To MoltChapter 7 free porn video

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We discussed Mila during the two hour trip to Portland with Gail driving her old green Volvo. I told Gail her history, her years lost under the abusive domination of a thug and how I pulled her out of it.

"What was she like before she was sucked into the destructive relationship?" asked Gail.

"From the little she's told me, she was a good student. She had close friends and relatives. But despite all appearances of being a good girl, she felt rebellious and cynical, a quiet troublemaker questioning the status quo of her environment and her parents' conservative attitude. She wanted to rise above her poverty. Unfortunately, instead of embracing her intelligence and using it to move up in society, she embraced the flash of status, the quick money and the arrogance and violence of the royalty of the street. Being a pretty blonde with a sexy body got her a ticket out of her parents' grasp, not the mind behind it. It made her a prize for the toughest thug. And the fact that she is at least third generation Hawaiian and yet has no mix of blood suggests her family had strong opinions about mixed blood relationships. So becoming a native Hawaiian thug's girl provided a giant fuck you to her parents."

"I understand all that," said Gail after my speech. "But I wish I had a sense of who she was before her mistake. Because I think that's how she is now. I think she's reverting back to her adolescence, her best years. She's really immature at times. Not always of course, because I certainly wouldn't be in love with her if she was. When we're working on the book or being quiet and intimate with each other, she's lovely and bright and insightful. But if she's unsettled or in a party situation, the teenager emerges. She can be exciting, seducing us adults into having fun. But it can get to be too much and usually does. It's obvious when she changes. She starts speaking Pidgin to the point that it's sometimes hard to understand. It's fascinating to see her change into a tough slum girl, but it's scary too. I actually think her Pidgin is pretty cool. It took some convincing, but I got her to translate a couple of her stories into her patois. There's something charming and inherently funny about it, sort of like Yiddish."

"That's true. There are some great local comedians, but of course you have to be from Hawaii to get it."

"I'm not surprised. Anyway, what I'm getting at is she's a very troubled girl. Whether the asshole who basically turned her into his sex slave caused it, or the very choice she made to put herself in that position was a sign, I don't know. But when you saved her, that unbalanced mind became focused on you. You saved her not as much physically as emotionally. It's probably true that if you hadn't brought her to Eugene she would be dead, which of course she's thankful for. She's thankful for plucking her out of the world she had always wanted to escape, the streets of Honolulu, and bringing her to a new world. But she noticed in your heroic gesture your gentleness and your care and your interest in what she had to say. When you didn't play the role she expected, a john paying her for services rendered, or even more truthfully, a private investigator using her as bait, but instead tossed role playing out and treated her like a person, an equal and at the same time as a woman, a lover, it blew her mind. Despite everything, the ruse to capture her boyfriend, the life threatening situation, making love in the room that had been her prison cell, her torture chamber; it became the greatest night of her life. Make no mistake about it, she worships you."

"Shit," I said suddenly panicking, my heart throbbing in my ears. "What am I going to do?"

"I don't know," said Gail.

"I hope you're wrong."

"I hope so too."

"I haven't seen her for months."

"She had Vy."

"How did she respond to Vy's death?"

"Devastation for awhile, then she seemed fine."

"So she has the strength to get on without me or Vy."

"Her being fine is a brave front, a front as thin as a balloon skin, easily punctured, easily popped."

"How do you know?"

"I've seen the explosion. One night out of nowhere she became incredibly angry. She screamed at me when I tried touching her, tried giving her a hug. She walked out into the night and wandered around. Friends saw her talking to herself on the street. I waited for over an hour hoping she'd come back. I called her phone but got the message machine. Finally a friend called me from a bar over a mile away. I asked him to grab her. He called back saying he couldn't find her. I threw on my clothes and drove to the bar and went down every street and alleyway until I found her curled up next to a dumpster sobbing. She made herself so small I nearly passed her. I got out and sat beside her, letting her be alone with her pain, but letting her know I'd share it when she was ready, not with words, just sitting there patiently until she acknowledged me. It was hard not to hold her, but I resisted. I don't know how long I sat with her, but however long, it seemed longer. When she emerged from her fetal position, she slowly rose to her feet, and then extended her hand to help me get to mine. She guided me to my car and got in on the passenger side. 'I'm sorry, ' she said. 'Take me home.' 'Your home, ' I asked? 'Yours please, ' she said. As soon as she entered my apartment, she stripped naked and put on one of my shirts and went to bed. 'Please hold me, ' she said. When I awoke she made waffles, that lovely half smile on her face. She apologized. We never discussed it, never mentioned it again."

