Full Circle - Chapter One free porn video

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Full Circle

It was tough. Here I was 63 years of age and a widower. I had just lost my wife of 30 years to cancer and didn’t know what to do or where to go. There wasn’t a funeral as such as my wife had wanted her body given to medical science and the children had known for some years, ever since Carol took sick and the prognosis wasn’t good that we weren’t going to have any special service. Each of the kids had come by during that last six months to say goodbye and I had told my family not to go to the expense of coming down once she passed. I told them that I would make it a point to do a road trip and come by and see each of them after I had the estate settled.

I had already stopped by and spent several weeks with my youngest son, his wonderful wife, my granddaughter and my grandson as they only lived a couple of hundred of miles from my farm. I had spent several wonderful weeks with them and just before I left to head north to see my daughter my son said he wanted to talk with me. My boy had said “Pops (for that is what they called me) come stay with us, we have plenty of room and you don’t need to be living all alone on that big place.” I told him that I really appreciated the offer and would certainly think about it after I had visited with his brother and sister. “Please do,” he said. “You know that both GE and JD would love having their GPops staying here.”

“I know son and I would enjoy that too, but I have a lot of thinking to do and I am putting off making any real decisions until after I had finished my road trip to see the others.
So here I was, on the road again, heading for New Jersey to see my eldest child, my daughter from a previous marriage, her loser of a husband, and my three grandsons who were, unfortunately following in their father’s footsteps. I wasn’t really looking forward to it so I was taking my time traveling up from Mississippi.

I had stopped in Baltimore City, the city of my birth, to see a childhood friend and decided to see some of the old stomping grounds while I was there. I had visited a number of the places where the family used to live and gone by my old junior high school before heading to the cemetery where mom and Dad were buried knowing that this was the last time I would ever come by. After spending a few minutes there I was headed back downtown and since it was near lunch time decided to swing by the drugstore that was right around the corner from one of the places I used to live.

As I drove across town I thought back to the many fond memories of that place since my first real girlfriend used to live right above the store with her mother and every day after school we used to stop there for a $0.05 soda fountain coke and a $0.15 hamburger with fries before we each headed to our respective homes.

Now Susan wasn’t really my girlfriend, as least not in the carnal sense, but we did ride the bus to school and back every day for a year and a half before my mom moved us from downtown to one of the nicer neighborhoods and I dropped out of school. I sort of lost touch with Susan for a while after that. I saw her several years later and she had a little girl that looked just like her in tow. We talked for a bit and she told me that her mom had passed away; she had gotten pregnant and was married to the father of her child. We were both pushed for time and went our separate ways, promising to keep in touch, but we never really did.

Shortly after that I enlisted in the Marine Corps and eight months later I was in that wonderful garden spot of Southeast Asia called Vietnam. I had just about finished my second tour there and was a two digit midget when the chopper I was in was shot down and I was medevacked out with a busted back among other injuries. Fortunately I was lucky and wasn’t paralyzed as too many of my friends, in similar circumstances, were.

After months in a naval hospital strapped to a Stryker Frame, and even more months in physical rehabilitation to get my strength back I was told that I was to be discharged. Well I fought it and fought it like hell and after months and months of medical boards and review boards and I have to admit a damned fine lawyer I won. Sure I had to prove that I could handle any physical and or mental test they threw at me but I had a goal in mind and wasn’t going to stop before I attained it.

After kicking around Southern California soaking up the sun and working on my tan, when I wasn’t in one hearing or another, for the better part of a year I returned to Baltimore to see mom before I had to report to OCS in Quantico, VA and it was while I was there that I saw Susan again.

I was traveling north in my old ’58 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible when I saw a young woman and child hitchhiking. I eased over to the side and reaching over opened the door. A beautiful young child of about six or seven climbed in followed by her mom. I looked over as the woman climbed in and did a double take.

“Susan?” “My god is that you Susan?”

It took her a moment to recognize me as I had really changed since she last saw me. Gone was the tall scrawny kid with long hair and an earring in his left ear. I had put on forty pounds of muscle, thickened out across the chest and was wearing my hair in a brush cut. I also had a scar that ran from just above my right eye down to my jaw, courtesy of a sharp piece of metal that tagged me when the chopper crashed and I was damned lucky I didn’t lose the eye.

“CT is that really you?” she replied.

“Mommy, do you know this man?” the cute little girl in the middle asked.

“Yes darling, your mommy has known CT for a number of years” Susan said to her.

“How come I never seen him before” she asked.

“But you have little one” I replied. “We met many years ago when you were very small and your momma named you Faith.”

“Well if you know my name I guess you do know me” Faith replied. About that time some jerk behind me blasted on his horn. I flipped him the bird and putting the “beast” in gear moved back into traffic.

“Where are you heading Susan” I asked.

“We are heading out to Towson State so I can pick up my class schedule for the fall term” she replied. “I started college last year under a special Air Force program that will lead to a degree in Pharmacy” “Once I finish my core courses I’ll transfer to the U of M to finish out my degree and as long as I keep my grades up they pay for my tuition, give me money for lodging and base pay.” “Between that, two roommates, and a small scholarship we manage to get by.” she said.

I didn’t see a ring on her finger so I asked “What happened to your husband?”

She didn’t answer right off and I could tell immediately that it was a sore subject with her.

Faith popped up and said “what kind of car is this?”

I told her that it was a Pontiac Bonneville Convertible.

“What does con con convertible mean” she asked.

Thankful for the change in subject Susan told her that convertible meant that I could put the top down and that it would be like riding in her wagon.

“Oh goody, could you put the top down Mr. CT’ she asked.

“Sure,” I replied. “Let me find a place to pull over and I’ll get right to it.”

“You don’t have to go to all that trouble CT” said Susan.

“It’s no trouble at all” I said “and since it’s such a pretty day I should have had it down long ago.

I pulled into a side street, found a parking space and in a matter of minutes had the top down. We chit-chatted about school and many other things and before long arrived at the college. Following her directions I worked my way to the building that her advisor had her office in and pulled over.

As Susan thanked me for the ride I asked if she would be long and that I would wait and give her a ride home when she was done.

After convincing her that it wouldn’t be any problem at all and that I would even watch Faith for her as I only had a few minor errands to run for my mom she said she would be right back.

