Rumors of HavenChapter 10
- 4 years ago
- 28
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“Oh, damn it, this is awesome!” Hank declared, as he screwed his beloved Carrie within an inch of her life and she used her hips to fuck him back just as hard.
“See, honey, you’ll never be deprived with me! Blue balls? I don’t think so! I’m going to have you huffing and puffing to keep pace with me! I’m just hitting my prime!” Carrie laughed as she took further in her sweet pussy and gave him as good as she got.
“I like the way that you think, babe. I think that I’ll be very happy with my cougar bride,” Hank chuckled, even as his lover started to show signs of her emerging climax, from shallow breaths to a darker pinkish hue and curled toes.
“If I’ve got to rob the cradle, I want the best from it. That’s you, dear. Good, strong, brave, and loyal, just like me,” Carrie insisted after cumming loudly enough to wake up Linus, “and to think, my son is now your sister’s lover. Wild, right? And, no, I don’t care that you used to bugger her, as long as you’ve stopped it and don’t resume.”
“Yeah, I think that neither Doc nor you would want to share us, and the feeling’s mutual. Jealous, faithful people are better off sticking with other jealous, faithful types. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be with a jealous, but unfaithful sort. That would be hell for me,” Hank agreed, as he came at last inside the woman that he didn’t intend to share with anyone, his Carrie ... she might have only one kid with him, given her age, but it would be his kid, not another man’s.
“We are quite the double-date set, even without the swinging, not that I’d want to watch my son fuck any more than he wants to watch his mother do so. That would be a squick for me, too, as well as for him. I guess we’re old-fashioned that way, at least for four nudists who have swinging friends and relatives, and two of whom once committed incest,” Carrie laughed as they hit the shower together, glad that Al and Linus had taken over the babysitting work (well, mostly Al, because Linus was still recovering from the gunshot wound).
“Yes, by that standard, I suppose that we are, but in other ways, by pre-apocalyptic standards, we’re not, being nudists and such,” Hank snickered while washing his woman and enjoying the beauty of his naked lady, a true MILF if there ever was one.
“Well, let’s not worry about those standards. Besides, I love to tease others with what they can never have, don’t you?” Carrie giggled at the prospect of men and women desiring them both, but never having a chance with them.
“Very much so. Their loss and we should celebrate our good luck in having each other. It’s only playful, not spiteful, and might motivate others to seek happiness of their own, whether monogamous like us or polyamorous like my parents. I hope that they hump each other silly dreaming of us, babe,” Hank grinned as he washed his sweet cougar lady clean from head to toe and she started washing him.
As for Doc and Moon, well, they certainly had no shortage of fun themselves, as Doc rammed it to Moon good and hard, while she flashed everyone her booty in various positions. She especially enjoyed the cowgirl one and the reverse cowgirl, as it flaunted her bottom in ways that few other positions did. For Doc, seeing those mounds was every bit as delightful as seeing the other two, her lovely breasts.
He could certainly tell why Hank had succumbed to his sister’s charms for a while, which raised the question ... could he avoid the two becoming lovers again? Would there ever be zero chance of any reunion between brother and sister as lovers, anally as before or not? What would Doc do if that took place? Would there be a chance to save their relationship, which couldn’t survive Moon returning to her brother’s arms?
Doc shook those thoughts aside. That was the past, his lover’s anal association with her own brother, their little “booty call” arrangement where Hank and Moon would bugger each other to help control their urges back then. Surely, they wouldn’t betray their lovers by resuming this affair, would they? Doc loved his mother, but he could never imagine wanting to bed her, as beautiful as she was (and he wasn’t blind to that fact). He could be very liberal in many ways, but that was a line that he wasn’t ready to cross ... but clearly, incest wasn’t an absolutely shibboleth for his new lover. He just hoped that infidelity would be for her, if nothing else, that she would remain loyal to him.
“Penny for your thoughts, lover?” Moon asked Doc at last, while they caught their breath after nearly fainting from such hot and heavy sex.
