The Torment 8 Repercussions
- 4 years ago
- 33
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Max walked into the room, obviously annoyed for having to come down earlier than expected to get his slutty sister. He walked up to them and grabbed onto Niki’s arm, pulling her back a bit and leaning down to look her in the eye. “You are in big trouble sis. Pulling little stunts like this isn’t acceptable, got it?” he said before standing up and looking at the principle. “Don’t worry about her. I will make sure she is properly punished and that our parents know what she did. Sorry for the trouble she has caused the school.” And with that, he walked her out into the hall in front of the students. Taking out a leash from his pocket once they were out of sight of the staff, he threatened to clip it to her collar giving her a smile. “You know I should make you follow all the rules. Walk on all fours when you are with me. It seems that everyone here already knows what a little slut you are anyway. We could show them, and make them understand who owns your dirty cunt~” he said. He chuckled as he slapped the leash, walking her down the hall, seeing some of the boys that were talking about using her.
Walking Niki over to them, enjoying the way she hung her head, he told the ostensible leader, “Just so it’s clear, this little bitch is mine and I don’t want you little punks using my property without permission. And if you do get permission, it’s going to be 5 bucks for everyone who wants a go at her from now on, got it?” he said in a low menacing tone. His much taller and larger stature over the students proved his authority, forcing them to all shake their heads in agreement, not wanting to piss him off. “Good, make sure everyone understands that.” he said before again slapping the leash and walking her out to the car.
When he stopped and laid down the law with Roach, Niki had kept quiet, though, basically the way he put it out there, she was basically being given to them, as long as they paid for the privilege. THAT could make school more than a simple exercise of getting through the day. Today though, she simply had to survive what was in front of her. Which meant getting through the school hall. The stunned silence all around them gave mute acknowledgement that something very new was going on.
Once inside the car he pulled up her skirt and chuckled “I see you had some fun at school today my little slut, tell me what happened~” he said laughing low as he began driving back to their home, listening to her story carefully as he drove.
Niki soon had her hips pointed in his direction, holding her skirt above her waist as she told him everything that had happened. Niki slowly revealed what had happened over lunch. How she had gotten carried away. How the students had watched before leaving her alone. She blushed as she explained about trying to sneak in and grab her stuff to skip school. She became quietly subdued as she discussed the principal’s office, standing in the hall. She did not mention how her friend had ignored her, clutched in the grasp of their ‘other’ friend. Rather than being upset, he seemed rather pleased.
Max nodded, obviously pleased. He had listened carefully through her whole explanation. “Very good girl, you remembered that you were never to deny any dog that wanted to use you. I am proud of you sis!” he said with a pat on her head as they pulled up to the house, taking her out and simply walking her inside. As they went inside no dogs could be seen, but they could be heard barking from her room down the hall. “Now go strip and rinse out your dirty cunt really quick, I want you to make it nice and clean for me to fill up” he said with a hard spank on her ass, sitting down on the couch and waiting for her to come back.
Arriving home and simply walking her into the house was nothing compared to the embarrassment at school. She felt so good from his praise. She did not care ... Hell, right now she would, she would ... well, she’d do anything for Max at that moment. Hearing the pack barking from further inside the house, she felt a shiver and a tingle, but no time to think about it, as he ordered her to strip (reminding her of the new rule) and to go clean up.
Finding a spot just inside the door for her clothes to lay without being in the way, Niki soon found herself naked and crawling down the hall to the bathroom. Turning on the water she took a quick shower, being careful to clean out her ‘dirty cunt’ as he had called it. She washed well everything else around the area, her whole body being rather sore and abused from the multiple attacks.
Walking back naked to look for Max, she heard him in the room ahead so, dropping to the floor and continuing at a crawl, she went to see what he wanted from her at this time. He had sounded a bit, hungry. She hoped that he would want some of what she liked best, well, at least with a human. Even if it was her brother, her step- brother that knew her deepest darkest, most depraved needs.
Max looked down at the naked girl crawling into the room, her pink collar peeking out from her neck, her long black hair falling around her face, and smiled. Things were going so well, and after today’s adventure at school, he was beginning to have a complete picture of her life ... Now if he could only figure out what to do when their parents got back. Obviously, he could move out, but without a big yard for the dogs, his dog sitting ‘job’ would have to change, and, well, money would be a problem for a while. No, he needed to figure out how to keep most, if not all, of his gains intact, even once they were not alone. Still he had a two weeks to figure that out, so for the moment...
