Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 42
- 4 years ago
- 35
- 0
Junior put Andrea to practicing 'splash and goes' while David was messing with the machine tools in the hangar. Junior took Connie to the sheds (Quonset huts) to see what was around for spares. Having found nine Packard 4M-2500 with superchargers, intercoolers, dual magnetos and two spark plugs per cylinder rated 1500 hp still in crates at the boat basin was a delight.
The main consideration was fuel; a PT boat carried 3,000 gallons of 100 octane aviation gasoline. At 23 knots they had enough fuel for 12 hours. Hot rodding it used 500 gallons per hour to produce 41 knots. 3,000 gallons of fuel would be used in only about 6 hours.
The saving grace was the watch: timing it caused internal combustion engines to use no fuel or oil ... they never ran out.
The huts produced crated spare 450 horsepower Pratt and Whitney nine-cylinder, air-cooled, radial engines ... Wasp juniors ... and, oddly enough, Ranger sixes still in the box.
"Somewhere around here is a Widgeon," Junior said.
"A bird?" asked Connie.
"That too ... but this Widgeon is a smaller version of the Goose ... the airplane ... not the bird. Those Ranger engines are spares for the Widgeon. I wonder where it is? David!!!"
David came running out of the hangar. "Junior?"
"We're back here!"
Sure he was going to find blood and broken bones, he ran into the Quonset. "You scared me half to death ... what's up?"
"Did you find a Widgeon?"
"Nope ... no small ducks here."
"The airplane."
"No ... why?"
"There's spare engines for one ... or three ... since there's six crates of them."
"Only one airplane in the hangar ... a second Goose."
"Oh hell, I'll come see."
Junior walked back with David ... Connie looked in the Quonsets.
The hangared Goose was forlorn ... a broken spar made one wing droop ... it was possible to tell that a crew had been dismantling it when they were called away. There was an engine hoist attached to one engine ... the one with a bent propellor tip, and various and sundry panels were removed and wiring and cables were scattered here and there. Too bad ... wasn't what they were looking for ... but interesting anyway.
They keep looking around ... moving this, that and the other ... pushing and shoving until David got a crick in his back ... he stretched and wobbled his head ... and looked up. The shadow of crates hung from the joists. It was only then that the size of the hangar impressed the two of them
"Those?" David asked, pointing.
"Probably. It's pretty dark ... Company?"
The UFO flitted in the big hangar. "You rang?"
"We need some light, please ... shine a little on those crates on the ceiling," begged Junior.
"Sure," the UFO said.
The flash of light outshone the sun. Groans and complaints abound. "A little less please ... you're a bright little saucer."
"Is that better?"
"Give me a minute to see again," David said. He had tears in his eyes.
On walkabout, a group of Fitzmaurice Aborigines were set on examining the damage the 'whites' were doing to their land ... no matter what the English thought about it.
"May Day, May Day, May Day! This is NCxxcx Experimental. May Day, May Day, May Day!" "Ncxxcx Experimental. Selfridge Field. State your May Day." "Hello Selfridge. I'm new at this ... and I'm scared half to death." "Experimental, state your emergency." "I have one engine out ... my pilot is unconscious ... I can't raise anyone in the back ... I'm scared." "All Aircraft in the vicinity of Selfridge and Detroit ... keep this channel clear. Now, Experimental. What's your...
'I say, Junior ... your mom is great.' Company was raring to go but ... first there had to be an accommodation made. 'What is that? That being the cat. "Evidently ... that ... is my cat." That's not quite how I would phrase it ... you're my human. What is that? "That that is Company ... and you will get along ... both of you. Now that that is settled ... we have aircraft to move." "Meatloaf tonight, Junior. Will you be staying?" "Mashed Potatoes with a hole in the middle full...
Junior immediately jumped to the radio ... hit the send button on the mike and screamed, "We didn't do it. Some damned curious Lieutenant ... Excuse moi Lieutenant," The curiosity cat looked up. He pointed his finger at himself and looked guilty, "Yeah ... you ... what's your name?" She read it off his breast tag, "Slocum? J. Slocum? Joshua? Josh ... you are in so much trouble ... They'll probably make you a Lieutenant Commander." She thumbed the microphone, "A Lieutenant, Joshua...
The shock wasn't so bad ... well ... hell ... it was too. It was awful. Instinct put up her shield. Instinct made her roaring mind search for any faint feeling a daughter has for her mother. There--was--nothing. Mother was gone. Daddy was gone. The twins were gone. It took just a second of joyous rejoicing to realize the pests of her life ... were gone, and their wives and four small babies. Gone ... not even a wisp to bury. Nothing she could recover ... no relic ... G-O-N-E! The...