I watched her run up the steps into the building I couldn’t help but admire how good she looked. Susan stood about 5’7” tall and while her “granny dress” concealed a lot I could see that her figure really looked good.

My reverie was broken by Faith saying “You like my mom don’t you.”

Talk about being put on the spot. It’s not often that a 7 year old can make be blush, but that is what I did.

“Yes” I answered her “I do like your mom.”

“Oh goody” she said “cause I like you too.” And with that she snuggled up next to me and gave me a big hug.

I hugged her back and then started tickling her. We got into a tickle fight and she had just jumped over the front seat into the back and was bouncing up and down to escape the “tickle monster” when I heard “Faith Marshall just what do you think you’re doing young lady!”

“Oops” I said “I think we have been busted little one.”

Faith immediately quieted down as Susan opened the door and got in.

“Now Susan” I said, “It’s not her fault as I started it by tickling her first and we just got carried away.

That seemed to mollify her and I asked “Where to” as Faith climbed back over the front seat and snuggled up next to me.

“Well you seem to have made a hit” said Susan as she directed me back into town and to the neighborhood in which she lived.

Susan asked if I would like to come over for dinner that evening and I agreed as long as I could buy the fixings for her and her roommates. It took some more convincing but she finally agreed and we stopped off at a supermarket on the way. I had the butcher cut some really nice thick steaks and picked up all the trimmings to go with it along with salad fixings and a half gallon of ice cream for a certain little girl. I also picked up a small, portable grill since Susan didn’t have one and a bag of charcoal to go with it.

We had a fun time shopping and when we arrived at the house I carried the groceries inside and met her two roommates Amy and Carol. They both squealed when Susan told them that they were all having steak with all the trimmings for dinner and both gave me tremendous hugs.

Laughing out loud Susan told the two of them to back off as she had a prior claim and wouldn’t tolerate any “claim-jumping.”

After 15 minutes or so I made my excuses as I had errands to run, but that I would be back at 5:30 or so for dinner.

When I arrived back at her place at the appointed time I was dressed in a nice pair of khaki pants, a short sleeved button down shirt, and loafers.

When Susan answered the door I was stunned. She had taken her waist length red hair out of its braid and it hung in shimmering waves down her back and across both shoulders covering both breasts that looked to be about 34B in size. She had on a pail yellow summer type dress that was snug at the bust line showing enough cleavage to know she wasn’t wearing a bra and terminated about 7 inches above her knees. A pair of sandals of the same color as her dress completed her ensemble.

Wow! I said “You are absolutely breathtakingly beautiful” I stammered.

Susan smiled as a slow blush climbed up her neck onto her cheeks and there was a twinkle in her jade green eyes as she said “ I take it that you like?”

“What isn’t there to like” I replied as my cock sprang to life and did its best to bust through my khaki pants.

Just then a small red headed bullet came flying around the corner and jumped into my arms nearly causing me to drop the beer and wine I had brought with me.

“CT, you came back” said Faith as she wrapped her skinny arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on her cheek.

“Young lady, what have I told you about jumping on people” said Susan with a smile.

Personally I was thankful for the interruption as it allowed the raging hard-on that had suddenly appeared at the sight of her mother to subside a bit.

“Let me take that bag” said Susan referring to the brown paper sack in my left hand since when Faith jumped into my arms I had automatically swung my left arm under her bottom to support her and the bag was hanging down covering the tenting in my khakis.

“That’s alright” I started to say, but by then Susan had already wrapped her hands around the bag and I could feel one brushing across my cock. Needless to say it immediately sprang to full attention again.

Susan looked me in the eye and smiled once again as the tip of her tongue licked across her beautiful lips.

“Come on in” said Susan “and I’ll put these beers in the fridge.”

“I also brought wine, but two bottles need to be opened so they can breath before they are served and the third is a dessert wine that needs chilling” I said as I followed her into the kitchen with the munchkin still in my arms.

Amy and Carol were sitting on the couch laughing at the goings on and as I dropped Faith to the floor she took off in their direction saying to them “You’re right! He is a hunk!” and they started laughing even harder.

Now it was my turn to blush and I turned around just as Susan bent over at the waist to put the beer in the fridge and what a magnificent sight that was as her dress rode up. I wasn’t absolutely sure, but I thought I could see that she had nothing on underneath.

When Susan straightened up she had the package of steaks, still wrapped in butcher’s paper in her hands which she tossed to me and pointing to the door to the backyard said “The grill is that-a-way sir,”

Thankful for the distraction I I set the package of steaks on the kitchen table and taking up the corkscrew pulled the corks on the two bottles of red wine I had brought to accompany the meal. After setting them aside I opened the backdoor and stepped out onto the back patio. It took me a minute to find where the grill was because of all of the houseplants that seemed to cover just about any vertical surface that would support anything 4” in diameter or larger, but finally I located it over in a corner in a small alcove that couldn’t be seen from the backdoor.

Everything was there waiting for me and after putting the steaks down it wasn’t long before I had a nice mound of charcoal briquettes piled up and after giving them a squirt or two of lighting fluid I struck a kitchen match and watched the flames billow up.

Once the flames died down I spread the charcoal into a nice, uniform layer across the bottom of the grill and then put the grill itself back in place. Now it was only a matter of waiting another 20 minutes or so for the coals to get hot enough before I threw the steaks on.

I had been sitting there for about 15 minutes when I heard the backdoor open and looking around the corner I saw Susan with a cold beer in one hand and a platter for the steaks in the other. I stood up when she approached and taking the platter and beer from her hands I turned and placed them on the table next to the grill. When I turned back around Susan glanced over her shoulder and then came right up to me placing her arms around my neck. She then shocked the hell out of me by pulling my head down to her lips and kissing me. She broke away for a second, licked her lips, and then resumed kissing. My hands dropped down to her beautifully formed ass, confirming that she did indeed have nothing on underneath, and as they did she moved even closer and ground her groin against mine. After what seemed like hours, but I knew were only minutes we broke apart again.

I just stood there with my arms around her getting lost in her jade green eyes when she said “I have wanted to do that ever since I first saw you on the bus to Roland Park Jr High!”

“I never knew you felt that way about me” I told her.

“I know that silly, men are just so dumb sometimes!” she said.

I was just about to pull her in for another one of her kisses when we heard the backdoor start to open and each of us took a step back.