Although putting me into a state of concern, Gail helped pull me out of it, asking me about myself and my work, eventually leading to Vy's murder. I felt confident about getting a handle on the villain. The problem was how to find him. I needed more information, so mulling over what I had brought me nowhere. I added somewhat to my information when I called Eileen Brainerd in Seattle, mostly concerning the victim found recently having a similar MO as the Jane Doe in Reno. She wouldn't tell me about Vy's clothing, supporting the Eugene Police's need for concealment of details. But the disappearance of a woman in Olympia interested her, and she promised more details if she could be allowed to tie Vy with the other cases. The timeline of the disappearance interested her most, bringing a possible pathway for this traveling rapist in closer focus.

We loaded Vy's books, weighing down the old Volvo with several boxes. When I saw the cover for the first time, I was mesmerized. It revealed Vy in orgasmic joy on stage, the microphone held loosely in her hands just below her face, her eyes looking down as if hungry for the beautiful black cock. The lighting made her glow in her beautiful pale glory.

Gail accompanied me to the Chief of Police's office. Chief Soaring Eagle was an imposing man, tall with a large rugged face, massive shoulders and a thickening, middle aged body losing its battle against gravity but still suggesting earlier athleticism, like that of a receiver in football in an earlier life. His careworn features etched signs of his battered sensitivity along with, hinted by the brief joy he revealed receiving my gift of fine scotch, an appetite for alcohol.

If the Chief intimidated I couldn't tell because he welcomed me as the disciple of Sam Kamalua and wanted to know how I knew my mentor. That led to his telling me about the two cases they shared. His sad eyes lit up recalling his days as a homicide detective. Perhaps, like Uncle Sam, he should have been less ambitious, but his interactions with his staff and detectives showed a deep respect for the man. Clearly his upward move didn't intend to get rid of an incompetent detective. He seemed equal to them while in charge at the same time.

We ended up spending an hour and a half in his office, partially because of the ease of conversations and partially because of several interruptions which he surprisingly let us hear. Ongoing cases briefed to him in our presence included a leading citizen's son involved in a drug bust.

When the time to leave finally arrived, he handed me a manila envelope, shook my hand and said, "I had them post these overnight. It's not everything, but I think you'll find them useful. Dichter's a decent detective if a bit closed minded. Dealing with the public is his idea of a bad time, and as young as you are, he would have been doubly resistant. Personally, I've enjoyed the hell out of our meeting, and I look forward to sipping on your fine gift and reminiscing about an evening on the town with Sam that was, well, not for mixed company. Good luck."

Once in the car, Gail said, "Interesting man."

I agreed. Eagerly I opened the envelope and pulled out photos and forensic reports regarding Vy's body. As soon as I had a glimpse, I shoved them back inside.

"What is it?" asked Gail.

"It looks like what I need, but it's graphic."

"Um, okay. I guess you'll want to study them in private. We still have a three hours to kill ... sorry ... before meeting Mila. It's four; it'll take a couple hours to get home and three more hours until she's off work."

We decided despite my eagerness to work on the case to have a leisurely dinner at a great seafood restaurant outside Portland which I bought. Then we took a small detour to a favorite viewing spot of Gail's. By the time we reached Eugene, we had shortened the time by half. She came into Vy's apartment to use the phone to set up a meeting with Paula at the theater where the benefit would be taking place so the books could be stashed there. Kenneth unsurprisingly worked at the computer. He had interesting news.