The A-10 came whispering over the ridge and settled into the valley, a second right behind it. If there had been a car on the road on the ridge the driver would have seen the pair ghosting along feet above the river ... if there had been a car on that road. Junior and Connie were on another mission: Let's see how close we can get to the airbase before they catch us. They were flying OPFOR (Opposition Force) Recon as if they were scouting the enemy and intended on guiding attacking forces to...
And so it went. It just so happened that the Italians had shipped an M-290 to the United States, (on spec [on speculation that the military might buy it]) but, evidently, the US didn't like it because the Italians still had it. Shipping it home wasn't that expensive, but the Embassy in Washington advertised it ... just in case ... and it Was just a tiny bit damaged after the first test flight. Left to last while OTHER (read that as you wish) aircraft were being hangared to get them out of...
Two days later, Connie McDavid, sitting right seat, landed ... on her own hook ... Junior's S&S twin and deplaned ... that is not, "de plane! de plane!" reminiscent of a famous TV show ... no, she unstrapped, unbuckled, opened the side door, and stepped out and on to the ground ... that kind of 'deplaned, ' ... disembarked had been taken years ago by boats. Junior, having never shut down, took off, leaving Connie to the tender mercies of the United States Military ... but fully...
The tower officer was about to sign off when Connie motioned covering the mike. He did. "What's up?" "Get a confirmation number, please," she continued, "I have this feeling..." "Woman's intuition?" "Not exactly ... worse than that." "Cheyenne Mountain, Lewistown ... we need a confirmation number please. Like you do for international flights." "Lewistown, Cheyenne, wait one." There was an extended waiting silence. "Lewistown, Cheyenne... 679-231-CC-1 X. Transponder...
The training program was long, arduous and difficult. It took about two years and was over in a minute. Throughout most of the instructional period, Junior kept saying, "But I can do that ... with my watch." And she could ... the bubble kept her safe anywhere on Earth ... and quite a lot of the solar system. Company finally shut her up by plunging into the center of the sun and staying there long enough to coat the hull with six inches of gold. The transfer out was so fast and so far the...
"Who is her?" Junior was curious, "I know I'm me ... but the way you said Her ... was a little ominous." "People at the field talk about you all the time. Your family has that little island between the United States and Canada ... the one recognized by the United Nations as a country. How long have you been flying?" "Since I was 8," Junior said. "How did you reach the pedals?" Junior laughed, "I built a plane to fit me. I've always been tall for my age ... not that you could...
Learning to fly is addictive: John Gillespie Magee, Jr. (9 June 1922 – 11 December 1941)was an American aviator and poet who died as a result of a mid-air collision over Lincolnshire during World War II. He was serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force, which he joined before the United States officially entered the war. He is most famous for his poem, "High Flight." Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and...
"There is one problem though," McIntyre was apologetic. "What's that?" asked Connie, thinking, 'Problems have a way of multiplying.' "All our basic training is done at Pensacola Florida ... we don't have a basic trainer here. We have a couple of old Tweets for proficiency and we still have the SNJ that Wendy volunteered us ... it's flyable ... but," "I can understand that ... I'm going to buy an aircraft and I have one in mind ... it's a side by side and retractable. The...
Merciful Heavens ... it's another dastardly chapter 13. You remember last time: Connie and Junior managed to meander to Johnson's Ranch in Big Bend ... the immovable disk ... the burnt out caverns and the C-130 hulk disappearing slowly into the shifting sands of time ... and the signs... There were WARNING US GOVERNMENT PROPERTY KEEP OUT signs all over the place. Remember that? Remember what she said? "Well, that's one sign we needn't bother with." Any reader who has dedicated...
It's hard to breathe in a vacuum. They were unconscious before either could operate a watch. While they were out ... that sounds like a post it note stuck on a computer screen in the bosses office while he was taking a long lunch... While they were out, the disk analyzed the outside air, the new inside vacuum, the necessity for the girls to breathe. Unconscious, breathing is controlled by specialized centers in the brainstem, which automatically regulate the rate and depth of breathing...
"Colonel ... Sir. You're awfully low." "Oh Gawd, that stinks." "Sir?" "S-T-I-N-K-S ... stinks ... Lieutenant ... stinks." There was the sound of retching ... and more than a little beating and banging ... then a very loud bang and a huge sigh of relief. "RDO ... I have jettisoned the canopy..." "Sir ... are you declaring an emergency?" "Not now, I'm not. I'm fine, Lieutenant ... the aircraft is behaving ... it's going to need a really really really good wash ... and a...
