Girlfriend's RevengeChapter 3 free porn video

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Ellen stopped in her tracks and jerked around looking to see where the voice was coming from. She heard some rustling in the grass beside the road and made out two dimly silhouetted forms below the culvert.

"What you doing way out here in nowhere, Baby?" the voice echoed out across the road.

Ellen quickened her pace, turning away from the two men. She saw lights coming from a beach house up the road but it was quite a distance away from her, and she didn't know if she could make it before the man's comments turned into something more serious. They were probably two drunken college students from the beach party, but she wasn't going to take any chances. She had heard some frightening stories of rapes and murders along these lonely country roads, and she didn't intend to become another unfortunate victim.

She heard a light scurry of feet a few yards from the ditch beside her. It was then that she saw the face of one of the men coming out of the dark shadows of the tall grass. The men measured their pace just behind hers as though they had plenty of time to follow her. Ellen knew that if she began to run from the two men this would be the final stroke, so she slowed down, almost imperceptibly, yet kept herself ready for that burst of energy and strength she would have to put out once they began advancing more rapidly.

"I'll tell you what I think, Billy. I think she's playin' a little game with us," another unfamiliar voice remarked in a sinister tone. "She's playing the stuck-up little bitch, don't you think?"

"Just give her some time, Cash. All that walking her little ass is doing should warm her up."

"Yeah, and them watermelons of hers sure look juicy," the man named Billy replied, an obscene vicious tone evident in his voice. "I'd sure like to get my mouth around those tits."

Ellen involuntarily moved faster as she heard the men's feet scuffling up onto the shoulder of the gravel road. They were walking directly behind her now, but she didn't dare look back. Suddenly she knew she was really afraid, and she became sure that the two men were not part of the group at the beach party. None of the boys, no matter how lewd their intentions, would have spoken to a girl like that. She found herself moving at a half-run now, and she measured the distance to the tiny lights of the shack ahead of her. If she could only get within shouting distance of the beach house she just might have a chance.

"Now you just look at that. The little girl knows what to do with what she's got, wouldn't you say so, Cash?"

"I'm just thinking about them big sweet titties, and that hot lil old pussy I know she's got."

Billy laughed. "You'll have time enough to get into that. Now just watch the way she works that tight ass; look at it now, Cash!"

Ellen grimaced in fear and revulsion at the horrible insults the men were hurling at her. She heard the men chuckle and quicken their gait behind her, and she adjusted her pace, almost running now and feeling her heart pound desperately into her throat.

"You know, Billy, I don't think this hot little bitch likes what we're saying about her. Maybe she'd rather have us do it to her, rather than talk about it. Whaddya think?"

"I'll be the first to find out, Cash. And, man, do I have a cock that wants to find out!" Billy shouted out so that Ellen could hear each obscene syllable of his words.

"Now you just remember, don't stretch it too much," Cash chortled loudly, "she's got a lot of fucking ahead of her."

"Damn, man, don't you know you can't use up that kind of pussy?"

That was it! Ellen could stand the vile remarks the men were making to her no longer, and suddenly, from sheer panic she broke into a desperate run. She felt her sandals scrape on the loose gravel beneath her feet and the tightness of her jeans impede her speed, but she gave it all she had, churning her legs with a rapidity that astonished her as the adrenaline pulsed into her blood stream, quickening her flight. She could hear the men running behind her, and though she was fast, they seemed to be shortening the distance between them. The house was coming up closer and she could almost see inside the windows, but as she approached the fence that bordered the yard of the shack, her sandals tripped her up and she lost her stride.

"Goddamn, grab her before she gets on the porch," one of the men gasped almost out of breath behind her.

"Don't worry about me, worry about those little titties you were talkie' so much about," the other voice rang out from the darkness behind her.

She was just a few yards from the lawn that surrounded the house, and she strained and plunged in a final desperate surge of energy to go to the porch. God! it didn't seem to get any closer! Then from a short distance down the road she spotted the headlights of a car approaching them. The thought flashed through her mind that if there weren't people in the house she would be done for. So, abruptly changing her direction, she sprinted towards the center of the road, waving her arm at the headlights of the approaching vehicle.

And that had been her mistake.

Suddenly she felt her arms wrenched violently backwards and the steel grip of a hand muffle her mouth. She stood in the center of the road with the two men grappling violently against her, and her arms and legs flailing out wildly in a vain attempt to free herself from her captors. The only hope now was that the car that was nearing them would stop and offer her some assistance.

But it didn't.

It slowed down as it approached the struggling figures and Ellen could see a face press against the side window, then she heard the motor gun as the automobile shot out again into the murky darkness. It disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, phantom-like from nowhere, leaving her to suffer her fate alone on the empty shore-line highway.

"Help me! Oh God, please! Help me! Pleeeeaaase," Ellen finally wrenched her mouth from under the man's hand and wailed uselessly into the night after the disappearing car.

"Goddamn, she's a tough little bitch," she heard come from behind her, and felt the vise-like grip against her arms send piercing stabs into her straining shoulders. Once again the hand clenched tightly over her mouth.

Then, against her anguished protests, they pulled her backwards to the side of the road, pinning their arms tightly against her back so if she struggled more they could clench her elbows up to her shoulder blades and reduce her to a writhing mass of agonizing pain.

