CandiceChapter 3 free porn video

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I wanted to ask my dad for advice, but that seemed like a bad idea. Asking him how to make up with a girl after forgetting her name? He might start wondering why I'd been having sex with Candice in the first place.

"Flowers," Tiffany decided.

"Those azalea things?"


"Ouch!" I winced and tried to look over my shoulder.

"Hold still," she said. "I'm almost done."

"She really scratched me good, huh?"


"Never mind," I said. "I mean, she scratched me a lot."

"Yeah!" Tiffany said with a giggle. "I understand now. She scratched you good."

"Does it look bad?"

"They look like scratches. Why is she angry?"

"I told you," I sighed. "I don't know."

"Maybe when you tried to fuck her in the butt..."

"What? No!"

"Yeah," she agreed. "That wouldn't make me angry either."

"You can't get angry though."

"So, I'm not lying then." She shrugged. "Am I?"

"You can't lie either," I replied. "God! You're acting weird."

"I'm just trying to understand."

"Me too."

"So, if Candy isn't angry because you buttfucked her..."

"I didn't fuck her in the butt!"

"Hmph." Tiffany grinned at me. "I thought you did."

"I didn't."

"Well, maybe that's why she's mad."


"You should give Candy a dozen roses and ask her to have anal sex."

"Right!" I laughed and then narrowed my eyes. "You're serious?"

"Why?" She smiled. "Does that sound strange?"

"Just a little."


"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Uh-huh! All done. Don't go swimming for an hour after you eat."

"What?" I grinned at her.

"What?" She grinned back.

"Nothing," I sighed, twisting my body in the mirror so I could see a half-dozen band-aids on my back.

"You have to write her a poem too."

"Says who?"

"I do." Tiffany giggled. "A love poem to express your deep regret and endless devotion."

"Uhhh ... That might be cool," I said slowly. "Do you know any good poems?"

"I know a lot of good poems, but none of them are yours."

"So?" I shrugged.

"I'll help you."

"It's gotta be a good one though," I said. "Not like some roses are red, violets are blue thing."

"I don't know that one," she said, stretching her naked body out on my bed as I lay down next to her.

She wanted to have sex, I knew that, but I wasn't in the mood for it just then. My balls were pretty empty anyway. I'd had sex with Tiffany twice as soon as I'd gotten home from school and then twice with Candy at her house. Four times in six hours was a lot, at least for me. I wasn't even sure I'd wake up with a boner the next morning!

But of course I did and that made me feel a little better. Tiffany too, since she was sucking on it. At least that part of my life seemed to be normal again.

"Candy?" I blinked at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm still your girlfriend," she said with a smile. "Right?"

"Yeah!" I nodded quickly. "You wanna come in?"

"Okay." She stepped into the foyer. "Where's Tiffany?"

"In the bathtub, I think," I replied, closing the front door behind her. "I thought your mom was having that thing tonight?"

"She is," Candy sighed. "I saw your mom and dad there."

"Oh, um ... You wanna take your jacket off?"

"Sure." She unzipped the pink leather jacket she wore and I'd never seen one that color before. It had the Chanel logo for a zipper tab though and I guess that explained it.

"Did you get the flowers?" I asked, knowing she had because Candy's mom had told my mom.

"Yeah," she said with a smile. "They were really nice."

"I tried calling you all week," I said. "I even went to your house."

"Four times." She giggled. "I know."

"Your maid hates me."

"Rosita?" Candy shrugged. "She hates everybody."

"You want something to drink? Um ... We got Coke or some juice..."

"No," she said, following me as I walked through the house. I really didn't know where we were going though.

"How long's your mom's party gonna last?"

"I dunno. Late probably. Is anybody else here?"

"Just Tiffany," I said. "We can hang out in the den, if you want."

"Can we go to your room?"

"Ummm..." I glanced at the stairs. "Tiffany might be in there."

"So?" Candy laughed. "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah," I admitted with a smile. "I haven't seen you in a week."

"You kinda deserved it."

"I didn't mean it."

"Let's go upstairs," she said. "We can talk up there."

"Talk?" I frowned at that, but then I caught Candy looking at me, so I smiled. "Great. Yeah."

She probably just wanted to talk about how angry she felt because I'd called her Tiffany by mistake. It reminded me of being in trouble with my dad and he'd call me into the den so we could talk. Actually, I rarely said much at all on those occasions, except to apologize. Maybe that had been the point, you know, to prepare me for having a girlfriend. He might as well have said, "Get used to saying you're sorry, son. You'll have a girlfriend someday."

"I'm sorry..." I started saying as soon as Candy sat down on my bed.

"Are these Tiffany's?" She picked up a silver thong that looked like it had been made of dental floss and a very small piece of aluminum foil, except it was soft.

"Uh, yeah." I nodded. "That's kinda all she wears. Thongs, I mean. And ... you know ... clothes."

I felt my face redden and Candy rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, um ... I'm sorry about what I said," I sighed. "I really love you, Candy, and..."

"You've gotta make up your mind," she cut me off.

"About what?"

"About her and me, for one thing," Candy said, making it sound obvious. "How am I supposed to compete with her?"

"I don't know," I said, but I didn't mean it the way it sounded.

"I know I'm not beautiful."

"Yeah you are."

"I'm not happy all the time and smiling like everything's perfect."


"I'm just a girl."

"I know that," I said with a hard swallow.

"It isn't fair," she sighed, frowning and looking at her hands. "You're not supposed to love her."

"Tiffany's just..." I shrugged, frowning too as I didn't know what to say. "I can't help it."

"Why? Because she knows how to do sex stuff and I don't?"

"No, not like that."

"You want me to suck it?" she asked. "I'll do it if you want. I can try. You want to do other stuff? Just tell me."


"I can be just as good as her."

"I didn't mean that," I said. "I love her differently, that's all. I don't love her more than you."

"I want you love me the way you love her though!" She wiped her eyes and I realized Candy had started crying. "You always look at her. You always talk about her and it's like you don't even love me!"

"I love you," I said, wanting to touch her but feeling afraid to try.

