Rumors of HavenChapter 10
- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
Gunshots broke out near Roger’s Tavern, waking up Charles and Mike first, followed by Joey, Bill, and quickly the rest of them. They had slept in a bit, until noon in fact, but now the popping sound of a Thompson submachine gun burst through the air, along with the crash of a door kicked in and the growl of a very angry man in his mid-twenties. He had reddish brown hair, unkempt, he smelled like cheap wine, and he had a lot of stubble on his face. He stood in a dirty gray trenchcoat, with a sweatshirt and dirty, wrinkled, faded blue jeans on, along with leather boots that had seen their better days. He also wore a Crocodile Dundee-style hat, but he was no Paul Hogan, not even Australian at all.
“James, leave us alone, okay? We’re over. Face it, okay? Just go wherever you like, but leave us the fuck alone!” Nicole tried to reason with her now ex-boyfriend, a very drunk and angry James Cavendish.
“That’s crazy talk! You’re my woman, Nicki! I own you! You belong together, soulmates for life, and I refuse to give you up! You’re to mate with me and have my spawn!” James shouted angrily, as he popped off another burst.
“Mister, you had best leave us the hell alone, or I’m going to put this round inside you like nobody’s business! The lady doesn’t want you anymore! Leave her be! Leave us be! I didn’t fight Taliban dickheads over in Afghanistan for years just to let you rape and kidnap a woman! That’s a lot like those pricks over there and how they treated women. She’s not a cow! You can’t own her, okay?” Mike warned the man, narrowing his eyes at him while training an AR-15 on him, semi-auto, of course.
“Not okay! It’s Kismet! We belong to each other! She’s mine! Give her back to me and I’ll leave you alone! All I want is my Nicki!” James hissed at Mike, but his aim was off due to his drunken state, so when he fired off another round, it only hit the waste basket, thankfully.
“Go away, James! I don’t want you anymore! Accept it! We’re done! We’re through!” Nicole tried to reason with him, but he wouldn’t listen.
James fired off one more round, and unfortunately, it hit Linus in the thigh. Al, Doc, and the ladies rushed to pull him aside and stop the bleeding as best they could, but it was touch and go whether or not it struck the femoral artery, so things were hectic a bit. James, however, didn’t get such a chance. Mike and Charles both hit him, Mike with the AR-15, Charles with the 12 gauge shotgun, and to finish him, Joey stood over him to put a single round from a. 357 magnum revolver in his head. He wasn’t taking any chances of letting James survive this to trouble them again.
“He’s dead, thank God,” Bill pronounced James deceased, adding, “Let’s get his body out of here somewhere, pour gasoline on it, and set it ablaze. We don’t need rotting corpses around here at all, do we?”
“Good idea. And as bad an apple as he was, I will still say prayers for his soul. I’m a rabbi. It’s what I do. A very quick service, but that’s for the best,” Rupert offered.
“Agreed, now lend me a hand, Rabbi,” Bill asked him, Rupert smiling sadly as he pitched in to carry the body out of the tavern and down the road to an empty alley near an abandoned barber shop.
Joey brought the gasoline, Larry the matches, and the group listened to Rupert quietly say an interfaith prayer of sorts, not being sure of the man’s religion, if any.
“Let the troubled and tormented soul of James Cavendish, free of his obsession with his former companion, have peace at last. We know that he was not evil, just sad and ill. We regret that we had no choice but to slay him, and having done so, we wish him peace and goodwill as he returns to his Maker and his body to the bosom of the Earth. Let the flames set his spirit free,” Rupert intoned, as Joey doused the carcass with gasoline and Larry struck the match that began the cremation.
“That was beautiful, if sad, but if we ever have to kill Powerball, he ain’t getting no funeral, not even like that one,” Bill commented, “I love Nicole, but we did owe it to James to treat him like a decent human being, even if he wasn’t one toward the end. He wasn’t a monster, just a jealous, paranoid man. Powerball is just a prick.”
“Amen!” Mike chimed in, while Charles clapped Bill on the back.