Faith came blasting out and wanted to know how much longer it was going to be. After looking at the coals I told her about 15 minutes and then Susan said “that is just about perfect as everything else should be ready at the same time.”

Taking Faith’s hand in hers she turned and headed toward the backdoor. She opened the door and then turned toward me with a look that said we were not done by any means then went inside.

Dinner was wonderful and the company was great and after everyone had eaten their fill Susan and I retired to the couch in the living room while Carol and Amy cleaned up the debris and washed everything. We all sat around finishing off the remainder of the second bottle of red as Faith went around getting sips from everyone’s glass. When the second bottle was a dead soldier I went to the fridge and retrieved the bottle of Champagne Doux I had brought as a dessert wine. Amy and Carol begged off at this point since both were going out for the evening and didn’t want to get too smashed too early.

Susan and I had barely touched our glasses when the doorbell rang and Amy and Carol’s dates showed up. It seemed like one minute they were there and the next they were gone with Carol saying “Don’t do anything we wouldn’t and if you do name the first one after me if it’s a girl.” Everyone laughed and I blushed wondering if we were that obvious.

With her two roommates gone Susan turned to Faith and said “bath time young lady, go start your bath water and get your jammies and I’ll come in and scrub your back.”

“Can I have bubbles” she asked as she headed off toward the bathroom.

“Yes you can, but remember this time to only use one capful and not half the bottle like last time” Susan replied.

A minute or so later we heard the water start filling the tub and I put my right arm around Susan’s shoulder and pulled her across my chest so that she was laying in my left arm and I bent and kissed her, first on her forehead, then each eye, then the tip of her nose, and her chin before our lips met and our tongues entwined. As I did this Susan let out a low moan and took my right hand and placed it on her left breast. As I slowly massaged her perfect cone shaped breast I could feel her nipple swell to the size of a marble and turn just as hard.

Susan let out another low moan and pushed her breast into my hand as I slowly tweaked and rolled her nipple between thumb and forefinger. I could feel my cock swelling under her shoulders and as I moved my hand down toward the hem of her dress we both heard “Mommy” come echoing from the bathroom.

Getting up from my lap and pulling her dress down Susan said “I’ll be right back” and then off to the bathroom she went. There was a sound of splashing and a short cry followed immediately by a burst of giggling. Then I could hear what sounded like a shower running for a couple of minutes.

I leaned my head back against the couch and I guess I drifted off for the next thing I knew there was this bouncing ball of red-headed energy squirming and giggling in my lap. I cracked open a eye and roared “Who Dares Wake the Tickle Monster” and Faith gave a little squeak and tried to climb off my lap, but I was too quick and grabbed a hold of her and started tickling her. After a few minutes of tickling Faith called out to her mother for help and a quick look in her direction told me it was time to let her escape – so I did. She tumbled to the floor and quickly crawled over to the far side of her mother peeking her eyes around Susan’s legs to see if I was coming after her.

I wasn’t as I was far too busy staring at Susan. Sometime between the time she went into the bathroom and finished bathing Faith she had changed into a dark green silk robe that ended well above her knees. I looked in askance although I sure didn’t mind and Susan told me that little miss smarty-pants thought it would be cute to splash water all over momma’s dress.

Susan turned to Faith and told her to grab a book for a bedtime story and off she scampered only to return within moments with this enormous book, but instead of taking it to Susan she brought it to me and asked if I would read her a bedtime story.

I picked up the big thing and when I turned it over I saw that it was one of my all time favorite books “ The Collected Stories of Winnie-ther-Pooh.” I said as much to Faith and in a flash she was back in my lap all snuggled up with her head on my chest. I asked if there was any story in particular she wanted to hear and she said any one about Kanga and Roo. I looked at the table of contents and flipped to a story about Kanga and Roo and began reading. Faith didn’t squiggle once the entire time I was reading and when I finished the story I was about to ask her what story she wanted to hear next when I looked at Susan. She had her finger too her lips and then pointed at Faith with both hands folded together along side her face – telling me that Faith was asleep.

I set the book down and then stood up with the little sleeping beauty in my arms and followed Susan to Faith’s bedroom. I gently lowered her to her bed and gave her a kiss on her forehead and tiptoed out of the room while Susan pulled the sheet up over her shoulders. I had no sooner sat back down on the couch when Susan joined me and leaning back in my arms said “Now where were we.”

As I raised her head up and brought my lips down to hers I slipped my right hand inside her robe and cupped her left breast. While our tongue sought out every nook and cranny in each others mouths I took my hand and lightly skimmed the palm of it back and forth over her nipple eliciting another moan from Susan. Once I was sure her nipple was rock hard I shifted my hand over to her other breast and gave it the same treatment until that nipple was just as hard. I spent several minutes doing this going back and forth as Susan’s moans became louder and louder and then taking my right thumb and forefinger I grabbed her right nipple and as I pulled it away from her body I rolled and twisted it between my fingers.

Susan’s back suddenly arched and her pelvis came off the couch as if a surge of electricity had coursed just through her causing every muscle in her body to tighten and she started shaking. I held her nipple like that for a few more seconds, gently rolling it back and forth before I finally released it and Susan sank back to the couch.

Pulling her lips away from mine she looked at me wide-eyed and asked “What did you just do to me!”

“Nothing much yet” I replied with a smile on my face “I’m just getting started.”

Susan rolled off my lap and getting to her feet pulled me to mine and led me to her bedroom. When we got inside the room she quietly closed the door and then dropped her robe to her feet. She took my hand once again and led me over to her bed where she slowly stripped off first my shirt and then loosening my belt and unfastening the button on my pants she lowered the zipper and tugged my pants down dropping them to the floor. She then knelt there and looked at my cock in amazement. Now I am not really all that long being just over 6.5” in length, but my cock is nearly 6” in circumference and the guys in my unit in the Corps used to call me the “Hydrant” cause they said it looked just like a fire hydrant.

Susan reached out her hand and slowly caressed my cock from its bulbous head to its clean shaven base rubbing and smearing the pre-cum that was steadily oozing from its tip. Susan looked up at me and said “Christ, that monster is huge” “I don’t even know if I can even get it in my mouth let alone swallow it as she gave the head a tentative lick!”

Reaching down I took a hold of her upper arms and raised her up and when she was standing I kissed her once again. “That’s not for you to worry about my love, I haven’t met a woman who could and don’t want you hurting yourself by trying” and with that I laid her back on her bed and knelt between her legs.

