Sod's LawChapter 15 free porn video

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Friday 3rd January 1986

After such a momentous announcement she glanced at my face, then looked down. What she saw, I have no idea, but the shock to me must have been obvious.

“You’re sure?” I said, but my question was so manifestly stupid, I mentally kicked myself and went on without waiting for an answer, “Of course you’re sure. How long have you known?”

“Last week. Before Christmas, I had missed two periods so I got a pregnancy test yesterday. It was positive. I’ve also been feeling queasy in the mornings, and my tits are sensitive. I went to the doctor’s this morning and she confirmed it.”

She looked up intently at me again, this time she seemed to be trying to read my feelings from my expression. I think confusion adequately sums up my feelings at that point, and my thoughts were pretty chaotic, so there was an uncomfortable silence during which Helen looked increasingly distressed.

“David?” she queried, fear in her eyes.

“God Helen! I’m just trying to process what you’ve told me.” I told her with some agitation. Looking back on it I’m surprised I took it as calmly as I did. In fact I felt happy at the news: we were together and I was earning good money, and I was going to be a dad! Then I wondered how she felt about it.

“I suppose it’s a bit of a shock, but it’s wonderful news; we’re having a baby! How do you feel about it?”

“I was worried how you’d take it and I wouldn’t have planned for a family so soon, but I’ve always wanted children. Now I know you’re happy, we’ll cope. But there’s something–”

I wasn’t listening, now I knew she was happy about it, my mind was galloping. “I suppose the pill failed? Well, if you have sex, you have to accept there’s always a chance–”

“David listen to me.”

“River House is no place to bring up a family though, so we’ll need to find a house to buy. I’m making good money and I’m sure I can get a decent mortgage on a house fairly easily–”


I was brought up short by her shout, and this was where Sod enacted his law. Our new path of life would have been straightforward but that would have been too easy, wouldn’t it?

“David,” she said more calmly but still looking worried, “it’s not as easy as that. There’s something else.”

“Ugh?” Eloquence often departs at a time of crisis. Not as easy? I had started to feel good, nay excited about it. We would find a way. A family! I had begun to smile – until her next statement when Sod’s hammer fell.

“Darling, the thing is, I don’t know if you’re the father.” Tears began to fall in her distress. All the plans came crashing down.

“What? Not the ... I don’t understand. I ... I mean who?” Now I was thoroughly confused.

“Barry.” She sagged in her chair. “It could be Barry.”

“You’ve been seeing Barry?” I was astounded and leapt to the wrong conclusion. “During the week? And then coming to me at weekends? What–?”

“No!“ she shouted. “How could you even think that? Just listen!”

I was beginning to feel disappointment in her, sadness, and tendrils of angry resentment. “I think I’d better, and this had better be good, Helen.”

The tears were coming more freely now, but her look was aggrieved. She took a deep sobbing breath and continued. “The doctor reckoned I was just about into the third month of the pregnancy. If you count back, that puts conception towards the end of October.”

She stopped and gazed through her tears at me, her eyes begging me to make the connection. I did see it immediately: it was after all my great triumph, that last Thursday in October – getting her to see the truth that we were not related after all and could have been a couple all along.

“So around the time of the wedding?” I asked by way of checking.

“That’s right. You know with the pill I’m taking, I take it for three weeks and then there’s a week without pills?”

“Go on!”

“The weekend before you came was hectic with lots to prepare, and mother was panicking and there were too many things to do, and in addition I’d finished a cycle the Thursday before that weekend and was off pills.

“Well on Wednesday, the day before you came, Barry and I knew we wouldn’t be together on Thursday or Friday nights, and we’d not been together since the preceding Friday, so...”

“You had sex with Barry that Wednesday night,” I said bleakly, to save her from having to say it.

“Yes, and we made love again on Thursday morning.”

“But you were still protected even during that week.”

“Yes. Thursday was my last pill free day before a new pill cycle. The problem was that you arrived that evening.”

“I don’t see–”

“You will,” she said grimly, and set her face firmly. “After you made your intervention on Thursday evening there was utter chaos: everything was turned upside down.

“You had gone so quickly that I didn’t get a chance to talk to you, and I was distraught and panicking, and so was Mum for a different reason, there was a lot of shouting and arguing and screaming, the meal was cancelled and we went home.

“In the car Barry was asking about you and I was totally confused. I’d told him about our problems so he told me to go to bed then come and see you on the Friday morning, then to phone him and come back to talk. He was the only one with a clear head.

“I went to bed in tears of despair, and crashed out exhausted. I woke up on Friday morning at five, got in the car and came straight here.

“Then there was our argument, our journey to York to see Barry and my parents, and long talks with my parents after you’d gone, until I fell into bed early on Saturday morning. Then there was the reception and meal and my phone call to you on Saturday night.