“Let’s go back,” Rupert urged them, “The smell of burnt and rotting flesh does a number on my stomach.”
“Here, here!” Joey agreed as they returned to find that Linus was alive and well, Doc having stopped the bleeding with a tourniquet.
“Luckily, James couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn, as they say, not in his drunken state. Even as unfortunate as the bullet wound was and is, he missed the femoral artery, albeit by mere inches. Linus will survive, but he’ll take a while to recover fully, and he’s lost a bit of blood, so he’ll need some iron pills and red meat ... and clam chowder. That and spinach or broccoli. In other words, a high-iron diet and supplement regimen. He’ll also have trouble walking in the future. He might very well have to use a cane for the rest of his life, since the bullet tore through some nerves, muscles, and bone.
“Linus, take it easy on that leg for a bit. There will be a time for physical therapy, but it’s too soon. Al, you’re on bedside duty until further notice. Take good care of your man. I’ll keep tabs, don’t worry, being the closest thing to an actual doctor that we have. Hopefully, Moon will keep helping me out, acting as our sorta nurse here,” Doc turned to his fiancee, Moon Williams, who nodded and smiled as she kissed him.
“Not even twenty-one years of age, and already he’s our medicine man. I’m proud as hell of him. It’s one thing to kill, and that’s sometimes necessary, but healing is a tougher, trickier art. He might not have an MD, but precious few do these days. My man is a physician none the less, even if he’s learned his trade the hard way,” Moon beamed with pride at her lover, an amateur surgeon who nevertheless proved to have a lot of natural healing skills.
“He’ll be a professional practitioner at this rate before you know it. I’m incredibly proud of my son. He has just always known how to stitch people up and heal and nurse them. He was relieving pain and suffering when he was just ten, even if it was just the neighborhood cats and dogs back then. He was a lifeguard back when he was eighteen right after high school, too. He saved two boys and three girls that summer, in fact. He was not in it just to stare at girls in bikinis, though he probably did some of that, being a teenage male and all,” Carrie grinned as she kissed her son on the forehead, not as a lover, just as a mother.
“It takes a lot of empathy and compassion for others to be a great doctor or nurse, and Doc has that for sure. It’s a good thing, too, with babies coming out before you know it. But for me, it matters most that he saved my boyfriend’s life. I’m never going to forget that fact,” Al hugged Doc, very pleased with him.
“Yes, thank you so much for saving me, Doc!” Linus managed to say, though Al and the others kept him from sitting up just yet.
“Stay down for now, babe. You need your rest. I guess that we need to stay here for a day or two before moving out, what do you say?” Al urged them all as he kissed Linus softly on the lips.
“Agreed. We could use the rest, anyway, but especially poor Linus. He’s been through quite an ordeal. Say a week, just to be safe, no longer than that, because we don’t want to risk anything with Powerball and his associates. A week should be fine, as long as we hit the ground running when the morning of the seventh day comes,” Joey proposed.
“I agree. That gives me time to say goodbye to this town properly and gather up some of what I thought that I had lost thanks to James. Thank you for ridding me of him, even if I didn’t like that he had to die. And sorry, Linus, that you got shot in the process. If you weren’t gay, I’d make it up to you with sex, but since you don’t care for women, will the largest piece of my mother’s lasagna recipe work for you? I know how to really do the ricotta right, I promise you!” Nicole told them, giving each of them hugs and kisses.
“So, you guys ... and Bethany, how did it go last night?” Justine teased her husbands, Charles Tremaine and Mike Hawkins, both of whom had fucked Bethany Reiner while her husband had screwed herself. “Rather well, if I might say so ... but Bethany is the best judge, more than Mike or myself,” Charles chuckled a bit. “Exactly ... I enjoyed it for sure. What about you, Bethany?” Mike asked Mrs. Reiner. “Loved it ... every fucking second of it, babe. Fuckin’ A. It was delicious. What of you...
