- 3 years ago
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The rest of the term passed quickly. Tim showed her how to watch Triple-A games on the internet and so she got to see Evan pitch several times; he won three, lost two, and got no-decision in the other two. After school ended her company had her come to Chicago, back to the same apartment as the previous year, but with a different roommate. At least Sarah was a normal gal, whatever that really meant. She had a boyfriend she saw a couple of times a week, she liked the same trashy novels Devlin did, and they both admitted an addiction to popcorn and sappy movies. Most of all, though, she wasn't like Connie.
The last few weeks in the dorm had been almost unbearable. Connie was going to the parties two and three times a week. She shortened her skirts, wore tighter blouses, and her flirting changed from casual to just this side of out-and-out seduction. The other girls noticed, and the comments followed quickly.
"She could trip somebody and beat them to the floor," a girl named Brenda said. "I'm not saying a little nookie from time to time is a bad thing, but come on, she's getting it more often than a $2 hooker, and with about as much discrimination in boys."
"She's probably got a standing prescription for penicillin at the Health Clinic," Cheryl said. She was a tall blonde with a narrow face and prominent brows that seemed to be permanently squeezed in a frown of disapproval.
"How can you stand her, Devlin?"
"I just do."
"Well, you won't have to for too much longer. Finals are next week. Connie will probably flunk every class except male anatomy."
Those, Devlin reflected as she walked away, were the nicest comments she heard. The others were worse, much worse. She wondered what Connie was going to do over the Summer. As far as she knew there wouldn't be any of those parties until school started up again.
The parties at Cindy's came to an end as the people involved headed out for different work. Two, she knew, were going to Ohio to help excavate an Indian Burial Mound. Others were taking vacations. The only parties were at Tim and Emma's, and she only managed to make it to the one right after finals. And seeing Danny... that was even harder than before because of her travel schedule.
The company kept her busy. Sometimes she went to a city to push their products, meeting with marketing people and learning how to plan advertising campaigns. The rest of the time she would fly into a city to train new retail assistants on how to fit and market bras. Sometimes she did both, working as a bra fitter and meeting with local buyers for department store chains and taking part in lingerie promotions. The good side was that she saw Evan in Oklahoma City and Sacramento. The bad news was that she got more familiar with hotels than she cared to.
She only managed to see Danny once when she was back in Illinois. His travel schedule and hers just didn't mesh. She got more familiar with her vibrator than she had in years.
At least she got to see her mother. Her mother seemed to have settled into married life quite happily. As for her pregnancy, at the end of June Devlin held a stethoscope against her mother's tummy and could hear the baby's heart beating.
"I'm still not sure what we're going to name her," her mother said. "Any suggestions you make are welcome."
"My mind is blank," Devlin said, shaking her head. "But I'll give it some thought." She chuckled when she saw the three books of baby names on the coffee table. "But if you can't find it in one of those, I'm not sure how I'll be able to help."
"Try, anyway," her mother said. "It'll be something to do on those long trips you've been taking."
"What? And give up reading trashy novels?" They both laughed.
"Can't your writer friend help you with that?"
Devlin shook her head. "I haven't seen her that much this summer. She's off doing book signings, 30 cities in 15 weeks or something like that. You know: if it's Tuesday this must be Minneapolis, or Phoenix."
"Ugh. My sympathies."
She really hadn't had much time to see Krissi. They talked on the phone, and when Krissi had a book signing in a suburb of Chicago they went to dinner afterward, but that was it.
She was living the life of a nun, and not liking it one bit.
She was in a hotel room in Houston, unpacking, when Sue called her cell phone.
"How are you feeling?" she asked after they exchanged pleasantries.
"I'm fine," Sue said. "Tired, but fine. This is... this pregnancy is a little different than the first two, and I'm getting used to how things are different."
"I can feel this one, Devlin. I couldn't feel anything the last two times. My feet are beginning to hurt; did I mention that my ankles have swollen? It's kind of fun, though. Now I know I'm pregnant."
"Well, take care of yourself. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."
"That makes two of us. Now, the reason I called."
"Yes? I was meaning to ask you why you called."
"I ran into your mother when I was in Peru getting my hair cut. We got to talking, and she let slip where you were. I thought I'd call and mention that Danny has a meeting in Houston tomorrow morning. He gets in about an hour from now." Devlin glanced at the clock: 3:15 PM.
