RepercussionsChapter 5 free porn video

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As soon as we entered Reggie's house she ordered me to strip. Tara and Steph sat on the couch and watched me undress. Reggie went to her room and came out a couple of minutes later wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt. She's carrying that fucking cattle prod and her two cameras.

She put everything down on the coffee table and turned to face me with that arrogant smile on her face. She waved me closer. When I was standing in front of her she pulled a black leather strap out of her back pocket and put it around my neck. I quickly recognized it as a large, studded dog collar! She smiled and said, "I thought you'd appreciate this. It belonged to your boyfriend Barney when he was just a puppy. It's kind of like you're going together now! Isn't that sweet?"

Once she had the collar in place she asked, "Am I going to have any trouble with you, bitch?"

I looked at her cruel face. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the bright yellow plastic of the cattle prod. Between the prod and the pictures she took yesterday I know I'm helpless. She knows it, too. I don't know why she seems to need so much reassurance, or why she feels the need to keep threatening me.

I shook my head. I know that whatever happens here this evening I'm going to hate it. But I'm broken. I thought I'd just spent the day demonstrating just how powerless I am now. I know it, even if she needs to be reassured. I'm just her dog fucking whore now.

She smiled and said, "We're going to start out like we did yesterday. But yesterday you were tied up and I had to beat you. I won't have to do that today, will I? Don't misunderstand. I don't mind. In fact, I kind of enjoyed it. If you think it will make things easier for you I'll be glad to do it again for a while."

It's out in the open now. There's no room left for hope. I'm going to have sex with her fucking dog again. But then, as disgusting as it was when it happened yesterday afternoon I think I had an easier time of it with her dog than I did with Rosey's big cock or Tank's cruel little brother, Ben.

It doesn't matter, though. I came here knowing I'm going to be raped and abused. I'm helpless to prevent it now. Between the pictures she already has and that horrible cattle prod I know I'll submit to whatever indignities she and her friends find amusing.

I answered despondently, "No, Reggie. You don't have to beat me. I'll do what you want."

She smiled and said, "Go let Barney in. I think he misses you. I bet he's been licking his cock all day and thinking about fucking you again."

I shuddered violently, remembering that large, disgusting dog cock and the horror I experienced yesterday. But I'm the only one in the room who isn't looking forward to it. On my way to the kitchen I saw Tara pick up the digital camera. Steph picked up the movie camera. More pictures!

But it doesn't matter.

I went to the kitchen and opened the patio door. Barney must have heard us come in. He's sitting just outside the patio door waiting anxiously to be let in. As soon as I opened the door the beast charged through. He didn't go far, though. He wheeled around to face me and started whining excitedly while pressing his snout against me and sniffing at my crotch. I couldn't push his head away. But I was able to turn away and I made my way back to the living room with his probing nose buried in my ass. The girls found that amusing and got plenty of pictures.

I made my way to the middle of the small living room with Barney still licking my butt crack or working his long tongue between my legs.

The girls watched for a moment, obviously enjoying my futile struggles. Reggie waited while her two friends got a few more incriminating photographs and a few more minutes on the movie camera. Then she wrestled Barney to the floor on his back. He tried to get up, struggling urgently until Reggie said, "Play with his dick. Let him know you're going to give him what he wants."

I reached out and wrapped my hand around the hairy sheath covering his cock. For the moment only just the tip of his cock is protruding. I squeezed it gently and moved my hand to stimulate him. I guess he likes it. He quickly stopped struggling and remained still while I gently masturbated him.

Reggie released his collar and stepped back out of the way. As soon as she was out of the picture she commanded, "Okay, bitch. Give Barney a nice blowjob. This time I want him to cum in your mouth."

I felt my stomach turning over already. I looked down at his nasty cock and then slowly lowered my mouth to it. I licked the tip that's gradually beginning to grow and peek out from the sheath. I can smell stale piss. The short, stiff hairs around the end of his sheath are stained with it. As much as possible I avoided that and carefully licked just the portion of his cock that extends out of the sheath.