“After that call I decided that since I had a fortnight’s holiday for the honeymoon that wasn’t going to happen any more, I’d come over. I just couldn’t wait a week! (Barry went on our honeymoon holiday with a mate of his! – I told him to – silly to waste it).

“I came back here on that Sunday as you will remember, I certainly do!” She grinned wanly at me. “Then I went back to York.

“It was Monday morning when I went into the bathroom that I realised I’d missed three days’ pills. I phoned the surgery and they said start taking the pills again and I should use condoms for the next week. I told them about Barry and they said the morning after pill was unlikely to work so late.

“I really intended to tell you, but by Friday and all the excitement in the House it slipped my mind until we were on the holiday.

“Anyway, I was back on the pill so I thought I was pretty safe. I phoned the surgery when I got back and they said there was a good chance everything would be fine since I was back on the pill, and it was too late anyway to take any further action other than a termination, should I be pregnant.

“When I started to feel sick in the mornings and my tits felt tender, I began to worry.”

She stopped and sighed. “A stupid mistake. It’s all my fault. So...”

I thought over what she had told me. No matter how it happened, she was pregnant, but from what she said, I could just as easily be the father. Indeed, Barry had had sex twice, but I’d had it twice on Sunday as well, and then much more often when we were on holiday, so the odds were in my favour, if favour were the correct term to use in this case!

Helen had slumped back into her chair and seemed content to let me think things out. In fact she read my mind. (What was new?)

“Yes,” she said desolately. “Think it through. It’s a lot to take in.”

“Yes, it is,” I said, and mentally began to get back to the issues on hand. Then I decided against that plan.

“On second thoughts, I think it’s better if we talk, and i think out loud” I said. “First of all, and I think you’re well aware of this, I could just as easily be the father as Barry, in fact more probably. He made love to you on Wednesday and Thursday, when you hadn’t missed any pills, whereas for us it was twice on Sunday when you had missed them, then again from Friday onwards.”

“No matter who’s the father, David, I’m keeping the baby. No termination. No adoption. You and me, we’re both results of chaotic so-called family lives, and I’m not going to allow any child of mine to travel the road that was forced on us. I don’t want any invasive tests on the baby either; if we need to know which of you is the father, we can wait until the baby is born.”

“I completely agree,” I concurred. “There are quite accurate paternity tests nowadays, so there’s a good chance we can find out for certain once the baby is born.”

“Do we need to?” she asked. Then looked horrified. “You’re telling me that if the baby’s Barry’s, you won’t accept it? We would have no future?”

I didn’t need to think, I was already shaking my head. “No, that’s not what I’m saying. Helen, we are together come what may. Nothing is going to separate us any more. So anything we decide takes that for granted: we decide together and we stay together – unless you want different?”

“No! That’s what I want as well.”

“So we have decisions to make.”

“You mean ... I mean, are you set on knowing if you’re the father?”

“If I don’t know for certain, if we don’t find out, I suppose I’ll always wonder. I think it may subtly affect my attitude to the baby. There would always be that niggling doubt, which I think is worse than knowing. I will love our baby no matter what, but I don’t want to be always wondering. I can’t just pretend; I can’t block it out.

“Then there is the question of whether Barry has any rights in this. We are sticking together, so we are going to bring up the child no matter who’s the father. Is it better that Barry knows if the child is his? Or do we keep it from him? Do we put the possibility that the child is his to him, or do we wait until after the birth and find out. Then what do we do?

“If I’m the father, it’s pretty straightforward, you can continue to work until your contract ends and your training’s finished, but this house is unsuitable for bringing up children, so we’d have to buy a house, furnish it and get married, though not necessarily in that order. In fact, we’ll have to get a house regardless, since we’re going to bring the child up.”

“But what if you know the baby is Barry’s? Where would that leave you? Won’t you have a different attitude to him or her from our own children? And if you act as the child’s father and Barry is the real father, surely he’d have right of access?

“On the face of it, it would be easier if he didn’t know, but I don’t know whether I could do that to him.”

I had not got round to thinking about that dilemma; what I was sure of was that I would bring the child up as my own: even if the baby were not mine, it was Helen’s, and it would be easy to love whom she loved. She was right, the child was entitled to a secure and loving family around it and I resolved he or she would have that.

I reasoned that if we had discovered I was infertile and she had IVF from a donor, would I treat the child as my own? Of course I would. Knowing Barry was the father really should make no difference, except the knowledge that the child was conceived in love. I immediately felt better, at least for a time.

But whether to tell Barry... ? It then came clear to me: first we needed to know who was the father, and that would not be until after the birth. Only then, and only if Barry was the father would we need to face the other dilemma. Cross bridges when you come to them.