“Good girl! Come! Sit” he said, calling her over like a pet, patting the front of the couch, between his legs. As she moved into position, placing her head on his knee, he stroked her hair for a moment, before ordering. ‘Now, my little doggie slut, I want you to undo my pants, and fill your mouth with my cum, I need something to payback for coming to get you early from school”.
As she came to kneel between his spread legs, Niki was not surprised at his order. As she got up onto her knees, looking at his aroused groin bursting out from beneath his jeans, she licked her lips a little. She reached up, and unhooked the snap of his pants. Running her hands up and down his thighs a couple times, she reached up and tried to unzip him before realizing they were button down jeans. Pulling on the flaps, she felt the buttons become undone, and the long thick flesh of his cock was exposed.
Max let out a long low groan of longing as he felt her mouth engulf his engorged member. His fingers dug into the cushioned arm of the couch as he fought to hold off from cumming right then and there for he wanted to enjoy his slut’s mouth to the full. He could feel her lips wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock. To him it felt like she was a bit more at ease this time, but he wasn’t ramming it down her throat either. Max decided to just sit back, relax, and let Niki’s mouth lead him to paradise.
Getting into a rhythm, Niki almost felt comfortable as she moved her head up and down the top 4 or 5 inches of his shaft. The head of his cock was constantly leaving and then filling her mouth, sliding back to press against her throat. She ran her hands up along his jean clad thighs as she continued to taste and tongue his long hard shaft...
Her mouth full of her brother’s long shaft, her head bobbing in a nice steady rhythm, Niki felt like she was getting the hang of this. Her brother will be pleased at how well she was doing. Looking up at him as she slid up his shaft, she tried to gauge his reaction. While seeing the way his hands were clutching the couch, his face looked as if he was already on the edge. She smiled around the full cock in her face, and slid back down, relaxing her mouth as much as she could, eager to get more of the twitching flesh inside of her. Her tongue swirled around the full head as it slid through her oral cavity, teasing at the tip from time to time. She could feel her bare backside bobbing behind her as she moved her head up and down. A telltale dampness was forming along the outside of her lips.
Over and over she rode her mouth up and down that cock, seeking only to please its owner. Concentrating on her tempo, she reached down, and cradled his balls, seeking to increase the pleasure her mouth was providing. Pausing for a moment, gasping, she ran her hand up and down the slick, slathered cock, watching it twitch in her hands, dancing before her eyes. Darting her mouth lower, she pulls a testicle into her mouth, before licking lower, tickling, teasing.
“That’s a good fuck toy! I am going to cum if you keep that up.” Max said with a grin as she worked his cock, acting like such a slutty girl for him and enjoying herself so much. He spanked her a few more times on the ass, and let her suck him off for a bit longer before finally pulling her off of him, saying “Open your mouth Niki, I want to cum all over your face and in your mouth”. He grinned and began rubbing his cock in front of her face, groaning as he finally came. He shot his large load across her cute young face, rope after rope of the hot spunk covering her whole face and some of it landing into her mouth.
Niki felt the hot jets crossing her cheek, some going into her mouth, and she held her face still as he used her for his pleasure. Sensing he was done, she looked up and moving her mouth over the head of his prick, suckled on it a bit, getting the last bits of his cum. She could feel the ropes of cum cooling on her cheek, some of it starting to drip down. Quickly reaching up with her hand, she stopped any of it from falling to the ground, scooping it on her finger, and popping it into her mouth in between sucks of his softening prick.
“Just keep it from dripping, but don’t wash it off, I want to watch you with cum on your face all night. Reminds me that you love cock. All cock” Max told her, watching her so eagerly service him.
After resting a minute, he patted her head. “Go fix us a couple of sandwiches, then we will have to have a discussion about your punishment.” Watching the nervous look in her eye as she quickly moved off into the kitchen, he smiled, enjoying the anticipation.
Niki rose to her feet once she was in the kitchen, deftly moving about the room, fixing a couple of sandwiches, getting the bag of chips, all the while naked, and cum stained. Feeling the cum drying on her face as she went about something so mundane was creating some strange feelings deep inside, feelings of a deep submissive acceptance. This simply was how things would be.