But it was fear that now raced through her as the two heavily breathing men dragged her back down the highway. Up ahead she recognized the hulking: shape of a pick-up truck that she had passed unnoticed only a few minutes before. Ellen made one last attempt to break loose, kicking at the taller man who stood next to her on the soft shoulder at the edge of the road. Then she felt her arm wrench up once more, and she bent down, groaning, more in fear now, and hoping desperately that she could distract her abductors for at least a moment until she could regain her strength. But they pulled her up from her half-kneeling position and dragged her on until she was facing the rear end of the truck.

"Oh God. Please no! Let me go!" she muttered under the tightly clenching hand over her mouth.

They hoisted her wrenching body ahead of them onto the floor of the open pick-up, and she felt her stomach strike painfully against cold metal. The image of a third man sitting on the floor of the truck bed swept past her widening, horror-stricken eyes as he grabbed for her shoulders and dragged her into the interior until her face fell hard onto his lap. Then Billy's heavy weight landed in a thud on her back, and a sharp stab of pain shot through her belly. Behind her, she heard Cash race along the dirt shoulder of the road to the front of the truck where he jumped onto the seat beside the driver. Then the truck roared off with a squeal of tires against the pavement.

"You got her, boys?" the rasping voice of the driver grunted excitedly.

"We ain't only got her, Pop. Wait till you see what she's got," Billy shouted jubilantly to the front of the truck. His stomach lay flat over her outstretched form and his free hand squeezed more tightly at the curve of her small waist. "Yeah, he ain't seen what we got," he repeated in a lewd whisper to Ellen, dropping his wet mouth to her ear.

"Well, just keep your goddam hand over her mouth," the driver chuckled, shifting into second and speeding up as the car hurried down the narrow country road. "I don't want no screams coming from this here pick-up truck while I'm driving it."

"Shoot, Pop. An old man like you, they'd think it was just pigs," Billy joked.

"Takes an older man to know the difference."

Ellen felt Billy's large muscular hand in a tight grip on her waist. The coarsened palm of his other hand pressed so strenuously against her slightly parted mouth that it felt like her lips were splitting over her own teeth. Her head had twisted and her cheek lay on the thigh of the other man with her face forced almost into his lap. A pungent masculine smell emanated from his spread open loins and permeated the air around her face, filling the whole of her every choking breath.

Tears of helpless terror streamed from Ellen's eyes as an image of Phil's long white cock sinking into her sister Jennifer's open and glistening vagina raced through her tortured mind, and she sobbed helplessly as she was hit with the horrible realization that she too might soon be filled with the brutal erect flesh of one of these crude men who had forced her off the country road into the truck.

"Oh God, please don't let it happen, please don't let them do that to me. Not that, dear God. Not what those boys did to Jennifer.

"Keep her trap shut, we're passin' another bunch of beach houses," the tense voice of the older man driving spoke again.

"Boy, these people got beach houses that don't quit."

"You shut up, too. Everyone be quiet."

Billy's hand tightened over Ellen's mouth, and she thought she was going to suffocate. Then her heart jumped into her throat and her breath stopped completely for one long tortuous moment as she realized that she might very well be killed if she didn't cooperate. The flow of her tears choked off abruptly and dried up with sheer terror.

"That's a nice girl," Billy's wet mouth muttered in her ear. "Billy boy's gonna reward you with something real good and hard. Oh, you're going to love what I've got for you."

His breath smelled heavily of alcohol and she could feel a sticky dampness forming between her back and his stomach as he sweated through his shirt in his efforts to keep her close to the floor. The smell of his sweat and the stale odor of alcohol and the pungency arising from the other man's lap all mixed together until she thought she was going to faint from the heat and the overwhelming fear that attacked each of her senses. She recalled dimly that the men were all dressed the same and her heart jolted anew as she made the grim connection between their identical blue outfits and prison uniforms. They must have escaped from the prison downstate and driven here because it was close to the state line or even because it was near the gulf and they planned to take a boat out of the country! Oh God, maybe she was going to be a hostage just like she'd read about happening to so many people almost every day in the newspaper. But why did it have to be her? Every nerve in her anguished body strained with the sudden hope that they would only keep her but not rape her. Not plunge their thick penises into her virginally defenseless vagina like she had seen Phil and his friend doing to Jennifer earlier that evening.

As if in answer to her question, Billy's free hand began an exploratory movement out from her small girlish waist. It ran excitedly over the side of her body, then he sighed and began breathing heavily, concentrating all his brutal force on prying the soft innersides of her thighs apart with his knee. Ellen fought with every bit of her strength, but the straining limbs gradually opened from the force of the pressure. His legs sank in between them and she felt a clothed hardness press along the top of her thigh. She shuddered in revulsion as she realized what he was trying to do to her. His penis had hardened from the lust-inciting contact of lying closely on top of her, and now he was trying to wedge his straining erectness against her completely defenseless pussy!

She squirmed her hips, groaning loudly in protest, but it was useless.

Beneath his pants, Billy's stiffened penis pushed hard and intimately into the junction between her legs. He pressed forward and the cloth of her jeans sank raspingly into the barely moist crevice of her helplessly spread young pussy.

The truck sped along through the summer night on the narrow country road, leaving the beach houses behind. In the front, there was a sound of the other two men shifting in their seats.

"You can relax now. We're out on open road,"-Ellen recognized the voice of Cash.

"Someone throw me a goddamn cigarette, will ye," she heard the second man in the back of the truck speak for the first time.

Ellen started as a pack of cigarettes flew over the front seat. The man grabbed the pack irritably and handed a second cigarette to Billy, the straining cloth across his lap lighting up rose-blue before Ellen's eyes as he struck a match.

