RepercussionsChapter 6 free porn video

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I followed him to his bedroom and waited while he finished undressing. I don't know what he does for a living. He doesn't wear a suit. When I sucked his cock earlier I didn't get the impression he works hard all day in the hot sun. He could have used a shower but the smell isn't overpowering.

When he was naked we stood together at the foot of his bed. I can't get over how big he is! He grinned down at me with a surprisingly friendly smile. His voice was neutral when he said, "So you're one of the stuck up little bitches who have been teasing Reggie all these years."

He seemed to be making a statement. It didn't sound like he was asking me a question. I bit my tongue. I wanted to tell him his daughter is a bully and that no one picks on her. Just the opposite is true. She picks on everyone else. But I decided I'm having a hard enough time without antagonizing this huge man just prior to getting raped by him.

When I didn't respond he suddenly backhanded me across the face so hard I fell to the floor! I was so shocked that it was a few seconds before I cried out and grabbed my face.

He reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair. He lifted me to my feet without any apparent effort at all. When I was able to stand on my own he got down in my face and snarled, "I asked you a question, bitch!"

Before I could stop myself I exclaimed, "No! People don't pick on Reggie! She's a bully! She picks on everyone else. She starts fights and beats up little kids. Anyone who tries to pick on her gets their ass kicked! Do you know why I'm here? I'm here because I didn't let her bully me. I'm here because I'm prettier than she is and she thinks that's why I don't like her. It has never occurred to her that if she was nice to people she might have a lot more friends!"

I knew even as the words left my mouth being honest was a dumb thing to do. But I honestly didn't think my life was going to get any worse because of it. He has already proven he's as cruel as his fucked up daughter and that he has no sympathy for me.

I didn't expect him to believe me. It didn't occur to me at the time that because he's so large he probably got picked on when he was a kid and he assumes the same thing is happening to his daughter.

He picked me up by my upper arms and threw me onto the bed on my back. He glared down at me without another word for a moment. I expected him to climb up over me and rape me. I'm even more scared now because I know that even if he wasn't seething with anger this is going to be a violent and painful experience.

He didn't just pounce on me, though. Not at first. He dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed and grabbed my ankles. He pulled me closer to the foot of the bed and spread my legs so far apart it was painful. Then he bent down and started licking and sucking on my pussy.

Suddenly it didn't matter that I hate him and I hate this horrible situation. When I felt a human tongue on my pussy for the first time I nearly lost my mind! Damn that feels good!

I bit my lip to keep from crying out. I struggled to remain calm and resist the indescribably delicious feelings he's causing me. Is this what Reggie and her two twisted friends experienced when they made me do this for them?!! I had no idea!!

He stopped after a couple of minutes and lifted his head. I moaned in dismay when he took his tongue away. I opened my eyes to see why he stopped.

He was smiling at me, if the leering look on his face can be called a smile. When my vision cleared and our eyes met he said, "I think the thing I miss most since my wife left is eating pussy. God I love to eat a nice juicy pussy! And yours is delicious. I hope you got a lot of sleep last night because we're going to be up real late tonight."

What struck me most in that moment is that he has apparently forgotten all about his violent outburst of a moment ago. It's as though it never happened! The way he's talking to me now, anyone eavesdropping would have been left with the impression that I'm here voluntarily!

He dipped his head back down to my pussy and I immediately forgot all about his promise of a long night of sex. My mind focused on what he's doing with that marvelous tongue! I forgot all about maintaining my cool and fighting off an orgasm. I came loudly and then I came again and again. And each time my cries of pleasure were louder.

I was nearly out of my mind when he finally got to his feet. I was vaguely aware that he was moving me back up to the center of the bed as if I weigh nothing. I didn't have the presence of mind to remember to be alarmed until I felt the bed shift under his massive weight and I opened my eyes to see him looming over me.

