Pleasant Street Ch. 09 Pt. 01 free porn video

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Occasionally a man finds a girl especially attractive for some reason. I’m not talking about a movie star or centerfold, I mean a real girl, one he sees in a store or on the street. Maybe he even gets to talk with her and manages to strike up an acquaintance.

What would happen if his fantasies get out of control and he begins to feel he’d sell his soul for just one night with his dream girl. Maybe he becomes a little obsessed with her and goes so far as to find out all he can about her. He does this, even though he knows she’s hardly aware of his existence, that he’s just the man who comes in the store to rent videos now and again. He knows she never thinks about him with the same fervor he thinks about her.

But, occasionally, fate steps in when you least expect it. Maybe, due to a fluke, the situation changes. An opportunity for more than casual contact presents itself. What would happen in a case like that? What would a man do if he had an opportunity to spend an evening alone with a girl he’s obsessed with?

I happen to have had just such a fantasy girl. I frequently stop at the video rental store where she works to pick up tapes. I don’t really want them, I just wants to see her. Not to long ago, when my wife was away and I was feeling lonely, I thought seeing her would make me feel a little better.

I had no idea what was going to happen, that the night would turn out to be far more than I ever dreamed it would. Things like that didn’t happen to me. Well, not often, anyhow. There was the thrilling night Katy Truro came over to my house, but I figured that was a fluke. Until that night when I was lonely and at loose ends and I stopped to rent a video.

The reason some sections of the following story are italics is that they are drawn from things the young lady who plays such an important part in it told me later. Always the writer, I kept notes on them and used them when I wrote this story together. Hopefully, having her insights will make the story more entertaining.



I stopped at the video store to pick up a couple of videotapes. At least that’s what I told myself. I was really stopping so I could see her. I knew I was being silly. I’m a grown man, but I was acting like a teen-ager with his first crush. The thing was, I didn’t care. It was worth it to get a chance to see her, maybe to have a short conversation with her.

There were no other customers in the shop. That was nice. She was behind the counter, with her head down, and didn’t look up when I came in. That was odd. Usually, I get a bright smile and pleasant, ‘Hi.’

I found two tapes that looked interesting and took them to the counter.

The lissome clerk looked up and smiled wanly. ‘Hi,’ she said. She took the tapes and began filling out the rental slip.

‘You look down tonight,’ I said. ‘Are you OK?’

She stopped writing, her head still down, and I saw tears drip onto the keyboard of the computer she used to record rentals. Her shoulders began shaking and she sobbed quietly.

It bothered me that she was upset and I wondered if there was something I could do to help. ‘If you need someone to talk to,’ I ventured hopefully, ‘I’m a good listener.’

She took a deep breath, seemed to get herself under control, and looked up at me, smiling faintly. ‘Ah, I-I can’t have, you know, people hanging around,’ she said softly. ‘The boss doesn’t like that.’

My heart was pounding. It sounded like she might be willing to talk with me, but not there. Somewhere else, perhaps? It was late, so I decided to take a chance. ‘Maybe I-I could buy you a cup of coffee after work?’ I suggested.

The clerk looked unsure at first, then she shrugged and said, ‘OK, sure, why not?’

Barely able to control my excitement, I asked, ‘What time do you get off?’

‘About 10:30,’ she replied. ‘I close the store at ten, and I usually lock up by 10:30…unless someone comes in real late.’

‘I’ll see you then,’ I told her. Forcing myself to contain my excitement, I took the tapes I’d rented, walked out, got in my car, and headed for my home, more excited than I’d been in a long time. She’d agreed to let me buy her a cup of coffee! My dream girl, the one I’d had so many fantasies about! In less than an hour I’d be having coffee with her!

As I thought about her, I got more and more excited. She’s slim and very pretty. Her light brown hair forms a wild, curly mane framing her exquisitely pretty face. Her bosom isn’t large, and I’ve always believed she’s self-conscious about that because she always wears loose-fitting tops. Her ass, in my opinion, is her best feature. The tight jeans she usually wears display its perfect shape extremely well. That was what attracted me to her in the first place. She has the nicest ass I’ve ever seen!


