try to control my urges but it didn’t always work out well. If he wasn’t around, just like an alcoholic, when there was no support, I’d occasionally fall off the wagon. This is about one of the times I fell off the ‘wagon’ and was caught by him…busted with a mouthful.One of the other problems was his family who, years down the road, would eventually break...

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A Midnight Swim Of Magic0

I had known all my life that I was different, and not just because of my powers. I knew that I liked girls in a way I was taught was wrong, I don’t think it is at all. And Amy looks like a person who could be swayed. Lust coursed through me, and something else I couldn’t decipher-perhaps affection?- I wasn’t sure. “Amy?” “Yes, Rowen?” “Why did you run away from your world?” Amy stood back up, and bit her lip, pulling her iPod out of her ear. “Three reasons. One my twin brother was...

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Sunroom Construction Job

The events of this story took place when I was twenty years old, 6'-0", 185lbs, fit, with light brown hair and blue eyes.Brenda had gotten my name from the instructor at the trade school I had taken my pre-apprentice carpentry course. She lived in a townhouse that backed onto a large overgrown green space and wanted a sunroom built to enclose her small concrete patio. Brenda was forty-eight, divorced and lived alone. Her body was nice enough that she looked pretty good in the bikini she always...

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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

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Das Spiel

Ich st?berte durch den Laden, erstaunt dar?ber, was f?r ein Ramsch angeboten wurde. Gerade als ich gehen wollte, fiel mir etwas auf. Es schien ein Brettspiel zu sein, das mich stark an den Film Jumanji erinnerte. Es sah sehr alt aus, mit vielen Ornamenten. Je l?nger ich es betrachtete, desto mehr gefiel es mir. Wirklich wundersch?n. Aber der Preis! F?nfzig Euro sollte es kosten! Als Student schwimmt man nicht gerade im Geld. Ich schob es zur?ck. Ich wollte gehen, da drehte ich mich d...

2 years ago
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My Anal Sister

I couldn’t believe that my fifteen-year-old sister Debra was giving a guy a blowjob. Not just one guy but six guys. Yes, last night my little sister Debra gave six guys blowjobs and I was watching it on DVD thanks to one of my friends. He swore that it was the original and that he hadn’t made any copies of it. He suggested that I blackmail her good with it. He was with her when she was giving the blowjobs in one of the guy’s garages. He had also gotten one before he started recording her....

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My first CD

I remember how horny I was when I was living in Hollywood. I was only there for a few months but I remember the smell of sex in the air. This story is about me and my first encounter with CD and then my first encounter with a real tranny. I was constantly looking at shemale porn and became balsy enough to email some through CL. I didn't want to pay so i was looking for nsa hook up. A couple responses came through and I started talking to one. I was all codeined out but still for some reason...

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Bath house

Well it has been a while since my latest adventure but today I decided to go to a men's bathhouse. I arrived about 4 o'clock and got a room got undressed wrapped a towel around myself and began to cruise. It was not crowded and I didn't see much interaction going on between the guys. I finally ended up in the steam room and I sat down on a bench. I'm not sure what guys are looking for but they will come and they will go it's almost impossible to see because of all the steam but they will look...

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Me Jiju And Didi Ki Chudai

Hi, I am Sneha from Muradabaad. I had done engineering and now married and having nice family. Come to the story when it was happened, I was from village culture and have one elder sister and mom dad. Didi badi thi aur unho ne bhi engineering chemical m ki thi. Aaj se karib 6 saal phele didi ki shaadi ho gayi. Jiju bhi engineer hee hai, and he is my and only my jiju. Hamari family bahut simple thi aur boyfreind hona ya aisa kuch bhi kabhi possible nahi tha. Dil m icha to hoti thi per culture...

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