Helen had been sitting patiently waiting for some response from me.

I think I had my ducks in row.

“So,” I began. “One, The baby will be born and brought up by us regardless. Two, we are together whether or not the baby is mine. Three, we do not know whose the baby is, and won’t until after the birth, and only if Barry is the father do we then need to face the question of what we do about that. Four, now we know you’re pregnant, we need to find a place to live.”

This got a wide smile from her and she came and sat next to me on the bed, hugging herself to my side.

“Helen,” I said. “I am going to assume I am the father until proved otherwise. In any case, it will be our baby.”

“Do we need to get married?” she asked, rather timidly, I thought.

“No one worries about about illegitimacy any more,” I said. “It might affect what surname goes on the birth certificate – it would be yours if we aren’t married, but it could be yours in any case. If you want to marry before the birth, we will have to get going right away. You would be marrying with a baby bump!”

Helen thought for a while. “I was thinking about this before I knew I was pregnant. My parents would expect me to take the surname of my husband, which in my case is my birth name as well. I even think I could return my name to Evans even before we marry, and the baby’s surname will then be Evans in any case. I don’t care if Barry is the father, your name goes down as the father on the birth certificate. We do that before we find out who the father is.”

“Well.” I said with a laugh, “we seem to have settled into parenthood remarkably quickly! Is your mind at rest now?”

She climbed onto me, straddling my thighs and leaning in for a kiss. “There’s nothing we can do about the baby, we just have to adjust to the fact that we won’t have any married time to ourselves before having children, so we’ll have to adjust to that future. We had that year here together; that will have to suffice for our alone time as a couple. As long as we’re together I don’t really care what happens. We can have our family while we’re young enough to enjoy them.”

“So about getting married?” I asked her. It had to be her choice.

“I want to be married. We could do it in April,” she said with conviction.

“We can do it this very minute!” I quipped.

She scowled, then grinned. “Good idea! But regarding the wedding, I have one week’s holiday left owing. The office are pretty flexible about my time off since I’m a trainee. I have a wedding dress already.

“Easter is early this year, end of March, so we could look for the first Saturday in April and book a holiday the following week. I shouldn’t be showing too much by then. Training finishes in June, so I’ll have a month before the birth.”

I laughed and tickled her ribs making her squirm and giggle.

“You worked it all out before, didn’t you?” I accused her.

“It depended on how you reacted,” she said blithely. “I trusted you would react exactly as you have, so, yes, that was plan A. What I trusted would then happen would be that you’d take me to bed and roger me senseless, which you have already implied. I didn’t have a plan B!”

“Rogering can be arranged,” I said, pushing her off my lap, and holding her up as she gained her feet. Then I pushed off my trousers and underpants and slipped off my shirt. Then sat and removed trousers from ankles, shoes off feet and socks off same. Then stood naked.

“I’m ready!” I said.

She was staring at me with a wondering expression, then, looking down pointedly at my penis.

“You’re not!” she rejoined. “You need to stiffen up!”

“You need to strip, and I can assure you that stiffening will then occur without a doubt.”

Of course I was right. She slipped her sweater over her head and unclipped her bra, allowing both garments to fall to the floor while she cupped her breasts in each hand, running her thumbs over her nipples, which obligingly stood out firmly, as did my cock at the sight.

She came into my arms, rubbing herself against me, her nips pricking chest. Her hand going to my cock.

“I think you need to take off my jeans,” she said suggestively, “and slip down my little knickers. Then you can finger my clit and push your fingers into my twat while I give your cock a little wank to keep him hard.”

“If I’m stripping your body to make you naked,” I growled, “he’ll stay hard all on his own.”

“Shall I stop then?” she asked coquettishly, arching her eyebrows, and prodding me with those sharp tits.

“No,” I groaned. “You may continue as I remove your clothing.”

“Thank you sir,” she giggled, as I pushed down her jeans, which she kicked off, then I slipped my hands inside her bikini panties and stroked her rounded bottom and thighs downward before the flimsy wisps fell of their own accord. I held her hips, bent my knees and she spread her legs, pushing my cock between the petals of her sex, a half sigh, half grunt expressing her pleasure at the pressure on her ready furrow.

“I think the bed would be a good place to be now,” she suggested. I nodded and we walked, fondling each other’s bottoms as we went.

She sat on the side, then lay flat, widening her legs to display herself to me. “I would very much like you to stuff your prick up my pussy, if you don’t mind and it would please you,” she said with mock seriousness.

“I think that would please me greatly,” I replied, though a grin forced its way onto my face.

“Go on then!” she urged, my own grin allowing hers. “I think my hole is wide open for it. Would you do me from a standing position please. That would really set me on my path to pleasure, I am sure.”