The young lady at the video store was finishing up the evening’s paperwork and getting the bank deposit ready. As she worked, she had second thoughts about the date she’d just made. The guy she said she’d go out for coffee with did come into the shop a lot. He was a lot older than she was, maybe old enough to be her dad. He seemed nice enough, but he could be some kind of weirdo. Maybe he was an axe-murderer or something. She shrugged. Her life was such a mess, what difference would it make if he was an axe-murderer? If he killed her, he’d be putting her out of her misery.

‘What the heck,’ she remarked to the empty store. ‘Why not?’

Her boss arrived at 10:20 and they closed the store. They locked up and walked to their cars. She looked around. Her ‘date’ wasn’t there.

‘What’s up?’ her boss asked. ‘Waiting for someone?’

She nodded. ‘I, ah, kinda have a date,’ she said.

‘Want me to stick around until he comes?’ the boss asked.

‘No, it’s all right. I’ll wait in my car a few minutes,’ she told him. ‘Maybe something came up.’ She almost hoped something had come up and the man wouldn’t show. She was really feeling weird about this. After all, other than talking with him when he came in to rent videos, she didn’t know anything about him.


That very minute, I was driving rapidly toward the store, afraid if I was late, she wouldn’t be there when I arrived.

My heart began pounding when I wheeled into the parking lot and saw her car. Suddenly, it was very hard for me to breathe and my hands were shaking.


She saw the car pull in. At first she was afraid, then the door opened and he got out. He’d come after all. Whatever was going to happen, he was here, and she was committed to at least having a cup of coffee with him. She opened the door of her car and got out.


‘Sorry I’m late,’ I apologized. ‘I-I lost track of time.’ Actually, I’d been pacing and watching the clock. Then I got behind some damn slow driver when I was on my way to meet her…

‘That’s OK,’ she said. ‘I just got done.’

‘You want to take your car or ride with me?’ I asked. I hoped fervently she’d agree to come with me.

‘I guess my car will be all right here,’ she said.

We walked to my car and I held the door so she could get in. Then I went around and got behind the wheel, started the car, and drove off.

My heart was hammering so hard I was sure she must be able to hear it. I didn’t seem able to breathe properly, either, and my hands continued to shake. ‘Any place in particular you’d like to go?’ I asked.

‘No,’ she replied.

‘How about the truck stop down in Riverdale?’ I suggested. ‘They’re open twenty-four hours.’

She smiled at me and nodded.

‘So,’ I said, ‘you want to tell me what’s making you so sad?’

‘I don’t know…I shouldn’t bother you with it,’ she replied.

‘I’m a good listener.’

‘Well…’ she took a deep breath and began telling me her story. She started hesitantly, but once she got started, she coul
dn’t stop. Her fiancée had dumped her. Her parents liked him because he had money and were blaming her for the breakup and being miserable to her. She felt very alone. By the time she finished the story, she was sobbing again, and tears were cascading down her cheeks.

I watched her cry and felt terrible. I felt a powerful urge to hold her and make the bad feelings go away. I pulled to the side of the road, stopped the car, turned to her, and put my hand on her shoulder.

‘Hey, now,’ I said softly. ‘Things will be all right. They really will.’

‘Oh God!’ she sobbed. ‘I feel so awful!’

I slid across the seat to be nearer her and put my arm around her. I was surprised and thrilled when she moved against me and buried her head against my chest. Her wild, soft, hair tickled my face and made my skin tingle. Gently, I rubbed her back and let her cry. Finally, the sobbing grew softer, and she quieted.

She took a deep breath, leaned back, and looked at me.

‘Really,’ I said. ‘Things will be all right.’


She was confused by the feelings that began to race through her the minute the man put his arms around her. It felt good having his arm around her, really good! She wasn’t sure she wanted him to take it away. He made her feel safe, protected, and special. His voice was comforting, too. She looked into his eyes. He had nice eyes, caring eyes. She was glad she’d taken him up on his offer of a cup of coffee.

‘Thank you,’ she murmured. Impulsively, she kissed him, intending it to be a friendly kiss, a kiss of gratitude. But, then their lips met, and she found she wasn’t in the least prepared for the feelings the kiss awakened. Kissing him felt really good!