"I gotta go," she whispered, pushing herself up and then we both saw Tiffany standing naked in the doorway holding her towel.

"Candy, wait!" I reached for her, but she shrugged my hand off.

"I wish I was a robot," she said, pushing past Tiffany. "Maybe you'd love me too."

Candy left and I didn't even get off the bed.

"What happened?" Tiffany asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know," I said. "She seemed kind of happy at first and then ... She freaked out."

"Are you alright?"

"No," I decided with a sigh. "I think I broke her."

I felt broken too. My gut ached and I felt hollow inside. Empty. I loved both of them, but differently. I didn't look at Candy and feel the same way I did when I looked at Tiffany, but trying to describe those feelings seemed impossible. They don't make words like that. Tiffany was like ... air. Always there, you know? I needed her. She felt like a part of the world. A part of me. I loved her without thinking about it.

But Candy ... I loved her because she wasn't part of anything. I didn't have to go looking for air, but Candy was like something I had to catch in my heart and hold onto. She didn't belong to me and that made her special. I always felt like I had to be careful around her. She made me want to say the right things and not look stupid or do anything dumb. I expected Tiffany to like me, but I could only want Candy to like me and that's a huge difference.

I knew Candy still loved me, but she didn't like me anymore. I'd never thought being liked could be that important.

"Lie down ... Take these off..." Tiffany whispered, pushing me onto my back and undressing me.

Fresh from her bath, Tiffany's skin felt cool and damp and comforting as she covered my body with hers.

"Forget about her," she sighed, kissing my chest as her breasts rubbed against my stomach.

I played with her hair, darker now that it was wet, and pulled it from her face so I could see her brilliant eyes.

"She doesn't know what you need," Tiffany whispered, licking around my left nipple and then pinching it between her lips. "But I do, Josh. I'm going to take care of you now."

My cock had already grown stiff and it pressed against her soft tummy. She moved up and down slowly, straddling my legs on her knees. Her mouth moved to my other nipple, small and dark and so completely unlike hers. She teased me with her teeth, nipping my flesh until I shivered and she moved lower.

"You need to relax," Tiffany told me. "Forget about everything else. Just think about me."

"Yeah," I breathed, watching as she kissed my stomach and my swollen cock found itself wedged between her heavy tits.

She squeezed them together, trapping my penis as knelt over my shins. I tilted my feet towards the ceiling and caressed her butt with my toes. Tiffany moved her body slowly, smiling at me as my cock slid between her tits. Her skin felt soft as butter, like being wrapped in a pillow of cool flesh. Precum spilled from the tip of my penis and that only made it better as the shaft grew wet and slippery. She'd spit on my cock too, dropping her chin and letting the saliva fall from her pursed lips.

"I want to fuck you," I decided a few minutes later. "Lie down."

I pushed her shoulders and Tiffany let me go with a smile.

"No," I said. "On your stomach. Face down, okay? I want to fuck your ass."

"Oh!" Tiffany giggled, and I knew the possibility of saying no hadn't even crossed her mind.

"Yeah," I breathed. "Like this..."

She spread her legs slightly, as much as she could with my knees outside her thighs. We'd never done this before and I'd never wanted to. I wasn't even sure I wanted to do it just then, but I knew I could and that was the point. Candy wouldn't have let me do it, no way. She'd never even kissed my dick, but Tiffany wasn't going to complain. She'd let me push my cock in her virgin butt and tell me how good it felt, even if it didn't.

Her tight sphincter would resist at first and I'd grunt and groan, holding her perfectly round hips and driving my cock past that tiny ring. I'd stretch her asshole around me, bruising the soft muscles inside as they tried to push me back out. I'd have to fuck her hard, as hard as I could, and force her to take every last inch. She'd smile and push herself against me, riding my dick until I came inside her rectum with a rush of hot semen.

And then she'd giggle weakly, red faced and panting over her shoulder, and say, "That was really nice, Josh. I hope we do it that way a lot!"

I know because that's exactly how it happened.

"What happened to you?" Dad wondered as Tiffany walked gingerly into the kitchen.

Mom turned around from the cupboard to see what he meant. She pursed her lips and I felt my face grow warm as I reached for the pitcher of juice.

"Josh wanted to try anal sex last night," Tiffany replied. "I'm a little sore."

"Oh." Dad nodded and maybe he looked at me, maybe he didn't. "Hmph. Looks like it's New York and Kyoto in the Series again."

"Thank you for sharing that with us, Tiffany," Mom said and she was definitely looking at me.

"I hope Kyoto wins this time," I said, wanting to get off the subject of butt fucking my girl.

"You're welcome, Trish," Tiffany replied. "What would you like for breakfast this morning?"

"I'll fix it," Mom said. "Sit down at the table. I'll just scramble some eggs."

"Um!" Tiffany winced as she sat down and I caught Mom's smirk, but mostly I avoided her as much as I could.

That turned out to be even harder than I thought it would.

"I understand Candice has been a little upset lately," she said. "Do you know anything about that, Josh?"

"Uh, no..." I cleared my throat. "Not really."

"Hmph." Mom wore a doubtful look as she churned a bowl full of eggs with a fork. "Her mother thinks it might have something to do with you."

"Did you two have a fight?" Dad asked, looking over his paper.

"Not a fight," I said slowly. "She's just, um ... I don't know."

"She must have some reason for being upset," Mom said. "Candice didn't say anything to you last night?"

"Last night?" I swallowed hard.

"She came over, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Just for a little bit."

"What did she say?" Dad asked.

"Nothing," I said. "We were just hanging out a little."

"Maybe I should ask Tiffany," Mom said and I felt like puking.

Tiffany would answer any question my mom asked, completely and honestly. She didn't have a choice because she didn't know how to lie and we all knew it. Asking Tiffany would be even better than strapping me into a lie detector and making me drink truth serum!

"I took a long bath last night," Tiffany said out of the blue. "I didn't get to speak with Candice."

"Oh." Mom froze for a second, probably not expecting that.

I felt like a firing squad had missed me completely and I stared at Tiffany as she gave me a small smile.

"Well, Josh..." Dad said as he folded his paper. "If you need to talk about this, you don't have to be shy."