"Goddamn it, Vito. Watch out, you bastard. You'll burn my hair," Billy grunted.

Billy was still pressed heavily over her back, but now Ellen looked up at Vito for the first time. He was much smaller than she had expected him to be, though his bony wiry frame had a definite look of vicious cruelty about it.

"Oh God, he's a killer!" the thought raced through her mind with a frightening sureness.

The truck bounced along the country road and as the men smoked their cigarettes, Ellen's glance returned again and again to the smaller man in dreadful fascination. A long narrow welt-like scar curled across one of his thin cheeks, and his long black unkempt hair shone greasily in the moonlight. The smoke grew thicker and thicker over her face until she thought she would choke. Then Billy jokingly forced the strong smelling cigarette to her mouth and made her puff on it, and she broke into a fit of coughing. An interminable length of time seemed to pass, and she began to feel nauseous as he forced it again and again to her lips.

"We're doing just fine back here," he yelled to the front loudly. Then he sank back onto her and sighed, grinding his hardness against her legs and chuckling softly. He laughed again and blew into her ear, sending waves of goose-bumps over her flesh, and the terrified young girl cringed in revulsion.

She stiffened and twisted her face to the side, straining to see out the back of the truck as though somewhere out there in the rapidly disappearing scenery she might find something, anything that would magically save her. But the empty fields flew uselessly by, and not a single car appeared on the long strip of highway. There was only the round disc of the moon shining brightly in the starless summer sky to give her small comfort.

"Roll her over," Vito said after a moment in a grudging voice, lighting a second cigarette. "I want to see the front." There was an irritated demanding quality to his words that sent new shivers of fear down Ellen's spine.

"Relax, Vito," Billy said confidently. "It's all there. I already checked it out for you."

"Looks like you're doing more than checking it out to me. C'mon, roll her over. I want to see what she's got for tits!"

"Shut up, man. You're botherin' me."

"All I got is the head." Vito's vicious tone now had a knife- like edge to it.

Tears of shame and humiliation welled in Ellen's eyes as she heard the two men discussing her as though she were a bag of potatoes they had loaded in the truck to take to market. The horror of the situation was almost too much to grasp. She could hardly think from the terrible fear and revulsion that overwhelmed her every attempt to figure out just what she could do, or if there was even anything she could do. All she knew w as that each of their hotly intimate touches and each of their lewd remarks was doing something to her that would make her forever different from the happily naive young person she had been only a few short minutes ago.

She felt Billy's hand possessively pull her body closer to him, and her attention shot back to the dire defenselessness of her immediate position. His other hand remained around her mouth, and his body wormed even closer against hers, his knees bending where hers did, as his chest fell harder against her back while her softly rounded young buttocks fitted more closely like one spoon in another into his bulging pelvis. Her soft flesh made the feared contact with his jutting hardness and she trembled, imagining the lewd look of obscene pleasure contorting the man's face. A seeming eternity passed by as his probing contact with her firm young flesh grew more frequent and harder.

"How much longer?" he said later, breathing heavily, his hand moving hungrily down her thighs over her tightly fitting jeans. "I think our little girl's getting uncomfortable here."

"About fifteen minutes until we get into the edge of town," Pop's voice said tensely from the driver's seat. "But keep the little bitch quiet. We'll soon be gettin' into some heavy traffic."

"Don't worry. She can't move," Billy muttered. He chuckled when he pinched harshly through the denim at the soft innersides of her two thighs pressed together, and her groan of protest issued through his hand over her mouth almost soundlessly. "She can't even squeal.

Look at that, boys!"

"Open up her pants," Cash turned and hissed into the back, his eyes glinting in lewd amusement through the dark. He turned on his knees and peered over the back of the seat, almost drooling at the obscene picture of the young blonde girl plastered helplessly down under Billy's groin. Her striped tee shirt had ridden up to just below the rounded fullness of her large breasts, and below the high, wide-spaced protruberances, he could see the bare flesh of her taut little stomach gleaming whitely in the moonlight. He grunted in lewd pleasure when Vito suddenly reached over and pulled the zipper of her jeans slowly open.

"Jesus, will ya look at that," Cash whistled under his breath, taking in the wide white stretch of unexpectedly bare stomach exposed over the top of the small white triangle of her nylon panties. "Seems to me anything wearin' them skimpy lil things is asking for cock. I say let's fuck her now."

"Yeah, let's do it. Let's fuck her now," Vito agreed.

"Hold on," Pop objected over the din of voices. "Not while I'm drivin'."

"I can't wait," Billy grunted hoarsely.

Ellen groaned as her forehead hit against a rising hardness in Vito's lap and he raised his legs, clenching her face in his lap in a strong vise-like grip. Behind her, Billy's groin rammed harshly into her buttocks, his fingers tearing at the open waist of her jeans so that she thought they would rip apart. A frantic, terrorized energy raced through her, and she squirmed and bucked her body with every ounce of strength that she had, trying to wrench her face out of Vito's clenching thighs and throw Billy's jutting hardness off her back. She tossed violently at both ends but the harsh grinding of her forehead and buttocks against their stiffening hardness only succeeded in increasing their desire for her.

"Hold her down, you idiots," Billy muttered, moving his hand down to her wildly thrusting hips and pinioning them roughly to the floor.

"Please, please don't do it to me," she choked in the single moment that his hand was removed from her mouth. "Get off of me!"