It didn't appear that he was even near me yet but I felt the head of his hard cock come to rest on my belly and I knew that what's coming next is going to be more than I can stand. I started crying quietly before he even tried to put it in me. I whispered, "Please, Mr. Kunkle. Please don't hurt me."

He smiled down at me but it wasn't a friendly smile. It only made things worse when I could so plainly see how much he's enjoying my fear and my tears. He quietly but firmly ordered me to line his cock up so that he can "fuck the shit" out of me.

I reached down with both hands and tried to do as he ordered. I had to move up a little farther on the mattress to line the fat knob of his cock up with my drooling pussy. I worked it around until it was pressed against my vaginal opening and then I just lay there crying quietly in anticipation of the pain I knew was coming.

As soon as I took my hands away he started applying pressure. It might have been easier for me if I could have relaxed. But I'm justifiably terrified. I felt the pressure build as the large knob at the head of his cock began to force that part of my body open farther than it was ever intended to go during normal intercourse.

The sensations I'm experiencing remind me of last night when Ben raped my ass. The pressure grew and grew until my body seemed to surrender to the inevitable and the head of his cock popped inside of me suddenly, followed immediately by about four or five inches of his immense cock shaft.

He moaned in pleasure and I cried out in pain. It felt like he just shoved his fist into me! What made it worse was that I knew it wasn't even half way in yet! I wasn't certain I was going to survive this!

He didn't move at first. He muttered something about how hot and tight my pussy is and how good it feels. Then, instead of driving more of that massive cock inside of me he started slowly pulling back until just the head remained inside of me.

He paused for a few seconds and then slowly began to apply pressure again. I still feel like I'm being stretched to the limit. But it doesn't seem quite as bad as that moment when he first got past my defenses and entered me.

He fucked me very, very slowly, working more of his cock into me with each surprisingly gentle stroke. Ben started out fucking my ass this same way last night, and it had been nearly as painful.

I cried out in pain when his cock hit something deep inside of me. He had reached bottom! It hurt like hell. But now the terror intensified because I know he still has several more inches of cock to go.

He began to fuck me like that, though, with just the part of his cock I've been able to accommodate. But each time he hit bottom and the head of his cock hit whatever it is inside of me that's stopping it I cried out in pain.

It just went on and on until eventually the pain began to dull. And then something strange and horrible happened. On one of his strokes he reached that place that has been stopping him. This time, though, he apparently decided he would not be denied. He grunted with the effort and jammed the rest of his cock inside of me.

I screamed in pain. I thought surely I'd pass out. It doesn't seem fair that I have to be conscious for this horrible pain. He lay on top of me, grinding his pubic bone into mine and moaning with pleasure for a very long time. It hurt like hell and I continued to whimper like a wounded animal. But I don't want him to pull it out. I'm terrified of what it's going to feel like when he pulls it back out. I know the pain will be excruciating and I'm in no hurry to experience it. And once he pulls it out he will, of course, slam it right back inside of me. It's what guys do. It's how they get their rocks off.

I felt him begin to move, finally, and I held my breath. It hurt. It hurt like hell. But it didn't hurt as bad as when he first drove it into me. I wanted to look down and see if I was bleeding. But all I could see was his massive body.

He pulled his cock almost all the way out of me and drove it into me again. I screamed in pain once more. And once more he bottomed out. He only paused for a second or two this time before pulling out. Then he started fucking me like that, slamming his entire huge cock into me all the way now, bottoming out painfully inside of me with each stroke.

Each stroke hurt a little less as my body gradually became numb. I tried not to think about what damage he might be doing to me. It's too horrible to contemplate. After those first few violent strokes I didn't scream anymore. I only moaned in pain and sobbed loudly.

I almost got used to it. Right up until the very end when he began to pound his three hundred pound frame down onto me with such violence that he drove me right down into the mattress.

And then, after he finally climaxed deep inside of me, he collapsed on top of me and I couldn't breathe at all.

