My Brother s Genie Chapter 06
- 2 years ago
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In the morning, I picked Amber up, and we drove to one of the Chapels on post that was having services. Amber had on a different dress than she wore yesterday. She looked very nice. She also had a small purse. We sat in the back and held hands. We didn't pay a lot of attention to the Chaplain, and we didn't know any of the hymns, but it felt good to be there.
After the service, some of the ladies, who were acquainted with Amber, came over to talk to her. They mentioned how nice she looked and asked to be introduced to her grandfather. Amber was stricken but did as requested. She introduced me as Uncle Jim. The ladies looked a little confused but accepted it with good grace.
After Church we went to the mall. Not to do anything specific, just to walk around and window shop, also just to be together. We held hands and walked for a couple of hours. We stopped at several ladies clothing stores. Malls seem to have a lot of them.
"Amber, how many dresses do you have?" I finally asked.
"Just the two you've seen," she said, in tears.
"Don't cry, Sweetie. Let's go in and see what they have. Since I'm the one that wants you to wear a dress or skirt, I'll get you some. Then you'll have a better variety to wear."
"Uncle Jim, I couldn't let you do that. I'd feel like a gold digger, if I did that."
"Nonsense, let me treat you. You know, I'm not just an old E-8. As a civilian, I made quite a lot of money. Let me spend some of it on someone that I really like," I told her. She finally agreed.
We spent several more hours in various ladies clothing stores. We wound up with four dresses, three skirts, six blouses, some underwear, and two pair of shoes. All were in various shades of green, red/orange, peach, gray, and light blue. We were loaded down when we left the mall.
That evening, I took Amber to an Italian Restaurant. We had a very nice dinner in a romantic setting. I drove Amber to her house. We sat in the back seat till 2100 hours again. I helped her carry her new things to the house. Her father was there tonight when she opened the door.
"Where have you been all day, young lady?" he demanded, angrily. He couldn't see me in the dark.
"We went to church and then the mall, Father. Then we had dinner," Amber replied.
"Who is we, and what are all these packages?" he demanded.
"We is Uncle Jim and myself. The packages are some clothes that he bought for me."
"Does he think that I can't dress my own daughter?" her father asked, getting angrier.
"No, Father. He has different standards of dress. He said that since he required me to dress this way, he felt he was responsible for my having the proper clothes to please him."
"And just what is he getting out of this?"
"Nothing, Father, but my company. He has taken me to church and the mall. We have had lunch twice and dinner twice. He bought me these clothes. All he has gotten out of this is to be called my grandfather." She started to cry as tears ran down her cheeks. "It's more than you or mother have done for me."
"Don't sass me, young lady. You are not too old too be spanked." her father said, in anger. It was then that I spoke up.
"Amber, be polite to your father. Colonel, your daughter has been a perfect lady and has done nothing more than walk around in public with me. Nothing more serious than holding hands has happened. Oh yes, and some crying. She is very emotional, but as I said, she has behaved like a proper lady."
"Oh, so you're here. I didn't see you in the dark. Why are you doing this? What's your ulterior motive?" he demanded.
"I'm doing this because I feel responsible for saving her life. She's a nice girl. A little lonely, but that's curable. That's what I've tried to do." Her father wanted to say something more, but instead turned away.
Amber took all the packages and put them on the floor. We returned to the darkness of the porch. I took her in my arms, and we kissed again for a long time. Finally, we broke apart. She went in and closed the door. I returned to the SBEQ.
Monday, Week Two
I was up early on Monday morning and dressed for the day. I was to report to the CG's office at 0930 hrs. This had been set up on Saturday. I was sure that the Sergeant Major would be there.
I went to chow at the PX cafeteria at 0700 hrs and had a leisurely breakfast. I got some dirty looks from people because of the old uniform but no one approached me as I truly looked like 'the old soldier'.
I arrived at Post Headquarters at 0815 hrs, an hour plus early. I had nothing else to do. I stopped in to see the SGM. While waiting for him, I saw Amber being escorted to a conference room by two CID types. I got up and followed. I knew they were supposed to question her today, but I did not like them doing it without witnesses. They went into the conference room and were closing the door, when I shoved it open.