Vito clamped his palm over her mouth and her piteous supplications were cut short. Her further anguished cries choked back deep down in her chest, only a faint helpless mewling escaping from under the tightly clenching hand.

Suddenly, she felt Billy's weight lift off her. There was a long tortuous moment of silent suspense while his muscular calves inched slowly backwards down the sides of her legs, then his face hovered over her knees. She jerked as he reached abruptly forward and his fingers curled over the unbuttoned waist of her jeans, jerking them in a swift cruel movement down over her hips until the soft rounded fullness of her partially panty covered buttocks were exposed to view. All the while Cash hung over the front seat, his eyes bulging as each luscious inch of the girl's delicately curved legs came further into view.

"Pull up her top so we can see them big juicy tits," Billy yelled at Cash leaning over the front seat. His trembling hands curled around her small kicking ankles and pulled them slightly apart. His eyes traveled slowly up the bare slightly parted columns of her legs, and he ran his tongue over his lips with obvious desire. Her small well-shaped ankles curved delicately up over slender girlish calves, then swelled into a smooth silky softness at her full upper thighs. The whitely clean triangle of her brief panties had been moved out of place by her fruitless struggling, and now the smoothly rounded globes of her ass-cheeks were exposed entirely to his lust-crazed view. Only a narrow strip of thin nylon cloth was wedged into the tightly trembling crevice of her firm young buttocks, and he could see small thin curls of her sparse blonde pubic hair appearing under the edges of the bunched up material where it ran in a thin white band down between her legs.

Ellen was half wild with fear now. Her mind raced with the dreadful certainty that what she had most feared was now going to happen to her: these strange men were going to sink their indecent flesh into the most intimate parts of her body. She felt sick with disgust and her whole being cowered with the shame and humiliation of it all. These vile creatures that didn't even know her name were going to plow into her like lewd animals without the slightest trace of compassion or human understanding, making of her a mere mindless receptacle for their lewdly building sperm.

And... there was nothing on earth she could do about it. Her inability to fight them back increased her sense of shame and degradation. Oh God, if only she was stronger, she thought desperately, then her mind was jerked back to brutal reality by the sensation of Billy's hands coursing over the sides of her body. He teased her nakedly cringing flesh harshly as he worked up the backs of her legs, kneading the skin into painful, white little balls and clenching them in his fists. He pinched her soft inner thighs roughly between his thumbs and forefingers, and Ellen whimpered in helpless anguish. She imagined what his leering face must look like as his hands roamed freely over her now obediently splayed out body, and she ground her belly hard down against the floor of the truck in another vain attempt to escape him when his hands moved onto her hips. He rolled the luscious firmness of her soft warm flesh between his hands and then wormed one finger into the slightly sweating crevice between her buttocks that showed just its beginning now above the elastic waist band of her panties.

"Nice, huh?" he called excitedly to the rest of the men, working his middle finger down into the shadows of the thinly dividing crevice until it disappeared from sight.

A loud grunt of agreement came from cash as he hung over the front seat, his eyes bulging with cruelly rising desire. Pop, behind the wheel, glanced quickly over his shoulder and turned back to the road, taking out a handkerchief to wipe sweat off his forehead.

Ellen groaned as Vito's hardness jerked against her cheek. His hand moved over the back of her head, pushing her forehead hard against his excitedly throbbing penis. Her nose flattened against the base of the shaft and she could feel the blunt rounded outline of the blood-engorged head pressing hotly through the material of his pants. He ran his fingers through her hair, taking in the sight of her helpless young body stretched out almost nakedly below him. A small circle of wetness had seeped through the material of his pants against Ellen's temple and she shuddered, realizing it was the same white male liquid that she had seen glistening on the top of Phil's long obscenely hardened cock just before he had thrust his hardness into her older sister's wide-splayed pussy. She tried to lift her cheek from it, but his hand clamped down on her scalp and pushed her face even deeper into his pulsating groin than it had been before. She began to sob loudly as he rotated his fevered loins against her forehead, moving his hands down to the bareness of her back and suddenly yanking the tee shirt brutally up over her brassiere-covered breasts to her neck.

"Well, lookee here at what we got," he said in a cruelly mocking voice. "A girl in a bikini."

Once again Pop's head spun around to the back, and an obscenely loud guffaw swept through the truck.

Ellen's shoulders heaved as she sobbed helplessly from the shame and humiliation. This was too much! They were laughing at her too, while they pawed and tore at her body like wild animals. She thought of Bob's hands gently trying earlier that evening to cup themselves around her breasts and almost regretted the self- righteous way she had pushed him away. Surely it would have been better to have let her very own boyfriend touch her than to find herself as she was now at the mercy of these monsters. She might still have been at the beach party now, kissing Bob and letting him caress her. Oh, God, it would have been better than this if she had given herself completely to him.

Now she cringed at Vito's hand roaming excitedly over her back. She stiffened in fear as his fingers fought clumsily with the clasp of her brassiere. Then suddenly it gave way and she felt her fully ripened young breasts fall out like two large white melons, hanging obscenely down over each side of his leg with his knee pressed into the deep cleavage between. The tiny buds of her nipples made contact with the coolness of the air and stiffened involuntarily, pointing lewdly down to the metal floor.

"A hot little piece of ass in half a bikini now," he snorted.

"Hold her down while I pull her panties off," Billy grunted, sliding his hands slowly down from the slimness of her waist over the luscious flare of her firmly rounded young hips.

