ProeliatorChapter 6 free porn video

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The soldiers were anxious but waited until we got to the top of the steps. One man took part of my burden and said, "What happened?"

He was overcome with what he saw. His breathing rate increased. I think it was just excitement."

Two men wanted to leave and took a few steps when I said, "Do you really want to die that much. They stopped and put their hands on their swords and so did some of the others.

I just looked calmly at each of them and they took their hands away from their weapons.

I moved closer to Sextus and said, "Give him a seat and his wine."

The soldiers were reluctant to follow my orders until Sextus yelled at them with a weak voice, "Do it fools."

When Sextus was seated, I touched him. He flinched but I continued, "Woden, please allow your servant to heal this man of Rome. His heart is weak and he needs your help to survive."

Sextus got a jolt of pleasure that lasted a full minute until he came down with a smile on his face. "Your gods are certainly powerful. I had heard that you could heal but I was not sure. We hear so much about new gods and about how old our old ones are."

"You hear a lot and from many reputable sources but you have seen and felt a miracle while the others talk about what was supposedly done long ago. Blind men have been made to see. The deaf now hear like they did as children. The scarred are now whole. The wounded have their wounds closed. The cripples now walk. The plague is even bested if the people get to me in time."

"I have heard this too but I did not believe."

"Ask those that saw this with their own eyes. Do not let hearsay lead your thoughts. Woden is a benevolent god that wants to see all of us prosper."

One of the officers had a scar on his face and I walked in front of him. "Would you like Woden to remove that scar? It is painless. I only ask in return that you speak truthfully about me and our god."

The man was unsure but in a moment agreed. "You may do this if you will."

I held the man's hand to interface then said, "You had best sit. When Woden enters your body you feel a bliss that nobody can imagine."

The man sat on a chair and I interfaced once more and gave him the joy and his features went slack. I started his body into repairing itself and directed it to work harder on the scar. When I pulled back the man was still slack jawed.

Everybody including Sextus was watching the man. It took a few moments until he recovered enough to shut his mouth and look around in wonder.

"Woden touched me. I felt it." His hand came up to touch his scar but found it still there.

I said, "Woden told your body to remove the scar. This will take about six days or so. He also had your body clean itself. Baring fights you should live to be a vigorous old man."

The man now smiled wildly but said nothing.

One more man complained of a recurring pain. I found it to be a tumour and cut the blood off to it.

When the man recovered, I said, "You are lucky. It was a tumour. Woden cut off the blood to it and it will now die. You may bleed a bit but it will be minor as your body rids itself of the growth. In a week you will be fine and in two there will be no sign of it." They did not know of my wish for a week to be made up of ten days, so I spoke to them in the terms they would be familiar with.

The men left after they accepted Woden's blessing. From the rest of the house came my guards. KhAvar even had a knife in her hand but I was sure it was to protect me.

I hugged KhAvar and said to all of them, "We have to get going soon. Sextus will tell of the gold and he or others will be forced to come here and take it."

KhAvar acted unlike a Persian woman and said, "Why did you let him see it then?"

"I had to get him alone for a few minutes."

The rest nodded their heads but KhAvar could not understand.

More people were put on the ships and I even helped putting a new mast into the place a shorter one had been. The insides of the ships were cleaned out and made as comfortable as possible. The decks now had structures on them that would house more people because it was going to be impossible to carry everyone at one time.

Mithridates was sent out as soon as his ship was finished with a very full crew and a lot of gold to purchase more ships if he could find them. When he would return was anybody's guess.

KhAvar shared my bed every night now and I think she was waiting to catch if she could. I said to her before going upstairs on night, "We have to talk."

She could sense that this was important and hung her head like a dutiful wife. "Yes, Master."

I kissed her and said, "Do not be too worried."

I got a small smile and then I started to talk about Patricia and how I felt about her. KhAvar was worried and I tried to get her to understand my position.

"KhAvar, I love Patricia and I think I love you. I am too young yet to marry. A woman has the right to say no to a suitor. We can stay together until you want to leave me..."

She hugged me tightly. "I will never do that."

"You have the choice and so does Patricia. When I am older, and if we still feel this way, we may make a family if we can. Men of your country may have more than one woman."

She smiled now then frowned. "Woden wants one women to each man."

"That is true. If I am able to keep you then we will not be able to be married."

She hung her head now and remained quiet. I was sure she was going to weigh the shame she would get against staying with me. I added, "I do not think I will marry Patricia either. It would not be fair to you."

I got a larger smile this time and she squeezed me tighter.

"I am lucky that my god has given me the power to please more than one woman."

"Will you please this one now?"

The ships were all finished and they went out for trial runs. When they came back they went out again loaded with people. They spent a day on the water and returned. There were a few adjustments to make when carrying this many persons.

With everything in order I had the pirates with no redeeming qualities executed. The rest were going to be slaves until I could sell them. I didn't like slavery but again I could use this to take the place of jail.

The whole town was in the dumps now because they knew the men and they forgot most of the harsh treatment the men had done to them. Again, it was human nature.

A storm lashed the town for the next few days but the ships had made it back safely ahead of the gusts. I was worried about Mithridates and the ships he went to purchase. He was an experienced sailor though and figured he could handle a storm.

I didn't always stay inside but there was enough time spent to keep KhAvar happy. She was even learning to make me happy. She had turned out to be a passionate woman.

One morning I cuddled in bed with her and talked about Clovis and our/his family. She laughed about the way Frisian women acted. I told her about Forni and she seemed to understand. The cadets were listed next and when she gave me a worried look I told her how they were not lovers.