Returning to the other room, and placing the food in easy reach, she again got on the floor, kneeling between his legs, and waiting.
“Very good ... Here, have a sandwich, but, keep one hand busy between your legs while you eat. I like to watch sluts play with themselves” Max told her, as he took a bite of his own sandwich before handing one half of one to her.
Niki took the sandwich, and after taking a small bite, moved her hand down between her thighs, and began to slowly caress her sex. Continuing to self pleasure herself while she ate, she watched her brother for any signs of new orders. Seeing or hearing nothing, she simply did as she was told, her body responding slowly to her fingers, her dampness increasing as she continued.
As she finished her sandwich, taking a bit longer as she was eating one handed, Niki could hear the dogs in her room, clambering to get out. Max heard them too, and with a smirking smile said “Guess they don’t like being away from their bitch ... I just wanted your mouth to myself for a moment, but, now, well, we need to let you and them outside.”
Niki swallowed the last of her food as he picked up the leash from next to him, clicked it onto her collar, and stood up. “Heel, you know to stay down by now”. With barely a look down at her, he led her across the room, down the hall, and opened the door to her room and let the excited pack out. Cooper immediately went around to Niki, licking her face, before moving around to her backside and sniffing at her aroused cunt, his long tongue coming out to taste, once, then twice.
Niki moaned, her sex exposed and wet, as she felt the long tongue, and when Milo nipped at her hip, she moved a bit, letting his tongue get a couple of tastes as well. Filo and Shadow simply jumped around, excited, licking at her face, or her side, one of them accidentally licking her nipple, not knowing the significance of that dangling piece of flesh.
‘Settle down! We’re going Outside!” Max said, sternly, and as they dog’s heard the words, they immediately turned for the back door, racing ahead of the two humans. Except for Milo. Milo, watching the others take off, moved behind Niki, and as she crawled along behind Max, he kept tonguing her bare backside, darting down between her cheeks, his long tongue finding its way into her damp sex every few licks.
“You are such a good slut for your pack” Max said, looking down at her, watching as she crawled, but letting the dog lick her as they went. “Good thing you can’t breed for real, or we’d run out of room with all the puppies you would make!”.
Reaching the outside, Max opened the door, and at his hand signal, the four dogs rushed outside. Max walked Niki outside, before sitting on one of the benches, and unhooking the leash. “Go, relieve yourself, but hurry back, it’s time for your punishment”.
Crawling over to the side of the yard she had been using for the last few days, Niki stayed on her hands and knees, but, having learned a thing or two, pushed back, sending her butt back over her heels, before parting her thighs as wide as she could. With her backside only a couple inches off of the grass, she looked around the yard, watching the other dogs marking and sniffing, and tried to relax her bladder. She could feel the dried bits of cum on her face, and the casual way in which she was taken outside and told to go to the bathroom continued to make her submissive soul happy, though she still flushed with embarrassment when she saw Max watching her spreading out so lewdly in the grass.
Shadow, finished with his business, spotted the bitch squatting in the grass, and went over, sniffing and licking at her neck, then down her side and her hip. His cold nose made her stop peeing, and as she held still, waiting, he continued to nose her backside. With a sudden jump, he was on her back, his still mostly soft prick poking at her splayed wide opening. Missing, poking her skin, his shaft soon hit her center, and as it slid in, his prick immediately began to swell, growing to full size in a matter of seconds. Grunting, Niki held still, the dogs eager fucking rocking her back and forth in the grass. She felt his knot swelling, growing, and clenching her own inner walls, she felt him slam in far, sealing their union as his cock sprayed into her deepest reaches.
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my secound story, continuation of the last story. this is the next most memorable time with niki... read the last story to get caught up (if you want)first story: was a sunny Saterday morning and I thought while the weather was sunny I would go out to the beach and try to get a tan. so I threw on my pink bikini with a tanktop and short jean shorts over it and...
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I walked back through the front door of my house at about noon the following day, finding Ginny and Kaitlyn playing together on the living room floor. Ginny got up off the floor as soon as I came through the door. "Connie came over here yesterday. She spent the night here again. The same thing happened as the last time she spent the night here." The words spilled quickly out of her mouth. I could see the worried and agitated state she was in. I felt guilty now at having been the cause of...