Her pussy had been shaved completely smooth and I could smell her musk rising up and could see in the soft light of the moon coming through her bedroom window that she was dripping wet. I couldn’t resist placing my hands on either side of her beautiful slit and gently pulling the outer lips of her vagina apart. I leaned in and taking my tongue flattened it and licked upward from Susan’s little brown puckered rose through her dew drenched pussy and stopped at her clit giving it an extra flick of my tongue. I went down and licked again and again getting into a steady rhythm and as I did Susan raised her pussy a bit further off the bed. I changed tempo and forming my tongue into a cylinder probed a bit deeper with each pass.

Susan raised her legs and dropped them over my shoulders curling her calves around the back of my head and pulling me in even tighter to her honey box. I continued probing deeper and deeper with my tongue trying to capture every drop of her sweet tasting dew. Slowly easing my tongue from her sweet pussy I inserted one finger and then two gently plunging them in and out. Susan was constantly moaning now and her hips were raising up off the bed as she tried to force my fingers even deeper. As I continued to move my fingers in and out of that glorious box I covered her clit with light rapid flicks of my tongue. Sensing that she was getting near to a major orgasm I curled my two fingers and sought out that patch of slightly different textured flesh inside her pussy and knew that I had found it when my stroking fingers caused her to start bucking harder and harder. I then vacuumed her clit into my mouth sucking hard as my lips gently applied greater and greater pressure to that tiny shaft and my tongue continued to flick across its blood engorged tip.

All along Susan kept repeating “Oh my god,” “Oh my god,” “Oh my god” with greater and greater frequency between large gasps for breath and when I finally sucked her clit into my mouth she let loose with a crescendo of squeals, her body arched up off the bed, and she began grinding her pussy harder and harder into my face. Then, after one last massive convulsion and a long low moan, her calves dropped away from the back of my head, her hands dropped from my hair, her eyes rolled up into the top of her head and she went completely limp as she passed out.

I raised my head from her wonderful and well licked snatch and crawled up the bed to place a kiss on her forehead and another tender one on her lips. I then climbed off the bed and quietly padded into the living room where I retrieved the bottle of Champagne Doux and out glasses. With them securely in my hands I stepped over to Faith’s door and peeked inside to check on her and found that in spite of all the noise her mother and I made she was still sound asleep.

I silently retreated from her door and returned to Susan’s bedroom where I poured us two fresh glasses of wine and crawled back into Susan’s bed where I began caressing her face and neck as I slowly worked my way to her magnificent breasts. As I cupped her breast and my thumb slid over her nipple her eyes fluttered open, closed for a moment, and then opened wide.

Susan looked at me and said “Never, never in my entire life could I ever begin to imagine that oral sex could be that wonderful.” She then raised her head up and gave me a deep, passionate kiss. When we finally surfaced for air she started to get up saying that she was thirsty and needed something to drink. It was then that I handed her the glass of wine I had poured for her and raising mine in toast said “Here is to one of the most beautiful and sensual women I know and one that only deserves the best in life and love”
We moved up on the bed and after propping some pillows behind my back I leaned against the headboard with Susan laying on my shoulder and upper chest. We talked of many things. That I was off to Marine Corps OCS in a weeks time and what I hoped to gain during my time in the service. We talked of her and the trials and tribulations of being a single mom and I drummed up the courage to ask her about her husband and what had happened. Boy did that light a fuse!

“That no good, rotten, two-timing son of a bitch can rot in hell for all I care” she said. “Do you know we weren’t even really married!” “That asshole had a friend of his pose as a preacher and even the marriage license was false.” “The whole thing was staged between him and a dozen or so friends of his who I am sure got a real charge out of simple, gullible me being completely fooled” she went on. “After 18 months of living together he came in one day and said that Faith and I were going to have to move because he was getting married the next week and that’s when I found out what a fool I had been!”

“Christ” I said. “I wish I had known because you could have moved into my mom’s house. You know that she would have welcomed you and Faith with open arms and you could have lived there as long as you needed to.”

“I wish I had known” she said “but what’s that saying – “That which doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger” – Well I am plenty strong now and I got some of mine back.” “The day I moved out I had left Faith with some friends and went over to his place to pick up the rest of my stuff with another friend who had a truck. After everything was loaded and we were walking out the door the asshole stood there with a couple of his friends and a smirk on his face and asked me if I had anything to say. I turned around and seeing that smirk my blood started to boil and suddenly I was tired of being a victim. “Just this” I replied “and then I kicked him so hard in the nuts that he’ll never have kids again.” “Then I walked to him as he was laying on the ground puking his guts out and told him that if I ever saw him again I would kill him and that I wasn’t going to seek child support because that would mean that she would have to let Faith see him and she didn’t want her daughter associating with scum like him” “ I never saw him again” Susan said, “but I did hear later that his wedding had to be postponed several months until his balls shrank back down and that he really would never be able to father another child”

“Wow” I said “I’m almost sorry I brought it up and remind me to never ever piss you off.” With that I leaned over and tenderly kissed her on the lips.

Susan returned my kiss and we started petting and stroking one another and it wasn’t long before my cock was standing straight up and hard as a bar of steel.

“I want you inside me NOW” said Susan.

Well I started kissing her nipples and massaging her breasts and started to work my way down her taut belly toward that wonderful honey hole when Susan grabbed my ears and said “Wait a minute Buster!” “It’s going to be a while before I let you get your tongue and fingers back down there” “You’re too dangerous” and with that she pushed me over on my back and threw her leg across my hips. She started slowly sliding her pussy along my cock, covering it with more and more of her juices. She started moaning softly and then raised herself up and centering the head of my cock between her sweet pussy lips slowly began sliding downward. God was it tight. Her pussy felt like a velvet vise that was slowly closing its jaws around my prick. She would slide down an inch, rest for a few seconds, then raise up before plunging downward again.

“My God you’re huge” she panted “I haven’t even gotten half of it in me and already I feel full to the bursting point” and with that she raised up once again and began her slow descent. Over and over she repeated this maneuver until she had stuffed about 5” inches into her. Then she added a twist to her up and down motion and began rocking forward and back and side to side as she tried to stretch her pussy around my thick rod. Finally, with less than an inch to go, she raised herself up until just the head of my cock was lodged between her lips and then dropped straight down until our pubic bones collided.

