Pleasant UnpleasantnessChapter 6 free porn video

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While we were standing in the foyer of the building, a few people walked by. They were coming from and going into the heart of the building. I noticed that some of them looked at me, but they didn't seem upset by me being completely naked. Some of the women smiled at me, and I even saw one of the men nudging his girlfriend or wife, and making her look in my direction. It felt all so strange to me, but at the same time, I also could feel that I enjoyed the attention.

Jennie pulled me closer to her, and she whispered, "See, thanks to your pretty cock, we could enter without standing in line, that's one of the reasons I wanted to take you with us!"

"Well, couldn't you do the same by ditching your own clothes?" Wow, had I really said this out loud to her. I was surprised that my voice even worked after being dormant for so long.

"Are you nuts?! I would never go out without my clothes!" Jennie said. "Only crazy people do that!"

"Huh?!" I let out and gave her a look that said, "Are you telling I'm crazy?"

"Oops, except for you sweetie!" She said, kissed me on my cheek and squeezed my throbbing penis.

I just grunted, but let it slip. And then I asked, "So, and if that was the first reason, what is the other reason for bringing me here?"

Now Jennie just smiled and said, "That reason, you will find out later in the evening."

And with this said, she and Amanda started to walk, in the direction of the doors that went into the main area of the building. When we walked through the doors, my body was struck by the bass of the beat that was playing. I could feel it against my body and the beat even took control over my dick.

I was shocked when I saw that this place could hold so many people, there were just too many of them to count. Afterwards, I did learn that this place could hold about thousand five-hundred people and that on a normal night, like that one, they always let about thousand people inside.

Most people were looking at the stage, or the big screens on the walls, to watch the performance that was going on. I checked it out myself, but couldn't see anything like I had heard about this place. It was just a normal band on stage doing a normal performance. And looking around me, I didn't see any other naked people around, maybe some were dressed somewhat skimpy, but they didn't show anything I was showing them. Although, the stories I had heard couldn't be a complete lie, because they had let me inside naked and by what Jennie said, they even encourage it by giving VIP-access to those groups with a naked person or persons among them.

Jennie and her group started to move into the crowd at the left side of the dance floor. We had to walk single file and Jennie was pulling me along, holding on to my hand, and Amanda was behind me, holding onto my other hand. This didn't give me any opportunity to cover myself and that thing of mine was sticking out in front of me. We had to squeeze ourselves through the crowd and the head of my penis was rubbing against more people that I would care about. Especially when skin touched skin I got very nervous about it, but most people didn't care or just moved away from me without saying anything about it. Only a few women moved their hands, so that they could have a quick feel, some of them even dared to squeeze my dick. I know that I should have been embarrassed about this, but I found it very arousing and loved it. That group of five girls was still following us while the two couples decided where we would go to.

In the end, we managed to reach an open area at the side of one of the bars. It seemed that a few of their other friends had kept this place open for them. I noticed that some of them asked Jennie some questions about me, but they also didn't seem to be bothered with me. Maybe, they had other friends who did this sometimes for them, and they had been in luck to find me in front of their home to bring me along. However, it did make me wonder which one of them would do the undressing to get in more quickly on those other occasions.

Jennie and Amanda were still standing with me. We tried to talk for a little while, but where we stood, the music was too loud for a decent conversation. The only thing I found out though, was that Jennie was thirty-three years old and her sister, Amanda, was twenty-nine years old. Both of them worked as secretaries but not at the same company. They lived together and had no real boyfriends ... yet. When I told Jennie that I was nineteen, almost twenty, she got a naughty smile on her face.

However, then they started to focus more on their friends and left me somewhat alone at my table. The five girls were still close by, but they had joined a group of boys of our age and were enjoying themselves with them. I think that Jennie and Amanda had paid too much attention to me, and those five girls had decided to find themselves some boys to have fun with. Although, I was still the only undressed person in the place I could see.

A waitress finally came to us to take our orders, I decided to order a Gini. I didn't want to use alcohol in a situation like this. I wasn't used of drinking alcohol, so I sure didn't want to end up drunk, inside one of those private booths, with a strange woman taking advantage of me.

Jennie or Amanda joined me sometimes, but most of the time I was just like a fifth wheel on a car. I didn't know them at all, so it was hard to get into the conversations they were having. Although, I was happy that by now I had relaxed again and that my penis wasn't erect anymore, but just swaying in front of me. I still noticed some girls or women looking at me, but I tried to ignore them.