The professor, aghast that a first year student was sitting on a 70 year old kapok cushion that may or not have the DNA from some famous ass imbedded in its crinkly and torn surface, demanded that he dismount. The kid took off the earmuffs and slid off the seat. Offering up the muffs, he said, "Professor ... you have to listen ... it works and there's something out there." "Preposterous," said the PhD. "Only one way to find out ... put the receiver on and listen." "There can't be...
It took quite a while ... but ... eventually ... someone remembered the Austin's and the tent and the high bluff looking over Pearl. The 'quite a while' was early 1943 ... the war was getting organized. Production was up. Men were training, new aircraft were coming off the lines ... yeah. The MP Lieutenant ... newly Captained ... was finally returned to the islands. Immediately after the attack, he had been called to Washington ... lots of officers had been called to Washington ... the...
There's an old saying, When the going gets good, the good get going. If it were only that simple. Angela and Angel Sanchez turned 17 and 17 and a few minutes. Twins never come out together. They were born in different months though ... June 30th and July 1st... 11:55 and 12:05. They applied for and were accepted as paid crew. Testing was arranged and high school was history. None of the rest of the family wanted to continue. The testing delayed departure just long enough for Company to...
"Mr. Austin?" "Yes, Miss Acton-Smyth." The 17 year old sophomore was standing in the hatchway to the Chart room. Sylvia Acton-Smyth was one of the problem children. Repeatedly expelled and held back she was very old to be in the 10th grade. She wasn't too young though to be dressed in foredeck sunning gear ... nude and slathered with sunblock. She was bouncing ... just a trifle ... but bouncing just the same. If Andrea hadn't been standing behind her she would have had his interest...
The gaffer turned out to be old school Aussie. Big, tough and an excellent shot, his friends were just as handy. All were descendants of freeholders ... but way back when ... in 1789 or 1790, wives were hard to come by so the first William Tindale married a convict. Molly, a pretty little London pickpocket with no last name, was all of fourteen years old when she was transported but turned fifteen by the time her prison ship arrived. The first Bill was a Tindale but there was a convict of...
The gaffer had stories on top of stories ... and many of them might be true ... his history was easily checked; Connie needed to learn her watch. Yes, William the first was a freeholder. Yes, Molly was a pickpocket. No, she wasn't 15 when Big Bill was born. Molly was 13, and Big Bill's father was a six foot seven English Marine. Molly was 12 and the giant wasn't her first time riding the pony. Molly didn't brandish a cast iron skillet, she slapped Bill the first on the ear with a...
"Yes ... what's going on?" asked the Gaffer, "Who are you and how did you do that?" Wendy Too waffled and minced, "Er ... ah ... umm ... fuck ... TIM?!?" She both shouted and begged. "Princess?" "Tim, I fucked up," she pointed at the throng ... maybe more than a throng ... more than a gathering but less than a crowd. "Popped in without checking?" "Junior needed me ... you know how mothers are..." she trailed off. "Mothers ... I understand." 'Mothers' was an...
"You rang?" echoed through the hull. "Company is here," said Connie. "I'll just go see what she is today." She left, up the ladders, and out on deck. A Dugong, a southern species of Manatee, was lazing in the water. "Company?" "Coming!" She paddled over to the side. "Nice disguise." "Thank you. Be a love and fetch me a bacon egg and cheese biscuit." "Junior said you like people food," said Connie. "I'll be back." She ran to the galley, put the kettle on and began...
The town knew the Penny was going to sea. Of course, everybody thought it was going to be a sail around the islands off shore. If they only knew. The marina was lined with people and well-wishers. Speed boats were cavorting around the boat. The Pennies were a popular bunch. They threw good parties and brewed great beer. They wouldn't loan anyone money though. They paid good wages for quality goods. and they tipped. So, the crew met in the salon. Everyone was wearing the Nevis and St. Kitts...
"Hi, Junior, Connie ... is Company with you?" "Hi, Mom," said Junior. "Hello Mrs. Too," said Connie, "Yes ... she's with us." "Lunch?" Too shouted it out the kitchen window. "Yes please ... and Thank you." "Toasted Cheese and a side of Mashed Potato and Cheese pancakes, too." "Yum-yum! Thank you very much. Sounds great." "Connie? The potatoes are in the big fridge ... the cheese is already grated. Would you fetch them?" "Yes, Ma'am." "Junior ... I'll need more...