“You wouldn’t like it, I fear,” Doc confessed, feeling very sheepish.
“So, it’s about me and Hank, ain’t it?” Moon blurted it, not at all bothered by the thought ... she knew what a jealous man Doc was, just as Hank had been in spite of his protests to the contrary while they were incestuous lovers.
“Well, you know, I didn’t have too much experience before you, neither of you had lost your cherries until recently, and you were literally that damn close to each other as lovers. It’s a natural concern, I think. However, if you’re sure that you can remain faithful to me, as I will be to you, my sweet Moon,” Doc declared, just before Moon put a finger to his lips.
“So, you guys ... and Bethany, how did it go last night?” Justine teased her husbands, Charles Tremaine and Mike Hawkins, both of whom had fucked Bethany Reiner while her husband had screwed herself. “Rather well, if I might say so ... but Bethany is the best judge, more than Mike or myself,” Charles chuckled a bit. “Exactly ... I enjoyed it for sure. What about you, Bethany?” Mike asked Mrs. Reiner. “Loved it ... every fucking second of it, babe. Fuckin’ A. It was delicious. What of you...
As for Bill Reiner, he was ambushed the moment he started to run his shower, with a very eager Helen Bryant seizing the chance to do to her new husband what her old one was already doing to his wife Bethany. She pounced and before he knew it, she had scrubbed him clean before handing him the puff to clean her off as well. It wasn't much longer before he was far inside her sweet twat, burying his cock inside her warm, wet snatch. Helen was well aware of Bethany's plans for Larry, too ... it...
Helen Bryant certainly wasn’t going to complain about Mike and Charles reaming her good and hard from both ends, double-teaming her as she bucked her hips against both of them. The awareness that her pussy and asshole were both stuffed with cock, impaled by both men at once, it was more than enough to help her along the way to a series of climaxes of growing intensity. Knowing that she was pregnant and not being sure of the paternity only added to the spice, of course. She looked forward to...
That night proved to be a bit crazy, to put it mildly. What started as simply some pairings quickly turned into some rather wild orgies, even by the group’s standards, to what had been building for a while now: a free-for-all clusterfuck. The members of the group lost track of who fucked whom, and so it wasn’t too shocking when they awoke in a tangle of bodies, a massive, naked, sweaty heap of people desperate to relieve themselves after such wild, kinky sex. None of them were quite sure who...
“Duckman, Duckman, come in, please. This is Cowpoke,” the voice crackled over the CB as the miles continued to roll along. “Cowpoke, this is Duckman here. What’s new in your neck of the woods?” Bill Reiner replied to the enigmatic stranger from whom he had heard nothing all day so far. “Duckman, we’re making damn good time and are about sixteen miles due east of Ithaca. What’s your twenty?” Cowpoke replied. “Cowpoke, roger that, we’re a little further away, at eighteen miles northeast of...
As the eleven adults and their kids stepped out of the vehicles in question, Cowpoke and Bandana Girl led the way, walking toward them cautiously, hands spread to show peaceful intentions. As the name indicated, Bandana Girl indeed wore a bandana, and for now, nothing else. She had kept herself nude ever since the last conversation she joined in with the group, so she was on full display in all of her naked glory. Cowpoke wore a flannel shirt, denim jeans, and leather boots that matched his...
While Carrie and Hank got it on in one bedroom, Bill and Bethany got busy with Nicole, introducing her to some of the kinkiest sex that she had known in her life. It wasn’t long before she was sandwiched between Bethany on the bottom and Bill on top of her, as he slid his dick into each of them in strokes, before slipping it out for a few more when it was her turn instead. He would give a few thrusts inside Nicole, and then some in Bethany, after which he went back into Nicole, while all...
Gunshots broke out near Roger’s Tavern, waking up Charles and Mike first, followed by Joey, Bill, and quickly the rest of them. They had slept in a bit, until noon in fact, but now the popping sound of a Thompson submachine gun burst through the air, along with the crash of a door kicked in and the growl of a very angry man in his mid-twenties. He had reddish brown hair, unkempt, he smelled like cheap wine, and he had a lot of stubble on his face. He stood in a dirty gray trenchcoat, with a...