I held my breath for as long as I could and then, desperate for air, I began pushing against him. He didn't even seem to notice. Then, just before I passed out I began pounding on him with my fists.

He finally rolled off of me just before I lost consciousness. I lay there for the longest time, panting and sucking life giving oxygen into my struggling lungs. It took a long moment for me to gather my strength. Finally I had to know. I had to look down to assess the damage to my body.

I worked my way up onto my elbows and then into a sitting position. I cried out as I sat up. I felt as though I had been repeatedly kicked in the stomach. I was shocked when I looked down and didn't see any traces of blood. I expected to find a pool of it between my legs.

He was watching me and smiling cruelly. I think he knows what's going through my mind. He finally chuckled and said, "You'll be okay. I told you, it hurts at first. But you get used to it. You're one of the smallest but you ain't the first girl I've ever fucked. I haven't killed anyone with my cock yet. There's plenty of guys out there with bigger dicks than mine. And I ain't never heard of a girl dying from getting fucked with a big dick."

I'm not reassured. My stomach hurts so much I can hardly move. I started to lie down with the intention of rolling myself into a little ball and crying my eyes out. But he isn't through with me yet.

He growled, "What the hell is wrong with you?! I know you were trained better than that. I saw the movie. I know Reggie taught you what to do after someone fucks you."

I sighed. But even that hurt. I struggled to turn onto my side and worked my way down on the bed until my mouth was close to his cock. Even now that it's totally flaccid it's about eight inches long and nearly as fat as it was when it was erect.

I carefully gripped the bottom of the shaft between the tips of my thumb and two fingers. I gently lifted it off of his belly. It's so large that it actually feels heavy in my hand! I sucked as much of it clean as I could get into my mouth. Then I licked our juices from the remainder of his freaky large dick.

When I finished sucking our juices from his cock I went to work on his large, hairy balls. His balls are so large and hang down so far that I wasn't sure he isn't deformed. I heard some boys talking once about a picture they saw of a man with something they called elephantitis. I don't know if they were telling the truth or not. They said the man in the picture suffered from a disease that made his testicles so large he was forced to wheel them around in front of him in a wheelbarrow everywhere he went.

Mr. Kunkle's aren't that large, of course. But they hang nearly half way down his thighs! I cleaned them carefully with my tongue, looking forward to finally getting a little time to rest. I thought we must surely be done for the night. He already came twice, once in my mouth and once in my traumatized pussy. I'm still in a great deal of pain and I'm totally exhausted. When I thought I was finished I started to lie down again, slowly, because every move I make is painful.

He laughed at the expression on my face and said, "What did I tell you, cunt? I told you that you have a long, hard night ahead of you. I didn't bring you in here for a quickie! I haven't had any pussy in a very long time. We're nowhere near done yet."

I groaned and pleaded with him, "Please, Mr. Kunkle. Just let me rest for a minute. I hurt so much I can hardly move."

Unmoved he just said, "You'll be okay. Moving around is the best thing for you right now. It'll keep you from tightening up."

He turned over onto his stomach and said, "I want you to eat my ass for a while. Do it just like you ate that sweet young cunt in the movie. I'll let you know when you're finished."

I struggled to my knees. He spread his legs apart and I tried to get comfortable between them. It wasn't easy. My stomach is killing me. But I guess he was right. The pain is slowly diminishing.

Just as I was about to try to stretch out on my stomach I looked down at the mess he made between my legs and suggested that he let me go to the bathroom and clean up a little first.

He glanced back and apparently agreed it would be a good idea. He told me to hurry back.

I cleaned up and finally got a chance to rinse out my mouth. But even as I was rinsing my mouth out I realized what a waste of time it was. I'm about to stick my tongue in an old man's ass!

I shuddered in disgust. But I'm reasonably certain I hit rock bottom yesterday. I don't believe anything I can be made to do from now on could be worse than sucking a dog's cock.

