MistakesChapter 6 free porn video

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Cassie was all smiles as we walked into the flat. She was clearly expecting some information as to what passed between us. After all, she had pushed us together.

Rachel smiled at her knowingly, and tucked her arm in mine, pulling herself against me.

“He wants to date me!” she told her. “I’m so happy!”

“He’s pretty slow on the uptake,” confided Cassie to her, “but he gets there in the end, with a suitable push.”

The two looked at me and laughed. I shrugged and went to get some wine. From the smell there seemed to be some sort of chicken casserole, but I needed red wine, so I found a nice Australian Merlot and a Sauvignon Blanc for those who wanted white.

The girls were gabbling away together in the kitchen, so I made Gin and Tonics for us all as an aperitif, and joined them.

The chicken dish was quite spicy, with peppers, olives, garlic and oregano, to say nothing of tomatoes; buttered baby potatoes were also much in evidence. Delicious. Everyone had red wine!

I rustled up a treacle pudding for dessert, quickly done in the microwave oven, and served with ice cream. Then we retired to the living room with a brandy for Rachel and me, and a liqueur for Cassie, to have with our coffee. Of course, Rachel sat on the sofa and it was obvious where I was expected to sit. She cuddled up to me and stayed that way, throwing smiles at me from time to time. It was unnerving.

After one brandy, Rachel asked for whisky, which I was delighted to provide and even more delighted to learn it was Rachel’s favourite spirit. After she had sampled a few of my malt collection, there was no serious talking at all. In fact, we giggled and laughed the evening away. In a sense that was better for us than a deep discussion about our feelings; we were just naturally happy together. And drunk!

At eleven, I pointed out we all had work the next day, and Cassie with a knowing grin asserted that Rachel could not possibly drive home in her state of inebriation! Neither could either of us take her.

I was about to protest that Rachel and I were not going to sleep in the same bed, when Cassie, seeing my expression, told Rachel that she would see her to her room, which I later realised she had prepared while I was out at Rachel’s place. Rachel came to me and hugged me.

“Thanks!” she said, gazing into my eyes. “Good night.”

“Good night,” I replied. “Sleep well.”

There was a chaste kiss on the lips and she was off to bed. I was left as if in the aftermath of an earthquake, after that hug and kiss. She had that effect on me, I remembered. That and a certain hardening down below.

All the more reason to be very cautious about the growth of any relations between us. I blessed my foresight in obtaining a three bedroom flat! I certainly was not ready to be pushed into bed with Rachel anytime soon, no matter how my body might scream at me to bed her immediately! In any case, she was still technically a married woman, at least I assumed so. I made a resolution to ask her how the divorce was going.

There was a knock on my door after I got into bed. Rachel? I steeled myself, but it was Cassie.

“I borrowed one of your dress shirts for Rachel to wear in bed. OK?” she asked, her head round the door. It was OK.

When I arrived in the kitchen the next morning, I found that Cassie had laid the table for a cereal breakfast with grapefruit. I set the kettle to boil and began to cut and segment the grapefruits. I was intent on this when a feminine presence made itself known.


I looked up. Oh my sainted aunt! Rachel stood in the doorway. Her legs! My shirt hung from the sharp tips of her breasts and more to the point came just fractionally below her sex, and for the first time I could see all her legs. She had worn short skirts before, but never that short! I must have stared, because she laughed.

“Roddy,” she reproved me, “I said ‘Good Morning’!”

“Oh, er, Good Morning,” I blushed, having been caught out. “Did you sleep well?”

“Very well,” she said, “and I’m glad you like my legs.”

“Like the rest of you, they’re perfect, but quite a distraction.”

She walked over to the teapot and kettle, and having checked that tea had not been made, but the kettle boiled, proceeded to make it. She went to the fridge, bent to pick up the milk bottle, giving a perfect view of her sheer high leg briefs and a hint of what lay beneath.

This time I was not going to be caught out.

“Nice knickers,” I said, and returned my eyes to the grapefruit in hand.

She made a noise at that, and I could not tell whether she was pleased or annoyed. Not my problem: she could have dressed, but obviously chose to flash me. There! I could be guilt-free about staring.

Cassie arrived and glanced at Rachel’s back, then looked again, and grinned at me. She knew the dynamics of Rachel’s ‘dress’ or lack of it. She winked and ran her tongue suggestively round her lips. Rachel turned round, aware something was going on, and Cassie put on an exaggerated air of innocence.

Breakfast was consumed in relative silence, except for Cassie asking with in impish grin, “So what are you both planning for the weekend?”

I looked at Rachel and she looked at me, then we both burst out laughing.