We couldn’t keep the pretence up any longer and dissolved into giggles.

“Fuck me, my lover,” she said gutturally, laughing, “Ram it in, pound me, slam it into my helpless kitty.”

“Oh, yeah!” I shouted as I lined my cock with her hole and pushed hard. “Here it comes!”

“That’s it!” she agreed. “Right in! Now shag me you stud!”

All the time we were laughing, smiling, grinning, smirking as I did as I had been bid and ‘pounded’, our bodies slamming together again and again.

Helen’s smile slipped away from her as a look of concentration took its place, her eyes half lidded as she exhaled loudly with each crashing thrust. Her hands clenched on the bed sheet as her body became rigid.

“Ugh! Yes! Ugh! Here it is! Ugh! I’m coming! Oh my Lord! Oh, Fuck! Too much! Come you bastard! Come now!” All this accompanying a convulsive thrashing beneath me, her face in a rictus borne of the intensity wracking her.

I came as well, pushing as deep as I could, holding still my breath and my body, delaying the delicious moment of gushing into her until I could resist no longer, and let go.

“I feel you!” she cried. “I feel you throbbing, OH! Here I go again!” She screamed out a long wail as her eyes rolled into her head and she collapsed limp on the bed. I fell forward onto her bending at the waist, feet still on the ground, my mouth on a tit which I languidly sucked, and her hand randomly caressed my hair.

It was an odd position for us both in which to fall asleep, but we did for a short time.

We were awoken by a tapping at the door.

Nuala. “Eating in quarter of an hour,” she shouted through through the door.

“Thanks!” we shouted in unison and giggled. I stood and pulled her up off the bed.

We showered (separately) briefly, and dressed.

“Do we tell them?” Helen asked.

“D’you want to?” I parried.

“Yes, let’s!” she grinned. “It’s such a relief to have got everything sorted out – at least everything that can be sorted out.”

Dinner, in this case a nut roast from the veg side, was one of Imogen’s specialities. I noticed Helen picked at it a little then took a mouthful, and that seemed to get her going, for she finished her slice, and asked for more.

I wondered if she were having second thoughts about the announcement. Conversation flowed freely and everyone – except Helen – were relaxed after the week’s work. Helen was definitely tense.

Nuala was getting up to clear the table when Helen asked her to wait a moment, and everyone else stopped what they were doing, wondering what was going on.

Helen began, “We’ve two things to tell you all, we hope to get married in April, and I’m pregnant. The pregnancy is accidental – I missed some pills when David came and proved we’re not related. His intervention caused chaos and I missed some pills. So the baby’s due sometime in July and we decided to get married before then.”

There was a babble of delighted chatter and congratulations, so I decided to put in my two penn’th while excitement was high.

“So we’ll be looking for a house to buy as soon as possible.”

There was a sudden lull in the babble of conversation.

“You’re moving out?” gasped Imogen.

“But ... why?” asked Kim with an air of desperation.

“You sure?” asked Chris. “I mean, you run the place.”

“I can continue to ‘run the place’, as you put it, Chris,” I said. “I hope we won’t be moving far.”

“I don’t understand,” Kim repeated. “Why do you need to...”

“We have one room,” I said. “It’s not a self contained flat, Kim. It’s upstairs, the bathroom is tiny, it’s a long way from the kitchen, laundry, etc. You can’t bring up a baby here in those conditions. Babies cry – loudly, you don’t need that keeping you awake at night.”

It cast somewhat of a damper on the festivities, and we began to move to do the washing up. I noted that Nuala said nothing and looked thoughtful and upset. She had got herself engaged the previous year, and I wondered whether she was wondering if her own days in the house were numbered.

We finished the washing up and putting away, and with congratulations from them we bade everyone good night.

We planned our strategy for the weekend and then, needless to say, there was an affectionate romp with Helen before we settled to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

So after breakfast we toured every estate agent we could find and collected fact sheets on a wide selection of properties which we took home and went through in detail, discarding those either beyond our financial capability or needing too much attention, in the wrong place or simply that we didn’t like the look of it.

This left us with a handful ready for Sunday, when we toured around viewing the properties from the outside, and again discarding some where the estate agent’s estimation of their attractiveness did not coincide with ours. It left six of which I would attempt to book a viewing the following weekend.

Meanwhile, Helen searched for possible venues for wedding ‘breakfasts’, and I, who seemingly had been Christened in the Church of England by my teenage mother, found a Parish Church a walking distance from the House. We agreed that we would be married where we would live. She didn’t want to be married where her previous attempt at a wedding had fallen through.

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Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations,… Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations, summer school, lack of friends, the weather; something. Now, however, everything seemed to be falling into place. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had moved out near the desert in California...