As for Mike, well, he had barely finished with screwing Bethany, albeit gently, when he was intercepted by Justine, who had just taken more than one load from Joey. Charles walked toward him at the same time. They all silently agreed to repeat their favorite threesome again, the two men sharing Justine and meeting inside her. She had basically been their woman together, their shared wife ever since Mike first got a taste of Justine’s wonderful body. Since they all had others as well, it...
“Anything left for me, then?” Tabby spoke up behind Joey and Courtney, as they collapsed in each other’s arms. “I will have some in a little while, once I’ve recovered. Well, in terms of that. More than one way to pleasure you, though, until I’m back to full mast, as it were,” Joey grabbed Tabby and pulled her onto their bed, while Courtney actually started kissing her on the mouth with a good amount of tongue. It wasn’t very long before Joey’s tongue was in Tabby’s mouth, while Courtney...
Meanwhile, Rupert Grossman, his sister, Naomi, and their common-law wife were all engaged in some fluid-bonding of their own in a separate room on their own bed. Rupert was very greedy for a taste of Chelsea’s twat on both women, just as they wanted to sample Helen’s flavors on him. It was a very intimate moment among the trio, as this was they wanted most of all. Rupert enjoyed Helen, as he had the others, and indeed, the ladies were very fond of Chelsea, but his sister and wife were...
Reaching the station, the caravan was hardly stunned to discover that six more people resided there, using it as a shelter for the moment. There were four men and two women, of which two guys and one woman seemed to know each other rather well. The other three people had just recently met each other and the others, but like their new companions, they made a point of greeting this new group. They were cautious, of course, bracing themselves for possible trouble, just as the newcomers did. This...
“I have a confession to make ... I’ve been in denial about something. For some time. I didn’t want to believe or accept this about myself, but ... I’m no longer gay. I’m bi now,” Kirk Danforth rather nervously informed Simon Nakamura and Dandelion in front of the others now. “So, you’ve been fighting it and lying about yourself, then,” Charles observed, “not the best approach, wouldn’t you agree?” “Yeah, but it’s ... just been rough, you know. I suppose that now that we can relax for a...
Two days later ... Seneca Lake “Damn, sis ... you really know how to live up to your name, don’t you?” Hank teased Moon, his own sister, as he slid in and out of her pussy yet again. “Face it, bro ... you love this butt ... don’t you? I bet that you miss buggering me, don’t you? Go ahead and do it some time ... as long as I let Doc nail it, I somehow doubt that he’d mind. Nobody’s likely to mind much at all nowadays. Thank Dandelion for that!” Moon told her brother as they fucked in the...
Later that week... “So, as far as we know now, everyone here has ... Dandelion’s ... condition now. All of us adults, that is,” Charles Tremaine concluded. “Doesn’t seem like a bad condition to have, at least not in my book,” Dandelion winked at Charles as she recalled the last time that he fucked her, just that morning right after breakfast. “You’re right, of course. I never meant to imply otherwise. If anything, it has dissolved any last boundaries or limits or restrictions within our...
“Alright, here we are ... the Pennsylvania State Line, not that this makes much of a difference, does it?” Charles Tremaine remarked as they entered the Keystone State at last, after a good day’s travel from Watkins Glen, New York. “The great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or rather what’s left of it. We’ve finally left New York State behind us. Where in PA is this, anyway?” Justine replied to her husband ... well, her first hubby. “Somewhere just over the border. Erie County, perhaps?” Mike...
“Thanks for the shower, guys. I feel a lot cleaner. So ... you guys are a traveling caravan of refugees seeking a place called Haven out west, is that right?” Susie wondered openly now. “Exactly ... and we’re all also lovers ... everyone fourteen years of age and above is intimate with everyone else of that age range. And we have a condition ... where if you have sex with any of us ... you’ll become insatiable ... hypersexual, if you will. We’re more than willing to add you to our circle,...
