Life Of A Teen Boy (Part 1) free porn video

Tom was an eighteen-year boy who had graduated from High School. He was good looking and had been very popular at his school. He was working in a grocery store as a bagger until he had to leave for college. Tom had a girlfriend, Jane, who was working for her father.
One evening, a nice looking woman came through the check-out line where Tom was the bag boy. She smiled at Tom and asked him if he could help her carry her groceries to her car. The woman was wearing shorts and Tom could see she had nice tanned legs. As they were walking out to her car, she asked, "Tom, how old are you?"
"I'm eighteen but how did you know my name? Do we know each other?"
"No, we don't know each other but you do have a name tag on. My name is Sally Jones."
Tom felt embarrassed and said, "Oh ya, I forgot about my name tag." He was thinking, 'How stupid she must think I am.'
When they got to the car, Sally opened the back door so that Tom could put the groceries into the back seat. After Tom put the groceries in the car, he shut the door.
She asked Tom, "Will you start my car for me, I have a hard time doing it."
"Sure," Tom replied.
Tom got into the driver's seat while Sally got in the passenger seat. Tom was surprised that she moved over beside him, just like his girlfriend did. She handed him the keys and while he was looking where to put the key in, she placed her hand on his thigh. This made Tom's leg stiffen.
She said, "Relax, Tom, I'm not going to hurt you."
Tom was embarrassed and didn't know what to do. He was thinking, 'I always wanted Jane to do this but she never would.' Sally moved her hand up to his crotch and started massaging that area.
"Mrs. Jones!" Tom said, "I have to get back to work."
"Do you like what I'm doing?"
"Yea, but-but I-I don't want to get fired!"
She reached into her purse and pulled out a business card. "Here is one of my husband's cards. It has my phone number and address; if you liked what I was doing, call me."
Tom got out of her car and thanked Mrs. Jones. He was glad that he was wearing an apron to cover the bulge in his pants. When he got back into the store, his boss asked him, "Where the hell have you been?"
"I was helping a lady start her car," Tom said.
For the rest of the shift, Tom was thinking about Mrs. Jones and her nice tanned legs. His hormones were flowing which kept him excited for the rest of the evening. He wanted to tell his friends but he knew they would say he was fantasizing.
When he got home at ten o'clock, he said, "Hello," to his parents. He told them he was going to take a shower and go to bed because he had to be at work at six am. When he got to his bedroom, he called Jane.
"Hi Tom, how was work?" Jane said.
"Oh, same thing. Nothing unusual happened. How are things with you?"
"Dad and I got into an argument about how I was doing something. I'll tell you about it tomorrow night. I'll see you at about seven o'clock?"
"Yea, I have to be at work at six o'clock in the morning. So I'll see you then. Goodbye, love you."
"Love you too."
Tom got undressed to take a shower. He found that business card and it reminded him of what happened earlier. He laid it on his dresser and went into the bathroom. He stood facing the shower, letting the water hit his face and run down his chest and belly and unto his cock. He held his cock until it became hard and then he started to rub it until it started shooting out cum. Tom was always ashamed of the size of his penis because his brother's cock was larger. Tom dried off and brushed his teeth and went back into his bedroom.
He pulled the sheet down and after he turned the light off, he got into bed nude. He lay there thinking about Mrs. Jones and if he should call her. He was thinking all kinds of thoughts, 'What if her husband is home? What if Jane finds out I called her? What if she makes fun of the size of my cock? What if she finds out that I'm still a virgin and I don't know what to do. What if I'm too embarrassed to do anything?'
He woke up to his mother standing at his door, calling him to get up.
"Ok, I'm getting up."
His mother shut the door and Tom realized that he was laying there nude on top of his sheet. He was glad that he was lying on his stomach because his mother couldn't see his morning wood. As he was sitting on the edge of the bed he wondered when he became concerned about his mother seeing him nude. Is it a natural thing or did someone teach him that nudity in wrong?
'I'm sure she has seen Dad and my older brother nude. Then there was the time when I had played with myself so much that my dick was raw and I showed her my penis. She wasn't embarrassed about seeing it, and she just put some medicine on it.'
He went into the bathroom and emptied his bladder. As he crossed the hall back to his bedroom, his father came out of his bedroom and yelled, "Get some clothes on."
When Tom was getting dressed, he saw that card on his dresser. He picked it up and put it in his pocket. He went down to the kitchen and his mother had his breakfast ready.
"You have to hurry son, it's twenty to six and if you are going to sleep nude, be sure you shut your door. When I went to bed you were laying on your back and you must have been having a good dream."
'Oh, no, she saw my Tiny Tim. I'll bet she and dad had a good laugh about that,' Tom thought.
Upon arriving at the store, his boss asked him to sweep the floors. After he got the floors done, he started putting products on the shelf. He started thinking about Mrs. Jones and her beautiful tanned legs. This made Tom get a boner and he went into the men's room where he jacked off. There was another kid, Kile, that worked at the store and they would jack off together sometimes.
At his lunch break, he decided to call Mrs. Jones. He was very nervous when he dialed her number. On the first ring, he hung up.
'What should I say?' He thought.
He dialed the number again.
"Mrs. Jones?" Tom said.