"I know."

"It's not easy having a girlfriend," he continued. "We just want to know what's going on and make sure you're okay."

"I'm alright, Dad," I told him. "I want to talk to her first, you know? We're gonna be okay."

"Good." He looked at Mom and she wasn't happy about it, but only because she did worry about things. Especially me.

"You should have told them," Tiffany said as she got me into the chair and off to school.

"Why did you say that?" I asked. "About the bath and not talking to her?"

"I didn't lie." She kissed me lightly. "I didn't want to see you get hurt."

"I love you," I told her. "You know that, right?"

"I know," she whispered and then made a face as she stood up straight.

"And, um ... I'm sorry about, uh ... You know ... Fucking you in the butt."

"You don't have to be. I liked it a lot." Tiffany gave me kiss. "Have fun at school."

When I got back home that afternoon, I found a message stuck to the refrigerator with a smiley face magnet. "Meet me at the old playground. Come alone!" it read, with an exclamation point and everything. She hadn't signed it, but she didn't have to either.

I looked around at the brightly colored merry-go-round, teeter-totters, and swings. There was a twisty slide too and it all looked brand new. The city kept it nice and clean, the grass mowed and hedges trimmed and all that. I bet it had to be the nicest park in Seattle, but nobody ever used it for anything except walking their dogs, which was illegal according to the No Pets Allowed signs.

"Why did you want to meet me here?" I wondered.

"I like it here," Candy shrugged. "It's like my secret place."

She sat on one of the swings wearing a purple dress that almost dragged on the ground. It was kind of a grey day, like they usually are in Seattle. The wind blew the skirt around her bare legs and tousled her dirty blonde hair. Candy tilted her head and let it blow out of her eyes as she looked at me. She pushed against the grass with her sandals and swung gently back and forth.

"Give me a push," she said.

"Okay." I touched her back and felt my heart getting too big for my chest.

"I'm sorry about last night," Candy told me, straightening her legs as she went up, curling them as she came down. "I didn't want to get mad at you."

"It's okay," I offered carefully. "I just couldn't think of anything to say."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to tell you how much I love you," I said, closing my eyes and thinking I shouldn't have said that. It sounded kind of dumb, even though it was totally true.

"Why not?" Candy asked and that stumped me, but I'd been stumped ever since I'd met her. It's one of the reasons I loved her.

"Ummm..." I gave her another push. "Because they don't make words that big."

"Heh!" Candy looked over her shoulder and grinned.

"I'm serious," I said with a frown, because maybe she didn't believe me.

"I love you."

"Really?" I blinked at her as she put her feet down. "I mean, I love you too."

"I know," she said.

I grabbed the chains to help her stop, moving around so I wasn't behind her anymore. I stood in front of her, looking down into Candy's eyes and relieved to see nothing but warmth in them.

"I'm pregnant."

"What?" I blinked at her.

"I'm almost a week late," she said and I narrowed my eyes. "My period, you know? I didn't get it this time."

"But..." I had to sit down and I sort of fell onto the swing next to her, both of us twisting the chains so we could look at each other.

"We're going to have a baby, Josh," she said, smiling and biting her bottom lip and almost making it sound like good news.

"You can't!" I said. "We can't! I mean ... We didn't do it that much!"

"We did it every day for a week," she reminded me. "The first time we did it, probably. It kind of felt like it maybe."

"God! My mom's gonna kill me!"

"I guess that's why I'm so moody or whatever," Candy sighed. "Like last night. I wanted to tell you, but then I just got mad and ... I'm sorry."

"We gotta, um..." I shook my head and my brain wouldn't sit still long enough to think. "My mom's got pills!"


"Those morning after pills. You could take one and..."

"I got pregnant three weeks ago, Josh!" She giggled softly. "There's no pill for that."

"But ... Why didn't you do something? I mean, you could have gotten some pills before, right?"

"Why didn't you use a condom?" she asked, arching her eyebrows and I frowned at that.

"It's your body though!"

"Grow up! You put the baby inside me, Josh!"

"I know, but..."

"It's not all my fault."

I didn't say anything because she was right, but still ... Candy should have said something before. Like that first time; she could have stopped me. She could have told me to use a rubber or something. She hadn't even told me to pull out! I'd been fucking Tiffany for two and a half years and she couldn't get pregnant, so why would I even think about it? Maybe it wasn't all Candy's fault, but it wasn't all mine either.

"What are you going to do?" I finally asked.

"What do you mean?" Candy looked at me. "I'm gonna have a baby."

"I mean, like ... an abortion?" I asked slowly. "You could get one of those."

"Do you really want me to kill your baby?" she asked and something in her eyes told me I'd just screwed up, or was very close to it.

"No." I shook my head. "I'm just asking, um ... What do you think about it?"

"I think abortion is murder."


"Don't you?"

"Well..." I cleared my throat. "I guess so. I never really, um ... Yeah. It's bad."

"Alright." Candy actually smiled. "Good. I kinda wondered what you'd say."

"Uh, me too." I smiled back, but inside I really didn't know what I thought of abortion. It sorta sounded like a good idea just then.

"I'll have to tell my mom pretty soon," she said. "She already knows I didn't get my period."

"Did she say anything?"

"No." Candy shook her head. "She will though."

"Okay, um..." I nodded slowly.

"She thinks I'm a virgin."

"She does?"

"Yeah," she said with a giggle. "I told her we didn't do anything except kiss."

"Is she gonna be mad?"

"Oh yeah," Candy said and just a little doubt would have sounded pretty good, but there wasn't any.

"She's gonna kill me too," I sighed.

I couldn't believe she wasn't freaking out. Heck, I couldn't believe I wasn't freaking out more than I was, but it might have been denial too. Like shock or something. Other people's girlfriend's got pregnant, not mine; everybody knows that!

"Um ... What about adoption?" I said, trying to think of something that would save my life. "You're only sixteen and..."

"I'll be almost seventeen by the time it's born," she said. "You'll be sixteen already."

"Yeah, that's what I mean," I said, thinking there was no way we could have a baby, even if we had one!

"No way!" Candy snorted. "I'm not gonna have a baby and give it to someone else, Josh."