The story went on until I was captured and taken to the Rhine, then I said, "Tell me about your family. You avoid the subject when it comes up."

She collected her thoughts and said, "My father had two wives. He was kind but he did not have that much time for his children. He died in a battle when I was young. My mother's brother now watches over our family."

She turned to look at my smile and said, "I have seven older sisters but only one living brother. He is fighting the Romans like my father did. Two others had been born but they got sick and died. We get along fairly well and our mothers are very quick with some harsh words if we are naughty.

"We have a very nice home with servants. We have tutors and learn what my uncle wants us to learn but my brother ShahrvarAz is given more training."

I interrupted by saying, "Do you want more education too?"

"Do you want me to?"

"I think it is very important that you learn. The world is changing very quickly now and the more you know the better it is."

"I will learn what you want me to know."

I gave her a kiss and in a moment she continued, "I learned to sew. Do you want me to make you a beautiful suit of clothes?"

"If you have time then I would be happy to wear it. Now go on with your story."

She talked about her childhood and I saw that she enjoyed hers. She got more serious after a while and said, "Four months ago my uncle arranged a marriage for me." She paused then said, "The man lives in the east but was at the moment near... Tyre. I was put on a ship with some guards and my dowery." She had another long pause then said, "We were attacked by pirates."

KhAvar started to cry now and I just held her until she calmed down. She was not better in ten minutes so I said, "Get up, sweetheart. We are going for a ride."

"It is raining."

"Are you coming?"

She hung her head in shame but she still smiled. "Yes, Master."

We dressed lightly and went to the stables. The guards wanted to come but I dressed with my weapons and told them to stay. In twenty minutes we were soaked and in the hills. In ten more minutes we found a grass filled meadow and stopped. After helping KhAvar down I tied the horses where they could eat.

"Master, why are we here?"

Her dark hair was plastered to her head but she still looked beautiful. I undid some of her fastenings and she got the idea and smiled. She was soon helping me then assisted me in getting my own clothing off.

We spent hours walking naked in the rain and making love on the grass. We did not get much walking done but I wanted to make this more memorable because both of us.

KhAvar had a sore mons by the time we were done and we still had to go back to the town. I found I could heal her and at the same time put an extra tingle into her. I continued and she found the energy for one more orgasm.

We rode back toward town naked and only put the clothing on when people would see us. KhAvar was scandalised but excited. The excitement though had to be relieved.

When we got into the stable I helped her down then stood on a wooden platform and kissed the saddle where her mons had been. KhAvar turned red and smiled her widest and I was sure she would like to try out the hay in the barn next for a bed.

The next day Mithridates came into the harbour. He had his ship and five more that were at least his size. All of them were old.

The rain continued and we worked on making the ships as comfortable and as safe as possible. This continued through the night because I wanted to be off as soon as we could.

Mithridates complained of the deals he got but I saw that he did fairly well. He also told me of his problems during the storm with not enough crew considering the number of ships he had.

The ships were prepared for storing people but I hoped they would be better than the slave ships of later years. The smaller ships were slower and we filled these first with people and sent them off to wait a kilometre off the island. It took two more hours until all of the ships were filled.

The booty taken from the pirates was on my ship. Not everybody wanted to go to Persia but all of the slaves that stayed had their brand removed. They could pass for freemen. They were going to stay here and trade while spreading the word of Woden. I gave them all a nest egg to make sure they had a good chance.

All of them were warned about a warship coming later and trying to find out what happened to the booty. I mentioned the Roman methods of gaining knowledge. The families knew enough to flee until the storm had past.

The ships were cramped mainly with children so I told stories of my Frisian past for entertainment value. Anybody that could play an instrument was encouraged to do so. The other ships were close and we would play music to each other and there was clapping after I did this. Not all the ships were close enough to hear this though.

The available seamen were spread thinly between ships and I had to do my duty too. I talked of the future of transportation in detail and everybody that could hear me was enthralled. When I said that we had the railway and were working on experimental gliders they nodded their heads as if this was the way it should be.

We were making a hundred and twenty to a hundred and eighty kilometres per day. We did not stop and anchor at night though the winds died considerably.

We made Cyprus in five days. We put in for shore and the tax collector wanted money. This I knew hindered the tourist trade. "We are leaving in a few hours. We want to stretch our legs and buy food and water."

It was when he learned of my identity that he relented and let us pass. As usual I had a sermon and the men read from the scriptures after I healed a few of the locals.

Mithridates went looking for a larger ship and heard of one on the other side of the island. We filed back on the ships with only a few stragglers. None of the ships we found were suitable and we made do with food and water.

The pirates had few duties to do but all the scut work was theirs. I kept them on the ship with me for safety. I did not want them to do anything that could possibly damage the ship.

We were close to Syria here and Lebanon but at the moment, Lebanon did not exist as a political unit though it did before and after this period. It took a day and a half to get to Syria. We headed south then and came to a large promontory with a large harbour.

Mithridates headed into the bay and we followed. Soldiers came when they saw the warships but the rails filled with children and women said we were not out to fight. I again had to talk to the tax man and only had to pay docking fees.

We were in the city of Latakia. The city was nice but the beaches were beautiful. I would have loved to come here in my previous life. Mithridates looked for another ship and this time we found one. It took hours to inspect the craft and we managed to trade in a ship that was of the least value to us.

We set up camp on the beach while Mithridates went looking for information about King Sapor II. We kept our quest quiet for the most part. I did not want our own people to know exactly what we sought for fear of getting their hopes up.