“Rachel, would you like to come here again this evening, and we can talk about things and even make plans?” I asked her.

“Thank you, yes, I’d like that,” she smiled that hundred watt smile. “I need to go home to change though.”

“You’re going to stay the night again, I hope,” said Cassie, with a knowing look.

Rachel looked at me apprehensively.

“Yes,” I said, “that would be a great idea.”

Cassie giggled, “Well, I’m going back to my flat, so you’ll have all the privacy you need.”

“Why should we need privacy?” I asked in Rachel’s direction.

“Can’t think,” Rachel said with a grin. “I’ll bring some nightwear this time.”

“Spoilsport!” I whined, and we laughed again. Being happy seemed to be growing on us.

We all retired to dress and then met in the hallway. I gave Rachel a key to the flat, and told her the PIN for the door to the block, then with another chaste kiss, and a mutual smile between Rachel and myself, we went off to our respective jobs.

It was fortunate that on that particular Friday all the computers in our area of influence were working perfectly, so the phones were largely silent. I needed a break from the big project, which seemed to be motoring along reasonably well. It meant that I could check over all the assistance the boys and girls in the main office had given to our other customers. It kept me busy and mentally occupied until lunchtime.

Then it was that the events of the previous few days impinged on my conscious mind, not to mention a certain woman’s arrival in my life.

The first reaction was excited elation that Rachel Grantham, the Rachel Grantham (except she was now Rachel Trowbridge), was intent on making me her boyfriend and who knows what else?

The next was that she was different from the other women I’d met, dated and/or bedded. Rachel was Zoë material, someone whom I already wanted to be more permanent. I could not see this as being a transient fling.

Then came the misgivings. She had gone with Gary for two years, then married him and the marriage lasted four years – six years in all. She said that after we’d been together she realised that Gary and she had little in common. After six years she realised that they had little in common? Could I believe that?

So I was different from all the other men including Gary? Perhaps it was true that it was the absence of sex coupled with the evenings and days out that enthralled her. The problem was that for six years according to her, sex was what kept them together, and according to her was practically the only thing.

So what if my performance was not up to Gary’s obviously high standard? What if someone came along in, say, eight years time and she had found in the meantime that I was lacking in some department? She did it once, why not again?

From elation to despondency in two minutes!

The rest of the day was not passed in a euphoric haze as I anticipated seeing her again that evening. I was no longer confident that this relationship would work out, and I would have to tell her that.

Having completed everything for that day and organised work for early the next Monday, I had already arrived home and had begun to prepare the evening meal, when I heard her key in the lock. I went to meet her and was rewarded by a dazzling smile (I did mention her teeth before?). Instantly all the worries I had entertained during the day simply evaporated. She dropped her cabin bag and came to my arms.

The kiss was not in the slightest a chaste one: it was a full on invitation to strip her gloriously naked and have my way with her, right there in the hallway, right then. There was an open mouth, soft lips nibbled and a tentative tongue which invited mine. Needless to say, I did not strip and ravish: there was still cooking to finish. Rachel sighed and went off to her room to leave her case, while I returned to the kitchen.

We ate opposite each other at the kitchen table, which meant I could gaze at her loveliness. She for her part gazed right back, her eyes showing love and affection: open, without guile or doubt. No furrowing of the brow, just peaceful relaxation. She was clearly contented and already feeling at home with me in my flat.

We chatted about our day. She had told me all about her job and what it entailed when we were ‘cheating’ Gary out of his cuckold status, and I had done the same for her, so no further descriptions were needed, though some of the characters needed putting in context.

After the meal we washed up and dried the pots and pans together, she begging to wash rather than dry, since I knew where everything went. Then I made decaffeinated tea and we went to the living room and sat together on the sofa.

I realised she hadn’t changed out of her business suit. The skirt was three inches above the knee standing and showed a lot more thigh than that as she sat with me on the low sofa.

“Music or TV?” I asked.

“Music,” she stated, and getting up, moved to the music player below the TV. She bent over and searched the play list, selecting a number of pieces.

Now if I had been programming the player, I would have knelt down or squatted. Not Rachel. Straight legged, she bent more than double from the waist and her skirt climbed higher and higher until I could see she was wearing stockings. Stockings! Who wears stockings to work when she could wear tights? In Winter! Did I remember her saying on one occasion that she never wore stockings?

There in front of me, low as I was on the sofa, were a pair of stockings on the most deliciously shapely legs, and above them pale, naked thighs, slim, tight and firm. The most delightful thing was that the skirt did not allow even a glimpse of her knickers! So tantalising! So erotic!

The soft strains of Mozart began and she straightened up and turned towards me.