"But I don't even have a job," I thought out loud, remembering all the stuff my parents had tried to tell me and how I'd ignored most of it.

"Like your dad's not rich?" She laughed and I frowned.

"He's not going to like it," I said, knowing the truth of that. He'd been upset for a lot of different reasons.

"The baby will stay with me and after we graduate..." Candy took a deep breath and smiled. "We'll just have to get married."

That's about the time it started raining. An ice cold autumn drizzle of the sort Seattle is famous for and it probably wouldn't stop for nine months. Seriously. The irony wasn't entirely lost on me either, but I wasn't in much of a mood to appreciate God's sense of humor just then.

"What?" I blinked at her. "Married?"

"Come on!" Candy jumped up with a giggle and started running towards a big yellow and orange plastic tree house.

It didn't sit in a tree though, but on the ground beneath a huge oak tree. It had plastic decorations shaped like candy and a small door perfect for little kids. Small windows too and nothing inside but some twigs and leaves, and some initials carved into the walls. The place had a roof anyway and we crawled inside and even though sex should have been the last thing on my mind, watching Candy's butt wiggle in front of me started making my dick hard. I hated being fifteen sometimes.

"It's getting kind of cold," she said, rubbing her bare arms. "It was nice out before."

"Yeah," I agreed, taking off my flannel shirt and putting it over Candy's shoulders. I had a t-shirt on underneath anyway.

"Thanks." She smiled at me and I put my arm around her without really thinking about it.

She leaned into me with her knees drawn up to her breasts and her dress falling between her bare thighs to puddle around her butt. We hadn't gotten terribly wet and the rain started coming down a little harder, hitting the tree and dripping off the red and brown leaves to plunk on the plastic roof. I wanted to ask her about that getting married thing, but I wasn't sure I wanted to bring the subject up.

"We could be here for awhile," Candy said, giving me a funny look and I smiled at her.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Do you wanna touch it?"

"Touch what?"

"My tummy," she whispered. "You can't feel anything yet, but..."

She'd already started unbuttoning her dress and there were a dozen or more buttons in the front. They were white and shaped like tiny daisies and I watched Candy's fingers undo them one by one, exposing her bra and pale skin. I knew she wanted me to touch her flat stomach, but when I kissed her, my hand went to her tits instead. She opened her mouth for my tongue and I felt the texture of her bra and the warmth of her body beneath my fingers as I squeezed her left breast.

She looked beautiful and it hadn't sunk in yet that I'd put a baby inside her. I knew it intellectually, but it seemed so abstract. I didn't feel anything emotionally yet, at least not about that. I tried to imagine how I should feel, but there wasn't any excitement or resentment, no joy or anger. Nothing. I only felt a desire for Candy, to kiss her and touch her all over. To caress her body and lick her skin.

Candy's hand found my cock immediately, rubbing the lump in my pants while we kissed. She'd been angry with me for a long time and we were both going a little crazy trying to make-up. I pulled at her bra, tugging one of the straps off her shoulder as much as her dress would allow. Enough to get the cup under her breast and expose her rubbery nipple anyway, and I pinched and rolled it between my thumb and finger. I thought about her being pregnant and imagined Candy's tits fat with milk, getting bigger and heavier than they already were. I liked that idea a lot and I worked her other breast free as well, so that her tits fell over her scrunched up bra.

Her hands were busy too and she had my belt undone and my pants unbuttoned quickly. Candy got the zipper down and reached into my boxers to pull my cock loose. Her small hand wrapped around the shaft and she started to jerk me off while I sucked on her tongue. We were definitely going to fuck and I started pulling her dress up her hips blindly, looking for the bottom of the skirt and wondering how much dress there could be. There seemed to be more than I remembered, but I finally reached the end and pressed my hand between Candy's bare thighs to find her panty covered pussy.

I massaged her sex and Candy spread her legs for me, letting me feel the shape of her pussy through the cotton. She'd grown warm and wet down there and I pressed my finger against her slit, pushing her panties between her thin pussy lips. When I became impatient with that, she lifted her hips and butt, helping me pull her panties down so I could finger her naked sex while we made out. Candy kept stroking my cock too, getting her fingers wet with precum as it spilled from the tip and ran down the shaft. I pushed my middle finger inside her pussy and felt her amazingly hot inside. The soft walls felt like butter and I could feel the odd shape of her vagina, the curious bumps and ridges inside. I curled my finger and wiggled it, getting a soft moan and a jerk of her hips in reply.

When Candy straddled my hips with her knees, we were both ready for it. She held up her dress while I held my cock and rubbed it against her pussy. She let herself down and we fucked only as fast and hard as she wanted to. I could only hug her against me, stroking her back and kissing her tits while Candy moved up and down, riding my cock slowly at first. She'd take all of it and then grind her pussy down on my cock with a deep groan before lifting up and doing it again. We made love like that for five minutes before I had to fuck her hard right at the end.

I rolled us over and lay on top of her, holding her shoulders while I pumped my cock inside her pussy with short, rapid strokes. I kissed her mouth and filled Candy with my tongue just as my orgasm exploded inside her tight pussy. I had the weird thought that I was cumming inside my pregnant girlfriend. We were kissing while I lay on top of her tummy and she had a baby inside her. Just a tiny one, probably not even big enough to see without a microscope, but I knew it was there. My cock pulsed inside her, filling my girlfriend with cum, and we were kissing and she was pregnant and...

"We're gonna have a baby," I breathed, like I hadn't believed it until just that second ... and maybe I hadn't.

"Yeah," Candy whispered with a smile, looking pink and breathless and glowing it seemed to me. She looked so completely alive.

"I love you," I told her and that's really all I could say.

Candy and I were lying on my bed while Tiffany sat near my desk. She'd found some blank paper and a pencil, and she enjoyed doodling. She never really tried to draw anything, but she was a surprisingly good artist. She hadn't been programmed for that or anything either, at least not so far as I knew, and it gave her a distinctly human quality. I liked watching her doodle and I wished I knew how to tell Candy how I felt and make her understand that I sort of loved them equally, but in different ways.