“So, you’re a fertile turtle, it seems,” Charles laughed while plowing Susie on his next stroke. Mike was balls deep inside Justine, but they swapped soon after that, knowing that they would swap yet again afterward. What else could be expected? Both of their wives were sure to bear them lots of offspring, yet it was about more than that, of course. Each woman brought a rather intense sensuality and eroticism in her own way to this whole situation. Both ladies were also quite eager to share...
“So, where are we now? Still in the Keystone State?” Bill Reiner wondered as they pulled off the highway into a rest stop area from the past. “Mercer County, Pennsylvania. There is a smattering of cities and towns left standing, many communities being deserted. There’s a lot of farms, too, many of them smaller ones formed when the big agribusinesses collapsed. A lot of the farmworkers even set up co-ops. They’re trying to hold it together, just like Crawford and other surrounding...
“So, Jeremy and Meredith will stay a lot with the younger children, such as the B squad,” Charles stipulated now as they all sat to eat at the old rest stop. “Precisely. Jeremy is just thirteen and Meredith is only nine. Even now, I have doubts that she’s mine. Then again, that was still the honeymoon phase with her mother, Gretchen, so maybe she is,” Mike Hawkins admitted his doubts. “I can assure you, my friend, that she is yours. As you said, it was still the honeymoon period for you...
The next morning, the crew were all dressed up in their “Sunday best,” but only for their mission, their assignment. They were present for the purpose of disrupting a church service, so every member of age tagged along, leaving Jeremy to supervise the children. They needed every soul available at their command, after all. Jeremy was under strict orders to keep the brood quiet and hidden from danger, too. They didn’t want any kids taken as hostages, after all. Brother Ahasuerus Walton’s...
Christmas Eve, 2013, Mercer County, Pennsylvania “Well, that’s the last of the presents given out and the last of the little ones put to bed,” Courtney Williams commented to her daughter-in-law, Carrie Moskowitz-Williams, as the adults were now left to their own devices. “Their faces really did light up as they got such simple gifts. As bad as this apocalypse has been, it has taught us all real gratitude. True, I’m Jewish and typically don’t celebrate Christmas, but this ain’t a bad time to...
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TabooFir main apna mota lund (7 inch) nikala aur didi mere samne apne kapde utaarne lagi. Kya scene tha woh, itne mote dudh, ini badi gaand. Jo aj tak sapna tha woh abh sach ho raha tha. Didi mere lund ko dekhi aur boli, “Aj raat humaare beech jo bhi hoga. Kisi ko bataana mat.” Uske baad didi baithi aur mera mota lund apne muh mein daal li. Hello friends. I am Rahul and I am back with part 2 of my story ‘Poonam Didi Ki Chudai’. Thanks for all your compliments. Chaliye ab story par aate hai Didi ko...
(A few things before I start this story. First, I have third person POV listed for this story, but I may dip into first person from time to time. Second, much like the ill fated "Snurfs" this is a fun time story for me atm. If it doesn't take off I will likely leave it lie, so if you like it please hit the like button or leave a comment to let me know. Finally, while I have this in the category of Incest that might not end up being the main focus. I never really know about these things until I...
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Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) Emily and her apparently sexually inadequate boyfriend had turned right, so I thought it'd be a good idea for me to turn left. I found a good place to window-shop. Coincidentally they served good food, and it would have been rude to stare out of their window without buying something, so I placed an order. I ate slowly, figuring I probably had the best part of an hour to kill. From time to time someone from school would recognize me through the window....
*** I wish this was true….. My neighbor John called and asked if I wanted to come over and watch football on his new big screen TV. Having nothing better to do, I said sure. I grabbed some beers and headed over. John already had the pre-game on. I opened us each a beer and grabbed a seat on the couch. John’s TV room is small with just a small sofa and chair. Both of us opted to sit on the couch. The game turned out to not be very good, but the beer and conversation made it tolerable. Finally,...