I went back to the bedroom. It's still early in the evening. But I can't help hoping Mr. Kunkle, having enjoyed two orgasms, will have dropped off to sleep and I can curl up on the floor or the edge of the bed and go to sleep.

Of course, that isn't how my luck is running anymore. I found him lying there just as I left him, waiting impatiently for me to return.

I stood at the foot of the bed and looked at his massive body splayed out before me. His big, hairy ass reminds me of the back end of a bear. It's definitely not very appetizing. But I have no say in the things I do and I'm certainly not here to please me.

I crawled back up between his legs and carefully stretched out on my stomach. I started licking the crack of his ass. It isn't dirty, really. I can tell that he hasn't had a shower since this morning and that he has spent a day at work. But once I cleaned off the sweat from a day's work I was able to stop holding my breath.

I used my hands to spread his ass open and hold the cheeks apart. I kept my eyes closed. It's easier to do something so nasty if I can't see what I'm doing. I began to concentrate my efforts on his back passage. It surprised me a little to see how much he seems to enjoy it. He shivered with pleasure and there was a lot of sighing and quiet moans. When I realized he's getting excited again and I'm quite likely going to get fucked by that monster cock in a few more minutes I couldn't hold back the quiet tears. But he either didn't notice or didn't care.

He's apparently in no hurry to rape me again. He enjoys what he's making me do. He made me continue until my tongue was so tired and nearly numb that even if he didn't finally stop me I would have been unable to continue. Even with the threat of that cattle prod hanging over my head I was going to have to stop. I was losing the ability to stick out my tongue.

He finally stopped me. I struggled to get up on my knees and get out of his way. It was a moment before I realized I've been concentrating on the pain in my tongue and my jaw for so long that I've all but forgotten about the residual pain in my stomach from when he fucked me the first time. And now he's going to do it again! I have no idea how I'm going to survive this night!

He turned over and I was moved to tears once more by the sight of that huge erection. It's lying on his belly and throbbing, ready to plunder my body again. He took a moment to enjoy the sight of me kneeling beside him and crying from a combination of pain, exhaustion and abject terror.

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It's Sunday morning. I woke up early, and I am now rubbing my dick.Next to me, Angela is still sleeping, on her side. I look at her nice, white ass, that is tilted towards me. I can see her pussy and ass hairs, between her thighs and ass cheeks. I can smell her scent, an amazing mixture of her erotic sweat and the smell of her pussy, full of my semen... I have fed her well , all night long ...I put my finger in my mouth, to make it wet, and I put it on her asshole. I press it softly and very...

1 year ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 30 Exhausted Plan

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My husband Sven glanced at the sleeping Kora as Ealaín’s question seemed to echo through the tent. His face tightened. “I want to go after that bastard. We’ve destroyed his army and I want to ram my sword into his guts. But...” “But?” the aoi si asked, her voice sounding almost bored, disinterested. “The amulet.” A shiver ran through me. The Biomancer Vebrin’s soul laid locked Kora’s amulet. Panthopus, his terrifying...

1 year ago
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Passionate FamilyChapter 9

Billy was sitting on Lisa's bed, and looking hungrily at the "vee" of her pussy, outlined clearly by her brief tight shorts. He could tell she had no panties on, because of the smooth, unbroken curve of her buttocks when she walked. He thought he caught a glimpse of a wisp of blonde pubic hair, and it excited him. Strange, he thought, how exciting a woman's body can be-- even with clothes on! "Brace yourself for a goodie, lover-boy!" Lisa said mysteriously, her brown eyes sparkling and...

1 year ago
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Carolyns Lingerie Store Sexcapade

My husband Mark is crazy about my tits, and though I don’t mean to boast, most guys seem to really love them, especially my big, dark nipples. Mark is always trying to pull my top down when we’re out and about, and he loves it when I flash my tits in public places. And I don’t mind his obsession with displaying my tits, since I’m not shy about my body and I’m proud of my tits. Anyway, we’re always on the lookout for revealing tops and sexy lingerie which show off my tits. One day Mark came home...