"I think the suspect might have a record," said Kenneth. "There was a robbery in Ogden Utah about a year and a half ago of a pharmacy. The robbers were busted and one of them got a shortened jail sentence for ratting out a ring he claimed to have just started getting involved with and then skipped parole as soon as they released him. Maynard Utley, born and raised in Salt Lake City, 31 years old, a shaky work record with large gaps, the longest employer being the Merchant Marines for which he was given the heave ho for unspecified reasons. The parameters of his employment history stretch around the areas of the abductions and murders, North and West of Utah. He's 6'8" and weighs nearly three hundred pounds with a puss only a mother could love."

I stared at the puss of our probable villain on the monitor as Kenneth spoke. "Any violent rapes in Salt Lake or Ogden when he was young?" I asked. The face, though done at the arrest, had a smirk. He looked cocky (sorry, bad pun) and that gave me a new idea.

"I was just about to work on that," said Kenneth.

"I know this is a stretch, but see if any arrests in the Northern California/Nevada areas in the past year or so suggest him. Maybe in Oregon, Washington and Idaho as well. He might have created a new identity for himself since he skipped parole, so look for an alias with the same body type. Again concentrate on pharmacies, but possibly liquor stores and convenience stores. Maybe even vagrancy or drunk and disorderly, though those might be too frequent and not so well documented."

"What do you have in mind?" asked Kenneth.

"I may be working on hope, but I get a sense the guy talked. He's proud of his villainy. I'm thinking he'd spout off to a cellmate about his success with ladies."

"I'll see if I can get the name of his cellmate in Ogden."

"Good idea," I said.

"I should go meet Paula," interrupted Gail.

"I'll help haul the books," I said.

"You don't have to."

"I don't mind, and I can talk to Paula face to face."

"What about the case?" asked Gail.

"I'm further along then I thought, and I can't do much this late. I'll look at it tomorrow. This way we can hang out until we head to Blue Gene's to pick up Mila. If you're not getting sick of me."

"To tell you the truth, I've enjoyed it," said Gail.

"Me too. Now I get to enjoy it less for a little while until it gets real fun with you and Mila."

"By less fun you mean Paula?"

"I do indeed."

The Pantages Theater had been built as an opera hall, its opulence reduced over the years. No giant chandelier remained. Any extravagant decorations had been removed. But the ornate qualities remained as hints, the elegant details of the wood work in the entrances into the auditorium and especially the designs on the box seats on each side of the stage. It became a concert hall for popular music, mostly rock acts, and with its age and the abundance of various types of smoke, had a bittersweet odor of mold, tobacco and marijuana lingering in its emptiness.

If Paula was happy to see me, I would have been surprised and I wasn't. See Gail brought a smile although puzzled one. Gail seemed to be enjoying my company.

Looking through the book, like it had for me, disturbed yet exhilarated her, and the emotions it brought out gave me a glimpse of Paula as the intelligent, charming, nice woman rumors suggested. After stashing the books, we sat in the darkened theater while I told her of my progress. She nodded and looked skeptical, but when I finished our eyes met, and hers pooled with tears. Mine too.

Gail guided a weeping Paula onto her lap and hugged her, whispering, "You two should be doing this. He misses her almost as much as you do."

"I know, darling. I just can't."

"Just like you, he made her happy and looked out for her needs and never hurt her. Just like you he loved her. Just like you, he knew a beautiful soul too short a time on this earth. Please Paula."

"I can't."

"Do you hate him that much?"

"I don't know."


Gail gently lifted her out of her lap and onto her feet. It might have been Paula's body sagging, threatening to topple, and I grabbed her to save her, but I took her in my arms and held her tight. My tears dampened her straight dirty blonde hair as hers dampened my shoulder. She looked up, a sad smile on her face looking pretty like I knew she could. "I'm sorry," she said. "Thank you."

"Thank you for contacting me."

"You're welcome. Vy never told me what it was like with you. She knew I didn't want to hear. Except one thing. She said you're a great kisser. I planned to be funny and say something like, 'you're not going to kiss me are you?' when I came into your arms. Instead I'm asking you to kiss me. Would you?"