"Oh? Sounds... intriguing."
"I thought you might be interested. He's staying at the Hyatt Regency, the one downtown, not the one at the airport."
"I might just want to pay him a visit," Devlin said. "It's been a while for both of us."
Sue laughed. "Yeah, it has. Look, he calls me when he checks in. When I get his room number I'll pass it on to you.
"Okay," Devlin said. She licked her lips in anticipation. "You know what's funny? I have a dinner meeting tonight with the Sales Manager for a chain of department stores here in Texas. It's at the Downtown Hyatt Regency, too."
"Things sometimes work out, don't they."
"Call me on my cell phone, I might not be in the room when you call."
"Not a problem," Sue said, laughing again. "It'll be good for both of you."
Devlin opened her closet door and contemplated what she had to wear. She saw no reason to change her original plans: she'd wear her cobalt blouse and a black pencil skirt. It was modest and professional and was entirely appropriate for a business dinner. She could wear a pair of pearl earrings with it, along with her pearl necklace. And her black pumps would be just right. She'd liked the ensemble the day she'd first seen it in the store, and right now it would be just the thing, modest, professional, and with a little pop that would make her stand out...
She'd learned that most business dinners didn't start until at least 7:00; hers was at 7:30, and she worked backwards from there. The Hyatt was two blocks away, almost close enough to walk, except it was about 95º outside, with enough humidity that it felt like walking in a swimming pool.
She took a leisurely shower and spent some serious time with her nails and make-up. She put on a tee-shirt and a denim miniskirt, put her outfit in a dress bag, and braved the afternoon heat. She was standing on the corner across the street from the Hyatt when her cell phone rang.
"Devlin? Sue."
"Hi, Sue."
"Room 918."
"I appreciate it."
"Don't mention it. You're a sweetie for doing this."
Humming to herself, she strolled through the doors of the Hyatt and stopped. The view in the atrium was stunning. There were at least 20 floors of balconies, most of them draped with vines. There was a bar to one side, with a few travelers already sampling the drinks. She was supposed to meet the Sales Manager there.
The elevators were glass-fronted, and when she rode up in one it seemed like the main floor was dropping away from her. She considered riding it again just to enjoy the view, but decided that was for later. She had something to do, first.
She paused in front of the door to Danny's room, took a deep breath, and knocked. She saw the peephole darken for a moment, and then Danny opened the door in surprise.
"Devlin! What... ? How did you get here? No, wait, let me guess."
"I'm down here for a sales meeting," Devlin said. She gave him one of her best smiles. "Aren't you going to invite me in?"
He hesitated the barest fraction of a second, then stepped back, holding the door. "So, how did you find me?"
"How do you think?" she asked. The room was a standard hotel room, a king-sized bed with a brown bedspread, bureau, air conditioner, television, two chairs--she had a seat on the one that wasn't at the desk. The curtains were partially open, lighting up the room. "Sue gave me your room number."
"And you thought you'd just pop over? You're dressed rather provocatively for a sales meeting."
"It's just too hot to wear some things. I thought I'd change in the hotel."
He laughed. "They tell me it isn't the heat, it's the humidity. I tell 'em it's both. And I know it isn't that warm in here. A couple of friends are sitting up and begging for attention."
Devlin glanced down at her breasts. Her nipples were stiff and pointing straight out, looking like pencil erasers.
"Well, they do want some attention, more than I can give them."
"You're not suggesting..."
"Why not? When are you meeting these people?"
"In a couple of hours."
"I have a 7:30 dinner meeting with the Head Lingerie Buyer for several department stores here in Houston."
He chuckled. "I've got meetings all day tomorrow, and several of the people who are flying in tonight wanted to have an 8:00 o'clock dinner meeting."
"8:00?" He nodded. "It's not quite 5:00. I figure that gives us about two hours, allowing time to freshen up, afterwards."
"Oh? And what did you have in mind?"
She got up and ran the palms of her hands up his chest. "You don't know how good it feels to deal with a flat chest," she murmured.
"Too many boobs?"
"It gets to you after a while. I'm not that interested in them, except in a professional sense." She put his hands on her waist and then began unbuttoning his shirt. When she had it off she paused so he could remove her tee-shirt and bra.