I was surprised by the kiss and burst of sensations it evoked in me. This was far more than I’d hoped for. My heart continued to pound as I gazed into her eyes.


She leaned back and looked at him. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but he had made her feel better. A lot better! He looked at her with such caring in his eyes that it almost made her cry.


‘Ah, shall we get that coffee now?’ I asked. My body was in total turmoil. All I’d hoped for was a chance to spend some time with her. All of a sudden, prospects for much more happening looked very, very good!

‘I’m…I’m not sure I should go anywhere looking like this,’ she replied softly. ‘My makeup is probably a mess.’

‘I think you look beautiful,’ I said without realizing it.

My comment put the first genuine smile I’d seen that night on her face. That warmed me, made me feel even more optimistic about what might happen later.

‘I don’t want you to take this the wrong way,’ I said, ‘but I have an alternate suggestion.’

‘What’s that?’ she asked.

‘We, ah, we could go to my place,’ I mumbled. I have no idea where I got the courage to make that suggestion.

‘What…what about your family?’ she asked.

‘They’re away…in California,’ I told her.

‘Oh,’ she murmured.


Warning bells clanged in her mind, but she ignored them. She liked being with this guy. Anyhow, all they were going to do was have a cup of coffee. What harm was there in that?


‘You still want that coffee?’ I asked. I was sure she’d refuse and tell me to take her back to her car. I was more excited than I’d been in a long, long time, and more scared, too.

‘Ah, sure,’ she replied. ‘Why not?’

The trip to my house didn’t take long. I pulled into my driveway, shut the car off and, shaking with excitement, got out, opened the door for her, and escorted her into my house.


‘What am I doing?’ she thought. ‘Girl, you’re taking a big chance here!’ But, even though she had second thoughts, she went along. He had been nice and he hadn’t killed her yet. He was a good kisser, too. Being around him felt good.


I held the door for her and she walked into the house and looked around. ‘This is nice,’ she remarked.

‘Thanks,’ I replied. ‘Kitchen’s over there. Come on, I’ll start the coffee.’ It occurred to me I should have done that before I went to pick her up, but I’d had no idea she’d come back with me then.

She watched me start the coffee. ‘Where do you keep the cups?’ she asked.

‘In that cabinet over there by the sink.’

She found the mugs and carried two of them over to where I stood by the coffee maker.

‘Feeling better?’ I asked.

She nodded. ‘Yes, I am,’ she said.


It was true. She felt comfortable and safe with him, and maybe a little excited, too. After all, he was a married man and he invited her to his home when his wife wasn’t there. That was pretty heady stuff. Impulsively, she went up on tiptoe and kissed him softly.


The kiss surprised me. ‘What’s that for?’ I asked.

‘You make me feel good,’ she replied.

‘I’m glad.’ I took a chance and pulled her into my arms.


She liked the feel of his arms around her. His body felt solid. She was safe, protected, no harm could come to her as long as she was with him. She looked up at him and slowly his face moved to hers and their lips met. Fire rushed through her and her tongue slid out, seeking his.

He returned the lingual caress and the sensations caused by the collision of their tongues rocked her like nothing had in a long time. She felt his embrace tighten and pressed against him.

‘Wow!’ she exclaimed when the kiss finally ended.

Her body was shaking and she could feel his erection pressing against her where their bodies met. She hadn’t planned on anything like this happening but crazy as it seemed, now that it had she wasn’t sure she wanted him to stop!


I felt the powerful feelings develop between us. It was the fulfillment of a dream, a fantasy becoming real! I tightened my arms and pulled her into another passionate kiss. Again our tongues dueled. By the time the kiss ended, she was flushed and, I thought, looked more beautiful than any woman I’d ever seen.

‘I want you,’ I said softly.


She gazed at him, her emotions in turmoil, heat flooding her body. His kisses excited her. She wasn’t sure what to do. His hands cupped her buttocks, pulling her against the swollen bulge of his erection. Then she knew! She wanted him, too! She looked directly into his eyes.

‘Yes,’ she whispered.


My pulse boomed as I scooped her into my arms and felt her head fall against my shoulder, her wild hair tickling my face. She was light in my arms. I was so excited I was afraid my cock would burst through my pants!