Reggie took a seat nearby to enjoy the show. Tara and Steph are on their feet. They're moving around me getting lots of photographs and making another explicit movie to hold over my head. But I tried to ignore all of them. I can't imagine the photographs of what I'm doing today will be any worse than the incriminating movie Reggie made yesterday.

At least that's what I try to tell myself. I know it isn't exactly true. I haven't watched the movie she made yesterday. But it must have been obvious I was being forced to do the things I did. I was tied up and handcuffed and crying hysterically. This time there are no ropes and no handcuffs. This time there are no tears. There's no one in the picture but Barney and me. This time it will appear as though I'm performing this incredibly perverted act of my own free will.

It's a small distinction, or at least it is in my mind. I wouldn't want either movie to be viewed by anyone whether I know them or not. I don't want it known that I've had sex with a dog, whether it be because I'm being forced or doing it of my own free will. It would be just as humiliating either way. I think, though, that even worse than appearing as though I'm doing it voluntarily this time is the idea that I'm going to have to let the beast ejaculate into my mouth. I'm trying not to think about that. I don't know how I'm going to be able to do that without getting sick.

Almost as soon as I started sucking on Barney's cock it began to grow quickly. As soon as it was erect that fine mist began to spray out of it in short spurts. I suspect it's just lubrication, similar to what I experienced with the boys I've been forced to service in the last two days except there's so much more of it.

Now that I think about it, I guess it's just about the same stuff my pussy produces when I get excited. There's an important difference, though. Barney is a huge fucking dog!

There's a faint taste to the spray coming out of Barney's cock. But it isn't as repulsive as the smell of the dirty animal. They apparently never bathe him. That doesn't surprise me given the state Reggie's house is in. Keeping things clean is obviously not a priority around here.

Barney started humping my mouth, lifting his hips and driving more of his cock into my mouth than I would have thought possible. It was violent. But he only did it for a minute or so. I carefully avoided having him drive his long cock down my throat and followed his motions with my mouth until he stopped moving. I felt something pressing against my lips and opened my eyes to see the knot near the base of his cock growing rapidly.

I watched in amazement as it grew to almost the size of a tennis ball. Then I got a new surprise. I was reminded of last night when he fucked me and I thought at first he was peeing inside of me. My mouth started to flood with dog cum. The taste was not as strong as the human cum I've been forced to swallow in the last two days. But it's still unpleasant and very disgusting on several different levels.

But the big problem is the enormous volume of liquid. I couldn't believe how much there was! I had to keep swallowing and swallowing. It was like drinking out of a hose. It must have gone on for four or five minutes, possibly longer. I was constantly swallowing, constantly struggling to keep up. It didn't occur to me until it was almost over that I might have been better off if I'd let him force his cock down my throat!

Several times I started to gag and I was afraid that it was all going to come back up. But the fear of what Reggie would do if I didn't keep up and keep swallowing outweighed any other feelings or emotions. She's the most terrifying person I have ever met and I only realized it yesterday.

I was forced to listen to the derisive comments of Reggie and her sycophants and a gross discussion about how much ejaculate a dog produces when it has an orgasm and how horrible it must taste.

When I was finally able to stop swallowing I slowly straightened up and caught my breath. I asked for and received permission to go to the bathroom where I promptly vomited up all of the semen I had just swallowed. Even after spending so much time swallowing it I was shocked at how much there was.

I washed out my mouth, washed my face and hands and went back out to the living room just as Steph was suggesting that they make me masturbate the dog into a glass someday, just so they can see how much cum he produces. Then, of course, I'll be forced to drink it.

What a fucking pervert!

I was relieved to see that they had put the dog back outside. I was afraid I'd have to fuck the damn thing now. But apparently they're turned on after watching me suck him off. They wouldn't want to do it themselves, of course. But tormenting me this way is exciting for them.

I spent the next forty-five minutes to an hour eating pussy. It isn't something I enjoy. But Reggie has certainly made me do some much more unpleasant things than eat a drooling pussy.

By the time I was finished my jaw and my tongue were tired and sore. And my neck hurt because they seem to get a kick out of using the dog collar Reggie is making me wear both as a handle to control my movements and something to hang onto when they reach orgasm.