"What do you think you're doing?" one asked me.
"I'm protecting this girls rights," I said. Amber heard my voice, turned quickly, and rushed over to me. She was shaking, and tears were running down her cheeks.
"Oh, Uncle Jim. I'm so glad to see you," she breathed.
"You can't stay in here," the second one said. "This is part of a criminal investigation."
"Son," I told him, "either I stay, or she goes. I didn't save her life to let you clowns make her hysterical this morning."
"You're not authorized... !" the second one started. I pulled out my cell phone, and hit the speed dial. They heard the receptionist answer and the name of my lawyer's law firm very clearly. It was a large and well-known one. I spoke into the phone,
"This is Uncle Jim. Is Harry in?" I asked.
"Just one minute, Uncle Jim," the receptionist answered. A few seconds later, "This is Harry. What can I do for you, Jim."
"Harry, I am at the local Army Post. Two CID types want to question a friend of mine without any witnesses. What is your legal opinion of that?"
"It sounds like it's illegal, immoral, and objectionable. Is your friend military?"
"No, she's a dependent minor."
"Is there a female MP there?"
"No, just two guys."
"How much do you want me to sue them for then? She can claim anything, and it will be her word against theirs. A crying female saying she had been mistreated will sway a jury every time, Jim." I looked at the CID types. They weren't happy.
"OK, you can stay," they said.
"Thanks, Harry. Bill me." I said, and closed the connection.
We spent almost an hour with the CID types. They got answers to most of their questions. They had been able to gather so much evidence because the heating plant door was locked. It could be opened from the inside by pushing down the door handle, but from the outside, you needed a key. They found the perp's key inside on the floor. Of course, the MPs had a master key to get in.
They also took a set of Amber's finger-prints to use for comparison with those found at the scene. They told us that all three men had been apprehended this morning at their unit formations. They had gotten their names from the fingerprint matches.
"You do know that it would have taken you three times as long with her in there alone. She would have been hysterical and crying. I can guarantee it," I told them, as they were leaving.
As we were walking back to the SGM's office, I noticed that Amber had one of her new outfits on.
"You look very nice in your new outfit, Amber," I said.
"Thank you, Uncle Jim. I'm glad that you like it," she replied.
The Post Sergeant Major was just coming out of the General's outer office as we were passing.
"Top, the General will see you in about 5 minutes. Bring Amber in. She can sit out here while we are in there."
"How was your interview with the CID?" he asked Amber.
"It went fine, Sergeant Major. Uncle Jim was there, and they behaved very nicely after his lawyer threatened to sue them," she answered with a little giggle.
The General's door opened then, and a full colonel came out. I took an instant dislike to him. He was a short, fat, bald guy.
"That's the Chief of Staff," the SGM whispered, and after he had left, "nobody likes him, even the General, but DA stuck us with him."
The General waved us in from his desk. He was on the phone. We went in and closed the door.
"Just a minute, Bill," the General said, " I want to put the phone on speaker so my Sergeant Major can hear this." He pushed buttons and moved the head-set while he told us," I have the G-1 at DA on the line."
"Go ahead, Bill."
"Charlie, like I said, we became aware of this mess over the weekend. The OD here was swamped on Friday night and Saturday. We started working on it on Sunday. This is a real cluster fuck. Apparently, someone hacked into St Louis, and they generated all of these recall letters. So far it looks like about a hundred and fifty for us, but that's not firm yet. This E-8 that you got is one of the older ones. Good record, I'm looking at it on the screen now. Anyway, the decision of the Chairman and the J-1, Oh, I didn't mention, it affected the Navy and Air Force also."
"Anyway the decision from the Joint Chief's office is to keep them for the initial time which is 6 months. Now your man, in particular, qualifies for promotion. The E-9 Board meets next week. Christ, I just looked at his DOR. This guy has more time in grade than 99% of the people in the service have in the Army. He could get promoted just on time in grade points — 27 years — Christ all mighty! If you have a place for him, go ahead and frock him. He is sure to be first or second on the new promotion list when it comes out. So figure four to six months for actual promotion and a years time in grade before he could retire again. I would say you should have him for a year and a-half easy, Charlie," the G-1 said.