As for Bill Reiner, he was ambushed the moment he started to run his shower, with a very eager Helen Bryant seizing the chance to do to her new husband what her old one was already doing to his wife Bethany. She pounced and before he knew it, she had scrubbed him clean before handing him the puff to clean her off as well. It wasn't much longer before he was far inside her sweet twat, burying his cock inside her warm, wet snatch. Helen was well aware of Bethany's plans for Larry, too ... it...
Helen Bryant certainly wasn’t going to complain about Mike and Charles reaming her good and hard from both ends, double-teaming her as she bucked her hips against both of them. The awareness that her pussy and asshole were both stuffed with cock, impaled by both men at once, it was more than enough to help her along the way to a series of climaxes of growing intensity. Knowing that she was pregnant and not being sure of the paternity only added to the spice, of course. She looked forward to...
That night proved to be a bit crazy, to put it mildly. What started as simply some pairings quickly turned into some rather wild orgies, even by the group’s standards, to what had been building for a while now: a free-for-all clusterfuck. The members of the group lost track of who fucked whom, and so it wasn’t too shocking when they awoke in a tangle of bodies, a massive, naked, sweaty heap of people desperate to relieve themselves after such wild, kinky sex. None of them were quite sure who...
“Duckman, Duckman, come in, please. This is Cowpoke,” the voice crackled over the CB as the miles continued to roll along. “Cowpoke, this is Duckman here. What’s new in your neck of the woods?” Bill Reiner replied to the enigmatic stranger from whom he had heard nothing all day so far. “Duckman, we’re making damn good time and are about sixteen miles due east of Ithaca. What’s your twenty?” Cowpoke replied. “Cowpoke, roger that, we’re a little further away, at eighteen miles northeast of...
As the eleven adults and their kids stepped out of the vehicles in question, Cowpoke and Bandana Girl led the way, walking toward them cautiously, hands spread to show peaceful intentions. As the name indicated, Bandana Girl indeed wore a bandana, and for now, nothing else. She had kept herself nude ever since the last conversation she joined in with the group, so she was on full display in all of her naked glory. Cowpoke wore a flannel shirt, denim jeans, and leather boots that matched his...
While Carrie and Hank got it on in one bedroom, Bill and Bethany got busy with Nicole, introducing her to some of the kinkiest sex that she had known in her life. It wasn’t long before she was sandwiched between Bethany on the bottom and Bill on top of her, as he slid his dick into each of them in strokes, before slipping it out for a few more when it was her turn instead. He would give a few thrusts inside Nicole, and then some in Bethany, after which he went back into Nicole, while all...
“Oh, damn it, this is awesome!” Hank declared, as he screwed his beloved Carrie within an inch of her life and she used her hips to fuck him back just as hard. “See, honey, you’ll never be deprived with me! Blue balls? I don’t think so! I’m going to have you huffing and puffing to keep pace with me! I’m just hitting my prime!” Carrie laughed as she took further in her sweet pussy and gave him as good as she got. “I like the way that you think, babe. I think that I’ll be very happy with my...
As for Mike, well, he had barely finished with screwing Bethany, albeit gently, when he was intercepted by Justine, who had just taken more than one load from Joey. Charles walked toward him at the same time. They all silently agreed to repeat their favorite threesome again, the two men sharing Justine and meeting inside her. She had basically been their woman together, their shared wife ever since Mike first got a taste of Justine’s wonderful body. Since they all had others as well, it...
“Anything left for me, then?” Tabby spoke up behind Joey and Courtney, as they collapsed in each other’s arms. “I will have some in a little while, once I’ve recovered. Well, in terms of that. More than one way to pleasure you, though, until I’m back to full mast, as it were,” Joey grabbed Tabby and pulled her onto their bed, while Courtney actually started kissing her on the mouth with a good amount of tongue. It wasn’t very long before Joey’s tongue was in Tabby’s mouth, while Courtney...
Meanwhile, Rupert Grossman, his sister, Naomi, and their common-law wife were all engaged in some fluid-bonding of their own in a separate room on their own bed. Rupert was very greedy for a taste of Chelsea’s twat on both women, just as they wanted to sample Helen’s flavors on him. It was a very intimate moment among the trio, as this was they wanted most of all. Rupert enjoyed Helen, as he had the others, and indeed, the ladies were very fond of Chelsea, but his sister and wife were...