She rode lightly in my arms, her slender arms around my neck, as I moved through the living room and up the stairs to the bedroom. Gently I laid the lovely woman-child on the bed where I had lain many a night dreaming of her, then I stood there, chest heaving, heart pounding, looking down at her.

‘You…you won’t hurt me, will you?’ she asked softly.

‘God, no! That’s the last thing in the world I’d do!’ I said. I knelt next to the bed and began to trace her face with a finger.


The softness of his touch thrilled her. Then his finger began to roam, exploring her neck, and whatever skin was exposed by her outfit. She’d never been touched so softly, so lovingly, and it enchanted her.


She laid on the bed moaning softly, a look of delight on her face. I paused my caresses, unbuttoned her loose overblouse and pushed it back. My hands went to the tank top she wore and began to pull it out of her jeans.

‘Please!’ She put her hand on mine. ‘Please don’t.’

Her hesitancy confused me. ‘Do you want me to stop?’ I asked.

‘No…it’s…I-I’m afraid,’ she stammered.

‘Afraid of me?’ I asked.

e shook her head. ‘I-I’m too, you know, small. I’m afraid you won’t like my…my…breasts,’ she whispered.

‘I think you’re beautiful,’ I replied. ‘I know your breasts will be perfect.’ I covered her mouth with mine. She arched her neck, opening her mouth, her tongue lashing his, thrilling me. While the kiss went on I finished tugging the top out of her jeans and slid it up.

The kiss ended and she raised her arms so I could pull the top over her head, then she laid back. I stood there wide-eyed, staring at her.

‘Do you…do you like them?’ she murmured.


She couldn’t believe the wild way he was staring at her bare chest. Nobody had ever looked at her the way he did. It was as if he was worshipping her and it thrilled her beyond belief.


‘They’re beautiful!’ I exclaimed, watching the rise and fall of her chest. I stroked her and sampled the incredible softness of her skin. It felt like warm silk. My hand moved over her, working out to the erecting tip of each perfectly formed breast. Her nipples were surprisingly large considering the dainty breasts from which they sprang.

‘Oh, God!’ she moaned. Her back arched as I stroked her. ‘God, that feels so wonderful!’


Lascivious sensations roiled through her as his touch stoked the fires of lust brighter and brighter. She had no doubt now that she’d made the right decision in coming with him! This was awesome!


I was surprised and delighted by how soft and warm her skin was. I loved the contrast between the soft skin and firm, rubbery tips of her breasts. I loved the sounds my touch evoked and the way her body moved against my hands. I had to have those nipples between my lips, so I bent my head and drew one of the taut buds gently into my mouth.

‘Ahh!’ she moaned. Her hands went to my head, tangling in my hair, pulling me against her. ‘That feels so good!’

My lips moved from one turgid nipple to the other, then back, drawing louder and more impassioned moans from the slim young woman. Her movements grew more and more insistent.

While my lips were working on her breasts, my hand slid over her flat, warm belly and unfastened the button at the waist of her jeans, loosing them. Then I slid it under the waist of the jeans, exploring, seeking.


She wasn’t a virgin. She’d had lovers, but she’d never been this excited by a man’s touch before. He was making her crazy! The crotch of her panties got wet as the fluids of passion seeped from her. He was making her feel so good!

‘Please!’ she moaned. ‘Oh, please! Feels so good! Oh, God! Feels so good!’


I stopped kissing her breasts and worked the snug jeans down over her hips. She raised her hips off the bed to help me. I slid the jeans down her legs and dropped them on the floor next to the bed. I gaped at her naked body, afraid I’d come in my pants. She was so lovely!

‘You are the loveliest woman I’ve ever seen!’ I whispered, my voice filled with awe.


She trembled , filled with delight by his comment, then she almost jumped off the bed when he kissed her navel. At the same time, his hand began to move over her slender, perfectly formed legs. Thrill after thrill coursed through her. God! This was more wonderful than she’d ever believed possible!


It was all I could do to keep from tearing my clothes off, jumping on her and ravishing her. I didn’t. Not yet. I was living a fantasy and I wanted to savor it, to make it last as long as possible! I might never have a chance like this again!