I did. It began warm and soft, our lips heated by emotions. I didn't dare bring my tongue into the equation, so hers touching my lips and slipping inside my mouth surprised me. And turned me on. As our tongues dueled, I pushed my hardening cock against her belly. Her body rose as she went on her toes so I lowered my body until our excited genitals met. Subtle but we felt the rub.

"Get a room," joked Gail. Our mouths slowly eased away. Our crotches remained in contact. We both glanced over at a smiling Gail.

"I thought you liked girls," I said to Paula when we focused our eyes on each other.

"She's as bisexual as Mila," said Gail, "except she's the opposite. Boys are for playing with and girls are for loving. Speaking of which, we should get going. Would you like to join us?" she asked Paula.

"For what?" Paula asked.

"Gail wants to watch me fuck," I explained.


"Anyone who wants me. We had Mila in mind, but..."

Paula moved her body away from mine for a moment, her facial expressions shifting from resistance to doubt to thoughtfulness to desire.

"One more kiss and I'll decide." The kiss started gentle but quickly became intense, and our rubbing of genitals lost all subtlety.

"Okay," she said breathlessly once our lips parted. She looked into my eyes. Hers were wide open and dilated as were her nostrils and her smile stretched across her face. "You drive," she said to Gail. "I want to prepare Joe for Mila. Hurry."

Taking my hand, Paula pulled me into a fast walk. Gail, laughing, trailed behind. Paula entered the back seat of the Volvo with me in tow. We made out like a couple of high school kids. I let Paula set the pace, and it was quick. Within seconds she reached for the cylindrical mound my cock formed in my pants, her hand pressing against it and following it to the end and back. One of my hands found the nipple covered by her shirt and bra and the other hand the slit below her pubic mound hidden by her slacks and panties. We kept the kiss going throughout the fondling.

When Gail arrived at the restaurant, she went in alone while we continued acting like horny teenagers. In the ten minutes it took for Gail to return with Mila, our sexual organs had been freed from clothing for our hands to enjoy. We edged towards cumming. My fingers sloshed around in her honeypot, keeping my rubbing of her clit slick. My precum eased the strokes Paula aggressively performed on my cock. We paused when the door opened.

Thankfully, mostly because my cock would never fit back into my pants, Mila leaned against the backrest of the front passenger seat and insisted we continue. Paula removed her pants and panties, revealing the soft pale flesh of her ass and thighs and carefully trimmed dirty blonde bush crowning her slit, the wet pink insides revealed as she spread herself as wide as she could. Then she lowered her torso until her mouth met my cockhead and her lips embraced it.

Concentrating on coaxing her to cum, my hands abandoning the task long enough to unhook her bra and let one hand squeeze her nipples while the other returned to her frothing pussy, I delayed my orgasm. With my task successful signaled by a quietly intense moan and a flow of love juice, it distracted Paula from her cocksucking, but she grasped my perilously climactic cock hard as she climaxed and the intense strokes brought forth my orgasm, squirting the first shot into her open mouth, followed by shots hitting her chin and neck. The semen dribbled onto my pants, protecting the Volvo's leather seats.

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After getting out of Linda's office, I'd had to deal with a few other issues outside of Barracuda Beach, including the usual morning victualling run. The afternoon saw me still out on the town, this time filling a massive last-minute order from Chef Jacques. He had been taking reservations all morning and realized this was going to be an unseasonably busy four days. So there I was, still dressed in the jean shorts and tee-shirt I'd been wearing since something like four in the morning,...

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On The Prowl

Wearing an emerald green camisole, black stocking length mini, and seamed stockings with the line going straight up the back of both legs and only stopping just below my ass, black stilettos deep merlot nails on my fingertips elongating my fingers, I take one last look in the mirror. My auburn curls are shoulder length and my green eyes are sparkling with both a****listic hunger and coy shyness. I head to my favorite club wondering what the night will bring. Sitting at the bar I’m listening to...