As I knelt before the three girls going from pussy to pussy I kept imagining I could hear someone at the door. After a while I realized that subconsciously I was nervously awaiting the arrival of a bunch of boys who would come swarming in eager to take their turns raping me.

Reggie hasn't said anything about it. But after last night and everything I've been through today I'm expecting them.

I noticed Reggie checking the time regularly. I know she's expecting someone. I can't help wondering as I lick and suck and fingered their pussies, how many boys there will be and how rough they'll be.

It was just a few minutes before five o'clock when the three girls got up and dressed. Reggie sent me in to take a hot shower. She told me to take my clothes with me. She wants me dressed and presentable when I come back out. She also ordered me to use the douche she left for me on the counter.

I grabbed my knapsack with my toiletries in it and went down the hall to the nasty little bathroom. It suddenly occurred to me that I know nothing about Reggie's home life. If she even has a mother, as opposed to having crawled out from under a rock fully formed as I suspect, her mother needs some lessons in basic housekeeping.

The first thing I did was rinse the residual taste of dog cock and the taste of pussy out of my mouth. I've never used a douche before. I read the directions on the label carefully. It seemed pretty simple, though unnecessary since the dog didn't fuck me today. I went through the procedure before taking a shower. I saw no clean towels so I located the towel I used when I showered here last night and took a shower.

I dressed in the slut clothes I've been wearing all day. I didn't think to bring a change of clothes when I left home this morning. I wasn't expecting to be wearing clothes a lot while staying at Reggie's house. So far I've been right about that. The last thing I did before leaving the bathroom was to put the dog collar back around my neck.

I looked at my image in the mirror. The studs on the dog collar make it obvious what I'm wearing around my neck isn't just a leather necklace. But I don't see how I can be any more humiliated than I already have been. So what the hell.

Reggie was alone when I went back out to the living room. Imagine that! Tara and Steph went home without even saying goodbye! How rude!

For just a second I felt my excitement build. If it's just Reggie maybe she's done with me for the day. But then I remembered I'm going to spend the night and all day tomorrow here. And it isn't likely she'd have ordered me to douche and then send me home. She has something planned for me and I know I won't like it because I know how her mind works.

Reggie ordered me to sit beside her on the couch. I took a seat and she asked me if I ever went to summer camp. I told her I have, twice. I went when I was eleven and again when I was twelve. I haven't been since.

She smiled wryly and didn't sound at all sincere when she said, "I'm glad you got to enjoy the experience."

Then, as if it's somehow my fault she added bitterly, "I never did. We couldn't afford it."

I'm not certain how it got to be my fault she never went to summer camp but I knew I'd just be wasting my breath if I pointed that out to her.

She handed me a pamphlet from a summer camp. It isn't the one I attended but I've heard of it. It isn't far from the one I went to. We looked at a lot of literature before we selected the camp I attended and I remember the name.

She said, "Congratulations. You've been selected to work as an assistant counselor for the second and third weeks of your summer vacation. You will, of course, have to go a week early for your orientation and training."

She laughed at the blank look on my face and said, "You aren't going away to camp stupid. You're going to be moving in with me for three weeks. That way we won't have to worry about your parents seeing anything unusual and getting concerned. And more importantly I won't have to send you home early every night. I can play with you all night long if I want to."

Three solid weeks! The feeling of terror that gripped my gut almost stopped my heart.

She was watching my face and when she saw the terror she has no doubt been hoping for she became so excited she looked like she was going to have an orgasm! The bitch really hates me! But her strong emotion is so out of proportion to what she imagines I did to her that there isn't any doubt in my mind she isn't quite right in the head.

I tried to think of some reason why I can't do what she's ordering me to do. Possibly because of the panic I'm experiencing I can't think of a single reason why I can't tell my parents I'm going away to camp. My only hope is that they won't permit it for no particular reason, the way parents are prone to do.