There was a new band playing on stage, and they were very good. Don't ask me a name, because I don't know anything about music. I know what I love to hear, but that's all, names of singers are mostly unknown to me. The real famous people, I would probably know, but the more obscure singers or groups are all unknown to me.

I took my time to look at the people dancing on the floor. I could see that this place had a mixture of ages. Starting at eighteen and ending with people somewhere in their forties. Well, if they let in naked people in this place, I'm sure they wouldn't let in people under the age of eighteen.

By now, I had found two other naked people in viewing range. I had noticed some people fixating their eyes on the public instead of the stage, and when I looked in those directions, I had seen some naked flesh moving in between all those moving bodies.

There was a guy, in his mid twenties, dancing with two women around him while he was naked. He had some nice dance moves, although, with his penis flying around like that, I didn't think it could be too comfortable. At least, his female companions helped him out sometimes by holding it steady for him.

There was also a naked girl dancing, she was maybe around twenty-two years old. She was dancing very seductively and explicit. She was swaying her hips and shaking her breasts in ways that had to be enticing for all people, who had to be watching her. I couldn't help it, but I kept on looking at her as well. There was also a funny thing about her, she only had female friends dancing with her, and they made sure that she always had enough room to do her thing in the middle of them. Although, there was no touching involved, I thought it was very arousing.

At a certain point, I noticed that I was erect again, just by looking at this girl, and I felt somewhat embarrassed about it. Not so much because I had a stiffy again, but more about the fact, why I had it. If people followed my eyes, they surely understood why I was sprouting this hard-on. So, to make it less obvious and in the hope that it would go down again, I turned away from her and watched just one of the screens on the wall behind the bar to look at the performance on stage.

While I was watching that screen, my attention went to a girl that was standing at the bar. She was looking at me and smiling. I was only semi-hard by now, but it seemed she still liked what she was seeing. My glass was empty and I noticed there was a free spot next to her. I don't know where I got the courage, but I walked up to her and went standing next her. Without experience of talking with girls, I could only think about one thing to say, and I asked, "Excuse me, could you tell me the time?"

She smiled at me, looked down at her watch, probably also giving a quick look at that thing dangling in front of me. And when she looked up again and into my eyes, I noticed that her eyes were light blue, they were sparkling.

"It's just past midnight," she said while leaning into me. Her long blond hairs brushed my shoulder, and I could feel something stir again.

"Thanks," I said. Wondering what else I could talk about with her.

Luckily, she took charge of the situation and said, "Hi, I'm Vera." She presented her right empty hand.

I took her hand in mine and said, "I'm Jeffrey."

"Nice to meet you!" she said, flashing her white teeth at me.

My mind searched my internal database and found, "It's all my pleasure," to say.

It made her smile and I wondered what else I could say, my database had crashed by now and nothing came to mind.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked.

"Sure," I quickly said, knowing that I could probably answer her questions and keep the conversation going on, this way.

"I hope I don't embarrass you by asking this, but doesn't it feel strange to be naked in a disco?"

I noticed that I started to blush slightly, why did she had to say that part about being embarrassed, I hadn't thought about that fact of my personality for a while now, but remembering me on it, made it kick in again.

However, I managed to answer, "I hadn't a choice in it." The second I had said this, I thought, "Crap, why did I say that!" I knew what kind of questions could follow by saying this to her.

And like I thought, she asked, "How do you mean, are you forced to be naked by your friends."

I got somewhat uneasy, but said, "No, they only found me like this."

"Found you? Did you come alone to this place, and they pulled you along afterwards?"

"Not really, they found me like this in their street."

I don't know why I was telling her this, but for some strange reason, I thought it could get her interested in me.

"In their street?! Are you saying that you were running around naked in the streets?"

"Umm ... Yes," I blushed a little deeper red. Why couldn't I get this under control? It always is the same, once I notice that I'm blushing, it only gets worse while I keep on noticing it.

She just giggled and said, "Don't be shy about that, I think it is hot that you do that!"

"Thanks," I said shyly at her. However, I was feeling better again. It seemed that my story was getting her even more interested in me.

My blush deepened and this made her smile even more gently at me. She then placed her hand on my shoulder and brought her face closer to mine and whispered, "Aren't you afraid of the cops when you go naked in the streets?"

I could smell her perfume and this was enough to make my penis twitch. By now, it was throbbing hard again, and I think she could feel it brush against her sometimes. However, she didn't pull away and let it rest against her.

"Well, normally I would be afraid for them. However, it has been the cops who forced me to do it this evening."