KhAvar was encouraged to stay with the group and I went to see the local Roman authority. Once my identity was known, I was invited into the man's office. I sat in a comfortable chair with some wine in my hand.

"I am looking to find King Sapor II."

The commander was now worried. "We are at war with the Persians."

"I am well aware of that. I want to stop the war and come to a peaceful agreement. That cannot be done without finding the man."

"If I knew where he was I would get the information to Constantius as soon as I could."

"Then, will you tell me what you know of his armies? Perhaps I can find him."

The commander brought out some maps and with a finger he told me where trouble spots were and when they first happened. Fighting looked to be intensifying at the moment. There seemed to be more disturbances to the south and I could only go so far with a ship.

We stayed three days with me giving a sermon in the morning and the afternoon. KhAvar was very happy and very sated too. I was beginning to love her as much as Patricia.

The former slaves spent most of their time getting drunk and giving my money to the whores. I at least got quantity discounts before I turned the men loose.

The women were given an allowance and so were the children. Being a father figure to so many was very expensive.

KhAvar and I searched through the markets. She bought an odd looking hat and some plain clothing. She wanted to wear this as opposed to the brighter cloth I found for her. She bought cloth for me though and mentioned her promise of making me good clothing.

Mithridates used his own contacts and came back usually empty handed. I went to the fort a few times and helped the soldiers and tried to pick up more information. Very little was new to me.

We boarded ship again and this time I had another send off party. We travelled down the coast and put in at various places along the way. I usually went alone to the Roman forts to ask about Sapor. They were courteous but not too helpful.

The next good port was at Berytus. I assumed this was Beirut but I was not sure. It was supposed to be the 'Paris of the East' but it didn't quite look that way now. It did look like Lutetia but that city was not much different than any other. The Mediterranean was just as nice though but with less of a beach.

Mithridates went out again to search for any leads to finding Sapor. I had been slowly shifting the management of the people to other hands as I tried to carry on my own agenda.

Again I went to the Roman authorities to learn what I could about the Persian military movements. I learned nothing new. The commander had heard a lot about me and I asked him to get those men under his control that could be spared to come to a sermon tomorrow morning. It was Spring now and the noon time was quite warm.

I found that Berytus had a law school that was famous and I figured I should take a look to see what it was like before I had to leave. This law was a good structure to keep but it had some poor laws designed to let the rich escape justice. In reality this happened in my time too but there was little I could do about it.

KhAvar and I, along with a few guards walked through the city and checked out the market. It was interesting but nothing new was found, though some I had only talked about before.

I talked to beggars in more or less private and asked if they were really hurt. Some had obvious missing limbs and scars and I just did some preliminary healing. Most needed a good diet to support regenerated flesh and bone.

A man that had a torn retina in one eye and a cataract in the other screamed in joy to the crowd that he could now see. The crowds got thick but they moved further back usually so we did not have to push.

I was running into leprosy now and had to work on them with more skill and time because the bacteria was hard to control. A leper colony was near and I went to see what I could do for them. Some people were very far gone but I still did what I could.

There was a monk helping the people of the colony and he walked around with me but he could not see any difference right away. It took a bit of persuasion but the man sat and I looked through his body. He was a good man it seemed and no matter what the religion, they were needed. He had many problems with his body. I spent less time on him than on the lepers. The surge of endorphins made his eyes almost blaze.

I said, "You are a good man. The gods like to see people like you helped." I handed him a handful of gold coins taken from the pirates and said, "The lepers will now start to heal. They need more food as their bodies fight the bacillus. I know that more lepers will come once they hear that they will be healed here."

The man finally looked from my face to what was in his hand and said with a breaking voice, "Bless you my... bless you."

KhAvar hugged me closer but said nothing. Her religion preached much the same tenets that I was trying to do. It was a gentle faith that encouraged men to do good. Zarathushtra had tried to do much the same a thousand years earlier.

This was the closest we could come to the military action and still have our ships. The ship was full of gold and I did not like idle hands. They usually found their way around a jug of wine and then a weapon.

With the base commander's help, I bought a large piece of land outside the town proper. It was on the northern edge and had a slow moving river flowing through it. I had to buy an existing farm and then decided to buy a few more. The owners were anxious because of the war.

A few of us dug a place to hide most of our booty and hid it well. In a way I was not concerned too much for the gold. I was also quite sure that none of the men that knew of this location would ever tell. They were the closest I had to fanatics.

A rocky section that was not good for the fruit trees was picked for a warehouse. Finding lumber was not as easy. This was part of the famous fertile crescent and there were trees to be had. Stone was even more readily available and I started to dig a deep basement in the rocky soil. Since there was a hill this too could be entered directly from this level.

KhAvar wanted this to be our home instead of a business but was not pushy. With the help of the local smiths I made a bucket that was used to dredge the bottom of the river. The soil I took out was put in low areas and the stones were stored in a large pile. I wanted docks here and I wanted to accommodate large ships.

The ground shook one day then a few more aftershocks occurred. I had to tell everybody what had really happened. This also influenced how I was going to build my buildings now.

Mithridates was finding no luck locating current information about Sapor and I didn't either. Since there was nothing to do but wait, Mithridates took the larger ships to find lumber and stone for me. He would also ask questions in his travels.

I heard that the famous Cedars of Lebanon were nearby but were now protected by the Augustus. They had gone into a Jewish structure but I could not recall the name from memory. Mithridates was going to go shopping elsewhere.

The Jews were still out of favour with the Romans at the moment. They were just too obstinate to work with the Romans. Jerusalem was denied them. They could go for a visit and that was all. All the area was now called Palastine.