"Tell me you love me," Candy sighed and she seemed to be in one of her moods. She blamed it on being pregnant, but I blamed it on the Jealous Gene.

"I love you," I said softly, knowing I wasn't betraying Tiffany at all, but it felt like it just because she was there.

"What?" Candy didn't smile. "Say it louder."

"I love you." I said with a hard swallow.

"You love me more than..." She arched her eyebrows. "Say it. Tell her. I want to hear you tell her."

"I love you more than Tiffany," I said, looking down at my hands.

"Did you hear that, Tiffany?"

"Uh-huh," she said with a smile. "He loves you more than he loves me."

Same as Candice
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Clay Marsdale arrived home after just having beaten the pants off one of his new pros. The competitive older man was ecstatic when he could still slaughter a much younger man on the courts. He'd done everything else now in life and tennis had become his passion. He parked his Mercedes in the large garage and went directly to his screening room. Clay was a gadget fanatic and his newest craze was having all matter of video equipment. He had a screening room size video screen and his camcorder...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the strong

Stepping down from the stirrup he looked at the signs around his target's camp. Drawing closer he silently cursed when he saw that they had split up. From all he saw they were heading deeper into the badlands. Looking over the camp again he only saw about five of the ten that had drawn his quest for revenge. This was a quest that had the grim reaper sitting on his shoulder as his constant companion. Creeping closer he gently rubbed at the massive rope burns around his neck. ‘They should have...

3 years ago
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A Very Short Story

A Very Short Story By Erin Shoemaker, Jr. "No - STOP!" cried Jason as he struggled against the restraints. "Please - God - don't do this to me!" But it was to no avail - the die had been cast. "Sorry baby," answered Juno, "That was the last time you fuck-around on me. Now you'll face the humiliation of being screwed." * * * * * * Earlier that day, he had come home for lunch in an attempt to smooth the ruffled waters with his...

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House Hunting Private Viewings

My wife wanted me to meet the real estate agent she hired to check out new houses. She gave me her card, said she was a great gal, and told me to have fun looking at houses. Like a good husband, I made sure to do what I was told.I contacted Denise and she made arrangements to view three homes the following day. She said the owners would be gone for a two-hour window at each home, so we’d have privacy to check things out and discuss them between us.I showed up at the first address a bit early....

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Caught In The ActOn Purpose

It was Saturday morning and as usual I’d woken up with a tent pole between my legs.The question was should I grab a handful of tissues and go for a quick wank or hang on and hope the house would be empty…or even better, mostly empty, like last week.(For those who haven’t read part one of this debauched tale my sister, Alice had caught me masturbating in the bath. If you haven’t read it, you might want to catch up… So, being a Saturday...

2 years ago
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Helping a friend True Story

I spend a lot of summer weekends camping in northern Michigan. Sometimes with friends, but often on my own. Tent, hammock, nice fire, whiskey, maybe some weed and enjoy the fresh air, the water and the stars. This summer I was driving to my campsite on a Friday afternoon, when I saw a car on the side of the road. This was among the many stretches of road in the area where you might not see a car for miles, or hours. There was a girl sitting Indian style on the grass next to the car, calmly...

2 years ago
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Lending a Hand to the Neighbor Day 2

“Hey Jack. I could use some help with another part tonight. You free to come over?”I kept reading that text over and over, teasing out any possible meaning in the words and the phrasing. The night before had led to a pretty crazy few minutes where I found myself with John’s cock unloading hot streams of cum into my mouth while we drank beers in his garage. That sort of thing never happened in my world, and certainly not in my neighborhood.But it did, to me and to John. And on my walk home last...

1 year ago
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House Warming To Erotic Pussy Warming

Hi Guys, I hope you guys are doing well. Life has become very unpredictable. You never know what will happen next. Happiness and enjoyment matter in life. Self-belief in chasing our dreams and following our hearts with purpose can lead us to make magical memories. Either we keep thinking about sex without experiencing it and regret it later. Or we can find our right partner and enjoy wonderful sexual encounters with them. It is a matter of personal choice. I am Vinay here from Chennai. I just...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation An Element or Four

Supernatural Nation: Chapter 1 Chapter 1: An Elemental or Four The day after their honeymoon Anthony awoke and stretched carefully so as not to disturb Eliza, who was sleeping naked and peacefully beside him. He ran his gaze down her golden skin tempted to touch her but he restrained himself and cautiously rolled out of the bed. He looked over at the clock and realized that Sar-Rah and Liz had gone off to school taking...

1 year ago
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Learning through the Night

Learning through the Night This story may be reposted anywhere as long as proper credit is given, you inform me of where it?s being posted, and I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. Learning through the NightBy Sbbe (Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) com) Thanks to ZebI recommend you read his story before mine for background(Thanks for the Wedding Night story and encouragement)( Amy sobbed into the...

2 years ago
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Take Me Outside

We had chatted and messaged each other so much yet never met. The day finally arrived after weeks of waiting. The train had pulled into the station and the sexual tension made me shiver and my heart raced with excitement. All I had to do was find the rendezvous and see if she would turn up. I felt her presence close by, but it could easily just have been my over-active imagination. As Emily’s text pinged on my phone my heart skipped a beat. “I’m in ViaFossa like we said,” she said, as cool as...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 12

Rain pelted Kal and Ikuno as they made their way carefully along the thin mountain trail. They had left Ikuno’s home earlier that morning to return to Aradelle’s forest and crossed over the first mountain without incident. However, as they descended into the valley between that and the second peak, dark clouds had rolled in and a smattering of rain dogged them on the next ascent. As they approached the apex of the trail the weather became even fouler turning into a full-blown downpour with...

3 years ago
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RachmaninovChapter 3

Near Balika, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo He woke from a fevered sleep gradually. His head hurt as he looked around. There was a bandage of sorts on his head and another holding his left arm to his chest. The room had walls and a roof of sheet tin, with a floor of dried grass. Nothing was familiar. “Хто я?” [“Who am I?”] he mumbled in Ukrainian to the black woman at the periphery of his vision. The woman shook her head and brought a canteen of water to his lips. She laid a...