Reaching the station, the caravan was hardly stunned to discover that six more people resided there, using it as a shelter for the moment. There were four men and two women, of which two guys and one woman seemed to know each other rather well. The other three people had just recently met each other and the others, but like their new companions, they made a point of greeting this new group. They were cautious, of course, bracing themselves for possible trouble, just as the newcomers did. This...
“I have a confession to make ... I’ve been in denial about something. For some time. I didn’t want to believe or accept this about myself, but ... I’m no longer gay. I’m bi now,” Kirk Danforth rather nervously informed Simon Nakamura and Dandelion in front of the others now. “So, you’ve been fighting it and lying about yourself, then,” Charles observed, “not the best approach, wouldn’t you agree?” “Yeah, but it’s ... just been rough, you know. I suppose that now that we can relax for a...
Two days later ... Seneca Lake “Damn, sis ... you really know how to live up to your name, don’t you?” Hank teased Moon, his own sister, as he slid in and out of her pussy yet again. “Face it, bro ... you love this butt ... don’t you? I bet that you miss buggering me, don’t you? Go ahead and do it some time ... as long as I let Doc nail it, I somehow doubt that he’d mind. Nobody’s likely to mind much at all nowadays. Thank Dandelion for that!” Moon told her brother as they fucked in the...
Later that week... “So, as far as we know now, everyone here has ... Dandelion’s ... condition now. All of us adults, that is,” Charles Tremaine concluded. “Doesn’t seem like a bad condition to have, at least not in my book,” Dandelion winked at Charles as she recalled the last time that he fucked her, just that morning right after breakfast. “You’re right, of course. I never meant to imply otherwise. If anything, it has dissolved any last boundaries or limits or restrictions within our...
“Alright, here we are ... the Pennsylvania State Line, not that this makes much of a difference, does it?” Charles Tremaine remarked as they entered the Keystone State at last, after a good day’s travel from Watkins Glen, New York. “The great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or rather what’s left of it. We’ve finally left New York State behind us. Where in PA is this, anyway?” Justine replied to her husband ... well, her first hubby. “Somewhere just over the border. Erie County, perhaps?” Mike...
“Thanks for the shower, guys. I feel a lot cleaner. So ... you guys are a traveling caravan of refugees seeking a place called Haven out west, is that right?” Susie wondered openly now. “Exactly ... and we’re all also lovers ... everyone fourteen years of age and above is intimate with everyone else of that age range. And we have a condition ... where if you have sex with any of us ... you’ll become insatiable ... hypersexual, if you will. We’re more than willing to add you to our circle,...
“So, you’re a fertile turtle, it seems,” Charles laughed while plowing Susie on his next stroke. Mike was balls deep inside Justine, but they swapped soon after that, knowing that they would swap yet again afterward. What else could be expected? Both of their wives were sure to bear them lots of offspring, yet it was about more than that, of course. Each woman brought a rather intense sensuality and eroticism in her own way to this whole situation. Both ladies were also quite eager to share...
“So, where are we now? Still in the Keystone State?” Bill Reiner wondered as they pulled off the highway into a rest stop area from the past. “Mercer County, Pennsylvania. There is a smattering of cities and towns left standing, many communities being deserted. There’s a lot of farms, too, many of them smaller ones formed when the big agribusinesses collapsed. A lot of the farmworkers even set up co-ops. They’re trying to hold it together, just like Crawford and other surrounding...
“So, Jeremy and Meredith will stay a lot with the younger children, such as the B squad,” Charles stipulated now as they all sat to eat at the old rest stop. “Precisely. Jeremy is just thirteen and Meredith is only nine. Even now, I have doubts that she’s mine. Then again, that was still the honeymoon phase with her mother, Gretchen, so maybe she is,” Mike Hawkins admitted his doubts. “I can assure you, my friend, that she is yours. As you said, it was still the honeymoon period for you...