"OK, Bill. My Sergeant Major is indicating that we have a place for him. I'll get the orders cut and forward you a copy," the General said.
"Right, Charlie. I hope all of them are as easy to solve as yours has been. This is a real mess. We may never find that hacker. Nobody knows how long those orders were in the computer before they activated. It could have been a day or a year. I have to go, Charlie. I have six other calls on the line. I'll see you at the next Commanders Conference. Out."
"Well, you heard the man," the General said as he hung up. "You're in for the duration, and should get promoted to boot. I'll have my G-1 cut the orders this morning, as soon as the Sergeant Major tells me where there is an opening."
"Sir," the Sergeant Major said, "remember your friends over at that sneaky pete outfit we have. They are always complaining about being short handed. I know for a fact that their Sergeant Major left about four weeks ago without a replacement. I even called DA about it, and they just said, "Sorry". Well, here we can kill two birds with one E-8. We fill their slot, and we get some one inside that we know."
"You are a sneaky old bastard, Sergeant Major. Now I know how you got promoted," the General said. "Fine, we'll do it. Have the G-1 cut the orders, and I will personally sign them so there are no mistakes."
"Top, you heard the man," he told me next. "Consider yourself frocked. The Sergeant Major will get you some pins and also get you a decent uniform."
"I'll get him over to Clothing Sales and get them issued as soon as we have his orders, sir," the Sergeant Major assured him.
"Fine, fine," the General said, "now get out of here, and let me get some work done." We saluted and left. Amber was still waiting in the outer office.
"Come over to my office," the Sergeant Major said, then added, "you too, Amber." We headed across the hall to his office. When we got there, he opened his desk drawer and pulled out an old worn set of E-9 pins. He turned and handed one to Amber, before he told her what was happening.
"Uncle Jim here is being frocked to E-9 as per the G-1 at DA's instructions, Amber. You can help pin his new stripes on." Then they both removed my old E-8 pins, and replaced them with the worn set the Sergeant Major had.
"The beauty of this, old son," the Sergeant Major said, "is that with these old pins, no one will know that you haven't been a Sergeant Major for a while. They will never know the difference unless you tell them, or they get a close look at your orders." Then he looked at Amber again.
"Young lady, you need to be in school," he told her. "Jim take her over to the school and get her signed in. I'll get your orders cut, and then we can go to Clothing Sales and have some fun." I took Amber's hand and got the shock again. I could tell that she felt it too, but we both hid the fact. I guess we were getting used to it. We went out to my vehicle.
"Are you really getting promoted, Uncle Jim?"she asked me on the way to school.
"Well, Honey, that is what the G-1 at DA thought. The board meets next week. It will take them a while to make the selections for the list, and then they won't start promoting from the new list till the old one runs out. So maybe 4 to 6 months from now, I could get promoted," I said. I also noticed I had called her Honey. When did I start that? Had it just slipped out, and what about those damned sparks? She must have noticed too.
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CuckoldShe was laying naked watching porn when the door bell rang and she knew it would be the cable man to fix her TV. She decided to just answer the door naked. When he saw her he was speechless but smiled. She told him "Come in. I am watching porn and would love to finish the movie before you work on the TV. Watch it with me." She sat him on the couch knowing he was excited but turned on at her naked body. She said "Do you like my tits? You may touch them if you want. I am alone here today." she...
Alicia lay curled up on the bed — softly breathing. A tiny wet bubble grew and slunk in the corner of her mouth. Her lips were half open, giving her the face of a child. Angique embraced her naked limbs and frowned, thinking back to what happened in Winter Garden. The girl had been amazingly sweet all day — on the street, in the park. She'd obeyed and apparently enjoyed whatever came her way — even if it scared her. Later on in Winter Garden she seemed to forget the prying eyes of...
Aaron was up before the light knock on the door, signaling his wake-up call. Starting with his stretching and warm-up exercises, he began his normal routine of sword training and forms. It always seemed slightly off, even after adding the parrying dirk his master suggested. The weight of the dirk felt wrong, not enough to be a problem, just, not perfect. After cooling down, washing, and a light meal of cheese, fruit and mead, he was off. Making his way to the middle city, Aaron stopped first...