1 year ago
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Another Bar Fucking Story

I overheard One saying how much of a stud he was to these three females he had with him. Now H and I had seen this guy earlier in the gym so we were not impressed with his BS. H, G, Cheif, and I are pretty well hung. H and G are dark skinned dudes and Cheif is a Comanche. I'm just a white guy with a big dick. They all looked at me and I said, "What? Am I the only one who can talk to these guys?" H, who has a doctorate, said, "You be de white dude. And dis is a white bar." "H, you are a racist....

Group Sex
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The annoying but hot coworker

(I should maybe mention that this story only contains light BDSM)Roughly ever since I started watching porn regularly when I was maybe 15 years old, I stopped jerking off while just thinking about sexual scenarios.Thanks to her, that has changed again though. For the first time in almost 15 years, I once again jerked off while just thinking about fucking her. And man, was it a load that fantasy made me shoot. Usually, I only cum that much when I'm not alone.And even twice in a row! That's...

3 years ago
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The School Life Of A Boy 8211 Part 1

Hi I’m not currently living in India.i was born in Canada even though my parents are Indian and came to india as my parents got jobs there.there I went to a private school and as I had very weak Hindi I did all my studies in English medium.all these experiences are true and I wanted to share them with my fellow Indians for their entertainment.ladies I am looking forward to your comments and getting to know you all on please comment to me via email – again please do not reply...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 76

"Did I tell you?" Rita asked as Anne and Camille took in the landscaping around the house. For Camille, it was like a dream. The thought of living in a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood had been something she'd put away long before. "It certainly beats a home built 170 years ago," Anne said. "Wait until you see the inside," Rita said enthusiastically. "It's beautiful. It has a perfect room for Evan to set up an office and it has a finished apartment over the garage that would...

1 year ago
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Chance Encounter

My name is Paige and I’m a twenty four year-old single white female. I live in the suburbs and love it. I work in the city and hate it. Though I love my job, I spend most of my day driving alone from place to place hawking my business. It gets lonely and after doing this same job, on the same routes for two years lately I’ve been trying new things to entertain myself while I make my tiring commutes. The other day I tried something new after a late-night commercial stuck in my head. I recalled...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Best Buy

All of my stories have a semblance of truth, some more than others.Clara felt like an idiot standing outside the electronics store with her giant TV and her little car. There was no way the 70 inch TV was going to fit inside her car. The k** who brought it out went to get some rope to tie it to the roof rack. This was one of the few times she actually missed her late ex husband who passed on 20 years before. He was a controlling asshole, but at least he handled this kind of stuff. Even when she...

1 year ago
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Little sis 1

Little s*s #1It was summer, my lil s*s and I always go to the beech during the day. And since there was no school we could afford to. But this year there was somthing different. I noticed my sister had grown up a bit, I never use to look at her like this before now, but as she came out side for the first time to go to the beech, wearing her cute little bikini, I couldnt help but gasp.Without acting to weird, I asked her to follow as we took off down the narrow road towards the beech.We would...

2 years ago
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Intro to Sissies XI

Intro to Sissies XI By latexslut "," Ms Orange announced, "your training begins." John Phillips stood still, and listened to his heart begin to beat faster. Sweat formed on his forehead and in his groin and butt, where the plug held in yesterdays come. He would obey, he would obey. In his entire life, he had never been whipped until yesterday and yesternight, and he had never even conceived of the pain it could bring. The first stroke hurt, and the second and the third....

2 years ago
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The Girl From NepalChapter 11

Jagati ran a hand down the silky material of the robes Bas'awn had handed her before leaving the room. Everything had been a blur after they'd complete the final tier of their joining. Before she'd known it, Bas'awn had untangled himself from her body and released her from the ties. Soothing her tangled hair off her face, he'd smiled before kissing her forehead. Then he'd left saying nothing to any of them. Kurlack and Sarina were still gazing at each other and Jagati was left fuming....