I conducted services in the city and I was happy to see that nobody was begging that didn't want to. Men that had been crippled all their lives were getting around but needed a lot of physiotherapy yet. Others has to wait for limbs to grow.

Many people came by to help even if it was for no pay. I sent some off to the leper colony to put up some additional shelters though they had less need now. Lepers would find a home there until I cured them.

Like Lutetia, I sponsored sporting events and made sure that teams were made to play soccer. Making the balls were still difficult even though we knew how to now.

The fort and the Romans in general were asked to participate. They not only had to sponsor a team of men but had to do the same thing to three teams of children. I did similar and gave names that gave some comradery to the population by blending Roman and Persian terms. The priest was given more money and the job of making a team with a Christian motif on their clothing. The Jews were hesitant about joining but this would change in time.

KhAvar was quite shocked when she was given money and orders to form some girls teams. "I don't know the rules and the girls will not play. It is not right."

"You will make the teams and they will be called the Frisian Tigers, the Persian Elephants and the Roman Lions. If there are more then you will have to make suitable names."

More notices went up in the city and I did not think that there were too many children not competing. Even the cripples were not as crippled anymore and some had a chance to be on a team.

Mithridates had come back three times already with wood and no encouraging news. I had heard more news of Sapor but only told Mithridates. The information about a battle was not good.

A small nondescript man came up to me but not close enough to stir my guards into action. He said, "My lord, I have been sent here by my master to see if you would wish to meet with him."

Many rich people came to me this way and I asked, "Who is your master?"

In a much lower voice he said, "The King of all Persia. The..."

I interrupted by getting closer and whispered, "Sapor? How far away is he?"

"One or two days."

Now that the summons had come it was almost anticlimactic. "I will come. There will be twelve men accompanying me. I will be bringing a wagon so the route requires a road of some sort. How long will it take with the wagon?" I did not ask where the king was on purpose so that I would not be denied the information. The length of time was important though.

The man said, "Three days if you hurry and four if you do not."

"Will you provide security?"


"A portion of your king's army to keep bandits away."

"Nobody will attack us."

"Then let us leave in the morning. There are many arrangements to get ready."

"It is important that we leave now."

"I am not going now. Even your king knows that some marshalling has to be done before men can travel."

"My king commands this."

"I am going at dawn. You may come with me now or see me in the morning. I offer you and your men food and drink and a place to rest before our journey."

The man was angry and said, "I will meet you in the morning."

I turned to the men with me and said, "You will accompany me if you want. I need a strong force left here to protect my people."

We had been using the wagon for a lot of tasks and now greased the wheels and made it ready for a journey of three days. There was a lot of water available and three days travel would not put us in the desert.

My weapons and armour were brought out and the armour polished until it was bright. A similar suit made for a man was in a box and would be a gift along with some swords and knives. A second suit had been dipped in copper sulphate. The action of the acid on the iron caused a thin coating of copper to form on it. It would burnish up very well.

The cast iron stove that weighted so much was finally going to be unloaded but so would a half dozen smaller units suitable for use on a campaign. Steel utensils with pots and pans accompanied this. I worked hard to give a lot of nonlethal hardware but I could not just have this.

When I finished I sat with KhAvar and said, "I am going to see some people. I will be gone at least a seven days but probably up to four of my weeks."

"I will translate for you. Who are they?"

I smiled and kissed her. "No, you will stay here and take care of the family. They respect you. The man I hope will be a businessman."

"You need me," she said worriedly.

"I do need you but I need you here. Now are you going to bed with me?"

"But Master," she hung her head, "it is that time."

"Then we will wash after, unless you want to frustrate me?"

She smiled but still hung her head. She needed to be reassured and this was good for both of us.

KhAvar turned into a tiger when we got into bed. She was usually docile until she got worked up. I think people on the other side of the Mediterranean heard how good she felt.

After kissing a crying KhAvar goodbye the next morning, we finished loading the remainder of our burden and the fourteen of us left. Mithridates had demanded a place and came too. He had done so much for me that I could not deny him.

We were met by five men and the one that I talked to frowned at the additional man. I said, "You know who I am but you have not told me your name."

He had to think on this for a while. I guess the man was a good soldier but took things too literally.

"BamshAd," was all he said.

We began our trip and the man seemed to know the area well and routed us the best way. I was sure that we could get where we were going much quicker with just horses.

At our first stop I used one of the stoves and cooked some of the food. Our own people were used to this but the Persians were just very interested in out tools. They did not eat our food though even though I tried to be friendly.

We made camp that night and all of us were happy to get out of the saddle. Mithridates was not used to this form of transportation and I had to work on the blisters he had then do the same thing for the small discomforts our men had.

BamshAd only watched but said nothing. I went to the horses and looked to their needs. They had worms again and I had to interface through the horse and then kill the worms almost individually.

The Persians were watching me and finally BamshAd said, "What did you do?"

"The horses eat grass that has the eggs of small worms in it. The worms hatch in the horse and eat its food. I killed the worms in them and will have to do this again as soon as the eggs that are in them hatch."

"You can kill with your hands?"

"I heal with my hands but, yes, I can kill too when I must. My men are not used to riding much and needed to be healed."

"We have heard that you may be able to do this."

"Watch the horses tomorrow. You will find dead worms in the morning and through the day."

I did not set guards but I kept my subconscious on the job during the night. There were lots of noises but none were threatening. I thought of my recent nights with KhAvar and had to suppress an uncomfortable erection. It took time but I brought my body back into balance when I had no women near me.