"This is Tom from the grocery store."
"Oh Tom, I'm so glad you called. I have been thinking of you."
"I have been thinking about your legs - I mean you also." 'Oh crap,' Tom thought.
"Well, that's nice of you, Tom."
"I get off of work at two this afternoon and I would like to drop by and say hello."
"That would be perfect, Tom."
"OK, I'll see you around two thirty then, bye."
"Bye Tom."
Tom's heart was beating so fast, he had to sit down for a minute. When he went out on the floor, one of the checkers asked him if he was alright. He called his mom and told her he would be home a little later today and Jane and he were going out tonight.
Tom couldn't wait until two o'clock came around.
Kile asked Tom, "Do you want to hang out for a while?"
"No, I have some business to take care of."
Tom was very nervous when he pulled into Mrs. Jones' driveway and his heart was beating fast. He walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.
Mrs. Jones opened the door and said, "Hello Tom, so nice to see you. Come in. Let's go out on the patio as it's such a nice day. Would you like some iced tea?"
"Yes, ma'am."
Mrs. Jones got two glasses of tea and they went out on the patio. Tom had butterflies in his stomach and thought he might puke. This was the first time he had done anything like this. He thought about getting up and leaving.
"Mrs. Jones, do you have a husband? " Tom asked nervously.
"No, he died two years ago. I hope you weren't worried about that."
"Well, you gave me his business card and I didn't want to start any problems."
Sally reached over and touched Tom's arm and said, "Tom, those were left over cards from my husband business and they have my address and phone number on them so I give them out to special friends and you are my best friend."
Tom didn't know what to say and Sally had her hand behind his neck now.
"Tom, would you like me to rub you back?"
"Ya, sure."
"Take your shirt off then."
As Sally was rubbing Tom's back she asked, "Does that feel good, Tom?"
Tom was breathing heavily and said, "It feels great." He could feel his dick starting to get hard.
Then Mrs. Jones started kissing Tom's neck and ear. This made Tom get even harder. He had heard about happy endings and wondered if it would happen to him.
After a while of rubbing Tom's back and kissing him.
Mrs. Jones felt flushed and said, "Let's go in for a swim; it's such a warm day."
"I didn't bring a swimsuit," Tom said.
"It's all right, you don't need one, you can go in naked, but if you prefer you can use my late husband's." Tom really wanted to go in naked because he had never gone swimming without a suit but she would see small boner.
"Let's go into the house and I'll get you a suit."
Tom came out of the house first and he jumped into the pool. He had swum a couple of laps before he noticed Mrs. Jones standing at the steps of the pool. He swam over to the opposite side of the pool with his back against the poolside and watched Mrs. Jones.
She dropped her robe and stood there completely nude, like a goddess. Tom scanned down her body taking in her beautiful breasts and her hourglass figure. Her black pubic hair was trimmed into a perfect triangle. This was first was the first time he had seen a real naked woman. He kept looking from her breasts to her pussy. His pecker stood straight out making her husband's suit look like a pup tent.
This was a teenaged boy's dream come true. She dove into the pool and swam over to where he was standing. She took his head in both hands and kissed him on the lips. Tom never had anyone kiss him like that. Her mouth was open and she stuck her tongue in his mouth. His boner was pushing against her belly.
Still, kissing him she moved one of her hands down his body and into his swimsuit. As soon as she touched his hardness, he started to cum. She kept sliding her hand up and down on his hard shaft until there was no cum left.
"I'm sorry," Tom said.
"Don't worry about it. All of the teen boys that have been here couldn't keep from cumming fast the first time," Mrs. Jones said. "I can tell you are a virgin and I have a surprise for you. Jump up on the pool edge."
Tom hosted himself upon the pool edge. Sally moved in between his legs and pulled his suit off. She took his whole soft manhood into her mouth and started sucking on it.
"Oh, Mrs. Jones, that feels so good," Tom said. This was the first time Tom had got a blow job from a woman. He had guys give him BJ's before. Tom reached down and cupped her breasts into his hands. It wasn't very long before he was stiff again. Now Mrs. Jones could only suck about haft of his cock.
She started sliding her mouth back and forth on his erection. Tom grabbed her head and forced his whole cock into her mouth. He could feel his cock head go down her throat and then she pulled her mouth off his cock.
"You have a big cock for a teenager," Sally said. She returned to sucking it. Tom started moving his hips in and out. Tom couldn't believe that he was actually fucking her mouth. He could see his boner sliding in and out of her mouth. His heart started to beat harder and his breathing was deeper and heavier. His muscles around his anus tighten up and he knew he was about to ejaculate.
"I'm cumming," He said. Mrs. Jones didn't stop and Tom started erupting cum into her mouth. After five or six shots of cum ran down her throat, she looked up at Tom with cum running out of her mouth. She slowly let his wet cock slide out of her mouth as it dripped cum down unto her breasts.
"I love young cocks," Mrs. Jones said.
Tom said, "That was the best blow job I ever had."
As Tom was driving home, he couldn't believe what Mrs. Jones had done and she said that he had a large cock. When he got home he told his mom that he was going to take a shower and lie down for a while. Tom asked his mom to wake him up at five o'clock because he had a date with Jane.
To be continued.

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