1 year ago
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 21 Intake

Clara and I scheduled a meeting of our Advisory Council, all of the Ark Foundation VPs, and other key members of the Ark Society for the first week of January 2042. The topic was the final review of our pickup plan, and the establishment of the dates and locations for our major pickups. Julie and Samantha made the first part of the presentation. The plan they presented was almost identical to what we had discussed some months ago. There was more detail and a few enhancements to expedite the...

3 years ago
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Deathbed Ch 6

Part Twenty-Six “No–” I said in a strangled voice. “No, I’m not undead! I can touch holy objects!” My heartbeat pounded in my ears, another proof of life. What could the Bearer of Indictments mean? “Like these–” Deadman suddenly glanced at the cartridges I had been about to display, and I broke off and hid them inside my jacket. Aitch hadn’t missed the exchange, though I wasn’t sure if he had noticed what I was holding before I concealed it, his sharp eyes went back and forth between us. ...

2 years ago
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My Naked Mother And Me Pt 3 Open Talk

I came down in my boxers. The heat was killing me. The night before, trying some open talk with mom had given me a boner the whole night. So is the morning with my morning wood, making a tent in my boxer. I started to get more comfortable with my mom. By now, I didn’t even care If I had a hard-on anymore. She has seen me cum in front of her after all. I went into the kitchen. My mom was there reading the news while sipping her morning tea. She was wearing shorts this morning, with a tight black...

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Armis IoChapter 7

Boston, Mass. – February 2062 Chris Simpson skimmed through the pages of her programming textbook. She focused on each page for a second or two and then she flipped to the next. She sat in the passenger seat of her ride’s electric VW on the way to the organization she called ‘two.’ “I still can’t believe you can get that stuff, reading it like that,” said Dan, her driver this Saturday. It was the third Saturday of the sixth month she’d ‘worked’ at the 7120 facility. The first two missions...

1 year ago
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Tommys Play Toy

Tommy's Play Toy" - Part 1 of 2 (M+F reluc va tv toys fist oral anal) Things all started a while back when I met Tommy. We met at a cafe after he answered my personal in the newspaper asking for an attractive open minded male. Tommy was just that... attractive and incredibly open. I walked into the cafe and started talking to him and we immediately hit it off. This, I knew, was going to be a great match. After chatting for about an hour he got up and asked...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 20

“Okay, here’s the first pairing. Me ‘n’ Jeremy won’t switch ‘cuz we won’t be with you when you take over the mentors. Simon will be with Lynette; Harry and Roberta; and Tom and Julie. Let’s move in front of your partner and look at each other; look into their eyes. Now put your hands up like you’re playing patty-cake, palms forward, and connect your hands to your partner’s. Press palms together and look into each other’s eyes and try to connect on a spiritual level.” Tom followed Amelia’s...

1 year ago
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When we went to the nudist camp

First, before the story: English is not my mother tongue. When working on this story there were occations when I could not find the exact words I was looking for - but I guess you'll get the general idea.My wife Helen is a determined petite blonde beauty. When she gets an idea, it is very difficult for her change her mind. She sometimes gets naughty ideas, which I usually support. This time I had no clue what she was up to.It was during summer when she approached me, saying she wanted to try a...

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The Slavering Chapter 03

The Slavering, Chapter 03 Tesla texted, *John Father is here.* Cheri brightened when she read that. Then Cheri's secretary notified Cheri of an incoming call. *Call from John Smith* Cheri braced herself. Probably another cancelation. "Hi, Short Stuff." A woman's voice, machine. Not Dad. Dad's secretary. Cheri disliked her father's secretary even though she knew it was just a collection of code and hardware like her own secretary. "Calling to inform you that," the...

4 years ago
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Born to Suck

Hi friends..m writing a fiction story for the first time so pls give me ur suggestions: So here we go….Shilpa couldn’t help it! She wanted to stop but something inside her wouldn’t let her! Shilpa was from all appearances a normal eighteen year old junior in high school. Average looks, average grades, nice friends, good parents, nothing to worry about. Well not exactly, you see Shilpa was addicted to oral sex! She would suck anyone, anywhere, at anytime. She couldn’t be exactly sure of why, but...

2 years ago
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Seven Days of Lust Part 6

Dan had arranged for the final evening of his turns in surprising his wife to deliver her greatest fantasy she had always had. He knew she was an exhibitionist – that had already been displayed this week. He also knew that she was kinky enough to get into the bisexual and role-playing games, so he had decided to do one better. For months he had searched for some sign of her deeper fantasies that she was too afraid to share with him.That’s when he had discovered her fetish for food play and...

Group Sex
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Trans woman at the club

One night I said hello to a couple who were talking. He was a big guy and she was a small Filipina woman. They quickly invited me into the conversation. The talk turned sexy, and we decided to head to one of the rooms. She would kiss him and then me and then back as she rubbed our cocks. He pulled his cock out and she went down on her knees. I joined her and we shared sucking his big hard cock. He pulled the rest of his clothes off as we sucked him. He began pulling her top off. She...

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen The next morning I overslept and had to rush like crazy again. As I arrived at the office I saw Siobhan arriving at the same time. I gave her a hug and she apologised for being late. I laughed "Don't worry I'm late as well." She giggled and picked up my hand and we walked in together hand in hand. Bugger me there sitting outside my office talking to Maddy was Lauren. The moment she saw us together her face dropped. Siobhan disappeared as soon as she saw Lauren. I...

1 year ago
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First Encounter

This story is fully fictional Mathias has recently garnered an interest in BDSM. He stumbles upon a kink website, during a normal night of watching pornography. Instantly, Mathias knew that this life was for him, and that domination would be his forté. Several days later Mathias' friend Amy visits, to work on a biology project. Amy is a beautiful young woman. She has long slender legs that compliment her hips and supple C-cup breasts.  "Hey Amy! Come on in!"  "Thanks Mathias, what have you been...

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Becky goes to Korea Part 4

~~Start of Part 4~~ Late in the evening after we had finished with dinner, the phone rings again and Becky goes over and gets it. She is gone for a few minutes and then comes back in. She looks at the girls and then at me and says, “Looks like this flu thing is getting pretty bad and the Army is getting worried, they now have a full battalion up on the “Z” they are rotating out, sending in a detail cleaning crew and then bringing up a rear division unit to cover until they get they back to full...