“Will this do?” she asked, with a smirk. Not a smile – a smirk. She knew exactly what she had done.

I had a memory flash of that very morning, so I was not going to be embarrassed at looking at those gorgeous legs.

“The music or your sexy stocking clad thighs?” I asked innocently. Her smirk broadened, if such a thing be possible.

“I chose the music for me; I chose the stockings for you. I changed when I got here.” she said huskily, and the smirk softened into the most loving smile. She came and stood over me, legs apart on each side of mine, and leaning forwards, kissed me hard, holding my head to keep the contact as long as she wanted it, which turned out to be long enough for my penis to become fully erect and push painfully against my trouser leg.

She let go of my head, and knelt up onto the sofa, still either side of my thighs. This open stance pushed up the tightly stretched skirt until once again her milky thighs were on view, and this time a lot nearer to my face. Her thighs were flawless, tight and slim, begging to he stroked and kissed.

Her hand swooped to my belt and fly, both of which she undid with consummate skill. I stiffened (by which I mean the rest of me stiffened, my prick was already pushing out my boxers and was as stiff as it could get).

She kissed my forehead, and my eyelids, and my cheeks, while her hand delved into my boxer’s fly.

“Touch me!” she whispered. “Push up my skirt and touch me, please, Rod?”

I froze. Everything in me wanted to do just that, but this was wrong, it was too soon, too quick. It simply wasn’t right. I think my misgivings earlier in the day dictated those feelings; it was certainly not my body’s urgency.

As I said, I froze, and she felt it, darted a glance at my face, pulled her hand rapidly out of my underwear and stood off the sofa. She pulled down the hem of her skirt.

“Oh, shit!” she said, her face beet red. “Shit! I feel so ... humiliated. So embarrassed. I mean I thought ... It’s too soon isn’t it?”

I simply nodded. I held out a hand and she took it. I pulled her to sit with me, and hugged her, kissing her forehead, and stroking her hot cheek. Then a gentle kiss on her lips.

“I’m so sorry,” she began.

“Don’t be,” I replied. “A misunderstanding.”

She hugged me. “Can I try to explain?”

“You don’t need to, you know.”

“I’d like to. I feel such a relief that at last we’re together. I’ve missed you for so long. All that time after I started the divorce and I’d seen Cassie, I would feel so lonely and you’ve no idea how many nights I cried because I’d missed my chance with you again.”


“Well, school at first, then fooling Gary, I think I really began to fall in love with you then. And now, here we are, together, alone in your flat. Everything turned out right at last. It seemed natural to make love. I want you so badly Roddy darling.”

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The Great River 2 The Rose of Asenmar Part 1

Three months had passed since the incident at the Great River and Alya had seen very little of Talan in that time. The heat of summer was starting to fade and the cool nights of autumn were just over the horizon and Talrinen, the great capital of the kingdom, was already preparing for harvest time when merchants and pilgrims and peoples from all over the kingdom and beyond would come to the city for the great harvest festivals.  With summer’s aging, however, the two young nobles had found their...

Straight Sex
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Banner YearChapter 44

The night Cal got back from Cheryl's tournament, Martin sat down with him as he was having a late snack. "While you were gone, the calls started." "Calls?" Cal asked. "From football coaches," Martin said with a grin. "They were all looking for a kicker." "Am I supposed to call back?" "I told them that you had already started at your chosen school," Martin answered. "I hope that was all right." "You maybe could have saved yourself a lot of money if one of them gave me a...

3 years ago
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How High a Price A Long EndingChapter 5 Wednesday

Early woke the next morning before the alarm went off and lay staring into the dark mulling the events of the past week over in his mind. For the first time he allowed himself to feel optimistic about his future with Susan. Lying snuggled up against her back he smelled her hair and marveled at how being here with her like this could make him feel so wonderful. He would do anything to keep her, God help anyone who would try to change that. Quietly slipping out of bed Early got ready for work...

1 year ago
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Interstellar Defense LeagueChapter 2

Ben awoke about two weeks after the day that came to be known as The Arrival... an innocent enough name for an event that caused mass panic. Suicide rates quadrupled within a week of the landing, and the death toll in the crash site alone was devastating- forty-thousand people dead. Not since the Third World War, twenty years prior in 2018, had so many lives been lost in a single event, for it wasn't the crash alone that took lives. After a day of sitting there, not making a motion, the...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 32 The First Twenty Four Hours

For the first twenty four hours of life at the Camp Starkers Transitional Nudist Facility - it’s full name - things progressed just like they would have for any other bunch of teenagers at camp during the Summer vacation. First they got all their gear stowed away in the dormitories - laughing and joking about the place as they went before they had their first lunch meal together. After that they were all given a free afternoon to explore the grounds more fully at their own pace and in what...