There is a satisfaction in a job well done ... personally, Mick preferred his burger that way ... well done. Jobs? When he was working ... yes. Remembering ... far too realistically ... the time from leaving Singapore until he was on the HMS Sussex, in the sea off Keppel Harbour, when the Japanese surrendered Singapore, September 4th 1945. It was a pretty good day ... but not the best. He had left friends behind ... and they never reappeared. The Nips weren't all that good about keeping...
Thanks to the Survivors, the road trip from Darwin to Cape York was canceled. "It's not that the roads are bad ... there aren't any," said William the younger. Roads were one of Australia's embarrassments. The east coast had plenty ... one could drive from Cairns to Melbourne and not beat a car to death ... almost anywhere else it was Land Rovers and tracks. It was getting better but not great by any means. The A1 was nice. Australians lived on the coasts and used boats like Americans...
Junior waltzed into the salon. She was wearing an interesting swimsuit. "Where on earth?..." Andrea wanted to know. "Perth." Ah, the definitive. Perth ... white sand beaches, one design sailboats, tall women, nude beaches. "Girls wear that?" "Yeah ... and this at least covers ... What some of them wear?" Junior blushed. "Well ... that'll turn heads." Andrea thought, 'Mens And women's.' "Good ... I hope so." "I see you've grown into your mother's estate," Andrea was...
Having a baby is the greatest thing ever ... and the worst. There aren't a lot of trips to the hospital that start with an Avon ride to the pier. Andrea's pre-natal physician recommended Royal. Royal just happened to be on the NORTH side of town andy the Penny was on the SOUTH side. Junior did her part ... she radioed for a cab ... and worried. The taxi ride was very fast. The taxi driver had delivered before and really- really- really, didn't want to do it again. The Royal Darwin...
Junior was stuck. She couldn't use her license. Her expensive airplane was Andie's toy. Andrea flew the general area looking for 'evidence.' She found it. She found a lot of it ... bunches and piles. Old airfields, abandoned before the war ended because the main push was up through the Pacific Island chains that pointed like arrows at the heart of industrial Japan. Take an island ... build a better airfield. Bomb the living daylights out of the Japanese ... shoot down their aircraft,...
"David? What is that?" Andrea was point down at the blob in the water. "It looks like an airplane. Can you get closer?" David and Andrea were aboard the Wilga running the coastline east of Valencia Island. They had just turned into a little bay and Andrea had spotted a man-made shape in the water. She made a one eighty and over flew the object ... a lot lower this time. "One more time ... let me get a picture this go-round." One of the devices David had found while rummaging through...
That was when they noticed the approaching crocodiles. It was like a singleminded migration of really big lemmings. They were inexorable. The bullroarer wasn't driving them out of the water ... it was drawing them to the sound. The path of least resistance just happened to be the shortest route ... and that was towards the hangar. Some ... a few ... of the little ones, the six and seven footers, were already scurrying inside. Surely they would find themselves thwarted by the back wall and...
"It's pretty late," declared Andrea, "It's looking like a busy day tomorrow. Don't you think we should get some sleep?" Suddenly, everyone was yawning and rubbing their eyes. Junior, Andrea, David and Connie all looked at their watches. They all looked surprised. The Zodiac was quickly loaded with people and the transfer to the Penny was made. Everyone found their staterooms and a shower. Connie and Junior were so asleep they washed each other ... just to remain standing. Dried and...
There remained the question of the Goose. It was still sitting on the hard by the ramp. She could use the watch ... and she had used the watch but it seemed she ought not use the watch since she planned on bringing the Grumman seaplane back to Darwin. A US marked Navy aircraft just shows up... ? Then again ... she could time it to Pentwater and 1988 ... and what? She was Supposed to be in the Pacific. A Grumman Goose it a pretty big aircraft ... bigger than a Widgeon. But Pentwater in the...
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. "I'm sorry, Captain Austin," Lieutenant Sanderson even sounded contrite. "They're British." As if that explained it all. And it did. American tourists are referred to as the Ugly Americans ... but at least we go home. The fucking Pommys show up ... stomp all over Aussie feelings ... and STAY. (stolen from an email from a rude Australian.) (Thank you Mark) It's like Texans; just across the Texas-Oklahoma border ... on the northern side ... there's a...