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Syren De Mer Amara Romani Taboo Conquest The Sequel

Teen step daughter Amara Romani could never imagine having sex with her step mom Syren DeMer. But after best friend Lyra tells her it happened with Lyra’s step mom, Amara can’t get it out of her head. All of a sudden, Amara’s turned on by her step mom, obsessed by Lyra’s suggestion to open her mind to what could be the best sex of her life. Amara no longer sees Syren as the wholesome woman who raised her, but as a sexual MILF, flaunting her tits and ass. Amara sees...

1 year ago
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The Dallas Fathers Club

There are fathers’ clubs all over the United States, probably all over the world, dedicated to the proposition that sex between parents and their children is a good thing. Of course you will not find them listed in the yellow pages or advertised on billboards, at least not in this country. However they do exist and they all seem to have many members. In fact I was surprised a secret of this sort could be so well kept. As a rule it is necessary to be an incestuous parent in order to find one...

1 year ago
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Silent Encounter

Silent encounterPart 1 We have not seen each other for some time but, on the day we are due to meet up, we exchange some erotic texts messages and two phone calls. These events heighten the tension for both of us. I arrive back at the house later than agreed; quite deliberately so, in order to further raise the sexual tension between us upon my arrival. You are already there and look beautiful, as ever, and we embrace briefly. Oh sweet memory of the evening when I gave you keys to the house!...

1 year ago
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My First Sex Story

She lay back on the firm bed carefully. Her wrists were chained behind her and she didn't want to become bruised. Her long auburn hair was cast over her shoulders and d****d around her breasts. Her eyes were blue-green but concealed behind a silken scarf. Pale, freshly washed skin blushed in the morning light. Her black bra and panties were all that were between her and the man that stood over her. She could feel his presence, his eyes, his power over her. Her lips parted in a silent, quivering...

2 years ago
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MY WIFE AMY Never Saw His Face

My wife is a very conservative exec VP but has somewhat of a wild (but not too wild) side. She is 40 something and has the body of a 28 yr old. 36c 26 38...gorgeous full ass, firm tits with very big pink nipples...gorgeous legs(especially in heels)Last summer she visited NYC with a very close male freind of hers that is gay. He has been in a relationship since he was young. They were talking during the drive to the city and he expressed an interest to seek out some casual sex. My wife...

1 year ago
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That Night With My Aunt Part 1 of 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! My Aunt and I have been having sex for a while now. No one else in the family knows about our "secret meetings" until one day. This is how it all started: Ok so my name is Oliver. I'm 19. I have green eyes, a shaved head, and I'm pretty in shape. I work out & eat healthy so I stay healthy. I have this aunt, Aunt Linda, who is very promiscuous. She is known in the family as "easy." She goes out a lot and and according to my cousins, she sleeps around....

4 years ago
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Meri Vidhwa Mami Ke Saath Honeymoon Unakehi Ghar Me 8211 Part 3

Hello friends main fhir se aaya hu mera next part leke meri mami jinaka naam savita hai wo mere lund se bahot hi jyada khush ho gayi aur wo hamesha muzese chudwane kiye tayyar rahati hai. Par ye abhi ki baat hai. Lekin usaki gaand ki suhagraat manane ke baad wo ache se chal bhi sakati thi. Lekin thoda 2-3 ghante rest karne ke baad hum dono uthe tab shyam ke 5 baje the wo fresh hokar wo muze boli ki aaj hum khana bahar jaake khyenge aur kuch shopping bhi karenge main bola ki teri gaand kaisi hai...