Between his kisses and the things his hands were doing to her, she was quaking with passion. Each stroke, each kiss built her hunger to a higher and higher pitch! Then, as his lips coasted over her belly, his hand touched the silken lips of her vagina. The sudden jolt of excitement that resulted caused her hips to arch upward, off the bed.

‘Oh! I’m going crazy!’ she groaned and pressing herself against his searching hand.

Indescribable thrills roiled through her body as he caressed her aching, lubricant-soaked vagina. Her body arched and twisted and thrills continued rumbling through her. None of the guys she’d ever been with had been half as gentle as he was! It seemed like he was touching her everywhere, like having her feel good was important!

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Deadend street

My name is John Doe and I am in my third year in college. Every year my parents go on a vacation for a month and I come back to house sit. That way I can mow the lawn and take care of the pool. I also help my old coach teach soccer. I love the game and it keeps me in shape. My parent’s house is in a dead-end street and the field is at the end of the street. Just cross a couple of trees, jump the creek, over the fence and you’re there. So it’s much closer than my apartment. I help Monday,...

2 years ago
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Crossing The Street

"You say you want to," came the brusque voice over the phone, "but you don't, not really. I can hear it. I know your type, you're too frightened." I nearly panicked. "No, no, please, I need you to teach me, please. Please I want to..." "You want to what?" she sneered after my pause. "You can't even say it, never mind do it." I heard her scoffing laugh through my cell phone and felt the sting as if she were right there. "I don't have time for this bullshit, Sonia." "No, really, I mean it, I...

4 years ago
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Anita and some workers across the street

Anita and some workers across the streetThat Saturday morning I was glad to have a day for myself, really a free day... But close to ten o´clock some repetitive hammering from the workers putting a new roof on my neighbor`s house across the street made me finally wake up…I stood naked in front of the mirror looking at my body, looking carefully specially my round buttocks and my thighs.Suddenly a strange motion behind me called my attention. I turned around and saw I was standing directly in...

3 years ago
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Snatched off the street

Never take a shortcut you aren't' familiar with was what I was taught as a young k**. 'Don't go down dark alleys.' 'Always walk where other people are, in a crowd or something'Well this time I didn't listen to that warning, and cut across some train tracks to save some time going home in Brooklyn, NY one night. No one was around, late afternoon, so I thought, why the hell not. I was walking down an empty street lined with trailers left behind by trucking companies that closed for the day. When...

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The House on Sackett Street

The House on Sackett Street A love Story By Elizabeth Jane McDonald PROLOGUE The long hell was finally over and the government men left the house. I was alone at last in my new home. Alone, at last, with my new identity, my new name, my new past, and my new future. I was happy... and sad. I walked around the house for a while. It was filled with nice furniture, nice linens, and nice pictures on the wall. The living room was complete with a couch, two nice overstuffed...

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The Madam of Fletcher Street

THE MADAM ON FLETCHER STREET   by Mistress Tressa The madam had just turned sixty five years old, but for her there would be no social security. Madam Lorraine had a scant employment history, for the past forty years she had operated a high class bordello on Fletcher St.Nestled in an older and affluent neighborhood, the two story house was one of the city’s best kept secrets. It catered to the wealthy and prominent, elected officials were amongst the most frequent clientele. It had never raided...

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A girl across the street

The first house I bought was across from a student home. My study room was right in front of the student home. I would spend some of my evenings and nights in my study room gaming or working at my computer. In the room right in front of mine lived a beautiful young lady with dark hair and about 1.75 meters tall. That would be around 5 foot 9. I had already noticed her several times walking by. We had exchanged some smiles. I also could look very well into her room, especially when it would be...

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The Street

I was younger then. Much younger.But I was even then hooked on bondage. I remember the exact moment when I became interested in SB. I was sitting in a small adult theatre in Copenhagen and was watching a succession of BDSM films. Back then it was 8mm (non digital) and usually the theatre owner strung them together on one large reel so he didn't have to change reels more than every twenty minutes. As a woman it was fairly unusual to sit in an adult theatre with a load of groaning men huddled...