Same as Proeliator
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Malish or Massage

Meray doston meri pheli kahani hai main Amar hoon mumbai say hoon meray ghar main maa,dad,or didi hai didi ki to shadi howay 4saal ho gayai saal badi mast maal hai per kahani meri maa ki hai meray 52 kay lalo hain sex nahin aataa 3.5kaa lun hai maa nay bola 2min main pani nikalta hai woh saal say usa may hai business kartay hai wahan gori say shadi kar set hain her mahinay 2,3 lakh daitay hain main student hoon 19 ki age hai mera lund 10.8 kaa lumba or 4ka chora hai yeh is liye kay meri maa dus...

3 years ago
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Your Pokemon Adventure

Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Oak! People call me the Pokemon PROF! This world is inhabited by creatures called POKeMON! For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study Pokemon as a profession. But first, tell me a little about yourself.

1 year ago
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Story Of A Premium Freelancer Male Escort

I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my male escort profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who don’t know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi, age 33, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. So, let me share the true story of my gigolo experience by only changing the name of the person, for the simple reason for her secrecy. By now most of the ladies in Rourkela knows me for my big cock which is 9.5’ inch long. I get...

3 years ago
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Steve and Jess Take a Shower Fixed

As Steve approached the bathroom door, he heard the running water of the shower as well as the shower radio. "Sweet, " He thought, "I might get some action this morning after all." He opened the bathroom door and pulled down his boxers, relieving his bladder of its pressure. After he finished, he took the courtesy not to flush and spike the temperature of the shower water. He took his shirt off and dropped it on the floor, then pulled aside the shower curtain and...

1 year ago
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The Neighbour Chapter 3

The Nieghbour chapter threei opened my i focused them you still lay beside me your breathing slow..and your face was peaceful and content... we lay side by side on the large couch...your long black sheer gown flowed long your body, till it reached you thighs and then opened up and drifted to the floor....i looked at you sleeping so comfortably....i moved my hands down from your neck along your your slowly rising chest pushing back the silky material that...

2 years ago
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Banglore Ki Sundar Aur Sexy Ladki

Hi guys, I am Manish from Bengaluru. My age is 25 and an average looking guy. Hope you all doing good. Thank you for the readers who gave comments on All this story happened in Kannada but main ye story Hindi me likh raha hoon kyu ki jyada log isse padhe aur enjoy kare. Main bahut time ke baad ye story likh raha hoon because I was busy in my work. Meri previous story padhne baad bahut ladkiya message kiye the. Unme se ek ladki thi jisko mera story pasand aya tha aur uska apni boyfriend se...

3 years ago
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Alizaay Ki Seal Tori Uske Kehne Pe Aur Usko Choda

Yeh kahani meri aur meri padosan ki ha jo k bilkol sucha waqiya ha meri age 27 saal ha is waqt aur me lahore se hu per jub mene aliza ki chudai ki tab meri age 18 saal thi aur aliza ki 18..Aliza k mammo ka size 32 tha tab aur woh matric ki student thi per dekhne me ek dum kisi randi jaisi mast maal tha..Mene pehli dafa aliza ko chaat pe dekha aur kareeb 2 din baad hi humari setting hogi woh ek bahut hi hot larki thi jesy bahut tajrbaa ho usko chudai ka..Meri us se baat shoro howe tu takreeban 2...

2 years ago
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Summer Fun Chapter 1 Help Wanted

It’s early May and I am in the last quarter of 11th Grade, my Junior Year of high school. I attend one of the two high schools in the Spring Haven School District. Our district is aptly named after my hometown of Spring Haven, a medium-sized Michigan town, not too big and not too small. It’s been a good place to grow up, I think so at least. Like any town, it’s not perfect, but it’s home and the only place I’ve lived for all of my 17 years. My school is Maplewood High, home of the “Mighty...

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Gayles CeremonyChapter 7 Greg

Bill held Greg’s clothes as the naked guy waited for Sharon’s go ahead. Instead, Gayle herself said, “Ready.” Instead of the obvious route between her splayed legs, Greg went up beside Gayle and kissed her on the lips. He said something, and Gayle nodded. Greg swept one tit with his beard from the top to the tip. Then he went back and kissed a path down that length. He repeated that with the other tit. He went back and got between her legs. He trailed his beard up one thigh and down...

1 year ago
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Covid grindr meet

This is my first story so go easy lol. And also trueim married and not been with with another man for around 10 years.i recently downloaded grindr after years of not being with another guy. Id browse the profiles and swap pics with other users but either they would flake or i would bottle it last min. I got chatting to one user who was not that far from me and he wasnt just the usual pic hunter, he found out i worked in a garage and asked if i could look at his car and maybe have some fun...

3 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 25

Emma filled her bath, throwing two sachets of crystals in for good measure, shouting to Lauren that it was ready as she bent over the rim of the bath, whirling the water around with her hand. Lauren slipped into the room silently, taking hold of her hips and pulling her against her thighs. Emma stood and leaned back against her, swaying slightly. Lauren found the cord of the robe and undid the knot, pulling apart the sides and squeezing her small breasts in her hands. She kissed her ear as...

2 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 2

In the morning, Helen rose early, showered, started the coffee and went to the bakery for a baguette and croissants. As she ate, the orange cat appeared, watching her silently. She went to speak to him, reaching out to let him smell her fingers. He stretched to rub his cheek against them and Helen rubbed his head. Unlike many of his fellows, he was clean and shiny and the sun had warmed his fur. She felt a connection begin between them and withdrew her hand. 'I can't, ' she thought, 'I...