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Ian part 16

Just grin and bear it, I think to myself as I'm ushered to the front of the large room, where a beer is placed in my hands and a mock crown is placed on my head. "Ladies and gentlemen," Stuart announces, a shit-eating grin quickly spreading across his face. "We are all gathered here, several of us hundreds of miles from home, as nineteen years ago today, the world saw the arrival of Ian David Freeman." Except it didn't, I think to myself. Nineteen years ago today, the world saw the...

3 years ago
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Craving The Pain From My Son 2

Craving The Pain From My Son 2I am stood here right now in a punishment pose, with my breasts bound and placed in a stress position. My ass feels full as a large butt plus has been inserted into my anus and a dildo inserted into my cunt. I have to avoid the urge to expel them or I will receive a severe punishment.It’s all my fault. You see, for the past year, I have been a slave to my son Todd and a sister slave to my daughter Samantha. It all started a year ago when I first submitted to my...

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A Decadent Wager

A Bargain made in HellIt seemed that from the very start of school Amy had been locked in competition with Emily in one category or another.  Emily had always seemed to come out on top somehow, adding to Amy’s frustration.  Both girls were 17 and in their junior year at the all-girls school in town. Emily came from wealth and privilege and flaunted it to her advantage.   She was the self-proclaimed leader of a group of mean girls that the Greek club at school had dubbed, ?The Sisters of...

4 years ago
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Sunday Morning Going Down

I like mornings. Never had a problem getting up early. But, Sunday mornings can go either way: if I enjoyed myself a lot Saturday night, then Sundays can be a bit painful. Or groggy. Or, groggy and painful. Last Sunday was neither. Due to a change in my usual schedule, my fiance and I were alone on Sunday morning for a change. This… turned out to be a very good thing. I got up around 8, brought in the paper, and found she was still ‘out’ at 9. So I brewed some coffee, surfed the web and made...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 121 In the sight of God

There was music in the air. The shrine and its grounds had been meticulously cleaned, not that Katsuhito had EVER allowed them to fade into disrepair. Tenchi had more than his share of calluses attesting to the fact. It was never the less a point of amusement for him to note several of the flagstones he was going to replace this week had been hastily dealt with. Obviously to his eye by someone new to using a trowel. Whatever they had 'stuck' them down with didn't even appear to be...

1 year ago
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12 Rooms

12 Rooms 12 RoomsbyTheRapist PrologueThis story is real. The materials in this story are all based on actual events that took place in the Nevada desert in the summer of 2001. The names have been changed to protect the guilty, but every detail of this story has been taken from actual transcripts and video tapes archived in the facility located in the Nevada desert known simply as 12 Rooms.  Room One - Tabitha Prelude Tabitha Warren opened her eyes groggily. Her vision was blurred and the...

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My Stepmothers Sissy Daughter

My Stepmothers Sissy Daughter By Malissa Madison The dream was so real, she was being chased by some evil thing that thirsted for her blood. She was cornered with nowhere to hide. She felt its hot breath on her as she tried feebly to squeeze through a hole too tiny to fit. The hot breath as it pushed its nose against her bottom. It felt hot and wet, Wet? She woke with a start in full panic unable to stem the flow. All she could do was lay there and cry in silence. She'd had this...

2 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 35 The Emirs Death

Few of the Emirs of Kobekistan ever died in their beds. Most were assassinated, often on behalf of one or other of their sons, who would then ascend to the throne. His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was the subject of several attempts by Crown Prince Mustapha to overthrow him during the next fourteen years, though the young Prince never attempted patricide as a route to the throne. Thus it was that His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was one of the fortunate few Emirs to die...

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By the time it happened to me, I had read so many stories and seen a fewporn videos about it. You know the story, two buddies go out looking forgirls, get drunk stagger home falling all over each other.They end up in the same bed and one touches the other who's passed outand keeps going until the two are having sex.Well, three of us were out drinking, not really looking for girls. Wejust had pizza and beer until our trips to the bathroom out numbered theslices of pizza left. Tad, Bernie and I...

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Creole NiggaChocolate Bottom

"Class dismissed," remarked the professor.The students filed out of the room in a decent order. Xan Brooks gathered his belongings and headed back to his office on the campus of the University of Texas - Health Science Center at Houston. On his way there the five-foot-eight-inch, dark-skinned man, pulled his cell phone from his messenger bag. He saw an email from 'Mr. Fantastic'.Dr. Brooks had emailed a few times with this person who purported to be stationed overseas, but from the area. The...