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Truck Driver Ko Diya Blow Job

Hi readers, welcome to the gay world. Sab mere dosto ap apne lund ko bhar nikal kar sahlana chalu kardo kyu ki thodi der main tumha ra lund khada hoke zatke marna chalu ho jaye ga or pani ke favare chodna chalu kar dega. Ye story he mere dost ke bike ride ki. Bo gandu he or use lund chusna bhot pasand he. Ab suno uski jubani. Hi dosto me ek gandu hu or mujhe lund chusna bhot pasand he. Main jabhi bhi bore hota hu to bike ride pe nikal jata hu. Ek din mujhe lund chusne ki chahat hogai thi. Our...

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Past Sexual Encounter

Sometimes I like thinking back about my past sexual experiences - replaying them in my mind can really turn me on. I've a few favourites and I've decided to make note of a few of them by writing them here. I remember once, in my mid 20's, I had just broken up with my first long term girlfriend. It was thrilling to be single again, not knowing who I may meet next.Shortly after the break up, I was at a local nightclub. I spotted a girl within my circle of friends and thought she was pretty hot. I...

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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1a

If you will recall Mercedes and myself were just finishing up our awkward ‘first shower’  and were slipping into our panties and bra.  I had a black lace bra and panty set from VS.  Most men love my large breast, size 34CC.  After staring at Mercedes in the shower I would guess she was like a 36DD.  We were instructed to come downstairs where the other girls were all waiting.  We stood in line and the ‘big sisters’ went by and checked us all out.  We were then told that we were going to play a...

4 years ago
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Bruce Wayne Slaveboy

Bruce's cock hardened more against Selina's traveling talons, the Bruce's cock hardened more against Selina's traveling talons, the polished burgundy nails, a somewhat abrasive contrast to her soft, milky white fingertips.Bruce bit his tongue as Selina casually flicked one of the mousetraps that she?d placed on each of his nipples. It felt as if the tender nipples, which she?d tenderized further by rubbing in Ben-Gay, were to be ripped off by the harsh metal bars of the traps.Selina...

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You are an animated inhabitant of Toonopolis, a colorful cartoon city. A typical day in Toonopolis involves mayhem such as anvils falling from the sky and folks chasing each other around with giant mallets, but when the animators aren't watching, things happen that aren't always suitable for Saturday morning viewing. For instance, on one particular bright and cheerful day, you are walking down the cartoon street to your cartoon house, when you hear a strange buzzing sound. You look up to see...

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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 16

At 9:30, Mandy was sent to Karen's house, but reminded to be ready to leave and come back home with Jack when Karen called to alert them that the realtor was coming to Karen's. Karen arrived at Bob's at 9:45. The realtor showed up at 10:30. Tiffany Gaulson was a perky woman in her forties, wearing a gold jacket and a conservative skirt and blouse. A string of pearls adorned her neck. She toured Bob's house with a practiced eye as she listened to their plans. She opined that Bob's house...

4 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 5 Where to begin

The bank job had been all over the news since the police rolled on the call. If Allison and I hadn't made it out when we did it was unlikely we would have been able to stay out of all the pictures and video. It had been a long and stressful day so getting to sleep was no serious obstacle at all. Almost as soon as Allison snuggled into my shoulder I was out, making the transition from asleep in my bed to 'awake' in my hammock in the glade. The first thing I did was feel for tonight's...

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Stacy Lancaster Stacys First Swing pt45

Scene resumes immediately from chapter 4Looking down into Stacy's eyes, Helen said, "I know it's selfish of me, but I want your husband again.""Oh really?" Stacy asked, willing to play along with anything the horny slut wanted.Helen looked back up at Jared as he rose to his feet, one hand giving a single caress to his turgid member. "Do you know that my pussy hasn't really be stretched out tonight?" she said. She looked back down at Stacy. "You think you feel full now little slut? You...

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man and women

Hi this is something different! So if u hate bestial acts don’t read this. These things are happening in India too! Mohini's parents had left her alone for the Sunday and had gone for some party with their old friends and Mohini was alone in the house, totally bored. She had to look after their dog Jimmy, large Black Labrador Retriever, and feed him thrice. She had fed him for the afternoon and was looking for some entertainment.She probably would have had some of her friends over but they...

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Sienna Dreaming Chapter One

Sienna Mason admitted that sitting in a booth in a bar of this quality was beyond her more reserved habits. Adjoining one of the more up-market hotels in the area, it could be a very expensive place for a drink. But, on the way home from visiting a friend, the sudden rain had driven her into these luxurious surrounds for shelter. Any port in a storm, she would say.Damn the rotten weather, although it suited her sour mood. Paul had gone. Just packed his bags and away, without comment. Another...