“Damned impressive wouldn’t you say, Colonel?” I had to agree with Rear-Admiral Nelson Miles. We had ridden to the edge of the Avon Gorge, a mile and a half long gash made through a ridge of limestone by the River Avon on its way to Avonmouth and the Bristol Channel. The sides of the gorge were practically sheer, with a mass of jagged rocks that over time had tumbled down the abyss, strewn along the banks of the River Avon. We allowed our horses to crop the lush grass as Miles pointed out...
I'll bet you thought this story was going to have a happy ending, didn't you. Because I'm so pretty and I'm so smart. Maybe because I'm oh so fifteen years old and nothing bad ever happens to girls like me. But it does. Bad things happen all the time, every day to people like you and people like me. My daddy didn't come to my bed, not that afternoon. He left me there alone and crying the way he had to, I suppose, because that was who he was. My dad. So what could I do? I couldn't stay...
A Murder Earthshaking Hank Dalton hurried through the underground passage between his home and his office. The scanner had announced TWO people in the visitor's conveyance. Hank glanced at the data link in his hand, a device known commercially as a Palm Slave, and tried to discern the people carried in the slave compartment of the government-issue sky car. Normal people never paid attention to the contents of a slave compartment. They thought that nobody important was back there. As Hank...
Jessie Flanders checked the time on her cell phone as she neared the elegant Carter home. She was a minute early for her babysitting job. As she made the turn onto the Carter’s front walk, a cab pulled to the curb and blew its horn. She reached the door and was about to ring the doorbell when it popped open. A good looking woman in her late thirties dressed in dark slacks and sweater peered at her over her glasses. “Are you the babysitter?” she asked. “Yes I am,” Jessie said. “The sitter’s...
In the last story I told you about my first time and how this girl named Leah was pissed. I fell in love that weekend, Tyrone was the perfect combination of sweet, intelligent, funny, sexy, and hung everything a girl needs. What I didn't know was Leah was also in love with Tyrone. When we got back to school on Monday I was sore and on cloud 9, everyone could see it on our faces we were no longer virgins. Leah cornered me in the locker room after gym, the look in her eyes was terrifying. I...
Three days later I became the reluctant temporary step parent of my neighbor's kids. For most of my adult life, I have not been burdened with family responsibilities. Orphaned at nine and raised thereafter by an already aging grandmother, I never experienced what one might describe as a contemporary parent. Undoubtedly, my youthful independence contributed to an unrealistic idea of what marriage was supposed to be, and to my divorce three years hence when it wasn't that way at all. "Maybe...
I belong to a middle class family in Kerala. I was 22 years old at that time and was doing my first year PG course. I am the youngest in my family (eight child in my family) & i am of the same age of my eldest sisters daughter and I have been staying with my elder sister to go to school and later to the college. My sister had a son of 16 years age. He was staying in a boarding school and it was only during the holidays that he used to come home. Being the only boy in the family, everybody liked...
Incesti just turn 18 and allways wanted to do this so i was driving around one day and thinking of a place to do it so i went to the beach and just sat in my car with all my clothes off and started to masterbate 5 minutes in to it a hot milf knoked on my window and ask what i was doing and i told her. she ask if she could come inside my car and i said yes of course then out of no were she put her lips on my cock and started to blow away this being my first blowjob i could not help it i released a big...
"Moon?" She asked loudly. "Over here" He could sense her relaxing again. I thought he left,thought Snowhalk. "We still have half a days walk since we got sidetracked yesterday." Moon said. He painted a map for Snowhalk to memorize. As she was memorizing the map he carefully wrapped up his bedroll in which the sword that was concealed in there fell out. Snowhalk picked it up and then lunged it at him. Thinking this was betrayal he moved into combat stance, but the ftt of a shuriken...
Hello doston Ek baar aur aap sabko mera namaskaar. Jo log yahaan pehli baar aa rahe hain unhe mein apna parichay de du. Mera naam aaryan oberoi hai. Mein Gurgaon mein rehta hu meri age 21 hai aur body athletic hai height 6 ft hai jaisa k maine aap sab ko promise kiya tha k mein apni doosri kahani girlfriend ko bhabhi bana k choda-2 likhunga woh kahani is tarah se hai ab jyada time waste na karte hue kahani pe aata hu.Aur jin logon ko bhabhi k bare mein nahi pata mein unhe bhi introduce kara...