1 year ago
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Megans Interim 1Megans Dream

I feel his eyes on me, as I dance in the dim light. The music is swirling and vibrant, and I lose myself in it, swaying and turning to the rhythms. There is just me, the music, and his eyes. The grass beneath my feet is cool, a contrast to the heat of the flame as I twirl around it. The air is still, moved only by the fabric of the loose robe I’m wearing. Its flimsy, almost see through, and as the music rises I let it drop, exposing my body to his eyes. The fire light flickers over my breasts,...

2 years ago
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Standing room only

She says nope, seems everyone is going there I guess. I said awe damn it, she says look go on and see if you can record it on your phone for me ok? I said it won’t be the same, she giggles saying softly but we can listen to it nude and you know what her poetry does to me. She giggles as do I saying ok, ok I’m in then damn it and we say our byes and we hang up. Well being a bachelor I’m never have clean clothes and this is no exception, if it wasn’t for Cheryl doing it for me I think I’d be...

1 year ago
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thongs and thongs

question is it wrong fora man to wear her thongs when she commands you to is it wrong also is it wrong to wear thongs to go to a drive throu while she has lingerie on showing off her assets

1 year ago
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A First Time for Everything

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Remi. I am 22 years old, stand at about 5'7", and have straight, layered black hair that extends to the middle of my back and slightly tan skin. I weigh a little over 130 lbs last I checked, but I was never much of a scale-watcher. I like to keep myself in pretty good shape, so while I'm not super muscular, my body is well toned. My breasts are not big - 34B, so they're a nice size (just enough for an average sized hand), and I have small,...

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Marys story Part 27

Betty’s breast was complete now; the tattoo rose over her shoulder and down across her back, wrapping round her hip and running onto her thigh. “I saw Paul last night to get a bit more done. He was going crazy with only doing butterflies, so it was a break for him. I start the other breast next week.” She said. “You’re lucky; we have no idea what we will be doing next week or what will happen to us.” “You are not on the operating list, if that helps. Oh, that reminds me, we have something for...

4 years ago
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Giving and Receiving

Giving and receivingI started to dress; pair of sheer French knickers, and a boned corset in red and black, with 8 suspenders, and a pair of sheer silk seamed stockings. Auntie spun me round as I dressed and started to lace up the corset, which pushed up my chest and began creating small breasts, As she pulled tighter on the laces I could feel the air being squeezed out of me and was finding it difficult to breathe, Auntie! Auntie! Its too tight, but she ignored me and finished tying the...

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His 6 months changed him

my friend Gary had been a naughty boy and got done for selling fake designer clothing and the judge decided to give him 6 months, i was there in the dock when he went down and he was in shock cos he thought it would be a slap on the wrist and community service, Gary was a decent lad but lived on the edge and he was not a hard man but he looked hard with all the training he did and he was a good looking lad with it. but deep down i knew he would not like prison life cos he was really a softy at...

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Ryan and Me

I loved staring at Ryan. Even though he was 19, he still had boyish looks. Bright blue eyes and a cute little permanent cowlick on his bangs, so he always looked like his hair was flipped. And for some reason, i don't know why, i loved to stare at his legs. They were skinny and hairy, but beautiful. All I wanted to do is feel up those legs. But his most sexy feature was his lips. So full and always a little big. Oh, how I wanted to kiss those lips for so long. Who would have know I would go...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 43 Lucifers Love

awake and listen all of god's children for the fleeting rapture of joy and the heavens confess to joy and of bliss but the moment of truth lies hidden in shadow for true evil it seems is not just a dream called forth from the ether of dusk but molded to man ever wan and unplanned embroidered in his tarnished husk now bring out hell's choir to chant to the pyre of depravity spiraling ever higher beware of this night and stay hidden from sight for lucifer's love burns bright with desire as...

2 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceChapter 7 If I Had My Way

After roughing out the expectations and rules of conduct for the new colony and anyone aboard her vessels, a video presentation was prepared. It would be shown first to the extracted crew of the Summer Paradise prior to their boarding of their new ship. After any adjustments, it was to be used in the initial orientation of all of the new colonists and crew additions... The screen cleared showing four individuals; a man and woman clad in Civil Service gray without rank insignia, a man clad in...

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 5 Liars

Last night had been an emotional roller coaster. The Alpha Male in me wanted to simply find Brandon and end his miserable life. It had been a close thing, and I finally had to force myself to come home, because the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to beat the living snot out of him. What finally stopped me was the thought of what would happen if I were caught. The fallout could lose me my upcoming movies, and I’d already started spending my signing bonus from the next two Star...

3 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 13 part 2

“Oh, fuck! Oh, yeah!” J.J. throws his head back and lets out a deep groan as Michelle’s lips kiss the base of his swollen, throbbing tool. The teen slut lodges the stud’s dick in her throat for a long, loving moment, not even drooling from its swollen 8 inches. Aaron and Steve, both bare ass naked and slowly stroking their erect love wands, watch the action and express their approval. “Yeah! Suck it, bitch!” Steve exclaims. “Make her work for it, dude!” Aaron chimes in. Michelle is giving team...

3 years ago
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A Surprise AssFucking In Panties Part 3

Emmy and I make it home to my front door unseen, much to my relief, our crotches are still soaking wet from Emmy pissing on me not more than 5 minutes before. We stumble in the house punch drunk with passion and I make my way straight to the drinks cabinet to pour us both a stiff drink. I notice Emmy wandering into the kitchen and when I walk through to hand her the drink I’m surprised to see she is looking in my fridge. “Hungry?” I ask. “Oh Humphry, I saw you had a trifle and I hoped you would...