4 years ago
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The Woman Across the Street

"And I want every speck of dirt off that window. Do you hear me, Isidor? Every speck." "Yes dear." Isidor Rosenberg stood at his 17th floor kitchen window. It was 90° with no breeze, and the apartment was as hot inside as it was outside. Isidor breathed heavily as he smeared Windex ® around the windowpane. His wife, Dara, had been harping at him to clean the windows all day. 90° or not. Those windows will be cleaned. Isidor stopped and stared out the window. He could see a bit of the Manhattan...

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Twelve Maxbridge Street

This is a record of a fantasy, not an attempt to describe a real life dungeon, about which I know almost nothing. Also, the story is heavily influenced by classic French erotica and so does not dwell on the main character's inner thoughts and feelings. It may not be for everyone. THE BEGINNING He looked around his spacious, sparely furnished, perfect office. One of the perfect things was the large picture window...

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He swung the car around violently on the deserted road and drove back to check what his headlights had lit up. It was late, very late, and he’d been drinking – but nevertheless he was certain his eyes had not deceived him.He pulled up by the kerb where the bundle of rags had suddenly moved as he drove past. It was raining heavily now and as he searched for some sign, he was getting thoroughly drenched.A slight movement made him turn quickly. And then he saw the eyes. Two large bright eyes...

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The guys owning that nice dog across the streetbi

I was again on all fours onto my marital bed; my wet cunt being pumped for the third time by Twister, the nice Great Dane across the street.My girlfriend Helena had caught me fucking that sweet dog and she had left.But then I heard other footsteps climbing the stairs to my bedroom. This time it was not Helena; but those spoiled teen agers across the street.Luke and Matt were the real owners of that nice Great Dane, although their slut mother had trained him to fuck desperate housewives around...

2 years ago
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Streetcar By Emily Carlisle It was a beautiful, lazy summer's afternoon; I guess that's why I had dozed off. Fortunately, I woke up just in time for my stop. I stepped off the streetcar... Streetcar? ...and started across the street, being careful to look both ways before crossing. I suddenly realized just what I was doing, and stopped dead. I was way beyond confused, and coming up fast onto a real panic. There hasn't been a streetcar through here since at least 1966; I...

3 years ago
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Sissy Sister Streetwalkers

SISSY SISTER STREETWALKERS by Throne It was a dark street in a disreputable part of the city. Cars cruised up and down, their male passengers eyeing the tawdrily dressed females who strolled along, flaunting their bodies. One car pulled up to the curb. The gruff voice of the driver said, "We're here, sissy. Get your pretty pink ass out of the car and earn me some money." "Yeah," seconded the voice of a female in the passenger seat. "My man needs his beer and you're paying for...

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Four-Way Street By Cassandra Morgan "Are we really doing this?" Chris wondered, his apprehension growing. Maggie laughed, but her nerves could be heard, too. "If you want to...." she said. "I mean, we've talked about it enough, haven't we?" Chris stared at the window. The road signs flashed past. Yeah, they had talked about it, all right, endlessly. They had debated and considered and fantasized about it. Theoretically, They agreed that opening up their marriage was a noble...

1 year ago
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He swung the car around violently on the deserted road and drove back to check what his headlights had lit up. It was late, very late, and he’d been drinking – but nevertheless he was certain his eyes had not deceived him.He pulled up by the kerb where the bundle of rags had suddenly moved as he drove past. It was raining heavily now and as he searched for some sign, he was getting thoroughly drenched.A slight movement made him turn quickly. And then he saw the eyes. Two large bright eyes...

1 year ago
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One of the very first things Viva Street greets you with is a dialog box. However, this isn't your conventional "are you 18" greeting message, which is strange. Rather, this website suggests that you sign up to it right away, as soon as you open it up for the first time. This isn't a bad idea all in all, especially if you are dead serious about trying to get an escort in the UK. In the end, it all really depends on your will to have sex with some of the hottest babes on the Isles. If you're a...

Escort Sites
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Whore Street

bylittle SebastianIt was just too many nights, that I had not been fucked, so I decided for the best way of hunting for cocks, another night as a hooker.First the outfit. Tight pink half shirt that zipped in the front, padded leather bra with "B" cups, black leather mini skirt and thigh high black fishnet stockings. I packaged my manhood in the tightest jock strap that I could squeeze into. Then came the bright red lipstick and make up. I must say I think that I looked like the hottest whore I...