Then suddenly, Ellen's body jerked back to life as she felt Billy's fingers move from her hip bones to the tight elastic top of her panties. She had lain limply beneath them, feeling as though all the life had been drained out of her, while they had run their hands all over her helplessly trembling flesh and even uncovered her breasts. But the moment she most dreaded had arrived, and she knew that the virginity that she had struggled so hard to protect from even Bob, the boy she was going to marry, was as good as lost if she ever allowed these horrible beasts to strip her panties from her vagina. Death would be better, she thought. Her last chance to resist was now and, deciding she would rather be flung from the moving truck, she gathered all her strength and lurched wildly toward the tailgate. Her body squirmed momentarily through their grasping hands until Billy's arm circled around her waist tripping her, and she fell to a painful thud on her knees.

"She's going to jump out, grab her legs!" he shouted as Vito sprang up, and she fell back down to the floor beneath the crushing weight of both of them.

She kicked and clawed but it was impossible to meet their brutal strength and gradually she was pulled back to her original position with her head thrown harder this time into Vito's lap. She shuddered as he dug his fist brutally into the back of her neck, applying a cruel vise-like pressure to the sides of her head with his legs.

"Dumb little bitch," he said, reaching down under her torso and grabbing one of Ellen's nakedly hanging breasts, squeezing it until she groaned loudly. He moved to the other breast, giving it an even more vicious squeeze, and she whimpered in helpless anguish. He laughed and she realized that the little man was obviously a sadist and glad of her attempted escape because it gave him an opportunity to brutalize her. She tried not to give him the satisfaction of her crying, but the pain was just too much for her to take when he grabbed her sensitively pulsating nipple between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing it tight between them until she broke out sobbing. He kneaded it roughly between his fingers and ground her face harder against his throbbing cock, his face breaking into a lewd contorted grin of sadistic ecstasy as his whole body raced to cum from the sheer pressure of her face grinding into him. His head rolled back against the front seat and he let his hand move down her back, trailing his fingernails sharply into the smooth creamy skin. He moaned and rubbed his hand down her back to the elastic waist band at the top of her bikini panties, pulling on it frantically and then kneading his fingers, cruelly into the soft flesh of her firmly rounded young ass cheeks.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Billy suddenly interrupted, grabbing the hand and flinging it back toward the front seat. "Who the hell's running this show anyway?"

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Girlfriends Cruise to the Bahamas Turns in to the

What happens on a cruise ship stays on the cruise ship, Right? Earlier this past year my wife and her girlfriend turned 38 in the same month, and so to celebrate her girlfriend Julie called to invite her to a “girls only” cruise to the Bahamas. Julie said she was calling about 15 of her closest friends to see if they could do a girls get-a-way for a seven day cruise. In all 7 women joined the cruise and my wife Peggy was the first to respond with an overwhelming, “yes let’s do this.” ...

2 years ago
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Girlfriends Mother Unexpected

As I think I have mentioned before I have had a number of experiences with girlfriends mothers but one of them was the seducer. Basically Julie was my fourth girlfriend so I was still very young. We met in the usual way, she worked in a cafe and we hit it off. She also had a sister who I hit it off with but that's another story.The mother was early forties and very attractive but seeing as how I was fucking 2 of her daughters and the dad was a known criminal I never gave the mother a second...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends lift home

Lately my gf has been very dominant like expecting me to go down on her every day even a couple of times a day.She gets very horny and wet down there and even leaks when aroused so my job is to try and stop it.Last fri she went out with her girlfriends and when i picked her up to give her a lift home she was tipsy, so i figured out i was gonna get to unload in her mouth whist driving.When i hinted her to suck my cock she said that she would be very pleased if i went down on her and she would...

2 years ago
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Girlfriends Revenge

This happenend last friday night. I was home alone watching tv, and wanking myself to internet porn. Word had gotten back to my GF, that three weeks earlier, I had fucked a girl from my work. No sex in three weeks. To make matters worse, she had gone out drinking with her co-workers the past two friday nights. Both times she had gotten home about 10pm. Last friday was different. I went to bed, drunk about 1am, and no sign of her. Just after 3, I awoke to a loud knock at the door. Lucy was home....

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Girlfriends Bestfriend

True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...

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Girlfriends weekend Hunt

Girlfriends weekend hunt – part 1I’m Erica and my friends are Lisa and Alison. This is the story of something we planned and did together. But it didn’t turn out the way any of us thought it would.The 3 of us were all accomplished fighters, and we all had some hunting skills too. We became acquainted in an internet group, and decided that an ?in-person? meet in the ?real world? would be a fun thing. We all were very competitive, and LOVED competing with, and defeating other women. Mostly in...

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Girlfriends Night Out

My partner was going out for an awards night with her hockey team, it was a big event 200 of them in black tie in the middle of town. She had dressed rather lightly with a short black dress that had a large mesh cut out v down the middle, showing off her large round DD's. She teased me putting it on, wearing a tiny black g string that did very little to cover her wet pussy and then slowly put the dress on on top. Squeezing together her breasts as much as possible so they looked as prominent as...

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Girlfriends Mother hmd

First let me tell you a little about her, we will call her Cathy in this story, cathy is a about 5'8 and maybe 120 pounds around 45. she is very slim but a has wonderful ass. Her boobs aren't big but they are a handful and get the job done. I know that one day her daughter will look just as good as she does since they get compliments now of being sisters. And i am about 5'9 170 pounds athletic and have about a 6.5 inch dick but very anyways i had been gone on a long trip and had not...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Introduction

Bailey hung up the phone smiling "Well three hundred dollars poorer I will be, but I know you are will be worth it Candy." His mind drifted back in memory to the beginning of the month when he had the escort over before and how wonderful it felt when she had him in her mouth. The smile lost most of its luster when he looked over at a photo of him and his girlfriend on the desk the two of them shared in the living room of their two-bedroom apartment. Bailey picked up the framed photo...