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Anger Ch 03

Anger Chapter 3 – Loneliness – The Final Chapter. Author’ Note: There is no sex in this chapter. Thanks for the suggestions and support. I hope you enjoy the story. She puts her head on my chest, her hand on my abdomen. I stroke her hair drowsily. The thought of waking with Emily warm and close fills me to overflowing. I am perfectly in balance, the world will wait for me. The emotional and physical activities of the day call me to slumber. I close my eyes on the best day of my life. I wake...

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Ragini Bhabhi Ki Expert Chudai With Dever

Hi dosto mai Ajay ek baar phir se hajir hoon ek nayee story ke saath ee story ekdum real hai jo ki mere ek dost ne mujhe bataya hai ki usne meri story padhi hai aur wo bhi apni story share karna chahta tha isiliye Uske request pe mai uski story jaisa ki usne bataya tha likh raha hun aur ab mai aapko usi ki words me aage bataunga jo iss prakaar hai. Mera naam Ravi hai mai Mumbai me apne bade bhai Rajan 35 bhabhi Ragini 32 and mai Ravi 30 Saath rahta hai mere bhaiya ki shaadi 6 mahine pahle...

3 years ago
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Getting to Know My Neighbors

My wife and I are in our fifties, and although I seem to have an insatiable thirst for sex, she lost her desire many years ago.  I occupy myself by reading primarily cuckold, creampie, and bisexual stories, and although I definitely like pussy the most, I also have some bi-sexual tendencies. But my real bias is for oral sex of almost any kind, and maybe that’s because I have a below-average-sized cock and tend to cum too quickly.  With oral sex, I can enjoy the encounter for much longer, and I...

Wife Lovers
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The Train Ride

The following story is based in one of those old fashioned British first class train carriages. It holds six people, and has a door to shut it off from the outside world. Again, all characters are fictional etc etc. The train was packed that evening, the commuters all heading home to the leafy suburbs. But luckily Jo had a reserved seat in first class. So there was no rush.When she arrived at her seat the booth was already pretty much full. Three older gentlemen rather well turned out had...

2 years ago
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Fiona S

Fiona S. was a good friend of mine. We would meet up in the pubs and clubs around town and, usually, get bladdered together. She was 11 years younger than me and almost a foot taller. She was definitely a BBW! She also had an unfortunate reputation for being an easy lay, a reputation that was not totally undeserved, even I had had to step around her outside the pub whilst she was giving some guy or other a blow-job or wank. On this night back in July,1994, I was 33yo, Fiona S. 22yo. We had been...

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Samantha and Bruce Turner

CHAPTER ONE (of two) I've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh me? My name is Bruce Turner more about me later. Working, I'd become a major success; Well, if a hundred million in liquid assets can be considered success. My job? I'm self-employed. I buy and sell foreign currencies, not an occupation for the unlettered or the faint of heart. Me, I'm...

Love Stories
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PovLife Katya Rodriguez Loading The Cum Transfer

Uh-Oh! Poor little Katya‘s laptop was broken. Good thing one of her brothers friends was a huge nerd. He got the call and came right over to help. It seemed that the computer need to rebooted with the original system disk, which our boy luckily had handy. It would only take maybe a half hour or so for it to complete. What to do in the meantime? Katya used her sex drive to make Ikes dick stick extra hard. Maybe Katya‘s slot needed a little examining also? Ike used his large dick to not only test...

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Incest Mother Son

100% fiction! I awoke from what I thought was a dream, the best sex I have ever had, in my life and the man that I had the great sex with was beside me in the bed. Unfortunately it was Robby, my 19 year old son. What happened and how did I find myself in this "incestuous" mess? It began as parents weekend at the university. Robby shared a dorm room with 3 other boys, I couldn't stay with him so I booked a room at the local hotel with 2 doubles and Robby and I were going to spend parents weekend...

4 years ago
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The Coffee Shop

She was beautiful. From the first moment I saw her walking past my studio windows I was captured. Every afternoon, at the exact same time, she came by and I stopped working and watched her walk into the distance.In the second week, I’d made up my mind; I needed to learn more about her. I decided on a simple course of action: follow her. I know, I sound like a stalker. But I needed to see where she went and find out if there was any chance of meeting her. I put on my coat and when she appeared —...

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Love to Lust

Note : This story is completely fictional! When love changes to lust, then it unleashes a different side of you. Well I start by describing myself. I am 19 and live with my family in northern India. My small family consists of my parents and two sisters, Priya (18) and Deepshika (21). Priya is still completing her studies while Deepshika has already completed her studies and is looking for a suitable job. I love both my sisters more than anything in the world. Since I was a kid I used to sleep...

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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 4

"Are you kidding me?" i said angrily. "What, she's just a friend babe. chill out." lloyd said. "Well at least if you're cheating on me, don't have some bitch call my phone asking for you." i said. "Erica you really need to calm down because I'm not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Why not enjoy it while we can? Besides, im on punishment, i can't use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 10 Felicity

Dave had a habit of checking on the various rooms in the core to see how they were being used and what condition they were in just by occasionally strolling by. Some weeks he checked daily and other weeks perhaps not at all. He was on his round and opened the door to one of the relatively unfinished areas in the core. A hasty but colorful painted sign hung on the door said, ‘Art Studio’. He noted Colleen’s name and phone number under the words. He peeked into the room and saw Colleen...

2 years ago
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A Little DifferentChapter 7

Berlin was of contrasts more than anything. One day sunshine, the next thunder and rain; one part modern and being modernised, the other worn down and dilapidated. The only thing that was the same throughout our holiday was our relationship. We just took in the rest. The view from the TV-tower was fantastic. We could see all of Berlin, including our hotel. In the end we had to leave. The trip home was uneventful and we were tired when we came home. That night was the first and only night of...