GayThe loud tone the AI used for an alarm woke me. I sat up and noticed that all of my ladies were waving their hands as the wakeup call continued to ring out. I rolled over and used my hands to lift up my torso. Once my shoulders were off the floor I brought my legs in and slowly stood up. My back felt tight, so I stretched and looked around as the rest of my ladies just covered their ears. “Turn off the alarm,” I said quietly. “What is the temperature outside?” “The current temperature is...
Part Four I felt wonderful the next morning. Relaxed, refreshed, invigorated. Also a little sad that I only had two more days with Stanley before I had to go back to the dorm. On my way to work, I stopped and got some bright red nail polish. Remembering Stanley's fascination with my nyloned feet, I wanted to see what he did when he saw me with glossy red toenails. The day went by slowly. I noticed customers as they came into the store. It was an upscale store, and many elegant,...
Ziua urmatoare ne-am facut planul sa mergem la plaja, ne-am echipa corespunzator apoi am luat-o la pas sa cautam o plaja cu mai putin agitatie eventual cu ceva nudism.Am luat-o de-a lungul apei cautand un loc propice dorintelor noastre, am tot mers de-a lungul coastei vreo 20-25 de minute cu picioarele prin apa pana am ajuns la o stanca ce iesea aproape pana apa, era lovita ocazional de valuri, am presupus ca nu multi indraznesc sa treaca de zona asta. Am trecut repede pe langa stanca si ne-am...
I woke up the next morning and both girls were still asleep next to me, Ella on my left and Lily on my right. I still couldn’t believe that I was dating, and fucking, Ella. Now that Lily had joined the party, I was in heaven. I wanted to wake up like this every day. I got out of bed and stood at the foot, just watching my two gorgeous girls sleep. I started getting ready for school when I looked at my calendar and noticed the date. It was May 25 th , the prom was this weekend and I still...
Linda looked at herself in the bathroom mirror as she slowly unbuttoned her wet blouse. She could still smell the faint smell of urine as she looked at her breasts, the shirt dropping to the floor in front of her.Silently she reached down and rubbed her hands over them, sliding her fingers around her nipples. Her lips moistened as she started to pull the zipper of her skirt down.“Linda honey?” she felt her body stiffen as her father called out to her. “Linda, honey, are you okay?”She reached...
(Fuck world is an alternate ‘time line’ just like ours but with one major exception, in fuck world there are no STD’s or aids or any other type of disease that might be harmful to a person that has sex with multiple partners who exchange bodily fluids.) Safe sex is an orgy in a bank vault. Point of view distressed mother Everyone has their own opinion as to which are the most difficult to raise, boys or girls, and each individual has very good reasons why their choice is the worst, but as a...
A very curious thing happened to me the other day and I feel I need to share it with you... I have been 'mildly' crossdressing for over a year now. I say 'mildly' because I am not into full feminization, I just love the feel and look of lace panties when they are hugging a good looking cock, not to mention the taboo. I have taken to wearing stockings too which feel amazing, it's like having your whole lower half caressed persistently. I have thought of wearing a bra but, although I can almost...
Suzanna Johnson was sitting at the counter in the diner looking through the want ads. The record store she had worked at was going under and she needed a new job soon or she wouldn’t be able to pay next month’s rent. ‘Like who’d want to live in that dump anyway’ she thought to herself. At 19 she’d already been on her own for three and a half years, ever since her mom decided to believe her step-dad over her when she came forward and told her he was sexually abusing her, ?accidently? touching...
He smiled back at me and whispered an okay. He moved his right hand up so he could twine his fingers in my hair. He bent slightly, leaving the decision on wether or not to kiss him up to me. I put my arms around his neck, stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. It was a slow sweet building kiss. He started kissing and biting my neck gently. He grabbed my jacket's zipper and pulled down, exposing the skin of my stomache and chest to the chilly air. He kissed his way down my body. He stopped at...