Here we go, another 3C story request. This one is for someone…that didn’t give me a name…again. So, Cara here has requested a story. What do we have? Celebs, futa, hyper(extreme size), sexiness, sex, oral, etc. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback are of course welcome. Enjoy! *** Molly walked over to the chair as annoyed as ever. Her body hit the furniture with a thud quickly followed by another softer thud. Molly Quinn was a 3C, cursed, in her opinion, with the 3rd Chromosome....
Hello readers, I’m new to this site. I have read many stories on ISS. I read almost daily and masturbate. If u like my story and any unsatisfied girls/aunties, drop a mail to I’m Mukesh from Hyderabad studying in Delhi in some reputed college. I’m 5’7 well built and a sports person. My dick size is 6 inches. Let’s come to the story. The heroine of the story is Veena. She became my close friend after joining this college. Everyone used to call us brother and sister. She is very open to me. Let...
Tuesday morning I did a VCATS with Jenny and Marcy. They were over the open Atlantic on their way to Thimble Shoals. They were carrying more gold and diamonds to the meeting to keep the accounts up to Marcy’s liking. Andy, Vicky and Ching Lee were headed to Dubai then taking one of the Blackhawks to the Boxer. Andy had the military records for our ships’ captains for the Admiral to review if he wanted. I did a VCATS with Marcy and Lorrie, then settled into my day. The Congressional leaders...
The first of the Mastiffs, wanted a second go at me but I gave a subtle shake of the head and Arek immediately shepherded the five dogs out of the cage. How he communicated with them by not being able to speak, onlyt by a grunt and finger gestures was a marvel and I told myself I would have to find out. The dogs obeyed him immediately. This Dane was the biggest one and he was in no great hurry to claim his bitch. He had already done that and the way he looked at me and sort of swaggered...
Mr. Mom by Paul G Jutras "Hurry up Mommy!" 6 year old Tommy called out to his 36 year old mother, Irene. "We don?t want to be late for The Great Chance!" "All right, All right, dear." Irene said as she buttoned Tommy?s coat on him and grabbed her purse. "I know you?ve been looking forward to this ever since I first bought the tickets. Now we?re all ready. Get into the car and we?re off." "Yeah!" Tommy screamed as he ran with a giggle up to the car and climbed into the back seat...
Dear lovers., I’m Krishna again. Thanks for your great support and mails.catch me at .Hope you have finished my sixth section. The next phase of my life. The calm and silent life of mine again changed into hot and spicy. I changed myself from a pray to hunter. That mood was aroused in me by my teacher. You may feel it’s quite unnatural. But my hunger and experience made me dream so. My teacher’s plumpy body became my pilgrimage. I was fully concentrated in her. Actually she was worthy for such...
LesbianI’d always liked the plus size woman. My first lover, the one who initiated me into the joys of sex, and taught me more than I ever thought possible, was frankly fat, but I loved it. I’d had skinny lovers, of course, but those whose frames had a good covering always turned me on more. So when I walked into my local pub that fateful Friday, little did I expect that my life was just about to change. I met with my friends most Fridays, and they were there before me, Fred of the hangdog look on a...
MatureCAPTIVE.I awoke sitting on a chair in a hollow sounding room. My head was smothered by some form of rubber-smelling hood, I’d fixed enough cycle tyres to know that smell! I was blinded but my nose had two small snotty holes I could breathe through along with an open mouth. My ears, though covered were still keen as my voice echoed in that large blank room.“Hello… Any?” I closed my mouth. In more than an hour, well a long time, I had received no reply as I sat still in that uncomfortable seat...
In high school, she acquired the nickname of Geeky Buns. Virtually everyone considered her a total geek, but that did not stop the guys and some girls from checking out her buns. Guys would say, "Damn, she is a total fucking geek, but she has a great ass." Yet none of them ever hit on her. Later, after high school, she landed a job in a large real estate title company. One day in the breakroom, she overheard a guy say, "Damn, I would love to fuck her, but I would have to keep my eyes...