1 year ago
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That Time I Banged A Mermaid

So there I was, kayaking through the beautiful waters of New Zealand, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. I was searching for a series of caves I'd read about that were allegedly filled with bioluminescent glow worms. Photos made it seem like a scene in Avatar, and although I didn’t like the movie, I couldn’t help but gawk at the amazing visuals like everyone else. To see their real life inspiration would be incredible. The man I rented my kayak from told me there were guided tours once a...

Monster Sex
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Jessica y el hombre dormido en el bosque

Jessica y el hombre dormido en el bosqueLa joven detective Jessica B. investiga un caso en un pequeño hotel rural en mitad de un bosque. Tras llegar a la hora de la siesta Jessica decide salir a pasear, toda la zona parece vacía.La joven de treinta años pasea con sus manos metidas en los bolsillos de sus pantalones vaqueros cortos que realzan su culo en forma de burbuja que al andar se agita en mitad del bosque, mientras su melena castaña recogida en una coleta también se agita de un lado a...

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GirlsDoPorn 22 Years Old E458

We’ve got yet another incredibly hot girl here today for you guys, she’s 22 and is here to make her very first adult video…she works as a bartender and man with those big tits of hers and her stunning good looks I’m sure she gets hit on every single night! Maybe she got tired of it or something and figured she might as well cash in on the opportunity lol…so she headed here to Girls Do Porn! She’s made a few little home movies with her ex boyfriend but nothing...

2 years ago
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The Basketball Team

Alan had been riding his bicycle and was headed home when he came upon one ofthe neighborhood basketball courts. Usually the place is rather empty or there arejust a couple of k**s playing ball with each other. Most of the time is wasn't evenworth stopping and checking it out. You see, Alan went out for a bike ride to getsome action, he wasn't sure exactly what he wanted but he was looking and had afeeling that when he found it, he'd be ready. After riding for about two hours, heknow that...

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NubileFilms Gina Valentina Ember Stone Girl Play

Gina Valentina struts across her apartment wearing just a thong that shows off her bubble butt and a bra that highlights her small boobs. Ember Stone watches Gina from the other side of the room, pulling her shirt down to reveal her puffy nipple tits so she can rub herself down in her arousal. Realizing she can’t wait another moment to have her girlfriend’s hand on her, Ember crosses the room to join Gina at the window. Lips locked, the girls move towards the couch until Gina throws...

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This was the first night that the "old gang" had gotten together since we had graduated from high school. Throughout the years in school we had grown and changed but we always had each other to lean on in times of need. Now that we stood on the brink of true adulthood, I sensed that our time together would be fewer and far between. Some of us would start to work, others would go to college, and some would soon start their own families.But tonight was our night to sit around and remember the...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 5 Just Playing

The 'big deal' was that the thin cotton panties didn't hide much when dry, but when wet, it was like they didn't even exist. From the backside, the view was also spectacular. Had Jennifer been wearing a thong, her butt could not have looked any better. "Come on ... lets play," she said from the middle of the pool. "Okay ... but you first," Billy said as he tossed her the ball. Jennifer pushed the ball under the water and sat on it. It provided her with just enough extra height so...

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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela 8211 Part 25 Jaan Ban Gayi Begum

Hi dosto, kaisi lage meri Mallu mummy Leela ki chudai ke peechle parts? Un sab logo ka shukriya jinhone meri stories ko like kiya aur mujhe mails aur messages bheje aur videos bhi bheje muth maarte hue. To ab aage ki kahani, kaise mummy bani begum. Fir chaaro budhe ek ghera bana ke let gaye. Meri Mallu mummy Leela ko beech mein bitha diya aur apne lund ko masalne aur hilane lage. Ab mummy ek ek karke saare mullo ke lundo ko hilane aur muh mein leke chusne lagi. Jab sabke lund tan kar khade ho...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends sister

Aiden is my best friend. I go over his house almost every day after school to do things that vary from playing basketball to watching family guy. He lives with his two parents and two sisters, both younger than him. They both walked around the house like whores, and man did I love it. Sometimes I went over just to see them. I also spent a lot of time in the 3 k**’s bathroom, because man did that room smell like fresh virgin pussy. They were very friendly so the middle c***d usually sat really...

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More Fun with My Step Sister and Step Mother Pt 1

Everything seemed normal around the house after the wild weekend I had with my step mother. About the only difference was I looked at her differently now. Before she always turned me on and I loved to look at her, but I tried not to get caught. Now I wanted her to see me undressing her with my eyes, and I also noticed how she looked at me when no one else was around. We had always had a good relationship, but now you could tell we were a lot closer. I did not realize how our lives were going to...

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Next Door Hottie Is Much Hotter Than What I Expected

Hello all, This is Ritish 25yr old from Hyderabad currently working in a MNC. Going back to my story it all happened from the 2014, so let’s get ready folks for the excitement. I with my family have recently moved into a new building in a gated community no strangers are allowed into it, after a few days around 3pm I went on to terrace of my building don’t know that’s a god’s grace or a sex grace, to my opposite building I saw a hot women changing her dress through the window,( a married women...

1 year ago
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snowboard weekends

I was finally going to try jay peaks with a bunch of friends from collegeit was organized and all, i got in the bus after the day at school, and they must have left that place for me after seeing i registered alonethey were 2 , been organizing this for the last 3 years of them degree , this year i was the choosen ''lucky one''they had booze and i spent the bus ride to the usa vermont with em drinking and chilling in the back of the buswe arrived at the hotel and i learned about the ''mistakes''...