Her eyes became bigger, when she looked surprised at me. But before she could ask me another question, her mobile phone went off. Well, I presume that it went off, because she took it in her hand and looked sadly at it.

"I'm sorry," she said in my ear, "but I need to go, my dad is in the parking lot to pick me up."

I think I must have given her a suspicious look, because she giggled and said, "Don't worry, I'm eighteen and still live at home, my curfew is between midnight and one."

"Oh," I said relieved. I had been afraid that she maybe had slipped inside with a fake ID or something like that. Although, then her dad sure wouldn't be picking her up at a place like this.

"I'm nineteen, by the way," I quickly told her.

This made her smile again, and then she took a piece of paper out of her purse and wanted to write her phone number down on it.

"Um ... maybe you can send an SMS to my mobile phone," I said. I looked down at my body and said, "No pockets, as you can see, and I don't want to lose your number."

She also looked down at my body and cheekily said, "Oh, I hadn't noticed that yet!"

"What a tease!" I thought.

However, she asked me my number and entered it into her phone. She then gave me a naughty smile and started to put in a text message and transmitted it. She didn't show me the message, but just said, "Don't forget to answer it! Okay?"

"Oh, don't worry, I will!" I said, maybe a little too eagerly.

This made her happy again, and to my surprise, she closed the gap between us and kissed me full on my lips. Before I could kiss her back, she had pulled away already and said, "See ya!"

"Umm ... yes ... see ya," I said stunned.

She gave me a last look over and then walked away from me. I can't be sure of this, but I think she shook her firm ass somewhat showy at me while she did this. Well, I kept looking at it, until that ass was out of sight and the rest of her as well.

I couldn't believe it, my first real try with a girl, and I got her phone number. Why didn't I know that it could be this easy? Although, thinking about my dress code, it sure must have helped. However, I felt like I just had won a million with the lotto, and I wondered what message she would have sent me.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked around, I saw that it was Amanda.

"Did she knew you?" she asked me.

"No, we just met," I said. "And I'm not sure, but I think I just found myself a possible girlfriend."

"Well, with a body like yours, I wouldn't expect anything else!"

I couldn't believe that she said this to me. Sure, I knew that I wasn't bad looking, but until today, nobody had ever spent any attention on me. Well, I also had never run around people like this before, so maybe it wasn't that strange that I got some girls eying me.

"Thanks," I answered her. Well, my mother has told me to thank people if they give you a compliment, so I always did.

"Do you wanna dance with me?" Amanda asked while she took my hand in hers.

I looked at the dance floor but wasn't too sure about it. When I would be dancing there, I would get more attention on me, and I wasn't so sure if I would look good dancing naked.

"Come on," she urged me on.

"I don't like..." I started to say, but that was the moment the band stopped playing.

"Too late," she said and looked somewhat disappointed about it.

And like the 'stupid' gentleman I was, and still am, I said, "Maybe next time."

This made her smile, and then she pulled me along to join her other friends again. I could see that Jennie was smiling in our direction when we walked up to her.

Again, I just joined her friends but didn't engage myself in their conversation. Amanda was still holding on to my hand.

The dance floor didn't clear out like I had expected, but I noticed that some couples were being formed. And then the new band was introduced on the podium and after the necessary questions from their female singer, like, "How are you doing?" "Are you having fun?" The music started again, and she started to sing.

Amanda didn't ask me, but just started to pull me along to the dance floor. She didn't pull me in the middle of the floor, but just at the edge, she turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Well, I had promised her a dance, and they were performing a slow at the moment. This would have at least one advantage, our fronts would be against each other and nobody would see anything else from me but my naked ass. So, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her a little closer, and then we started dancing.

It was nice to feel her clothes and her warm body against mine. She even laid her head against my shoulder. I couldn't help it, but I wondered how she was feeling about this. Would she perhaps also be a little turned on by the fact that she was dancing with a naked boy? I know I was, by dancing like this with her.

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Pleasant UnpleasantnessChapter 2

It was 8pm on a Friday night when I decided I would do one of my naked walks again. Mum and dad were gone until Monday, so they wouldn't ask me any questions about me going out so late. And if they would call, a thing they almost never did, I could always tell them that I was at the movies. So, walking back into my room, I first looked at myself in the full length mirror of my closet door. I thought I didn't look too bad and then pulled the closet door open. I quickly found my tracksuit...