Some things you can't fix. Some things ain't broke. Some things you throw money at. These days ... the summer of 1990 ... Darwin, NT was the sharp end of the stick of defense against the movement of overfull Asia to the vast emptiness of the north west expanse of land that no white-man used or even wanted. What wasn't wet ... constantly, was dry ... had been dry, and was going to be dry forevermore. Saltwater crocodiles, spiders, snakes infested the coast. Australia might not use it ......
Sweet little 16, She got the grownup blues. Tight dresses and lipstick. She sportin' high heeled shoes. Oh, but tomorrow mornin' She'll have to chance her trim, And be sweet little 16 And back in class again. Good song. Thank you, Chuck Berry. Junior was anything but sweet ... but she was working on it. Three years previous, she had just about ruined the United States as a world power because of the crap they had tried to do the her home. When it was over the country had to...
The show was over. It was so real the delegates could feel the flesh melting from the bones as the heat from a thousand suns cooked their sons and their daughters. There was complete silence as the aircraft made its escape out over the Great Lake, Gitche Gumee. There was a shout when the aircraft exploded and thousands upon thousands of pieces rained on the waters. The delegated representatives of the countries of the world began calling out, "Why?" Junior raised her hand and whistled...
"…she can watch and learn if she wants. Then she can see how she should handle a cock.” Placidly she kept on sucking my rod while the approaching car had just stopped. Judging by the sound it was Constance’ piece of junk. Basically I did not care about the results for the relationship between the two sisters. And from their mother, my former teacher, I would hardly get a tongue-lashing. So I decided to simply enjoy the mouth and tongue on my dick and to wait for what would happen. And this...
There she was cowering in front of me. Sucked her first dick, got cummed over her face and in her mouth, swallowed all of it and was fingered by her own sister to a squirting orgasm. What could there be more?Well, first Steph was standing next to me and swung her leg over me, place a foot on the arm rest and was holding her pussy in my face. Only now I realized that dawn had come in between since it was light enough so that I could see the drops of pussy juice glitter on her bald lips. “Sweety,...
After Steph had maneuvered Constance between my legs I could see the panic in her eyes. She had watched us sucking and fucking each other, had even tried some cum but it seemed as if she wanted to bug out. Immediately she wanted to get away from my cock which was still covered in her sisters pussy juice. But she just grabbed her neck and pushed her face mercilessly towards my throbbing dick. “Don’t make an act out of it! Watching us did turn you on and you already know how his delicious cum and...
"I am not." "Not what?" "Not 17." "I know that ... you're 14." "Why did you say I was 17?" "I didn't." "Did." "Didn't." "I can prove it." "Have at it." Highlite ... Copy ... Paste... Wendolyn Too: 17. "SEE!" "Figment ... get out of the story." "Yer no fun." Wendolyn Too: Chapter Seventeen. "Is that better?" "Yes ... at least I know You're not confused." Excuse me, folks. Someone needs a spanking. Be Right Back. You know that old saying...
Since David explained himself, I'll take my turn. My name is Wendolyn Wanzor Austin-Porter. I'm thirty-two, a tad over five feet tall ... regardless what my drivers license says. I'm ... very ... BIG ... on top. My family ancestry is physically traceable (Hieroglyphics in the tombs.) to The Wanzor, Seer of Egypt, Sage, and foreteller of Fortune. NOT Fortune Teller. My ancestors have never been caught out wrong. At least once a generation we accumulate great wealth. We possess a Time Piece...
I had published this here some time ago in German and was asked to translate it. Hope you enjoy and let me know if you do. Then I might translate the other parts as well. During my time at the university I had a short and pretty boring relationship with Constance. She was rather unexciting and sex with her was pretty bland but I simply had nothing better to do and to fuck by that time. Besides she had a small pad near the campus. Driving five minutes in the morning beats the hell out of 45 mins...
"Crunchy?" "Yes, Momma. Crunchy and lumpy, too." "Take the bear down and put him in his regular spot. We'll have to check him when we get back. Unless you want to shop in Manitowoc. That's the next boat." "No thank you, momma. Manitowoc doesn't even sound like fun. We can dismember the bear when we get back. Ludington for a week doesn't sound like much, either." "Dress in your owners outfit while I get us a ride." Momma ran for the white house with the red stripe while I...
I found someone to scratch mine ... after I used the watch. First, there had to be a way to keep the information I found in Teddy Bear safe. Mother suggested I find a shipping concern or a bank that managed to stay in business through the 'coming unpleasantness' ... something still in operation in 1975. Not as easy as you might think, shipping concerns fail, the name picked up again years after. Banks failed by the hundreds in the 'Crash of '29, ' picking one that succeeded in the...