1 year ago
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Small cock cuckold

One afternoon I got off around 3 feeling horny My wife and I have a really hot and kinky sex life especially since she has decided to let me watch her getting fucked!! We have been married for about 2 or 3 years at this point " been together 15at this writing "! At the short time I mention we had been together when I started noticing our neighbor would always seem to be at the house when I would come home from work early on fridays. One afternoon I got off about 3 and feeling horny because our...

4 years ago
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Master K Punishes A Bad Girl pt 4

Kink left the room and entered his private office. He turned to the houses master computer control and turned the temperature for the master suite down to fifty five degrees. A body had more than one basic need and a lack of food with a lack of heat should hurry the process along. He felt as though he hadn’t slept in a week and lay down on the couch to catch a short nap before he went to again offer his Kitten comfort.He woke two hours later and set the computer to start warming the master...

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The Secretary Merry Christmas

It is Friday, December 23, and the boss just dumped a pile of paper work on my desk to get done before our year-end in eight days. I was hoping to take a few days off over the Christmas week, but I guess not now. I started to sorted through this paper work, some of it is insurance stuff. I just hate insurance paperwork and I knew that asshole of an agent would be gone. Agents' have the easiest job. It seems that they get more time off than any other profession. Once they sign you up for an...

1 year ago
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Caught Out Chapter 1

Caught but….Jim sat in front of his computer. He loved Saturday mornings because it gave him the opportunity to think, think about things that were his and his only to think about. During the week it was go, go, go as he hurried to prepare for work each morning rushing around making sure the kids were getting dressed and fed. His wife Amy picked up most of the work of course because he had to meet a deadline so she cooked breakfast, prepared the lunches, and made sure that the kids packed their...

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Moth Ch 002

Posted on with permission of author Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Two years after the seer had died, Lei’s parents still, on a nearly nightly basis, commented that life was harder without a seer. Oli’s parents, who, as he, were butterflies, commented to the same end on a nearly daily basis. Lei and Oli had first met the day they had left their respective first cocoons — Oli at dawn, Lei at dusk — and since then they had been inseparable, at dusk and dawn. Twilight,...

1 year ago
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AssParade Carmela Clutch Chloe Cooper Curvy Threesome

Chloe Cooper and Carmela Clutch were all around curvy girls. Big butts, big tits! Everything a man could only dream of. They were showing off their bodies at the pool. Then they went inside and started to play with each other. They licked pussy, nipples and scissored. The director got a FaceTime call from his buddy Jovan Jordan. He said he was busy shooting a lesbian scene. But Jovan was intrigued. He decided to just come over. The girls liked him The lesbian scene turned into a threesome. The...

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Camping Trip

Normally I don't like camping. I was a boy scout for about two years, and in that time I'd had quite enough of that. However, when I was asked to go on this particular trip, well, I really couldn't say no. Partly because my best friend was going away on this weekend adventure and I didn't want him to be left alone without a good friend, but mostly because Jessica asked me. Jessica was a hot, hot babe whom I had been chasing after for some time now, and a weekend alone with her would be perfect....

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We Never Break A Promise Part 6

We Never Break A Promise Part 6 By Warm Hearted ***Hanna*** The former huge middle aged FBI Special Agent Lewis Sands now the petite Seventeen year old very cute Hanna Hicks studied the information she gathered over the last three weeks spread out on her bed. Hanna utilized all of Sands' great gifted skills in working deep cover to try to find the location of the fugitive murderer and attempted rapist Eric Jones. Hanna looked serious as she mentally reviewed her facts in the case...

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Transformation of LindaChapter 10 The Initiation

And then the night was there... it was time... the moment she had waited for, longed for, feared and fretted over, was there. Linda was lead into a small room in the basement of the church by Kathy and instructed to undress. As she slowly dropped first one garment and then another onto the growing pile on the floor, she was seized with a mixture of excitement and panic. This was different than her lessons with Brother Bob... even different from the final lesson with Brother Bob and Cynthia....

4 years ago
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Green Skinned Fucking

The air is musty. The stone floor feels cold and damp. Books, tomes, grimoires and codexes sit haphazardly in piles so tall that they touch the ceiling. The chamber isn't dark, but the fire under the bubbling cauldron doesn't illuminate it much either. It makes the shadows dance with otherworldly life, as if possessed spirits and demons. An elderly man with a long gray beard, clad in purple robes and a purple pointed hat, stands by the cauldron mixing the contents with a stirrer. He has a...

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The Vampires KissChapter 15 Angelic Lusts

Damien D’Angelo thrashed in the inhuman grip of the priest. Iron fingers clenched tight about the vampire’s throat. He could not snarl and rage at the priest who fucked his wife, pounding Abigail hard as she lay bent over the desk in Faust’s office at the peak of the skyscraper. Shame, humiliation, rage, and pain clenched Damien’s blackened soul. His wife’s every gasp and pleasure-filled moan stabbed into his undead heart. She loved the priest’s cock, addicted to its girth spreading wide her...