She ran her fingers over the bulge in the front of his pants. "Is that an old friend I'm feeling there?"
He cradled her breasts, his thumbs stroking lightly across her tense nipples. "So are these."
"Yeah, well..." She dropped her skirt and panties and put her hands behind his neck. That makes three of us."
"Three?" He seemed amused.
She pushed a breast into his face. Automatically his lips fastened about her nipple, sucking it deep. She found herself leaning into him, trying to give him everything.
"The two girls, and me."
She had to break it off, her breath coming hard. She tugged at his shorts. As she did so, his length sprang out, bobbing slightly in the afternoon light.
"Better?" she asked, looking up at him. He drew her up for a kiss. She molded her body to his, melting into his strength. Her leg came up, rubbing along his thigh, and she pressed into him, trapping his length between them.
Breathless, she finally had to step back, pulling him down on the bed next to her. She cradled his face as he lay next to her. Kissing Danny was different than kissing other guys. He knew her, knew her body better than any other man. He knew exactly how to kiss her, those deep searing kisses that made her heart flutter, those kisses that touched her very core, and opened the gates to the wildness within her.
Gradually Danny began to kiss away from her mouth, little kisses, tasting her, savoring her flesh. He made unerringly for her peaks, and she lay back, cupping them in her hands, offering them up to him. With a sigh his mouth settled against them. He brushed her taut nipples with his lips, just light caresses, little shivers of pure pleasure. She moved, trying to capture his lips with her breasts, but, maddeningly, he stayed away. Then, he smothered himself in her woman-flesh, drawing her deep into him.
She wondered if he was going to go lower, or come back--he settled the question by leaving her nipples, hot and tight with feeling, to kiss her on the mouth. She opened her legs for him. He positioned himself as she ran her hands up and down his chest, then across his sides, caressing him.
"You ready?" he murmured around his kisses. She put both hands on his butt, and tried to draw herself up on him. "I'll take that as a yes."
She felt the first nudge between her legs, then he was pushing the blunt head of his male length down into her opening. She canted her hips up as he pressed forward, lodging just his tip in her.
"Jesus, you're tighter than normal."
"I haven't had sex in more than a month," she said apologetically.
"Oh, God, that means you're going to be so tight I almost can't get it in you."
"You can try."
He laughed. "I certainly can." He pushed again, lodging a little more in her.
"Let's try it together," she said. She could feel herself start to open. She dug her heels into the bed, and as he pushed again, she pushed back and up at him. For just a moment she thought he wouldn't go in, and then he was past the tight ring of muscles and sliding into her, one smooth powerful stroke that went all the way to her very depths.
"Oh, God," she gasped as she felt his entrance. "That is... that's so good."
He closed his eyes, grunting with the effort. He held himself above her, eyes closed, breathing hard, trying to control himself. Finally, after the moment passed, he pulled back and pushed again.
She ran her hands across his chest, feeling his muscles as he held himself above her. Then her hands drifted to his waist as she brought her legs up. She hooked her ankles at the top of his thighs and pulled herself up against him. She felt so hot and open. He was sliding into her, filling her, opening her almost beyond all bearing. She closed her eyes. His legs, his hips, it was all one, peaking deep inside her. It glutted her senses, and she moaned softly.
Danny was moving now, using deep strokes that touched every hot little spot inside her. She rose to meet him, accepting him, taking him, holding him. His arms were like pillars, holding him above her, giving him leverage as he thrust deep into her. She engulfed him completely, giving, receiving, one mutual symphony, played out in two parts.
He moaned slightly and began to speed up. She ran her fingers over his tummy, feeling him tense. She moved her hands to his shoulders, savoring the power there, feeling his shoulders set, feeling him gather himself. His face was set, his mouth open, his eyes glazed as the sensations overtook him. With a small groan he came, burying himself in her as his body shook.
Slowly he relaxed against her, breathing hard. She kissed him tenderly, a lingering promise of pleasures yet to come, and a reminder of pleasures just shared. He cradled her in his arms, giving her little kisses as he controlled his breathing. Finally, with a sigh, he relaxed completely.
"Umm, sorry," he murmured.
"That's all right," Devlin said, brushing his hair back from his forehead so she could kiss it. "I had a feeling this first time was going to be quick."