For a moment I thought she was going to pass out once again as she let out this long shuddering moan and she started shaking from another massive orgasm. Her eyes fluttered and started to roll toward the back of her head and if my hands had not been massaging her breasts I am sure she would have crashed down on my chest. The pain from having my cock squeezed by her tight, tight pussy was exquisite and I cannot remember enjoying myself more.

After a half a minute or so Susan seemed to collect herself and started sliding her overstretched pussy up and down my shaft, slowly at first with short strokes and then faster and faster with longer and longer strokes until she was riding the entire length. On each upstroke she would suck in her breath and when she bottomed out she would let go with an explosive Ugh! I didn’t try to match her rhythm and just laid there on my back fondling her breasts and rolling her nipples between thumb and forefinger.

A dozen, two dozen, five dozen time her raised and dropped when suddenly she let out this ooooooooOOOOOOOOOH Gooooodddd I’M CUMING she screamed and started whipping her head from side to side as her body started convulsing once again. Her legs shot out straight along mine and her upper body collapsed on my chest. I held her tight and slowly stroked her back as her shaking and shivering finally slowed to a stop.

“My God I needed that” she said when she had recovered her breath. “I have never felt so full and content in my life nor have I ever had such a series of intense orgasms.”

I rolled her over and looking into her eyes slowly began stroking my cock in and out of her stretched pussy and oh god did it feel good. As I slowly picked up my tempo and increased the length of my stroking I could feel Susan begin to respond. As I pushed inward I could feel her hips rising to meet mine and we slowly built up a steady pace that was tender and caring – This wasn’t going to be a simple wham bam thank you ma’am fuck – but rather a sharing of one person’s love for another for it was at that point that I realized that I truly was in love with Susan and had been for years. I wanted to hold her and protect both her and Faith from anyone or anything that would possibly do them harm and god help the SOB who tried because I sure wouldn’t.
As I continued to slide in and out of this wonderful woman I could feel that old, familiar stirring in my balls and could see in hers that she was rapidly reaching that point as well.

“Cum in me” she said “I want to feel you come in me and with me” and that’s all it took to tip me over the edge and trip my trigger.

I drove into her one last time and my cum started blasting the inside of that wonderful velvet vise and I could feel her cum mixing with mine and I felt a sense of contentment unlike anything I had ever felt before. Then I opened my stupid mouth and blew it!

Rolling off her I said “That was the best lay I have ever had” and as soon as I said it I knew that I had just fucked up and fucked up big time.

Immediately I could feel her tense up and she pulled away from me and said “Is that all I am to you? Another lay, another notch in your sex belt? “Get out and don’t come back!”

I tried to calm her down and tried to explain that that wasn’t what I meant at all, but the damage was done and she didn’t want to hear a word I had to say. She finally told me to get out or she was calling the police so I pulled on my pants, buttoned my shirt, slipped on my loafers and left.

I tried over the next seven days to talk to her, but if she answered the phone she hung up and if one of her roommates did they called me an insensitive asshole and hung up. I tried sending flowers only to drive by and see them sticking out of the garbage can and I even sent a registered letter that was returned as refused. I tried once more when I got to OCS and got the message that her number had been changed to a non-published one and after I graduated and received my butter bar I drove by her house and when I went to the door a stranger answered who had no idea who I was talking about. I even went by Towson State only to find that she had transferred to another school and they were really sorry, but since I wasn’t family they couldn’t tell me where.

So here I was, divorced once and now a widower, driving to the place that once meant so much to me so I could put another ghost to rest?

I had always regretted our last parting and had often wondered over the past forty years - what if.


Same as Full Circle - Chapter One Videos

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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Full Circle Chapter Six

To those cowards that give me a negative vote yet lack the courage to say who you are or even leave a comment I say Fuck You and that’s the last you’ll hear from me on the subject. To my fans enjoy as this is a very long story with a couple of twists – THX Fix’m Full Circle – Chapter Six I turned the Suburban right and then swung it to the left and we had arrived at the Hilton. The look on the doorman’s face and that of the parking valet were absolutely, without a doubt,...

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Full CircleChapter 7

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Full Circle Chapter Five

Full Circle – Chapter Five Making love to Susan can be favorably compared to either a hurricane or a deep, slow moving river depending on many factors including her mood. Tonight her mood was a cross between that of a playful mature tigress in heat and a raccoon kit wanting to explore everywhere and getting its nose into everything. After discussing the possibility of her leaving Baltimore with her family she was much more at ease than she had been earlier when we had come home from...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

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Full Circle Chapter Four

Fix’m Full Circle – Chapter Four We headed south out of the city with me deep in thought. “Did I really know what I was doing?” Here I was a sixty-three year old man involved with a sixty-three year old woman who I hadn’t seen in forty years until yesterday who wanted me to fuck her forty-seven year old daughter who had had a twenty-three year old daughter by artificial insemination that she had named after me and who was, for all intents and purposes, at forty-seven was still a...

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The CircleChapter 40 Crash Aftermath Jims Interview and Philosophy

Chapter 40: Crash aftermath. Jim’s interview and philosophy Tracy was released from the hospital three weeks later with a list of ‘can’t dos’ as long as her broken arm. Dr. Rama wanted to err on the cautious side, and only after extensive ultrasounds, MRIs, and x-rays did he relent and let her go. He did not want her to fly, so Jim rented a car and drove home seven hours with her as the most eager passenger to get away from St. Louis. Dr. Rama had arranged for local care at a hospital near...

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Full Circle Chapter Two

Full Circle – Chapter Two Well there I was, a 63 year old widower, driving through Baltimore City, Maryland reliving the sins of my past. I didn’t have too many regrets in life for I had, up to this point, had a very good life all in all. I had stayed in the Corps for 32 years, retiring 13 years ago at the rank of Colonel. I was up for a “star” had I stayed in, but that was when we had the first hint that things weren’t right with Carol so I got out to spend more time with her. It was...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 15 Millie Kids in Circle 101

Millie was truly a beautiful mature woman in every way. She had an aura of beauty around her that wasn’t just physical. She gave off vibes of being loving, friendly, gracious, and agreeable to work with. He knew that if he had the right visual sensitivity, he’d probably be able to see a halo over her head, as well as a beautiful aura. Those vibes carried a spiritual element to them that made him feel deeply connected to her in mind, body, and spirit. Millie was wearing Bermuda shorts and a...