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Test This 2367

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop...

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Falling For My StepsistersChapter 9 Living with your mistakes

"You're pregnant?" "We went to see the doctor today after I missed my cycle this week. He confirmed what we thought. I hope that you're ready to be a daddy." "Wow. I'm shocked right now." I held out my arms to her and she eased herself in. "I guess we're going to be parents soon. I'm sorry Liz, I'm sure you're disappointed. I know I didn't mean for this to happen." "I know you didn't. I'm not so sure of my daughter though..." "MOM!" "Well, you were the one that...

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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 12

I found myself sitting on my bed. "Son of a bitch, I don't want to do this," I groaned, hitting it. "It has to be done though, we can't hold off on it forever. Damn, I'm already feeling like I'm in a sauna," I moaned, rubbing my forehead. I peeked at my closed door. "What could be taking him so long? I told him six, but it is twenty after already," I bitched, prior to looking away from it. "Anxious to get it over?" he pondered, opening the door. I put both hands onto my face. "I guess." I kept...

4 years ago
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my lil freak

I live in a co op in the bronx and their is these college girls that have and aparment on the first floor. This moring one of the girls who i will name lala was having a little trouble with her labtop i was walking in the the building when she asked ‘ do you know how to lock a wifi? I told her i would be happy to help! so we sat in the lobby of our building and i fix the labtop she ask what floor do you live on i said foue but let me tell you about this hard body 24 year old black girl 5’tall...

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My Valentine

My name is Walter and I'm 39 years old. My niece D.J. turned 14 a year ago and she is very special to me. Every year I give her something special for Valentines, and every year I get a kiss on the cheek from her. I had been lusting after D.J. ever since she was 12, just waiting for her to be grown up enough for me to be her lover. Last year just after she turned 14 (the age of consent in our state) I decided to take her out on her first date. I knew my brother wouldn't let her date until she...

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More then I bargained for 1

It was early Friday night and I lay in the bath getting ready for my friends birthday. I lifted one long pale leg from the water and ran my razor up it then replaced the razor with my hand, checking to make sure it was silky soft. My hand lingered at the top of my thigh as I felt a familiar tingling sensation from my hardening clit... but I brushed the thought from my mind and carried on with the other leg. After making sure they were both smooth I knelt in the tub and brushed my fingers...

3 years ago
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Toyland A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 9 Loophole

That evening Darci and Jeannie returned, their eyes bright with all they'd seen and done. Both were full of stories about their adventure. It was all we talked about for days afterwards - in-between a lot of getting reacquainted, that is. We moved into the farmhouse together shortly afterwards. I kept working with the Toymaker, while waiting for my map to go active again. I'd discovered a single flashing green pixel down in the corner that convinced me the Map is still working - just...

4 years ago
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Best day of my life mother and son

with my mum and cousin in the living room having a drink. You see my dad was in prison at this time and my cousin was staying with us at our flat, he is my dads nephew but he is only 4 years younger than my dad. Now let me take the time to describe my mum, she is 40 years of age now, still has a good body with blonde hair and very nice faetures, at the time she would have been 30. Back to that night, i realised it had been a while since i had seen any of them and was quite quiet. I...

2 years ago
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Perhaps LoveChapter 10

Rachel awoke with a start, her heart racing and body drenched in sweat. "No estoy... no estoy..." she murmured incoherently as she struggled to sit up. There was no sand beneath her feet, no pummeling waves, only clammy bed sheets entwining her limbs. Finally freeing her hands, she rubbed her eyes and brushed the hair away from her face, letting out a relieved sigh as she did so. The all-pervading sense of horror retreating as her conscious mind drew more fully awake. She shuddered. So...

1 year ago
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Franks Wife1

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a sexual story. It deals with sex, pure and simple and should not be read by people not into wild sex. All sex must be with agreement from all involved. No one should ever be forced to do what he or she doesn’t want to do. All sex should be, safe, sane, and consensual but keep in mind that anyone can get an STD from unprotected sex This is part one of sex toys series. Franks wife. Once I had sex there was no going back nor would I ever want...

2 years ago
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Asian Wife Internet Cafe Human Urinal

My wife and I went to a local internet cafe that has some arcade machines that she loves to play; Japanese rhythm games. We decided to go late at night since we didn't have any good movies to watch and we were bored, but we were still wide awake. The place is very large with about 80 PC's and 15 arcade machines, the place only had a few small groups of Asian guys in the place since it was late at night and they are addicted to LoL and Battlegrounds, but pussy will always be the most addictive...

3 years ago
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SamChapter 4B

We all waved as Mrs. Henderson drove off. When the car was a block away, Lori turned to me and said, "Do I know you?" I laughed. "I'm getting that a lot, lately. You really don't remember me? Sam Kramer? I'm on the cheerleading squad, but that would have been after you graduated. Do you remember Kim Blevins introduced us last year at the Drama Club's play?" "Well, I thought it was you, but..." She looked down pointedly. "Oh, I get it. Like I told your mother — growth...

1 year ago
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Herr Schokolate

There is a small town in Switzerland, Obunsbach, that is known for it’s fine candies. Indeed, one of the first recorded ‘sweets shop’ is in Obunsbach, selling a honey sugared square of pastry. From the simple pastries to the fanciest of confectioneries, if it is made, it is made better in Obunsbach. This includes their world renown chocolate. Ah yes, ‘Obunsbach Schokolate’, a truly divine food, a pleasure to rival sex itself. To taste of that sweet elixir is to indulge your sensations in a...

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