2 years ago
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Doggie Styles 1 Teasing Duke

Chapter Summary – Claire Davis discovers a new way to have some sexy, teasing fun. This is the first of a who-knows-how-many-chapter story. I think Claire has many adventures ahead of her. If you like a story, take a moment and let the author know, by your votes, comments or PM! Your feedback is the only reward we get. I’d love to hear from you! UU. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read...

2 years ago
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Tercer Experiment

Dr. Tercer heard his office door open. The two women he had been expecting where here. They would be pivotal for his experiments. He got up from his desk and approached the two ladies.There was a tall red head, she had a very cute face and a button nose. She was kind of boney, lanky and she was at least six feet tall. He knew she was quite intelligent and interested in his experiments and had been following his work for a while. He decided to address her first. "Hello, Catherine. We've...

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The Game

Pam was just twelve and loved her brother a lot. He was three years older and she would do anything for him. They were together a lot as their parents worked long hours at their business. One day Ray took her into his bedroom and told her "We are going to play a fun game that grownups like to play. It is our secret and you can not tell any one at all." She smiled and said okay. He then told her "We have to take our clothes off and I will show you more about the game." As they both got naked Ray...

2 years ago
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Promises Kept

Strong hands grab my hips and roughly pull me backwards. My back hits a hard body and even harder erection. A nose nuzzles my hair and I shiver. I know exactly who it is. He has been promising to fuck me senseless since the first day I met him. My roommate’s cousin – a seriously hot and thoroughly erotic man. He grinds my ass into his rigid length. His promises began the day I moved into the apartment. What started out as a teasing “I bet we’d be great in bed together” gradually became “I can’t...

Straight Sex
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Jamaican Dick for Chub Bottom

Renald Gold drove his sister’s blue 2012 Toyota Rav4 down the highway. The five-foot-nine, one-hundred-eighty-pound Jamaican had arrived in the U.S. only days before. He thought Texas was pretty cool for the most part. He was especially happy that a pretty young sissy had hit him up on Tagged. They conversed back and forth for the better part of the day.Prentiss Lewis was at home in the bathroom getting ready. His parents both worked the overnight shift at their respective jobs. He was an only...

1 year ago
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Femdom part two

The two men stood in the middle of the room with their heads low, not daring to look at their mistresses until they were spoken to! Both mother and daughter were lolling on the sofa naked, with their legs spread wide and their vaginas flared open in a wet invitation for ! "Don't they look just precious," Priscilla said to her daughter, while eyeing her husband and son in law, "I especially think Tommy looks so in his new bra and panty out fit!!!" "Me too," her daughter gushed, "they both have...

Group Sex
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My Neighbor Sexy Neighbor

Hi All, After reading so many stories, I thought of describing one of my sex encounters. So to start with I am from Delhi and I think that I look alright as I have had a few girls after me since my school days. I am 6Ft tall and very well built as i have been a state level athlete. Now I will come to the story. It started one evening when I was parking my bike, I saw a very hot girl staring at me from the terrace of the building next to mine. I have very good eye sight so I knew she was hot :)...

1 year ago
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Karen Tells

Karen Toms is sitting at home worried about the talk she needs to have with Shelly her 18yrs daughter that is about to leave for school. Karen has wanted many times to have this talk but the timing was never right now it has to be time has ran out. Coming home from the beach Shelly enters the house in a bathing suit that shows all her gorgeous features her long brown hair her 34C stand tall her long trim legs and perfect ass. Karen in all just looking at her then honey please come here we...

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BJ At The Movies

I was at the movies with my GF and she just kept talking through the whole thing and it was starting to make me mad, then she started baging for some of the popcorn I had so I did the only thing I could think to do. I pulled out my dich g****d her head and shoved my dick down her throat. She gagged a little but then statred sucking like a pro. It felt great and I could enjoy the movie. When it was time for me to cum I pulled my dick out and came all over the popcorn, here you go bitch have some...

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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 2 Trying To Get Closer

Hello to all my dear and loving pals. This is the continuation of my story. In the first part, I told you how I met my teacher and how she looked. What was my reaction? Please read the first part for a better understanding. Let me proceed. The artistic golden sun got up like a baby and started painting the dark black sky into a bright blue sky. The bright looking milky clouds got up from sleep and started traveling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment. The piercing sound of the...