I finally found out we aren't waiting for a herd of horny boys to come to the door to rape me for Reggie's amusement, or enrichment. Reggie checked the clock again and said, "My father will be home in a few minutes. You'd best behave yourself. If you think I won't use the cattle prod in front of him ... well, just give me the chance and I'll show you. I don't want you to embarrass me by balking."

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what she was saying. Is she hinting that she doesn't mind if her father finds out I'm her slave and that she's blackmailing and sexually abusing me?! I can't even imagine a scenario like that. There isn't a doubt in my mind that if I told my parents I've done to a girl the things Reggie has done to me they'd have me committed!!

She ordered me to put the pamphlet for the summer camp in my bag and sit quietly until told otherwise.

I tugged at my skirt in a futile attempt to cover my pussy. I finally just crossed my legs and prayed that her father won't look too closely when he comes home.

Reggie turned the television on. She changed the station to the local news and muted it. Then she went to the kitchen and brought a beer in, putting it down on a table near a well worn recliner.

Moments later the door opened and a huge man entered. It was immediately obvious where Reggie gets her size from. Her father is at least six foot six and must weigh well over three hundred pounds. His upper arms are nearly as big around as my thighs! He's totally bald. I'm guessing he shaves his head. It's difficult to determine his age. He looks like he's had a hard life. But I estimate he's in his early to mid forties.

He glanced at Reggie, smiled and said hello. Then he stared at me. To look at him you'd think Reggie has never had another girl over to the house while he was home before. If that's the case I think I know why. He made no effort to hide the way his eyes were roaming my body. He made me very uncomfortable. I found myself staring at his hands. He must surely have the largest hands I've ever seen!

Reggie got up and took his lunch pail from him. She gave him a hug which he returned half heartedly. He continued to stare at me, mostly at my legs.

Reggie leaned back with her arms still around her father's waist and said, "That's Brenda. Do you recognize her collar? It was Barney's when he was a puppy. I thought it would make a good slave collar."

Her father stopped staring at me then. He looked down at his daughter with a questioning look on his face.

She smiled and said, "I own the dumb cunt. She does anything I tell her to do."

She's talking to her father!!!

She didn't even turn around to look at me. Still looking up affectionately at her father she calmly ordered, "Get up, bitch. Take your clothes off for my dad."

I got to my feet but her father held up his hand and said, "Hold on just a minute. Then he smiled down at Reggie and said, "Call up and order us a pizza. Then you can explain what the hell is going on here."

I stood there with my hands on a button and looked at Reggie. She smiled and said, "Don't move, bitch!"

To her father she said, "Sit down, dad. Your beer is getting warm."

She went over to the phone and ordered a pizza. Then she slid the hassock closer to his chair, the hassock she used when she first started to break me, to enslave me after school yesterday. Yesterday! Oh my god! It was only yesterday! It seems like weeks have passed.

She sat down and with tons of misstatements and a bucket of hyperbole she described what she interpreted as my attempts to steal her boyfriend from her and then a reasonably honest account of how she dealt with it. She didn't mention that I've eaten her pussy. But she did tell him that I've eaten her friends' pussies and had sex with their dog. She also mentioned that she made sixty dollars selling me for sex at school today.

I watched her father in total disbelief. If I told my father a story like that he would have signed me into a mental hospital. Reggie's father is amused! He even looks proud of her!

When she finished with her abbreviated tale she smiled at him and he nodded his head as if in approval.

Reggie interpreted his nod to mean the show can now go on. The pride and excitement I heard in her voice turned my stomach when she said, "You're going to love this."

Once again, without even turning to look at me she snarled, "Strip, bitch!"

I started to unbutton my blouse but certain once again she's dealing with a brain damaged soul she exclaimed, "Stupid! Get the hell over here where he can fucking see you!"

She smiled sweetly at her father and said, "I don't understand her. She gets good grades in school. But she doesn't seem to have any sense at all. She minds pretty well, though. You just have to tell her every damn thing you want her to do as if she was a moron. And guess what?"

Her dad smiled down at her and asked, "What?"

She happily exclaimed, "Happy birthday! She's yours for the night. You can do anything you want to the dumb bitch."