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Girlfriends Daughter Caught in the act to an agreement

Sitting on the on his bed Bailey leaned back on some propped-up pillows, his head just touching the light grey fabric of the headboard. Letting out a long, "Ohhhh," escape from his in his tenor voice, but a bit aspirated. A tall redhaired woman knelt between Bailey's legs, one of her hands wrapped around the base of his balls, her red long fingernails running over the surface of the skin. With each gentle press and move of her dexterous finger he felt more pleasure. "You like that baby?"...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Getting a Girl Ready

"Ok sweetheart it is time to get up. I let you sleep as long as I could but we have to get a move on Megan will be here any minute," said Amanda as she gently woke Bailey. Then as if on cue the doorbell rang announcing Megan's return. Amanda quickly left the room to go help her sister inside. Bailey slowly sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as the reality of his situation settled back in on him. He was trapped by that bitch Megan. She had forced this embarrassing situation on...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Start of the picnic

Looking to her side Amanda was still in a bit of shock taking in how Bailey looked in the role as her daughter. Megan had done an outstanding job in the transformation; the makeup was just right and it looked like she had used a plumper on his lips. The pink lacy blouse with the baby blue skort just screamed girly girl with it matching the makeup and the short glossy nails he now had. Taking a moment to take it all in as he sat there with the purse in his lap and holding his black rugged...

2 years ago
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Girlfriends Lesson

Introduction: She always teased me…she needed a lesson! My poor Girlfriend&hellip,. Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt...

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Girlfriends mother

I once had a girlfriend who was beautiful and we worked for the same firm. She introduced me to her parents and all was fine until I moved from Birmingham to London. As you can imagine it wasn't long before we split.Over the course of the next ten years or so I thought about her but didn't do anything until one day I knew I was driving from Manchester to London and I thought I might call in on her on the way. Anyway, I phoned her home number and her mother answered and it turned out that Linda,...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Trainer

My girlfriend and I have been together just over three years. She’s brunette 5’1 with small perky tits and a nice round ass. She’s always had a nice curvy figure but she was never happy with how she looked so I got her to go to the gym with me, this is where it all beganshe had been going for around 6 months and she started saying she didn’t feel like she was making any progress and wanted a trainer to help herI’ve always fantasied about seeing her with another black man but never told her...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends Hot Daughter

100% fiction! I awoke in bed alone, still naked and wondering if yesterday really happened? Or did I just dream that my girlfriend and her 18 year old daughter seduced me? Wracked with guilt, I sat up, trying to decide if it was real or a fantasy. Did I really screw my soon to be step daughter? Was I some kind of a perverted monster? Did I really cum inside her? Did I really enjoy it? Or had I just been dreaming about that too? Did my girlfriend really let me do all this? Did she really get off...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends first threesome

My girlfriend and I were fucking in my cousins bed for about an hour, she was riding me when he cracked open the door and asked if we needed anything because a friend was going to the store, we said no. After everyone else left for the store she yelled to my cousin and he came in, she asked if he wanted to fuck, he said hell ya. She had him lay next to me while she was still riding me, sucked his cock and when he was fully hard, about 9.5 inches and about twice as thick as my cock, she jumped...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Fantasy

You had made a promise to your girlfriend Doe that you would fulfill her deepest darkest fantasy that she has had for the longest time, that until you she never felt she could experience. Well now the time time had come for her to collect and for you make good on your word. A little about Doe she was everything you had ever wanted in a woman and you knew that you loved her as you know she loves you. Your sex life had been simply fantastic and it was quite obvious because she always wanted to...

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Girlfriends Twin Brother Blew Me

This is a total fantasy piece that contains male on male content, if you don’t like that sort of thing search on for other stories that are more suited to your taste. Sometimes my mind twists all around on a topic that I would never have guessed I would write about, this is one of those times.“Please return your tray tables to the upright position and fasten your seat belts as we begin our descent into Kansas City International Airport,” the flight attendant said in a voice that had me half...

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Girlfriends Grandma Shirley 2

  Last Sunday I arrived home from work at around 8:30am and soon afterwards I received a text from my landlord Shirley 'hay stud your rent is due today' I texted back 'i'll be over at 1 to pay in full' 'would you like some snicker doodles young man? and very quickly our texts get nasty 'oh yes mrs Shirley, thank you, you sure are a sweet landlord with some big tits' she texted back 'you sure like fucking and sucking my big tits' 'oh yes mam, I do' 'k**, you're a sex god, you fuck my brains out...

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girlfriends mother

Hi guy i thought id share this story with you which is 100% true and happened few weeks. i started seeing a girl called hannah she was 15 and i was 17 just started my new jiob and had passed my test recently my girlfriend was in last year of school she was one of those popular girls that seemed to have everything looks figure etc not blowing my own trumpet but id always been lucky with girl friend had a sister lucy 20 who worked in a clothes shop in the local centre and a older sister...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Mom

I got my drivers license and today I got my car. I was on top of the world and could not wait to show my girl friend. We had been going out about two months and I was hoping that I could get my first taste of pussy to top off my amazing summer. I drove over to my girlfriend Lisa's house. It was early, about nine am. She was gone for the day with dad and sister. Her mom, Terry was home and invited me in. Terry and I got along really well. We always flirted back and forth with each other. Terry...