"A girl can tell," she said.
"I'll make it up to you."
She kissed him again. "I know."
He levered himself up off her and began kissing his way down her body--neck, collar, breasts, tummy, thighs, lower tummy, circling around her sex in ever decreasing circles. He finally settled between her legs. He smiled as she opened her legs a bit more, presenting all of herself to him. She raised herself up on her elbows to watch as he brushed her sensitive inner thighs. He drew a breath before licking directly on her most sensitive spot.
She gasped, flopping back on the bed as a wave of heat flashed through her. He mumbled something and began to suck and lick, his tongue teasing the little bud of her clitoris. A warm wave of feeling swept through her at this most intimate touch. She sighed happily, settling back on the bed. A number of men didn't like to have oral sex after cumming inside her, but Danny was a happy exception. And he did love to eat her. He pushed at her, his tongue probing everywhere, constantly teasing and rubbing her little bud. She gave herself over to the moment, riding the feelings that surged out of her middle. Her feelings were concentrating, meeting his tongue, one hot little muscular digit that seemed to touch her everywhere. She could feel the heat rising, and she arched, trying to take it all. Her breasts were so big and heavy in her hands, nothing existed by the sensations that rose and rose, and suddenly poured over her in one long breaker of warmth.
She clenched, holding him to her as it went on and on, sharper, harder, hotter, the world nothing but the needs of her body. She spent freely, until she couldn't take it any more and pushed him away, trying to close her legs.
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Baseball, Apple pie, Chevrolet and---------------Dad As I approached the field house to clean up from the beat down I just delovered to Cole Parker, Ricky, the bat boy was trodding not far behind. Entering the open doorway to the shower room, I almost bumped into him---DAD. “Dad----what are you doing here?” “What—can't come see my b o y play ball?” “Ya, I guess---you been here the whole game?” “Naaa—just rolled in this minute---the rig is right over there---need a lift home?” ...
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“I say that we’ve got to do something. The ignorant savages and their unchecked breeding is costing the state millions,” Cindy had just exclaimed. “If we don’t, soon we’ll be as bad off as the folks up in Fertile Valley.” “You don’t know what you’re talking about, you silly twit,” Alexi replied. The friction that was developing between Cindy and Alexi did neither of them any good. Why couldn’t the two women see that it...
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Kevin Jones was not an impressive young man. His lips were sweetly formed and they looked just like a girl's only without lipstick. The boys in the locker room were not even aware he had a decent looking cock because he tried to keep it covered whenever it was exposed. His slender buttocks were also reminiscent of a female's because of the way they swept up into a heart-shaped design when he was standing up straight and not bending over. He certainly was not muscular looking but if one...
My Mom and my Aunt and my cousin spent our summer mostly on Fire Island, New York in a town called Ocean Bay Park. Fire Island is a barrier island of Long Island south shore and really a wonderful place. It’s made up of various small towns, and there are no cars at all the only way to get here is by ferry boat, mostly from Bay Shore. We had a really nice house big eat in kitchen, living room and three bedrooms. The best was the back porch surrounded my swamp pines, which are the only thing that...
Hi Guys, This is Kamesh from Coimbatore. I’m a regular reader of the Indian sex stories. After reading many stories I decided to post a real incident happened in my family a few years back.My dad, Bala who is working in Dubai. He comes to India once in two years. He stayed with us for a month only and go back. My mom Parvathi is a homemaker, age 35 (when this happened). My mom is fair complexion, 5ft height and has long hair. She looks like a little fatty but fats are in perfect places which...
IncestI was of course shocked at what she was doing, ….but then again…I would love to see my sister Jodi undressed myself. She had a killer body, nice tits and her and I ….well….we kinda liked to cop feels on each other once and a while. I had only seen her once semi-naked in a very shear nightgown, and I could see enough to start a hardon going each time I looked at her now. We both were afraid to go any further as it could lead to trouble with mom. We had one close call when I was...
Clitecka’s Seduction – 1 Hello. My name is Clitecka. I’m seventeen and I’m a black girl, living just outside the small town of Fuggledix, in Alabama. I live with my mother, and sometimes my father comes down from Chicago to visit. They’re divorced. I only been doing sex for only a few months, even though I’m seventeen. Lots of my friends have been jacking off much longer, but I never got those “feelings” down in my pussy until after I turned sixteen. In a few days, I was masturbating three or...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...