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The CircleChapter 42 Reality TV Show Starts

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 33 A Circle Mother Signs On

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 23 Circle Tattoos Police Presence

Dave laughed when he went online and went to the Circle’s website. Erin Steckler maintained the site for everybody in the Circle as part of her service duties. The work blended nicely with her freelance reporting for the Sarasota Herald and a couple of other papers. The password for the site was ‘Circle’ – not creative, not really secure, but easy to remember. The opening page consisted of the near pornographic photographs of about twenty Circle tattoos – each very close to each woman’s...

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The CircleChapter 4

As we landed at the Honolulu airport we were led to a small reception desk with a big cardboard sign showing The Circle emblem. We were registered at the desk, given nice glossy name tags (with The Circle emblem) and then we were told to wait by gate 5 for more people to arrive from other parts of the world. When all have arrived, we would board a special bus to the resort. Together with us on the flight there were Aunt Clare with Uncle Tom and the twins Bella and Cindy. Then there were Aunt...

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GoddessChapter 12 The Rape of Persephone

THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...

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Full Circle Chapter Three

Full Circle – Chapter Three The next morning I woke up as I usually do at 0530 in the morning and looked to my left. There, cradled in my arm was Susan, the woman I could now admit was the true love of my life. Sure I had loved my wife Carol. We had been married for more than thirty years until cancer had taken her away less than a year ago and I would always love her. But this, this was different on so many levels. Now that I was with Susan my life felt complete. It was as if a part...

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The CircleChapter 38 Tammy Has Issues Bad Break for Steve

Tammy sat in her living room. The room had grown dark except for the streetlight coming in the windows. Her brain was what she called scrambled. My God, she'd had an unusual day. Her friend Lynn had guessed very accurately Tammy's concerns about sex with The Circle – that she'd suddenly have to do it all at once with everyone. She'd even heard a term, a sexual term, that seemed to fit – gangbang. If she had sex with everyone in the house she'd be a slut ... but all the women at the...

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The CircleChapter 45 ED commercial Fall season

Bob was shaking his head, “Let me get this straight, they want you and Mike to do a real television commercial for Cialis?” Zoey nodded, “That’s what the man said. He’s with some Madison Avenue ad agency and claimed to have even gotten permission from NBC to talk to us about doing it. Because we’re celebrities we’d get paid a premium. Mike and I agreed we’d split it, if we do it. He needs a new pickup truck, and I need new tires and other work on my car, so this comes at a good time.” “How...

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The CircleChapter 16 Party Aftermath Expansion of The Circle

A week later, everyone in The Circle sat in the living room enjoying a cocktail before we had a dinner based on some of the leftovers from the prior week's Graduation Party that had been frozen to preserve them. Bob said, "So what was the fallout from the party? Anyone want to start?" Tracy said, "I got so loved, I could barely stand up for two days. I did my first train – about a dozen guys. It was fabulous, and I think I'll do it again, but no time soon." Ellie laughed, "I was the...

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The CircleChapter 46 Martial arts pays off

Derek stood on a mat in the center of the patio. He wore a traditional white gi, with white slippers. Around his waist he wore a black belt tied in a special knot. On the black belt were three embroidered braids, also black, indicating he had achieved the highest dan in at least one of the martial arts he’d been schooled in at the nearby dojo. From time to time, he would flow into a new position of the Tai Chi, the ancient Chinese martial arts discipline with highly prescribed moves. The...

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Cuckolds CircleChapter 3

The next day Linda again met for drinks with her friend Sarah to fill her in on the previous evening. "That's great!" said Sarah. "He actually sucked on your panties while he jerked himself off?" "Yup," said Linda. "And I didn't even tell him to do that. He just somehow did it. And he's calling me 'ma'am' more and more often without my prompting him." "Terrific. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see him on his knees jerking his pecker with your panties in his...

2 years ago
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 25 Fifth Circle

When Wayne awoke seconds later, Judith already cradled him against her breasts, her hand stroking his hair. A bird chirped somewhere in the distance, the only sound breaking the silence, and Wayne’s first clue that the night was far advanced and dawn would soon break. He looked up, searching for Judith’s eyes, but found that they were focused on a spot beyond him. He followed her gaze to the broken cauldron and the fountain of steam that was still rising from it. It rose only some six feet...

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The CircleChapter 43 A Fan Wants to Join The Circle

Matt stood in the electrical aisle at the Walmart in Centerville comparing the attributes of dimmable versus non-dimmable LED light bulbs. He had a list of items to pick up, all in the nature of cleaning or maintenance on the house. The LED bulbs were slated for the canned ceiling lights in the cathedral ceiling part of the living room. He’d already rented a twenty-foot folding ladder to be able to reach the fixtures, several of which had dead bulbs and no way to easily reach them. Now, he...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 2 Circle 101

Nikky was flying around the office wearing a cellphone headset and talking to someone while she arranged notes and papers on Dave’s desk. He waved at her and blew her a kiss. She held up a finger urging him to stand still for a moment as she ended the call. As Dave heard her end the call, she tore the headset from her head and came into his arms for her morning kiss and hug. “I love you.” “And I love you, Nikky Thomas. What are you going to do with me today?” “I’m going to have you meet...

4 years ago
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Full Circle Chapter Seven

“Whatever it is you’re doing don’t fucking stop you’re driving me wild” she moaned loudly as her breath came is gasps. I couldn’t believe that she had slept through all that. Well she was awake now and I was just getting started. I locked away in the back of my brain her reaction to light anal probing because that was certainly something to explore later. If she acted the way she did with a light bit of pressure how was she going to act toward actual penetration? I withdrew my finger from...

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The CircleChapter 14 Graduation Party

The graduation from the nearby university for Tracy, Ellie, and Kyle, the youngest members of The Circle, was due the following May. Sitting around one evening in April after some of The Circle had made love together in the family room, Alex enthusiastically suggested, "Hey, we need to have a blowout graduation party for our grads. Would you like that Ellie?" Ellie lay spooned against Alex on the sofa in the same position they'd been in when they finished making love. His turgid cock...