I wound the watch. I was careful to count the clicks of the stem winder. I quit at ten. “Wendy! Did you wind the watch?” Hmm ... Mom was in a panic. That was unusual. “Yes! I wound the watch. What do I? ... Gawd, mom ... they’re awful close.” “Something’s not right. The other boat is still there heading right...” The other boat, looking like a Coast Guard Cutter, plowed right through our boat ... or not. We were pretty confused. There should have been an enormous impact. That didn’t...
Thank the Powers that Be ... my vacation resumed being sun, fun and boring. You're welcome. I'll be switched ... it's the Powers. 'Hey.' What? 'Is my life going to be normal?' Oh no Missy. That is out of our MOS. 'MOS?' Military Occupational Specialty code 'You're military?' Damn it, Danny! We can't leave you alone for five seconds! Sorry, guys. 'Military, huh?' Sometimes it pays to ask twice. 'I asked a question. Military?' No answer ... but I could hear...
Life goes on, I need to find someone to scratch and lotion my boobs. They itch. The Chief from the Guard Station in Ludington was right. I might be short but I'm curvy ... very curvy ... and getting curvier. Nice, polite people called it 'entering into your mothers estate'. Monty Python's The Holy Grail called it 'Huge ... tracts of land!' as the king cupped his hands in front of his chest. Along with tits and a butt, I grew into my face. The facial baby fat cheeks migrated to the...
I'd like to say that order was instant. I'd like to say that the class treated me like a teacher. I'd like to say that the moms and dad helped to restore and keep order. I can't. The vast majority were my siblings ... if they acted out like this in regular school ... I was all for sending them all to Catholic School and let the Nuns sort them out. I was Too, their snot nosed redheaded brat of a sister. Nobody paid any attention to Too. Whoever heard of a teacher with the outlandish...
"Wendy? Where's your plane?" David asked. "Um ... at the lake, I think," Wendy responded. "Why?" "Let's go see." David suggested. "I can call." She said. "I'd rather we went to see for ourselves." David replied. "Has anything been like it was when you bought the valley?" "What do you mean?" "All this." He swept the Wal-Mart, Costco complex that was along the highway. "Was it here ten years ago?" "Ah ... I see. No. Durango was a sleepy little town shedding...
The dig began like all digs. Before the crew arrived, a USGS survey marker was located. This one happened to be at the junction of Co. 210 and US 550. The Elevation and North were stamped on the cap of the marker. Declination from magnetic north was listed. The marker was dated 1920. Davis supplied his own 'pit boss.' Steve was a professional who ran his own archaeological survey crew. They mostly did foot survey for the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. They also worked...
"As I understand it," David began. "Wendy bought it from the Feds, the day it was confiscated..." "When was this?" asked Davis. "Lessee, she's 35... 2001 minus 35 is 1966, 1966 plus 12 is 1978. 1978. She bought it in 1978." The good Professor, trying to get things straight, said, "She bought a fifty foot sailboat in 1978 when she was 12. That seems rather ... odd." "According to what her mother said, Wendy One, her mother, paid for it with funds from Wendy Two's educational...
All characters in this story is at least 18 years and older and made up!Mom Goes Camping With Son & Son's Friend.Chapter 1 It was a nice summer's day Mike and his friend Bill was talking about going on a camping trip. Up north because Bill's family had land up there with a cabin on 30 acres of land. Bill told Mike no one was going to be up there for the 4th of July how would you like to go camping for the weekend and you can bring your sexy mom Liz with you. I know you want to fuck her...
Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...
My BFF Vanessa & I were thinking about going to a nudist camp. We had a few brochures & settled on one.My stepmother came into my room & saw the brochure. Kim what are you girls doing? A nudist camp? We just want to see what goes on.Would you mind if I went with? I've always wondered too.I looked at Vanessa, she shrugged her shoulders so I said OK. My stepmother Kate is in her early 40'sWhen we arrived at the camp we went to check in. We saw several people wearing nothing to just...
Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...
(Author’s Note: This chapter is heavy-duty sports oriented. There are a few important ‘non-sports’ details but be warned, this contains much basketball, volleyball and a little gymnastics action. I hope it is realistic and an enjoyable read. As the book title suggests, this chapter is mostly about Championships.) “Look in these eyes! These eyes don’t lie. And they say that if you don’t blink, Then you don’t die.” (The opening lyrics to Def Leppard’s, Undefeated.) Alumni Hall, Western...