2 years ago
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Pleasant UnpleasantnessChapter 3

While I was waiting for Car 4 to arrive, I decided to see if I could maybe pull my pants back up. By bending and twisting my legs, I gradually managed to get my pants up. However, it never went higher than just above my knees. Thinking I was doing a smart move, I tried to grab onto my pants with my toes, but then I made a wrong move and pulled one of my legs out of it completely. Whatever I tried, from then on, it was a lost struggle. So, in the end, I just stood there, nerves raging...

2 years ago
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Pleasant UnpleasantnessChapter 5

Before I walked out of the tunnel that I was in, I checked the bicycle paths in front of me and when I was sure that nobody was coming, I ran out and did those few meters to the other tunnel in record time, while barefoot. Maybe, I should have checked inside the tunnel first before running in, but I was in luck because it was empty. This time, I couldn't hear anything that would suggest that there were people ahead, so I walked to the other end of the tunnel. This one was a little shorter,...

1 year ago
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Pleasant UnpleasantnessChapter 7

I was surprised that she didn't let go of me, once we were backstage, she just kept on pulling me by my dick towards her dressing room. "So, did you have fun!" She asked me, still holding my penis in her hand and looking me in the eyes. "I can't complain," I said. She smiled at me. "Well, you better go take a shower," she said and finally let go of me. She pointed at the shower cabin that was in the corner of the room. When I walked towards the cabin, I noticed that she picked up...

2 years ago
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Pleasant UnpleasantnessChapter 8

To my surprise, she didn't open the door at once, but just said, "Yes?!" "Hi, it's Jeffrey! I couldn't get into my flat!" It seemed she recognized my voice, or maybe she was that trusting in people, because I could hear how she unlocked her door. I took a deep breath again and waited for the door to open. When the door opened, there was complete silence. I hadn't put the lights on in the hallway, but she had the lights on in the hallway between the rooms in her own flat and the...

1 year ago
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Pleasant surprise

This week, I was out of town on travel when I got bored. My meetings ended early and I checked into getting an earlier flight, but everything was booked. So here I was, stuck in a small midwest town for the night. I ate a light meal by my lonesome and decided to drive around to see if I could find a lively bar. As I was zig-zagging through the edge of town, I noticed an adult book store and thought, oh-well, there is a dvd player in the hotel room...maybe I will buy a cheap porn flick and relax...

4 years ago
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Unpleasant guest

Darcie was looking forward to an uneventful Friday evening after a stressful week in the office. In a moment she would get up and make dinner but for the moment sitting on the couch was the most relaxing thing she had done all day. She'd have to get out of her office clothes - a tight black skirt and stockings and a tight fitting pullover - before too. And besides, the only one growing hungrier by the minute was she: Living alone definitely had it's perks. Today had been an especially long day...

4 years ago
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Unpleasant things part 1

Part 1/2 It doesn’t matter if you are as careful as you can be. If it’s going to happen, it will happen to you. I learned that the hard way on our vacation trip when we stayed in South-Africa for few days. Karen and I were going to Australia, but before going there, we planned to visit some countries while we were travelling. I’m a 32 year old electrician and I took few months off work to make this trip with my wife, Karen. I’m just average built, regular guy and just basically lucky that Karen...

4 years ago
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Unpleasant Surprise

Ms Purity Stevens certainly could not have had any inkling of what would occur when she applied to the Northland Center of Natural Sciences for the educational bus excursion into the hills of central Appalachia. Certainly as she crouched here on her hands and knees naked atop the long polished table of this large opulent room bathed in the harsh white light of the overhead lamps could she have ever envisioned a scene such as this. Behind her on the table, equally naked, was Master Reginald...

3 years ago
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The Tale of Two Girls Part 10

The Tale of Two Girls part 10 Dear readers, I have included a list of the characters which will help you keep track of all the people in my story. It's basically in order of appearance. New readers please read the preceding chapters of this story and the two preceding stories, Chrissy's new life and Chris's surprise prize. Please enjoy my writings; it gives me such great pleasure to write about a subject that is so close to my heart I can be emailed at...

2 years ago
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Lick N TiffChapter 11 Tiffany on Ice Part I

"Look, I don't know why I'm going. Okay?" I made a face at Licorice as he sat on my bed watching me change clothes. "Don't be mad about it." "I'm not mad at all," Mom said from the doorway, and that was obvious. She looked pretty happy about the whole thing. "Lick's kinda jealous," I explained to her, pulling my beige sweater over my head and shaking my hair loose. "You didn't wear a bra to church?" Mom's smile turned upside down as I gave her a sheepish shrug. "It's a...