Her father no longer seems to have any reservations. I slowly moved closer and returned to unbuttoning my blouse. As I removed it and tossed it aside he said, "So, you tried to screw over my little girl and now you're being taught a lesson. I hope you like a lot of cock, bitch. I haven't gotten laid since her mother left us three years ago. You're going to have a long fucking night!"

Reggie smiled and said, "Guess what, dad! She was a virgin when I first brought her home after school yesterday! I've been having so much fun!"

He laughed and said, "I bet you have! I wish I could have seen it."

Reggie almost whispered, "I have a lot of it on disc."

It didn't take me long to get naked. Her father ogled me much like the boys at school have been all day today. He obviously likes what he sees. Everything about this weird situation is mind bending. But I can't conceive of a girl giving another girl to her father under any circumstances. These two don't seem to see anything odd about it.

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After the pool incident, life went on as normal. We finished the 11th grade and soon were seniors. The 12th grade just flew by, it passed so fast that we were graduating before we knew it. I had only had Aimee in a single class in my senior year. And while I loved her as much as always, she wasn't my best friend any longer. It was kind of sad to grow apart, but yet at the same time, our interests started to diverge as we grew older. I had been accepted to State University, pre-med on a full...

2 years ago
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The Shadow Warrior

The Viper class-2A Warbird left Gondora's orbit traveling through the Cylarian system at hyper speed. The smaller scaled, yet highly equipped, battle cruiser carried her normal operating crew of about a dozen, along with seven elite Shadow Warriors, commanded by Raiden Ul'thri. The Viper and her crew were on their way back to the Allied Federation's home world, after having completed their assigned mission. Raiden and his team had been sent in to squelch an uprising on the otherwise peaceful...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Getting out of the Rut Chapter 14

 More gamesI tend to sleep in stretches an hour or two at a time. The first time I woke I was disoriented. It took a minute before I knew where I was. I looked at my phone and it was three a.m. Andrea was fast asleep. My phone showed one dot of signal but it disappeared as I watched. At least my movie and text from earlier in the evening had actually gone. When it went--or more important, when Carol got it--I had no idea. I hoped it was before she slept, but who knows.I woke again at four...

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Mom Teresa the stripteaser

My Stepmother Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in...

4 years ago
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Scarlet Part Four

SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 4 The "Oro del Diablo" was quiet, with only the gentle creak of timber frames and the distant wash of waves against the hull audible from its empty corridors. Sam Fields tip-toed across the plush carpets. In one hand he carried his red high heels, the imitation diamonds of the ankle straps twinkling in the early morning light that filtered in from the deck above. In his other hand he held his white dress, which he pressed protectively to his naked...

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BecChapter 19 Late Thursday Night

The problem with having an exciting evening is that when you go to bed afterwards, it can be really hard to get to sleep. On Wednesday night, I went to sleep late, though I’ve no idea what time it was. I’d woken up this morning at about 3:00 AM, and I’d been going flat out all day since then, except for a couple of hours sleep in the nurse’s office in the afternoon. I should be tired. I was tired. My body was ready to go to sleep but my brain wasn’t. Or maybe it was the other way around and...

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Beautiful Liar

Why did it have to rain today-the day of all days??? The coldness and wind was bearable but not the rain. This meant a change of clothes and shoes not to mention being late. Well if this was nature’s cruel way, so be it. Just as she was contemplating this thought the rain began to fall harder and faster. Wildly looking around her, she saw the pain path dashed through it and towards the house. ********************************************** ‘How can you lose her again Daniel?’ his brother...

1 year ago
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My Wild Summer Vacation in California

Primary Characters: Alexis: F, age 18 (main character) Austin: M, age 21 (Alexis boyfriend) Aunt: Alexis paternal aunt in California Kyle: M, age 15 Keith: M, Corporation CEO Thomas: M, age 17 – Keith’s son My name’s Alexis, I’m eighteen and three months shy of my nineteenth birthday. I had just completed my freshman year in college. I’m still a virgin, but not for much longer. My boyfriend doesn’t know it yet, but this weekend I’m going to give him my virginity. I’m sure I can seduce him,...