2 years ago
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The CircleChapter 30 Renee joins Circle and brings Ellen

Cuddled up in the bed, naked, and wrapped in Bob’s arms, Renee turned and kissed him. She said in a hushed tone, “That was the most outrageous thing I’ve ever done sexually.” “Did you like it?” “I loved it. I really meant what I said about doing it over and over. I lost count of my orgasms. I hope I gave as good as I got.” Bob snorted, “Zoey thinks you’re her new role model. You did very well by her.” “I liked her. I liked kissing her.” “Have you always been bisexual?” “Just since...

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The CircleChapter 52 At the end of the following year

The next year flew by for everyone in The Circle. Willow and Darrell had moved to New York City, taking Ariana with them. She made it back to Dillonville six times during the year with the baby, who by then was approaching four years old. We saw Willow on the evening news almost every night; she was prominent, and had started to do some high profile interviews including many controversial senators, and eventually the President of the United States. She was in the big leagues, and she...

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The CircleChapter 37 Tammy the voyeur More photos by Matt

After the meeting broke up, Tammy went up to Bob. “Thank you for including me in your meeting and vote. I’m not really a family member, but I appreciate the gesture.” “Tammy! You have become as much family as any of us. Of course, you get a vote. Plus, you are here most of the time with the kids; you’ll be a star of the show along with the babies.” Tammy blushed, “Oh, dear, I hadn’t thought about that side of things.” Bob hugged the slightly older woman. “You’ll do fine. Just forget that...

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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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Daddys Girls Chapter 13 The True Meaning Of The Circle

“So, Stace, I was worried this morning when you weren’t in English class,” Becky said as they sat together under the tree, eating lunch.“I made it to class, Beck.” “I know, but you were late, and your hair was still wet.”“Was it?” Stacey absent-mindedly ran her fingers through her hair.“So? What happened?“Nothing, really. I… I just took a nice long shower this morning…”“I LOVE doing that!” Laurie interrupted. “Sometimes, I just love standing under the spray for as long as the hot water holds...

4 years ago
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UpgradeChapter 22 Marcie Lisa Get Big Bob Experience Join Circle

The noise level increased in the living room with the kids being around more; so both Trish and I moved our work/study areas to one of the upstairs bedrooms where we could shut the door for quiet. I took one side of the room, and Trish the other. One of the side benefits of our temporary shared office space was that there was a bed in the room. The first day we were actually in the room together, I shut the door and looked at Trish. She looked at me, and we were in bed making love a minute...

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The CircleChapter 34 Return of the Runaway Lover Steph

The weather was ideal for a spring Saturday morning, sunny and chilly with the promise of warm temperatures as the day progressed. The weekend looked fabulous from a weather point of view. Jim returned from his run. No one else in the house seemed to be up when he left and a glance around inside on his return confirmed that was still the case. He prepared his cereal, and carried it outside to a patio table. As he started to sit he heard someone crying; he turned and there was Stephanie...

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The CircleChapter 35 Tammy the Nanny

Sandy said, “I think I might know someone who would be interested in a job as a nanny. She’s been one of my waitresses when we do big parties, and she’s reliable as anything, personable, and I’ve known her for two decades. She’d be perfect. She just finished launching her own kids that she started when she was in college, is suffering from empty nest syndrome, is a widow – he died in an auto accident, and has been wondering what to do with her life. She hasn’t been a player in any of our...

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The CircleChapter 44 Stacys visits

Wednesday at six o'clock, Matt answered the doorbell to find Stacy standing there looking cute as a button, but nervous as a tic in a frying pan. She was wearing a dark blue jumper with a white blouse, and some low-heeled shoes. She was carrying a small cosmetics bag and another dress on a hanger. He brought her in, and she was all eyes, taking in the house for the first time, and then the cluster of people around the kitchen bar and lounge area creating a din of conversation. She whispered...

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Chapter 18 The Affairs Circle Crumbles Is My Husband Leaving Me I Move Up

Erica's blabbing about our country-western bar hop and Thumper transformed “A-T” to "Now Now" into an “Affairs Circle” star. A trophy ring quest among the members ensued. It was notoriety I didn’t relish. Outsider’s gossip about members would eventually compromise my staid super mom/wife image. I wanted out.To exit, I stopped aiding and abetting their affairs, renounced mine, avoided those in the group and only smiled if one was met by chance, then scurried away. My parting advice was.“Put...

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The CircleChapter 10 The House Parents Join The Circle

Six months later, Jim and Tracy pulled away from their parents' home with a U-Haul trailer full of a few items of furniture, and dozens of boxes. At a stop sign when they were out of sight of the house, Tracy leaned across the console at kissed Jim's cheek. "I love you, big brother." "I love you, little sister." "Have I kept up my end of our bargain?" "What's that?" Jim puzzled to her. "I promised I'd fuck your brains out each day. I know I didn't make it every day what...

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The CircleChapter 21 Love and Healing Without Sex

Tina looked hopeful. Zoey indicated a whole new way of living and loving other people than anything she knew, and that sounded like the ideal remedy for her self-worth and her new life. Tina thought, 'That's exactly what I need; a new life.' Marlene added to what Zoey had just told her, "Tina, when I found this group it was like discovering heaven on earth. There is more love between the twenty or so of us than in the rest of the state." The discussion went on, and then about nine...

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The CircleChapter 23 Am I a Slut Lynn Stars in a Video

"Tina, can I ask you a question?" Lynn asked, obviously unsure of herself and the sexual landscape she was embarking on. "Oh, sure. Anything." Tina was lounging around the family room wearing a t-shirt and not much else. "How many men have you slept with? Tina thought, "Oh, I've lost count because of my old profession. Maybe a couple of hundred? Not all of it was on film." "I mean slept with at one time? I guess I mean in one session or maybe in one day." Tina made no secret of...

4 years ago
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The CircleChapter 33 Renee does Playboy Ellen

The photographer and set that Renee was to use for Playboy were in Chicago, right near the Playboy mansion. Renee and Ellen were there three days, and most of that time from nine in the morning to six or seven at night, Renee told us she was either naked or wearing some frilly piece of lingerie that wasn’t too different from being naked. Ellen told us she thought the photographer had taken around three to five thousand photographs! Matt thought that might be reasonable given the use of...

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The CircleChapter 18 Marlenes Secret and Public Sex

Matt slept with Marlene on her first night in the house. They made love again, but he was off to work first thing in the morning. When Marlene came downstairs she found Alice again spread out at the counter working on her project. “Good morning,” Marlene said as she poked into the kitchen. “Is it self serve? Can I poke around to find a breakfast?” Alice smiled, “Only after you come over here and kiss me.” Marlene looked surprised, but went to Alice. As the two women kissed, Alice ran her...