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Jeri Ryan Sex Scandal

Introduction: The true account of what had been deleted from actress Jeri Ryans divorce papers. She has sex in a swingers club. Check online to read her account if you like, this story reads betweens the lines. When Senator Jack Ryan lost the election in 2004 much of the blame fell on their divorce papers in which his then wife actress Jeri Ryan disclosed a bunch of their personal information. Specifically she claims that she was taken to sex clubs by her husband who wanted to have sex while...

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Slavegirl Island 13

Chapter One (Part Three)PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF JASON BELMONTMiss Ramon and I went to the bar by the side of the swimming pool. Half a dozen or so guests were splashing about, mostly women. It was quite warm. There were tables around the pool where guests were sitting. Two slave-girls were moving hither and thither on the alert for any signal from a guest. Guests don’t like any delay in service.“A Pernod with ice,” I said in reply to Miss Ramon’s invitation. She ordered the same. The barmaid, I...

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a night in the woods with wolfs

The forest was dark and creepy too. The sun was nearly gone, staining the milky blue sky with swaths of pumpkin orange. Kyra felt pinecones crunch under her feet, the last rays of the sun stung her eyes. Was this the right way she asked herself? Alexis had clearly gave directions to the secret sleepover in a text: take 1st walking trail S of gas stat and follow path until you cum to lake & take trail up the hill to Sexy Secret Sleepover the cottage. Kyra stood still in the middle...

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Unexpected love triangle

I watched him walk away. I was thinking of following him, but I thought that would be just a little weird. Instead, I stayed behind looking at his back, as he got farther and farther away. I sighed deeply. He would never be interested in me. I have light brown hair, which goes down past my waist and rests above my butt. My eyes are dark brown; my breast size is 36B, average butt, and flat stomach. My height is 4’11 and I weigh one hundred-twenty pounds. There’s nothing special about me. “I’m...

Love Stories
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EvilAngel Anna Claire Clouds Naughty Schoolgirl

Stunning blonde schoolgirl Anna Claire Clouds wears a plaid skirt, white hosiery and heels. She teases us with her shapely ass and fondles her pert, bare boobs. The gorgeous babe lies on her back, squirming as she masturbates. Well-hung stud/director Mick Blue applies baby oil to her pussy, rips open her pantyhose and sucks her cunt. With Anna perched heels over head in lust, Mick stuffs his big cock in her twat and fucks her hard. She straddles him for heavy poon pounding while he sucks her...

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Strange Encounter on the Flight Home

The flight back to Denver was normally a rather boring one. This was getting old, flying from New York to Denver every Friday night just to listen to a wife that was complaining that I was never there, but never complained when she saw the check. She had spent more money in the past 5 months since I took this position than she had in the 2 years we had been married. I tried to tell myself that it was because I was out of town and she was trying to make things nice for me. But for the life of me...

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Hurt Me Daddy Part 3

“I want it Daddy. Don’t you see that I’m still here?” I said, while feeling him spooning me, motionless. I couldn’t see his face, so I couldn’t gauge his reaction. I was feeling nervous. Why wasn’t I able to endure it yesterday? Why had it shocked me so much? He had told me numerous times that he would hurt me so, when he did, why did it affect me so much? He had spanked me, he had assaulted my back entrance with no heads up, he had pinched and bitten my nipples… It’s not like I wasn’t up...

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My Tantric Massage With Nish

Hey, folks, it took a while to pen down my experience. Busy office schedule, appointments, travel had kept me busy. A quick intro about me. Nishant (Nish) here from Bangalore. Working in an IT firm. Have been offering massages to females and couples for over 6yrs now. Have traveled across India only for massages and on a couple of occasions have offered massages during my business trips overseas as well. You can check the author page for my other experiences submitted on ISS. There are many...

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Hi, i am krishna, a 35 year old looking like 25 years old. I am houswife residing im south mumbai’s posh locality and my husband is industrialist and often out of town busy with various assingments. I am married since last 12 years and have one son aged 8 years. Endowed with 36-26-37 figure with fine curves, very firm and shapely body. When i walk i can easily sense male eyes starring me with lust. Of late my sex life with my husband had become stagnant, stale, without excitment and very boring...

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Laura at 30 000 Feet

A good female friend of mine once confessed at a dinner party an amusing event that happened to her on an aeroplane. She had been flying alone, economy class from London to San Francisco, and was sat next to a small, overweight, middle-aged man. The cabin lights were dimmed for that dubious time period when flight attendants arbitrarily decide it is bedtime (regardless of the fact it is daylight outside and only 2 o’clock in the afternoon), and she woke from a nap to find she was inexplicably...