2 years ago
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Dark Street

After a long drive to the city of L.A. Julian, Robin, and Maggie were tired and tried to find a cheap hotel to stay in for the night. They had all been roommates for awhile, and played in their own little rock band where Robin was the lead singer, and Maggie and him played the instruments. He had always lusted after the two women, but had managed hide his feelings not wanting to risk their friendship, but as the sun set a dark fog crept into the tiny street they drove into all that was about...

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One Morning at 214 Clitlick Street

After the appropriate sound of a ringing doorbell, a rather matronly looking woman entered a rather matronly looking foyer. The foyer looked matronly by having walls covered in a print wallpaper with columns of cute, farmyard geese. Thin stripes coloured like slightly tarnished copper separated each column from the other. Here and there, a knick knack shelf with a ceramic figure of another goose would assist the single framed mirror with three 'never to be used so don't even try' coat rungs,...

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Happy Halloween Street

Fresh out of high school, at the ripe old age of eighteen, I remember hurrying down the local town parade route immediately after the holiday parade. The mayor had decreed that the street, all six blocks of it, would be officially known as HALLOWEEN STREET for the twenty-four-hour duration. I was headed for the biggest, well only, costume shop in town. My new girlfriend insisted I find some racy outfit since she found my Tarzan mockup unacceptable. When she showed me her costume was my old...

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Pleasant Street Ch 04

VICE IS NICE, BUT… Ronni Thomas and her brother, Al, Jr., live on Pleasant Street, a few doors down from my house, on the corner. They’re typical American teen-agers, from a typical American family. They’re both good-looking and filled with the awakening sexuality of youth, and both of them are probably experimenting with the pleasure sex can give. I talked to their father a while back and he told me he and his wife would be going away for a couple of weeks, to some sort of convention. That...

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Pleasant Street Ch 10 Pt 0102

FRIENDS AND LOVERS The ultimate betrayal occurs when a person sleeps with their best friend’s mate. Or does it? After all, what if they’re attracted to each other and find themselves thrown together unexpectedly. It isn’t as if they’re planning to run off with each other. Maybe what they’re doing will result in more pleasure for everybody involved. Ron and Linda live on Pleasant Street. Lynette, Linda’s best friend from college, is staying with them for a while so she can get over a very...

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Pleasant Street Ch 06

Chapter 6: Marya Stops By As I said at the beginning of this collection of stories, I’m a writer and I live on Pleasant Street. Something happened the other day when my wife was away, something I never in my whole life dreamed would happen. An attractive woman named Ann Truro lives just down the block from me. I admit I’ve had more than one sexual fantasy about her, but I’ve never let Ann, or anyone else, know how I feel. Ann has a daughter, Marya, who, although she’s still young, is every...

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Pleasant Street Ch 05

‘I’LL TAKE THE SITTER HOME, DEAR’ Larry and Monica Tilton, who live three doors down on the East side of Pleasant Street, have been married for about eight years and have a couple of wonderful kids. Larry Tilton has been a faithful husband. He’s never cheated on his wife, but he has done his share of teasing at the parties they attend. And I’m sure he’s harbored fantasies about a few of their women friends, but I’m also pretty certain he never acted on those impulses. Monica is a good wife...

3 years ago
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Pleasant Surprise From A Sweet Reader

Hi everyone! This is Vatsal back again. I am really glad about the response and love you gave to my writing. I am back with a new experience about a pleasant surprise that I received. I got a mail from a reader appreciating my work. Her name is Manali. She is really a sweet woman and was happy to read my story. We started talking on Hangout. It was nice talking with her, and we were talking daily. She used to enjoy my description for her and always wanted to keep her face as a secret. She was...

2 years ago
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Pleasant Experience With Shanthi Aunty

Hi friends I am regular reader of ISS since fr 1year after reading this stories decided to express my story which happened in my engg college days me Ravi kumar from Hyderabad age 24 working in MNC About Shanthi aunty she was very sexy age 30 Shanthi aunty, my mother’s brother wife , on return from pune , purchased a flat in our apartment complex and moved in there. He husband, Arun uncle was transferred to Delhi and he had to constantly travel and aunty thought that she may move over to our...