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Girlfriends surprise

My girlfriend visited me at uni for a week over Valentines Day. The day before she was due to go home I had two lectures with a three hour gap in the middle, so I stayed on campus and left her in my room. When I came back mid afternoon, I found my door locked, so I knocked on my housemates room next door for my spare key. I opened the door walked through and dropped my bag on the floor. The room was empty. It was then that two slim, golden skinned arms d****d over my shoulders and a pair of...

1 year ago
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girlfriends first black cockTONIGHT

tonight i am getting my girlfriend fucked by a black cock for the first time. it has been on the cards a while but been hanging on due to arrangements etc. i have been waiting for a man i know, who coincidently, has fucked one of my other women, and left her slack, sloppy and abused for me to use after. i thought it would only be fair for my new woman to treat her to a cock of the same size, as i dont think you could possibly find bigger, yet i didnt want her having smaller for i want her to be...

2 years ago
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I looked over her to my alarm clock “It’s only 11:15, I'm not ready to sleep.” “Me neither but let's put on our jammies.” Vicky and I got off to opposites sides of the bed to undress. Once we were nude, she grabbed her night gown but I stopped her, “No, let’s be naked for a while, I like the feeling of the sheets on my bare skin.” She smiled broadly, “I bet you would like the feeling of Nate's hands on your bare skin.” We both laughed as we jumped back onto the bed, on our knees facing...

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Girlfriends Mom

"Hey" she said to me. I replied, "Yes Ms. Burk?" I saw her elevator eyes run up and down my body slowly. "Kerry told me about the other night. She told me about how you approached her about having sex and how she told you no and that she wanted to wait." My face turned flush white and I was quickly embarrassed and in shock. "Do you or do you not have any respect for my daughter?" I did not know what to say and before I could think of anything she told me to move closer. " She...

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girlfriends daughters

So I did. After about an hour Jenny said she was getting tired and needed to go. I was dissappointed until the other girls said they wanted to stay but Jenny needed a ride. So of course I volunteered. She lived fairly close in a little studio apartment. I was so happy when she invited me in. When I walked in there was an elderly woman and two little girls watching TV. The elderly lady got up and Jenny gave her some money and she left. The two girls Cinthia 10 and Lily 6 got up and hugged their...

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girlfriends mum 2

When he came down stairs he saw pat wearing a bikini top and short skirt, she was doing something at the sink so he walked up behind her and gave her a hug. In doing so his hands cupped her breasts. “ iv been thinking about you while I was in the shower, feel how big you got me.” while holding her breasts he pushed himself to her, his cock thrust into her bottom and that’s when she slipped away from him. “ what the hell you doing.” “ you didn’t say no before when I was in your mouth, nore when...

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girlfriends mum

Tom had been going out with tanya for just a month, when things started going wrong with his relationship and she started going out with her mates. Sitting at her home with her mum for nights on end, he noticed her mum in a different way as to when he first met her. Her dress code had changed from shabby tops to tight ones, long skirts to shortish ones, and looking more sexy than he ever imagined. She was doing a better job in turning him on than tanya was, but this was her mum he knew nothing...

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Girlfriends With Benefits

“Hello, this is Kerri,” Kerri said, answering her office phone. “Hi Kerri,” Tina said. “Can you talk?” “Oh, hi, Tina. Sure, I can talk. It’s been weeks. What are you doing?” “I’m driving back to town. I’ve been in the valley the last couple of days. What are you planning to do over the holiday weekend?” “No plans. Why, what did you have in mind?” “You’re not seeing anyone?” “No.” “Why don’t you come spend the weekend at my place. The weather’s supposed to be great. We can hang at the pool and...

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Girlfriends Share Black Cock

The hot Miami sun beat down on Jennifer’s sun-tanned body darkening her already bronzed skin. Born in the north and sick of the brutal winters she had relocated to sunny Florida in her mid–twenties and never regretted it. Twenty years later she remained a bit of a sun goddess but followed every protocol in the book to avoid as much skin damage as possible. As a natural blonde, she needed to be extra careful and had always used sun screen, aloe and after tanning oils. She often took breaks and...

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Girlfriends son

I had been dating a woman for about a year. She was in her thirties at the time, and had a young son I got along with fine. We had a great relationship going, and she loved the fact Her son and I got along well.One day I received a phone call at work that stopped me in my tracks. She said the neighbor across the street called and said they caught her son and theirs doing something discusting, and I should have a talk with him and find out what it was since no one would say. After a mind taxing...

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Girlfriends BIG suprise

I dabbed a drop of Del's favorite perfume between my firm D-cup breasts. I was dressing for a dinner date I had promised Del weeks back. I had known him for what seemed like a long time, but thinking back it hadn't been all that long. His busy schedule didn't allow us to see each other as often as we would have liked. Del is older, in his early 30s, but there was something about him. He is educated, worldly, sophisticated, easy to talk with (or exchange notes with) on any subject. He always...

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Girlfriends room mate Spontaneous part 2

I walked in from work hearing the moaning. I peeked in the bedroom to find my fiancée eating our new room mate asshole clean. She worked it as if it was her job, rimming the ridges, tracing the puckers with her tongue as she worked a 10 inch black dildo in and out of her pussy. By the sound of this orgasm, with the high shrieks of part pleasure part pain, they have been at this all day. I walked in and stripped down and assumed my position in the chair. When she regained enough strength, or...