4 years ago
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Finding Paradise

Being a teenager was tough enough, not to have your parents fuck everything up for you even more. When I was 15 they decided to divorce. We had a good life, lived in a nice suburban neighborhood, always travelled to some amazing places for our summer vacations, and I had a close-knit group of friends. When my parents separated, we stayed with mom in the house, so there was continuity, but the next year all was lost. For whatever reason she decided to move my younger sister and I across the...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Alice Moore Pt 1 BTS

Today is 21 year old newbie Alice Moore, and Alice is in need of MORE orgasms that’s for sure. You see Alice just threw away all her sex toys. “WHAT?!” Said Jay. I know right? Well have you ever seen one of these before? Are you familiar with ‘MagicWand’ or ‘Hitachi’ technology Alice? I’ll bet it’s on her Christmas Wish List now that’s for fucking sure because this car porn play is fucking hot and exciting as fuck. How hot and exciting...

2 years ago
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A Beach Meeting

It was early, yet already the sun’s rays were bathing my body in its warmth. With the prospect of a burning hot day ahead I had taken the opportunity to go to the white sands of the beach to relax and feel nature, in the guise of the sunlight, the air and the water, flow over me. I wandered aimlessly at the water’s edge pleasuring in the fluidity of the sand as the sea infiltrated it and tried to entice my feet to lead me into its cool depths. Then I walked a few paces from the waters edge,...

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The Basement

I have a guy friend, Brent, that I see regularly when I visit Atlanta. He is strictly a dominate top and I of course like taking the submissive role. This time when I visited Atlanta, Brent had me meet him at home that was for sale. Brent was a real-estate agent so he was able to let us in. As we walked in, Brent was caring a bag and I could not help to wonder what was in the bag. He let me to the basement which was unfinished and a bit musky. Bob told me to strip naked and positioned...

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Summer Wind

This story is based on, ‘Summer Wind.’ This was written by Grethe Ingmann, lyrics by Hans Bradtke. ‘All summer long we sang a song. And then we strolled that golden sand, Two sweethearts and the summer wind. Then softer than a piper man, one day, it called to you. I lost you, I lost you to the summer wind.’ A note of interest: I mention the movie, ‘A Bell for Adano’ in the story. John Hersey won the Pulitzer Prize for the novel it was based on. Thanks to RoustWriter for his...

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Trainil Usar Seithu Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana oru paiyan sexiyaaga usar seithu auntyai matter podugiraan. En peyar Vignesh, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan en nanban udan chennaiku trainil sendru kondu irunthen. Appadi selum pozhuthu sexiyana aunty than iru magalgaludan trainil eerinaal. Naangal vendum endre thaan avargal kudave eerinom, passangers petiyil kutam athigamaaga irunthathu. Athanaal kuta nerusalil naan aunty arugil nindru kondu irunthen, avalin iru magalgalum oru seetil amarnthu...

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Sperm Donation 3

Two days later Jack received another call to return to the clinic. Again he returned to the non-descript building in the industrial park. He went inside and was told to wait once again. After a few minutes of sitting reading a magazine Jack noticed a woman approaching. He immediately noticed it was not Mei this time but someone different. This woman was white and maybe about 30 but still very attractive. Once he was sure she was coming to him Jack set down his magazine and stood up. ‘Hello, I’m...

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Mixed and Matched

A gentle kiss woke Sue. Opening her eyes, she looked up into the smiling face of her big brother. She grinned and returned his wake-up kiss then wrapped her arms around him and pulled his naked body down on top of hers. After a night spent making love, it was incredible how good she felt. There were no twinges of guilt, no feelings of remorse, just a delicious sense of unconditional love and happiness. They had needed one another: he after coming back from a year in combat physically sound but...

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The Torment 7 Morning After

The Torment 7 Morning After By Talent Scout "Oh, Kami," chanted Piccolo-chan as she flew from the house of Son Gohan, wondering how she had let herself do that. She had mated with Gohan! An absurd, strangely logical part of her mind told her, at least you know why humans make such a big deal about it now. Shut up! She told that part, even as she shivered with the memory. Piccolo-chan kept on flying, and didn't look back, no matter how much she wanted to. ~*~ Gohan...

2 years ago
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Barb Cheated

Authors note: Not much sex, just a story. He couldn't face me. He knew what he had just done to me and he knew how much I was hurting. How could he not? My best friend since the third grade, the best man at my wedding, Brandon knew me inside and out. To make him feel easy I said: "Relax bud, we don't shoot the messengers anymore. You sure she didn't see you?" "I don't think she did, but am I sure? No, I can't say I'm sure. I saw her as soon as I walked in the door and I turned to go...

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