3 years ago
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Howe Watson 7th Heaven

The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...

2 years ago
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Driving Men To DistractionChapter 12

Cari's gaze moved over the three other people sitting on the carpeted floor of the living room of the small cottage. They were as naked and unashamed as she was. "Chance promised me a quiet weekend at the lake," Tanya was saying. "I never expected anything like this." "I don't think any of us did," Chance replied. His eyes flashed to Cari and he smiled. "But, for one, I'm glad that it did. I feel a hell of a lot better now that everything is out in the open." "You won't find...

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Hot night with my mom

To me, my mom is the most beautiful woman on this planet. She has straight golden blond hair, hazel brown eyes, beautiful full lips, perfect straight teeth and the prettiest smile I have ever seen. She still keeps her perfect body in shape by going to the gym 5 times a week and works as a catalogue model for clothing companies. She grew up in Sweden during the sixties and seventies and because of her nudist parents she is extremely open-minded and a bit wild. She had me when she was only...

4 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 24

We spent the rest of the day, and then most of the next several days, just consolidating things. The Prydwen took the troops back up to the island, brought some others down, using these trips as a breaking in period for the tuned engines. I realized that it was almost Christmas, so on Thursday, December 22nd, I got onto the radio and told everyone that could hear that I was declaring an official holiday weekend starting at the end of business on Friday, and everyone except for those in...

4 years ago
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Bound and Raped The First Night

“Macy!” I called out. No reply. It was too dark to see her in the back. Fearing she had escaped under the fence, I covered my chest with my arms and ran out towards her. I had just turned 16 and my parents finally trusted me to stay home alone. I didn't want to ruin it the first time by letting our dog get loose. I reached the fence but there was no sign of her. I turned toward our shed and saw a tree limb coming straight for my head. The next thing I saw was pure black. When I woke up, I...

4 years ago
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Yard work

Introduction: Just a fun little experience I had one summer:-) It was a beautiful summer day, and I decided to go out and sunbathe on the deck. I was going to be home alone during the days for the next two weeks, and I figured this would be the best chance I would get to just be lazy and enjoy the nice weather. I had a book and my water bottle, and was ready to lie out for as long as I felt like it. About 39 minutes after I lay down on the lounge chair, I heard a lawnmower start in the yard...

2 years ago
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American PaganChapter 7 Exaltation

Four Months Later "I don't understand, what exactly is this 'Exaltation of Venus' business?" asked Henry, as he drove out of Omaha, in the late afternoon sun. Ember, patting her baby bump, looked across from the passenger's seat. "I told you. It is one of the days sacred to Venus." Henry sighed. "I know. But why today, of all days." Melissa leaned over into the front seat. "It is the day when the planet Venus is farthest from the Sun. You see, Venus is closer to the Sun than...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Brother

*This is my first story so all feedback would be appreciated* Growing up I lived in a small neighborhood where my best friend lived right across the street from me. I found myself over at her house almost every day. She had three brothers but only one that lived with her. He was about five years older than me and I had an innocent crush on him. At the age of 13 my mother got re-married and we had to move 30 minutes away to a bigger house for her new husband and his four kids. I had completely...

1 year ago
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My First Cottage Experience Pt 2

Hello Again, apologies for my tardiness in continuing my story, hope you enjoy.About a week had passed since I last visited the toilets where my Cottage Experience began, and I was on my bicycle again heading to the same destination. I had spoken to Terence on the phone, and he suggested we meet up for some more fun if I was up for it, so here I was, not knowing exactly what to expect, but incredibly horny at the thought of what could happen.I arrived at the agreed time, and secured my bike,...

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Tale of a Bengali Teen

That hot summer afternoon, Joginder was sitting on his couch, staring at the TV, his mind somewhere else. He was thinking about the steamy, hot sex session from the last night. His twin daughters were extra-willing and extra-adventurous. God knows what took over the two of them. They literally wore him down. He was so spent that he couldn't wake up in the morning. And when he did wake up, he found two mouths wrapped around his hard cock. According to him, it was a miracle that he was hard once...