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Pavitra My Anal Slut i fucked above link girl genuine contact here I woke with a start as I felt a female hand brushed my thigh. It was Simran fresh after a bath, a towel round her fair femalr figure and her white tit flesh a treat to a lusty pair of eyes. She smiled at me as her hand snaked towards my rising cock through my towel,”How did you like it?” she asked. ” What are you talking about?” I said astonished at her words. “I mean, the fuck show that I gave you last night....

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My First Sex Encounter

Hello ISS lovers I’m sidhart from Hyderabad. This is my first story in ISS so if you find any mistake please forgive me. This is the story how I lost my virginity to my ex- girlfriend (subha her name). So first let me introduce you about me and my ex-gf . So i’m sidhart and m ex-gf is subha. She had a great pair of wight boobs (.) (.) of size 36″ for which any one could die. Nice tight pussy and great ass. She was wight in complex. Coming to me. I’m tall enough with muscular body and with the...

3 years ago
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Dark Shadows

A young girl rides on a train. She stares out the window and muses on the place she is going to. The Dark mysterious place called Collinswood. It is a place she has never been to before full of people she has never met but soon they will fill all the days and nights of her existence. She sits and listens to the old lady next to her yammer on. As she does she remembers receiving the letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Collin-Stoddard. It had come as quite a shock receiving a letter from Maine. All of...

2 years ago
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Big Girls Can Get It Too Part 1

Mika and Shawn has been in a relationship for 4 years now. They met at a club, had sex on their 1st date and ever since then life has not been the same for neither one of them. Over the 4 years, Shawn became really cool with her 3 girlfriends, Tanya, Simone and Kita. Come to find out, Mika was the 2nd biggest freak out of the squad. Kita was the 1st. But Kita was a full figure girl with a very cute face. She was about 5’6, 250lbs, medium brownskin with wide hips, doubleE tits and an ass...

1 year ago
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Teasing my DaddyChapter 2

Cathy woke up with a desire to go shopping, nothing unusual for the beautiful girl. By 10 AM she was already inside a teen clothing store in a nearby mall, a place that specialized in girls teen cloths, with lot's of sexy stuff. After some browsing she ended up buying several itens, much to the saleswoman's pleasure, and decided to walk out already in a new outfit. She was wearing a cut off tank top that exposed her belly, looking one size too big, someone looking from bellow would easilly...

3 years ago
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My First Time

strongly based on my first experience of "dressing" and the consequences. I think of it as "enhanced truth", for as the Irish say "a good tale should always improve in the telling". For the record I spent several years as a child with a house full of Irish navvies, and great Back in the late 1960's I came home on leave from the Army to find my mother was away looking after her younger sister who ...

4 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 8 Look Ma No Knickers

After spelling out to everyone what the letters C ... O ... N ... stood for Shona turned to Chris and Tammy and asked, “So, when did this happen? And is this why you guys have been so quiet?” Tammy looked at Chris then looked at Shona and replied with, “Our parents have just registered themselves and us as Clothing Optional Nudists. We can officially object if we want but it is expensive. Or we can just wait until we turn sixteen and legally decide for ourselves.” Shona looked at them both...

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Sparkys DadChapter 12 Easing

Diane established the new rule that she wouldn’t read a story to Valerie if she made a great fuss about going to bed. Valerie, who clearly enjoyed her power of choice, decided to cooperate this time. Diane read her a story, and then Eric kissed her good night. Even so, Eric had enough fewer things to do before bed that he was lying in bed when Diane came in wearing her robe over her new nightie. When she took the robe off, Eric was visibly excited. “Like it?” she asked. “And how!” “Want to...