It was not just my little pale white hubby getting his dirty kicks. Not that it was enough for him to be humiliated with the black baby I had had'Junior', I was now onto another big fat black dick, as you may have read, Bruno a chance meeting during a prison visit to cheer up hub's mate Bill serving time in the jail!Of course I told Mick my hubby that I was going to see Bill and would make sure when I arrived at the prison I left something for the guards to give to him, like a cake.I arrived at...
“Hi Jenny. What’s happening?” “Come on in, Suzy. Say, remember last time you were here and we were talking about guys’ cocks and how you would like to see one, but we couldn’t come up with a safe way?” “Yeah. You’re not planning anything stupid are you?” “No. I’ve got the perfect plan. See how you like this. You know how my dad is always traveling to Europe on business? When he gets home, he says the best way he has found to get over the time change is to go right to bed and sleep...
It started out innocently enough. I was curious, that’s all. I just wanted to know what it was like to suck another man’s cock. So I placed an ad online that simply stated that I was new to all of this and just wanted to try something new. I got quite a few responses but only one seemed to be safe enough. You see, I’m married and don’t want anyone to know about my ?urges?. The ad was from another married man who said he was new at this too and that he would be gentle and help me out. I met him...
Thomas Green is so sick of his stepdaughter, Kate Quinn, being a bitch to her family. Kate steals his lunch out of the fridge right in front of him, which of course pisses him off. Later, Kate comes in and steals Thomas’s snack while changing the channel from the TV he was watching. Still later, Kate is doing laundry and tosses Thomas’s clothes out of the machine. That’s the final straw! Thomas grabs a pair of Kate’s panties and whips out his dick to start rubbing the...
xmoviesforyouThere were bellhops ready and waiting at the hotel to take our luggage. They were all wearing green badges, which contrasted with their red uniform jackets. “People with green badges like this are civilians. If they don’t have a badge on at all, then it might be a test from corporate, or not. But that’s our inviolate rule. Green badge means good guy,” Melvin said as he held the door for us. “And this is first night. We’re not going to have much happen tonight, other than dinner.” “Why do I...
I find a lot of irony in today's need for younger and younger females, I mean, when you read about men lusting for the elusive teen, my mind goes back to when I was of that age, all hormonal and lusty, 'Strumming' daily, yes you read it correctly, daily, and back then we could not rub against one, either purposely or accidently.My change in life happened just after my twelfth birthday, two months to be precise, I took my first periods, and as if a bodily switch was flicked to the 'On' position,...
Copyright 2008 by madengineer3, All rights are reserved! This story is not to be copied or circulated except by madengineer3 or by means of the Literotica website, and under Literotica’s rules. * I am known as Mr. Frankson by the people I work with, or more accurately who work for me. To friends I’m Jack. I’ve been out of college for fifteen years now. I have my Ph.D. in engineering physics and a very good job with a large automobile manufacturing company. I am involved with the safety of a...
Pregnant sister: Sally, Nora, Eric & Barb Sally was home when I arrived after school, she left school early for a Doctor's Appointment. I got home and sis was in the living room of our small apartment on the sofa, crying. I sat next to sis and asked "What's wrong?" and and she answered "my life is over now, I'm pregnant and Josh dumped me, I am going for an abortion all alone, I just wish I was dead". It broke my heart to hear her "Sally I'll cut school and take you, I love you...
In the candlelight Martha's teeth and eyes glinted as she lay naked under me, knees drawn back, grinning up at me. She held my cock at the root with one hand and she watched my eyes while I entered her. I groaned as her creamy pussy closed around me. Her grin widened when I started screwing. She whispered, "Fuck. Fuck." Her cunt gripped, tight. I groaned again, my head arching back. Martha whispered, "Fuck." I looked at her eyes. They sparkled with lust. I knew by the look in them...
Mark Elsa fired about a hundred questions at me like rifle shots at a carnival, expecting me to instantly respond with the first answers that occurred to me. I did, but I wasn’t sure I was giving the answers that would keep me in her good graces. Some of her questions and comments confused me, especially where involving her sister was concerned. I couldn’t fathom what she was suggesting. Elsa had started to smile a lot, and the initial sad look on her face had given way to glee about...