Director Mike Adriano loves girls that aren’t afraid of a little extra adventure — and tiny, valiant blonde Angel Smalls fits the bill perfectly. The pocket-sized vixen looks adorable in her pink tube top and knee-high socks, submissively kneeling in front of Mike before stuffing his fat shaft deep down her throat. Spunky slut Angel anally rides Mike’s tool, spewing foul-mouthed remarks. She hops off of his lap to tasting his prick ass-to-mouth. After intense ass fucking,...
xmoviesforyouLYNETTE: ANOTHER UNEXPECTED SURPRISELynette, the late arrival at the celebration of Anna’s and Priscilla’s colorfully bruised bottoms, was one of the older girls; small, quiet, rather mousy looking in fact. She'd only been caned once, and that quite recently, but had been allowed to join the group because one of the other girls had persistently asked for it. Lynette was an odd girl, rarely speaking to any one (and hence regarded by most as quite harmless), but often turning up in unexpected...
Well this is a dream my friend encountered it a couple of days ago and this is how it all started. Donald and I took a ride on his Z-4 to the coast. We went to a candle lit restaurant that overlooks the ocean. Donald and I sat by these huge bay windows and ate dinner, sipped champagne and ate strawberries, as the sun set. Afterwards, we took a walk on the beach hand in hand. Donald brought a blanket so we could sit on the beach and watch the sun sink the rest of the way. So we sat down on the...
EroticKara did not allow the boy any time at all to get any more nervous. She immediately came over to him and turned him to face her. Then, she wrapped him in a big adult hug, pressing her tits into his chest, and saying, “I hope that we can get to be really good friends here, Connor, and that we can remain friends even long after this weekend is over. Okay?” Connor could not speak at that moment. As he nodded his head to acknowledge what the beautiful woman pressing her body against him had...
She wouldn't be out till 3:30, but I didn't mind waiting at her porch. I had a book I was reading anyway. About 5 minutes into my book I heard the gate open. I thought it might be her and she left class early, but it was her mom. I got up to greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and she invited me in. She offered me a drink and told me to get comfortable. I restarted my reading from where I left off and her mom left to the room. A few minutes later she came out with her hair down,...
The Brother and Sister Next Door r This is a fictional story of a brother and sister sneaking sex in their parents the back yard. Next door, another brother and sister were watching them from an upstairs window. —- Lisa, and her brother, Brad, continued to watch the brother and sister next door in their back yard, kissing and feeling each other up behind a lawn shed. Brad had surprised his sister when he saw her standing hidden by her bedroom window. She was peeking thru the blinds at...
Note: I wrote this story with a lush friend, who said she gets off watching guys get off. From our emails, it was understood our meeting would not lead to intercourse. It took awhile for her to be assured I would be gentleman and would not try to have sex with her once we got our clothes off. I assured her again and again I would respect whatever limits she set. She was finally convinced when I told that I knew there wouldn’t be a next time if I deviated one iota from her limits. I wanted there...
Rolling onto her back, Marie threw her arms over her head and basked in the warmth that has come from her soft body. The sunlight softly streaming through her room falls on her face and she turned toward it. Stretching, she remembered her night, and him. He had kissed her softly on the lips, making her melt against him. All night he had stayed near her side. Finally he helped her clean her kitchen after all her friends had left. Jake had leaned in for that soft kiss, and her world had shifted....
When bootylicious babe Dava Foxxs stepson finds her profile on a dating app, she is embarrassed! But he wants to help her out by taking some seductive photos for her. In the process, he gets a huge boner, so she helps him, sucking his dick until he empties a load of sperm in her mouth. Later, Dava catches her stepson jerking off with her panties. She bends over and lets him penetrate her MILF cunt. A couple days later, Dava is getting ready to split up with her man when her stepson shows up to...
xmoviesforyouThe note was stuck under my windshield wiper blade, and was in Gloria's handwriting. "Come over for dinner tonight...7:30 sharp !!" I finished work, raced home, showered, and sat on the sofa waiting for 7:25. just so I could dash across the yard and arrive on time. I knocked on the front door, and Gloria met me. "Wow...I'm impressd at your punctuality," she laughed, "Come in." She was wearing an orange sleeveless stretch top, a black stretch skirt which ended a bit above her knees, and orange...