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ASC 1690

“Excuse me.”Belinda turned to see the pleasant, broadly smiling face of an old woman. She smiled back.“You dropped something dear,” the woman said quietly.“Oh?”“Yes, I think it was a postage stamp. Stamps are quite expensive you know, you should look after them.”“No, I don’t think I have any stamps,” Belinda replied shyly.“Well you definitely dropped something that looked like one dear.”“I’m sorry; I can’t get it now, I’ll come back for it…. hands are a little full…as you can see.”Belinda was...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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60PlusMilfs Melissa Johnson Melissa Johnson fucks again

Wife and mom Melissa Johnson says, “If we would all work more on our inner beauty, the world would be a much better place.” That’s probably true. And although here at, we care about a woman’s inner beauty, it’s her outer beauty and ability to suck and fuck that are more important to us. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is. We know some people get off on personality and power, and Melissa is a lovely woman, but if she wasn’t so damn good...

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Rehab 101

I looked for Terry out the small window of the huge C-141 Air Force aircraft as it taxied up to the crowd of people. I thought I saw her but I wasn’t sure. After the plane stopped they wheeled those of us in wheelchairs down the rear ramp. There was a little welcoming ceremony for us. We were their men from Miami-Dade County coming home wounded from the Gulf War. I still didn’t see Terry and was getting worried when I saw my brother Mike waving at me. He hurried over and said he had his van...

4 years ago
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Vacation Hookup

The Cast John Marinelli -- You, the main character. You are three months out of a relationship with your ex, Melissa, and are well on your way to becoming an alcoholic. You came home from work early one night and caught her screwing some asshole. Before you broke up, you and your friends booked a trip to the Bahamas, and they aren't letting you out of it. In fact, they're trying to hook you up with someone. Doe Murphy -- The girl everyone is trying to hook you up with. She's hot! Blond hair,...

3 years ago
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1st night working at the Strip Club

My ex decided she wanted to work at the club. She was only going to waitress but had to dress sexy. She was 5'4, 110lbs red hair 36C tits. She decided she was going to wear her green corset a green thong and of course the matching thigh hi's attached to her garters and 6" green heels. She looked hot and left for work.She got home about 3am and still looked hot as hell. She sat on the bed and told me about her night. She said she had to see the owner first to get her outfit approved so she went...

3 years ago
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Rubber Restriction Part 6 The tour continues

After leaving the prone Josie in such tormenting and tortuous strappado position. Vanessa led Miranda, trailing behind her lifting the hem of her long leather dress as high as she could while trying to watch her own footings, to the next workshop in the vast estate. Vanessa stopped suddenly , causing Miranda almost to bump into her from behind, Vanessa smirked and turned and let a salacious wry smile turn from the corners of her mouth, "Careful Miranda, you wouldn't want me to do to you what i...

3 years ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 6

If we'd had an impartial referee, I have no doubt that the contest would have been declared a complete and total mismatch and never allowed to begin. As it was, it was nearly over before I even realized that it had started. In one corner, you had a sophisticated high school senior, a seductress who had spent the last three years navigating her way through the complex social webs that connect the various groups at a suburban high school. In the other corner, a ninth-grade naïf who had no...

1 year ago
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Foster care 2 Girls day out spa day

Introduction: Chapter 2 in this saga. I can not remember a time where my biological mother was not using one drug or another. I remember being hungry a lot and learning how to get food from school and other kids and neighbors and even the trash sometimes. Sometimes I think I was more the adult then she was because not only did I manage food for myself but I usually managed to make sure she ate something too. I think part of this is why I was always very small for my age compared to other girls...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Synopsis John was changing physically and mentally and was doing so within hours of that moment in the forest. It takes twelve hours for the common cold to take hold and give us a hint that we have it. It took about that same amount of time for all of the signals that flow through us naturally to change as well, and John woke to a new world. John woke to the same sun, room and bed, but clearly it didn't feel the same, and it would only get worse... Players John,...

2 years ago
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Rayne Ch 13

Rayne took the stairs two at a time so great was his hurry to reach Gabriella’s side. Once outside the door he hesitated, so much to say yet he knew not what to say. For the first time in his life he was filled with fear, fearful of so many things. What condition mentally and emotionally would she be in? Had Torquemada subjected her to so much torture that she would turn from him as well? Was her mind so shattered that she would have no recollection of him, of their time together? His hand...