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The CircleChapter 19 Realized Fantasy Making Porn

The concept of a 'realized fantasy' really appealed to Jim after Brad had made that statement regarding his fantasy about fucking some hot babe on the picnic table at the town common at night had come true. He wondered what other fantasies people in The Circle had that hadn't been realized. Thus, he set as a short-term goal, the collection of fantasies of his friends and lovers, and the desire to help make them 'realized fantasies.' As seven of The Circle sat around after dinner one...

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The CircleChapter 29 A Pregnant Pause and a Supermodel

Six weeks later, Monica came in one day after work and sat in Jim's lap. She smiled at him in a devilish way, and he looked at her, momentarily unsure of the surprise physical attention. Suddenly, he broke into a smile, "Are you?" She whispered in his ear, "I am! I'm so happy I could just about burst." "Who else knows?" "Just you." "What about Matt and Bob?" "Not yet, but I'll tell them in a minute. It's definitely one of you three, but I sort of feel it's you. I'd like...

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The CircleChapter 31 Renees assistant Beach date

Renee had just settled into life in The Circle, and enthusiastically joined the housing partnership, when a number of things happen close together in time that jarred us all, albeit in a nice way by the time things were through. Vogue magazine's Christmas issue came out on that Wednesday, and it was a big deal. Renee was on the cover and featured inside in long article about the rising supermodel's fame, and the fashions she loved. Overnight, Renee's agent, who was based in Hollywood,...

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The CircleChapter 48 Aftermath of the News Special

Matt shook his head and said, "Willow, I knew you did the news and worked at the station. I love you. BUT I had no idea that you were this courageous or brilliant. You are FABULOUS. That broadcast was mind-blowing." Rod Minchen nodded. "Willow, this may get you an Emmy or Murrow Award for investigative reporting. I will certainly be sure to call it to their attention." Willow said in a low tone, "I just hope I'm alive to accept it." The entire group hung around until the eleven...

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The CircleChapter 50 Nancy

Brad, Sandy, and Stacy stood just outside airport security and watched as the passengers arriving at the city airport flowed from the planes to the main concourse, and then headed for the escalators to go and get their luggage. It was Friday evening. Brad kept looking at the photograph of his daughter, and then looking up a scanning the crowd, looking way down into the secure area as deplaning passengers streamed towards him. Suddenly, there she was. A brunette with long hair tied back in a...

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The CircleChapter 51 Nancy Comes the Teens Willow Leaves

Nancy stayed the entire week in Dillonville. She got to meet her new family, cementing relationships with her grandparents, and her half-siblings, not to mention her father and stepmother. The latter two relationships involved some serious sex, and were 'hyper romantic' to quote Nancy. Nancy and Brad met with Marlene on Monday, and moved most of her money to an investment account. Alex came and helped with the transactions and some of the investment advice, especially so Marlene stayed...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 16 The Planet of The Clones

Linda introduced Gen. Matilda MacArthur from intelligence to Jason’s group. “Matilda is the brains of our Intelligence outfit. She has already met with Major Connie Ross. They have been hard at work together, which is why you didn’t meet her at lunch. She will update you on what we know and have been thinking.” Matilda stood up to speak, “We have returned your senior intelligence assets back to the planet together with some of our people. “We are attempting to assess if there are other...

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The Westhampton Womens CircleChapter 8 A Change in Direction

Liz Pays The Price The Westhampton Ladies Circle was meeting in the home of Hannah Kleich. Hannah welcomed the group explaining the theme for their meeting. "I know," she began, "that many of you missed out on our recent visit to Sir Geoffery's studio. It was a shame of course but Julia, Liz and myself had a most, what shall we say, instructive afternoon. Sir Geoffery has been kind enough to lend us some of his equipment again and we thought that we should take the opportunity to try...

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The CircleChapter 3 A Big Surprise

This morning I made love for the first time to my big sister, Julie, and we discussed what I could or couldn't tell my girlfriend Emma about my week at Aunt Clare's and the very special lifestyle I was introduced into with my family. I was still shuddering when remembering how I made love to my mother and then to my little sister Sarah. For tonight I planned going out with Emma, and I wanted very much to make love to her for the first time. Up till now we used to make out and we had gotten...

4 years ago
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The CircleChapter 20 Selling the Video and Tina

The finished movie was just like it happened, and everyone that acted in it was proud to have captured the heritage of The Circle. Not all the newer members knew exactly how it started, and the video got everyone talking about the roots of how The Circle formed and the underlying philosophies and tenets. The film started at Jim's favorite picnic table with Bob, Jim, and Matt talking about dating Sheila, Zoey, and Monica, as well as Bob's major points to happiness and joy, and talking about...

1 year ago
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The CircleChapter 41 Jessica and Matt Make Love Tammys Breakthrough

Jessica sat on her bed in a light blue pajama set, her top held together across her modest breasts with only one button, and the bottoms more of a bikini style pants than shorts or longer pants. She displayed considerable skin – chest, stomach, and good-looking legs that seemed to go on forever. She'd tied her hair back in a ponytail. In front of her on her bed was her laptop computer; she'd been writing up notes from a couple of the interviews she'd done that day: Jim and Monica. When...

2 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 46

ANA (Wednesday 12/28) It was painful. I knew if any of us had been in our bodies, we would have been vomiting within the first thirty minutes. As it was, we were able to keep to our tasks and set aside our feelings and reactions for the time being. From talking with the rest of the gang over the next couple days, each of us heaved our guts up at least once and most of us many times more. I know Don, Bob, Natalie and I sat and wept together several times. Others did the same. Yeh, some whiz...

2 years ago
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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

2 years ago
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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

2 years ago
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The AuthorChapter 5 First Friday at the Circle B

Bill turned down a small two-lane road and drove past a slight turn. The road widened and a large guard shack stood ahead near an open gate. A man in sports shirt waited in the middle of the road with a clipboard. Bill slowed and then stopped next to the man as he rolled down the driver's side window. "Good afternoon sir and welcome back." The man with the clipboard said. "Good afternoon Tim, this is Jennifer, and I'll vouch for her and arrange it at the main house." Bill said handing...

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