2 years ago
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Until Now

You are walking through the mall looking for some gifts for your girlfriend. Fredrick's of Hollywood seems like the best place to go, seeing as how she is a cock-hound. Katie is 5 foot 7 and built for riding and sucking. Got just enough meat to chew on and jiggle. She is dirty blond and naturally tan with blue doe eyes than love to see your cock in her mouth. As you go in, you wonder if they would model this lingerie for you. They closed in about 20 minutes so time is short. You see a petite...

3 years ago
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My MILF Weekend Part 3

I guess Tanya had worn me out the night before because I slept in on Monday. I finally got up and took a shower, and when I was coming out of the bathroom I ran into my cousin, who was also just getting up. She asked me to tell her mom that she’d be ready to eat in a little while. I went to the kitchen, delivered the message, and my aunt said she’d make us brunch. When my cousin got to the table there was another gourmet feast, and we all enjoyed the meal.  My cousin told us about the band she...

4 years ago
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LegaciesChapter 7 Future Plans Women Problems

General, I would appreciate having a lengthy discussion with you about your plans for your company's domestic operations for a change. With the price of crude oil sinking lower every day, contract drilling operations will come to a grinding halt and independent and even major producing companies will be going into bankruptcy in increasing numbers. With significant income coming in from my project and the company's government contracts we will be strong enough financially to benefit from the...

4 years ago
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Cuckolded by His SonChapter 3

Next day at dinner time Rob enters his parent's house and calls out to his mother; who tells him she is upstairs in her bedroom and he should come straight up. As he enters the bedroom his amazed to see his own mother laid on her bed; naked from the waist down but wearing a satin red Basque; gone are the wispy red hairs of her cunt and her lips are part showing just how wet her cunt really is. In four strides from the door to the bed Rob manages to cast off his clothes leaving a trail...

2 years ago
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Double TroubleChapter 3

Everyone went their merry way and there was a general feeling of happiness and goodwill, with their sharing lifestyle not interfering with their day to day lives but in fact enhancing it. About 6 months after their excursion to the nudist resort, Ralph was called into the Managing Director's office and of course he wondered what was going on as his Technical Support division was going well and he had just recently been put in overall charge of the R&D division too. Mac, his boss gave...

1 year ago
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The Trinket Ch 10

Lynn opened her eyes to a shiny, silver key, being held in front of her face. Her eyes slowly focussed on the moving object, then trailed up the hand to the arm. To the big bald man standing before her. ‘A safe deposit box key!’ The man’s deep voice said as he waved the key slowly. The man spoke in an angry tone from a double chin neck that appeared uncomfortably tight. His jet black tie matched his jacket over a white shirt. Lynn made a dash to get up and run but the man grabbed her by the...

2 years ago
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The Beginning of My Addiction to Sex 3 Tuesday

Introduction: Seduced by an older woman For those who judged the story line BEFORE it was really developed, I hope youll look at this series in a different light. Wait and see where its going, dont guess . . . Fantasy turned into reality. . . 1 is titilating, 2 is intro and this is the next step. I awoke often that night and kept looking at the clock as the night dragged on. I kept thinking about Celeste, her beautiful long dark hair, her fantastic tits, her slender figure and most of all her...

3 years ago
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Just a SecChapter 22

Kara did not allow the boy any time at all to get any more nervous. She immediately came over to him and turned him to face her. Then, she wrapped him in a big adult hug, pressing her tits into his chest, and saying, “I hope that we can get to be really good friends here, Connor, and that we can remain friends even long after this weekend is over. Okay?” Connor could not speak at that moment. As he nodded his head to acknowledge what the beautiful woman pressing her body against him had...

3 years ago
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An Inappropriate Romance

With our teenage girls less demanding on her time, Reb began working in a nursing home. The fact that she worked a permanent afternoon shift worked out well. The kids went to and from school by bus. Reb leaving for work after lunch. I fed the kids their evening meal, making sure they did their homework. Reb returning home at eleven. Life really was good. After four years of this life, I began to tire of continually hearing about the sickness she had to cope with. I'd been supportive for...

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