1 year ago
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Ms Nenes new bitch

I sit n the chair,legs up n the air 10inch long dildo n my ass,feelling so good ,then i hear.You nasty fucker.I was cought by nene.What the fuck are you doing?i started to get up,Dont move she said,i sat there with the dildo n my hand.put it back in she fear was gone now!i slowly slide it in my asshole,as i look up at nene,she is taking pitures of me,I will show these all over if you dont do what i that second my fantasy came true.well im waiting she said.Ms nene im now your...

1 year ago
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More Marsha episode 11

Introduction: Marsha counted the days till her date with Dot the week following the tailgate orgy. Dot inspected her nude body in the mirror with pride as she prepared for her friends visit that afternoon. Her breasts still rode high on her chest at thirty-five, nipples prominent with large pink aureole. Her flat belly led down to the whisp of blond pubic hair that marked the top of her prominent mound of Venus. She cupped her breasts, palming the nipples until they grew even more erect. The...

2 years ago
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The Lab Accident

There was a deafening silence in the room as the Scientist and his Assistant stared in horror at the broken tray of pink vials that had fallen off the rack and onto the floor. They had shattered on impact, releasing it's intoxicating fumes into the air. "Was that what I think it was?" She asked him nervously, but she knew the answer already. The doors automatically locked, the vents closed. The answer came without need for words. "Can't we get out of this?" The security screen to the left of...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Massaging My Neighbor Bhabhi

Hi everyone- My name is Rohan (name change) submitting first time story on ISS. I am a big fan of ISS and especially like story related to bhabhi and older female. Let me start with my story. I am Rohan from crossing Ghaziabad having good physique. I just shifted my house 2 months back and after 15 there was a new family shifted to my neighbor who includes husband & wife and kid. They are at between 35-40 years of age. Husband worked with a MNC and female is a housewife. I never had intention...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 7

Cockatoo Part 7Shane stuck out an enormous hand and I instinctively shook it, hopingfor the first time in my life that my handshake would be a little limp.‘G’day girls. What a coincidence,’ he said. ‘I thought it was you on thedock but I couldn't be sure. I know you said you were leaving today, butwho would have guessed we would be on the same ferry. I didn't knowmyself until this morning. Had an urgent call to get back to Bangkok.All the flights are full, so I had to scramble to get this ferry...

2 years ago
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Daddy can Paige stay over tonight

“Sure, why not?” I yelled back across the house. “You just need to clean up while I’m at work.” “Thanks, Daddy!” I grabbed my lunch out of the fridge and headed off to work. Any time my daughter asked if one of her friends could stay over, I would always say yes. Honestly, it’s not that I’m that nice. It’s more that I like to look at the girls, and of all of Simone’s friends, Paige was my favorite. I spent all day at work thinking of her chocolate brown eyes, long brown hair and huge E cups....

1 year ago
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Doors 2

Today was a rotten day for Jim. His temperamental boss just gave him an earful. As he drove home, he started to swear under his breath. Jim felt aimless and wasn't paying attention to his driving and suddenly found himself in a strange and derelict neighborhood. As he drove around he notices that the place was relatively quite and deserted. Not wanting to stay any longer in the eerie place, he started to drive around to look for a way out. Just as he was about to turn around to...

3 years ago
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Essie The Last Chapter

My promise to Essie had to be fulfilled by me, I had to reverse my vasectomy. I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Essie wanted me to, and that was enough of a reason for me. My visit to the urologist proved to be better than I thought it would be. The procedure was set for the following week and the surgery would take around two hours from start to finish. With the new micro surgery procedures I would be as good as new in a few days. Six weeks after the procedure, I was as normal as the day...

4 years ago
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My evolution of cock

My wife and I have been married for about 15 years and as such, I have found myself getting more and more aroused by my own dick and cum. She is okay with it, and even thinks it is sexy and hot, so over the past few years we have been more experimental. At first she thought it was cute that I enjoyed watching when she gave me a footjob. It was mostly because I liked watching her feet but then it was because I liked watching her feet and my cock and then I liked watching my cum on her feet. So,...

2 years ago
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Years of Fub Part 8

That night as my late father,s guests of honour at the veterans club was a Wednesday I go might, a full house guaranteed as the “giant jackpot” of 500$ was up to 60. numbers having started ten weeks before with 50 numbers! My Mom , Dad, half sister Anna, brother Austin, Sarah and I were sat at one table each playing three bingo cards. The evening began brilliantly as my ticket issued at the start won our table a round of drinks. Sarah cracked everyone up when she ordered her favourite “Bloody...