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Girlfriends new strapon

You may have read my previous stories and my adventures with shemales, this one is about a stunning red head female I was dating after the other experiences.I has been going out with L for a few weeks and one night after a couple bottles of wine, we started sharing sex stories and I soon found out she was not the innocent girl I first thought. I shared my experiences with shemales... She was shocked but wanted to hear more, I could see she was getting turned on by this.... Very soon we was...

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Sarah rang me the other morning to say that her twin sister had arrived and she wanted to meet me. Gina lived in another state studying at the university and was on holidays.Sarah had told me lots of things about her and that they were identical. She had also told me that they often feel pain if one or the other hurt themselves even 100's of miles apart and that the first time we had sex her sister could feel the pain in her groin and rang her to find out if she was ok. I am sure Sarah told her...

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girlfriends mum 2

When he came down stairs he saw pat wearing a bikini top and short skirt, she was doing something at the sink so he walked up behind her and gave her a hug. In doing so his hands cupped her breasts. “ iv been thinking about you while I was in the shower, feel how big you got me.” while holding her breasts he pushed himself to her, his cock thrust into her bottom and that’s when she slipped away from him. “ what the hell you doing.” “ you didn’t say no before when I was in your mouth, nore when...

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girlfriends mum

Tom had been going out with tanya for just a month, when things started going wrong with his relationship and she started going out with her mates. Sitting at her home with her mum for nights on end, he noticed her mum in a different way as to when he first met her. Her dress code had changed from shabby tops to tight ones, long skirts to shortish ones, and looking more sexy than he ever imagined. She was doing a better job in turning him on than tanya was, but this was her mum he knew nothing...

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Girlfriends new powers

Megan was a 24 year old quirky blonde with a nice body but a great personality. Don’t get me wrong Megan was no supermodel but she could still turn some heads. We were still new to dating so when she started banging on my door in the morning I was a little surprised. I answer the door still in my boxers and she pushes right past me in a wave of excitement. “ babe u won’t believe it so last night I wish on a shooting star and it came true. I wished that with a snap of my fingers I could change...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends and Lovers

The first time I made love to another girl was something really lovely that took place quite naturally, without any intention or premeditation on either part. The "other girl" just happened to be my very best friend, Sarah, and although we'd known each other for years and had always been very close friends, neither of us had ever done, or for that matter, even thought about doing anything like it before. It "just happened" one night when we were both about twenty-two and it ended up being...

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I went to my girlfriend’s house to just hang out. Susan and I had met through a mutual friend a few ears ago. Her husband was out of town and mine was working late. After arriving at her house we chatted a little bit over a couple glasses of wine and a little bit to eat. We wound up in her and her husbands room and I flopped on the bed. I watched as she folded laundry and she started going through some of her clothes. During this I made a passing comment on a sexy little G string teddy that was...

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Girlfriend Ke Saath Chudai Usi Ke Ghar Par

Hi friends, main Sameer fir aa gaya apni new story ke saath. I hope aap sab ache se honge. To friends chalte hai aaj ki hamari story ki taraf. Ye story last month ki hai, aur meri aur meri girlfriend ki hai. Baat 1 maheena pehle ki hai. main aur meri girlfriend hum dono 2 saal se relationship mein the. Lekin hamne kabhi sex nahi kiya tha. Hum sirf hug aur kiss hi kiya karte the. Par is baar lockdown hone ki wajah se, almost 8 months hum dono nahi mile the. Is waqt ke dauraan hum dono chat/call...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Fucked By Best Friend 8211 Part 1

Okay, so this is my first attempt in writing erotica. I will be writing mainly about the fantasy which I mainly have in cuckoldry along with my girlfriend. Some of the sex stories and incidents are true while some are only fantasies which me and my girlfriend have. Starting with ,this is a true account of an incident that happened with me and my girlfriend which broke the taboo over sexuality and helped us to explore many thing sexually. My girlfriend is really a keeper ,her name is zoya, her...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Makes Me An Ass Slave 8211 Part 4

This is Part 4 in the ongoing series of my story where I share how my girlfriend turned me into her ass slave. The feedback so far has been truly tremendous. The positive feedback has encouraged me to contribute further. Your comments are valuable. Please keep them coming. Before I plunge into the story, I have to give you some background on “her” – my mistress. My girlfriend isn’t what you would call a fitness freak. But that doesn’t prevent her from doing some yoga and aerobic exercises every...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Swapping For One Night

Hello, indian sex stories dot net friends, I’m Rohit from Delhi.My Height is 6’1” and athletic build. I live near Hauz Khas, New Delhi. I would like to thank for your support and Special thanks to female readers for personally Texting me and enquiring about my Stories and Characters. Email Id for Google Hangout Chat and Response (), You Can also reach me on KIK App: RohitFav *Names used in this story is Imaginary to hide the real identity of the person, rest all the details are true. *This is...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Wanted

Girlfriend Wanted "Come on in, Greg," the store owner said with a smile. "I've got just the thing to cheer you up." I looked at the old man and wondered how he knew my name. As I surveyed the store with my eyes, I grew curious at to exactly what kind of shop I'd stumbled into. I'd never seen or heard of Spells R Us before. "Yes, I just moved to this location recently." smiled the old man. "Business sure has picked up since moving though!" "How did you know..." I paused when I...

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