3 years ago
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Confused and Lost in my Mind

Confused and Lost in my Mind My Life chapter 4 By: Ms. Jenny Ann The following story was written by me and may not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free to read sites only. I was wondering what the fall-out from my visit to Doctor Evens would be and I found out on Monday, after school. Dad had come home early, and I did not know if that was good or bad for me. He came right to the point, he was fond of saying, "Don't beat around the bush make your point." "So, you...

2 years ago
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My Wife Is a Slut and I Love It

You heard me right. After three failed marriages, countless affairs in and out of them, and a sex life that started in junior high, she is a slut with no doubt whatsoever. The fact that she was proud of that label was what attracted me to her. I’d go to a bar and she’d take several different guys outside for a while each time I saw her there. I managed to buy her a few drinks in spite of the competition and she went to my car and blew me. Said she was somewhat selective about cocks that fucked...

2 years ago
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Defying My Family Part 2

I stood there in disbelief. Her mother is the woman I lost my virginity to because I was forced to rape her thanks in part to my skinhead father. I looked at the woman then to her husband. This isn’t going to be good I thought. Kimiko walked up and said “Mom, Russ, this is Brad my….ummm. …….my… ummm… hopefully he wants to that is ummm be my boyfriend. Right now he is my dance partner in gym. Kimiko looked so nervous. Her white Japanese cheeks turning a reddish shade, as she tried to...

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The Making Out 8211 Part 1

Dear ISS Readers, my name is Rahul (name changed) and I am a huge huge fan of ISS. I was roaming the world wide web at the age of 21 and accidentally landed here. I am now 28 and still working my way through. I am still a virgin even after reading everything here. After so much of consideration, thank you to all the other authors, i decided to pend down my story, which happened to be a real life incident, after 7 years of reading. I am from Colombo, Sri Lanka and any women interested for...

2 years ago
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Encounter at Travelodge Part 6

Part 6: Or “A rough road leads to confession”Time for a change. I untie her, firmly holding her hands, and throw her on the bed. “Lie on your back. Hold your legs with your hands just above the knee!”. As she gets into position, I use the neckties to bind them together. She’s not lying on her back, feet in the air, her bottom at the edge of the bed. Her breasts have nearly returned to their normal state, so it’s the perfect time to reattach the clothespins to them. I walk to the head of the...

2 years ago
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Will and Desire Part II

Will and Desire II By Lady Aphrodite When I opened my eyes this morning, the first thing I did was grin with anticipation. I didn't have to worry about the man next to me seeing my grin--he was still securely blindfolded, as I had left him the night before. He was also still dressed in the darling outfit-- the silk shirt (now rather wrinkled), skirt, and even the garter belt, stockings and panties I had put him in for the first time last night. I figured that by now the whole...

1 year ago
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Vickis Hot Wife Evolution

My wife Vicki and I are in our late and mid-30s respectively. We've been married for over 10 years and have three c***dren together. Vicki is a brown eyed beauty. She is short but quite curvy. I've always found her body desirable but three c***dren had taken a toll on her figure but more importantly her confidence in her sex appeal. Vicki had never been one to wear provocative clothing but lately had become even less so. As sexy as I found her she just didn't feel that way about herself. We had...

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Rose Lips

Rose was a senior student of his, a student that barely got even a glance from boys her own age. Why would they glance her way? She was short, always kept her hair neatly in a bun and had those awful glasses masking any prettiness she could have. Her clothes were many sizes too large for her figure and looked like they belonged to her grandmother. Though there was one thing going for her that Mr Alexander, who was 12 years her senior, noticed the very first time he laid eyes on her. Her...

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It was the twenty four anniversary of getting my cher ........ making love for the first time, and it was about to happen again. We had made love during that day, but I had a delicious tingling feeling that this was going to be even more special. When I got up that morning, I had been so sore. I'd never even been able to get even a finger or a tampon in my vagina before, and that big, hard penis of John's had barged around in there so wonderfully ........... well, no wonder I hurt. Even though...

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