1 year ago
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Cum drenched Mom in the middle BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....BBBBTSI woke around 1pm. It was the first day of my summer vacation. My parents had left early in the morning. They left some money on the kitchen table, the night before.. They were leaving for three weeks. I could not get time off from my part time job. I worked about 4hrs every Sunday at a gas station. I told them I might pick up more hours now that school was done. My parents were happy. I only took the part time job, so I would not have to go to...

2 years ago
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Ammi Ki Train May Chudai

Mayne yaha par bohot sari story padi hay socha apni ek exp v shear karlun. Ya bat 10 sal phale ki hay jab may 12 sal ka tha or mayri ammi jinka nam nazma hay wo 28 yrs ki thi.dakne may gori dhud ki tarha or khubsurat bhi bohot thi,or unka figar size tha 36-32-46 Unki sadi bohot kam age may huwi thi kisi majburi k tahat.khar ab may story may ata hun. Hum delhi se lotrahay tha may or ammi raat ko achanak humare samne tiket chakiyar aya jo ammi se ticket puchne laga to ammi apne bag dhund ne lagi...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Alix Lynx Silvia Saige A Womans Physique

Silvia Saige is new to the world of massage therapy. After a divorce, she embraced a career change, which led to her being a masseuse! Although she seems to be doing perfectly fine with her male clients, she’s worried that her female clients aren’t as satisfied. To figure out what she’s doing wrong, she goes to her coworker, Alix Lynx. When Alix learns about Silvia’s issues, she kindly smiles. It seems as though Silvia’s just not experienced enough with the female...

2 years ago
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Deepika does a Different Shoot

Deepika Padukone stared at her naked reflect into the mirror in her bedroom as she put down a script that she had received from a leading Bollywood producer. She ran her hand through her long dark hair, which ended below her pert 34B breasts. At 5'9'', she was tall for an Indian actress, with long never ending legs and a toned ass that her fans loved. The 30 year old athletic beauty had a dream run in Bollywood – billed as one of the top actresses in the country, she had won awards, accolades...

3 years ago
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Abschlussfahrt geiler gehts nicht

Die 10b aus einer Oberschule in Berlin fährt zur letzten Klassenfahrt... Danach werden sich ihre Wege trennen: Einige wechseln die Schule und machen ihr ABI und andere beginnen eine Ausbildung. Doch hier wollen alle noch einmal die Sau raus lassen!!!

3 years ago
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Dances With PoodlesChapter 2

A month passed, and Jill and Jamie's parents were flying over the Atlantic, off to a second honeymoon in Scotland. The seven young women were camping out in the very large living room of Jill and Jamie's house, sleeping bags and air mattresses arranged throughout the room. They had had an early dinner, showered, and were all in their pajamas. The plan was to perhaps chat for a bit, and then sack out early. Everyone was looking forward to early morning hiking in the nearby national park the...

2 years ago
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Im Not A Stereotype

by Maya Hatashita as told to BrettJ© 2010 Author’s Note: I am not the “Brett” of the story, although readers, isn’t he one lucky S.O.B? I very nearly blew the opportunity of a lifetime because of my temper. No one would really blame me. I was just so sick of hearing “Wow, you’re really tall for a Japanese girl” or even cruder “Boy, you’ve got really big boobs / tits for a Japanese girl” or after one or both of those “Wow, you’re really out there for a Japanese girl.” Well, why...

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Dad Pimps Me Out

I think once dad caught Jack fucking me,he wasn’t upset,but more so he thought of a way to use this to his advantage. After that it was nothing for me to walk around the house in womens clothing,for my dad and I had a talk and I told him that it felt right. One night when he brought home a sexy outfit for me,I knew he was up to something. He handed me a bag and said ‘here,go put this on’. He tells me to get my make up on and meet him back in the living room in 20 minutes.

2 years ago
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Doggy Style LitterAlly

WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. Melinda Puff,...

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Out In the City 2

Just before the Summer ended my master Hank vanished on me. I was his slave and his nature trail bitch. We'd meet at the same park every day it was sunny and then go fuck in the woods. (Actually he'd fuck and I'd hold still) One day in late August he introduced me to Gary. It was so awkward for both of us. To this day neither of us knew what Hank was up to. He always came to the park alone except for the last day we met. There was no sense asking Hank what was up. He wasn't much of a...

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