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Tame or Wild Princess Leia Female Rebel

To our readers, What is History? As most would define it, History is the re-telling of what has been. We must agree that this definition is a good one, although not encompassing all the subtleties of this science. But in this very definition is embedded a 'flaw'. By the time you read this sentence, so many events with potential historic signification happen all across the New Republic that they could not all be recorded, even if we devoted each and every of our computers to that task....

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Picture PerfectChapter 2

I was falling ... no I was flying, and I was cold. Then wonderful warmth spread over me. I was floating ... in water. My eyes flickered open to see Carly's face smiling down at me in the bath tub. I realized I had been dreaming in concert with her carrying me from the studio to the bathroom. I was surrounded by bubbles and fragrant candles which provided the only light in the room. My photographer friend and lover was gently stroking my hair. My head ached a little but the rest of my body...

1 year ago
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AbracadabraChapter 2 Reefer Madness

It was like no other spliff he'd ever had. He was riding a roller coaster but it was inside him. The world was still there but inside him streaks of light spread out from the back of his eyes and wound their way around the inside of his skull. Although he was still staring out at the room, beyond it, but within him, the chains of dimension unfroze their links to fracture a spectrum of light in colours that had no name. Each link exploded in a pyrotechnic blaze of expanding nodules of space...

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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 19

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter NineteenCumsocket stared up at me from the floorboard of the truck, her long black hair fell in front of her eyes as she knelt there. She was dressed in a thin, almost sheer, cotton sun dress with tall heels strapped to her ankles. I’d loved the way she’d staggered out of the house on the heels,...

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Affair of the Trainee the Manager Ch 04

Ideally, Dorothy’s and my liaisons would have been wondrous and continuously fulfilling, but, of course, they were not. We could not always spend the time with each other that we wished or when we wished. We also found that it was difficult for two people with the intensity of lust we had for one another to act naturally in a work environment. The need to mask the way we felt about one another required that we say things and conduct ourselves to conform to the business-family relationships...

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I watched Toby sleep. My sixteen-year-old son slept naked these days and was only half-covered by a sheet and the bedspread, his bare back and one leg exposed. He lay on his tummy, his head on the pillow, his mouth open a quarter inch as he breathed. It reminded me of when I was his age, asleep in my room, dreaming sixteen-year-old girl dreams.That’s now twenty-one years ago. I remembered it like this:“Daddy?” I mumbled. My head was foggy with sleep. He had just, barely, woken me up.“Hey, baby...

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Some People Are Just Lucky I GuessChapter 10

We still had three more days scheduled for the Palmer House, so we decided to spend the nights looking for terrorists and the days with sex, food, and relaxation. We scheduled a quickie in the morning after everybody was awake, another session at noon, just before lunch, and a blast in the afternoon before supper so that I could get a little rest before going out in my "ninja" outfit. Susan suggested that I should start calling myself "The Avenger," and the other women thought that was...

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(C) 2005 Rachel Gumm. I glanced up at Mark as he finished wiring two leads to a small box of electronics. The other ends of the leads were connected to a cold, metal dildo, which was strapped firmly inside me. This was my punishment for last night.I shuffled slightly on the bed, the bonds allowing me very little movement, but the device stayed firmly inside me. My ankles were tied to the front corners of the bed, and my wrists were tied to a table that was fixed in place over the top of the...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 8 Futa Enjoys the Reverends Wife and Daughter

Chapter Eight: Futa Enjoys the Reverend's Wife and Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean I smiled at the trembling Christabella Tuft. The reverend's daughter stood shell-shock at the debauchery she found in her living room. I stood naked. Her mother, Elouise, had her tongue licking up the last of the pussy juices from my cumming pussy. My futa-dick thrust over her head, the tip buried in the mouth of Mrs. Quick, my MILF...

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Addicted to JimmyChapter 7

Kathy said "Yeah, just like you gave me". Kathy said that she felt that she was going to conceive this week, she said her body was tingling from being so ready. We went off to sleep. Two times during the night we were wakened by Fay's noises. The second time Kathy said I told you he would out do himself tonight, I am really proud of my man, Fay will know she has been well fucked when she tries to get out of bed in a few hours. Before Kathy went back to sleep she snuggled and told me...

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