First TimeIt was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...
Group SexCHAPTER ONE Entering the auction hall, I was met by a stern looking woman with a whip swinging menacingly from her belt. Taking me brutally by my arm, she led me to one of the hundred or more glass cubicles adorning the sides of the wall. Abruptly, she ordered me to undress. Reluctantly, I took off my skirt and blouse, but I steadfastly refused to remove my undergarments. With an impatient grunt, she ripped my panties right off me revealing to all my pussy! Shocked and seething with...
My return home wasn't immediate. First there was finding a new home for my adoptive parents. Mom and Dad still had jobs in West Virginia, so it wasn't like they could just leave. With my full inheritance at my disposal, I found them a new home with enough rooms for all three of us kids to return if we desired. I had used my abilities to heal and alter their memories to help them find love with each other again and then, with as great an effort as it took to bind them to me in the first...
Kim logged into the chat room. What did she feel like tonight. A soak in "The Hot Tub"? To plunge into the "Dungeon"? To role play? Then she saw a room she had never ventured into before. "The Fantasy Room". She clicked on the icon and entered. " Hello Kimuk. Do you have a fantasy to share?". Kim laughed at the screen. " Not here " she typed. Immediately she revived 4 private messages . The one which caught her eye was from Dark stranger. " Hello Kimuk. Tell me? Your secret is safe with me"...
By : Priyanandini അന്ന് അപ്പൂപ്പന്റെ ആണ്ട് ബലി ദിവസം ആയിരുന്നു .ഞാന് ഒന്പതില് പഠിക്കുന്ന സമയം .എല്ലാവരും അസ്ഥി കടലില് ഒഴുക്കാന് വീട്ടിലെ ചടങ്ങുകള്ക്ക് ശേഷം കടലില് ഒഴുക്കന് പോയി.എനിക്ക് ചെറിയ പനി ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നത് കാരണം എന്നെ കൊണ്ടുപോയില്ല .അവരെല്ലാവരും പോയി കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പൊളാണ് അങ്കിള് വന്നത്. എന്നെ വീട്ടില് ഒറ്റക്കിരുത്താണ്ട എന്ന് കരുതി അങ്കിളും പിന്നെ പോയില്ല. അങ്കിള് വീട്ടില് വരുമ്പോളൊക്കെ അങ്കിളിനു പ്രത്യേകം മുറിയുണ്ട്.അങ്കിള് അകത്തു കയറി ടി .വി വെച്ചു കണ്ടുകൊണ്ടിരുന്നു .ഞാന് ആ സമയം...
I had been partying, edging and cruising online for a bit of time when I got hit up by a guy hosting a group! He said there were a few guys there, but a handful more were on their way. They wanted guys into group play, gear (leather, jock, spandex, or uniforms), were versatile and uninhibited. Hell Yeah! I threw some trackies over my chaps & red mesh N2N jock strap, stuffed a bunch of my gear – jockstraps, bikinis, leather, rubber, gun oil & Elbow grease in a gym bag -- some more...
All characters are over 18Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She decided to take care of him and raise him like her little brother. Together they discovered and revealed their feminine side and grew up into beautiful transvestites girls. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect life together until zombies attack the city. Béa was transformed into zombie but Lilly changed her back by having sex with her. Now more zombies...
Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, I am here again with my story. This is a continuation of my story “Best Summer vacation- Part 1”. Please read the part 1, so that you have a better understanding of the story. So after the dinner we all went home and slept. I was still wearing my mami’s panty and she was wearing mine. After that we could never have sex again, as the house was crowded with my cousin’s. I daily used to send my dicks photo in the morning to her and she used to send her...
IncestA thick, wrought-iron sign with the single word ‘GRIMSLEY’ was arched between two massive stone pillars that marked the entry to this all-girl academic enclave. Ms. Frobisher gunned her little red sportscar right between the pillars and up the long driveway, all uphill, to where Grimsley sat overlooking Lake Penasaukee, or Lake PenisSuckIt, as the guys at East Point called it. Grimsley’s main building was a large, gothic monstrosity that, according to the story, was built by old Phlebotomus...