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387 kay and the dungeon 3rd and final part

Kay and the dungeon 3 and final I lay on that bench feeling broken, crying softly, my body aching all over. I put my hand between my legs, gently touching my swollen lips, painful to my touch, lumpy and stinging, my fingers came away wet, I looked at them, covered in a thick clear slime, with a slight red twinge in it. I realised it was discharge from my orgasm, mixed with a little blood from where the clips had broken the skin of my poor labia. I had mixed feelings, it had been extremely...

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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 5

We found Juan inventorying a large stack of adobe bricks on one side of the yard. His back was to us as we walked up, and we heard him mumbling something under his breath about crazy stupid Anglos. Tom and I grinned at each other. I cleared my throat, watching Juan jump and turn around with a startled look on his face. “I hope it isn’t us you’re mad at, Juan. I just got back, so it can’t be me.” He laughed and said, “No, it’s those soldiers at the fort. They can’t make up their minds...

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Spizoo Leanne Lace Gets Fucked In Her Lingerie

Beautiful slut, Leane Lace, walks pass her man, Charlie Dean wearing nothing but black lingerie and stockings. The sight of her irresistible body as she confidently walks by quickly attracted her partner’s attention. She leads him inside the house. The horny couple immediately makes out as soon as they are inside. They share a passionate kiss before the lucky stud goes down and licks Leana’s sweet pussy. The naughty slut returns the pleasure by giving her man a blowjob. The wild...

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For Elise

For Elise. "You know," I said. "you were my first." Lexia was silent. Maybe it was too soon for such intimacy; I'd been such a complete bitch. Like old times she was painting my toenails in my bedroom. In this new world I had already done hers, after some gentle persuasion. First, fascinated, searching for my Alex, I'd watched Lexia reach under her skirt to skim off her tights. With braided hair, mascara and subtle lipstick, my ex-boyfriend was self-consciously feminine. The...

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Paying Guest To Parlor Owner 8211 Part II

Hi to all and my name is Darshan. I am working with an MNC in Gujarat and I travel a lot because of my office work you can send me your feedback on We don’t know when we both fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of night for feeling thirsty. I saw aunty was sleeping half over me and her dress is hay way. I just pulled out her dress, got myself naked and slept with her in the spoon position morning. I woke with some noise of utensils and I saw I was there sleeping alone naked. I looked in watch...

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The New Teacher Gives Me Detention

My name is Phoenix, Im 17 years old, a senior in highschool and I live in a small, shitty, conservative town in Maine that I long to get the fuck out of. I have long black and pink hair, and I have my septum, lip (snakebites) and nipples peirced (just to give you a visual). The first day back from my Christmas break, I walked into my favorite class (World Geography) to get the shock of my life. My favorite teacher Mr. Cage was no where to be seen, and sitting in his chair behind his desk was a...

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Small Opposites Part One

He stood there by the poolside, naked and dripping, his thirty-five year old shaved smooth cock sticking out in front of his body pointing to his hotel room just across the way. There was no one around the pool, but he was hoping tenants saw him. They would mainly see him anyway. He was almost certain nobody would pay attention to his small erection. It had always been unnoticeable.He walked over to the chair, his erection shaking as he walked, and grabbed the towel he had placed in the seat...

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Introduction To Sounding and Other Pleasures

Diane ramped up her exhibitionism with quite a few risky adventures, planned and assisted by Jim, Allan and myself. Sometimes Leah joined her. I might relate some of these episodes in a later set of stories. But this sequence is devoted to my descent into humiliation and submissiveness, so I will stay with that theme.By now Diane delighted in demonstrating to her friends that I would comply with whatever humiliating scenarios she could think up. Following the foursome with Jim and Allan, there...

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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 8 Saturday EARTH DAY

"C'mon, what should I wear?" Nikki asked in her whiniest voice. It was eight thirty in the morning and she was calling from her place. I was still in bed. My father was next to me. We were both naked. "I asked daddy last night and he told me we're truly going to get back to nature today. We're going to go nude – all day long." "Emily!" "And you should probably trim your pubes too. Daddy said he prefers a neat pubic bush." "Shut up!" Then the Nikkster hung up. Dad and I...

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Oral Fixation Combining Two Things I Love

Recently I saw a couple of photos posted on xhamster of a chick with a banana shoved half-way up her twat. Got we very hot and I saved them to my favorites if you’re curious to see them. That image took me back several years. I had this girlfriend who let me fuck her with a banana on the kitchen table. Naturally, I fucked her with my dick in just about every room of that house, but having her buck-naked, spread-eagle on the dining table with a banana in her (fucked her with a carrot a few...

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