"Good evening." I said to the assembled crowd. "Thank you for coming." I had my welcome speech memorized, but I was still nervous. This was the first time that I was the 'host' - usually my older sister, Auset, did the honors. This year she had her PhD defense at Nagoya University - which was running much, much later than anyone expected - so since I'm the second oldest, I had to give the speech. "On behalf of my Fathers, my siblings and myself, I welcome you to the annual Kaiba...
Chapter One It had rained. The kind of rain on a hot evening in late July that brings steam up from the pavement and makes the humidity near unbearable. The sun had set about half an hour ago, yet the late summer twilight left it light enough that even at the 9:00 closing time it was still just light enough to see. I had just pulled up across the street from the store to pick you up for a late dinner and a drink. As I sat in the car, the owner of the jewelry store you work in came out with...
Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Seventeen: The Ogre's Prowess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Nine: The Ogre's Prowess Kora Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My stomach tightened as Ava crashed into the hallway wall. I knew that wasn't her real body, and yet seeing the feyhound form struggling to gain its feet, the front, left leg snapped and half-hanging from splintered twigs, tore at my...
Deviantsusie whispers to Cathy_slut98: What are your limits?Susie paused before hitting send. The conversation had moved along very quickly. This was good. She wasn't in the mood for flirty banter. She was angry when she logged on. The news that her lover had dumped her had thrown her for six. Her ex was blaming the fact that Susie had been too busy at work to keep her in check. The fact that her new tart was half her age was purely coincidental.Susie had gone online initially to stalk her and...
College SexHarmon Miller was not a nice guy. He had to leave Chicago in a hurry because he’d tried to scam the wrong person – the teenage son of a Mafia boss. He got in his rattletrap Ford and hit the road with his worldly possessions in a couple of boxes. Looking back on it, life in Chicago had been tolerable. He’d made a decent living between his handyman work and his occasional forays into illegality. He tried anything that would make him a quick buck. He’d stolen the occasional expensive possession,...
Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 6 - Going Home A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. The fall semester is over, and Tommi must make plans for the holidays. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Katie turned in her chair, away from her books. "So, what are you going to do?" she asked...
This guy is hiding in a closet rubbing his dick while watching Kylie. Under most circumstances, he’d get slapped or told off. But Kylie likes that he’s a perv. She’s a perv, too. “I promise I won’t tell my brother as long as you put your dick in my mouth,” she tells the peeping Tom. Sounds like this guy is in a real hard spot. She works his pole with her mouth, sucking his head and balls and stuffing his shaft deep down her throat. Kylie gets on all fours and...
xmoviesforyouI must be imagining this, I think to myself as the knocking noise continues.My heart is in my mouth as I make my way to the door.It can’t be you… it just can’t be…I feel light-headed.Could it be?I take a deep breath and slowly turn the handle.“Good morning!” comes a woman’s voice. “Housekeeping!”I visibly deflate as I pull the door open, cursing myself for thinking it would be you. I explain to the lady that there was a last-minute change and that I won’t be checking out until tomorrow. She...
Straight SexHi friends i am chandrashekar in Iss i have written story kamasutra with sister i got a nice responses now i wouldlike to share a very nice experience with my moms sister.One day i went to my mothers sister house for the summer holidays to spend i suddenly went to their house my pinni(mother sister ) surprised to see me their and she asked me why did you not make any phone call to me while coming and she put her face upset also i asked why are you going any where then she said no just i asked...
IncestWhat Ivan didn’t know was that every time I went with him for a weekend or a few days – and there were several of these interludes – I would always go see Hans in person afterwards, and he would debrief me. Then he would de-pants me, and then he’d fuck me.I was never really sure if he just wanted to be able to quiz me in detail after I’d been with Ivan, whether just he enjoyed having me, or if he got a special thrill of following Ivan into my kitty, mouth, or ass.And, truthfully, I didn’t care....
TrueAfter boarding the ship, Tamalain met with the Captain of the good ship The Golden Mane, Captain Marian. Marian was not what Tamalain expected after her previous trip on a human run sea going vessel. Marian was tall, over six feet and heavily muscled from hard labor of working as a sailor. She also had a voice that carried loudly over the wind and noises of a ship under way. "What can I do for you lady Elf?" asked Captain Marian. "Will it be alright for me to sleep in the upper crows nest,...