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A Night With My Girlfriend8217s Sister 8211 Part 2

Hay guys, this is your boy Ronak. Thank you for your amazing feedback on my previous story. This is going to be the continuation. So I suggest you guys read the previous story before reading this one about breaking virginity of my girlfriend’s sister. Anyway, let’s hop into the story. It’s been a week since I spent my night with my girlfriend’s sister Priyanka. I have been masturbating a lot, thinking about her tiny wet pussy and juicy, firm boobs. We started talking on social media, and...

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personal field trip rewrite

Hello everyone the story i am going to tell you all about this time. occurred when i was only three years old.Its different from my other experiences but just as unforgettable. i mean how can i forget such a what I thought then was frightening but yet amazing experience as the ones i've shared with my beautiful aunt slash wife norma which happened just a bit after this story im going to tell you but as I said or even my sexy ther****t Ms. Liz all my experiences have been great like the one with...

1 year ago
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Weve Got TonightChapter 3

They ended up on the seventh floor, of course. Harry paced in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, not really thinking of anything in particular except Anne's wonderful lips, but the room caught on and a door appeared with a faint pop. Harry had to bite back a laugh when they walked in. Taking up one side of the well-appointed room was a gigantic four-poster bed with red and yellow hangings. Off to another side was a table with a bench seat, and in another corner was a Jacuzzi. On a...

4 years ago
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Public sex

Hi everyone, I am new here and wanted to share a fetish my wife and I have about public sex! We love to search out very sexy babes in shopping centers and park by thier car and wait for them to return and see my wife and I doing our things. My wife loves to have her naked ass and pussy up in the window area as she sucks my cock when the ladies return to leave they can see me fingering her wet pussy. We video this so we can watch later and have sex again while watching the tapes. We sometimes go...

3 years ago
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Our first time

I’m a nurse and had just got a new job in a new office. Everything was going good, I liked the people and the doctors I worked with, and the work I did. Everything was going great in life. I'm about 5 foot 8, average build, large breasts, fair skin, and brown hair just below my shoulders. I have always loved attention from attractive men. Even love a good challenge to get their attention too. I am married, and my husband is ok with me having a lover on the side. Over the next year I grew...

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Caught my Neighbours Lad Fucking My Wife

I had my suspicions that the wife was getting herself fucked elsewhere. When I came home early from work one day it was no surprise to find that my suspicions were correct. I could hear voices upstairs coming from our bedroom so I sneaked upand luckily the door was ajar, What I didn't expect to find was my neighbours lad Daniel and the wife both naked on the bed with Daniels cock down my wife's throat.The scene had my cock rigid in moments. The lad was kneeling on the bed, his hands feeling my...

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All the Wrong PlacesChapter 3 Town Life

You may have gathered from some of my writing that I had been educated more than many others. It's true. I was born near the sheriff's castle and took advantage of the free school. I was nearly twenty before I was studied-out. Some made a living out of it, but I never could. I loved the woods too much. I read everything I could get my hands on as a young one. The librarians watched over me. I was eventually given a chit to let me into the sheriff's own library where they kept the precious...

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I don't know when it started. One day, I was the poster-boy for what a guy should be when dating a girl, the next, I was a womanizer. I guess it happened when I realized I still hadn't lost my virginity despite dating my girlfriend for at least three years - it shocked me, and I wondered very briefly if my girlfriend was cheating on me with another guy - but I stopped that train of thought as soon as it began. If it was true, I didn't want to deal with it. However, I am a teenage male, and I do...

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My female boss

Hi my name is Gina, I'm 26 with black hair, I have B-cup boobs and I'm 5'4. Sometimes you feel a certain way about your superiors. Usually you love them or hate them, but my female boss was something special I think. She was nice, but not too nice. She is 5'9 with brown hair and eyes. She had a very nice body too, with nice C-cups boobs, so she is very sexy for being 37. I've had her for a boss for about 3 years, and I've masturbated thinking about us having sex. The biggest thing is that I...

Office Sex
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The Fitting

Fitting a gown for the Charity GalaDave and Julie had been inseparable since the sailing date. Dave’s shop was in between yacht restorations and Julie had quit the restaurant job, so nothing competed with their time together. Dave loved the way Julie embraced life, so he took her to all kinds of events and activities just to see the joy on her face.Dave also encouraged her exhibitionism and provided her with additional wardrobe that a young woman with an incredible body could tease others with;...

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Mansion maid

My grandfather was still young when he passed away. He was a cruel joker, and had the sense of humor of laughing gas is what his friends always said. He took care of me when I was young, my mother passed in c***d birth, and no knowledge of who my father was. So my grandfather took care of me, with the help of the maid. Until I was in college he lived in the city, so I could take the bus and go to school, but once I left for college I became busy, and he moved out of town, up on a hill with the...

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I Work in a Doctors Office IX

After Jack had several sessions with Miss Kelly, he had an experience with one of the staff that worked for his father. The following is told by Jack: My dad has an all female staff that works for him at our house. There is a maid, a housekeeper, a chef, chef’s assistant, and the driver. All are women and mostly young and very attractive. After mom died, dad wanted to at least have some nice eye candy in the house at all times. I am pretty sure he wasn’t banging any of them. But it did make...

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Mein Or Sneha

Hi friends mein ho apki rundi apki chinaal erum mery first story “Night Shift ” ko pasand karnay ka bohat bohat shukria uski feedback karnay ka shukria meray bohat say dosto nay net par chatting k thriugh mjhay rundi bana kar chooda jis say mjhay bohat maza aya mein aaj apnay aik or nae expereince k sath hazir ho mein 22 saal ki thein jub mein fist time chuddi thein usk baad hospital k doctors ki nazrain mujh pay thein mery gand ko dekh dekh kar aahay bhartay thein Magar admin jo k mjhay chod...

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Toms Personal SEXetaryChapter 11

Samantha walked into her boss's office that first morning back to work and Tom's cock jumped to immediate total hardness in response to how sexy and hot his SEXetary looked. He loved how very nicely and yet very sexily Samantha had dressed. Tom, of course, knew that Samantha was coming back to work after having their baby and her initial maternity time off. No one but him and her knew for sure that she was nursing the baby, and Samantha wasn't going to advertise that fact. Who needed to...

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