The next morning, the crew were all dressed up in their “Sunday best,” but only for their mission, their assignment. They were present for the purpose of disrupting a church service, so every member of age tagged along, leaving Jeremy to supervise the children. They needed every soul available at their command, after all. Jeremy was under strict orders to keep the brood quiet and hidden from danger, too. They didn’t want any kids taken as hostages, after all. Brother Ahasuerus Walton’s...
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"I'm Eric. At least I think I am. But these days thinking is not my foremost talent. Drinking is. I am an accomplished drinker-thinker. I marinate my mind. My brain is a pickle. It may have been yesterday that I saw Irene. It may have been the day before. Not that I care much. (Liar!) Ehm... I seem to care. An itch says that I do. But I drink some more and the itch will fade away. I can't tell you much about my day today. My tongue gets in the way. And besides, nothing much happened....
I just found out that my wife is a sneaking, conniving bitch and I don't know if I should be pissed or do something nice for her out of gratitude. Heather and I have been together almost fifteen years, eight of it married and all of it tumultuous. Before tying the knot we must have broken up and then gotten back together at least a dozen times and each time we broke up we would each go and find someone else to fuck just to rub the other persons nose in it. That carried into our marriage and...
This is truly my first story. I would like to introduce myself. I am Saif from Pune.My mail id is I am an ISS reader from last 4 yrs. From ISS only I got the inspiration for my first ever sex experience. I was in second year b-tech student in hyderabad. I lived in a hostel over there. Coming to the story. My hostel was well facilitated. Everything including fucking was there. Starting with the story which actually happened with me. I was in third year of my engineering. And used to stay at...
(This is my first time writing about one of the great sexual experiences I have had in China. I hope you enjoy it, feel free to leave comments with suggestions on how to improve)We hadn't seen each other for a month so we were both looking forward to a week together of noisy passionate love making. I was making her favourite food, home-made pizza, ready for her arrival. Due to the unbelievably warm weather we had I was cooking wearing only my boxers. Luckily she arrived early and was knocking...
I moved from the rocks behind a large group of laurel bushes as quietly as I could, parted the branches ahead of me and peered through. A twig broke under my feet and both girls stopped kissing and looked my way. My heart pounded so loudly I felt they may hear. Sarah grinned and began pushing Samantha back by her shoulders towards a large tree. Samantha looked at her with wide eyes. “Stop Sarah, stop now,” she pleaded, “I’m sure someone’s watching.” “Shut up, tart.” Sarah purred, roughly...
It was not until one hot summer’s night when I was heading to the bathroom late after studying for a test the next day. I had to go pee and well brush my teeth so I could go to sleep, I had a test in first period, which is my history class one of my worst subjects for me I have to say. I could hear my mother and father talking, I heard mom speak out, yes harder, that’s it. Then dad said not so loud our son might hear you. Mom giggled saying our son can’t hear a thing while he is sleeping. ...
It all started when this article showed up on the front page of the daily paper: A month after a federal indictment was issued against them, Northwest strip club mogul Frank Colacurcio, Sr., and five others involved in his businesses appeared in court Friday to answer charges of racketeering, money laundering and facilitation of prostitution. Facing U.S. District Court Judge Mary Alice Theiler, Colacurcio, his son, Frank Colacurcio, Jr., and longtime associate John Gilbert Conte Conte pleaded...
It was 9:00 on a hazy Sunday morning in Mexico City. Steve Stone approached the front of the U.S. Embassy, withdrew his U.S. passport, and showed it to the Marine standing guard in front of the compound. "It is imperative that I speak to the Ambassador. I have information that is of vital importance to the United States." "What kind of information can a young guy like you have that is so earth shaking that you must tell the Ambassador?" asked the Marine, who only had two months to go...
Donna and the Fish ‘It’s all a matter of juxtaposition.’ Donna looked exquisite. It was another exhibition at her gallery and she was wearing a beautiful pair of black, high cut trousers supported by red braces over a white shirt beneath which was a white, silk camisole. When earlier I had commented how beautiful she looked, she said, ‘I have to conceal my nipples, College. If exposed they would cause a public nuisance, people might fall off bicycles. These are proper nipples, not like...