It's one o'clock on a beautiful Saturday afternoon as I walk up the gravel chipped drive to your parents house. I've informed you by text this morning to dress for a picnic. The summer sun has finally made itself known after a week of light rain, and it seems like too good an opportunity to miss. I check my watch and ring the doorbell at the allotted time, stepping back to await your answer. I hear you shout to inform your parents that you're heading out. As you open the door I am greeted by a...
TeenThe next morning David opened the rifle cases that Martin had brought and gazed at the workmanship of each rifle. Their balance was amazing coming up to his shoulder like an extension of his body. The deep lustre of the figured mahogany furniture with its chequered pistol grip and cheek rest made each weapon a thing of beauty. David had a gun cabinet already made; his .303 was in it along with the Winchester. He fitted in each rifle and put the ammunition in the drawers below, along with the...
*********** The rusted out old car had whined and spluttered for over a 100 miles. The east European Trabant was famous for two reasons. Firstly for being mass produced on a scale Henry Ford would be envious of, and secondly for being crap. This Becky had learnt all too soon after parting with her cash. A hundred dollars seemed a bargain for her own transport, after all the buses and local trains were almost non existent. However over a day at 30 miles an hour with little suspension and...
The Big One Part Two They emerged onto a wide downtown street in what appeared to be a moderately upscale shopping district. Their initial impression that it was thronging with people was accurate. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people were milling about, many clutching bottles, joints, pipes, and other intoxicants. All seemed to be wearing brightly colored costumes. "My God," murmured Nikki, "It looks like the Carnival in Rio!" They continued, unmolested and almost unnoticed,...
"Doc?" Mandy whispered as she pushed the hospital room door open. Doc Mayfield sat up in the bed. His left leg was raised in a sling. A white plaster cast covered his leg from mid thigh down. His toes wiggled freely. "Mandy! Are you okay?" "I'm fine. How are you doing?" "Broken leg, broken ankle. I'll be back on my feet in a couple of days." "I have to leave tonight," Mandy whispered as she stepped up beside the bed. She lowered her face to his and kissed him passionately....
I had been playing football all my life, but nothing like this had ever happened before.... especially to me seeing as i am a big guy weighing in at about 280 pounds. The skill guys like the quarterback and wide receivers had their own locker room and the linemen had their own locker room, which happened to be right beside the girls locker room. I'm usually one of the last one out because i like to take long showers especially after getting sweaty and grimy after a good day of practice. But...
Avery Williams sat in the Dean's office. It was 9 in the morning on Sunday. Classes would begin the following morning, and having arrived a day late, Avery missed out on all the orientation presentations. "It's nice to meet you in person, Avery. How are you this morning?" The Dean asked. "Um..fine I guess?" Avery replied. "Good. Now, since you've missed out on the orientation, I can only give you this pamphlet and packet of information regarding the safety and rules on campus. If you have...
August 1, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio Soft laughter reached my ear from Cincinnati via the magic of the Bell Telephone Network. “That is just TOO funny!” Angie declared. “Funny? Why do you find it funny?” “College boy breaks up with girlfriend and has serious falling out with his best friend. Swears newfound celibacy and is almost instantly propositioned by two High School girls who are ‘off limits’ because he decided High School girls are too immature, despite dating two other High School...
Peter called one evening. "Umm Ralph, you said you were thinking about getting a dog to protect Ruthie when you were unable to be with her. I think I have the perfect solution. It was kind of dropped into my lap and the more I have thought about it, I think June and I will be up this weekend with the answer to your problem." "Good, for once the house is empty of company so we can enjoy ourselves. Ruthie is just starting to show her pregnancy and is getting excited more and more about our...
Let me start by saying I'm a happily married man and I've never before cheated on my wife. I know, you are thinking “Yeah, right.” However, when this opportunity arose at work I had to take advantage of it. You see I have this strong desire to do anal, I love anal sex, and that's about the only thing my wife will have nothing to do with. We tried it once when we were both pretty drunk and I guess I got a little over excited and pushed too hard and fast. She said it hurt so much she'd never try...