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Pleasant Valley Saturday

Pleasant Valley Saturday At about 11:00 on a warm Saturday morning in early August, Jack Brady opened his front door and stepped out. Jack, a good-looking man in his late forties, was married to Susan. It was just the two of them in the household, as their two adult daughters now lived elsewhere. Jack began walking with a purposeful stride towards the house of his neighbors, the Greens. The Green family consisted of Pete, Adrian, and Tommy. Pete and Adrian were also in their...

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Pleasant party

I’m an imaginative girl, but what with teaching and the extra exams I’ve decided to mark I simply haven’t the time to enjoy owning my new slave as much as I should. I must admit that while I’m in the middle of a lesson and I recall his face as I last kicked his balls or made him drink a cup full of my spit I start to giggle and the kids always ask me what I’m laughing at. It’s good for them to know that their teacher is a bubbly young woman of 26 who enjoys life. Let’s just hope they never...

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The Mom Across The Street

I bought a house a few years ago in what was a predominantly older neighborhood with a few exceptions. One of those exceptions lives right across the street from me. Her name is Gloria and she has two kids. One is a young teenager and the other, a few years younger than that. Since I moved in in the middle of January, I really didn’t meet anybody for the first few months I lived there. Everybody was hibernating for the winter, I included.Well, when spring came around, I started meeting a few of...

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The Hotel Across the Street

At just 18, I found myself working my ass off just to make it on my own. I had a full time minimum paying job and a part-time job that paid a little more. My girlfriend had moved out just two months into a year long rental agreement. She had been cheating on me while I was at work in our apartment. I had taken out an ad for a roommate a few weeks later. I worked as a pizza cook and helped with truck deliveries during the week. On weekends, I worked for a cleaning company. It was on a Wednesday,...

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Ana picked up in the street

Ana picked up on the streetThat Friday would be my third night home alone. Victor was in a long business trip and he did not even when he could be backing home.On late afternoon I went to the local mall; some shopping would calm me down for sure. I felt really horny; my desire of fucking a good cock was keeping me on fire. But there was nothing I could do than wait for my loving Victor’s coming back home…When I was on my way back, I met a black man on the street.He stared at me from head to...

2 years ago
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Sunday on Sticky Street

SUNDAY ON STICKY STREET NUMBER 1... “Bitch” Michael said to Sam. "You acted like a real slut last night, I thought we were going out for a quiet drink.” “A quiet drink at “The Beating Bishop.” You’ve got to be kidding, there’s no such thing as a quiet drink at the “Bishop” on a Saturday night, you know that. Besides, you got on very well with that Highway Patrol man didn’t you!”Sam replied. “It wasn’t him," Michael replied, "it was all that lovely leather.” He giggled. “Besides, he was much...

Group Sex
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Hosed on the Street

Dashing out of the strip club with $1200 in hand after five hours in the champagne room, I was ready for a night out with Gibson. I called him on my drive home to make sure he was ready to go clubbing. My sexy man was getting dressed when I entered the master bath. He was wearing jeans and a trendy, untucked dress shirt I recently picked up for him at Buckle. I quickly changed into my skinny jeans, a black lace bra, my favorite black blouse that is two sizes too small, and 5" platfrom heels....

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easy street

  CHAPTER 1 easy street Couple begins their experiment in chastity.   The first similarity is that I was the one who ordered a chastity device for myself, not knowing whether or not my beautiful wife would be interested in it or not. Also that I sprang it on her not knowing within my own heart just how far I wanted to go with it. The differences are many. I did not order it because my sex life with my wife was unsatisfactory. Nor because I have a remarkably...

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The Building at 213 Genesee Street

It was done. A lot of hard work, planning, money and nearly a year of labor went into its making, but as Dave Logan looked upon his creation, he was pleased. The building was exactly as he'd envisioned it. As far as the architect could see, it was his finest piece of work. At six stories high, the structure dominated the small city, and he was certain there wasn't another like it anywhere in the world. Oh, there were other pie shaped buildings in some of the larger cities across the country,...

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